Broad spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans. Broad-spectrum antihelminthic drugs for humans

Changes in well-being are most often not accepted as helminth infection. Infestations await children on walks and when interacting with animals.

  • Paralysis of roundworms, due to decreased muscle tone and weakening motor function(piperazine).
  • Disorder of the process of glucose metabolism and inhibition of ATP formation - energy source for helminths (mebendazole).
  • Destruction of the cellular structure of the intestinal worms (albendazole).

The variety of types of helminths, their adaptability and allergies to medications force the use of not one, but two or more remedies simultaneously to completely get rid of worms. Experts recommend synthetic drugs and medicinal drugs from natural sources.

They act quickly and effectively, but are highly toxic, causing the development of complications. Only timely examination makes it possible to correctly prescribe treatment without negative manifestations. The products are produced in tablet form, as well as in capsules, suppositories, syrups and emulsions.

Taking the initiative yourself in selecting anthelmintic drugs for a wide range of applications is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous. Only a doctor should prescribe treatment for infestations to avoid deterioration of well-being and exacerbation of the disease. And many of them have side effects.

Antihelminthic drugs are widely used in the fight against helminths for adults and children; the same ones are only prescribed in different dosages. They should be used with caution by pregnant women. During this period, preference should be given to natural-based products.

But a safer and more harmless treatment various types helminthic infection in children is the use of methods traditional medicine. These are primarily pumpkin seeds, wormwood, walnuts and other healing plants. They are highly effective and non-toxic.

List of effective remedies

  • Pirantel

This medicine has been known for more than one generation. But it should be noted that it has not yet lost its popularity and effectiveness among adults and children in cleansing the body of pathogens of invasion. It copes well with roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, nematodes and whipworms.

After administration, no purgative or antiallergic medications are required. After the therapy, it is necessary to re-test for worm eggs.

The pharmaceutical industry produces pyrantel in the form of suspension and pills. Children are prescribed a suspension, since this form of release is very practical to use, allows you to correctly measure the dose and the drug has a pleasant taste.

  • Vermox

Main active substance vermoxa is mebendazole. One pill contains one hundred milligrams of the active ingredient. The treatment regimen is prescribed by an infectious disease specialist depending on the type of helminthiasis, general condition the patient, his age and body weight. If one family member is infected, all relatives should be treated simultaneously.

Side effects may occur when using the medicine:

  • Attacks of nausea.
  • Stool disorders.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Development of anemia.
  • Manifestations of allergies.

  • Nemozol

Release form: film-coated pills, medicinal suspension.

  • Levamisole (Decaris)

Causes paralysis muscular system roundworms and, unfortunately, does not affect tapeworms and flukes. Removal of worms occurs one day after taking the medicine during the act of defecation.

Produced in tablet form. The pill contains main component levamisole (0.5 g) and Excipients. The dosage is calculated by the doctor, especially for children. The more precise the dose, the more likely to avoid side effects. Recommended for use before bedtime during meals.

The drug is toxic and there is a possibility of developing side effects:

Dyspeptic syndrome.


Activity violations nervous system.

Kidney dysfunction.

Development skin lesions, allergic origin.

  • Na thiosulfate

Currently, a very popular method of fighting diseases and cleansing the human body is the use of folk remedies. Many people prefer drugs for treatment natural source, which cleanse the body of pests like the best innovative pharmaceutical drugs. They are safe to use, as they have virtually no negative consequences. Often used - triad, gelmostop, pumpkin seeds, clove fruits, flaxseeds, wormwood grass, wild mountain ash.

  • round – nematodes;
  • flatworms - trematodes;
  • tape - cestodes.

Synthetic anthelmintic drugs

The most famous drugs for worms

  • Decaris - contraindicated up to three years of age, during pregnancy;
  • Helmintox – not recommended for liver failure;
  • Vermox – prohibited during lactation;
  • Aldazole – excluded for retinal lesions;
  • Biltricide is contraindicated for cardiac arrhythmias.


Anthelmintic drugs for humans wide range actions in adulthood and childhood often the same, just used in a different dosage. You should be careful when killing helminths during pregnancy. At this time, it is recommended to use for treatment pumpkin seeds. Piperazine is taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It is important that many of the broad-spectrum products have contraindications. For example, Bithionol can cause blurred vision, and Albendazole has a bad effect on the liver.


Antiparasitic medicines for children are used in the form of a suspension, which tastes good, and they drink it with pleasure. Vormil has a wide spectrum of action, which helps to remove round and flatworms at little man. Decaris is effective against roundworms. Convenient to treat babies medications in the form of candles. Doctors prescribe medications.

A wide spectrum of action means that the product is capable of destroying several types of worms or protozoa at the same time. Universal medicine, which immediately destroys all forms of helminths does not exist.

Dead or paralyzed worms are expelled from the body during a bowel movement, usually within 24 hours of ingestion medicine.

To reduce the toxic effect of anthelmintic drugs on the body, to avoid poisoning by helminth decay products, it is necessary to take sorbents and drink at least 2 liters of water per day while cleansing the body.

