Thick white discharge all the time. All about vaginal discharge: causes and treatment

Women need to carefully monitor their health. Particular attention should be paid to the menstrual cycle. Any deviation from the norm can serve as a signal of the development of the disease. Most often, girls are worried about white discharge before menstruation.

With a full sexual life, this can be considered normal. You should always pay attention to the nature of such secretions.

The female reproductive system is constantly forced to protect itself from various infections. To do this, she has to make allocations. Their abundance and frequency of occurrence will depend on the characteristics of the organism and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

White discharge consists of mucus, which contains epithelial cells. They are produced by the glands of the reproductive system.

What discharge should be normal?

Beli can have not only white color. Their hue can be yellowish or creamy. If they appear before menstruation, quickly disappear and do not cause any discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about. Their appearance is due to increased production of progesterone.

If your discharge shows blood, becomes frothy, smells bad, or is uncomfortable, see your doctor right away. This can be a kind of signal from your body that the development of the disease begins.

White discharge before period

Modern gynecologists distinguish several varieties of leucorrhoea.


Abundant white discharge before menstruation may be associated with the activity of the woman's hormonal system. If such discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and is not accompanied by itching in the genital area, then they can be considered the norm. If traces of blood are found in them or a strong unpleasant odor appears, consult your gynecologist for advice.

A sudden increase in the volume of whites may indicate the development of cervical erosion. This disease is accompanied by bloody discharge after sexual contact or gynecological examination. If time does not start treatment, a tumor may develop.

Thick or liquid

A sharp increase in the density of whites is often associated with helminth infection or diabetes. This phenomenon often leads to dietary restriction or long-term use of contraceptive drugs. In addition, such secretions can become a signal to the body about the onset of cervicitis.

Odorless and Odorless

Normally, menstruation should occur 2 to 3 days after the onset of leucorrhoea. Carefully monitor their quantity and composition. Any change is a wake up call.

sign of pregnancy

Sometimes white discharge appears a week before menstruation, and the bleeding itself does not occur. There are several explanations for this phenomenon, but the most likely of them is pregnancy.

During this period, a woman's body undergoes a serious hormonal restructuring. As a result, progesterone levels rise significantly. The cervix begins to produce much more secretion than before. This fluid helps protect the fertilized egg.

Periods do not come on time. Instead, there are dense whites in large quantities. This is considered a sign of a healthy female reproductive system. Thick discharge protects the uterus from penetration into the infection.

If an admixture of gore is found in the whites, an ectopic pregnancy is possible. At the same time, the woman will feel aching, which will begin to grow over time.

Possible diseases

The appearance of white discharge before menstruation may indicate the development of a serious illness. Among them are the following.

Hormonal disorders

Disturbances in the hormonal system can be caused by:

  • the impact of stress;
  • overvoltage;
  • prolonged dietary restriction and other factors.

An increase in the secretion produced is provoked by a lack of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. This causes a shift in the menstrual cycle.


Accompanied by white curdled discharge before menstruation. Small clots are found. In this case, whites acquire a greenish tint. The disease is caused by the action of yeast-like fungi. The woman feels a burning sensation and itching in the vagina.

Cervical erosion

It is possible to detect this disease by abundant whites with white streaks. After sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist, an admixture of blood appears in secret. In order for erosion not to develop into a tumor, it must be cauterized in a timely manner.


A few days before the onset of menstruation, abundant white discharge is observed. If the disease is not treated, it turns into a purulent form. You will have to resort to a long course of taking antibacterial drugs.


The disease is characterized by thick leucorrhoea of ​​a dense consistency. They have a brown tint. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only timely therapy will help to avoid infertility or the development of a malignant tumor.

Endometrial polyps

Their presence is indicated by the presence of an admixture of blood in the secret. It is possible to get rid of the disease only with the help of surgical intervention.


The appearance of itching and white discharge mixed with pus before menstruation may indicate incipient gonorrhea. This infectious disease is transmitted from a partner through unprotected sexual contact.

These diseases require timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Do not try to treat them yourself, which can lead to the development of complications.

Do I need to go to the doctor?

If the volume of secretions exceeds a teaspoon, they exude an unpleasant odor or impurities are found in them, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist. The development of diseases is evidenced by the curdled consistency of the discharge, their increased density or foaminess. In this case, the woman feels discomfort in the lower abdomen. Subfebrile temperature rises.

