How to treat a non-healing wound on the lips. Sores on the lips - how common and unpleasant the problem is

A wound in the lip area is damage to their soft tissues on the face. Lacerated wound of the lip, the treatment of which varies depending on of different origins wounds should be examined by a doctor. Such wounds are characterized by disruption of the entire surface layer of the skin. They are characterized by bleeding, swelling and divergence of wound edges.

When head injuries occur, blood begins to flow profusely in the lip area, causing painful sensations, speech and eating are impaired. The size, location, depth of penetration, type of injury and the presence of any complicated manifestations of wounds are important. Here, quite massive blood loss is possible, as a result of which shock, even hemorrhagic, can occur.

First aid for a lacerated lip

When treating a lip laceration, the first step is to stop the bleeding. This can be done by applying a tight bandage that will compress the wound site. It is recommended by doctors to apply an antiseptic bandage; in the future, it will help avoid any complications such as inflammatory processes, suppuration and other adverse consequences. If the severity of the pain syndrome is very pronounced, then the doctor may prescribe the patient a complex of drugs that can produce an analgesic effect.

If it is necessary to stop the bleeding process, the doctor prescribes drugs that stop the bleeding, for example “Vikasol” or “Ditsinon”. If the wound is large, with heavy bleeding, then to replenish blood volume and conduct preventive actions to avoid state of shock, you need to use infusion therapy methods together with the introduction of intravenous drip special solutions of gelovusin or venofundin. They are able to compensate for the lost liquid part of the blood. In order to carry out the first surgical treatment and suturing of big wound, the patient should be sent to the inpatient department, where the bleeding process will be stopped and the development of shock will be prevented.

Very often, when there is a minor injury to the lips, the victim does not need hospitalization, and after he has had the wound treated surgically, subsequent treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Treatment of an injured lip

A lip wound causes a lot of trouble to the patient. She for a long time may hurt and bleed.

In order to achieve recovery of a damaged lip as soon as possible, it is advisable to consider some tips:

  1. First you need to clean the wound well and treat it with antiseptics. If there is swelling, ice should be applied to the bruised site.
  2. Stop the bleeding.
  3. If the injury is serious, you will have to go to the trauma center.
  4. If the labial wound is mild, special wound-healing ointments can be used for treatment.
  5. A good way would be to use traditional methods of treatment. This is, for example, olive or sea buckthorn oil.
  6. The use of zinc-based ointment has a fairly beneficial effect on the healing process of lip wounds.
  7. In order to protect damage from the rays of the sun, wind and other weather conditions, before going outside, you need to anoint your lips with hygienic lipstick.

Treatment of a lacerated wound of the lip, if these rules are carefully followed, will not take much time and cause great inconvenience to the patient. There are many reasons for the occurrence of labial sores, and each of them has its own treatment method. First, you need to go to the doctor to discuss the reason for the laceration of the lip. It is necessary to wash it with any disinfectant solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, because lips can become infected very quickly.

The victim needs to stop the bleeding. This is not very challenging task because there are no big ones on the lips blood vessels. On the lips lacerations tend to heal quite easily and quickly. But, if the damage is large, you need to urgently visit the emergency room. There may be a need for stitches. Intervention plastic surgeon required only in rare cases. If there are persistent cracks on the lips, you need to take tableted vitamins or eat foods rich in vitamins.

It is necessary to constantly lubricate your lips with ointments and balms that will soften them. Women can use moisturizing chapstick.

What to do for a severe laceration of the lip

If an accident occurs that results in a deep bruised wound to the lip, you should immediately contact a surgeon. Treatment of such a wound will most likely be surgical. For a faster and more effective rehabilitation process, as well as recovery, it would be better for the patient not to refuse surgery. A fairly good remedy for treating a lacerated wound of the lip from the inside can be rinsing or special lotions with chamomile decoction. To enhance regeneration and speed up the healing of lip tissue, the use of a special gel for teeth will be very useful. If the patient, in addition to the wound on the lip, has other injuries, it is necessary to call a doctor and be with the victim until he arrives. After the victim has been thoroughly examined and examined by a doctor, the patient is prescribed the most appropriate treatment.

There are many reasons why lip injuries occur: an accident at work, a fall. If a person receives a laceration, he should be given first aid. It is necessary to carry out treatment and washing with disinfectants. Then apply ice to the affected area to prevent swelling. If a lacerated wound of the lip appears, the use of lanolin, sea buckthorn or olive oil will be effective in its treatment. To soften the skin on the lips, at the site of damage, for fast healing you need to smear the wound with an ointment based on zinc and propolis. By good means Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments are used in healing a lacerated wound of the lip.

