What can cause bruises under the eyes? Carboxytherapy and microcurrent therapy

Human health and appearance are inextricably interconnected. Problems that appear on the face may indicate problems in the body. Including black circles and bruises under the eyes. Such defects make the face look tired and tired healthy looking. As a rule, women are more concerned about such troubles, since they are used to taking care of themselves and taking care of their appearance rather than strong half humanity. It is necessary to understand what the bruises under the eyes indicate and how dangerous they are: the causes and treatment of this scourge.

Skin around the eyes - quite tender. And especially under them. The vessels are located close to the surface and are sensitive to changes in operation internal organs. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes can mean both consequences caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and problems that have arisen in the body. Usage cosmetics to mask such defects is not always a way out of the situation.

If bruises appear and do not go away long time, this may serve serious reason visit the doctor.

Wrong mode

Vital activity, rare stay on fresh air, sleep problems, excessive time spent on the computer or reading books, depression or stressful conditions also negatively affect the condition of the skin and can cause bags and bruises on the face. Not even proper nutrition, which disrupts metabolism, is one of the reasons for changes in appearance. In this case, it is enough to reconsider the daily routine, add missing vitamins to the diet, eliminate the irritant, and be outside more often.

Individual characteristics

The appearance of circles on the face may be due to poor tolerance to certain cosmetic procedures, insect bites, allergic reactions, eye strain while under the soaring sun. Excessively thin skin under the eyes may react poorly to incorrectly chosen or simply low-quality cosmetics.

Vessels located close to the surface can also create the appearance of blue around the eyes.

Alcohol abuse and smoking

Most often, such problems cause dark spots under the eyes in men, but women who lead an unhealthy lifestyle are also at risk. By the way, in girls, the circles on the face that appear as a result of thinning of the blood vessels caused by the intake of nicotine are even more pronounced. And addiction to alcohol causes disruptions in the functioning of many vital systems of the body, including the liver. The appearance of bruises signals these failures. In addition, drinking alcohol and nicotine contribute to skin aging and darkening.

Genetic predisposition

The genetic factor that determines the predisposition to bruising does not require medical intervention. Similar problem may be inherited from relatives. However, even in this case one should strive to comply correct mode nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding overwork.

In case of darkening of the skin around the eyes caused by heredity, they can be dealt with using physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures: mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, electrical stimulation, phototherapy, and masks.

Age-related changes

Over the years, the skin, including around the eyes, dries and loses elasticity. Slightly sagging dermis takes on a bluish tint. Age-related changes are especially noticeable in women who have crossed the 40-year-old bar. Hormonal imbalances, loss of sexual function, and excess melanin production also have an impact, which negatively affects the condition of the skin of the lower eyelids.

Possible diseases

Circles around the eyes may indicate the presence certain diseases in humans:

There are many more factors that lead to blue discoloration. For example, thinning of the fat layer is the reason why bruises under the eyes in women appear as a result of sudden weight loss. Injuries resulting from a blow to the bridge of the nose or eyes cause vascular damage and the appearance of a hematoma.

The research carried out allows even determine by the color of the bruises possible problem in organism. Red color indicates possible kidney disease or allergic reactions. Lung disease or a lack of iron in the body, leading to anemia, can cause blue bruises or dark purple discolorations. Toxins that pollute the liver and blood cause yellow circles. If there are problems with the liver, brown bruises may also form.

It is necessary to separately note the importance timely diagnosis possible diseases in children. IN childhood the appearance of bruises also indicates psychological or physiological problems. Beginning with poor nutrition, excessive indulgence in products that are tasty for kids, but harmful, which are all kinds of snacks, hamburgers, carbonated drinks, violation of the regime, and ending with really dangerous diseases. Infection with helminths can also cause bruising.


You can buy it in pharmacies various ointments, creams or gels effective in combating bruises:

  1. Badyaga. This powder is gently rubbed into the skin with a sponge. But we must remember that the product can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Troxevasin. Thin layer The gel is applied twice a day. The main thing is to prevent the product from getting on the mucous membrane. If present on the surface being treated open wounds, the use of troxevasin is prohibited.
  3. Clay. This mass has excellent whitening characteristics.
  4. Arnica. The ointment helps remove bruises caused by bruises or injuries.
  5. Cornflower water. The lotion is used to strengthen capillaries and relieve eye fatigue.

