Is it possible to remove baby teeth? Indications for tooth extraction in children

At the age of 5-6 years, the baby changes his milk teeth to molars.

Due to premature loss of milk, irreversible consequences can occur.

Therefore deletion baby tooth in a child is a forced procedure and is used only in extreme cases.

This dental process has a number of features that take into account the specifics of child psychology.

Features of the procedure

A child’s primary teeth are involved in the process of bite formation and jaw development. With their help, the baby learns to chew food properly and develops speech skills. Early extraction can cause a number of problems, such as changes in the bite or damage to the rudiments of future molars.

Localization of teeth in the jaw

The procedure for removing a temporary tooth differs from removing a permanent one, and takes into account the structural features of the child’s jaw, the presence of molar rudiments in the gums, or a mixed bite.

To carry out the operation, the dentist uses special forceps that allow you to fix the tooth without unnecessary pressure and easily pull it out of the socket. The structure of baby teeth is such that their walls are very thin, while the divergence of the roots is pronounced. Therefore, it is important to be careful when removing.

One wrong move or too much pressure can cause damage to the base of a molar. This leads to disruption of normal jaw growth and decreased chewing activity.

Removal of front baby teeth

Little child doesn't pay special attention on your own appearance, so he takes the lack of front teeth quite calmly.

But with age, their lack can lead to the development psychological problems and complexes.

Early removal of the front milk tooth leads to the fact that the dentition begins to shift, filling the empty space.

At the same time, they can move forward or backward, taking up space for permanent tooth, which begins to grow crookedly.

A lack of teeth in the front row can affect speech development. The child will pronounce some sounds incorrectly, which will require consultation with a speech therapist.


Specialists approach the issue of extraction of primary teeth in children very carefully.

That's why pediatric dentist refers the child for removal only in the following cases:

  • a loose tooth causes discomfort to the child while eating and provokes;
  • advanced carious case, when most of the wall collapsed;
  • a tooth has broken off, the edge of which injures the mucous membrane and causes the formation of an inflammatory process;
  • a cyst has formed in the gum;
  • The baby tooth does not allow the molar tooth to erupt;
  • present accompanying illnesses(sinusitis or purulent inflammation in oral cavity) that need to be treated.


Doctors cannot always remove a baby tooth, since there are situations where the procedure is contraindicated.

Contraindications include:

  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • the tooth is located in the tumor area.

If a child has blood diseases, pathologies of blood vessels, heart or kidneys, as well as problems with the central nervous system, the dentist must be especially careful when removing a baby tooth.


Removing children's primary teeth is complex operation, which requires pain relief.

There are two main types of anesthesia used in pediatric dentistry:

  • appliqué– used when the root has already resolved. A special gel is applied to the gum, which freezes the required area;
  • infiltration– This type of anesthesia is used quite often. An anesthetic drug is injected into the gums on both sides by injection.

IN special cases It may be necessary to remove a baby tooth general anesthesia. Such cases include:

  • intolerance to local anesthesia;
  • mental illness;
  • the presence of purulent inflammatory processes in the acute stage.

The use of any painkiller is permissible only if there are no chronic diseases or allergies to one of the components of the drug.

How is the procedure done?

A child’s milk teeth not only have their own structural features, but also require a certain technique when removed.

The extraction process occurs as follows:

  • the forceps are applied to the crown and fixed with minimal pressure;
  • the doctor performs a dislocation (luxation);
  • The last stage is traction - removing the tooth from the socket.

After removal, the dentist examines the hole for the presence of fragments and roots. A cotton swab is placed on the bleeding hole.

A growing child's bite is not fully formed, and there are also rudiments permanent teeth. The slightest damage to them can lead to problems. Therefore, maximum caution is required from the doctor.


When removing a baby tooth special role The child's age plays a role. If a tooth is removed too early (before the age of 4 years), unpleasant consequences may occur.

One of the consequences of removing a baby tooth is the formation of a malocclusion.

The remaining teeth will begin to move apart and take up free space. In the future, the permanent teeth will not be able to take their places, and an incorrect bite will form.

The formation of a bite is also affected by the absence of several milk teeth at once. In this case, dentists use special dentures.

They are removable plates equipped with artificial teeth. This system does not allow the teeth to move.

