What kind of mineral water to inhale a child. Mineral water in inhalation therapy is dangerous

We turned to medical experts and asked them to express their point of view on the problem.

V.F. Antoniv, doctor medical sciences, Professor:

What you need to know when treating with an inhaler

For inhalation today there are many special devices. Steam inhalers, "exhaling" steam with particles of an average size of 10 microns, with which the upper Airways.
The nebulizer produces an aerosol with a particle size of less than 5 microns and is suitable for treating all parts of the respiratory system.
Nebulizers differ in the method of spraying the drug. For example, compressor rooms "break" medicinal preparation using a powerful jet of air generated by the compressor. Mesh (mesh) nebulizers - "sift" the medicine through a very fine mesh-membrane, and ultrasonic - act on the liquid with ultrasound.

So, the inhaler turns the drug solution into a vapor or an aerosol consisting of ultra-small particles, that is, in this form, the drug can be inhaled to treat respiratory diseases. For example, acute respiratory infections, cough, bronchitis.
And best of all - carefully read the instructions, where you will find a lot of necessary and useful information. Now let's get to the point: what medications can be used in nebulizers?

Evgeny KOMAROVSKY, pediatrician, doctor the highest category, TV presenter of the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky":
- The fact that parents often do not go to doctors, but self-medicate, is a big parental mistake. The same thing happens when choosing an inhaler, as they believe that there are no special medical knowledge not required. - says Dr. Komarovsky. - If mother, before pouring mineral water into the nebulizer, asked the doctor how to use this equipment, she would know for sure that mineral water and chamomile decoction should not be poured into the nebulizer. The device is designed for something completely different.

At the first sign of SARS or cough special harm from inhalation will not, but on condition that a conventional steam inhaler is used, the task of which is to moisten the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Remember, dear mothers: inhalation of vapors does not heal, but moisturizes, and this is the most important thing.

But here too there is big list restrictions on the use of inhalers. And the diseases in which inhalations can be done are much less than those in which such procedures are categorically contraindicated.

Very important: steam inhalation can be a serious danger for children with otitis media, for children of preschool age, for children with fever.

Additional moisturizing of the mucous membranes during illness can be achieved by completely different, more reasonable and in safe ways- humidifying the air in the room, observing the plentiful drinking regimen by instilling a saline solution into the nose.
In the aerosol created by the nebulizer, there are not just particles of water, as in a steam inhaler, but particles pharmacological preparations, which the doctor prescribes to a child with diagnoses such as bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, etc. The child needs these medicines and the procedure is not a whim of the parents, but the appointment of the attending physician.

Mineral water in a nebulizer is absolutely impossible to use! Dr. Komarovsky stated this in one of his TV shows:

– Inhalation is aimed at moistening the respiratory tract and facilitating sputum discharge. In no case should you use water from a bottle - at least mineral, at least some!Pouring saline or mineral water into a nebulizer is like trying to fill a car with hay or oats…

Only (!) drugs for nebulizer therapy are suitable for use in nebulizers. If you plan to use for inhalation essential oils or herbal decoctions - choose a steam inhaler (http://www.komarovskiy.net/faq/nebulajzer-mineralka-i-fizrastvor.html)

Answers the question about the duration of inhalation otolaryngologist Olga RASTREPINA:
- The main thing is the amount of medicine that the patient should receive. Doctor recommends optimal time inhalation. The actual duration of the procedure depends on specifications nebulizer: nebulization speed, drug residual volume and drug viscosity.
When preparing a mixture for inhalation, it is recommended to add saline to the preparation so that the volume of the drug corresponds to the optimal procedure time.

National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology:

There is no mineral water for inhalation in Ukraine

The National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology (NIFiP) came to the conclusion that today in Ukraine there is no mineral water that has indications "for inhalation therapy». This was reported at the National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, answering the question whether it is possible to fill the nebulizer with mineral water or ordinary water from the tap.
“For example, for TM “Borjomi” indications are diseases gastrointestinal tract», - says the letter NIFIP.
Firstly, according to experts, mineral water is not sterile. And since the respiratory tract, unlike the gastrointestinal tract, does not have the ability to disinfect, it becomes dangerous.
Secondly, mineral water contains non-volatile acids (for example, metasilicic acid), which are not excreted from the lungs.
Thirdly, mineral water contains carbon dioxide. For patients with respiratory diseases suffering from hypoxia, inhalations with mineral water are dangerous due to increased hypoxia, worsening general condition and a decrease in the effectiveness of the therapy.
In addition, the use of tap water for inhalation can cause bronchospasm, and patients with increased airway reactivity (bronchial asthma patients) are at particular risk.
as a solvent for medicines used for inhalation, experts from the National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology recommend using only special sterile solutions, for example, sodium chloride solution 0.9%.
In doing so, they refer to order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 18.05.13 No. 398, which approved the standards harmonized with similar regulations of the European Medicines Agency (European Medicines Agency).