To achieve rapid healing, you need to apply the ointment quite often. The process of treating such a wound must be approached very seriously and there should be no delay. If you do nothing and do not treat the injury, within a few days a purulent abscess may form on the wound, which can become a prerequisite for blood poisoning. But there is no need to treat the lacerated wound with brilliant green or iodine, because these medications can lead to burns on the rather delicate skin of the lips.

If the lip is broken on the inside, and a laceration has also formed, the first thing to do is treat it with a solution of Miramistin or chlorhexidine, and then immediately see a surgeon.

Sequence in the treatment of lacerated labial wounds

First you need to try to stop the bleeding yourself using one of the appropriate methods. This will help the victim moderate blood loss and provide an opportunity to examine the wound site in detail to determine the extent of soft tissue damage. Next you need to remove from the wound all remnants of clothing and other foreign objects. It is possible that infection from clothing may enter the wound, so the wound should be washed in the direction from top edge to the bottom and without pressure. If this deep wound, then in special cases the patient is given medication, and if he has strong pain, then you need to give a painkiller.

It is necessary to monitor the victim's temperature. If it has risen sharply, this means that . The wound site must be dried. To do this, you need to blot the affected area with napkins that absorb moisture and do this several times until the wound is dry. Then treat its edges with brilliant green or iodine, but under no circumstances apply the solutions to the wound itself. Then you should apply a sterile bandage to the injury site, but not too tightly, as this may impair blood circulation. If blood comes through the bandage, you need to put a couple more layers of bandage on top of it, without removing the lower layers.

My grandmother developed a deep crack on her lip for two weeks; it was very difficult to open her mouth. His function is reduced thyroid gland, she has to take hormones, as a result her weight has increased. Are there any herbal preparations And traditional methods that will help get rid of taking hormones, as well as heal a wound on the lip?

Comments: 15 »

    You can try smearing honey on a cracked lip. You can't lick your lip. The honey needs to be absorbed. You can apply more later. Helps us.
    But only a doctor can replace hormones.

    My lips get very chapped in winter from the wind, I always apply hygienic lipstick. But if my lip is severely burst, I apply Bepanten ointment (I learned about the ointment when I was feeding my child, I applied it to my nipples for cracks) and it heals very quickly.

    It depends on what causes a crack on your lip, if it’s “zaida”, as they say, then you need to wash it well laundry soap, and if your lip is burst due to chapping, then you need to apply lipstick to your lips.

    Try it butter lubricate the crack. Rubbing the crack with your hair also helps. Every year I get cracks in the corners of my mouth, and I only save myself with my hair.

    During the cold season, I suffer from the same thing. When I was young, a good military doctor gave me recommendations. 1) In cold and windy weather, avoid moisture settling on the lips (perspiration, saliva, etc.); if it appears, wipe with a clean cotton cloth. When going outside, apply a little thick cream, ointment or simply animal fat to the crack. 2) At night, lubricate the crack with tetracycline ointment or aqueous solution mumiyo. Do not allow alcohol-containing or acidic liquids to come into contact with the wound. I’ve been following it for over 20 years, and it helps.

    I also have low thyroid function. I take hormones and my weight has increased. But there are no cracks on the lips. One has nothing to do with the other. Try treating the crack with an oil solution of retinol acetate. This is an oil solution of vitamin A, designed specifically for the treatment of mucous membranes. Freely sold in pharmacies, without a prescription. Apply externally. Lubricate wound more often by this means. In addition, there is also retinol palmitate. The same medicine, only it must be taken orally. But it has contraindications, read the prospectus carefully. But retinol acetate has no contraindications. Use it better. And most importantly, they are designed specifically for treating cracks! And all sorts of other sores on the mucous membranes of the body. Good luck!

    Eat indoor plantMoney Tree, few people know that it is medicinal. It has such plump leaves that it’s very easy to squeeze the juice out of them, and it’s even better (for treating wounds) to just make a paste out of them. This paste should be applied to the wound and covered with a piece of bandage. This medicine needs to be changed every 2 hours. It heals beautifully, I even somehow cured a festering wound.

    As a rule, cracks on the lips and around the lips are associated with a lack of vitamin B, namely riboflavin B2. Maybe reduced function thyroid gland - the reason that the vitamin is not absorbed normally and it is necessary to take it additionally in synthetic form. In any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor on how to properly combine medications.

