What causes neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms of inflammation of the facial nerve

The human face is capable of expressing the most subtle and deep shades of emotional experiences. This opportunity is the basis of communication, which is vital for every individual to adapt in modern society. Neuritis of the facial nerve - the so-called Bell's palsy, depriving part of the muscles of the face of mobility and ugly distorting facial expressions, becomes not only a medical, but also a social problem for the patient.

What causes Bell's palsy?

Inflammation of the facial nerve may be due to:

  • infectious, viral or bacterial invasion;
  • metabolic disorders, such as persistent hyperglycemia in diabetes;
  • congenital narrowness of the bone canal that releases the facial nerve from the skull;
  • traumatic narrowing of the canal in fractures of the body of the temporal bone;
  • inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • diffuse collagenosis;
  • tumor processes;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • edematous syndrome during pregnancy;
  • acute NMC.

The start of the inflammatory process in the nerve trunk is given by general and local hypothermia. Very often, Bell's palsy is provoked by drafts.
In pediatric practice, neuritis of the facial nerves are as common as in adults. But the list of causes that cause them is much shorter. The starting factor for neuritis in a child is mainly otitis media, provoked by hypothermia or drafts.

How does Bell's palsy occur?

In the pathomechanism of the lesion, the most significant stages are conditionally distinguished:

  • spasm of blood supplying arterioles;
  • lack of blood supply to the nerve;
  • hypoxia of nerve cells;
  • swelling of the nerve trunk;
  • the formation of microhemorrhages in it.

The resulting inflammatory process blocks or limits the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the receptors of the facial muscles. Imperative signals from the nuclei of the brain remain without a mimic response, which in a patient with neuritis is manifested by the inability to control the muscles of the affected half of the face. Wherein:

  • the clinical picture of the initial attack and the acute process appear at lightning speed - within a day or faster;
  • it may be accompanied by pain.

But this is not necessary, often the patient, quite unexpectedly for himself, suddenly sees a reflection of an asymmetric face in the mirror. He realizes that he cannot smile, frown or raise his eyebrows, finds difficulty in chewing food.

The main symptoms of neuritis

The visual picture of the immobilized half of the face, innervated by the inflamed nerve, resembles a mask. At the same time, it is striking that, compared with the healthy side:

  • palpebral fissure is slightly wider;
  • noticeably below the level of the corner of the mouth;
  • there is a smoothness of the nasolabial fold;
  • the severity of transverse frontal wrinkles is determined.

When trying to express emotions, the degree of asymmetry increases:

  • An attempt to smile turns the mouth into a shape resembling a tennis racket.
  • An attempt to close one's eyes demonstrates what a "hare's eye" symptom is, when the eyelid does not close completely, and the sclera turns white in the remaining gap.

While eating, you can observe that:

  • attempting to take liquid food ends up running down the chin on the affected side;
  • an attempt to chew a hard piece of food is accompanied by biting the cheek.

Neurologists are engaged in the final diagnosis of neuritis, when making a diagnosis, the following are taken into account:

  • complaints and deviations of the neurological status;
  • results of clinical studies of blood and urine;
  • X-ray data;
  • electromyography indicators;
  • conclusions of computer (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) tomography.

Features of the course of the disease

The restoration of the nervous tissue is extremely slow, respectively, the clinical course of neuritis is characterized by:

  • duration and sustainability;
  • resistance to ongoing therapy;
  • prone to relapse.

The question of how much neuritis is treated is asked by the attending physician almost every patient. Recovery of nerve tissue may require months of treatment. The disease, receding for a short time under the influence of drug therapy, tends to return again and again, persistently showing a tendency to recur. It is considered a great success if it is possible to cure the patient in a month, more often a complete recovery does not occur even after six months of treatment. In pediatric practice, the prognosis is much more favorable, only 2-3 weeks separate from the complete recovery of an acutely ill child.

Tactics of therapeutic measures

Only the right approach to treatment and adherence to the right tactics can:

  • provide the patient with a stable recovery;
  • eliminate undesirable consequences;
  • ensure a favorable prognosis.

The primary conditions for guaranteeing therapeutic success are:

  • the start of drug therapy should be given immediately;
  • treatment should be carried out in a hospital or in day hospitals of polyclinics;
  • therapeutic measures should be comprehensive.

It is impossible to achieve stable positive dynamics with neuritis at home. There is a risk that violations of the innervation of the facial muscles will become permanent, their contractures will occur. Therapeutic efforts for neuritis should be comprehensive, include several mandatory areas:

  • medicinal effect;
  • electro-physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage courses;
  • training of facial muscles;
  • acupuncture sessions.

Medical treatment

The understanding of the pathomechanism of neuritis development has given clinicians the opportunity to determine how and with what to treat Bell's palsy in order to achieve the optimal result. The drug therapy regimen should include components that affect each of the stages of the inflammatory process:

  • antispasmodics;
  • decongestants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • neurotropic.

Depending on the suspected cause of the disease, antiviral or antibiotic therapy is prescribed. If necessary, painkillers and vitamin complexes are prescribed. Improving the conduction of nerve signals through the muscles is achieved by anticholinesterase agents, using modern effective drugs such as Neuromidin, Ipigrix or Amiridin. The appointment of a drug complex is the absolute prerogative of the doctor. The patient should not decide for himself how to treat such a therapy-resistant disease or replace the medicines recommended by the attending doctor with folk remedies.

Physiotherapeutic effect

The purpose of prescribing physiotherapy is to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Under their influence:

  • stimulates local blood circulation;
  • conduction along the nerve trunks of impulses increases;
  • the effect on the nervous tissue of drugs is enhanced.

Types of physiotherapy, the sequence and duration of their courses are selected individually for each patient. Successful application in the treatment of neuritis found methods:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • phono- and electrophoresis;
  • carboxypunctures;
  • laser therapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • UHF and UFO.

Assigned on time (namely, from the 7th to 10th day of the treatment process), physiotherapy increases the effectiveness of drugs and reduces the possibility of developing unwanted complications.

Restrictions in the appointment of physiotherapy

The success and safety of the use of physiotherapy courses is ensured by the observance of reasonable caution. For example, during pregnancy, due to the possibility of a negative effect on the fetus, the use of:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • microwave therapy.

The appointment of physiotherapy for children with malnutrition, with reduced adaptive and reactive capabilities of the body, with the risk of dissemination of a concomitant disease, against the background of hyperthermia and a tendency to hemorrhages, is limited. There are also age restrictions for the use of physiotherapy in children. Allowed appointment:

  • UHF, UV and microwave therapy - from birth;
  • electrophoresis - from the second month of life;
  • ultrasound and electrical stimulation - from two years;
  • dynamic currents - only from the age of seven.

Restoration of facial expressions with massage and exercise therapy

Massage courses are prescribed no earlier than 3-4 weeks from the start of drug therapy, their duration is selected individually for each patient. On average, a full course can include from 10 to 15 sessions. Massage for neuritis should be carried out only by an experienced massage therapist, because:

  • the impact zone is an extremely sensitive area - the face;
  • the procedure will require special training and specific professional skills from the health worker.

During a visit to a session with a specialist, the patient is recommended to remember the sequence and intensity of the manipulations, so that later, already at home, to be able to continue the course on their own to consolidate the effect. Perfectly combined, complementing each other, massage and gymnastics for the face. Interacting, they give an enhanced effect, allowing you to quickly restore facial expressions. It is recommended that patients continue to perform exercises that train the facial muscles even after discharge at home.

Application of surgical methods

In cases where complex therapy measures fail to achieve clinical improvement even in 8-10 months, the patient is transferred to surgeons. Most often, surgical intervention is resorted to:

  • with compression of the facial nerve in the fallopian canal;
  • in violation of its integrity of traumatic origin.

The facial nerve trunk and its branches after the operation are able to fully restore their functionality. The help of plastic surgeons is resorted to when muscle contractures appear on the face after neuritis. In this case, the surgical method is subject only to the elimination of a cosmetic defect. Contracted muscles that have lost their elasticity due to prolonged inactivity are unable to regain their functionality.

Inflammation of the facial nerve develops as a result of exposure to negative factors. In the face of a person, severe pain begins. Doctors call this disease neuritis of the facial nerve. Inflammation of the facial nerve can be on one or both sides.

Causes of the disease

Before starting treatment for inflammation of the facial nerve, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance. This will help to prescribe the most appropriate treatment. Neuritis of the facial nerve can occur as a result of inflammation of the middle ear. Sometimes the disease is the result of injuries to the bases of the skull, ear or face. The presence of infectious diseases of the face and ear also leads to neuritis of the facial nerve.

The disease can occur as a result of intoxication, hypothermia, improper actions of a dentist. In case of circulatory disorders, against the background of a cold, this disease also develops. Diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve is to establish the causes, the elimination of which is directed to the treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The facial nerve is responsible for the activity of the facial muscles. When it is inflamed, a person has a feeling of freezing of the face. The appearance of the patient during this period deteriorates significantly. His face is distorted, the corners of his mouth are lowered on one or both sides. If the facial nerve becomes inflamed on one or both sides, then the eyelids of the corresponding eye open wide, the patient cannot close them.

The presence of the disease can be judged by the numbness of the face. A person loses the ability to control facial muscles. Some patients complain of increased sensitivity to loud sounds, changes in taste sensations. The presence of tinnitus and pain in this area are also a symptom of the disease. Patients complain of hearing loss. The disease can cause tearing or dry eyes. In some patients with this disease, poor salivation begins, and in others, excessive salivation.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates the proximity of the facial nerve to the intermediate and auditory nerve. With severe inflammation of the facial nerve, these nerves are also involved in the pathological process. During neuritis, a person experiences acute pain in the face. Pain is characterized by paroxysmal. It appears in the following areas of the face:

  • lips;
  • gum;
  • jaws;
  • language.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, pain can occur as a result of talking, brushing your teeth, or strong feelings. When this disease appears, the patient cannot fully live. He is uncomfortable with the slightest movement of the muscles of the face.

With active treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, as well as in severe forms of the disease, watching TV, it is better to reduce the load on the mimic muscles. This will help to avoid excessive tearing, facial muscle tension and, accordingly, speed up the healing process.

Important! Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis after a comprehensive examination.


If you start treatment for facial neuritis or ignore the doctor's recommendations, the consequences can be serious:

  • synkinesis - friendly movements. Due to the disease, part of the nerve fibers dies. Therefore, one nerve can control many muscles. So, when blinking, the corner of the mouth can rise;
  • muscle atrophy - may occur due to a violation of the innervation of the muscles and their inactivity;
  • conjunctivitis - develops due to the inability to completely close the eyes;
  • spontaneous contraction of facial muscles;
  • muscle contracture - contraction of facial muscles on the affected side of the face.