It must be remembered that a nebulizer is a good thing, but it is not a panacea for all colds. Some get relief and even manage to fully recover, other patients complain that inhalations not only did not help in the treatment, but aggravated the problem even more. And the reason for this is in the mistakes that the patients themselves make.

We talked about this with the head of the endoscopic department thoracic surgery KGKB №17 Evgeny Simonets and general practitioner family medicine Sergey Makarov.

Evgeniy SIMONETS: “You can’t choose medicines on your own! Assigning to myself expectorant, we can different types cough to provoke bronchial obstruction, increase the amount of sputum. Only a doctor will determine what type of cough, what sputum, what its viscosity, whether there is a narrowing of the bronchial lumen, bronchospasm, mucosal edema - and depending on this, he will select inhalation therapy.

“You can not pour oil solutions into the dispenser. Fats can settle on the walls of the bronchi and even alveoli, which can lead to disruption of gas exchange with the most unpredictable consequences- up to pulmonary edema, ”the doctor warns.
But about decoctions and infusions of herbs, that is different opinions. Nebulizer manufacturers do not recommend them for use in a nebulizer because their use will damage the device.

The erroneous opinion that you need to “breathe” as often as possible. The frequency of inhalations is prescribed by the doctor according to the scheme: as a rule, 2-3 times a day. “Properly inhaled - an hour after eating. After eating, we increase intra-abdominal pressure, and the abdominal organs press on the diaphragm, thereby reducing the tidal volume. There is a possibility that we will inhale less of the lower sections of the breathing tube.
Inhalations aimed at thinning sputum are done no later than 4 hours before bedtime in order to have time to cough up. If we disengage at night, this will lead to stagnation of sputum, and in the morning we will get productive cough. Inhalations with bronchodilators are done no later than an hour before bedtime, as they stimulate cardiovascular system. One of side effects- increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.
Another of the mistakes that you can not use inhalation when elevated temperature. This prohibition is relevant for steam inhalations, which increase the heat. Moreover, steam inhalations do not do with bronchospasm, obstructive syndrome, mucosal edema. “It will only increase the swelling, cause even more spasm and obstruction of the bronchi. But inhalations with a nebulizer, if indicated, can be done with a fever, because the fine suspension that we breathe is at normal room temperature.

Sergey MAKAROV: “The use of mineral waters, for example, Borjomi, in a nebulizer is very risky and even dangerous to health. Perhaps the only controversial mistake in practice home use nebulizer can be considered as a solution for inhalation of alkaline mineral water. The human lower respiratory tract is normally sterile. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for maximum microbial purity of inhalation solutions. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection. In the 1970s, a number of outbreaks of pneumonia were described due to the use of non-sterile solutions in nebulizers.
All preparations for inhalation must also be sterile, because there is a risk of introducing bacteria into the lungs or bronchi, which can provoke an inflammatory process. Can we talk about the sterility of mineral water? Hardly…"

Svetlana KOZHEVNIKOVA, doctor of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences:
– Nebulizer therapy is prohibited for pneumothorax (lung rupture), pulmonary hemorrhage or hemoptysis. Please refer to this Special attention! Also contraindications include individual intolerance and psychodisorders. Care must be taken when using a nebulizer for hypertensive patients, with respiratory, heart failure, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, post-infarction, post-stroke condition.

Summarizing and listening to the opinions of various medical professionals, we can come to the conclusion that, as you know, there is no panacea for all ills. But similar problem can touch everyone. So, dear reader, draw your own conclusions. However, it is important to remember the main thing: never self-medicate, but be sure to consult with your family doctor or narrowly specialized specialist, and in more difficult situation– contact several competent medical practitioners.

Prepared based on materials from Internet publications
Alevtina NOVIKOVA.