In some cases, using homemade home remedies can help improve your skin condition.


What can help restore a healthy look to your face:

Using masks

Various masks also help to cope with darkening: chopped parsley, flour and milk. Effective and next lineup: powder walnut mixed with a spoon of cow butter and two drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the eyes for 15 minutes.

These procedures should be performed every day. After finishing, wash your face warm water and, if necessary, soaked in cream.

It is recommended to drink every day sufficient quantity water, which prevents skin thinning and sagging.

As you can see, there can be many factors that provoke the appearance of bags or blueness under the lower eyelids in women, men, even children. Like wearing easily removable character, and requiring serious medical intervention. In this regard, it is recommended not to delay solving the problem and seek help from professionals. A timely examination and prescribed treatment will help restore your facial skin to its blooming and healthy appearance.

Our face can tell a lot about our state of health, warn about impending danger, about the development of fatal dangerous diseases. How? Let's find out about it right now!

The topic of our article today will be - blue circles under the eyes, the reasons for the appearance of blue circles in women.

We often perceive the appearance of blue circles under the eyes as a cosmetic problem. We try to solve it with the help of masking foundations, not suspecting that these may be the first symptoms of a developing disease.

How can we determine what causes such changes in appearance, and what our face wants to tell us? The main thing is to know what exactly to look for and notice the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner.

If you notice the changes that we will tell you about today, then you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, many people do not pay attention to their health until the disease enters an irreversible stage of development.

Morning is the most favorable time, in order to notice signs of the disease on the face. After all, this is exactly the time when our body is most rested and renewed.

If you feel at least one sign in the morning:

  • fatigue, weakness, lack of strength;
  • feeling of bitterness;
  • your breath smells bad;
  • dyspnea;
  • high blood pressure.

And if, in addition to everything, blue circles appear, this is an important call telling you that it’s time to pay attention to your health. In this case, it is recommended to visit specialists. We will find out which doctors to contact next.

Causes of blue circles

Let's start with the fact that the skin under the eyes does not contain fatty tissue. That is, it is more transparent and thin than in other places.

And also, due to the peculiarities of the eye sockets, which consist in the fact that they lower area, in combination with the action of gravity, suitable conditions are created for blood stagnation. But blood stagnates only if blood flow disturbances occur.

Any reasons associated with disturbances of blood flow or the vascular wall are immediately expressed by the appearance of blue circles.

There are three types of dangerous diseases in which blood circulation in this area is impaired. These diseases are easy to cure at the initial stage.

How can you differentiate bruises caused by fatigue from those that indicate illness?

Some people think that blue circles appear only as a result of overwork or lack of sleep. This is not entirely true, of course they are due to fatigue, but there are those that indicate illness. How can you understand the reasons for their appearance?

You will learn about everything, because there are additional factors that help determine the problem!

Darkening under the eyes from overwork appears in the evening, and by the morning, after a short rest, it disappears. Blue circles from overwork are also accompanied by “red eyes”, this is due to the fact that the blood vessels in the eyeballs dilate due to overexertion.

Also, these symptoms can be observed with allergies. In this case, there is often also a runny nose.

Hereditary factors

Some people have hereditary bruises under the eyes, they manifest themselves in early childhood. They are caused by the fact that people have fairly white, thin skin, through which the capillaries are clearly visible. This gives the impression of bruises.

These “marks” do not disappear from the face throughout life, and they are not symptoms of the disease, but are a physiological feature of the body of a given person.

But if you didn’t have blue circles under your eyes, and then suddenly appeared, then you should immediately pay attention to the state of your body.

Health indicators

The appearance of blue circles in certain time, can tell us about diseases in the body. Moreover, such circles can either appear or disappear, so if you notice blue circles in yourself, watch for other symptoms.

Blue circles under the eyes, causes in women, types

Blueness may vary in appearance:

  1. Bruises in the inner corners of the eyes (towards the bridge of the nose) in the form venous network;
  2. Yellow bruises, sometimes with a brownish tint;
  3. Blueness accompanied by swelling.

