Choosing the best antibiotics for a cough in a child. The use of antibiotic drugs at elevated temperatures

Antibiotics have become a real breakthrough in medicine of the 20th century. Now they are available to almost everyone, and it is difficult to find a person who has never used them. Some take these drugs at the slightest increase in temperature, while others, having heard about their harmfulness, avoid taking them even on the advice of a doctor.

How to use antibiotics wisely, and will they save at a temperature?

Why not take antibiotics uncontrollably?

Do not forget that the human body cannot exist without millions of friendly bacteria that inhabit our intestines, skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory system, genital organs.

Under the influence of an antibiotic, the colonies of these microorganisms suffer, which soon affects the health of a person who has undergone a course of antibiotic therapy - skin irritations, rashes, constipation, and mucosal candidiasis appear. It is the defeat of the microflora that is the main negative effect antibacterial drugs.

Another difficulty associated with taking these drugs is not so obvious - bacterial resistance. This property of bacteria natural selection adapt to the antibiotic, and as a result of which previously used drugs are ineffective.

Do not think that this can be avoided by using every time different types drugs - resistant strains are spreading in the human population, crowding out resistant species of bacteria. This is currently a worldwide problem. Antibacterial drugs must be used in accordance with all the rules that exclude the acquisition of resistance, otherwise humanity will once again be defenseless against microbes.

On the other hand, it was these drugs that helped humanity win earlier fatal diseases- tuberculosis, smallpox, plague and many others. They are also indispensable for sepsis as a result of injuries and infectious lesions.

Effect on fever

The main effects of antibiotics include:

  • bacteriostatic (prevent bacteria from multiplying);
  • bactericidal (kill bacteria by destroying cell wall proteins or other cell components);
  • some antibiotics have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • some drugs are immunostimulating, others are immunosuppressive;
  • there are anticancer antibacterial drugs.

As you can see, antibiotics do not reduce fever, as they are not antipyretic drugs, however, they can be used for fever caused by bacterial inflammation.

Application for SARS

SARS - acute respiratory viral infections. The key here is that the causative agent of the disease in this case is a virus. Viruses and bacteria are completely different pathogens. Viruses do not have cells, they are only genetic material covered with a protein coat.

The metabolism of the virus occurs only inside the cells of an infected person, so it is completely pointless to act on it with an antibiotic. As a result, you will only get side effects.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows this: according to the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion, in 2011, 46% of respondents answered that antibiotics deal with viruses as effectively as they do with bacteria. Remember: Antibiotics do not affect viruses!

It is completely unreasonable to take antibiotics for ARVI without a temperature “just in case”. This will entail resistance, and at present bacterial infection you will have to use the most powerful, unsparing drugs.

The same applies to taking antibiotics at a temperature of 37-37.5 C - this is the so-called subfebrile temperature usually talking about viral nature ailments.

If during SARS or flu the body temperature has risen greatly, it is worth taking antipyretic drug, for example, aspirin or paracetamol (for fever in children). Antibiotics do not bring down the temperature with flu and colds, but they can help in this case with a bacterial complication of a viral infection.

Bacterial complications of viral infections

Very often, as a result of a decrease in immunity during a cold, in addition to a viral infection, a person also develops a bacterial infection. Most often suffer Airways, sinuses and middle ear. But even in this case, antibiotics are not always necessary, it all depends on the complexity of the infection, the age of the patient and concomitant diseases.

How to determine that inflammation is not viral, but bacterial in nature:

  • mucus that is discharged from the nose, covers the tonsils, or is expectorated when coughing, has a purulent color (yellow or greenish), an unpleasant musty odor, and a thick consistency;
  • body temperature rises (from 38 degrees Celsius);
  • the disease lasts more than 2 weeks;
  • antiseptic rinsing, washing, etc. give a very weak effect.

For example, if during a cold the sore throat is covered purulent secretions, fever has begun, we can assume the presence of a sore throat caused by staphylococcus aureus or another microorganism.

Antibiotics are necessary for sore throat and fever during purulent tonsillitis, but even in this case, the doctor should choose the drug, self-medication is not only less effective, but can also be harmful. And of course, do not take antibiotics for sore throats without fever - pharyngitis and tonsillitis are also caused by viruses, but in this case, the diseases are not accompanied by fever.

One of the most dangerous complications colds - pneumonia. That is why, in order to prevent pneumonia, many parents feed their children with antibiotics for every cough and fever. Only a doctor can make such a diagnosis by listening to the lungs, examining the patient.