Types of drugs with a wide spectrum of action

Modern synthetic anthelmintics for treating people, they have replaced medicines based on natural ingredients. Their main advantage is high efficiency, the ability to quickly eliminate different types worms The disadvantage is high toxicity, but if you follow the dosage and take into account all the indicated contraindications, the drugs are well tolerated.

There are tablets with different active ingredients

Groups of drugs against helminths:

Review of effective drugs

Decaris contains the substance levamisole


  • intolerance to levamisole;
  • drug agranulocytosis;
  • age under three years;
  • the period of bearing a child and natural feeding.

You need to take the medicine after eating. Repeated therapy for toxoplasmosis is carried out after a week, for other types of helminthiasis - after 7-14 days.

In pediatrics, only Decaris with a concentration is allowed to be used active ingredient 50 mg.

The anthelmintic agent is produced in tablets of 6 pieces per package and in the form of a suspension in 30 ml dark glass bottles. One pill and 5 ml of suspension contains 100 mg of mebendazole. The price of tablets is 90–100 rubles, suspensions are 120–150 rubles.


  • intolerance to mebendazole;
  • chronic damage to the large intestine (Crohn's disease);
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis and other liver disorders;
  • ulcerative form of colitis.
Vermox is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding for children under two years of age.

How to use

Type of helminthiasis Instructions for adults Instructions for children
Enterobiasis One tablet once · up to 5 years – 25 mg;

· 5–10 years – 0.05 g;

· over 10 years – 0.1 g.

The medicine is taken once

Trichinosis Day 1 – 0.2 g once
at 8 o’clock; 2nd day – 0.2 g every
6 hours; 3rd and subsequent days - 0.5 g every 8 hours.

Duration of therapy – 2 weeks

The first 3 days - 0.2 g every 8 hours, 4-10 days - 0.5 g daily
Echinococcosis For three days 0.5 g twice a day. The next 3 days – 1.5 g per day The first 3 days - 0.5 g every 12 hours, days 4-6 - 0.5 g every 8 hours
Other forms of helminthiasis 0.1 g every 12 hours for three days Similar to the adult scheme

During the day after taking the medicine, you should absolutely not drink alcoholic beverages. fatty foods, laxatives.

Vermox contains lactose as an auxiliary ingredient, so people intolerant to this substance are better off choosing another medicine.

The medicine is available in tablets, each of which contains 100 mg of mebendazole. The pills are packaged in blisters of 6 pieces. average cost– 150–160 rub.

Anthelmintic drug Vormin


The suspension can be used to treat children over a year old, at the age of 1–2 years – 10 ml once, after two years – 20 ml. This dosage is considered standard, depending on the form helminthic infestation the doctor determines the duration of therapy.

Nemozol is recommended to be taken simultaneously with fatty foods - this allows you to speed up the absorption process of the drug.

White oblong tablets for chewing contain 0.4 g of albendazole, in 5 ml of suspension, 10 g of powder for preparing a solution, the concentration of the active ingredient is 0.2 g. Price is 250–280 rubles.

Vormil contains albendazole as a base.


  • children under two years of age;
  • Before starting therapy, you need to conduct a pregnancy test - the drug negatively affects the development of the fetus;
  • lactation period;
  • intolerance to albendazole.

During therapy and for two weeks after its completion, you must use reliable means contraception.

The standard dose for adults and children over two years of age is 1 pill or 10 ml of suspension or powder daily; for neurocysticercosis and echinococcosis, twice the medication is allowed. When diagnosing cystic echinococcosis, the dosage for patients weighing less than 60 kg is 0.015 g per kilogram of body weight, but not more than 0.8 g within 24 hours - the medicine is taken in 2 doses.

Duration of the course depending on the form of helminthiasis

Vormil can be taken for prophylaxis by people who are at increased risk of helminth infection - workers Agriculture, elderly people, preschoolers. The medicine is taken one tablet at a time for three days, a repeat course must be taken after 6 months.


  • liver failure;
  • intolerance to the main or additional ingredients of the drug;
  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester;
  • age less than four years;
  • ocular cysticercosis.

Laboratory studies have shown that active ingredient antihelminthic drug penetrates into breast milk, has a detrimental effect on the well-being and development of the child.

For a single dose, the medicine should be taken before bedtime; if you need to take the medicine several times a day, then the interval between doses should be 4–6 hours. The tablet is bitter, so it is better not to chew it, swallow it whole, and wash it down with clean still water.

Instructions for use

Type of invasion Treatment regimen
Urogenital schistosomiasis Dosage is 0.04 g/kg, one-day therapy
Intestinal schistosomiasis, infections caused by helminths that are found in blood vessels abdominal cavity Twice a day with an interval of 6 hours, 0.02 g/kg. Or 0.04 g/kg after dinner. Duration of therapy – 1 day
Schistosome damage to the liver Twice a day, 0.03 g/kg at six-hour intervals. Therapeutic course – 1 day
Severe forms of schistosomiasis The daily dose of 60–75 mg/kg is divided into 3 doses, the medicine must be taken every 6 hours
Fascioliasis, opisthorchiasis, paragonimiasis, trematodiasis 0.025 g/kg every 8 hours, treatment duration – 1–2 days
Cystecircosis A dose of 50 mg/kg is divided into 3 doses; the medicine must be taken throughout the day at six-hour intervals

During treatment with Praziquantel, you should not drink grapefruit juice or drinks that contain it - otherwise the concentration of the drug in the blood may greatly increase, which will cause intoxication.