After such surgical operation, like the removal of baby teeth in children, the following consequences can be observed:

  • If the permanent tooth germ was damaged during extraction, its future growth will be problematic. Therefore, it is important for the dentist to immediately take measures to restore the dislocated rudiment;
  • If adjacent teeth are damaged, caries may develop prematurely;
  • Injury to the socket - a child’s tooth has fragile roots, and they can break off. When searching for and further extracting these fragments, one careless movement by the doctor can lead to damage to the socket and the development of an inflammatory process;
  • During the extraction, the doctor may accidentally remove the nerve of baby teeth. Poor circulation of the tooth and its gradual death are consequences after removal of the nerve of baby teeth;
  • If the baby tooth of the front row is removed, this can provoke the formation of incorrect diction;
  • The absence of lateral teeth causes poor quality of chewing food, which in the future will lead to digestive problems.

Complications after extraction of a baby tooth are quite rare. Therefore, the main condition is the qualified and competent performance of all manipulations by the dentist.

How to prepare a child?

For a child, visiting the dentist is a heroic act that is very difficult to dare. To ensure a painless visit to the doctor, parents should properly prepare their child.

Recommendations for preparing a child for the procedure:

  • The most important thing is the right positive attitude. Therefore, you should explain to your child that the tooth removal procedure will be quick and painless;
  • You should not scare your baby with the dentist, otherwise screams and tears cannot be avoided;
  • Visit the dentist periodically for preventative checks, which will help the child to calmly perceive the dentist;
  • Parents, remembering their childhood fear before dentists, they begin to worry about their child, who, feeling this excitement, will become nervous himself;
  • During removal, parents should be with the baby, providing him with moral support.

How much does it cost to remove a baby tooth?

Prices for the removal of baby teeth are almost the same as for similar procedures for adults.

In general, the procedure is not that expensive.

For milk tooth removal, the price in Moscow clinics varies from 1,000 rubles (single-root) to 2,000 rubles (multi-root).

The price for removing baby teeth in children in the regions is on average 20% less than in the capital. Additional costs may apply.

So, when using anesthesia during the removal of a child’s baby tooth, the price will increase by 300-500 rubles. The cost of a denture for teeth is from 2500 rubles.

Video on the topic

Report from the scene - removal of a baby tooth in the clinic in just three minutes:

The less attention is paid to the upcoming procedure, the calmer the child will feel. Modern dentistry allows you to painlessly solve any problem. The health of baby teeth directly affects the condition of grown molars, so it is important to consult a dentist in a timely manner.

The appearance of baby teeth in children is an important part of growing up. They begin to grow before the age of one, and completely change to permanent ones at the age of five to fifteen years. Temporary teeth have roots that dissolve on their own when the time comes. However, sometimes this does not happen, and in this case, it is necessary to remove baby teeth. There are other indications for dental intervention, so the main task of parents is to control the situation. If you do not consult a dentist in a timely manner and remove the tooth, you may get another problem in the future.

Temporary teeth are replaced between the ages of 6 and 15 years. This happens individually for each child. When the root is absorbed, a molar appears, replacing the milk tooth. The latter falls out on its own without pain or discomfort.

Often baby teeth change the same way they appeared, so it is possible to predict this process. Sometimes it happens that the temporary one falls out, but the permanent one does not appear within a year. Then the child should be taken to the doctor.

Temporary teeth are provided by nature to ensure the proper functioning of the masticatory muscles and facial skeleton. They determine the location of the holes for strong molars, which in due time erupt more easily, creating an even row of teeth.

It is important to save all temporary teeth before they fall out on their own. To do this, you need to maintain hygiene and monitor your oral health. If you still need to remove baby teeth in children, you should immediately contact an experienced dentist. After all, the first such procedure in life determines the child’s attitude towards doctors. You need to act carefully.

Features of removal of temporary molars and premolars

It’s not without reason that baby teeth received such a gentle name. They are fragile and snow-white. They are removed differently from permanent ones, guided by the mixed bite, the nuances of the structure of the developing child’s jaw and the appearance of the rudiments of permanent teeth. Basically, the procedure does not cause any difficulties for the doctor, but requires maximum care and accuracy from him. The alveolar walls are very thin and can be easily damaged.

Inadvertently, the doctor may snag the rudiments of the molars, which will affect their further growth. Therefore, if a child has problems with the formation of teeth, it is necessary to immediately go to a specialist. Many defects can be corrected by initial stage development.