Only a doctor can detect inflammation of the vaginal walls, the presence of erosion and other pathologies. Appropriate tests will help identify the infection. In some cases, an ultrasound examination may be necessary. Remember that self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Prevention measures

After you have figured out what kind of discharge occurs before menstruation, you need to remember the basic methods of disease prevention.

Among them are the following:

  1. Follow all the rules of hygiene of the genitals. In this case, you can use specialized products or simple soap. Pay special attention to hygiene during menstruation.
  2. Change your underwear every day.
  3. Before intercourse, ask your partner to wash the genitals, especially when.
  4. Do not douche without a doctor's recommendation.

Such simple measures will protect the genitals from infection and prevent the development of diseases.

On the video about the discharge

Every woman at least once in her life has encountered white discharge, also known as "leucorrhea". Depending on the accompanying symptoms, white discharge can be both normal and a signal of a serious illness! This article will tell you in detail whether to worry about white discharge and when to see a doctor.

Causes of white discharge

They may appear in different situations. The reason may lie both in the disease and in natural conditions for the body: in a certain phase of the cycle, in the onset of ovulation or pregnancy, before menstruation and after intercourse.

Normal discharge

The normal state of discharge in girls and women is as follows: they are white or transparent, do not have an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and burning in the vagina. White discharge of this type does not affect health in any way. Depending on the cause, they can be thick or liquid, as well as scarce or plentiful - both options can be considered the norm.


When white discharge appears with accompanying symptoms, you should be wary: as usual, they are not accompanied by any other signs. White discharge in women and the causes of their occurrence are considered normal, if there are no other warning signs: burning, itching, pain in the genitals, discomfort after sex and pain when urinating. If the above symptoms appear, you should contact the clinic: with normal discharge, all this does not occur.

First selections

White discharge in girls appears for the first time as early as infancy: abundant mucous leucorrhoea in the first and second weeks of a girl's life is a completely natural phenomenon. By the third week, they stop and do not appear until the age of seven, when most girls begin prepuberty. Up to the age of 13-14, they appear rarely and intermittently, but after reaching this age, the menstrual cycle is finally established, and whites become a familiar part of a girl's life.

With smell

- it is always a symptom of a disease. In the normal state, leucorrhoea usually does not smell of anything, so the appearance of sour, rotten and any other unpleasant odor indicates a pathological process in the body. The only exception will be a light, almost imperceptible sour-milk smell - if it is almost imperceptible and does not cause rejection, such discharge is also considered normal.

Without smell

White, odorless discharge is normal and can occur for various reasons. Whites of this type occur before and after menstruation, during ovulation, with a delay in the menstrual cycle. Also, an odorless secret can appear after intercourse or during pregnancy - both in the early stages and after the first trimester. Odorless discharge is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can have a different consistency: thick, liquid, creamy, slimy and foamy. They can also be of different colors - in addition to white, yellowish, beige and transparent discharges are considered normal.


Often, women observe that with a delay in menstruation, leucorrhoea also occurs, but pregnancy has not occurred. Delayed menstruation and white discharge can indicate different conditions: most often the cause is stress and colds, a little less often - hormonal failure and inflammation of the genitourinary system. If the delay lasts no more than five days, and the discharge is not too abundant, then you should not worry, but in all other cases, you should consult a doctor.


During certain periods, monthly leucorrhoea becomes a little more than usual - and one of these periods is ovulation. During changes in the body at the onset of ovulation, the vaginal secretion liquefies and becomes more abundant: this whitish mucus may resemble egg white in consistency. This type of leucorrhoea can last for several hours, or two or three days after the egg is released. But the white discharge after ovulation looks completely different: under the influence of progesterone, which protects the fetal egg, they become more scarce and thicker.


When the menstrual cycle comes to an end, the discharge becomes thicker and quite plentiful. The white discharge before menstruation has a slimy, clot-like consistency and a slight sour smell that is not noticeable or unpleasant. The color of such whites can also be different: the most common is a cloudy white tint, there are also yellowish and creamy discharges. It depends on the characteristics of the woman's body and does not affect her well-being.