Sometimes an x-ray is required chest and bacteriological culture sputum. Therefore, when a child coughs, it is worth visiting a pediatrician, and do it better as soon as possible, without waiting for deterioration.

Bronchitis, for example, can be treated with syrups and inhalation, but with pneumonia, more powerful (and therefore more difficult for the liver, heart, etc.) treatment is required. An antibiotic at a high temperature in a child should not be a first aid. On the contrary, these drugs extreme case when bacteria cannot be defeated by anything else.

When the temperature rises to 39 C in an adult, antibiotics are also not a panacea, because the causes of fever can be completely different. But if you're sure it's a bacterial infection, these drugs should help. However, antibiotics for high fever in an adult should also be prescribed by a doctor.

Do not use antibiotics "for fever", the names of which were advised to you by friends who had a similar illness.

Firstly, there is simply no antibiotic for temperature, and in the second, adults, like children, require a doctor's consultation to select the drug.

He selects the drug based on the results of the examination, epidemiological data, distinctive symptoms illness. What worked for someone else may not work for you.

Some features of the use of antibiotics

To get the most out of a course of antibiotic therapy without harming yourself, follow these guidelines.

Thus, antibiotics can help you cope with severe infectious diseases. However, these are highly specialized drugs aimed at the destruction of bacteria. They have no antiviral, antipyretic, or analgesic effect.

Like everything else, antibacterial drugs have a number side effects therefore, it is unacceptable to take them for prophylactic purposes, including with fever of unknown etiology.

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Questions and answers on: antibiotics for high fever

2010-07-10 00:56:07

Natalie asks:

Hello! Two weeks ago I had a frozen pregnancy at 10 weeks. Curettage and 5 droppers with antibiotics ceftriaxone and metrogil were performed. I went to the hospital with bleeding like during menstruation, the lower abdomen did not hurt. On ultrasound, the doctor said that the uterus is empty. A week before, toxicosis disappeared and in the evening I was shivering like at a high temperature. The analyzes were all normal, TORCH infection and did not give. Histopathological conclusion: decidual tissue, chorionic villi with dystrophic changes. Frozen uterine pregnancy. I am 26 years old, my husband is 29 and we have a 2-year-old daughter. The first pregnancy was generally normal, with the exception of 9-month toxicosis. Analyzes were normal, TORCH infections were normal. Please tell me what this diagnosis means and what tests should be done in order to get pregnant again in half a year. Thanks in advance!

Responsible Ostroverkh Elena Ivanovna:

Usually the cause of non-developing pregnancy in terms of up to 6 weeks. are genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, in later periods - infection of the fetal egg, immune disorders. You could have had a viral infection during pregnancy, for example, a respiratory one, or there is an infection now. Be examined together with your husband for viruses (herpes, cytomegaly), chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Trichomonas, gonococci, papilloma virus - swabs from the genital tract, for toxoplasma -blood for antibodies; and a simple bac. sowing from the vagina and cervix for opportunistic flora (this is only for you). If necessary, treat both. Plan your next pregnancy. Good luck!

2015-11-19 14:24:25

Paul asks:

There was a high temperature (38.5) in the evening of 12/11.
13/11 - 39.5. Killed with paracetamol. 14/11 went to the therapist. No extraneous murmurs were found in the lungs. He prescribed Nimesil (2 r / d), Lazolvan (3 r / d), vitamin C (2 r / d), Pinosol, Panadol.
After taking the drugs, the temperature drops to normal. I don't feel pain anywhere in my body. coughing ( wet cough) times, about 45 minutes to an hour. I also blow my nose.
On 16/11, I turned to another therapist, who made a preliminary diagnosis of SARS and some (sorry, the handwriting is completely incomprehensible, but our therapists don’t know how to talk), if I’m not mistaken, tracheitis ... I could be wrong. He prescribed the antibiotic Ospamox. Here is the first question. Are antibiotics prescribed for SARS? Extraneous noises and this therapist did not hear in the lungs.
On 18/11 he went to a third therapist. Clinical Tests blood and urine are normal. Extraneous noise and this therapist did not find.
On 19/11 I stopped taking the drugs. At 16:00 the temperature jumped to 38.8. I took Panadol. Here is the second question. Can it stay so high for a week with ARVI, if you don’t bring down the temperature or do I need to poke a therapist somewhere with my nose. Sorry for being rude. I'm worried about my health. It's just that the third therapist generally wanted to close me on 18/11 sick leave. Since (told him about it) after taking Nimesil - 36.7.
Thanks in advance! Don't forget Ospamox :-)

Responsible Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Purpose antibiotic therapy can be used if the doctor suspects antibiotic therapy, such a long temperature period, a reason for a full examination, since it is not typical for acute respiratory infections, for starters general analysis urine, blood, chest x-ray, further examination depending on the results of the examination.