Spots in the form of a venous network

Blue circles in the corners under the eyes can be a harbinger of a dangerous chronic disease. The appearance of a venous network is associated with disturbances in blood circulation. This type bruises are accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia.

This disease, if left untreated, further transforms into hypertension, then develops into chronic diseases hearts.

This disease is characterized by:

  • Fatigue;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Swelling of the legs, namely in the ankle area.

On the pain late stages Additional symptoms of the disease occur:

  • Fluctuations in weight;
  • Cough that coughs up white mucus.

If you notice in yourself similar symptoms– then you should visit a cardiologist.

Hormonal changes

Also dark spots appear in the form of venous networks when hormonal imbalances among women. Estrogen ( female hormone) retains fluid in the body, swelling and circles under the eyes appear.

Also, hormonal imbalance is accompanied by symptoms such as irritability and drowsiness.

Yellow bruises with a brownish tint

Blue circles with a yellow-brown tint indicate a problem with the internal organs. They usually occur with congestive manifestations associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder(cholecystitis).

In this case, an increase in the yellow pigment - bilirubin - is observed in the blood. Blue circles under the eyes with a yellow-brownish tint indicate diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

The higher the stage of the disease, the more pronounced the blue circles. Disease of the liver and bile ducts is accompanied by a “bitter taste” in the mouth. You feel heaviness in your stomach. Belching after consumption bothers me fatty foods. Loss of appetite, or decrease in it, too characteristic feature diseases.

Patients also experience indigestion and stool disorders. That is, constipation processes may be observed in combination with loose stools.

For example, within two three days constipation, or no stool at all, then the body tries to cleanse itself, and diarrhea occurs. In this case, the stool becomes lighter in color compared to normal stool.

Dryness and flaking of the skin on the palms and soles (feet) may also occur. On last stage The disease causes vomiting and pain in the right hypochondrium.

If you have darkening under your eyes and have at least one of the above signs, you need to contact a gastroendocrinologist for an examination.

Blue discoloration accompanied by swelling

Arc-shaped blue discoloration under the eyes, accompanied by slight swelling, indicates problems with the kidneys, for example, such as:

  • Inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

All listed below associated symptoms, signal to us that the kidneys cannot cope with the load and do not remove fluid from the body well.

Kidney disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fever;
  • Frequent urination; in the last stages of the disease, on the contrary, urination is reduced to twice a day, with the norm being six times a day;
  • Breath stinks;
  • Dry mouth;
  • The skin acquires a gray color at the last stage of the disease and begins to emit an odor;
  • Increased blood pressure.

All of the above symptoms depend on the stage of the disease, so it is extremely important to contact a nephrologist even if you have several symptoms. You should not wait until you have all the symptoms of the disease.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to cope with it.

Blue circles under the eyes, causes in women, results

Blue circles under the eyes do not appear by chance in women and men, and it is important to immediately notice their appearance.

After all, they occur in the first stages of the disease, when we do not yet feel the disease. They tell us about problems in the body and indicate the need to take urgent measures.

Can be divided into two large groups depending on the reasons for their occurrence:

  1. Medical - maybe a clear sign diseases.
  2. Cosmetic - occur due to improper care, daily routine or diet.

Cause of dark circles under the eyes

A slight blue discoloration may indicate that there are malfunctions in the liver or kidneys. In this case, over time, the blue becomes more intense, the circles darken and usually appear suddenly.

First of all, it is necessary not to try to eliminate the problem with the help of foundation and contact a cosmetologist, but to undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body and find out the cause of the circles.

They can appear due to disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels (blood does not circulate intensively, fluid begins to accumulate in the space between the cells and this leads to blood vessels are pinched). This phenomenon can occur not only under the eyes, but also in other parts of the body.

But most often, circles appear first under the eyes, because there is very thin skin, which is practically devoid of fat. Bluish-yellow circles are a sign of some disorders in the liver, this is primarily due to an excess of toxins that the liver various reasons cannot withdraw.

They accumulate in the body and cause disruption of blood circulation in the vessels and the appearance of bruises. Stool and urine tests, as well as a comprehensive examination by a specialist, will help make the correct diagnosis.