The main component of such secretions is mucus, which protects the vagina from injuries, infections and penetration of spermatozoa. Before menstruation, dying particles of the uterine mucosa are also mixed with it. As usual, most women have such leucorrhoea, but the absence of these secretions can also be a variant of the norm: depending on age, hormonal levels and the use of contraceptives, there may be either very little or no discharge at all.

After PA

The occurrence of a secret after sex is normal for both women and men. When aroused, natural lubrication is produced in large quantities, the amount of which increases after orgasm, so that at the end of sexual intercourse there can really be a lot of leucorrhoea. You should not be afraid of this - this is a natural reaction of the female body.

Depending on whether a condom was used during sexual intercourse, white discharge after sex may be different. So, during unprotected intercourse, the secret is mixed with male sperm, so it can have a yellowish tint and an unusual smell. And when using a condom, the artificial lubricant present on it comes into contact with the female secret, eventually forming opaque and thick whites.

Allocations in diseases

In addition to the normal causes of leucorrhoea, there are pathological variants of their appearance. White discharge and itching in women is an unpleasant symptom that indicates the occurrence of a particular disease. The reasons for their appearance can be different: they include candidiasis, vaginosis, erosion, hormonal disorders, STDs and infections. So, the most common disease with the presence of white discharge and itching is thrush.

Also, a sign of the disease will be a burning sensation in the vagina, pain during urination, dryness and discomfort after sex.

When to See a Doctor for Vaginal Discharge

A visit to the doctor becomes necessary as soon as the appearance of leucorrhea begins to be accompanied by other symptoms. White discharge and itching are not dangerous in themselves, but this condition causes discomfort and does not go away over time, but only worsens. When observing conditions that do not normally occur in the body, such as burning, pain and dryness, you should see a doctor immediately.

Hormonal disorders

Abundant and long whites sometimes occur with hormonal failure. It can be quite difficult to distinguish them from normal white discharge: they do not have a characteristic odor, do not provoke burning and itching, and are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or in the genitals. The only sign by which hormonal changes can be detected is the constant consistency and amount of whiteness throughout the entire menstrual cycle, regardless of the onset of ovulation or menstruation. Moreover, the number can be both large and rather meager: both options signal a pathological process.

Thrush (candidiasis)

Vaginal or urogenital candidiasis, also known as - one of the most common diseases of the female genitourinary system. When thrush occurs in women, white discharge with a sour smell, having a curdled consistency, appears. The shade of whiter in this case can also be slightly yellowish or beige: it depends on the body of a particular woman and does not affect the course of the disease. Such a secret is often combined with burning, dryness in the vagina, painful urination and unbearable itching.

Several factors can affect the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush): stress, improperly selected underwear, hormonal failure, taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives, as well as violations of the hygiene of intimate places. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the occurrence, which can only be done by a specialist.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an unpleasant disease that occurs with vaginal dysbacteriosis. For various reasons, the number of lactobacilli that protect the female reproductive system decreases, and the microflora in the vagina is disturbed: the place of “good” bacteria is taken by pathogenic microorganisms that cause the disease.

Burning and white discharge with the smell of rotten fish are the main symptoms that accompany bacterial vaginosis. Other signs of the disease are usually absent: there is no itching and soreness in the genitals, the discharge itself is rather scarce, translucent and of a uniform consistency. The occurrence of vaginosis is influenced by factors such as antibiotics, douching, and topical application of 9-nonoxynol. It may be present in products that are applied topically, such as suppositories and ointments, or in lubricants. They are also sometimes treated with condoms that are used during sexual intercourse.


Endometritis is a severe inflammatory disease that occurs in the genitourinary system and has a serious impact on women's health. It develops against the background of bacterial vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, viral infections, or with a general decrease in immunity. Also, endometritis can occur against the background of an abortion performed two to three months ago.

White discharge with endometritis is viscous and very abundant, lasts throughout the entire cycle and does not weaken, regardless of the phase. There is no smell or other symptoms in this type of discharge, but they can interfere with the onset of menstruation, provoking a long delay. If the endometritis is not cured in time, bloody streaks will begin to mix with the whites, and then severe uterine bleeding may begin.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix or malignant neoplasms on it can be accompanied by different symptoms: they include after menstruation, spotting bleeding after intercourse, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and white-yellow discharge throughout the cycle.