2015-01-04 09:46:08

Christina asks:

Good afternoon! Help me please! I am now abroad and my throat is very inflamed. The tonsils are lined with white dots on both sides and back wall throats too. I've been sick for 4 days. the first 3 days the temperature rose to 39.6. Today all day 37.5. Immediately on the first day I started drinking Flemoxin Solutab 1000 half a tablet 2 times a day, I gargle with salt and lemon, alternating with iodine and calendula, but the abscesses do not go away. I was here at the doctor, but she prescribed me to drink paracetamol 8 tablets a day. She said it was a virus and there was no need to take antibiotics. but I still continue to take antibiotics. at a very high temperature I drink Nimesil. Please tell me why antibiotics do not help and ulcers do not go away? I worry the way I do in Denmark, as I understand it, the doctors are not very competent. I also often had a sore throat and an ENT in Ukraine diagnosed chronic tonsillitis. Thanks a lot!

Responsible Molotov Alexander Viktorovich:

Good afternoon. With exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to take 2-3 courses complex treatment(phytotherapy, homeopathic treatment, local, physical methods, cryotherapy, etc.) to achieve stable remission. In the MC we provide such treatment. Continue treatment for 8-10 days. Get well and start hardening in the summer. ENT doctor Ph.D. Molotov A.V.

2014-11-25 20:53:59

Oksana asks:

My son is 9 years old. For about 1.5 years, he has been suffering from purulent tonsillitis almost continuously. At first he was sick once a month for about a week, then after 2 weeks, and then for 1 week he was sick and 1 seemed to be healthy. Having done rheumatic tests, the analysis showed antistreptolysin 400, rheumatoid factor up to 12, C-reactive protein up to 6. (analysis from 01/20/2014). We made 2 bicilins and hoping that everyone had already successfully passed the rheumatic tests on 05/12/2014 and ASL-O-800. They did 2 retarpen with a break of a month and ASL-O-600 (dated 08/05/2014). In addition, they took a swab from the throat and sown Pseudomonas aeruginosa(09/04/2014) and the fact that he is sensitive to 6 antibiotics, but all of them were said by the doctor to be very difficult for the child, you can leash ceftazidime from them. They did it for 10 days, 2 times a day intravenously. after that, the throat almost did not bother 5 months. but after passing the rheumatic tests again, it turned out that ASL-O-again 800! purulent tonsillitis, for November already 2 times with a break in a week, with a high temperature, lined with a throat. At the same time, on October 27, they made bicillin, and after 2 weeks, angina again. They passed the analysis (06/11/2014) for the Epstein-Bar virus, showed that IgG antibodies to the capsid antigen of the Epstein-Bar virus (VCA G) -10.8, all the rest are negative .
I turned to Laura, a rheumatologist, a cardiologist, an immunologist, an infectious disease specialist, but I can’t cure the child!
Please tell me how and how to treat a child so that angina does not recur?
Can antistreptolysin stay at such a high level because of the Epstein-Bar virus, and how can it be reduced besides bicillin?
Please help, thanks a lot in advance!

Responsible Markov Artyom Igorevich:

Hello Oksana! Your child has chronic Epstein-Barr viral infection with an unknown stage of activity. An additional examination by a quantitative PCR method for viral DNA in blood and saliva is necessary. A priori, EBV infection is not related to recurrent tonsillitis. The main reason is chronic Staphylococcus aureus in the nasopharynx. However, in your case, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) has also joined this focus, which, by the way, is exclusively nosocomial infection. Increased rates ASLO may be caused by the presence of streptococcus in the nasopharynx or in the kidneys. So, your child most likely has a chronic bacterial mix of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus aureus. It is impossible to cure this disease with antibiotics. You must first immunize with staphylococcal toxoid with a course local treatment bacteriophages, and then a course of treatment with an autovaccine prepared from bacterial strains isolated from a child. It is necessary to pass cultures from the pharynx and nose and urine cultures (three times) to determine the strains of these bacteria. You can read more about the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the website of our clinic. Dr. Artem Markov