Cosmetic black circles under the eyes can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Lack of vitamin C in the body.
  2. Nervous tension and constant stress.
  3. Chronic lack of sleep often makes the skin pale, and insufficient sleep also contributes to this.
  4. Excessive pigmentation, which may appear in the under-eye area.

Bruises under the eyes of a child or an adult, which did not appear due to health problems, are very easy to eliminate, because they are short-term in nature. Methods can be used traditional medicine or cosmetics - the choice is up to everyone.

Such a nuisance as dark circles may occur for a number of other reasons:

  • Smoking. This severely constricts blood vessels, causing the skin to look unhealthy and bruise. It is better to quit smoking altogether.
  • Sitting at the computer for a long time. Taking periodic breaks will help keep your skin healthier and your vision sharper.
  • Swelling of the eyelids. To avoid this, you need not to drink a lot of liquid at night, and also exclude coffee and alcohol from your diet.
  • Heredity and age-related changes. The area under the eyes has practically no fat layer, and with age it can decrease even more.

Why do children have circles under their eyes?

Blueness under the eyes of a child usually does not indicate any serious problems with the body. Often this is a feature from birth or a lack of vitamins. If the child is quite active and looks healthy, then there is no reason to worry, you can help him light massage or lotions.

A recent illness can also trigger this phenomenon. The child needs to get enough sleep and eat properly so that there is always a lot of vitamins in his diet; after a while, the cyanosis may disappear.

If the bruises do not go away for a long time, in addition, you can notice some changes in the child’s behavior - you need to sound the alarm, because this could be obvious reason intoxication. It is also a sign of kidney problems or a symptom of dehydration. The child needs to eat right, take frequent walks and sleep as much as he needs.

Let's take a closer look?

First you need to find out the exact cause of their appearance, because without this, all treatment methods may simply be useless.

If a person is constantly tormented by grievances and problems, this will undoubtedly affect his appearance and will cause the appearance of circles under the eyes. To put your face in order, you need to forget about stress for a minute and get some sleep.

If this is not so simple, it is best to take sedatives and consult a doctor first. They will also help folk remedies(herbal decoctions and various infusions), it is important to ensure that there is no allergic reaction to components.

More walks with friends in the fresh air and positivity will help cope with bad mood, after which the appearance will improve significantly.

What causes dark circles under the eyes in women over 40? The reason for this is that fat layer At this time, the skin under the skin becomes thinner, while the skin under the eyes is already very thin. Therefore, it is collected in small bags and acquires a characteristic bluish tint.

Often, girls who have lost 10-20 kilograms can receive saggy skin as a “gift,” which is especially noticeable under the eyes. Without the fat layer, the skin becomes thinner, capillaries and blood vessels are more visible on it, which is why cyanosis appears.

Girls who often use decorative cosmetics, may also suffer from this problem. Bruises were caused by improper makeup removal (the skin was rubbed too hard using soap).

Poor-quality cosmetics are another cause of injury to the skin around the eyes, as a result of which the skin wrinkles, loses its elasticity and signs of premature aging can be seen. Manifest Negative influence cosmetics may not appear immediately, but with regular use such problems will become noticeable very soon.

Bruises under the eyes can be a symptom of chronic diseases of the body or various inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is first recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment before trying to disguise cyanosis.

Causes of bruises under the eyes in men

Suffering from bruises not only fair half humanity, but also men due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is a kind of indicator general condition body. If in the morning you notice swelling under the eyes and cyanosis, this may be due to:

  1. Wrong lifestyle. This may include constant lack of sleep, abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking, constant sitting at the computer and lack of walks in the fresh air. The predominance of foods that are too salty and spicy food, but a lack of vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables and fruits can also cause bruises under the eyes in men. Nutrition must be correct, it is also necessary to develop correct routine day and avoid stressful situations. Taking vitamins and several masks or facial compresses will help improve your appearance.
  2. Various diseases. Allergies, problems with the thyroid gland, heart or kidneys can also cause black or yellow-green circles to appear. It is recommended to undergo a full examination by a specialist and eliminate existing diseases. Only after this the appearance will return to normal.
  3. Other factors. This is heredity, various side effects, which may appear after long-term use medicines, as well as age (after all, after 40, age-related changes in the skin begin to appear and the first expression lines and thinned skin under the eyes become noticeable).