Such leucorrhea is usually watery, does not smell at all and is not accompanied by other symptoms that appear in gynecological diseases. The only unpleasant feeling that patients note is a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen and a slight pain, which intensifies over time. It is precisely because of such meager symptoms that it is quite difficult to detect erosion: it is diagnosed either by chance or in the later stages, when the pain becomes unbearable.

Pathological discharge

Pathological secretions of white color will be considered all those mentioned above: with a pungent smell of rotten milk, fish or eggs, accompanied by itching or burning in the genitals, too plentiful, curdled or too thick consistency, provoking pain. Types of pathological leucorrhoea can be different, but they all equally bring discomfort to a woman.

Which doctor should I contact with pathological vaginal discharge

If you observe leucorrhoea in yourself that differs from the described variants of the norm and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a gynecologist who will diagnose the cause of your discharge and help cure the disease that provokes them.

Types of whites

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white clear discharge

With a slight white tint, they are considered natural for the female body. The presence of such whites without other alarming symptoms should not cause concern: in small quantities they are observed throughout the cycle, and their presence is completely normal. Such a secret is most often rather meager, but depending on the body of a particular woman, it can be released in large quantities.

Transparent whites can cause concern only when their appearance is accompanied by other symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen or in the vagina, itching, burning, and any other unnatural manifestation for the body.

White curdled discharge

White curdled discharge is always a symptom of the disease: normally, women do not have such a consistency of whiter, so when it appears, we can confidently talk about pathology. A curd-like secret and the itching that accompanies it may signal thrush, gonorrhea, or a bacterial infection of the vagina. The green tint of curdled discharge indicates trichomoniasis.

Liquid secretions

- a normal phenomenon throughout the entire menstrual cycle of a woman, with the exception of a few days after ovulation. In small quantities, they are almost always present, and they become abundant before and during intercourse, before and during ovulation, and also during the first trimester of pregnancy. Normal liquid leucorrhea is odorless, and if it smells, it is very weak and not sharp. In a situation where liquid secretions acquire a sharp sour smell, we are talking about the occurrence of pathology: most often the problem is thrush.


White, thick, odorless discharge occurs in a woman at certain points in the cycle: their appearance is normal after the completion of ovulation and at the end of the menstrual cycle. This type of leucorrhea lasts two to three days, and then changes to a more fluid discharge or menstrual blood. Also, thick white discharge appears during pregnancy: after the completion of the first trimester, they replace liquid and abundant whites.

The appearance of thick whites throughout the cycle is abnormal and unnatural for the female body. The absence of other symptoms is not a guarantee of your safety: such discharge may be uterine or tubal leucorrhoea, which signal serious diseases such as endometritis or cervicitis. If you observe incessant thick discharge for a week or more, you should consult a doctor.


White creamy discharge can be normal or pathological: these two options differ from each other only in the absence or presence of an unpleasant odor. The smell can be different and depends on the specific disease: it can be the smell of rotten fish, eggs or sour milk.

Creamy leucorrhea is secreted in small amounts after ovulation, and they can also be observed after the end of menstruation. Normally, these discharges are somewhat cloudy, have a barely noticeable yellowish tint, and if they are present, there are no other unpleasant symptoms in the genitals.


Beli mucous consistency, looking like snot - the natural state of secretions in the female body. Most often they have a transparent or light white tint, they can also be light yellow. Usually they are rather scarce, but their number increases during ovulation, as well as during intercourse and before menstruation. During pregnancy, such mucous discharge becomes very abundant and liquid.

During pregnancy

White discharge during pregnancy appears both in the first trimester and later. Depending on the period, they can be liquid or thick, and also change in quantity, but in general their structure does not change: they are always mucous, snot-like discharges with a pronounced white tint.

In the early stages

White discharge in the early stages resembles mucous clots with a subtle white tint, and can also be colorless. Such a secret appears due to an increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood: whites form a mucous plug to protect the uterine cavity, so physiologically these discharges are completely normal.

After the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, the amount of progesterone drops, so the amount of leucorrhoea increases, and they become liquid. They can also change shade: both slightly whitish and completely transparent are normal.


Seeing a doctor if white discharge starts to cause problems is inevitable. Only a specialist will be able to diagnose the cause of the secretion and understand what disease worries you.