The use of inhalation with mineral water in a nebulizer during treatment colds widely used by doctors. This is an addition to the main treatment with medicines and folk remedies cough and runny nose in children and adults. In chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract or bronchial asthma, nebulizer therapy becomes indispensable assistant in treatment. Children who are often ill are also not treated for acute respiratory infections without an inhaler.

The benefits of inhalation with mineral water

The widespread use of inhalation therapy in the treatment bronchopulmonary diseases due to delivery medicinal substance directly to the respiratory organs, bypassing the systemic effects on the body. A person is attacked by many microorganisms, thereby causing respiratory diseases. Wrong or not timely treatment leads to the development of complications and chronicity of the process.

On the initial stages doctors advise using, in addition to drugs, inhalation therapy. This method allows you to act directly on the respiratory mucosa and deliver the drug deep into the alveoli. The use of mineral water for inhalation in children is an effective and hypoallergenic method in the fight against diseases of the respiratory system. The main effects of inhalation of mineral water:

  • provides free nasal breathing;
  • removes mucus from the lungs;
  • raises defensive forces organism;
  • helps to alleviate dry cough;
  • reduces throat irritation;
  • reduces the viscosity of sputum.

Carrying out inhalation with mineral water has practically no contraindications, therefore it is prescribed for children from birth. The procedure is also suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, people suffering from obstructive pulmonary diseases. The value of mineral water is that it is alkaline. Great content sodium bicarbonate makes breathing easier, thins mucus and stimulates its excretion. Among the mineral waters suitable for inhalation in a nebulizer are Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Nagutskaya, Narzan and others.

Indications for the procedure in children

List of diseases for which nebulizer therapy is prescribed mineral water, is large enough. These include diseases of the throat, nose, upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • enlargement of the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids);
  • allergic and bacterial rhinitis;
  • acute rhinopharyngitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • when coughing with sputum difficult to separate;
  • acute and obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbations chronic diseases respiratory tract;
  • pneumonia.

The sooner treatment is started, the sooner improvement and faster recovery. During epidemics of colds, inhalations with mineral water in a nebulizer are an indispensable procedure in the treatment of respiratory pathology.

At bountiful current from the nose, in addition to inhalation with mineral water, you can use saline. With dry cough that occurs with obstructive bronchitis, you can add to the treatment alkaline solutions, such as Soda-buffer, or drugs that relax the muscles of the bronchi - Ventolin. In treatment wet cough mucolytics are used: acetylcysteine ​​(ACC), Ambrobene. These drugs are available in nebulae for inhalation. One nebula is diluted with saline in the same proportion. The dosage and frequency of admission in a child is determined by the doctor.


If there are others accompanying illnesses, you should notify your doctor. When carrying out inhalation, children need to be especially careful. It is not recommended to use inhalation in children with an increase in body temperature, immediately after eating, with purulent sputum discharge.

In adults, the list of contraindications is much longer. Do not use a nebulizer in such cases:

  • Violation of the heart rhythm.
  • Heart failure.
  • Hypertensive disease of the third stage.
  • Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Respiratory failure.

The presence of these diseases can enhance the picture of the course of the disease or provoke the development acute pathology requiring emergency assistance.

Rules for inhalation in childhood

The procedure is carried out with mineral water without gas. To do this, it is recommended to leave an open bottle of water to remove air bubbles. Then take measures to disinfect the nebulizer and its constituent parts. Then pour 5 ml of mineral water into a special medicine container. Water should be at room temperature. It is necessary to fill in mineral water or other medicine only immediately before the procedure.

For children under three years of age, the duration of the procedure is no more than three minutes. You need to breathe in a calm rhythm, deeply and slowly, using a mask for the mouth and nose or a mouthpiece. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash and dry the device for the next inhalation. After manipulation, it is not recommended to immediately go outside, eat for an hour and a half after inhalation. Older children can increase the inhalation time to five minutes. The multiplicity is 3-4 times a day. At the end of inhalation, remove the remaining solution from the nebulizer, rinse its parts with running water and dry.

For achievement therapeutic effect you need to follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, and also walk more often on fresh air, ventilate the room in which the child is located. Humidification can help with a runny nose. Combining drug and inhalation therapy, you can achieve the desired result much faster.

Mineral water contains a large supply of minerals, salts (not without reason the use of soda-salt solutions for gargling has been known for a long time) and other useful chemical compounds necessary for the human body. These are important trace elements like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. When they enter the foci of inflammation, they help fight bacteria and viruses, facilitate breathing and remove phlegm, relieve sore throat and inflammation in the lungs and bronchi.

