Increased appetite in what diseases. increased appetite

If at least one of the usual meals is skipped, then a person may experience a slight feeling of hunger, which is considered normal. But if you want to eat more often than usual, and your appetite is excessively increased, this may mean that the body needs help and support. You should not take constant hunger lightly: if it does not go away for more than two weeks, you should contact a specialist and find out the true reasons. We list the most common of them.

1. Bad sleep

Excessive appetite can be experienced by people who sleep less than seven to eight hours a night. Sleep - like food, is a kind of necessary fuel for the body's energy reserves. If a person does not have enough sleep, the body begins to “request” additional energy reinforcement in the form of food. Poor sleep can cause an increase in appetite-stimulating ghrelin and a decrease in leptin, a hormone that makes you feel full.

International studies in 2013 showed that due to lack of sleep, a person begins to choose the most high-calorie foods that contribute to weight gain. Along with the feeling of hunger, there are other symptoms of lack of sleep: mood swings, clumsiness, distracted attention, anxiety, drowsiness, loss of energy, weight gain, etc.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, can cause frequent hunger pangs. Under normal conditions, the body converts sugar into fuel - glucose. But if a person has diabetes, the body's tissues cannot absorb sugar from food to convert it into energy. This leads to the fact that the muscles and other parts of the body ask for more fuel, which means that you want to eat more and more often.

In addition to increased appetite, people with diabetes may experience extreme thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, blurred vision, trouble healing wounds and bruises, tingling in the arms or legs, and constant fatigue. In diabetes, it is important to always control blood sugar levels in order to avoid side effects and complications of the disease.

3. Thyroid problems

Excessive hunger can also be associated with hyperthyroidism, a common disease that affects the thyroid gland. In this case, the thyroid gland increases. When thyroid hormone levels are too high, the body's vital functions speed up and the body burns energy faster than normal. Increased metabolism causes a strong feeling of hunger. With hyperthyroidism, a person does not gain excess weight even after a dense meal, since calories are burned much faster.

In addition to changes in appetite and an enlarged thyroid gland, other signs of hyperthyroidism include: rapid heart rate, bulging eyes, nervousness, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, and feeling thirsty even after drinking.

4. Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, means that the amount of glucose in the body has dropped significantly. There are various reasons for this, including diabetes. Low blood sugar can also often cause a ravenous appetite and the need to eat even after the main meals. When blood sugar drops, the brain becomes less efficient and sends signals that the body needs fuel. This is what causes hunger.

Scientists have found that low blood sugar can negatively affect a person's emotional background. According to research, couples get angry and fight more often when blood sugar levels are low. In addition to hunger, other signs of low blood sugar include restlessness, pale skin, sweating, tingling around the mouth, and general feeling unwell. This problem often affects people with diabetes, as well as those who have hepatitis, diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands or pituitary gland.

5. Strong stress

During times of severe stress, cortisol levels rise, which provokes poor sleep, excessive appetite, cravings for sweets and fatty foods. But eating more junk food during times of stress does not reduce negative emotions or anxieties, but on the contrary, it causes the need to consume more food and leads to weight gain, and with it to various health problems.

Scientists argue that the psychophysiological response to stress can affect subsequent eating behavior. Gradually, these changes can affect both weight and health. According to research, some people who are stressed or depressed overeat when the hormone ghrelin levels rise. To combat stress, there are many techniques, exercises and meditation classes. Even listening to pleasant music helps control stress levels.

6. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Women before the onset of the menstrual period may also feel an increased feeling of hunger and a "brutal" appetite. Ongoing hormonal changes in the body, which occur during the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappear within 1-2 days after the onset of menstruation, can increase the feeling of hunger.

8. Appetite during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers noticeably increase their appetite, which is not so bad. It helps to ensure that the child receives enough nutrients for growth. However, increased appetite during pregnancy does not mean that a woman can eat whatever she wants. Calories are needed, but the food must be healthy. The diet should include green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, whole grains, fish, and meat more often. But don't get carried away with sweets. A healthy diet contributes to the normal development of the child. It will also reduce the chance of overeating and pregnancy complications.

9. Dehydration

When the body is chronically dehydrated, a person may also feel hungry. Many people often confuse feelings of hunger and thirst, since signals that you want to drink or eat are sent from the same part of the brain - the hypothalamus. If the body is dehydrated, the brain may send out a signal to eat when what is really needed is fluid intake.