Is hospitalization required?

Therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve must be started as soon as possible to avoid irreversible consequences. Only a neurologist can prescribe the necessary treatment, including medications, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture. In view of the rather complex therapy and the possibility of serious consequences of the disease, hospitalization is the best solution. Treatment is also possible in a day hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of neuritis

Treatment of neuritis can be carried out at home using several methods: facial gymnastics, folk remedies and drug treatment.

Mimic gymnastics

Mimic gymnastics helps to restore control of the nervous system over the muscles of the face, improves blood circulation, and prevents contraction of facial muscles. There are many mimic exercises. Among them are:

  • whistling;
  • expansion of the nostrils;
  • a smile with a closed mouth;
  • lifting eyebrows up and down;
  • smile with an open mouth;
  • cheek puffing;
  • exposure of the teeth, raising and lowering alternately the upper and lower lip;
  • squinting;
  • blinking;
  • folding lips "tube";
  • smacking lips.

Features of treatment using traditional medicine

This disease requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the consequences can be dire. When the first signs of the disease occur, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is possible to treat inflammation of the facial nerve at home.

To date, there are many traditional medicine recipes that have proven effective in the treatment of the facial nerve.

rose tea

Quite simple and cheap, but at the same time an effective remedy is rose tea. In order to prepare this medicine, two teaspoons of rose petals are taken. The color of the petals must be red. They are shrinking. If you take dry petals, then this action can be done with your hands, and when using fresh petals, you must use a knife. The resulting mass of roses is poured with one glass of boiling water. It is necessary to take the medicine in the form of tea, several glasses a day. This medicine must be used within three weeks.

black cumin seeds

Black cumin is known for many healing properties, the main of which is strengthening the immune system. With neuritis of the facial nerve, you need to breathe in pairs of a pre-prepared remedy:

  • crush and crush cumin seeds;
  • soak in vinegar for 12 hours.

Also, to strengthen the general condition of the body, it is advised to eat a teaspoon of black cumin seeds after meals.

fir oil

Fir oil is used to treat this disease. You can buy medicine at a pharmacy. Fir oil is rubbed daily on the area of ​​inflammation of the facial nerve.

Important! It is necessary to use fir oil as a medicine for no more than two weeks.


A complex but effective folk treatment is mummy. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Shilajit must be rubbed every day in the area of ​​the temporal part of the face.

Important! When using this method, only a ten percent solution of the drug is used.

The second stage of treatment is to take a special medicine inside. To do this, take one glass of milk, in which they dissolve a few drops of mummy and one teaspoon of honey. You can use this medicine to treat inflammation of the nerve on the face for no more than twenty days. If the disease as a result of its use has not completely disappeared, then you can interrupt for 10 days and undergo a course of treatment again.


Ordinary edible salt is very helpful with neuralgia of the facial nerve. It is heated in a dry frying pan and poured into a cloth bag, which is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the face. Salt should not be very hot so that during the procedure the patient does not burn the skin of the face.


An effective folk remedy in the treatment of the facial nerve is a medicinal ointment from lilac buds. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of lilac buds, grind them into powder and mix with lard in a ratio of 1:4. The drug is stored in the refrigerator. It is rubbed into the affected area of ​​the face daily.


With damage to the facial nerve, wormwood is very often used. Recipe:

  1. To prepare the medicine, dry wormwood flowers are taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon and one and a half glasses of boiling water are poured.
  2. The medicine is infused for 3-4 hours, and then filtered.
  3. It is necessary to rub the resulting infusion into the affected areas of the face.


For the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, you can use a chicken egg.

  1. Protein is separated from a raw egg and placed in a glass dish.
  2. Pure turpentine is added to it in the amount of one tablespoon and mixes well.
  3. The resulting medicine is wetted with a clean cloth or gauze and applied to the area of ​​the facial nerve.
  4. The lotion must be held on the face for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated after 7-8 hours.

Important! During the preparation of the medicine, it is necessary to separate the egg white as carefully as possible. Otherwise, the medicine will be ineffective.


With inflammation of the facial nerve at home, it will be possible to carry out acupressure, which helps to relax it. It is not difficult to perform this action, which allows any patient to use the method. After the massage, the patient's face is smeared with medicine from honey and black radish juice, which are mixed in equal amounts.


For the treatment of the disease, you can use coltsfoot. One tablespoon of this herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. The medicine is taken before meals in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The patient should take four to six doses of medicine per day.

Dog's fur

For the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, dog hair is used. It must be wrapped with gauze so that a small “cushion” is obtained, approximately 10 by 10 centimeters in size. It must be applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with a handkerchief. Wear without removing for 7-8 hours. Rubbing with ointments with a locally irritating effect, for example, Asterisk, also helps. After that, the affected area should be wrapped with a bandage of dog hair.

Elecampane root

Very often in folk medicine, crushed elecampane root is used to treat the facial nerve. It is taken in the amount of one teaspoon and poured with a glass of boiling water. The tincture is aged for 10 hours. The medicine is taken inside along the lines of the glasses. The patient should take 1 to 4 doses of the medicine per day.

For the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, it is necessary to collect the rhizome of the lure high. This herb is crushed and infused with 40% alcohol. The ratio of lure high and alcohol should be 1:10. The tincture is aged for a week. The medication is taken in the morning and in the evening - 30-40 drops each. The drug should be taken with plenty of water.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to collect herbs to prepare a medicine, then you can use an ordinary potato for treatment. Juice is squeezed out of it and a quarter cup is drunk daily.