During the procedure useful material absorbed into the blood faster than any medications without providing pernicious influence on the walls of the stomach. The patient recovers quickly and successfully.

What is the advantage of mineral water:

  • it is affordable;
  • safe;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • suitable for any age;
  • does not cause addiction and side effects.

Concerning therapeutic treatment, then it is capable of:

  • soften dry cough and remove sputum;
  • effectively moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • relieve irritation of the nasal mucosa, speed up the process of treating a runny nose;
  • get rid of the symptoms of a cold.

Passing through the device, small particles of steam enter the respiratory tract. Alkali prevents the development of bacterial flora, acting as an antiseptic.

In sanatoriums and boarding houses, which are located near healing springs, carbonic, radon, hydrogen sulfide waters are used for various procedures. And each water has its own characteristics.

At home, having a nebulizer, we can use the mineral water bought in the store:

  • Essentuki (No. 17, No. 4);
  • "Borjomi";
  • "Narzan";
  • other brands from the sources of the Caucasus, the Carpathians and the Novgorod region (recommended by a doctor).

Using medicinal waters for the inhaler don't forget to get rid of carbon dioxide. Pour the liquid into a large container and stir occasionally. Or just leave the bottle open for 1-2 hours. In this case, the water temperature should be 38 ° C.

Instructions for conducting

For the procedure, you can use the following types of nebulizers:

  • steam inhalers are used mainly in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but they are not adapted to work with essential oils;
  • ultrasonic devices are used for chronic diseases they are comfortable small size, can run on batteries, are silent;
  • compressor inhalers are effective for tracheitis, bronchitis.

When carrying out inhalations, you need to breathe correctly (take a breath during the procedure) in order to maximize the penetration of the sprayed smallest particles of minerals. The word inhalation itself means to inhale. Therefore, there are a number of rules:

  1. You should open the bottle in advance and release carbon dioxide.
  2. Strictly adhere to the dosage provided for when using of this type devices.
  3. Inhalations at elevated temperatures are prohibited.
  4. The procedure should be started only 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.
  5. Water should be heated to 38 °C, maximum heating - 45 °C. Temperatures higher than specified are fraught with burns.
  6. With a runny nose, inhale slowly and deeply through the nose; when treating the throat, inhale through the mouth. If the treatment concerns a child, train him in advance to breathe correctly and without undue stress.
  7. After inhalation, give complete rest to the respiratory system (do not talk, do not drink, do not eat for an hour).
  8. After each use, disinfect the mask according to the instructions.

At the first symptoms of a runny nose, nasal congestion, alkaline inhalations can be carried out literally every hour, but maintaining a predetermined time interval after eating. Often you can get by and refuse to buy nasal drops. Average interval between sessions - 2 - 3 hours. Duration alkaline inhalation for adults is 10 - 15 minutes.

Children under 5 years old maximum time limited to 3 minutes, for a child older than this age - from 7 to 10 minutes. At the same time, 1 - 2 procedures are recommended throughout the day, no more. It is better for children under one year old wet inhalation(temperature up to 30 ° C), older children - warm and humid (temperature up to 40 ° C). Steam is desirable to exclude.

Precautionary measures

During treatment, the exact implementation of all the actions specified in the instructions is required, and compliance with correct dosage. However, there are a number of limitations:

  • with angina, inflammation and edema of the lungs, these procedures are prohibited;
  • with frequent nosebleeds, as well as with heart failure similar procedures are excluded.

Children very often get colds and various viral diseases, which are always accompanied by the appearance of cough and runny nose. Doctors have long used inhalation as an auxiliary treatment for respiratory tract infections. The word itself means "to inhale". That is, inhalation through the nose or mouth of healing vapors helps speed up the healing process. Inhalations with mineral water are very effective. How does mineral water work on respiratory system? What mineral water should be used to treat children? Is it possible to use any mineral water in a nebulizer? How to do inhalation? How long should one procedure last, and how often are children allowed to inhale with mineral water? All these questions on this page "Popular about health" we will discuss right now.