Water helps cells absorb the nutrients that come into the body with food. If this does not happen, then the body may experience a lack of nutrients, which will activate the feeling of hunger. Symptoms of dehydration include constipation, dry skin, lethargy, lack of energy, dizziness, dry eyes, and decreased urination. With a subsequent attack of hunger, it is better to drink a glass of water first: perhaps it is her body that is not enough.

10. Excessive alcohol consumption

A glass of wine or beer with your daily dinner can be another reason for increased appetite. Regular drinking of alcohol leads to an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry even on a full stomach. Scientists have found that people eat more than usual if they drink alcoholic beverages at the same time.

Alcohol dehydrates the body, and the brain can send misleading signals about food when the body really needs water. It is always better to give up alcohol to control your appetite. This will help you lose weight and improve your sleep.


Krotova Alina Arkadievna


Hello Alina Arkadyevna, tell me please, I have diabetes 1 type of severe form for 6 years I really want to lose weight I read that you can drink LIPOMIDE, I am 70 kg with a height of 171 I will be very grateful for your advice

Dear Juliana. From my medical experience: in patients who take insulin therapy and the drug "lipomin" at the same time, firstly: glycemia (sugar) indicators improve; secondly, the level of lipids in the blood (cholesterol) decreases; thirdly, secondary insulin resistance decreases and insulin consumption by tissues improves, which leads to a decrease in the number of insulin doses, and thereby weight loss. A short message cannot contain all the positive effects of the drug both in monotherapy and in combination with tablet forms and insulin. And most importantly: the drug is of high quality and safe, without side effects. I would advise you to take it according to this scheme: 2 tablets after lunch or dinner.

Krotova Alina Arkadievna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical hospital of the Lviv railway.


I am 78 years old. Sugar sometimes rises to 8.5. I control it with a diet and teas, for example, "Keys of Health" hypoglycemic). It doesn't go higher. And it turns out to reduce the level to 5.5. Lately I feel a strong weakness. Nothing can hurt, but there is no strength. Of the medicines I take only lowering blood pressure (the same for many years) and for blood vessels (Omaron). Courses vitamins for diabetics. Maybe I do not have enough iodine and this weakness?

Hello. Based on the indicators of glycemia, we can conclude that your diabetes mellitus is compensated, although the progression of the disease occurs over time, which may be the cause of your malaise. And other concomitant diseases can also be the cause of weakness. My recommendations for you are to undergo a comprehensive examination by a therapist, endocrinologist and perform all the prescribed laboratory tests.

Krotova Alina Arkadievna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical hospital of the Lviv railway.


Good afternoon, I am 31 years old, now my weight is 83 kg, with a height of 158 cm. A year ago, my weight began to slowly creep up (my initial weight was 65-68 kg). I turned to an endocrinologist, prescribed reduxin. After 10 days of taking the drug stomach ache, discomfort I stopped taking reduxin. I lost 1.5 kg in 10 days, but after stopping the drug, I regained my previous weight. Now I can’t lose weight on my own. Tell me if I can continue taking reduxin, will the composition of the drug affect the digestive tract, how else can I lose weight and return to my previous weight? Thank you.

Good afternoon. Firstly, the drug "Reduxin", i.e. the chemical substance "subitramine" is quite complex and has a lot of side effects. It is given when all other weight management treatments have been exhausted. Secondly, I think that you need to figure out why you are gaining weight, what is the reason. In this case, I would advise starting with a dietary regimen, physical activity (nutrition analysis, etc.), and then I would examine the function of the thyroid gland, the work of the testicles, the gastrointestinal tract. And after a complete examination, I would prescribe treatment and talk with a nutritionist, fitness instructor.

Krotova Alina Arkadievna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical hospital of the Lviv railway.


Hello. I have hypothyroidism. I take Euthyrox 125 daily. TTG is normal. Weight 75 kg, height 175, age 48 years. I try to stick to 1200 kcal per day. I do not do sports, but there are daily walks. How can you reduce weight? Thanks

Hello. Judging by the brief anamnesis, your hypothyroidism is compensated. I think that there is not enough physical activity. You need 150 minutes a week of active movements - brisk walking, swimming, a variety of fitness (after consulting an exercise therapy instructor). The fact that you fit into 1200 kcal per day is good. But I think it is necessary to analyze whether "these 1200 kcal" and the daily distribution of this calorie content are balanced in terms of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

It seems to me that each of us has experienced increased appetite at some time in our lives. For someone it goes away in a couple of days and is forgotten for a long time, for someone this is a systematic phenomenon ...