2014-11-20 01:04:13

Dmitry asks:

Hello! In 2005, he was diagnosed with brochiectasis, cirrhosis of the middle lobe of the right lung. He was discharged from the hospital for about two weeks - then he was admitted with abscess pneumonia on the right in the lower lobe. The temperature was constantly high and terrible pain in the region of the shoulder blades (mainly on the right). He sweated a lot at night - the whole bed was wet. They made a puncture, pumped out a lot of pus. I was treated with a course of antibiotics and everything seemed to go away. After a month discharged after admission to the hospital. But now, after 2 weeks, I feel pain under the ribs on the right below, and in my opinion now pain more pronounced than at discharge. I sweat a little at night, not as much as when I was sick, but still, before the exacerbation, I didn’t have this at all. The temperature is normal. Is it worth worrying about pain and sweating or is it residual effects after a puncture and treatment with a bunch of antibiotics?

Responsible Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello Dmitry! This is observed with similar purulent-inflammatory processes for several months, tk. the pleura most likely could also be replaced. There is no need to panic. But still, consult again, it will probably be recommended to undergo a control X-ray examination now.

2014-10-14 15:48:47

Olga asks:

My husband was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, with inflamed lymph nodes. He was treated at home under the supervision of a doctor, he was given antibiotics for 10 days, after which he was admitted to the ROY-66 hospital, he did not improve for 15 days, he has a high temperature of 39.5. The doctor advises to be discharged, saying that it is oncology, while he does not give a referral, but asks to write a receipt, what should I do? How to go to work with such a temperature. On the this moment do they do anything except injections from the temperature? Thank you.

Responsible Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Olga, good afternoon! Your attending physician is obliged to refer you to a narrow specialist, if there is a suspicion of oncology, then to an oncologist. Be healthy!

2014-02-06 17:14:50

Asks Olga, 24 years old:

Hello. Frequent colds(about 5 per year), periodically sore throat with reddening of the back wall. The diagnosis is chronic tonsillitis. There is no angina, there is no high temperature, the plugs are not visible, everything is clean on the third wash, the tonsils are not large. The temperature is 36.9-37.2 for about a year. Rise during the day, mostly in the afternoon, very rarely in the morning.
1. Complete blood count, for about two years, ESR increased from 20 to 35, at a rate of no more than 15. Sometimes leukocytes are slightly increased (10 at a rate of up to 9)
2. Biochemistry is normal.
Rheumatoid factor normal
C-reactive protein normal
ASLO up to 500 at a rate of 0.01-200
There was a decrease to 200 with complex treatment (washing the tonsils, rinsing, antibiotics, bacteriophages), then again increasing.
3. Blood for sterility norm
4. Antibodies to antigens of opisthorchis, echinococcus, toxocara, trichinella IgG negative
5. Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG positive (93.8)
(values ​​less than 0.5 negative
greater than 1.0 positive)
6. Antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgM negative
7. Antibodies to nuclear antigen epstein-barr virus IgG positive(32.10) (indicators less than 5 are negative; more than 20 are positive); Antibodies to the capsid protein of the virus Epstein barr IgM is negative.
8. PCR diagnostics
DNA of candida albicans, chlamydia pneumonia, streptococcus pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia, streptococcus pyogenes was not found in the scraping.
9. Throat swab, found staphylococcus aures 1*10 grade 5
10. Antibodies to toxoplasmosis IgG and IgM negative
11. hormones Tz, T4 free, TSH sensitive norm
12. Immunoglobulins G, M, E norm
13. Urinalysis general and according to Nechiporenko norm
14. Analysis of Cala norm
15. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, thyroid gland, lymph nodes, mammary glands are normal
16. ECHO of the heart is normal, ECG moderate change myocardium
17. CT chest without pathology
18. Consultations of a gynecologist, cardiologist, dentist, infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, everything is normal.
*Is there a test to determine the function of the tonsils?
* One doctor suggests the removal of the tonsils, based on the indications of ASLO, others advise to wait, treat.
* Long term temperature characteristic of tonsillitis? *May be related to reduced immunity?
WHAT OTHER Examinations would you recommend?