    Healing a wound is quite simple, there are many ways. For example, you can treat with chlorhexidine every day, sunflower oil, or hygienic lipstick. The most important thing in this problem is to determine the exact cause of the occurrence of this crack.

    There is a very good and not expensive balm. It's called Biocon, it's based on beeswax, there are no flavors or dyes. It heals all wounds perfectly. Let your grandmother apply it to her lip every hour. The result will not be long in coming. As for hormones, that's just see a doctor.

    If the wound on the lip does not heal for a long time, this may not at all relate to problems with hormones. It is better to contact a specialized ENT specialist or dentist. since long-term non-healing wounds on the border of the lips may indicate more serious diseases, and as a rule, if treated correctly and according to competent recommendations. and don’t self-medicate for a long time. Then everything will be fine.

    To heal cracked lips, the very first remedy is sea buckthorn oil. My lips often get chapped in winter, so I always keep it on hand. It works flawlessly in three or four days and heals the deepest crack without problems and zero harm to the body.

    I offer you these products: hygienic lipstick, oil (preferably sea buckthorn), medals (preferably not liquid, having a lot of wax), “She” oil with wax, honey and coconut, “vlemengo” ointment.

    girl, such a wound, oh, this is the result of a lack of vitamins in the body, and plus you yourself say, there is some kind of treatment for it... As for the wound on the lip, I recommend in these cases smearing the lip with Vaseline during the day, and at home - sea ​​buckthorn oil. Very, very helpful! and in case of any scratches and wounds on the body (or God forbid burns), it is advisable to have the same olazol spray based on sea buckthorn oil in the first aid kit. It heals well and primarily relieves pain. Something like this…

    Consult your doctor. Treatment can be safely supplemented with honey and olive oil– they are very helpful in healing various wounds.

There is hardly a single person who, completely unexpectedly for himself, would not suddenly feel unpleasant burning sensation or slight itching on the lips. This is a harbinger of the fact that small, liquid-filled transparent bubbles appear on the lip, and sometimes on the face itself, which inevitably burst and become crusty, leaving unpleasant and unaesthetic sores.

The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is called herpes or fever. Today, herpes is the most common viral infection on the planet. According to WHO, almost 90% of people are infected with this virus. Is it true, external symptoms appear in only 5% of infected people. For most, the disease proceeds latently, without visible clinical manifestations.

Herpes simplex has two types. The first most often manifests itself as described above and in rare cases spreads to the genitals or wounds. The second type, called genital, appears immediately on the genitals. In fact, the division of the virus into two types is very arbitrary; the virus itself manifests itself almost identically, and the division into two types is done only to facilitate the description of the manifestations of the oral and genital course of the disease. Most of us have the herpes virus in our bodies all our lives, from the moment of first contact with its carrier, after which infection almost inevitably follows.

Once in human body, the herpes virus settles there forever. Even when the fever on the lips has disappeared without a trace, and we have long forgotten about it, the virus itself settles in nerve endings. Some will never remember this unpleasant incident, but there are also those whose lips are covered with sores almost every week. The reasons for the activation of the virus are not precisely known. Sometimes it is associated with other diseases, sometimes with hormonal cycles, sometimes banal overheating in the sun is enough.

Non-healing wounds on the lips can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment of non-healing wounds on the lips

Most often, the infection is quite harmless and poses a danger only to people with poor health or reduced immunity. But its external manifestations in the form of ulcers are still unpleasant, and therefore it is used drug treatment, for example, using acyclovir. Apply the drug to sore spot it is necessary with a certain degree of caution so as not to cause a new infection.

Never apply the product directly with your fingers, but use tampons or cotton buds, which should then be thrown away immediately. If herpes appears on the lips almost constantly, acyclovir is also used orally. At the same time, at the first signs of fever, the dose is minimal, and it is increased gradually as the disease develops.

If you notice the first symptoms of fever, remember: the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is, the higher the likelihood of blocking the development of the virus, and most importantly, the possibility of complications decreases.

Prevention of non-healing wounds on the lips

Remember that herpes is highly contagious. To insure people close to you from unpleasant consequences, do not kiss during illness and avoid oral sex until full recovery. The same recommendations apply to regular sex if you have genital herpes. Unfortunately, even condoms do not provide a 100% guarantee against possible transmission of the virus.

If you are sick, be sure to use your own towel and utensils, and do not allow others to use your clothing at this time. If you accidentally touch a sore, immediately wash your hands with soap and water, and at the same time those places on your body that you may have touched. And most importantly, never touch your eyes with your hands. Eye diseases caused by herpes simplex very serious and dangerous.