Before choosing a way to deal with a problem, you must first determine its cause. If the problem is lack of sleep and the fact that last night was spent too stormy, healthy air, proper nutrition and a few compresses will help.

If there is inflammation or other diseases, it will first be necessary to identify the disease and eliminate it. Only after this can one begin to deal with bruises, which by that time may no longer bother the person.

Even after the manifestations of blueness under the eyes have been completely eliminated, it is necessary to healthy image life and eating right. The face reflects our lifestyle, so we need to make it shine with beauty and health: allocate enough time for sleep and walks in the fresh air and try to protect yourself from stressful situations.


After all, their consequences can be not only circles under the eyes, but also other problems with internal organs. This way it will be possible to preserve youth and blooming species for longer.

Bruises under the eyes appear suddenly, without specific preconditions and symptoms. At least that's what it seems to us at first glance. This opinion is deceptive, because a person’s appearance is a mirror internal state his body, especially when it comes to facial skin.

The origin, conditions and reasons for the occurrence of such a cosmetic defect are multifaceted. Any person is prone to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, but some groups in particular. Let's look at them in more detail to understand why bruises under the eyes appear.

Wrong lifestyle

Alcohol consumption inevitably leads to a decrease in moisture in soft tissues, which provokes premature aging skin, dryness and swelling. In addition, frequent parties lead to problems with regular sleep. High dose Nicotine daily also cannot have a positive effect on your appearance. A smoker loses the elasticity of the skin, so the formation of dark circles under the eyes is natural.
TO wrong image life can also include workaholism. The lack of several hours a day that each person should spend in the fresh air is fraught with oxygen starvation fabrics. And frequent stress and constant nervous tension causes exhaustion of the body, which is immediately reflected on the face.

Age characteristics

After forty years soft fabrics wear out, lose their tensile properties and become thinner. Through such skin are visible tiny capillaries, causing the under-eye area to appear blue, brown, or grey. Age creams and local massages will help maintain a healthy appearance.

Dehydration and swelling

Bruises under the eyes, the causes of which are hidden in the loss of moisture in the environment of soft connective tissues, are often found in pregnant women. In addition to general swelling, bags or, conversely, darkening also appear on the face, which are confused with “sunkenness” of the eyes. Due to a lack of moisture, the body begins to reflexively accumulate it in inappropriate places, and in excess it cannot find use for it.

However, pregnancy is not the only factor; anyone can find themselves in this situation:

  • being in the sun all day;
  • after spending several hours in gym without water;
  • food poisoning, which is why for a long time followed by vomiting or diarrhea.

Diseases of internal organs

A characteristic sign of kidney and gallbladder disease are brown circles under the eyes. Due to disturbances in liver function, you can observe yellowish spots. A the cardiovascular system“signal” a failure in purple or blue.

Anatomical structure of facial skin

Sometimes bruises under the eyes appear since childhood. Often found in babies with fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. This type of appearance is predisposed to thin fabrics, which is why skin covering becomes as if transparent - you can see through it capillary network of blue color. Sometimes the structure of the skull also affects it - the eyes are set deep, so a natural darkening is created. It is not difficult to recognize the reason, because the parents must have the same feature.

Black eyes in men

If a woman can tint such a defect in a matter of minutes, then stronger sex there is nothing left to do but fight the root cause. The problem appears for the same reasons as for girls, this is obvious, but ways to get rid of it are not always available. Long hours at the computer, continuous driving throughout the day, as well as hard physical labor are harmful to the body, but the breadwinner of the family cannot stop working. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the body from the inside. They should help with this useful complexes drugs:

  • vitamins K, C, A and E;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

Black eyes in children and teenagers

Such a symptom can be caused by past infectious and allergic attacks on a fragile body, as well as a failure in sleep patterns. But the most common cause of dark circles, both in newborns and adolescents, is iron deficiency in the body. It’s not difficult to replenish it, just update daily diet child. Eat buckwheat and wheat porridge, as well as legumes: soy, lentils, peas. In addition, do not forget to contact your pediatrician to analyze your baby's samples.