Responsible Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello Olga.
The analyzes and the condition you describe indicate a chronic inflammatory process with the onset of a weakening of the immune system.
Answering your questions:
Is there a test to determine the function of the tonsils? - there are no specific ones, and we do not see the expediency.
Various doctors - different opinions and methods of struggle, there are no problems in this. We would agree with the second opinion.
Prolonged temperature is characteristic of tonsillitis? - answer incl. regarding immunity, we have already written to you above.
Now we do not consider any examinations necessary, and also do not insist on your doctor. Examinations will be needed only periodically and at the direction and initiative of the attending physician.

2014-01-13 17:29:17

Sofia asks:

Hello. Thanks in advance. On January 2, 2014, my menstruation ended, after that I became seriously ill, had a high temperature, was treated with antibiotics, yesterday blood discharges did not appear so much, today they continued (as with menstruation) on 01/13/14. It could be menstruation or these are complications. I feel good. There is no pain anywhere. Thanks again.

Responsible Kuzhel Natalya Anatolyevna:

It is necessary to exclude pregnancy - ultrasound and donate blood for hCG. Or it could be a violation menstrual cycle associated with the disease.

2014-01-03 13:54:33

Irina asks:

Good afternoon!

Pregnancy 24 weeks.
During the preventive collection of analyzes of the antenatal clinic, e coli 5 * 10x5 was found in the urine bakpasev. drank kanefron, reissued - e coli 5 * 10x8. They prescribed manual 3 sachets and antibiotics furomag. for fidelity, I went to the urologist, passed urine according to Nicheporenko, and again, the tank was pasev. According to Nechiporenko, leukocytes are normal (250), in bakposeve e coli 5 * 10x5, the doctor said that if nothing bothers you, then during pregnancy it is better not to take antibiotics, I with a calm soul and did not take it. then lingering pains began in the right side on the back; I immediately went for an ultrasound; right kidney"Dimensions 10.9x5.5. The doctor said that there is stagnation of urine and prescribed Augmentin 3 times a day, as well as antispasmodics (noshpa in injections). There is no high temperature (exactly 37), there is no pain when urinating, everything pulls the right side tell me, is the treatment prescribed correctly?

Responsible Klofa Taras Grigorievich:

Expansion of the empty nirk system can be used with vagity. With the presence of such a large number of microbial bodies in the presence of pains in the cross - the next step is to take a bath. Yake - best to be happy and see a urologist and your gynecologist.

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If a patient is diagnosed with a bacterial disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics at a temperature.

These drugs destroy harmful bacteria by affecting specific components of their metabolism. Due to this, healthy cells remain intact.

Since today antibiotics can be openly purchased at any pharmacy, many patients use them at the slightest increase in temperature.

Some patients, on the contrary, refuse to take these drugs, considering them harmful to the body. How to properly use antibiotics for children and adults so that they benefit health?

As you know, in the human body there are millions beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, genitals.

While taking antibiotics, these bacteria can suffer, which directly affects the state of human health.

The patient may develop rashes and irritation on the skin, constipation, candidiasis of the mucous membranes. Thus, the main negative consequence at uncontrolled intake antibiotics becomes a violation of the microflora.

Also, harmful bacteria are able to adapt to antibacterial drugs, as a result of which antibiotics become ineffective if they are used. a long period time. Even when using different types drugs, there is an active spread of resistant strains.

Therefore, antibiotics should be taken strictly according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor for no more than the specified period, so as not to be addictive. Otherwise human body again becomes defenseless against the activity of harmful bacteria.

Although antibiotics at high temperatures can be harmful, such drugs help to avoid the development of many serious illnesses, including tuberculosis, smallpox, plague and other diseases.

Including antibacterial agents used in the treatment of sepsis resulting from infection and trauma.

Use of antibiotics for fever in children and adults

Antibacterial drugs have the following main functions:

  • The bacteriostatic effect does not allow bacteria to multiply;
  • Due to the bactericidal effect, bacteria are killed by destroying cell wall proteins or other cell components;
  • Some types of antibiotics can stop inflammatory process;
  • Depending on the type, drugs can stimulate or, conversely, suppress the immune system;
  • There are also antibiotics that treat tumors.

Thus, antibiotics in themselves do not relieve high fever, since they do not belong to, but they can be used for feverish state, which is accompanied by a bacterial inflammatory process.

SARS is an acute respiratory viral infection. Based on the name of the disease, the causative agent here is a virus. Bacteria and viruses are different pathogens. Viruses do not have cells; they are genetic material covered with protein coats.

Since viral changes occur exclusively in the cells of the patient, killing viruses with antibiotics is not only useless, but also dangerous to health. Meanwhile, as sociological research shows, almost 50 percent of people do not know about it and use antibiotics in the fight against viruses.