Then the wind blew again, and the next day characteristic pimples appeared on my lip. The person is again attacked by the herpes virus. Herpes or popularly a cold - infection, which provokes a virus that spreads through the blood.

Doctors say that more than 90 percent of people are carriers of this virus, but it appears infrequently, once or twice a year. Why then do some people get sick, while others don’t even know what it is?

The answer is simple, herpes affects people with a weak immune system . For this reason, in order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Eat foods containing vitamins, get good sleep and exercise.

How to cure a sore on the lip

At the first stage of herpes, itching is felt in the lip area, then pimples appear that are filled with liquid. Under no circumstances should these pimples be scratched or pierced. Since the disease will most likely not go away, but, on the contrary, will spread throughout the body.

To treat sores on the lips, use several methods:

  • Treatment medications . Used to kill the herpes virus pharmaceutical product– acyclovir. This drug is available as ointment and tablets. Effectively fights herpes on initial stage and speeds up the healing process. It is necessary to combine the use of ointment and drink antiviral tablets, then the recovery process will be faster. Other drugs containing acyclovir are also in demand. It is worth remembering hygiene methods, since the disease is viral, you must have a separate towel and do not touch the affected area with your hands.
  • Treatment with folk remedies. Many medications have a long treatment process. For this reason, many use time-tested traditional methods. It's even better to combine antiviral drugs with traditional - drying methods.

How to treat a sore on the lip using traditional methods

Our forefathers did not have pharmaceutical drugs, but treated themselves with plants that they found in nature. They knew what helped and why and tested it on themselves. Among popular and effective Treatment methods include:

Treatment of herpes is lengthy, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Still inherent pain syndrome. After all, when salt gets on a living area, the wound hurts very much, and at the same time kills bacteria.

Prevention and treatment of sores on the lips

Most people would agree that no matter how effective the treatment is, it is still better not to get sick. How to protect yourself from the herpes virus? This disease looks for vulnerabilities, and this is immunity. If a person good health, then he gets sick less often. Necessary take more vitamins and lead healthy image life. Don't get too cold and don't be exposed to the wind.

Stress and nervous overexcitation are also causes of the disease. Insufficient sleep leads to the fact that the body is exhausted and the protective barrier collapses. Sleep needs to be allocated as much time as it should be.

If herpes does appear, it must be cauterized immediately so that the disease does not spread throughout the body. There are several foci of manifestation herpes, from one to several wounds may appear at a time, or it may cover the entire lip, but this is in rare cases.

The herpes virus is a disease that affects both men and women equally, but if a person has a predisposition, then it is necessary to devote time to prevention. It's better to avoid this disease than to feel it unpleasant consequences. Complexes associated with appearance cause inconvenience in communication.

Many people have encountered the phenomenon of a sore on the lip. This problem may occur due to various reasons, regardless age category. You should not ignore a wound on the lip, which takes a very long time to heal, as this is fraught with suppuration and further sepsis. If a wound on the lip does not heal, and a person does nothing to treat it, this can lead to the appearance of an unsightly scar on the skin.

The causes of sores on the lips can be different. The most common factor is infection with the herpes virus. Virus long time can be dormant in the human body, becoming more active under the influence of certain conditions. Symptoms of the development of the disease are ulcers or wounds on the lips; they can appear both on the outside and on the inside lips. If competent and timely treatment is absent, the virus will spread further, affecting surrounding tissues.

Other causes of wounds:

  • abrasions;
  • development of stomatitis;
  • chronic dry skin of the lips;
  • mechanical damage, resulting in a laceration of the lip, cut, bruise;
  • pet or insect bites;
  • acute lack of B vitamins;
  • Availability bad habit licking your lips, which often results in painful cracks;
  • jams;
  • iron deficiency, chronic anemia;
  • dysfunctions in the metabolic process;
  • the wound may not heal for a long time or may fester after the piercing;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • allergic reactions to certain irritants (hygiene products, food products, cosmetical tools).

Damage to the top or lower lip from the inside may occur due to injury to the mucous membrane sharp tooth or a poorly installed filling. The most dangerous are lacerations. Such injuries usually do not heal for a long time, they are difficult to stitch, high danger development of complications (for example, accumulation of purulent discharge). Also dangerous are animal bites on the lip, which may be infected with rabies. In such cases, you should immediately visit medical institution and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

Features of the appearance of lacerated and cut wounds

This problem needs to be described separately, since a lacerated or cut wound is dangerous. The reasons are trivial - for example, the housewife, while preparing dinner, tasted food from a knife, cut herself, or the man was shaving and made a careless move, resulting in a cut. Such damage is dangerous due to infection. A bruised, lacerated wound may also occur due to a fall or blow to the mouth. After a bruise, you need to provide first aid and see a doctor. Such damage is characterized by swelling, bleeding, severe pain, and it is difficult for a person to eat and talk.