Please note that you should not delete several at once. chewing teeth located next to each other, without special recommendations from a doctor. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with chewing food thoroughly, which leads to premature grinding of the front incisors and improper growth of molars due to uneven distribution of the chewing load.

Not all parents pay attention to the period of change of temporary teeth to permanent ones. Any small problem that is not noticed in time can later develop into a serious defect.

Indications for dental intervention

Removal of baby teeth in children is necessary in the following situations:

  • The root did not resolve in a timely manner, delaying root growth.
  • The tooth is already loose, but sits firmly, causing the development of inflammation in the gum.
  • The period of loss has already passed, but the picture shows that the root is already missing.
  • If the tooth is loose, but sits firmly in the socket, causing discomfort in the child.
  • Available in the root part.
  • Availability of active carious process, when the incisor can no longer be restored.
  • The molar tooth has appeared, but the temporary tooth still sits firmly in the socket.
  • According to the recommendations of the orthodontist.
  • Injury – chips, cracks.
  • According to indications pediatrician(development of sinusitis, phlegmon,).

Everyone has childhood the formation of the dentition occurs. During this period, it is necessary to do everything correctly and, if necessary, provide timely assistance.

Contraindications to dental procedures

Sometimes dentists are forced to refuse intervention because there are contraindications:

  • The presence of inflammation in the mouth at the acute stage (candidiasis or).
  • There is a tumor next to the tooth. In such a situation, it is removed immediately along with it.
  • Development of infectious diseases: pneumonia, sore throat, whooping cough, etc.

Dentist intervention is possible only after treating all diseases in the mouth. This will help remove the tooth comfortably and avoid complications.

Doctors pay special attention to children with heart and vascular pathologies, kidney problems and blood diseases, and central nervous system disorders. If you know about your child's problems, tell the dentist immediately.

How does pain relief occur?

If the root of the tooth has already resolved, the dentist simply applies an anesthetic gel to the gum before removing it. If there are difficulties, pediatricians usually give several injections.

Modern drugs used for pain relief are well tolerated by children. To avoid complications and dangerous situations, the dentist must be informed in advance:

  • about chronic diseases;
  • whether the child is allergic to drugs;
  • Have there been any previous situations with the use of local anesthetics, and what was the reaction to them?

It happens when teeth are removed under general anesthesia - in the presence of mental illness, in acute purulent inflammations and due to intolerance to painkillers.

Stages of removal of baby teeth in children:

  1. the coronal part of the tooth is grabbed with forceps;
  2. the device moves along the equator;
  3. fixation of the forceps occurs carefully without unnecessary pressure;
  4. luxation (the doctor carefully rotates the tooth);
  5. traction (the body of the temporary tooth comes out of the socket);
  6. the dentist checks that everything has been removed;
  7. The wound is closed with a clean swab.

Possible complications

If for any reason a tooth is removed long before natural loss (about a year before this moment), the dentition may be disrupted. IN early age the teeth quickly disperse, occupying empty holes. They occupy the vacated space, preventing the growth of the indigenous one. Because of this, a permanent tooth may grow crooked or out of line.

If several neighboring baby teeth are removed at once, you need to take care of a temporary prosthesis. It looks like a small plate on which artificial teeth are located. This will allow you to maintain the correct bite and wait for the molars to appear without any problems.

Common complications after dental surgery include:

  • injury to neighboring teeth;
  • bias lower jaw;
  • nerve damage;
  • crown or root fracture;
  • chipping of the alveolar process.

Preparing your child for a trip to the dentist

For a child, going to the doctor is very stressful. He is afraid of doctors because it is often accompanied by painful injections or discomfort. If it is the first visit to the dental office in his life, it is necessary to prepare him:

  • never frighten a child with a dentist, as you will get the appropriate result during treatment;
  • bring him regularly preventive examinations semiannually. This will help him get used to the doctor;
  • during manipulations, it is important to be in the office with the baby - he will be able to endure the procedure more easily;
  • no need to worry yourself. The child acutely senses the parents’ mood;
  • If you have to go to an adult dentist, take your child with you. He will see that you react to him calmly and do not feel pain at all.

Removing baby teeth in children is a responsible task. It is important to contact an experienced dentist who knows about the peculiarities of treatment and will quickly get along with children. After all, they react calmly to people they like!

Our clinic employs professionals. They have modern equipment and the best materials at their disposal, allowing them to carry out all procedures painlessly and accurately.

Before outlining the indications and contraindications for tooth extraction for children under anesthesia, let’s find out what is meant by the term “anesthesia.” Usually in medicine this term refers to an artificially induced state of the central nervous system, characterized by loss of consciousness, muscle relaxation, decreased reflex activity and lack of sensitivity to pain. In pediatric dentistry, a child is placed under anesthesia by administering intravenous drugs or using an oxygen mask. As a rule, removal of baby teeth, as well as permanent teeth under anesthesia, is necessary in the following situations:

The standard fear of a child and reluctance to remove a tooth should not be perceived by you as an indication for the use of anesthesia. Usage general anesthesia complicates any operation, so the decision to use it should be approached with full responsibility.

Contraindications to tooth extraction in children under anesthesia are as follows:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • body weight deficiency;
  • rickets;
  • uncompensated heart failure;
  • recent vaccination.

Before an operation to remove teeth for a child under anesthesia, be sure to consult not only a dentist, but also an anesthesiologist, as well as a pediatrician to identify all possible reasons refusal to carry out this procedure.

Removal of baby teeth for children under anesthesia

Loss as a result of natural root resorption is the best option separation of a child from milk teeth. However, this does not always happen, and, unfortunately, the baby tooth will have to be removed in the clinic if your baby has at least one of the following factors.

  • Delayed root resorption.

    Removal in this situation is caused by the need to make room for the normal growth of a permanent tooth.

  • Inflammation of tissue due to a loose tooth.

    A loose tooth does not fall out, causes discomfort to the baby and provokes inflammation of the gums.

  • The root has already dissolved.

    The picture shows that the root is no longer there, but the tooth is still held in the socket.

  • Severe degree of tooth decay.

    Due to advanced caries, the tooth cannot be restored.

  • The presence of a cyst on the root of the tooth.

    Once a cyst is detected, the baby tooth should be removed as quickly as possible to avoid complications.

  • Beginning of permanent tooth eruption.

    In such a situation, milk tooth extraction is mandatory.

  • Tooth injuries (chips, cracks, fractures).

    Removal is carried out to prevent the risk of damage to the soft tissues, mucous membrane and tongue of the child.

  • Fistula on the gum.

    If a baby tooth is not removed when a fistula is detected on a child’s gum, then pus entering the stomach cavity from the affected canals will cause serious damage to the child’s body.

  • Phlegmon, periodontitis, sinusitis.

    If a baby tooth causes the development of purulent processes in the body, it must also be removed.

Removal of a baby tooth is contraindicated acute stages development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, during infectious diseases or if available malignant tumor in the area where the tooth is located. IN the latter case The tooth is removed along with the tumor in the hospital. The indications for removing baby teeth in children under anesthesia are the same as for removing permanent teeth.

How is tooth extraction performed for children under general anesthesia?

Tooth extraction for children under general anesthesia can be divided into 4 stages.

  1. Preparation for the procedure

    Before tooth extraction under anesthesia, the child must visit a pediatrician in order to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body and then undergo all tests. necessary tests And conducting an ECG. The baby should stop eating 6 hours before the procedure and stop drinking liquids 2 hours before.

  2. Anesthesia

    The child is put into a state of sleep using an oxygen mask or intravenous injection. At the same time, the anesthesiologist monitors his condition at all stages of the surgical operation.

  3. Removal of a tooth

    The procedure itself for removing teeth for children under general anesthesia consists of the following manipulations.

  • The doctor places forceps on the crown of the tooth and moves them around its perimeter.
  • He then places the forceps on the tooth and dislocates it.
  • Next, the doctor removes the tooth from the hole and checks whether all the roots have been removed.
  • The tooth socket is pressed with a cotton swab.
  1. Rehabilitation

    After recovering from anesthesia, it is better for the child to stay in the clinic for several hours for medical monitoring of his condition. You should feed your baby after anesthesia light food, for example, yogurt or broth. Don't give your child any medicines, if they were not prescribed by the attending physician. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists, the rehabilitation period should pass safely and without side effects.

Traditionally, clinics use two main types of anesthesia: inhalation (mask) and intravenous. At inhalation anesthesia substances that cause sleepiness enter the child’s body through Airways. As a rule, these are oxygen, halogen-containing gases, and nitrous oxide. This method is considered the most comfortable for a small patient, because the child quickly falls asleep and does not experience discomfort when waking up. During intravenous anesthesia, sleep medications (propofol or benzodiazepines) are released into the bloodstream by injection.