All folk remedies are effective in treating inflammation of the facial nerve. But before using them, it is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to most accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment to eliminate the cause, which does not exclude the use of folk remedies.


Treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve with leeches is gaining more and more popularity. The healing effect is observed due to the properties of the saliva of leeches: it restores the necessary nutrition of tissues, dilates blood vessels, and relieves pain. Thus, the use of hirudotherapy for neuritis gives:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • pain reduction;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of edema.

Leeches are placed along the inflamed nerve. 4-6 individuals are used at a time, depending on the affected area. Such treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve is carried out according to a certain scheme. Depending on the cause of the disease and its period, different remedies are effective:

  • glucocorticoids - Prednisolone, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • B vitamins - contribute to the improvement of the functioning of nerve fibers;
  • vasodilating agents - Nicotinic acid, Complamin - improve blood circulation;
  • decongestants - Furosemide, Triampur - to reduce swelling and prevent the progression of pathological changes;
  • painkillers - Indomethacin;
  • anticholinesterase drugs - Prozerin, Galantamine - to improve the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • drugs that stimulate metabolic processes - Nerobol.

Prozerin refers to anticholinesterase drugs. It helps to improve the signal conduction along the nerve fibers to the muscles, which increases their tone and restores the function of the affected nerve. Prozerin is prescribed from the second week of treatment, one tablet 1-2 times a day thirty minutes before meals. The course is a month and a half. With the appearance of contracture of the muscles of the face, the drug is canceled.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a vasodilator vitamin agent. It is prescribed to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the inflamed nerve. Nicotinic acid also regulates metabolic processes. The drug is prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. Orally - 0.025-0.05 grams 2-3 times a day after meals for a month. Intramuscularly injected at 0.002-0.003 g per 1 kg of body weight once a day.

Antibiotics for neuritis

Antibiotics for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve are prescribed in case of bacterial damage. The best effect will be with intramuscular administration of antibiotics, since oral administration reduces and slows down the effect of the drug. In such cases, appoint Amoxiclav or Klaforan. The need for antibiotics in each individual case is determined by the attending physician after identifying the cause of neuritis.

Questions to the doctor

Is it possible to give birth with neuritis of the facial nerve?

Answer: You can give birth with neuritis of the facial nerve. As a rule, the condition does not worsen after childbirth. However, it is better to cure the disease before planning pregnancy, in order to avoid serious consequences. In an "interesting" state and after childbirth, the treatment of neuritis becomes more complicated, since many drugs are contraindicated. Sometimes a long-term neuritis can make itself felt after childbirth.

How to sleep with neuritis of the facial nerve?

Answer: The position of a person in a dream with neuritis of the facial nerve does not matter. It is better to choose a comfortable position - on the back, stomach or side. If the last position is chosen, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the side of the face is inflamed.

Neuritis of the facial nerve is defined as a unilateral lesion that occurs in the seventh pair of cranial nerves. These nerves are particularly responsible for the movements produced by the mimic muscles of one face. The clinical manifestation characteristic of such a diagnosis as neuritis of the facial nerve, the symptoms of which are expressed in the patient's impotence in controlling the facial muscles in the affected area, is the occurrence of facial asymmetry, which appears due to muscle paralysis or paresis in the area of ​​the corresponding half of the face.

Causes of neuritis of the facial nerve

In the vast majority of situations under consideration, it is not possible to establish the specific cause of the onset and subsequent development of neuritis. Among the provoking factors, local hypothermia is often singled out as the main factor (for example, a draft from a car window that contributes to blowing one half of the face, etc.), in some cases it can be combined with an infection (). The development of neuritis is also facilitated by inflammatory processes in the middle ear (mesotympanitis,) and processes in the posterior cranial fossa (meningoencephalitis, arachnoencephalitis).

Often, the defeat of the facial nerve is facilitated by a traumatic fracture or a crack that has arisen at the base of the skull, tumors in the region of the cerebellopontine angle, and operations performed to eliminate the purulent process that has arisen in connection with otitis media, mastoiditis and other diseases. Diseases of a systemic nature, as well as diseases associated with metabolism, traumatic brain injury in general, heredity - these factors should also not be excluded as the causes of the development of the disease in question.

We also note that the disease in some cases is observed in its recurrent, as well as in a bilateral form.

Neuritis of the facial nerve: symptoms

External manifestations of neuritis are expressed, as we have already noted, in facial asymmetry, in which smoothing of the folds of the forehead skin or their absence is observed on the side of the nerve lesion. In addition, the palpebral fissure undergoes changes, which expands to a large extent.

Smoothing and omission occurs with the nasolabial fold, the lower lip hangs down. Baring the teeth of the sick, as well as laughter, are accompanied by pulling the mouth to the healthy side. The opening of the mouth is characterized by a greater sharpness of its angle from the side of the lesion than when compared with a healthy area. Raising the eyebrows does not contribute to the formation of horizontal wrinkles on the skin of the forehead, because the eyebrow does not rise from the paralyzed side. Closing the eyes is characterized by incomplete closure of the eyelids, in which the palpebral fissure simply gapes from the side of the lesion, as if the patient is peeping, squinting his eyes. This symptom is defined as lagophthalmos, the more common name of which sounds like "hare's eye".