Some girls are so immersed in the fight against increased appetite that they already perceive the usual need for food negatively. The result is anorexia. Not just a loud frightening word, but a real disease that leads to a complete failure of metabolism and the psyche, and sometimes to death. Therefore ... everything is good in moderation!

And most importantly, before you fight with anything, you need to find out the cause. Without knowing it, you can pick up the wrong key to solve the problem and only aggravate the situation. So, let's try to understand the reasons that are most common.

1. Change in hormonal balance

Hormones play a rather large role in our lives, and here we, women, have a hard time at all. Any change - a certain phase of the cycle or its failure, not to mention pregnancy or menopause, can backfire with increased appetite.

During PMS, it is very difficult to control oneself both in terms of food and in terms of increased irritability. Of course, if these symptoms have become overwhelming, you need to contact a gynecologist to adjust the hormonal balance.

In less severe cases, such intervention is not required. However ... you need to “turn on” your willpower, which is far from being possible for everyone and not always. There is no need to starve yourself at this time, you will only make it worse.

But letting the situation go by itself is also not an option. If, with a sudden desire to have a snack closer to the night, it is impossible to replace the chocolate bar with an orange or an apple, then you can afford your favorite sweetness, but in reasonable quantities.

2. Stress, emotional overload

During strong mental upheavals, there can be two reactions - either you can’t eat anything at all, or you eat a lot and the most delicious (and often harmful). Both are equally bad. In the context of this topic, I consider the second option.

If increased appetite is caused precisely by this reason, then diets are completely useless. Efforts should be directed in a completely different direction - moderate physical activity, massage, alternation of active and passive rest, perhaps - a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

However, if severe stressful situations are a constant factor, then these measures will only have a temporary effect. And for serious shifts, cardinal changes in life will be required, which we cannot always organize. But… in any case, sooner or later we will have to learn to change our attitude to those situations in which we are powerless. Without this, no way...

3. Spikes in blood sugar

If there are no other explainable reasons, and increased appetite worries, you need to take tests for blood sugar levels. And even better, if possible, buy a glucometer and follow the readings for a couple of weeks - from the morning before meals and 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Sugar spikes are very dangerous. First, they threaten acquired diabetes (type II), if it is not yet. Secondly, they have an extremely negative effect on the entire vascular system with all the consequences ...

The main thing is not to start your problems, but to solve them as they come, so as not to turn them into a huge tangle from which it will be impossible to get out...

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Why, despite the abundance of means to save the figure, is their effectiveness so small in reality? The thing is that all these drugs and devices are designed to eliminate not the cause, but the effect.

Many believe that the main reason for having extra pounds is the factor of increased appetite, and therefore they try to deceive the body by any means that are far from always effective.

What is an appetite?

Appetite is a pleasant sensation associated with the need for food, as well as the physiological mechanism that regulates the intake of nutrients in the body. That is, the concept of appetite consists of two aspects - physiological and psychological. Appetite is vital, because without it it is simply impossible to fully regulate the intake of valuable substances contained in food by the body. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine what are the causes of unhealthy appetite, and only then draw conclusions and look for effective methods of struggle.

Possible causes of increased appetite:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Disruption of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diseases digestive system.
  4. Depression, apathy.
  5. Nervous exhaustion.
  6. Overwork.
  7. Psychological shock.
  8. Stress.
  9. Wrong nutrition.
  10. Dehydration.
  11. Sleep deprivation.
  12. Most often, an unhealthy appetite in a person appears as a result of emotional discomfort. In this case, a person eats not because he is hungry, but because he feels anxiety, irritation, anxiety, resentment, disappointment, and even boredom. There is such a thing - a person "seizes" stress, sorrows and problems.