What tests can doctors prescribe for vaginal discharge

To establish a diagnosis, the gynecologist will need to interview you, examine you in the gynecological chair and take a swab for possible infections: it is the results of this study that will help to tell exactly what kind of disease you have and how to deal with it.

Swab analyzes for flora, or bacterioscopy, are performed within a day. Before passing such a smear, it is necessary not to urinate for two to three hours, and also to refrain from sexual intercourse and the use of vaginal preparations two days before the analysis. Failure to follow these precautions may result in inaccurate results.

After receiving the result of bacterioscopy, other tests may be required: blood donation for hormones, tank culture and PCR diagnostics. However, these research methods are used less frequently, and in most cases there is no need for them.


Pathological white discharge can appear for various reasons, so preventive measures for their elimination are quite extensive.

Preventive actions

Prevention of whites usually includes the following:

  • Use of condoms at the first sexual contact with a new partner;
  • Wearing comfortable, appropriately sized underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • Careful intimate hygiene;
  • Tracking the hormonal background, taking tests once a year;
  • Timely treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • Taking probiotics after a course of antibiotic treatment: this restores the vaginal microflora, reducing the risk of candidiasis;
  • Avoidance of stress in any manifestations;
  • Preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

The above measures will help reduce the risk of pathological leucorrhoea and bring it to almost zero. It is not possible to speak about one hundred percent probability, but the application of these prescriptions will help your body in any case.


Treatment methods depend solely on what kind of disease bothers you. Depending on what symptoms were observed in each specific case, the treatment will also be selected: all the diseases listed above are treated in completely different ways, so there is no general treatment regimen for leucorrhoea.

Treatment Methods

Thrush, or candidiasis, is treated with antifungal therapy and restoration of the vaginal microflora: in order to suppress the spread of the Candida fungus and restore women's health, the number of "good" bacteria must be returned to normal.

Vaginal dysbiosis, also known as bacterial vaginosis, is treated with antibiotics from the nitroimidazole group, which help destroy pathogens. As in the case of candidiasis, after the completion of treatment, the woman undergoes probiotic therapy, which brings the microflora back to normal.

The hormonal background of a woman is restored with the help of hormonal preparations, which are selected individually in each case. Treatment of hormonal disruptions can be quite long: women often complain about the lack of effect in treatment started two to three months ago. For some, recovery can even take several years.

Cervical erosion, unfortunately, is not treated with drug therapy. Depending on the specific situation, it can be surgical, laser or radio wave surgery, as well as cryodestruction and diathermocoagulation.

Treatment regimens and drugs are selected for the body and characteristics of a particular woman, therefore, without examination and analysis, it is impossible to say which medicines can be used for your illness and which should not. Self-treatment for gynecological diseases is unacceptable: only a specialist can really help you, so in no case should you avoid taking it if you find yourself with unpleasant symptoms.

In men

Normally, white discharge in men has a viscous, mucous consistency and appears only under certain circumstances. The presence of leucorrhoea is normal during sexual arousal, during ejaculation, and also during defecation or urination: this may be the secret of the prostate, although this does not always happen. Normal discharge in men should be almost transparent, not too plentiful and not appear without a reason. Also, they should not have a strong odor.

The appearance in the secretions of foreign impurities, bloody streaks, the acquisition of a grayish or yellowish hue by whites indicates a pathology. In addition, signs of the disease can be painful and uncomfortable sensations during urination and arousal, as well as an unpleasant odor coming from the penis. If there are no such symptoms, but discharge appears often and for no reason, a man should also consult a urologist: some dangerous diseases can be almost asymptomatic, and reinsurance will never be superfluous.

By themselves, white discharge is not dangerous: it is only important to pay attention to the symptoms that accompany them. If there is a suspicion of a pathology, consult a doctor as soon as possible - the sooner you start treatment, the less likely there are serious complications after the disease.

Pregnancy is a time when various changes almost constantly occur in a woman's body, including changes in hormonal levels and immunity. Changes in the body always cause anxiety in the expectant mother, and one of the causes of anxiety is the appearance and change of white discharge during pregnancy.

What should alert in white discharge?