Identifying the defect is quite simple - its carrier shows dark circles under the eyes, which are difficult to miss. They are more noticeable in the morning, and in the evening there may also be swelling of the problem area.
But dark circles under the eyes are just symptoms of exhaustion, the causes of which lie in diseases or disorders of the body. You should know the most dangerous ones now, so that if a coincidence occurs, you can assess the risks and consult a doctor:

Exhaustion: stress, fatigue, malnutrition. In addition to bruises under the eyes, it is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • heaviness in the limbs;
  • irritability;
  • sudden emotional swings;
  • decreased immunity, and therefore exacerbation of diseases of all systems.

Liver. Violations in the functioning of the organ are not uncommon when excessive consumption alcohol and often end in cirrhosis. Pay attention to:

  • yellow complexion;
  • nausea;
  • sometimes vomiting and loose stool;
  • abdominal pain and heartburn;
  • Against this background, general weakness arises.

Endocrine system. The impact of the disease is felt by the entire body:

  • pressure drops;
  • the skin becomes dry and sensitive;
  • loss of appetite;
  • mood swings.

Pancreas. The most unpleasant option, which interferes with work and life in general, as it creates constant discomfort:

  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract - either loose stools or constipation;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intolerance to fatty foods;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.


The effectiveness of various creams that promise to relieve dark circles under the eyes may be at risk if the darkening of the skin is not cosmetic defect, but a symptom of a disease of internal organs, skin or central nervous system. In this case, the only way to get rid of the problem is qualified specialist who will not begin treatment without a detailed examination. A comprehensive diagnosis is prescribed only when the patient feels weakness, pain or other kind of discomfort.

In other circumstances, a set of manipulations to identify the root causes of the anomaly depends on a visual inspection - initial stage on the way to making a diagnosis. The doctor's next steps may include:

  • examination of blood, feces and urine samples;
  • CT and MRI;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the abdominal area, as well as the heart;
  • angiography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • hormonal analysis.


When a new disease or exacerbation of an old disease is detected, the doctor draws up treatment plan. It contains procedures, medications and a list of additional examinations on schedule. But if the diagnosis does not reveal specific disturbances in the body’s activity, you can begin to correct the situation locally.

Home remedies for dark circles under the eyes

TO available methods treatment we will include folk remedies that are available in every pharmacy today:

  • cornflower - a cold decoction is applied, moistening cotton pads with it, three times a day on the eyes;
  • natural tea - the bags are allowed to cool and used as a compress;
  • cucumber - makes the skin lighter and fresher, removes age spots;
  • parsley - crushed and applied for 10-15 minutes;
  • potatoes - fresh slices will renew fast movement blood and disperse stagnation;
  • fermented milk products - restore color, restore elasticity, and in combination with honey can cope with circles under the eyes in several sessions.

Ice works very well on bruises, as it tones the skin and tones the blood vessels. To enhance the effect, you can use cubes clean water, and the decoction useful herbs, such as mint or chamomile.

Dark circles under the eyes are a fairly common problem that is familiar to many people. In the morning we woke up, went to the mirror and discovered dark circles under the lower eyelid. The simplest thing is to disguise them with cosmetics. But this is the wrong approach. After all, such signs are a clear signal of a malfunction of the body.

The skin under the lower eyelid is very thin in structure and penetrated by many capillaries. It reacts quite sensitively to various changes in the body. Black circles under the lower eyelid are a kind of tester that signals any violations. We will talk about the main reasons that can cause this phenomenon, and how they can be removed in a specific situation.

Dark circles under the eyes: possible causes

Doctors note that shadows appear more often in women due to the characteristics of their skin - it is thinner than that of the stronger sex.

So, in what cases can dark circles appear under the eyes?

1. Hard work associated with visual stress. Frequent and long periods of time spent looking at the monitor are very tiring for the eyes and leads to stagnation of blood in the capillaries. From overexertion, they begin to burst, which is why the skin acquires a bluish tint. Also chronic lack of sleep, violation of the regime cause a similar phenomenon.

2. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are the main enemies of beauty and health, and the body immediately reacts to poisoning. When consuming nicotine and alkaloids, a circulatory disorder occurs: first, the vessels narrow as a spasm occurs, and then they expand sharply. Their walls cannot withstand such overloads, and they burst. Swelling, so-called “bags” under the eyes, and dark circles occur. We often observe similar phenomena among those who like to abuse. This is especially noticeable in women, again due to the fact that their skin is thinner than men’s and such manifestations are more clearly visible on it.