Main reasons for increased appetite- violations of the process of carbohydrate metabolism. They are the main cause of overweight and obesity. In these cases, we are drawn to foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. And these are bread, pizza, pies, pasta made from white flour, potatoes, rice, sweets, soft drinks with a high sugar content. In this case, the concentration of glucose in the blood rises actively. And insulin is released into the blood, because the body needs to bring the level back to normal and it releases insulin in excess, for this reason, the glucose level drops significantly. Due to the active decrease in the concentration of glucose, the brain again receives a signal that it is necessary to eat. As a result, we have a vicious circle and serious violations of carbohydrate metabolism.

The reason for the brutal appetite is hyperinsulinism (an excess of insulin in the body).

What happens when the metabolic process is disturbed? First of all, an excessively large amount of calories accumulates, and insulin promotes the production of fat, but its breakdown is blocked. This is the reason for the increase in body weight.

Zenslim and Zenslim Diab restoretissue sensitivity to insulin

Carbon dioxide improves mood and improves appetite!

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What are the causes of the brutal appetite?

What are the causes of the brutal appetite?

1. PMS. Right now, my unhealthy appetite is due to the imminent onset of those very days. Only every woman has a different time of increased appetite during PMS. For me, this happens 2-3 weeks before the X date. Some in a few days. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal surges that occur in women at this time.
2. Metabolic disorders. Most often, it is failures in carbohydrate metabolism that lead to increased appetite. As a rule, with such disorders, people are drawn to bad carbohydrates.
Potatoes, pasta, baked goods, sweets, soda, etc. - pests of a slender figure. People with impaired metabolism are obese and overweight.
3. Stress. During difficult life situations, we begin to seize problems with food. I have had this several times. I bought ice cream, chocolate and sat eating it all in front of the TV. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive hormones of happiness, trying to fill them with sweets.
Thank God it hasn't become a habit for me. During times of stress, I rather do not eat than gobble up all the harmful things for both cheeks.
4. Significant physical activity. If you pay attention, people who constantly play sports eat a lot and do not get better. The body spends a lot of energy on loads and requires them to be replenished in a larger amount than during a normal mode of activity.
When I was dancing professionally, I ate for two, but I was as thin as a match. Many thought that I did not eat much, but this was a big mistake.
5. When you quit smoking. Many say that this is a myth invented by man. But in the experience of friends, quitting smoking really contributes to voracity. Many gain a few pounds when they quit smoking.
6. Gluttony. Appetite is always present, because a person just loves to eat and eat a lot. Why a lot? Because the stomach tends to stretch. The more you eat, the more you want. As you know, big people eat a lot.

Enjoy the massage

Massage and diet: improves local and systemic circulation, optimizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other vital organs. Through the pores of the skin during massage sessions, toxins and fat are removed from the body, while the patient's skin becomes smooth, supple and elastic.
Special mention deserves the ability of massage to stop pain in the back and joints. Modern medical practice does not have a more effective remedy for such pain than massage.
Relieving muscle tension, physical and intellectual tension, massage and diet increase efficiency.

What to do with brutal appetite?

What to do with brutal appetite?

I strongly advise you not to think about drugs that reduce appetite, you will not get anything but harm to your health from them. Get it right increased appetite is the result of a problem. Not the problem itself. And you need to work not with the investigation, but with the problem. Although, of course, at first glance, you most of all want to get rid of the investigation - appetite. But trust the experience, when the problem is solved, the symptoms disappear.

Nutrition is critical in your life and the approach to it must be reasonable and competent. There are two options, or the problem disappears by itself during proper nutrition, due to which the hormonal background normalizes. Or by direct psychological work with eating disorders, which also gives a very good result in settling down increased appetite.

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Education: Tula State University, Institute of High Precision Systems, majoring in power engineering. Graduated with honors. I have a scientific work, an invention, a patent. Coaching experience: 4 years. Sports merit: CCM in powerlifting.

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The date: 2014-05-01 Views: 33 356 Grade: 5.0

A necessary and sufficient condition is a caloric deficit of the diet. This means that you should be getting fewer calories from food than you are expending. Many people have serious problems with this, as they constantly want to eat more. In this article, we will look at the possible causes of inadequately strong appetite and ways to bring it back to normal.

The reason for the constant feeling of hunger can be conditionally divided into metabolic and psychological reasons.