Changes in discharge can be a symptom of unpleasant and dangerous conditions: from thrush to the onset of premature birth. In what cases you need to see a doctor:

  1. color change (yellowish, greenish),
  2. change in consistency (curdled, lumpy, watery, frothy),
  3. the appearance of an unpleasant odor,
  4. increased discharge (exception: last weeks of pregnancy).

When there's nothing to worry about

The cause of white discharge can be normal physiological processes, including the onset of pregnancy itself. The norm is white or transparent white discharge of mucous consistency, odorless. What they testify to:

  • The onset of pregnancy. White discharge during early pregnancy indicates that a mucous plug has formed in the cervix, which is needed to protect the fetus from external influences. Mucous white discharge appears during pregnancy without a pronounced odor, they are similar to ordinary discharge, but more abundant. They should not be accompanied by itching, irritation, lumps or flakes.
  • Increased production of progesterone. The discharge may increase in the first trimester, which indicates the production of progesterone, which is important for maintaining pregnancy and is produced by the corpus luteum. Later, the placenta begins to produce progesterone and estrogen on its own, and the corpus luteum gradually disappears. The discharge caused by an increase in the level of progesterone is white or transparent, has a thick or mucous consistency.
  • Increased estrogen production. Starting from the 13th week, estrogen begins to be intensively produced. This hormone is responsible for the development of the uterus and mammary glands, preparing them for milk production. Allocations during this period are white or transparent, liquid consistency.
  • Approaching birth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the amount of white discharge increases. Normally, they are thick and odorless. At 38-40 weeks, you can notice white clots with blood streaks, which means that the mucous plug has come off and the birth process may begin in the near future.

Curdled white discharge during pregnancy

If the discharge is white, cheesy (with flakes), has an unpleasant odor reminiscent of the smell of beer, this indicates candidiasis (thrush). This is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida, it must be treated. Usually, local preparations are prescribed from the fungus in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments, creams. The drug is chosen and prescribed by the doctor, since not all antifungal drugs are safe for pregnant women. You cannot self-medicate, although, in agreement with the doctor, you can use some folk remedies.

White discharge with a green tint

Green curdled discharge indicates inflammation of the genital organs, an acute bacterial infection. This is a condition that is dangerous for pregnancy, which can end in miscarriage or premature birth. With foamy and curdled discharge, it is urgent to take tests, get a doctor's consultation and start treatment.

Also, greenish discharge may appear after a course of antibiotics, they signal a violation of the vaginal microflora.

Liquid white discharge during pregnancy

They may be normal, but they may also indicate a pathology if they have an unpleasant odor similar to the smell of fish, while there is itching and irritation. The causes of pathological white liquid discharge can be:

  1. bacterial vaginosis (a serious violation of the composition of the microflora of the vagina)
  2. chronic trichomoniasis.

In any case, the doctor determines the cause of discomfort after examinations. With bacterial vaginosis, the discharge is watery and foul-smelling. Bacterial vaginosis can cause premature birth, so you need to see a doctor without delay for diagnosis and treatment.

White discharge during pregnancy with blood

  • White mucous discharge interspersed with blood can signal cervical erosion or cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix.
  • If blood appears in the discharge, nausea, dizziness occur, this indicates an incipient miscarriage or premature birth. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Also, such phenomena can be a symptom. This is a dangerous condition that can threaten a woman's life, so an ectopic pregnancy is always interrupted artificially. In the case of incipient or premature labor, in many cases it is possible to keep the pregnancy, but for this you need to get medical help as soon as possible.
    In the last trimester, spotting may indicate, in which case the woman needs to be urgently hospitalized to maintain the pregnancy.

White discharge in women can be the norm, or it can be a symptom of the disease. In some cases, they do not bring discomfort, in others they are accompanied by itching and really spoil life. Why do whites appear?

Ovulation, second half of the menstrual cycle

Surely, many of you have noticed that the discharge increases significantly from about 12-14 days of the cycle. And this is a normal, physiological phenomenon, it is associated with ovulation. An experienced gynecologist can diagnose her only by the nature of the vaginal discharge: they become stretchy, plentiful, the color is transparent, maybe a little whitish. The increased secretion of whites in women continues, usually 1-3 days.

sexual intercourse

During intercourse and for several hours after it, a woman's amount of discharge from the vagina increases significantly. As a rule, this is an odorless white discharge that does not cause discomfort in women, does not require treatment and goes away on its own. You should not try to get rid of these physiological secretions by douching with various decoctions or medicines. Douching for a healthy woman is not recommended at all, as they can lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora and provoke candidiasis or vaginosis, we will talk about them later in the article.