When considering such a condition as neuritis of the facial nerve, the symptoms of which are pronounced, it can also be noted that the patient loses the ability to stretch his lips with a “tube”, cannot whistle and kiss. In the process of eating, it is noted that it gets stuck between the teeth and the affected cheek. Reduced or absent corneal, superciliary and conjunctival reflexes. The degree of damage also determines the addition of signs of taste disturbances to this picture of the disease, which affects the region of the two anterior thirds of the tongue.

Actual phenomena are hyperakasis, as well as a hypertic rash formed in the area of ​​​​the external auditory canal. In some cases, such a symptom as “crocodile tears” becomes relevant, in which tears begin to flow during eating, while the rest of the affected eye is in a dry state. There may also be an increased sensitivity characteristic of hearing, in which the sounds from the neuritis are felt as louder.

The danger of neuritis of the facial nerve lies in the possibility of complications in the form of contractures of facial muscles. It manifests itself by the characteristic reduction of half of the face that has succumbed to defeat, and in such a way that it seems that it is not the healthy side that is paralyzed, but the sick side. It is formed in the fourth or sixth week from the onset of the disease, which is facilitated by the incomplete recovery of all motor functions.

Diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve

To confirm the diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve, the symptoms of which bother the patient, as well as to establish the degree of general damage to the facial muscles, electromyography (or EMG) is performed, and appropriate studies are carried out aimed at determining the conductivity characteristic of the facial nerve at this particular stage. To exclude another type of disease, magnetic resonance or computed tomography may also be prescribed for brain examination.

Treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve

Treatment should be started as early as possible, because this is the possibility of preventing complications and the occurrence of residual phenomena. In particular, it is recommended to take corticosteroids - prednisolone. It should be taken internally in the morning for five days, starting with 60 mg with a gradual decrease in dose and subsequent cancellation from 10-14 days. This dose is safe and, at the same time, effective in considering the possibility of effectively reducing nerve edema with its characteristic infringement of the intraosseous canal. In this case, there is a faster recovery, the pain formed in the behind-the-ear region also disappears.

Given the openness of the eyelids and a violation in tear secretion, preparations used to create artificial tears should be used for the eyes. In addition, a massage is also prescribed for the face, occipital zone and collar zone. At first, the massage is done gently, after which you can move on to medium gain. For the muscles of the face, a set of specific exercises is being developed.

Upon reaching the so-called remote period, characterized by subsiding of the acute process and coming from 10-15 days, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Complicated cases, in which treatment is difficult, sedatives are used (relium, sibazon, seduxen), which should be taken four times a day at a dosage of 5-10 mg. Phenobarbital is also used for treatment, which is taken three times a day at a dosage of 30-60 mg. Under the action of these drugs, by reducing anxiety, muscle spasms are reduced, as well as other manifestations of the disease are eliminated.

Secondary neuritis of the facial nerve determine the need for treatment, first of all, the disease that provokes them. As for recovery, it occurs in up to 2-3 weeks, but for the final restoration of all functions, it will take a little longer - up to a year.

Naturally, for taking any type of medication, you need to get appropriate recommendations from your doctor. In this case, to diagnose and determine the course of treatment, it is urgent to visit a neurologist.

Neuritis of the facial nerve is an inflammation of one of the 7 pairs of cranial nerves. As a result, a person cannot normally own his own face and express emotions. It looks skewed and asymmetrical.

It should be borne in mind that this disease is quite common, especially in the cold season. To restore the work of facial muscles, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.


The facial nerve is responsible for the normal functioning of facial muscles. Also in its composition there are fibers of the intermediate nerve, which are involved in the synthesis of tears and saliva. They are also responsible for the sensitivity of the tongue and skin.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

The nerve trunk is a long process of neurons, which are covered with a sheath. If the inflammation affects only the membrane, then the disease has mild symptoms.

The facial nerve includes the following components:

  • part of the cerebral cortex - responsible for facial expressions;
  • motor fibers of nerve cells;
  • nuclei of the facial nerve - responsible for taste buds, facial expressions and the release of tears and saliva;
  • vessels - blood and lymph.

If this nerve becomes inflamed, the volume of its nerve fibers increases. In narrow places, this leads to compression and disruption of nerve cells. Neuritis of the facial nerve has its own ICD 10 code - G51.0 "Bell's palsy".


There are two main types of facial neuritis:

The reasons

Reliable reasons for the development of the disease have not been established to this day. However, the following factors can influence the development of the inflammatory process:

  • This provokes a weakening of the immune system. If we talk about neuritis of the facial nerve, local hypothermia is especially dangerous.
  • As a result, a spasm of blood vessels and muscle tissue occurs, which leads to problems with the nutrition of the nerve and the development of the inflammatory process.
herpetic infection
  • This virus is present in many people and does not cause any symptoms. However, with a decrease in immunity, the active development of the pathological process begins.
  • Very often, the herpes virus infects the nerve fibers, causing inflammation and swelling.
  • Also, the disease can be the result of adenovirus, mumps.
  • In addition, it provokes polio and enteroviruses.
Drinking a lot of alcohol This substance adversely affects the nervous system, and this applies not only to the brain, but also provokes an inflammatory process in the nerves.
Increase in blood pressure
  • This condition entails an increase in intracranial pressure, which negatively affects the nuclei of the facial nerve.
  • Also, this process can provoke the occurrence of a stroke.
  • If a hemorrhage occurs in the region of the facial nerve, its function will also be impaired.
Pregnancy Neuritis of the facial nerve during pregnancy most often occurs in the first trimester and is associated with a serious change in the hormonal background in the body.
Tumors in the brain This factor rarely leads to neuritis, but sometimes it still occurs. The fact is that the tumor compresses the nerve and provokes a violation of the transmission of impulses.
Traumatic injuries During an impact, a rupture of nerve fibers can occur. In this place, fluid accumulates, edema develops, and the inflammatory process affects the entire nerve.
Dental procedures A stressful situation, infection from a carious focus and a violation of nerve fibers can lead to an inflammatory process.
Otitis or sinusitis Pathologies of the ENT organs, provoked by viruses or bacteria, can affect nearby tissues or lead to nerve compression in the temporal bone.
Diabetes This pathology is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes, which is fraught with the occurrence of inflammation.
Atherosclerosis With the development of this disease, the capillaries responsible for supplying the nerve with blood become clogged with plaques. As a result, the nerve does not receive enough nutrients, which leads to the death of its cells.
Stressful situations and depression Such conditions negatively affect the state of the nervous system and lead to a weakening of the body's defenses.
This disease is the result of the destruction of the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers and the formation of plaques in these places. Such processes often provoke inflammation of the facial nerve.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Due to the influence of adverse factors on the body, a spasm of the arteries occurs. In this process, stagnation of blood in the capillaries is observed and their expansion occurs.

The liquid part of the blood accumulates in the spaces between the cells. As a result, tissues swell, which provokes compression of the veins and lymphatic vessels, and this is fraught with problems with the outflow of lymph.

As a result, the blood circulation in the nerve suffers, and it faces a lack of nutrients.

It is worth noting that nerve cells show increased sensitivity to oxygen deficiency. The nerve trunk increases in size, and hemorrhages form in it.

As a result, the transmission of impulses from the brain to muscle tissue is disrupted. This causes the symptoms of pathology.

Signs and symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve

Neuritis of the facial nerve always develops rapidly. If the symptoms increase slowly, this indicates the presence of another pathology.

Symptoms of this disease include the following:

A couple of days before problems with facial expressions, pain occurs behind the ear Discomfort can also be felt in the face and occipital region. A few days later, pain is felt in the eyeball. These signs are associated with swelling of the nerve, which is compressed in the region of the temporal bone.
The face becomes asymmetrical and looks like a mask in the affected area At the same time, one eye remains wide open, the corner of the mouth drops, the nasolabial fold is smoothed out. The lack of symmetry becomes more pronounced when talking, laughing or crying.
The eye on the affected side is unable to close His apple turns up, and through the gap you can see the protein shell.
The corner of the mouth drops In the process of eating, liquid food pours out from a certain side, but the ability to chew remains.
The patient cannot control the muscles of the cheek This is manifested in the fact that during the meal he bites his cheek all the time, food gets behind it.
Dryness appears in the mouth A person is constantly thirsty, and food is not fully processed by saliva.
Sometimes there is excessive salivation At the same time, saliva flows in a trickle from the affected corner of the mouth.
Speech becomes slurred This is due to the fact that half of the mouth does not take part in the pronunciation of sounds. Usually problems appear when trying to pronounce consonant sounds.
Dry eyes occur With this diagnosis, too few tears are produced, while the eye is open and does not blink enough, which provokes its drying out.
There is lacrimation A number of patients are faced with the opposite situation, when too many tears are released. They do not enter the lacrimal canal, and therefore simply flow down the cheek.
Loss of taste on one side of the tongue Two or three tongues in front of the affected side lose the ability to perceive the taste of products.
Hearing sensitivity increases From a certain angle, the sounds seem louder than they really are. This is true in most cases for low tones.

Symptoms of the disease will allow an experienced specialist to identify a specific area of ​​damage to the facial nerve:

If part of the cerebral cortex is damaged
  • A nervous tic may appear, the muscles of the face make involuntary movements.
  • Often paralysis of facial muscles also develops.
  • At the same time, there is no asymmetry during crying or laughter.
In violation of the nuclei of this nerve
  • Rapid eye movements are observed, the sensitivity of the skin in the diseased area decreases, the palate and pharynx are constantly twitching.
  • A person cannot wrinkle his forehead.
  • Sometimes the coordination of movements on the affected side is disturbed.
If the nerve is broken in the skull or in the region of the temporal bone Mimic muscles suffer, dryness in the oral cavity appears, changes in the functioning of taste buds, dry eyes, exacerbation or hearing loss.


If symptoms of neuritis appear, you should immediately contact a qualified neurologist. An experienced specialist will be able to identify diseases without research.

However, sometimes there is a need to use instrumental methods. With their help, you can determine the causes of the development of inflammation. Neuropathy can be the result of tumor formations, inflammatory processes in the brain, stroke.

To make an accurate diagnosis, perform:

Blood analysis If neuritis is of bacterial origin, the ESR, the number of leukocytes increase in the blood, and the level of lymphocytes decreases.
Magnetic resonance imaging With the help of MRI, inflammation of the membranes, tumor formations, cerebral infarction, or vascular anomalies can be determined.
CT scan The procedure allows you to identify signs, tumor formations, areas of insufficient blood circulation, the consequences of traumatic head injuries.
  • Inflammation of the nerve is indicated by a decrease in the speed of impulse transmission.
  • If the signal does not reach the nerve branch, this indicates a rupture of the fiber.
  • With a decrease in the number of excited muscle fibers, there is a threat of their atrophy.
  • If the muscles do not respond well enough to discharges, this indicates a violation of the transmission of impulses along the trunk.
Electromyography The diagnosis of "neuritis" is made with an increase in the time of impulse transmission and a decrease in the number of fibers that respond to the signal.