It is not wise to use antibacterial drugs if there is no high temperature. This can cause unreasonable addiction, and with the development of a bacterial infection, only the most powerful, dangerous drugs can help.

Similarly, you can not take antibiotics at low temperatures from 37 to 37.5 degrees. As a rule, subfebrile temperature occurs with viral activity.

In the case of a bacterial complication of viral infections with the flu or a cold, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

During a cold, quite often, with a decrease in immunity to a viral infection, bacterial complication. Usually, the respiratory tract, middle ear, and nasopharynx are affected by bacteria. But even then, antibiotics are not always necessary. Treatment is based on the age of the patient, the presence of additional diseases and the severity of the infection.

How to detect bacterial activity:

  1. The mucus that is discharged from the nose, covers the tonsils or is expectorated during coughing, has a thick consistency, yellow or greenish tint, and smells unpleasant.
  2. Body temperature during illness rises greatly to 38 degrees and above.
  3. Colds last more than two weeks.
  4. When using antiseptic rinses and washing the nasopharynx healing effect practically not observed.

In particular, if during a cold the sore throat is covered with purulent accumulations, the patient is feverish, this symbolizes the development of a sore throat caused by staphylococcus aureus or another microorganism. dangerous disease is pneumonia, so many patients with cough and fever rush to take antibiotics.

However, it is important to understand that you should not engage in self-medication, the drugs should be selected by the attending physician based on the examination, diagnosis and additional research. In some cases, this is assigned x-ray examination chest, as well as bacteriological culture of sputum.

In any case, antibiotics should not act as first aid when symptoms of the disease appear. On the contrary, such a drug is used when other drugs are not able to help. You can not take antibiotics in case of sore throat without fever, as tonsillitis and pharyngitis are not accompanied by fever.

You can not use antibacterial drugs and when the temperature rises above 39 degrees, since the cause of this condition can be completely different factors.

If the patient is sure that the disease is caused by bacterial activity, treatment should be carried out only after consultation with the doctor.

Rules for the use of antibiotics

To maximize the benefits of antibiotic treatment, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. If the infection is accompanied by a strong fever, antibiotic treatment should not be combined with antipyretic drugs. Antibacterial agents alone will help lower the temperature in two days, when the inflammatory process is suspended and bacterial activity subsides. If, however, you take a medicine for a fever at the same time, due to the absence of symptoms, it will be difficult to determine whether the disease has subsided.
  2. If no improvement is observed within three days of using the drug, you need to re-visit the doctor and choose a different remedy, as this is not suitable.
  3. In the event that obvious improvements are noticeable after three days, you still need to continue taking the antibacterial medicine. This condition signals that the drug is working, and not about the complete destruction of bacteria. If interrupted treatment course, the disease may return, but with the resumption of treatment, addiction may develop, due to which medicine will have to be changed.

Since a temperature of 38 degrees can be observed both with bacterial and viral activity, the drug should be taken after clarifying the diagnosis. At the same time, food poisoning cannot be treated with such a remedy, as this will destroy the microflora. And in the video in this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of Israeli experts on the issue of antibiotics.

I have a lady friend who, every time her seven-year-old daughter starts to get sick, rushes to treat her with antibiotics. This mommy also has “favorite” drugs, which, according to her, “will certainly help from everything!”. The absurdity and frightening scope of the situation is that this mother is not alone in her beliefs. More than 45% of parents, according to a survey conducted by VTsIOM sociologists, are sure that influenza and SARS can be treated with antibiotics, and they also believe that antibiotics reduce fever in the best possible way.

So let's see where the error lies. When, nevertheless, the doctor advises taking antibiotic medications for hyperthermia (high temperature).

First you need to clearly understand what “high temperature” means. For some, this is 37.1, and for others, 39 is transferred as 37. As for child health, then moms and dads tend to "exaggerate" the numbers, calling "high" the temperature increase in a beloved child up to 38 degrees.

Exists generally accepted standard hyperthermia:

  • Light fever - 38 -38.5
  • Moderate fever - 38.6-39.5
  • High fever - 39.5
  • The fever, life-threatening, is extremely high - 40 and above.

Every child handles fever differently.

Causes of baby fever

High fever is not a disease, but a sign normal operation baby immunity. If the temperature has risen, then the child's body resists the invasion. Most often, viruses come without an invitation. Therefore, acute viral diseasesmain reason the fact that the thermometer crossed the mark at "38", "39" and froze somewhere between "39.5" and "40". Thus, 90% of cases of high fever are viral infections.