Inhalations in a nebulizer for children

For colds and other diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract, children are often prescribed along with the main treatment of inhalation with mineral water. There are two types of mineral waters, which differ in their composition:


Most often in pediatric practice for inhalation, it is alkaline water that is used. The principle of their action is as follows - small particles of water, penetrating into the respiratory tract, create there alkaline environment, which has a detrimental effect on various microbes and bacteria. Alkalinization gradually inhibits the development of harmful microflora in the bronchi, trachea, so the healing process is faster. Acid inhalations are used to alleviate coughs, they help relieve irritation in the throat and have a mild thinning effect. How to independently inhale a child with mineral water through a nebulizer?

Nebulizer - a device for inhalation at home

In Soviet times, if a small patient was prescribed inhalations, it was necessary to get to the hospital every day for a procedure that lasts 5 minutes. This caused a lot of inconvenience. Now everything has become much easier - in any pharmacy, anyone can buy a nebulizer. What's this? This appliance is an electrical appliance equipped with a flask for medicinal solution and mask. During its operation, the following happens - small particles of the treatment solution are sprayed at a certain speed and enter the patient's respiratory tract. Nebulizers come in several types:


The first in the list are intended for inhalation of warm solutions, for example, from herbal preparations. Compressor and ultrasonic differ in the way they spray medicinal solutions, drug delivery rate and noise level. For inhalation of mineral water with a nebulizer for children, both compressor and ultrasonic device.

What mineral water to use for inhalation?

Alkaline inhalations are done using Essentuki 17 mineral waters or Borjomi similar in composition. First you need to release the gas. To do this, shake the bottle well and open it. Leave it open for at least a couple of hours. The water should not be cold. The optimum temperature is 38 degrees.

How to carry out inhalation of mineral water to a child?

Type 3-5 ml of water into the flask for the nebulizer solution. Turn on the device and apply a mask to the face of the crumbs. The duration of the procedure is determined depending on the age.
Inhalation for infants. They need to breathe no longer than 5 minutes.
For kids older than a year you can breathe a little longer - 5-7 minutes.
Water inhalation for children from three years old - 10 minutes.
The time to a large extent depends on the speed of spraying your device. If it's about ultrasonic nebulizer, where the particle feed rate is faster, then they are guided by the amount of solution used. That is, the child breathes until the recommended amount of mineral water in the flask runs out.

The frequency of procedures for small patients is 3 times a day, the course is 10 days.
Inhalation is carried out one hour after eating, not on an empty stomach.
The child should remain calm during the procedure - do not talk or play around.
At a body temperature above 37.5 degrees, inhalation is not carried out.
After the session, for half an hour you can not go outside (in winter), do not drink or eat.
With sinusitis and sinusitis, it is recommended to inhale vapors through the nose.
When coughing and inflammatory processes in the throat, trachea and bronchi, it is better to breathe through the mouth.

Is it possible to cure a child only with mineral water?

Mineral water for inhalation for children is highly effective, this is undoubted, however, this method of exposure cannot replace the intake antibacterial agents if, for example, we are talking about acute bronchitis or pneumonia. Alkalinization allows you to quickly reach therapeutic effect, but cannot be the only way serious treatment. In addition to inhalation with water, children are recommended to drink mineral water for bronchitis or tracheobronchitis. Babies are given it in a tablespoon 5-6 times a day in a warm form, after releasing gas.


So, in what cases is it worth inhaling with mineralized water in a nebulizer? If you notice the first signs of a cold - runny nose, coughing, as well as in the treatment of tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. In each of these cases, alkaline water is successfully used "

Diseases of the respiratory system are the scourge of our time. Poor environmental conditions, the use of low-quality products, the lack of efficiency in preventing epidemics, lead to an increase in respiratory diseases.

First of all, the nasopharynx suffers, and if viruses and bacteria are not defeated in this zone, they confidently “walk” into the lower parts of the respiratory system.

Otolaryngologists argue that not only with the help of chemistry, it is possible to solve the problems of treating the inflamed mucosa of the pharynx and bronchopulmonary system. One of safe means for a sore throat is mineral water, and which one, the doctor will definitely tell you.

With the help of mineral waters, inhalations are carried out, which are safely used during pregnancy, in pediatrics (for children), during lactation.

Runny nose, predisposition to colds, cough - these are direct indications for the appointment of inhalations with mineral water. Such inhalations are used more often in complex treatment which makes it possible to shorten the duration of the disease as much as possible.

The effectiveness of "mineral inhalations"

The rich composition of mineral waters, which includes sulfates (SO), bicarbonates (HCO), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and other valuable substances, has a positive effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the whole organism.