Helmintox has low toxicity


  • allergic reactions to pyrantel;
  • myasthenia gravis – during treatment;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • lactation.

In pediatrics, the suspension is allowed to be used to treat children older than six months. For children, the dosage of the medicine when infected with roundworms, hookworms and pinworms is prescribed at the rate of 2.5 ml per 10 kg. It is enough to take the drug once.

How to take the medicine

For hookworm, the dosage of the drug does not change, but the duration of the course increases to three days.

  • Levamisole;
  • Nemozol;
  • Mebendazole;
  • Wormil;
  • Albendazole;
  • Helminthox;
  • Vermox;
  • Nemocid.

And if any of the listed symptoms appear, the baby should be shown to a doctor in order to diagnose the presence of pinworms or roundworms in his body.

Effective medicines


In no case should the drug be taken during the period of gestation by the expectant mother and its subsequent feeding, for babies up to two years old, as well as during pregnancy planning.

Among side effects from the action of the drug are distinguished:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • headache;
  • in the presence of renal failure tremor may occur;
  • decreased visual function;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • euphoria;
  • muscle weakness.

Piperazine is prescribed only for mild invasion and during pregnancy. In case of severe infection, the medication is not able to provide a full therapeutic effect.


From adverse reactions medicine for human body the most common are:

  • vomiting and attacks of nausea;
  • indigestion;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If the drug is used long time, it can provoke malfunction of the liver, kidneys, the development of hallucinations, flu-like syndrome, allergies, stomatitis, arthralgia, as well as speech disorders and nervousness.


  • Vormin;
  • Telmox;
  • Mebex;
  • Vermakar;
  • Vermox.

The following side effects may occur when used:

  • liver function failure;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • anemia;
  • leukopenia;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • increased body temperature;
  • skin rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • eosinophilia.

This medication should not be taken if you have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.


  • Helminthox;
  • Kombantrin;
  • Nemocid.

This medication is prescribed to eliminate enterobiasis, hookworm disease, ascariasis, and necatoriasis. When the body is affected by pinworms and roundworms, doctors recommend taking the tablet twice a day, with the second tablet taken several weeks after the first. During treatment, parents should mandatory Carefully iron your child’s bedding and underwear and ensure that they comply with hygiene standards.

Among side effects medications may appear:

  • restless sleep;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of regular vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • disorder of concentration of consciousness;
  • itchy sensations;
  • rash on the epidermis.

Pyrantel should not be taken if there is a problem with kidney function. Also, it should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. This drug is usually prescribed between the ages of 2 and 3 years.

Concomitant therapy

Such treatment must be carried out one day after taking anthelmintic drugs. As for medications, doctors usually prescribe Polyphepan. Also, during the period of removal of helminths from the body, you should take antihistamines, for example, Clarisens, Loratadine, Erius, Cetrin, Zodak, Zirtec.

  • constant feeling of fatigue, irritability;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • bowel disorders (alternating constipation and diarrhea);
  • coating on the tongue;
  • dry skin;
  • nausea, lack of appetite;
  • perversion of taste;
  • the appearance of skin rashes (pimples, blackheads, pustules);
  • itching in the anal area;
  • insomnia, grinding teeth in sleep;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • unexplained weight loss, or, on the contrary, weight gain;
  • increase lymph nodes, liver and spleen.

Roundworms (pinworms, roundworms). Pinworms look like small whitish-gray worms, up to 1 cm long; roundworms can reach a length of 40 cm. They cause serious violation well-being and dysfunction digestive system. The location of pinworms is the lower intestines, and roundworm larvae can penetrate into the bloodstream different organs and body tissues. The main symptoms of infection are itching in the rectal area, worsening at night, bad smell from the mouth, weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain.

This group includes different types of tapeworms, which, penetrating the intestines, absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from food. They suck out all the “juices” from the body, releasing in return toxic substances which cause serious harm to the body.

Flatworms or flukes are extremely dangerous, they stick to the intestinal walls, penetrate into gallbladder, liver and provoke disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and contribute to the development of diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.

For children, drugs are selected with extreme caution, taking into account age and body weight, in order to prevent overdose and undesirable consequences from taking toxic drugs. In childhood, the following medications are approved for use:

  1. Piperazine,
  2. Dekaris,
  3. Pirantel,
  4. Albendazole

Another opinion is that all family members, including children (especially those who attend children's groups) should take Pirantel every six months. This is especially important if there are children in the family preschool age who begin to consciously observe the requirements of personal hygiene only by the age of 5-6 years. Well, if a child is diagnosed with pinworms, then all family members should be treated without fail.

Watch the video: Remedies for worms (helminthiasis): drops, suspensions, suppositories, tablets, ointments, injections