Metabolic Causes of Excessive Appetite

Low sensitivity (tolerance) to leptin

Leptin is a satiety hormone produced by adipose tissue. However, if long time maintain a high level of leptin, tolerance (insensitivity) develops to it. Accordingly, the body "thinks" that there is not enough food, despite the fact that in fact it is in excess. It usually occurs in obese people. Many obese people are hungry all the time, no matter how much they just ate.


  • Rapid weight gain, mostly fat.
  • Bad mood, low energy.
  • Restless sleep.
  • Sweating.
  • The feeling of hunger can be muffled, but not completely eliminated.
  • You cannot go 5-6 hours without food.
  • After waking up, you feel overwhelmed.

The best diagnosis is a leptin test. Gives up after 8-14 hours of fasting. If leptin is high, take action.

The goal is to reduce the level of leptin, then the sensitivity to it will gradually increase, and the appetite will return to normal. What to do for this?

1. Remove all fast carbohydrates from your diet. They stimulate insulin secretion much more than slow ones. High insulin levels first cause leptin resistance, and only then insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). Insulin and leptin are interconnected. Changing the level of one changes the level of the other. Insulin increases leptin production. And those who always have a lot of it in the blood, sooner or later get leptin resistance. In addition, insulin is the most powerful hormone that stimulates the synthesis of fatty acids.

2. Sleep more. A person needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Lack of sleep for 2-3 hours a day after 2 days increases the level of ghrelin (a hormone that stimulates appetite) by 15%, and by 15% lowers the production of leptin.

3. Lose weight. This is the most difficult recommendation to implement, but also the most effective. The mechanism is simple. Less fat - less leptin - higher sensitivity to it - normal appetite.

4. Speed ​​up your metabolism. This normalizes metabolism, will bring insulin and leptin back to normal. The best option - and frequent (preferably every day) exercise.


Hypothyroidism - insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones - thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which regulate the metabolic rate. With hypothyroidism, it slows down. This is one that also increases the amount of leptin in the blood. Diagnosis - analysis of thyroid hormones. Treatment - at the doctor-endocrinologist. It usually consists of taking thyroid hormones.


Hypogonadism - insufficient production of androgens, primarily testosterone. Androgens also normalize the secretion of leptin, and without them, its level rises. It also slows down the metabolism and increases the level of estrogen in the blood, which stimulates obesity and increases appetite even more, while especially drawn to sweets. As a result, the amount of muscle is rapidly reduced, and fat is growing. At the same time, appetite gradually increases more and more.

Diagnosis - get tested for sex hormones. Treatment - only with an endocrinologist.

Elevated prolactin

Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is most often elevated due to contraceptives, pregnancy (this will be considered the norm), as a result of taking AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids). Among other effects, it gives water retention in the body, stimulates the accumulation of fat, increases appetite, especially cravings for carbohydrates. Increases the secretion of leptin.


  • whiny mood
  • want sweets;
  • reduced libido;
  • irritability;
  • edema.

The best diagnosis is a prolactin test. It is treated easily - taking Dostinex 0.25-0.5 mg every 4 days. Consultation with an endocrinologist is recommended, as high prolactin levels can be a symptom of serious diseases.

Lack of water

An extremely common cause of irrepressible hunger. The areas of the brain responsible for eating behavior often confuse thirst and hunger. Drink 30-40 grams of pure water per 1 kg of weight per day.

electrolyte deficiency

In this case, your body is struggling to make up for them, and for this it tries to consume as much food as possible. The solution to this problem is very simple - drink plenty of mineral water for several days or weeks. It is very simple to choose the one that is right for you in terms of composition - it will seem tastier than others. Try different varieties and find the one that suits you.

vitamin deficiency

Similar to the previous case. The body needs vitamins, and it tries to get them from where it can. The solution is to take a vitamin-mineral complex, preferably in double - triple dosages, in order to remove the deficiency quickly.

Psychological causes of excessive appetite

For many people, the response is a feeling of hunger. There is only one way out - get rid of stress, relax more. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Limit your internet and TV viewing. It is also useful to take nootropic drugs. Address to the psychologist or the neuropathologist.

Lack of control over diet

Simply put, the habit is to eat a lot. Extremely widespread. The way out of this situation is to calculate in advance what, how much and when you will eat. At the same time, it is very useful to prepare all the food for the day in advance and pack it in portions. Efficiency for weight loss, subject to the regimen and the right diet, is absolute.