White discharge in women increases in the first weeks of pregnancy. It often happens that a girl does not yet know about her pregnancy and is waiting for her period, instead of them, only this kind of discharge comes, very similar to those that occur during ovulation. And the reasons for their appearance are also associated with changes in the hormonal background.

Please note that the discharge should not be brown or bloody, have an unpleasant odor or cause itching. If any of the above is present, it is necessary to go to the doctor for an examination and pass a smear on the flora from the vagina.


The 2 diseases described below are typical for most women. But they cannot be called absolutely independent diseases; rather, they are also symptoms of trouble in the body, signs of various latent sexually transmitted infections.

Candidiasis or as it is often called - thrush. This is perhaps the most common female ailment, which can manifest itself in women who do not live sexually, and even in virgins. Its main symptoms are: white discharge in women and itching, and the discharge from the vagina can have not only a mucous consistency, but also look like cottage cheese. The smell is usually not pronounced or sour. The vulva is hyperemic, cracked, painful. An accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of a smear on the flora, in which the number of leukocytes is increased and Candida fungi (causative agents of thrush) are found. Treatment is carried out with special preparations focused on the fight against this particular pathogen, complex ones are less effective. The doctor may prescribe both vaginal suppositories and tablets.

Various diseases leading to suppression of immunity can provoke thrush. First of all, these include HIV and various sexual infections, diabetes mellitus. In addition, women taking oral contraceptives and antibiotics are at risk. Often, thrush worsens after intercourse and menstruation. You should also know that men also suffer from thrush, though often without pronounced symptoms.

Another common disease when white discharge appears in women with an odor is gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis. Its symptoms are quite similar to those of thrush (with the exception of the "curdled nature" of the discharge, and the smell of gardnerellez discharge is rotten fish, not sour; in men, only burning during urination is usually the only symptom), but treatment differs. Therefore, the doctor must take a smear on the flora before appointments. With gardnerellosis, a large number of leukocytes (a sign of inflammation) and pathogens of the same name are found in the smear.

Risk factors in terms of the likely occurrence of the disease:

  • douching (especially with preparations containing chlorine);
  • the use of lubricants and contraceptives (candles, tablets) containing 9-nonoxynol;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • treatment with broad-spectrum suppositories (for example, Polygynax, Terzhinan).

Once again, I would like to remind you that white discharge in women requires treatment only if all 3 signs are present:

  • there are symptoms of the disease;
  • in the smear a large number of leukocytes;
  • a microorganism pathogen was found in the smear.

It is ineffective to carry out preventive treatment, and in the case of men it is completely useless, the number of relapses in a woman will not decrease only thanks to the preventive treatment of her partner. Men are even recommended to be examined for thrush or gardnerellez only if they have the corresponding symptoms.

It should also be noted that neither the first nor the second disease is a sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease, however, they serve as an occasion for examination for more serious infections that can hide behind relatively harmless candidiasis and gardnerellosis.

The presence of a small amount of vaginal discharge in women is a normal physiological phenomenon. But their abundance, uncharacteristic color or unpleasant odor can be a symptom of a gynecological disease. Many women do not immediately pay attention to such changes. And during this period, the disease begins its active development. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to white discharge in women in time. What changes in the normal secretion process signal should be considered in more detail.

The normal state of a woman

In healthy women, a certain amount of secretion from the vagina is secreted daily. The reasons for this process in the normal state are:

  • mucous discharge from the cervical canal;
  • dead epithelial cells;
  • lactobacilli.

It's important to know! If the discharge is not abundant, there is no pus in them, they appear odorless and without itching, then this is normal! A different consistency of the secret indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the woman's vagina.