Is it dangerous to remove teeth in children under anesthesia?

If during the examination of a child at the stage of preparation for tooth extraction under anesthesia, contraindications to the use of general anesthesia are revealed, then not a single doctor will insist on this. In cases where the use of anesthesia is justified and supported by test results, there should be no complications. In addition, speaking about the potential risks of tooth extraction for children under general anesthesia, it is important to draw the attention of parents to a careful selection of the clinic and professionals on whom it directly depends. successful implementation operations.

Alternatives to anesthesia

If main reason If the likelihood of using anesthesia during tooth extraction is considered, the child’s fear is considered, then as an alternative a simpler way to solve the problem can be proposed. We are talking about using a method such as oxygen-nitrogen sedation, which has nothing to do with anesthesia. The child simply inhales a mixture of sedative gases through a mask and psychologically relaxes. Thus, after the teeth are removed, he is left with only positive emotions. At the same time, during sedation the baby does not sleep, is conscious, breathes and speaks independently. In parallel with sedation, to eliminate pain applies local anesthesia. However, it is not recommended to use this method if the child does not have nasal breathing or during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to choose a suitable clinic?

Parents choosing a clinic for tooth extraction for a child under anesthesia should pay attention to the availability of a state license to provide such services. It is very difficult to obtain, so there are few dentists who perform tooth extraction for children under general anesthesia, even in Moscow. However, one cannot but agree that the health and safety of children is worth spending time searching for an institution with the appropriate license and highly qualified specialists.

How much does it cost to remove teeth for children under anesthesia in Moscow?

Prices for tooth extraction under anesthesia in Moscow consist of the cost of general anesthesia, which starts at 6,000 rubles, and the procedure itself, the cost of which depends on the complexity of the case. Additionally, you will need to pay for tests that must be taken before any operation under anesthesia to identify possible contraindications.

  • Nitrous oxide
  • Psychosomatics
  • Tooth extraction can become a real problem for a child and for his parents, because most children have a difficult time medical procedures and are afraid dental instruments. However, sometimes it is impossible to do without removal, so parents should know when it is really worth removing it, how the procedure will go, how to prepare the child, and what difficulties there are after removal.


    • Increased mobility. It happens that a child’s heel has been unsteady for a long time, causing severe discomfort in the baby, but it will not fall out on its own. Sometimes it prevents the baby from even eating and talking.
    • Increased mobility of permanent teeth due to periodontitis.
    • The milk tooth is affected by deep caries. When the risk of infection spreading to a permanent tooth increases, the best solution would be to remove the diseased baby tooth, even if the loss is still far away, for example, the child is only 2 or 5 years old.
    • A deep form of caries has affected the permanent tooth, and its treatment is impossible.
    • The root of a baby tooth is destroyed. This situation directly threatens the germ of a molar, as a result of which it can not only erupt while already infected, but also die.
    • A baby or molar tooth is injured. Its sharp pieces can damage your gums, but even if there are no sharp parts, when broken, it is more susceptible to infection by bacteria that cause tooth decay.
    • Loss is delayed. This can cause problems with the eruption of permanent teeth and jaw formation. If the molar has erupted, several months have passed, and the milk tooth is firmly in the gum, it should also be removed.
    • The permanent teeth grow crowded, and to improve the bite it is necessary to remove one of them.
    • Developed in the oral cavity acute inflammation. This can cause the removal of both a baby tooth, for example, at the age of 4, and molars. The reason for removal in this case may be phlegmon, periodontitis, fistula in the gum, cyst suppuration and some other diseases. In this case, before removal, acute inflammation is relieved.
    • The doctor recommends removing the buds of wisdom teeth in children due to difficulties in their eruption or lack of space. This procedure is performed at 15-16 years of age, while their roots have not yet formed.
    • A developmental anomaly has been identified in which their number is greater than normal. Removal supernumerary tooth in a child in such a situation, it is important for the proper development of the jaw.

    It may be necessary to remove a tooth if the child has advanced caries


    Removal is not carried out if:

    • The child fell ill with a sore throat, pneumonia or other acute illness.
    • An acute inflammatory process, for example, stomatitis or candidiasis, has been detected in the child’s oral cavity.
    • There is a vascular or malignant tumor near the tooth.

    Features of milk teeth removal

    The procedure is influenced by factors such as the child's growing jaw, mixed bite, and the presence of a permanent tooth bud under the baby tooth.