In parallel with inhalations, patients often use mineral water inside, thereby improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After inhalation, patients claim that mineral water helps to remove thickened sputum, and this effect is noticeable from the very first procedures.

The nasopharynx is cleared of mucus, sputum is rarefied, breathing becomes much easier. The main thing is correct execution procedures, which largely determines their effectiveness.

Advantages of mineral waters

Harmlessness, availability and safety of inhalations with mineral water are the main advantages. For example, inhalations with Borjomi or other mineral water with a nebulizer began to be carried out at home, although not so long ago, special devices were only available from medical treatment facilities.

Earlier, back in Soviet times, inhalation was performed in polyclinics and hospitals. It was not very convenient, because. the patient had to go out into the cold after the procedure with a sore throat or bronchitis.

The effectiveness of cold inhalations of mineral water "over the saucepan" is reduced to zero, so the right decision is to use special devices for inhalation, the best of which are nebulizers.

It should also be noted that inhalation of mineral water does not cause adverse reactions in the form of allergies and all its manifestations. There is also no habituation to the procedures. During the procedures, the patient feels comfortable. In the form of fine fractions, thanks to the nebulizer, mineral water reaches the desired zones faster.

Inhalations with mineral water - types and devices for carrying out

  • ultrasound techniques - cold method(all kinds of devices with ultrasound);
  • using an ultrasonic model (nebulizer) - cold method (the patient breathes through a special mouthpiece, where mineral water is supplied from the device container);
  • steam inhalation - a hot method (you need special appliances or a regular kitchen saucepan).

The most popular method is inhalation with a nebulizer. He has proven himself both at home and in the walls. medical clinics. Inhalations of mineral water with a nebulizer are performed by patients with pleasure, because. during the procedure, patients do not feel discomfort, as, for example, from decasan or other means.

Cold inhalations with a nebulizer perfectly irrigate the mucous membrane, eliminate tickling and dryness. Especially such inhalations are popular among pregnant and lactating women, when there are few approved remedies for treatment.

Despite the popularity of the nebulizer, what type of inhalation is needed for treatment is decided solely by the doctor.

If the patient often suffers from bronchopulmonary ailments, his first aid kit must have a device for inhalation. Today there is a large selection of compact and silent devices that run on batteries. They are especially relevant for asthmatics, when the likelihood of bronchospasm is high.

Compressor inhalers are also no less effective, but they have a drawback - this is noise. Also, mineral water can be inhaled through steam devices, then the temperature of the water for the procedure will be higher.

Inhalations with mineral water, which one is better to choose?

If you carefully study the composition of mineral waters, then, despite their similarity, the concentration of certain chemical elements will be different. You should also pay attention to the pH of the water - acidic or alkaline.

Most often, doctors recommend an alkaline mineral water, which thins sputum, eliminates hyperacidity, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Alkaline mineral waters will be useful for diseases of the whole respiratory tract. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor about which mineral water to inhale.

Depending on the possibility of purchasing mineral water in a particular region of the country, we provide a list alkaline waters with which it is allowed to carry out inhalations:

  • Martin;
  • Polyana kvasova;
  • Luzhanskaya;
  • Essentuki No. 4 or No. 17;
  • Dilijan;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Svalyava;
  • Borjomi;
  • Korneshtskaya;
  • Smirnovskaya;
  • Sairme;
  • Nabeglavi;
  • other.

All these waters contain a large number of sodium salts, and their pH level is always above seven.

With a dry cough, when the patient cannot cough normally, inhalation with acidic water will help. Due to the acidic composition of water, it improves local circulation, and the cough turns into a productive state. For inhalation with acidic water, it is recommended to purchase Narzan or Navtusya.

By property, mineral waters are also divided into:

  • hydrogen sulfide,
  • radon,
  • carbon dioxide and others.

The use of the listed mineral waters requires a mandatory consultation of a specialist. Inhalation by them is usually carried out in the conditions of sanatoriums. For example, in Russia, radon inhalations are offered in Belokurikha, Pyatigorsk and other places. Particularly popular for birth treatment used by Khmelnyk (Ukraine).

Some waters lose their properties during bottling and storage. Yes, everyone famous water"Navtusya" (Truskavets) is useful only from the very source. Local residents claim that there is no special bottling of Navtusi in their region. Where, then, does Truskavetskaya water appear on sale, only God knows.