Causes of the appearance of pathological discharge

A woman may experience profuse discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor. What could it be? There are many reasons for their development, depending on the nature:

  1. Curd secretions. Most often accompanied by severe itching, have a yellowish color. This indicates the occurrence of thrush. A specialist can diagnose this disease with the help of a laboratory smear test.
  2. A secret with a sour smell. It can also signal the appearance of thrush. It occurs as a result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida against the background of a hormonal imbalance, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, and taking antibiotics.
  3. Grayish discharge with a fishy odor. Over time, their abundance increases. It is a characteristic symptom of the development of bacterial vaginitis. Sometimes accompanied by external itching.
  4. Thick white discharge can also accompany the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, you need to consult a gynecologist. After all, this secret may not be pathological in nature, but be a consequence of the use of vaginal suppositories for prophylactic purposes or as a method of contraception.
  5. Liquid secretions. If they are not accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching or an unpleasant odor, then during the period of ovulation or during pregnancy they are considered normal.
  6. The secret during intercourse is a normal physiological state in a woman. At the time of sexual arousal, the white discharge should be slimy and odorless. If they are of a different nature, this may indicate the development of an infectious disease.
  7. Creamy discharge is most often formed before menstruation, so they are not dangerous.
  8. Foamy discharge most often begins to disturb a woman with trichomoniasis. Usually accompanied by redness and swelling of the labia, itching, pain in the vagina.

Important to remember! In a normal state, a woman should have white or slimy stretching odorless discharge! A secret of a different nature appears with the development of infectious, fungal, viral diseases in the vagina.

This unpleasant symptom overshadows the normal life of every woman, especially intimate relationships. In order to get rid of the sharp unpleasant odor of discharge, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. The most typical prerequisites are:

  1. Candidiasis. The fungi that cause this disease are not in themselves representatives of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina. They begin to bring harm during reproduction as a result of exposure to adverse conditions.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis, also called bacterial vaginosis. The cause of this disease is a violation of the composition of the normal microflora of the vagina and the active reproduction of opportunistic bacteria. The disease is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
  3. Purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Occurs as a result of infection with pathogenic microflora.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases resulting from sexual contact with an affected partner. One of the signs of these pathologies is the pungent smell of secretions.
  5. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Every woman should shower daily and change underwear. If she neglects these procedures, then an unpleasant odor will soon appear.

Important to remember! If there is a sharp uncharacteristic odor for discharge, you need to contact a gynecologist!

Treatment of pathological white discharge

In order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you need to contact a specialist. He will conduct a thorough examination and send a smear for a laboratory study, the results of which will help to identify the cause of the discharge that is uncharacteristic for a healthy woman. After that, the gynecologist will prescribe the most effective treatment in each individual case. The most commonly used methods for this are:

  1. Taking antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antifungal drugs. The drugs are used both topically and in the form of tablets. The type of drug depends on the cause of the disease.
  2. Biological products containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and helping to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
  3. Physiotherapy activities.

It's important to know! Diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment for such an unpleasant symptom in a woman should be carried out by both partners! This will help to avoid the recurrence of pathology.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many recipes for the preparation of drugs to eliminate pathological white discharge. They can be easily used on their own at home.


Treatment with soda in traditional medicine has several options, with the help of which local baths are required:

  1. You should take 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 tsp. iodine, add 1 liter of purified water. In this solution, you need to sit for about 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out before going to bed every day for a week.
  2. Baking soda can be used as a douching solution. This will require 1 tsp. and 1 liter of purified water. Douche should be 3 times a day.

Baking soda has a devastating effect on the fungus that has appeared in the vagina.


To prepare the medicine, you will need pine buds in the amount of 20 g, which should be poured with 2 liters of boiling water. Put to simmer on a slow fire for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then, with the resulting solution, carry out the douching procedure 2 times a day.


It will take 20 g of juniper fruit, which should be poured with 1 glass of hot water. Leave for approximately 4 hours. After the time has passed, use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.


Chamomile treatment has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a medicine from this medicinal plant, 5 tbsp. l. dry flowers pour 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for about 1 hour. Then do a local bath for about 30 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a day before going to bed.

Important to remember! Before treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult a gynecologist! He will help you choose the most effective medicine in each individual case.

Prevention of the appearance of pathological secretions

In order to avoid gynecological diseases, you should follow these rules:

  • use of condoms during intimacy;
  • get rid of bad habits, because smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol negatively affects women's health;
  • do not use other people's hygiene items;
  • eat more fermented milk products, which have a positive effect on the microflora of the vagina.

Also, one should not forget that the greatest protection against viral, infectious and fungal diseases during sexual intercourse is a condom.