    Often the manipulation is performed by a dentist without any difficulties, but must be carried out with extreme caution due to the short roots. If you do not act carefully, the doctor may damage the permanent tooth.

    A careless dentist can damage a permanent tooth, so you need to choose a doctor carefully

    How to remove at home?

    1. If a tooth is about to fall out and just needs a little help, proceed as follows:
    2. Treat the gums with an anesthetic.
    3. Take a small piece of clean gauze or cloth, wrap it around the tooth and shake it to the sides. It should move freely.
    4. Pull it and carefully remove it. If the tooth does not come off easily, it is most likely too early to remove it yourself.
    5. Pinch the gum area after removal with a piece of clean gauze.
    6. Distract your baby from bleeding by showing your baby the lost tooth.

    Check to see if there are any pieces of tooth left in the gums. In most cases, no fragments remain, and sometimes in its place the tip of a permanent tooth ready for eruption is already visible.

    It is best for the child to remove a loose baby tooth on his own. Encourage your baby to move his tongue, this will speed up the process of falling out. If something worries you, for example, some part remains in the gum, take your child to the dentist.

    For an example of removal at home, see the following video.

    Features of the removal of chewing milk teeth If a child has to have a chewing tooth removed, it can make chewing food worse. The child will chew food with his incisors, which increases the risk of wear and tear. In turn, reducing the chewing load on the jaw in the place where the tooth is removed will not sufficiently stimulate the chewing muscles, which will affect the growth of permanent teeth. This happens if chewing teeth heavily deleted ahead of schedule

    their loss, for example, at 3 years.

    When removing chewing teeth, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the incisors, as they can become worn down

    Under general or local anesthesia? There are several options for pain relief during tooth extraction. The most common is local anesthesia using an injection.

    They often resort to topical anesthesia, in which the gums are treated with a gel or spray with an anesthetic effect. Often this anesthetic has a pleasant fruity taste, and the product is quickly absorbed into the gums. Such anesthesia is sufficient for a very loose baby tooth, but more often the application is used for preliminary anesthesia of the gums, in order to then give an injection there with a long-acting anesthetic.

    General anesthesia is rarely used in the treatment of children's teeth. General anesthesia is used for:

    It is extremely rare to use general anesthesia when removing teeth in children.

    Psychological preparation

    Before you go with your child dental office, it is important to prepare the baby psychologically and prepare him for the removal process to be easy and quick.

    • Do not discuss the reason for the removal in front of the child, and do not use complex dental terms in conversation.
    • Don't scare your daughter or son about the dentist.
    • Try not to worry yourself so that the excitement is not passed on to the baby.
    • You can take your child with you when your teeth are being treated, so that the baby can be convinced that the procedure is safe.
    • Emphasize that the child will show courage and be brave during the procedure.
    • Do not deceive your child that the manipulation will be completely painless. It's better to focus on what painful sensations will be minor and will pass quickly.

    Removal procedure

    1. Forceps are applied to the crown so that the tooth is fixed without excessive pressure.
    2. The dentist performs a luxation (this is what tooth dislocation is called).
    3. The tooth is removed from the socket (this manipulation is called traction).
    4. The dentist makes sure that all roots are removed.
    5. The hole is closed with a gauze swab.

    Possible problems after removal

    Gums hurt

    Minor pain after manipulation is normal and should not be a cause for concern. In this case, the pain should gradually decrease. If the pain is prolonged and very severe, the child should be examined by a dentist.

    Swollen cheek

    Slight swelling on the first or second day after removal is considered normal. If the swelling is severe and increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Swollen lip

    This condition can occur when a child bites their lip after a tooth extraction but does not feel it due to the anesthesia. As a rule, swelling goes away on its own within a few days. If it grows, it is important to show the baby to the doctor.

    Temperature increase

    Small increase on the first or second day after removal is acceptable. If the temperature rises above +38°C, the child should be examined by a dentist, as this may be evidence of infection in the socket.

    If adverse symptoms occur, be sure to contact your pediatrician

    Prolonged bleeding

    Blood is released after the removal of baby teeth in small quantities and not for long. To stop the bleeding faster, the child should bite gauze swab. A situation with increased bleeding is more common when a permanent tooth is removed. Until it forms blood clot, it may take a long time. If there is prolonged bleeding and discharge of scarlet blood, the child should be seen by a doctor without delay.