It is not difficult to suspect that the virus is at the root of the problem of the deterioration of the baby’s well-being, it has a recognizable “handwriting”. A sharp and rapid increase in body temperature to 39 degrees or, conversely, subfebrile temperature in the region of 37.5, dry cough, runny nose, feeling of aching muscles and joints, strong headache. Moreover, all of these symptoms occur almost simultaneously, the condition worsens rapidly.

In most cases, the temperature rises against the background of a viral infection.

To learn more about antibiotics for children, when to use them, and how to take them correctly for a child, you can watch the following video.

What do parents need to know about temperature?

  • If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, in no case should they be combined with antipyretic drugs. The temptation to give the baby something to drink that quickly reduces the fever is great. Every parent wants their little one to feel better as soon as possible. But such a decrease in temperature distorts the overall picture of treatment. If the antibiotic works correctly and on purpose, the doctor will be able to understand this by independently lowering the temperature without additional medications.
  • If the antibiotic "works", and the child becomes noticeably better on the second or third day, his temperature drops, he looks more cheerful, you can not stop drinking or injecting an antibacterial agent. The fact is that the surviving bacteria adapt to the antibiotic, and the next time the child will have to pick up new drug, more potent. Complete the course prescribed by the doctor. In addition, the disease can return, and then the unauthorized cancellation of antibiotics will provoke the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • If the temperature of the peanut rose against the background of an intestinal infection or food poisoning Your doctor is unlikely to prescribe antibiotics for you. The exception is babies under one year old, who, due to diarrhea and vomiting, can quickly come to a critical stage of dehydration.
  • Antibiotics cannot be a means of prevention. You should not give them to a child simply because in his class or in a group in the kindergarten “someone got sick with something” or at the first sign of a cold or fever.
  • It is advisable not to start giving antipyretics immediately, as soon as the child has a fever. Let the baby's immunity try to cope with the disease. So the defense will be stronger.
  • At a high temperature, the child must definitely organize a plentiful warm drink. And it doesn't matter what kind of pathogen caused the fever. How less baby, the faster the processes of thermoregulation proceed. This means that the risk of dehydration of the body as a result of severe intoxication increases. You can drink everything except soda, sour juices and milk. Ideal in the heat - to drink crumbs herbal teas, tea with honey, lemon, raspberries (if there is no allergy), compote or jelly.

Do not immediately give the child an antipyretic when the temperature rises.

  • At high temperatures, you can not wrap the child in a "hundred clothes" and cover with a blanket from above. It is best to undress the child to panties and cover with a light sheet. The effects of overheating can be irreversible.
  • If antibiotics are still prescribed, take care to restore the baby's body as soon as possible after such powerful therapy. Ask your doctor to recommend you the names of probiotics and prebiotics, drugs that will help you quickly and gently get rid of dysbacteriosis after antibiotics, restore the intestinal microflora for a complete and healthy life child.
  • With hyperthermia, you should not put jars and mustard plasters on the child, bathe him in a hot bath, resort to alcohol-containing compresses. Doctor Komarovsky
  • At a temperature
  • How often to give

Some doctors still prescribe antibiotics for ARVI with fever, although modern medicine claims it is useless. Which of them is right? A lot of information about the advisability of antibiotic therapy is presented in the books and programs of the famous pediatrician and infectious disease specialist Yevgeny Komarovsky.

According to Komarovsky, antibiotics at a temperature are not indicated if the fever is caused by a virus.

By itself, hyperthermia cannot be a reason for prescribing antibacterial treatment. This is especially true in pediatric practice, because most of the children suffer from viral infections.

If in adults the culprits of tonsillitis and pharyngitis, otitis media are more often bacteria and they are helped by appropriate treatment, then in babies this will lead to taking unnecessary medications.

Only a few pediatric diagnoses require an unequivocal and prompt prescription of antibiotics, such as pneumonia and strep throat. But these diseases are necessarily confirmed by X-ray or using a strep test, and the appointment of antibiotics in this case is justified.

Viral infections, like bacterial ones, are high fever, but they are found in childhood much more often.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, antibiotics are ineffective in acute respiratory viral infections, and any doctor knows this. Why are they prescribed almost routinely, with any increase in temperature?

Many pediatricians claim that these medications are essential for prevention. In addition, there are other myths about antibiotics.