For treatment to be as effective as possible, it should be started as early as possible and be comprehensive.


For the treatment of the disease, the following categories of drugs are used:

Diuretics Such tablets help to remove urine from the body, which helps to free the tissues from excess fluid. This helps to prevent squeezing of blood vessels and the development of swelling of the nerves. These include furon, furosemide.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Thanks to their use, it is possible to eliminate inflammation of the nerve, reduce pain in the ear and face. The doctor can prescribe nise, nurofen.
Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs Their use helps to eliminate swelling, inflammation and pain. Thanks to the activation of the production of a special substance, it is possible to improve the transmission of nerve impulses. Usually prescribed dexamethasone, prednisolone.
Antivirals Thanks to their use, it is possible to stop the division of the herpes virus, which often provokes inflammation of the facial nerve. Zovirax, acyclovir may be prescribed.
Antispasmodics They allow you to eliminate spasm of smooth muscles, improve blood circulation, expand arteries and reduce pain. As a rule, they write out no-shpu.
Neurotropic drugs They allow to improve the functioning of nerve cells and normalize their mineral metabolism, help to reduce nervous tics and reduce pain. Thanks to their use, it is possible to establish the functioning of the nervous system. The doctor may prescribe carbamazepine, levomepromazine, phenytoin.
B vitamins These substances are of great importance for the proper functioning of the nervous system and prevent the negative effects of toxins. In such a situation, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine are indicated.
Anticholinesterase agents Thanks to their use, it is possible to improve the transmission of signals through the nerves to the muscle tissue, to normalize the functioning of the lacrimal and salivary glands. Prozerin, galantamine can be used.

Treatment of this disease is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-administration of drugs can cause serious side effects.

Physical procedures

Means of physiotherapy can be used only from 7-10 days after the onset of the disease.

With such a diagnosis, the following methods are most effective:

  • ultraviolet irradiation of half or the entire face;
  • decimeter therapy on the affected side of the face;
  • ultrahigh-frequency therapy of low thermal intensity;
  • electrophoresis of medicinal preparations - prozerin, dibazol, potassium, nivalin, vitamin B1 are used;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • paraffin or ozokerite applications.

During therapy, it is very important to avoid hypothermia, as it can provoke a worsening of the condition. After the procedure, it is advisable to stay indoors for 15-20 minutes. In cool weather, wear a hat and cover the affected area with a scarf.


This procedure can be started only 5-7 days after the onset of the disease.

A qualified specialist should perform massage for neuritis of the facial nerve, since it has certain features:

  1. Before starting the process, attention should be paid to warming up the muscles of the neck. To do this, tilt and turn the head. All movements should be done 10 times. They need to be done slowly enough and make sure that your head is not spinning.
  2. Massage should begin with the neck and occipital region. This helps to prepare the lymphatic vessels as they need to receive additional lymph volume.
  3. Then you need to massage the affected and healthy part of the head. It is important to pay special attention to the face, cervical region and mastoid process. Also be sure to stretch the collar area.
  4. Massage should be done superficially, especially at the very beginning. Otherwise, it can provoke painful contractions of muscle tissue.
  5. The procedure should be performed with stroking movements. A little vibration will also help to achieve excellent results. Such movements must be made in the direction of the outflow of lymph.
  6. Fingers should make movements from the middle part of the chin, forehead, nose in the direction of the parotid glands. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch the areas of localization of the lymph nodes, as this can provoke their inflammation.
  7. You can do the following exercise on your own: place the thumb behind the cheek and gently stretch the muscles, while using the thumb and forefinger of the second hand to massage the cheek from the outside.
  8. After performing a facial massage, you need to massage the neck and back of the head again. This will help normalize the outflow of lymph in the direction of the main ducts.
  9. At the end of the procedure, you need to perform exercises for the neck muscles.

The session should last 10-15 minutes. Perform massage should be until the absolute disappearance of signs of the disease. As a rule, a massage therapist performs 10-20 procedures, after which a person can do self-massage.

Folk remedies

Such prescriptions can be an addition to the main therapy. With their help, you can significantly speed up the healing process.

The most effective folk remedies include the following:

warming up
  • For this purpose, you need to take a glass of salt or sand, heat it in a pan or microwave.
  • Put in a bag of dense material and apply to the affected area before going to bed.
  • This must be done within a month. The duration of the procedure is half an hour.

You can start warming up no earlier than a week after the onset of symptoms of the disease. Thanks to the effects of heat, you can improve the condition of muscle tissue and speed up the recovery process.

Rubbing tincture of white acacia
  • To prepare the product, add 1 glass of vodka to 4 large spoons of flowers and leave to infuse for a week.
  • The resulting tool to perform rubbing twice a week.
  • The course of therapy is a month.
Rubbing mummy
  • Ready solution can be bought at a pharmacy.
  • A little product should be applied to a cotton pad and gently massage the face for several minutes, performing them from the central part in the direction of the ear.
  • Then mix a teaspoon of honey and 0.2 g of mummy with a glass of warm milk and drink the resulting remedy.
Compresses and chamomile tea
  • You need to take 3 bags of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • After 15 minutes, drink tea, and apply the bags as a compress to the affected area.
  • They must be warm. Top cover with foil and woolen cloth.
  • With the help of chamomile, you can eliminate the inflammatory process, spasms and swelling.
  • Such a tool should be used once a day throughout therapy.
Ointment based on black poplar buds
  • You need to take a couple of tablespoons of chopped raw materials and the same amount of butter.
  • Treat the affected area with the resulting ointment.
  • It is recommended to do this after warming up once a day.
  • Therapy should continue for 2 weeks.
  • Thanks to the essential oils that are in the kidneys, you can eliminate pain and cope with inflammation.
Red rose petal tea
  • Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Drink three times a day for 20-30 days. Single dose - 200 ml.
  • Thanks to essential oils and other useful substances, you can improve the condition of the nervous system and normalize the process of impulse transmission.


Before doing exercise therapy, you need to perform exercises to warm up the muscles of the cervical region and shoulders. Then you need to sit in front of the mirror and try to relax.

For rehabilitation to be successful, each exercise is performed 5-6 times. For this you need:

  • raise your eyebrows in surprise
  • frown;
  • look down and close your eyes;
  • squint;
  • perform circular eye movements;
  • smile without opening your teeth;
  • raise the upper lip, opening the teeth;
  • lower the lower lip, showing teeth;
  • smile with your mouth wide open;
  • lower your head and snort;
  • inflate the nostrils;
  • puff out cheeks;
  • move air between the cheeks;
  • blow out an imaginary candle;
  • try to whistle;
  • retract cheeks;
  • stretch your lips into a tube;
  • lower the corners of the mouth;
  • put the upper lip on the lower;
  • move the tongue in different directions, closing and opening the mouth.

If you are tired, you need to pause and stroke your face. Such gymnastics should last about 20-30 minutes. It must be performed 2-3 times a day - this will significantly speed up recovery and help cure even neglected neuritis.

After doing the exercises, you need to fix your face with a scarf folded diagonally. Then pull the muscles from the diseased side up, and from the healthy side - down.


This method is one of the most effective in the development of neuritis of the facial nerve.

Acupuncture allows you to:

  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • relieve pain;
  • accelerate the process of eliminating paralysis of mimic muscles;
  • cope with twitching of the lips or eyes.

By influencing acupuncture points, you can restore the tone of muscle tissue on the affected side and relax on the healthy side. This allows you to make the face symmetrical.

For the treatment to be effective, you need to contact a qualified specialist who will select the optimal technique. Of no small importance is the internal mood of the patient.

When punctured, a person feels a slight pain, then around the needles, warmth or coolness, tingling, pressure will be felt. Such sensations indicate that the impacts are made in the right places.

At the first symptoms of the disease, the procedure is carried out exclusively on the healthy side. From 5-7 days you can have an impact on the affected area. With this procedure, it will be possible to speed up the healing process by about half.


If conservative methods of treatment do not give results for 8-10 months, there is a need for surgical intervention. It will give the desired results only during the first year of the disease, after which irreversible changes occur in the muscles.

In most cases, intervention is required for ischemic neuritis, when the nerve is compressed in a narrow canal. This may be due to prolonged inflammation of the ear or a fracture of the cranial bones. Also, an operation is needed for traumatic origin of neuritis, when a nerve rupture has occurred as a result of damage.

If neuritis is the result of nerve compression, a semicircular incision is made behind the auricle. The wall of the nerve canal is removed with a special tool.

This must be done very carefully so as not to disturb the nerve trunk. As a result, it is placed in an open groove, due to which the compression of the temporal bone stops. This intervention is performed under general anesthesia.

If there is a need for suturing the nerve, an incision is made in the region of the auricle. After that, the doctor finds the ends of the nerve and cleans the torn area - this will ensure a better fusion.

If the distance between the ends of the nerve is no more than 3 mm, they are sutured. If this distance exceeds 12 mm, it becomes necessary to free the nerve from nearby tissues and lay a new channel. This procedure allows you to connect the nerve with one suture, but at the same time its blood circulation suffers.

It is also possible to restore the integrity of the nerve by means of an autograft. In this case, a part of the nerve of the required length is taken from the thigh and placed at the site of the rupture.

This allows you to restore part of the nerve, which is several centimeters long. However, there is a need for suturing the nerve in 2 places, which leads to impaired signaling.


After neuritis, the process of cell renewal is extremely slow. During this period, they are highly sensitive to hypothermia, stressful situations and exposure to toxic substances.

If you do not follow all the doctor's prescriptions, neuritis can lead to dangerous consequences:

Atrophy of muscle tissue In this case, the volume of the muscles decreases, they gradually weaken. It should be borne in mind that this is an irreversible process, which is why it is so important to do therapeutic exercises and massage.
Involuntary muscle twitches They develop due to compression of the nerve by blood vessels. To prevent this complication, you need to take prescribed medications.
Synkinesis of the face This complication is associated with impaired isolation of impulses in the nerve. As a result, the excitation spreads incorrectly. For example, during chewing, the lacrimal gland may become excited.
Contracture of mimic muscles In this case, they shrink and lose elasticity. Muscle tissue becomes painful, its pulsation decreases. If improvement does not occur within 4 weeks, muscle spasm is observed, they shorten, making the face asymmetrical.
Conjunctivitis or keratitis Inflammation of the inner lining of the eyelids and cornea develops due to the fact that the patient fails to close the eye. The eyeball dries out, dust accumulates on it, provoking inflammation.

Neuritis of the facial nerve in children and adults is considered a fairly serious disease that can lead to irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to start the right therapy as early as possible and clearly follow all the doctor's instructions.