3. Age. After 40 years subcutaneous fat begins to thin, exposing a network of small blood vessels. Except age-related changes, epidermis are also weakened by the constant impact of soap when washing and Sun rays.

4. Incorrect use of cosmetics. Night cream, despite its name, is applied in the evening for only 10-15 minutes, and then its excess is removed with a napkin. If you leave the product overnight, especially on the thin epidermis under the lower eyelid, then intercellular fluid will not be able to evaporate, the pores will become clogged, the skin will sweat, and as a result in the morning - blue shadows under the eyes. And another purely “female” reason is the intense impact on the skin during washing or cosmetic procedures. Thin vessels tend to burst from strong pressure or friction.

Diseases that cause dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles and swelling can also be signs of diseases of the internal organs or a reflection malfunction life systems. If you periodically experience this phenomenon, then you need to pay attention to its duration. For temporary reasons - lack of sleep, fatigue, alcohol consumption, etc. - bruises under the eyes disappear after some time, as they recover normal operation body. If they are constantly present, then this can serve as an indicator chronic illnesses seriously threatening health, for example:

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas. Along with bruises, swelling under the eyes, yellowing of the skin, and difficulty urinating may also occur;
  • disruption of the full functioning of the metabolic system. The circles have a pronounced bluish color;
  • vascular and heart diseases. If the functioning of the endocardium and myocardium is disrupted, blood retention occurs in the vessels, veins, and capillaries become more pronounced;
  • infectious diseases, helminthiasis;
  • anemia. Bruises under the eyes take on a purple hue. This is due to a lack of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to tissues and organs;
  • chronic fatigue, lack of sleep. Also accompanied constant drowsiness and lethargy.

In addition, other factors may be the cause of dark circles under the lower eyelid: hypoxia, skin diseases(For example, atopic dermatitis), vitamin deficiency, endocrine disruptions and much more. In every special case A competent examination by a specialist is necessary.

How to determine the cause and begin treatment

If you are often bothered by such phenomena, then this is a reason to consult a doctor for diagnosis and identification of the cause. As mentioned above, dark circles can be a signal indicating the presence of dangerous diseases. Do not try to self-medicate without determining the cause. The doctor will find out if you have chronic and hereditary diseases, whether you took any medications (this can also cause bruising). In addition, he will prescribe a diagnostic program to determine the medical history, which may include, for example, research methods such as:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • hormone research thyroid gland and others.

Only with the research results in hand can a specialist determine the picture and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to remove bruises under the eyes

So, if you find out that the cause of dark circles is not diseases of the internal organs, but external factors or physiological characteristics, then they can be eliminated depending on their origin.

If dark circles under the eyes are caused by age-related thinning of the subcutaneous fatty retina, as well as physiological characteristics such as rosacea, you can get rid of them with the help of cosmetology. You may be prescribed, for example, lipolifting (injection of fat cells under the lower eyelid), lymphatic drainage, which activates blood flow and accelerates lymph circulation, and mesotherapy. Good results also features laser peeling that dramatically eliminates dark circles. At home, when you need to quickly deal with a problem, we recommend using a concealer with reflective particles.

For those with dry skin, use more often nourishing masks, as well as herbal compresses. Lemon or cucumber juice has a mild whitening effect on bruises, and acupressure helps stimulate blood vessels, improving metabolism.

For those who drink a lot of tea or coffee, and this also causes dark circles under the eyes, doctors advise minimally limiting the volume of these drinks by replacing clean water.

In the case of alcohol and smoking, the advice is clear and simple - either do not drink or reduce consumption to a minimum. Unfortunately, if you constantly poison the body, the symptoms will not slow down to appear.

And of course, a universal and simple way to remove dark circles under the eyes when general violation regime, fatigue, overwork - this is the right lifestyle, regular walks in the fresh air, normal sleep, eating healthy vegetables and fruits. The modern rhythm of life, alas, does not always allow one to observe these not so complex rules, but our health depends entirely on our own attitude. Losing it is much easier than regaining it.