Antiviral ointment oxolin. Release forms and method of application

I remember how, as a child, my grandmother always smeared oxolinic ointment on my nose. As soon as they said that an epidemic was beginning, my grandmother immediately used her miracle remedy. I really didn’t like it, but there was nowhere to go. And the most offensive thing is that I was still sick afterwards, so my suffering was in vain.

Oxolinic ointment is used constantly. Because admit it, you do it too. But Is it possible to smear your nose with oxolinic ointment?? Editorial World Travel will answer this question.

Does oxolinic ointment help?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the effectiveness of this ointment has not been proven at all. No research has been conducted in this area. Certainly, sulfur ointment and no one tested Vishnevsky’s ointment either, but they have many years of experience on their side, proving the effectiveness of these simple remedies.

Many doctors compare the effect of oxoline with the placebo effect. It will make no difference whether you apply regular cream or oxolinic ointment to your nose. And then arguments begin to pour in like: “Oxolinic ointment is the primary means of protecting against viruses. It perfectly moisturizes the nasal mucosa, and no viruses will pass through.” But this is completely unfounded. Oxolinic ointment contains petroleum jelly, but it does not moisturize at all, but quite the opposite.

In addition, Vaseline is a fatty base of the ointment, and it is much easier for dust particles to stick to it. It is they who, during epidemics, are the most the best way for the spread of airborne infections. Oxolinic ointment dries out the mucous membrane, which can result in the formation of bleeding crusts. From this it is difficult to conclude that the ointment can protect against viruses.

Remember that the best protection against viruses is proper nutrition, healthy sleep, walks, sports and strengthening the immune system with all your might. The rules are familiar to everyone, nothing new, but they always work flawlessly.

Among other things, oxolinic ointment is an interferon inducer. In turn, interferon is a protein that helps the body fight viruses. Many countries are abandoning use of interferon inducers because they weaken the immune system. WHO believes that taking antiviral drugs creates resistance to them, and this leads to serious consequences even with the simplest operations.

In other countries, you will not find it on pharmacy shelves, and this makes you wonder whether it is worth using it at all. Doctors strongly recommend abandoning this ointment, and we completely agree with them. Despite the long-term habit, it’s time to throw out your favorite oxolinka from the medicine cabinet. Take care of yourself and your health!

Warts are small growths that appear as plaques of dead skin. The cause of warts is the papilloma virus, which begins to become active under stress, decreased immunity, or as a result of other factors.
There are a large number of drugs available to remove warts. Oxolinic ointment instructions for use state that the drug is an excellent remedy, used to remove warts. How to take it correctly?

Composition and release form

Oxolinic ointment has a viscous, translucent, dense consistency, which has a white-grayish tint.

The drug is presented in the form of an ointment, which may also have the second name Oxolin.

The composition of 3% Oxolinic ointment includes chemical compoundhalene, which also has a short name - oxoline. It is the short name of the compound that gives the ointment its name. As an auxiliary element, Oxolinic ointment contains soft white paraffin and mineral oil.

Oxolin is a drug that has an antiviral effect against RIC and DNA viruses: influenza virus, adenovirus, Herpes zoster. The mechanism of the antiviral activity of the drug is chemical interaction with guanine residues of nucleic acids of viruses, as a result of which the acid becomes inactive.

The drug is not toxic; there is no systemic effect if it is used topically.

Oxolin does not accumulate in the human body. After applying the product to the skin, only 5% of the active substance is absorbed. If the concentration was observed during application, as well as the method of administration, then an irritating effect does not occur.

Attention! The drug is eliminated through the kidneys within one day.

Mode of application

To remove warts, use Oxolinic ointment 3%, which is available in a volume of 30 g. In addition to the wart itself, it is also necessary to treat a healthy area of ​​skin, distributing Oxolinic ointment from the undamaged area to the center of the lesion.

Indications for use

  • Removal of warts (plantar, senile, juvenile, common, and also);
  • Rhinitis ( inflammatory lesion nasal mucosa);
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Ringworm, vesicular, scaly;
  • Dühring's dermatitis (herpetiformis).

This product is used to prevent influenza, for which Oxolinic ointment is applied during an epidemic to prevent infection with the virus.


Should not be used this remedy if there is an allergic reaction to individual components of the medicine.

Side effects

When the ointment is applied topically to a damaged area of ​​skin, a washable blue color may appear.

Oxolinic ointment can also trigger the development of dermatitis.


No data on overdose has been provided, but doctors do not rule out that when applied large quantity means a burning sensation may occur. In this case, the drug must be washed off the skin using warm water.

If you accidentally took Oxolinic ointment orally, you need to rinse your stomach and also take enterosorbents. Next, you should go to the hospital yourself or call ambulance.

Storage conditions

The medicine must be stored in its original packaging. It must be placed in a place where the temperature will range from 4 to 10 degrees. Under no circumstances should the ointment be given to a small child.

Oxolinic ointment can be used for three years. An expired product is not allowed for further use.

Advantages and disadvantages

U of this medicine There are a number of pros and cons.

Among the advantages of the drug Oxolinic ointment are:

  • Low price;
  • After use, there are no scars left on the skin;
  • Painless application.
  • Oxolinic ointment does not always provide the desired therapeutic effect, especially it concerns chronic form defeat or neglect of the condition;
  • Long treatment time.

It is allowed to use Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy or breastfeeding, But
The doctor must give permission for this. During wart removal, the girl should visit her doctor regularly.

Only by following this step is it possible monitor the impact not only on the fetus, but also on the woman herself.

During the period of breastfeeding, the doctor must decide on the possible cessation of natural feeding. If the doctor allows the possibility of breastfeeding, then the girl mandatory should carefully monitor the baby's condition.

If any changes occur, you should stop taking this medicine for a while.

If during this period of time his condition has stabilized, this means that the drug is absolutely not suitable for you.

Oxolinic ointment for children

Oxolinic ointment for removing warts can be used by children whose age has exceeded the two-year mark.

What does Oxolinic ointment help with?

Despite the fact that the reviews of some experts about this medicine are very skeptical, it is actively used for diseases such as:

  • Chickenpox;
  • Papillomas (infectious warts);
  • Lichen;
  • Diseases that were caused by adenoviruses (sinusitis, ARVI, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Herpes.

Oxolin has an effect on tissue cells in which the virus multiplies. As a result of this action, the virus cannot penetrate new cells, and, accordingly, the lesion gradually disappears. