Vessels burst in the eyes: why it happens and what to do. Prevention and treatment of a burst vessel in the eye

A burst vessel in the eye is a fairly common occurrence. Consider the reasons why the capillaries burst and rupture, what to do in such a situation, what kind of treatment with drops and when more complex therapy is needed.

The retina of the eye consists of vascular elements, which are capillary-venous network. Due to this structure, it receives the nutrition and oxygen necessary for normal functioning. For various reasons, sometimes there is a rupture of the vessel in the eye. A burst capillary is a bloody spot of an elongated or irregular shape.

Photo 1. Symptoms of a broken vessel in the eye

Why is this happening? Factors leading to these symptoms vary. Often it is simply too dry indoor air, in more rare cases the causes are more serious and are caused by various diseases. In children, the vessel may burst due to tears during crying, in an adult - due to excessive physical overstrain. When the vessel bursts, the person does not feel pain, so small lesions are usually not noticed and treatment is not carried out. With a single detection of complications, this does not threaten, however, it is better to treat the disease in order to get rid of the symptoms as quickly as possible. Usually, drops are used for therapy.

The reasons

Why there is a rupture of the vessel in the eye and what it threatens, in addition to cosmetic discomfort, we will consider below. Ocular hemorrhage occurred in every adult at least once. It is known that there are no symptoms of pain, so if the vessel burst in the eye once and the pathology does not recur later, then you should not worry too much. Most likely, the matter is in a one-time external influence and the red spot will resolve itself without a trace in a few days.

Another thing is if vascular lesions occur regularly and occupy an abundant area. In such a situation, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist to establish the causes and develop a method for treating the disease.

External causes

We list one-time factors that can affect the integrity of the eye vessels:

  • Weather conditions: exposure to strong winds, under the bright sun or in conditions of high atmospheric pressure.
  • Excessively dry air, the presence of smoke or a large amount of dust in the room where the person stays.
  • Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures, such as in a sauna, steam bath, or hot spa. This factor is exacerbated by low ambient humidity.
  • Injury to the eye, when the vessel bursts due to a speck that has fallen or as a result of mechanical stress.

External factors are more important in children.

Internal causes

The action of internal factors is systemic in nature; when they are detected, a person most often needs in qualified treatment not only with the help of drops to act directly on the ruptured vessel, but by other means, sometimes quite serious, to influence the disease-initiator.

  • hypertension and these are quite common causes of broken eye capillaries, which the doctor thinks about in the first place. With these diseases, red spots on the eyes tend to occur periodically. When, during a hypertensive crisis, the patient's blood pressure rises sharply above the norm, the load on the vascular system of the eye increases dramatically, due to which one of the weakened blood vessels is able to burst. Such lesions can be supplemented by nosebleeds. Such a pathological condition only at first glance seems harmless, since after the eye, the arteries of the brain can also burst, which is fraught with hemorrhagic stroke and its serious consequences. Therefore, if high blood pressure is detected, the patient must develop the habit of constantly monitoring it and undergo the necessary treatment.
  • Diabetes- Another reason for the rapid development of vascular pathology of the eyes. Due to metabolic disorders, the machine tools of the arteries of the body become thinner and become fragile. The eye vessels, as the smallest and most fragile, become the first target of this process. The vessel can burst at the moment of an insignificant load, for example, at the moment of a squat or tilt, and also simply by itself. What to do in such conditions? Go to an endocrinologist to correct the level of hormones that are not provided by normal metabolism in the body.
  • Ophthalmic diseases also a common cause of broken capillaries. The spectrum of diseases is quite wide and includes both eye infections of an infectious nature (conjunctivitis), and the development of malignant tumors and immunodeficiency states, for example, blepharitis.
  • Diseases hematological nature leading to a high probability of bleeding throughout the body. Among the symptoms of this type of abnormality, one can single out an aggravated sensitivity of the skin, when after a slight mechanical impact, traces of a hematoma remain on it.
  • Conditions of immunodeficiency and beriberi when the vascular walls lose their elasticity.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the ophthalmologist must not only examine the patient's eyes with the help of special devices, but also look at his card for earlier eye lesions, and also find out what happened to the patient some time before the vessel in the eye burst. This means that the patient should prepare for the examination and remember all the nuances that can affect the diagnosis and the development of what to do and how to be treated in a particular case.

Photo 2. Capillary rupture

Other causes affecting the vessels of the eyes are:

  1. The state of fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, increased load on the visual apparatus, which is more typical for busy adults
  2. Physical overload associated with heavy lifting. Here, professional athletes in power sports are at risk. In addition, in women, rupture of the vessel may be accompanied by childbirth.
  3. Elevated body temperature, which accompanies a huge number of diseases and pathological conditions.
  4. severe allergy
  5. Alcohol abuse, when the vessel first expands intensively, and then sharply narrows, which creates the conditions for it to burst.
  6. In children, capillary ruptures occur against the background of strong hysterical crying.


The main symptom that a vessel has burst in the eye is the presence of a red bloody spot against the background of protein. With the defeat of several capillaries at once, the lesion is significant in volume. Sometimes a vessel from the back of the eye undergoes a rupture, in which case there are no visible signs that it has burst. Of the symptoms, only the presence of a slight severity is distinguished, which is usually not even noticed.


How to treat and what to do if the eye capillary burst? With a single occurrence, the cause in most cases is in the external environment. At the same time, no special treatment is prescribed, the symptoms of the red spot themselves disappear within 3-5 days. During this period, it is better to reduce the load on the visual organs.

If after this period the signs of the disease do not go away, but rather are aggravated by dryness, irritation, swelling, additional hemorrhages, then it is imperative to contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe drugs used in the form of drops for instillation into the eyes.

Usually treatment is carried out:

  • Vizin, these drops relieve swelling and redness well.
  • Taufon, which activates regeneration processes.
  • Emoxipin, which has a resolving effect on areas where blood vessels have burst. In addition, it strengthens the vascular wall.
  • Askorutin, which eliminates the lack of basic vitamin complexes.
  • Defislezom - drops that have a softening and lubricating effect, thanks to which it is possible to avoid dryness and irritation.

Indicated drops it is forbidden only a doctor can prescribe for himself, choose a specific set of drugs based on the results of examination and diagnosis.

Periodically recurring hemorrhages indicate the existence of strong internal causes that cause pathology. The fact that a vessel burst in the eye will only be a reflection of the existing pathological process. To guarantee the elimination of symptoms, you should find out the root cause why the capillaries regularly burst. This requires additional diagnostics of organs and systems, often not related to vision. Refers to concomitant examinations by an ophthalmologist or therapist.

What to do when a vessel rupture is discovered

  1. With physical exertion, abandon it and have a good rest. When it comes to amateur sports, then training should be canceled for the duration of treatment and recovery.
  2. Job. associated with vision should be limited. It is important to periodically (every 30 minutes) take breaks and warm up for the eyes.
  3. Refuse to take alcohol
  4. Being on the street, beware of the wind and the best sun falling on your face. Large dark glasses that block ultraviolet light are well suited for this. The air in the rooms should be humidified.

What can not be done with a hemorrhage when the vessel burst

  1. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are prohibited.
  2. It is not recommended to apply cotton pads soaked with tea leaves to closed eyes. With the help of such folk methods, the situation is only aggravated.
  3. The eyes should be at rest, especially in children who constantly try to comb and rub them.
  4. Conduct self-diagnosis and prescribe drops or other medications.


A set of preventive measures will help minimize the effect of internal causes and eliminate external factors:

  • Natural saturation with vitamins through the use of vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits and bell peppers are especially useful for eye vessels.
  • It is important to give up bad habits, as well as minimize coffee drinks and excessively strong tea.
  • The mode of work and rest must always be maintained.
  • Lifting weights and playing sports should not be harmful to health
  • When working at the monitor for a long time, do not neglect breaks for visual gymnastics.
  • With dry eye syndrome, it is important to regularly instill prescribed drops, avoiding excessive drying.
  • Wear safety goggles in sunny and windy weather

In addition, so that the vessels in the eye do not burst, it is necessary in a timely manner treat existing ophthalmic diseases, apply prescribed drops, monitor health in general, preventing the strengthening of internal causes leading to hemorrhages.

Red vessels in the eye indicate a violation of blood circulation in this organ. This symptom can indicate a variety of ophthalmic diseases. Redness of the eye can be caused not only by prolonged eye strain, but also by severe pathologies that require emergency treatment.

Causes of red blood vessels in the eyes

All causes that can cause redness of the eyes are divided into ophthalmic and non-ophthalmic. Ophthalmic causes are directly related to the condition of the eyeball. These include:
  • irritating factors;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • injury, foreign body on the cornea.

Annoying factors

Annoying factors include severe eye strain, when they are constantly stressed. So, the most common cause of eye redness is prolonged computer work (more than 5-6 hours) without any breaks. Reading text with small print also has an adverse effect on the state of the vessels. Redness of the eyes can cause reading in vehicles, especially on long trips.

Contact lenses also irritate the eyes. It occurs in the following cases:

  • if the patient removes the lenses incorrectly;
  • if they are incorrectly selected;
  • if a person does not follow the rules and wears lenses longer than the prescribed period.
Small particles of dust can get on the lens, which provoke irritation and redness of the eyeball. Also, some patients have individual lens intolerance, which can also cause vascular disorders.

Infectious pathologies

Red blood vessels on the whites of the eyes are also provoked by infection. Microorganisms penetrate the surface of the cornea or conjunctiva and begin to multiply actively. Their impact leads to the fact that the patient develops a vascular reaction and the eye turns red.

If burst vessels are found in the cornea, it is recommended to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to exclude the possibility of bacterial infection.

Depending on the spread of bacteria, the following types of infectious lesions are distinguished:
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • iridocyclitis.
The most common cause of red blood vessels in the eyes is conjunctivitis. This disease has an infectious or allergic nature.

The damaging factor negatively affects the conjunctiva - the membrane covering the outer part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. In the vessels located in this area, inflammatory processes develop, local tissue edema occurs. This leads to redness of the conjunctiva.

Another pathology is keratitis- occurs when the central shell of the eye, the cornea, is damaged. Its inflammation is accompanied by the appearance of bursting vessels on the border with the sclera. The disease has a number of characteristic symptoms that indicate the presence of keratitis. These include severe lacrimation and photophobia. If a person has this symptom complex, combined with redness of the eyes, it is worth suspecting that he has keratitis.

Inflammation of the eyelid, or blepharitis accompanied by marginal redness of the eye. Its occurrence is usually associated with the ingress of dust particles or small foreign bodies under the eyelids, which contain pathogenic microorganisms. They multiply in this area, causing inflammation and swelling.

A rarer cause of eye redness is iridocyclitis. This is a serious disease, which is characterized by the development of an infectious process in the choroid of the eye. Pathology has a progressive course, it can cause blindness. Therefore, the suspicion of iridocyclitis is a reason for an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist.

Trauma and foreign bodies

Traumatic damage to the eyeball or the ingress of foreign bodies into it are processes that necessarily cause a response from the body. In response to irritation, inflammation develops, which affects the vascular network of the eyeball. Under the influence of a pathological factor, an active vascular reaction develops, which outwardly looks like redness of the eye.

Non-ophthalmic causes

The condition of the vessels of the eye is influenced by a number of factors that are caused by neophthalmic diseases. These include:
  • allergic reactions;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • physical stress;
  • constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
  • severe stress.
Redness of the eyes can provoke allergic reactions. If an element to which the patient has a hypersensitivity reaction enters the eye, allergic inflammation develops. It leads to swelling and redness.

A frequent factor causing the appearance of red blood vessels in the eyes is an increase in pressure. The arteries of the eyeball are part of the general vascular system, which directly depends on the work of the heart.

If the patient has hypertension, then with constant pressure surges, the elasticity of the small ophthalmic arteries is disturbed. A sharp change in the pressure indicator can lead to a rupture of the vessel in the eye, as a result of which redness will appear.

The same phenomena occur during physical overstrain, when the pressure level rises sharply to provide the body with the necessary oxygen. It can also cause rupture of the eye vessels.

Constant stress, strong emotional reactions also affect the work of the heart, which adversely affects the condition of the arteries of the eyeball. For the same reason, redness can occur due to constant lack of sleep.

Another reason that damages the vessels of the eye is diabetes mellitus. This disease with a long course leads to the development of microangiopathy. It is characterized by the deposition of large amounts of glucose in the vessels of the eye, which leads to a violation of their elasticity and flexibility. Therefore, redness of the eyes often occurs in diabetic patients.

How to remove red blood vessels in the eyes?

Depending on the cause of the redness of the vessels in the eyes, methods of treating the problem differ.

Eye drops

Medical therapy for redness includes. These include:
  • Visoptic
  • Vizin
  • Octilia
  • Naphthyzin

These drugs reduce redness and swelling, help restore normal blood circulation in the eye.

With dry eye syndrome, which is characteristic of prolonged work at a computer, regular use of "artificial tears" (Hylo-Komod drops) is recommended.

Folk remedies

You can narrow the blood vessels and folk remedies. For this, cold is often applied to the eyes. It can be ice cubes, compresses with cold water. They need to be placed on closed eyes and held for several minutes. You can use cotton pads moistened with decoctions of herbs. Healing properties that are useful for the eyes, have:
  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • Linden;
  • parsley;
  • blue cornflower;
  • mallow.
As compresses, it is convenient to use tea bags, slightly cooled after brewing. Tea should be natural, without fragrances and flavorings. Additional components in its composition can cause an allergic reaction, which will only aggravate the patient's condition.

It is very useful to alternate compresses - first apply ice cubes, and then after a while use warm decoctions of herbs.

If the listed remedies do not eliminate the red vessels in the eyes, and the patient notes the progression of the disease, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. It is likely that the patient has an infection of the membranes of the eyeball. These pathologies require specialized treatment, including antibiotics, selected depending on the causative agent of the disease.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is of great importance for the condition of blood vessels. People who often develop red eyes are advised to adjust their diet. The following foods should be included in the diet:
  • nuts and seeds;
  • fruits and vegetables (especially red and yellow, as they contain a large amount of vitamins necessary for the eyes);
  • blueberry;
  • oily fish;
  • eggs.

In the pharmacy you can buy special complexes of vitamins and minerals that improve eye health.

Lifestyle Correction

The daily routine is also important. A person should sleep at least 7 hours daily. This time is necessary so that the mucous membrane of the eye has time to recover from those small damages that have accumulated on it during the day. If you sleep less, then the damage will accumulate, very soon there will be severe irritation and redness, more and more blood vessels in the eyes will begin to redden.

For the prevention of vascular disorders, proper preparation for sleep is also important. Women should remove eye make-up daily and apply lid care products as needed. It is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics for removing makeup, since most inexpensive products adversely affect the condition of the cornea.

Before going to bed, be sure to remove contact lenses, as they can not be worn longer than the prescribed period. If you leave the lens overnight, the surface of the eye will dry out, it will be injured from the impact of a foreign body.

Gymnastics for the eyes

If a person works a lot at a computer or constantly reads books or documents, then he must do gymnastics for the eyes. It consists of simple exercises that take a couple of minutes, which are needed to relax your eyesight and reduce stress.

It is enough to perform the following exercises:

  • 20-30 times sharply change the direction of gaze - from left to right and from top to bottom;
  • make circular movements with your eyes for 1-2 minutes (while you can not move your head);
  • focus first on a far object, and then on a near object, located on the same line of sight.
At the end of a short workout, you need to quickly blink your eyes about 50-60 times. If desired, the set of exercises can be adjusted according to your needs. You need to do such gymnastics regularly, every few hours in between hard work.

Watch a video with gymnastics for the eyes, which prevents their tension and fatigue when working with a computer or reading a large amount of text:

Eyelid massage

A good method of treating and preventing the appearance of red blood vessels in the eyes is eyelid massage. The fingertips are carefully placed on the closed eyes, after which the eyeballs are massaged in a circular motion. After a few minutes of such a massage, you will feel that eye irritation is gone.

Redness of the eyes is a symptom that can indicate not only a strong eye strain, but also a number of serious pathologies. With the progression of irritation and the appearance of new symptoms of damage to the eye membranes, the patient is advised to consult a doctor to undergo a full examination.

Our eyes it is one of the main senses through which we can see the world. By exchanging glances with the people around us, we can convey our mood to them. Therefore, if your eyes are not all right, this will immediately draw attention to you. If you notice in the mirror that a vessel in your eye has burst, you should not worry only about the aesthetic side of the issue, it is better to immediately visit a specialist and find out the reasons why this happened to you.

The vessels located in the eyeball are quite fragile, with strong stress they expand, then burst. When the capillaries break, blood enters the space between the conjunctiva and the sclera, turning the white of the eye bright red. This condition is called - subconjunctival hemorrhage or in another way, hyposphagma. It does not affect vision, but often causes the patient discomfort and anxiety about appearance. The consequences of hemorrhages usually completely disappear by the end of the second week.

The reasons

Consider the possible causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage.


In patients with hypertension, hemorrhages in the retina of the eye may occur, since as a result of pathological processes, small vessels, capillaries and microaneurysms are torn.
These gaps are caused by the action of three factors: increased pressure, decreased elasticity of blood vessels and increased blood viscosity.

Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus

In diabetics, the permeability of the vessels of the retina of the eye increases, their patency is disturbed, the so-called retinopathy develops, as a result of which the capillaries burst, and hemorrhage occurs.


In patients with glaucoma, circulation in the eyes is disturbed, fluid accumulates, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure. Fragile capillaries and redness of the eyes are one of the symptoms of developing glaucoma.

Acute conjunctivitis and other inflammatory eye diseases

With the acute development of conjunctivitis, among other symptoms, small blood vessels and capillaries expand and burst, the eyes are filled with blood and become bright red.

  • Neoplasms (benign and malignant tumors).
  • Certain bacterial and viral infections (flu).
  • Physiological processes: coughing, sobbing, sneezing, vomiting, constipation, childbirth.
  • Physical activity: lifting weights.
  • Complications in surgical operations on the eyes.
  • Traumatic effects: blows to the eye area, head bruises, rough rubbing of the eyes.
  • Eye strain due to sitting at a computer, reading and other painstaking visual work.
  • Visiting baths and saunas.
  • Excessive drinking and cigarette smoke.
  • Changes in atmospheric pressure (vessels in the eyes burst in weather-dependent people).

As well as a long stay in a room where the air conditioner is turned on, insomnia and the bright light of a halogen lamp can damage your blood vessels in the eyes and cause hemorrhage.


The main visible symptom is hyperemia (redness) of the eyeball. Vessels often burst in a large area of ​​​​the eye, and then the protein turns red completely.

Depending on the cause of capillary fragility or a concomitant disease, other symptoms are added, such as dryness, burning, discomfort, purulent discharge, tearing, pain when blinking, etc.

Having discovered that the vessels in the eye have burst, the following measures must be taken:

  • Measure the pressure, drink the necessary medications to eliminate the causes of high blood pressure.
  • Give the eyes a long rest in case of visual fatigue; ensure proper sleep.
  • Eliminate the influence of damaging factors (physical activity, alcohol and other causes).
  • Be examined by specialists (therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist).


Treatment consists in conservative therapy of a somatic or infectious disease that caused fragility of the vessels of the eyeball. For example, acute conjunctivitis, keratitis or other diseases of the eyes and the body as a whole.

Often the causes of hemorrhages lie in the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. If you have burst blood vessels in your eyes for a long time, and you do not know why this is happening, then you need to undergo an examination and take a blood test for clotting (prothrombin test) and sugar to exclude the presence of diabetes and hypertension.

Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist to measure intraocular pressure to exclude such a serious illness as glaucoma.

You can independently take drugs that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels: ascorbic acid and rutin (Ascorutin). Rutin normalizes the structure of capillaries, maintains their elasticity, and prevents circulatory disorders. Together with ascorbic acid, it prevents the destruction of hyaluronic acid, which strengthens the cells of blood vessels and capillaries, reduces their permeability and the likelihood of hematomas.

Eye drops can be used together, for example, 2% potassium iodide, a resorbable drug. It is necessary to do instillations at least 2-3 times a day.


To strengthen fragile vessels, it is useful to make contrast baths for the eyes.

We take two containers with cold and hot (up to 40 degrees) water, alternately lower our face into them, starting with cold, while blinking our eyes; it is necessary to do at least 5-6 times, finish the procedure also with cold water.

When working at a computer, especially when the air conditioner is on, you need to take breaks as often as possible, ventilate the room, go outside more often and rest your eyes. You can use eye drops - "artificial tears", which protect the cornea of ​​the eye from external influences, have a softening and lubricating effect, like natural tears.

In the daily diet, you need to add foods containing vitamin C and rutin. Rutin (or vitamin P) is found in citrus, forest and garden berries: raspberries, currants, wild roses, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. And also in vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, greens. Smoking contributes to lower levels of vitamin C and rutin in the body.

Almost every person at least once faced with the problem of redness of the eyes. Changes in the eye are always noticeable, but not always safe. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, do not try to understand on your own why this happened and do not put off your trip to the doctor, because a seemingly simple redness in the eye can serve as a warning of a serious malfunction in the body.

Doctors do not advise self-medication, and even more so rely only on traditional medicine. Non-traditional methods of treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition. For example, why should not make lotions with sleeping tea? Tea will not help eliminate hemorrhage, but it can contribute to conjunctivitis. For the same reason, you should not touch the affected eye with dirty hands. Try to follow preventive measures and always follow the advice of experts!

Everyone who has sat at a computer for a long time, lifted weights or was very nervous at least once in his life is familiar with bursting blood vessels in his eyes.

Simply put, this is a condition in which bruising or a vascular network appears on the sclera of one or both eyes. It is often more pronounced in one eye than in the other. Even if hemorrhages do not bring pain, they look unaesthetic and frightening. To prevent such troubles, it is useful to know why the vessels in the eyes burst and how to get rid of bruising.

Causes of eye hemorrhages

If the vessels in the eye constantly burst, one of the following diseases can be assumed:

  • hypertonic disease
  • diabetes
  • beriberi C
  • traumatic brain injury
  • inflammatory eye diseases: keratitis, conjunctivitis

In hypertension with frequent crises, when blood pressure rises sharply, the vessels of the conjunctiva cannot withstand stress, which causes subconjunctival hemorrhage. In diabetes, the blood vessels in the eyes often burst due to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. In this case, systemic angiopathy develops, which affects the vessels not only of the eyes, but also of the kidneys, heart and other organs.

The cause of bursting of blood vessels in the eyes can also be scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Since this vitamin is actively involved in the formation of collagen protein, its deficiency leads to weakness of the collagen fibers of the vessel walls. The consequence of this is ruptures of the vascular wall and frequent hematomas in the eye.

Often, hemorrhages in the sclera become one of the symptoms of eye infections. At the same time, the conjunctiva of the eye becomes inflamed, its vessels overflow with stagnant blood, which causes their rupture with the appearance of a bruise. An immediate and obvious cause of ruptured eye vessels can also be a head injury, incl. fracture of the maxilla or zygomatic arch.

Bursting vessels in the eye: norm or pathology?

Of course, constantly recurring eye hemorrhages, which are accompanied by other symptoms, should alert and force you to contact an ophthalmologist or a local therapist. But, if such conditions occur only from time to time and do not bring discomfort, they can also be a variant of the norm. For example, in a healthy person, vascular ruptures in the eye can occur when:

  • alcohol abuse
  • foreign body in the eye
  • weight lifting
  • visiting a bath
  • in stressful situations
  • long stay in a smoky room
  • prolonged work at the computer
  • lack of sleep
  • sudden change in weather
  • an increase in body temperature against the background of SARS
  • in children with intense crying

Most of these factors cause a jump in blood pressure or lead to direct injury to the vessel (when a foreign body enters). In this case, as a rule, the hemorrhage quickly resolves and does not recur.

Hemorrhage in the eye: the main manifestations

Hemorrhage may be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms. It is by their presence or absence that one can guess why it happened. So, in inflammatory diseases, it is accompanied by swelling and redness of the eyelids, itching, lacrimation and photophobia. And with inflammation of bacterial etiology, suppuration can also join them.

With hypertension, bursting blood vessels in the eyes will be observed in parallel with headache, nausea, or even vomiting. In diabetes mellitus, eye hemorrhages are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, constant thirst, problems with the kidneys and blood circulation in the limbs. With scurvy, such hematomas will be not only on the conjunctiva, but throughout the body, which is caused by a general weakness of the capillaries. In turn, with a traumatic brain injury, in addition to bruising, there will be dizziness, loss of consciousness and vomiting.

Thus, a burst vessel is not just an aesthetic defect. It may be the first sign that signals serious disorders at the level of the body. For example, with hypertension, with the same probability as in the eye, a vessel can rupture in the brain, causing a stroke. Therefore, do not ignore this, at first glance, a harmless symptom.


Only a doctor can accurately determine the reasons why eye hemorrhages occur on the basis of a series of examinations. For example, an ophthalmologist examines the eye for inflammatory diseases, if necessary, takes a smear for microscopy. He also checks visual acuity to rule out diabetic retinopathy, which can reduce it. If the optometrist does not find the cause of the formation of hematomas, he refers to the therapist.

The therapist, first of all, measures blood pressure to rule out hypertension. If it is normal, he sends the patient to donate blood for sugar levels. If you suspect a traumatic brain injury or increased intracranial pressure, a CT or MRI of the brain is required. If everything is normal on these examinations, you should take an analysis for the level of vitamin C to detect its deficiency.

Treatment of eye hemorrhages

If the eye vessels burst infrequently, and this occurs after a stormy party or a hard day at work, you should not worry and take special measures. Sunglasses and proper rest will help to quickly eliminate the aesthetic defect. Eye hematomas quickly resolve due to the abundant blood supply to the conjunctiva.

If conjunctival hemorrhages occur constantly due to daily forced eye strain at work, you can alleviate the symptoms with the help of eye drops. For example, the drug Vizin is widely used. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, due to which the edema quickly disappears, and the size of the hematoma decreases. However, this tool cannot be used constantly, because. it develops a habit. Taufon or Quinax drops have a more gentle effect, which normalize blood flow and energy metabolism in the tissues of the eye without any side effects.

When bursting vessels in the eyes become only one of the symptoms of the underlying pathology, they are treated against the background and simultaneously with the underlying disease. For example, with hypertension, the patient takes drugs for pressure, which at the same time prevent the formation of bruises. In diabetes mellitus, drugs are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels, incl. eye capillaries. With conjunctivitis, antibiotic drops are used, which relieve inflammation and reduce blood supply to the capillaries, which also contributes to the resorption of the hematoma.

Preventive measures

To prevent conjunctival hemorrhage, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Do not stay in smoky areas
  2. Maintain work and rest schedule
  3. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible
  4. eat well
  5. Do not abuse alcohol
  6. Do not overheat in the sauna
  7. Avoid heavy lifting
  8. Wear safety goggles in windy and dusty areas

The capillaries located in the eyeball are very thin and sensitive, therefore, at the slightest change in external or internal, they begin to burst. If everything is clear and simple with external ones - injuries, damage, dry air, then only an ophthalmologist will help to cope with internal ones.

Why do blood vessels burst in the eyes?

Every person throughout life at least once, but faces such a problem as a hemorrhage in the eye. Many do not even feel this defect, since this phenomenon is painless and does not cause any inconvenience.

From the aesthetic side, the eyes look creepy, which is especially worrisome for the fairer sex.

Why do blood vessels burst in the eyes, how to react to what is happening and what to do in this situation? There are many vessels in the eyeballs, they are thin, which means they are ulcerative. The integrity of their walls can be influenced by various factors:

Most often, the vessels burst in one eye. If this happened for the first time, then do not panic. The red spot will resolve on its own within a week. But, if the vessels in the eyes are often damaged, then this is a reason to go for a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

External factors: negative impact on the eyes

When a vessel ruptures in the eye, do not immediately panic. Perhaps this is a banal overwork, which occurs quite often. In this case, no special treatment is required, but you just need to give your eyes a rest.

This problem is especially relevant among office workers, and those who read a lot and spend time at the computer.

Other factors can also affect the state of the capillary network:

Problems with the vessels of the eyes can occur due to disturbed sleep and rest. These factors increase the risk of eye vascular dysfunction and bruising several times over.

Internal factors

Internal factors include those that depend on the state of human health. Thus, they notify a person about internal problems.

Internal factors are mainly serious diseases that continue to develop and progress.

Causes of weak vascular walls of an internal nature:

Cause Description
Arterial or intracranial hypertension A hypertensive crisis is characterized by a sharp jump in pressure and the capillaries of the eye cannot withstand the stress. Bursting blood vessels in a hypertensive patient signal a serious problem that needs to be addressed in a complex: treatment and normalization of the diet. Otherwise, the next time the vessels may burst in the head.
Diabetes The development of the disease quickly leads to pathology of the blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most severe complications of diabetes, affecting the vessels of the retina of the eye, which leads to a significant deterioration or loss of vision.
Ophthalmic diseases Tumors of any nature, eye diseases: glaucoma, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and others.
Hematological pathologies Diseases that are characterized by increased bleeding in all organs, including in the visual membrane: hemophilia, lymphoma, leukemia, thrombocytopathy.
Avitaminosis The lack of vitamins A and C leads to a violation of the elasticity of the vascular walls.

If a vessel in the eyeball bursts and you feel how the affected area hurts, then you should immediately visit a specialist.

Less dangerous conditions

Capillaries can collapse due to completely different factors, no less serious:

  • high temperature with colds, infectious and viral diseases;
  • allergic reaction to dust, pollen, pet hair;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • increased weather sensitivity.

In any case, any hematomas in the left or right eye, even in less dangerous conditions, should be taken seriously and monitored. If the bruise does not come off for a long time and the eye hurts, then you need to visit an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of a ruptured blood vessel

The main symptom of a burst vessel in the eye is redness of the membrane. This factor most often makes an adult go to the clinic. Hemorrhages are:

Other symptoms develop depending on what were the causes of the development of the pathology and what area of ​​the eye the blood came out. A person can notice damage only to those capillaries that are located in the anterior part of the eye. However, the main part of the eye is hidden inside the skull, it also has vessels that can also be damaged.

If the vessel burst in the child's eye

When a child has a red spot in the eye, from which there is a branching of veins of different sizes, this means that inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye has begun. There may be several reasons:

  • viral / microbial infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • irritation of the shell of the eyeball with dirty hands or foreign bodies: midge, mote, eyelash;
  • dry eye syndrome (in school-age children).

The last reason is considered conjunctivitis, in which the outer shell of the eye dries out. This can happen as a result of prolonged watching TV or reading books, while working at a computer, that is, when the children are passionate about something and forget to blink.

If the doctor has identified a broken vessel in the eye of the baby, then this indicates increased fragility as a result of beriberi, the action of toxins produced during infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus. For example, during the period of influenza, the walls of blood vessels are very weak, and if you cough or scream, a hemorrhage will occur in the eyeball.

What to do if the vessels burst in the eyes?

Any changes occurring in the body require special attention, however, as well as bursting blood vessels. What to do if there is a hemorrhage in the eye:

To increase the elasticity and firmness of blood vessels, it is necessary to eat rationally, regularly take a complex of multivitamins, do not start colds, and avoid any damage to the eyes. If the vessels periodically burst, then you should come to an appointment with an ophthalmologist for a diagnostic examination.