Regardless of how the lip is injured, bleeding usually occurs. It can be copious as it permeates the lip a large number of capillaries and vessels. What to do first? First you need to stop the bleeding. For this purpose, hydrogen peroxide is used; this product also has a bactericidal effect, so that germs will not get into the wound. Folded bandage or cotton swab, soaked in peroxide, carefully treat the damaged area.

To reduce the severity a little painful sensations and prevent the development severe swelling, it is recommended to apply ice wrapped in a clean towel to the damaged area. Such manipulations also help stop bleeding, since the blood vessels constrict under the influence of cold. If the pain is very severe, you can take a painkiller tablet once. After first aid has been provided, it is important to visit a medical facility, since after a deep bruise or cut it is necessary to have the lip stitched.

Treatment of lacerations and cuts

The healing process of such damage can take a very long time, especially if competent treatment absent. A non-healing wound can cause a large number of consequences and complications. It is important to go to the hospital in time; the doctor must examine the wound, clean it if necessary, treat it with antiseptic solutions, and, if necessary, stitch it up. Next, the specialist gives recommendations on how to treat the damage so that the recovery process skin happened faster. For these purposes, healing agents are used - ointments or gels, which promote tissue restoration and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Often after an injury, so that a deep wound does not fester, doctors prescribe an appointment antibacterial drugs. In case of wounds, a sterile bandage is applied to the area of ​​the sutures, onto which a wound-healing agent is first applied. How quickly does damage heal? The process of tissue regeneration depends on individual characteristics body, on the speed of metabolic processes. On average, such recovery occurs for at least a month. In some cases, the healing process can take several months, especially if the damage was sutured, in which case regeneration takes much longer.

Therapy for other types of injuries

Wounds on the surface of the lip epithelium can appear at any time, so it is important to know how to treat the lip in such situations. In case of exacerbation of herpes, it is recommended to lubricate the mouth with special antiviral ointments(herpevir, acyclovir). The doctor also prescribes multivitamins and immunomodulators that will help cure the disease.

If the cause of the wound is stomatitis, it should be treated with soda slurry, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin A. If present thermal burn, the damaged area must be cooled and treated with healing ointment. You should not puncture the blister; this may lead to infection. infectious process. If there are burns chemical origin First you need to neutralize the chemical. If an acid burn occurs, you need to use alkali, after neutralizing the substance, treat with an antiseptic solution and apply ointment on top.

If you have constantly dry mucous membranes and, as a result, cracks on your lips, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E, so that new wounds will not appear. Before going outside, especially in windy or frosty weather, it is recommended to treat your skin hygiene products protection - lipstick or balm. Treatment of ulcers from stomatitis is carried out only after determining its nature and cause. Stomatitis that is limited to the mouth can be aphthous, viral, fungal, or allergic.

Knowing the cause of the disease, the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.


In the absence of purulent contents and with small size damage, it can be treated independently. For this purpose, ointments or creams are used: acyclovir, tetracycline, oxolinic ointment, metrogil denta. Products such as fucorcin, brilliant green or iodine are also used, but when using them you need to remember that they dry the skin. For quick healing, it is necessary to treat your lips as often as possible. If suppuration occurs, you should immediately visit a doctor who will decide what to do next.

The most common folk remedies that are used for speedy healing include: garlic juice, plantain juice, earwax, fish fat, cucumber juice, decoction medicinal plants(chamomile, celandine, white string). TO therapeutic measures also include processing with baked apple mush. Maximum effect can be obtained from the therapy done, using medications and folk remedies. Additionally you can process oil solutions sea ​​buckthorn, vitamin A.

When can a wound be dangerous?

If the ulcer on the surface of the lip does not heal within seven days, and the patient’s condition worsens, there is a danger of the wound becoming malignant. Dangerous symptoms are: lack of smooth edges, constant bleeding. The causes of this disease can be: abuse of solarium, long stay under straight lines sun rays, having a bad habit - constantly biting your lips, frequent use hot drinks - tea, coffee, excessive abuse of cigarettes.

Additional warning signs are an increase lymph nodes on the neck. In such a situation, you must immediately visit a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations. Such symptoms may indicate the development of oncological processes.