Prevention of complications

A typical ARVI usually occurs with characteristic symptoms. These include:

  • Temperature rise.
  • Profuse watery discharge from the nose.
  • Sore or sore throat, its redness.
  • Cough.
  • Deterioration of general well-being.

If this was preceded by a walk in public place, in the supermarket, children's holiday or contact with a sick person, the diagnosis of a viral infection is beyond doubt. For district pediatricians, it is also obvious. But, fearing complications in the form of otitis, bronchitis or pneumonia, they prescribe antimicrobial drugs from the first day of hyperthermia. How justified is this tactic?

Dr. Komarovsky speaks negatively about the prophylactic use of antibiotics. Moreover, he says that this causes even more harm to the child's body.

Until a bacterial complication has developed, it is impossible to act on it. But antibiotics can kill certain germs. And if the body still cannot cope with SARS, then it is precisely those bacteria that are not sensitive to the action of the drug received that are activated.

Thus, very often it turns out that the child takes the medicine not just in vain. It also cultivates in the body a strain of microbes resistant to it. And if a bacterial complication develops, a change of antibiotic will be required.

The same is true for situations where the baby falls ill again, after a few weeks. Almost always new disease will be resistant to the recently taken medication.

Antibacterial prophylaxis is just as ineffective and pointless as routine prescription antimicrobials on the fourth day of hyperthermia.

Routine prescription of antibiotics

In many post-Soviet countries, there is an unspoken rule among pediatricians: on the fourth day of fever in a child, antibiotic therapy is mandatory.

However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. When choosing a treatment strategy, one should be guided not only by the readings of the thermometer. The pediatrician needs to consider other factors:

  • Estimated diagnosis.
  • fever height.
  • Baby's well-being.
  • Disease dynamics.
  • Signs of intoxication.
  • General blood test data.

Even if a child has a fever on the fourth or fifth day of illness, but at the same time it gradually decreases, the cough weakens and the state of health improves, antibiotics are not needed. This is called the positive dynamics of the disease.

Most often, antibiotics are not required, and in the absence of dynamics, ARVI can last 5-7 days with the preservation of hyperthermia and nasal discharge.

However, if by the fourth day the fever increases, there is coughing, shortness of breath, the pulse increases significantly and the state of health worsens, this indicates a complication of acute respiratory infections.

In addition, competent pediatricians prescribe a complete blood count to the child on the 2nd-3rd day of illness. Changes in leukocyte formula help the doctor determine the pathogen.

If the culprit feeling unwell- a virus, the number of lymphocytes and monocytes will increase in the analysis. At bacterial disease neutrophilia is noted with a shift of the formula to the left, an increase in the number of stab neutrophils.

For the appointment of antibiotics, it is not the day of illness, cough and hyperthermia that is important, but the dynamics of the condition and test data. Do I need to continue taking medication if the body temperature has returned to normal?

Antibiotics at normal temperature

Antibacterial drugs unfold their action within 72 hours. This means that with the right medicine, by the end of the third day, the fever will disappear or decrease significantly, the cough will subside. However, this is not a reason to cancel the antibiotic.

Positive dynamics only indicates that the medicine is working. But a significant part of pathogenic microorganisms is still quite active.

If you stop treatment ahead of time, the bacteria will multiply again, which will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. But in this case, they will already be resistant to the action of the accepted antibiotic.

Some antibacterial agents are prescribed for 10-14 days. And even if by the end of the third day the child feels quite satisfactory and there is no temperature, it is necessary to be treated exactly as much as the doctor recommended.

But what if the fever intensifies in the first days of therapy, and the baby's condition worsens?

Fever with antibiotic therapy

Sometimes after taking the first pills, the child becomes much worse. He has the following symptoms:

  • Increased fever.
  • The appearance of chills.
  • Signs of intoxication.
  • Deterioration of well-being.

These manifestations are called endotoxic reaction. The impact of antibiotics on bacteria and their destruction is accompanied by release into the blood a large number toxins. This is typical for drugs with a bactericidal effect.

This is what Dr. Komarovsky is talking about and all pediatricians of parents should warn. Endotoxic reactions are rare but should always be considered.

Irrational withdrawal of the antibiotic leads to the formation drug resistance microbes and improper treatment.

When prescribing an antibiotic, the specialist is not guided by fever or prescription of the disease. He evaluates all the symptoms and test results in a complex and only then decides on the choice of medicine.