Of course, there is no substitute for mineral water sources, so to benefit from treatment, trust a doctor whose many years of experience will tell you which water will help eliminate respiratory diseases.

Mineral water for inhalation - procedure for performing procedures

Before carrying out procedures at home, a natural question arises:

"How to do inhalations with mineral water so that the effect of the procedure is maximum?".

To eliminate dry cough, sputum removal, improve nasal breathing, prevent seizures bronchial asthma and laryngitis, treatment of all manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections, you need to know the main points of the inhalation technique:

If there is a nebulizer at home, mineral water is placed in a special container. Usually 5 ml is sufficient. The patient must be seated on a comfortable chair, where he will inhale mineral water for 5-10 minutes.

If necessary, the procedure is carried out steam inhalers, then it is necessary to check with the doctor what temperature of water should be used. Each steam appliance comes with its own detailed instructions.

For the most camping conditions, or, for example, in the absence of special appliances, you can use a regular saucepan. Pour about 300 ml of mineral water into it and heat it up to about 50 degrees (water temperature of 30-40 degrees is considered cold). We sit down comfortably, cover ourselves with a terry towel, and begin to calmly and evenly inhale the healing vapors.

More heat water can cause burns of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and low temperatures effect and will not give at all this method inhalation. Perform the procedure for five minutes twice a day, or as directed by the doctor.

If the procedure is carried out cold with sparkling water, do not forget to get rid of the gas (open the bottle two hours before the procedure).

An important point in successful inhalation is preliminary nasal rinsing with saline solutions. With severe swelling of the nasal passages, it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops before the procedure, for example, Otrivin.

The frequency of inhalations in the first days of illness is higher, inhalation during this period is best done every 2-3 hours, depending on the patient's condition. At the end of the course, inhalation procedures are carried out twice a day, then once (1 time per day), and canceled.

Features of inhalation in childhood

For the treatment of diseases of the throat and bronchi in children, pediatricians recommend the use of alkaline mineral waters, and there are no special preferences. Any available mineral water is suitable for inhalation. In children, unlike adults, the airways are narrow and therefore more prone to inflammatory diseases. No wonder the phrase "snotty childhood" exists.

The nebulizer is used in pediatrics at the age when the child is able to breathe independently with the help of special devices, i.e. can accurately perform respiratory movements shown by adults.

Before the procedure, be sure to measure the body temperature of the child. The duration of inhalation in children under 5 years of age should not exceed three minutes, up to 12 years - five minutes. All others are subject to the same requirements as for adults.

At acute period inhalation diseases are carried out every 4 hours. Steam inhalation, if there is no nebulizer, last about 2-3 minutes. An adult should always be near the child, do not leave for a minute! Be sure to check the correctness of the procedure.

The smallest patients (babies and children under two years old) are inhaled in a special way. They will not be able to perform cold inhalations, but hot ones are recommended to be done according to the following method:

  • mineral water is heated to 60 degrees;
  • the child is in a crib, near which a container with heated mineral water is placed (the distance between the child and mineral water must be safe);
  • the bed and the water container should be covered with a sheet so that the therapeutic pairs warm and moisturize the baby's nasopharynx.

After the procedure important point the baby's peace remains, because crying contributes to swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. After the procedure, the mother can give the breast to the child, and if the baby is artificial, then prepare a warm milk mixture.

Carry the baby in your arms, sing your favorite song, calm down. The room where the child is after inhalation should not be damp (favorable temperature is 22-24 degrees). On the days of inhalation walks in the fresh air, coordinate with the pediatrician.


Despite the simplicity of inhalation with mineral water, you still have to deal with many nuances. This is the temperature of the patient's body and mineral water, the duration and frequency of procedures, etc. Not to mention the use of inhalations in the infant period.

The advantage of the harmless method of inhalation with mineral water is its versatility, because. in the days of illness, it is shown to absolutely everyone without exception. To maximize the effect of treatment, the main thing is the timeliness of all therapeutic procedures.

Most of the patients who have tried mineral water inhalations on themselves were satisfied. This is especially true for the category of patients who suffer from thick sputum and atrophy of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Patients claim that mineral water perfectly moisturizes the nose and throat, constant torment from perspiration goes away, obsessive cough and dryness.

If there is no improvement with the use of inhalations with mineral water, then you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen, you cannot give a chance for the progression of the disease. Be healthy!

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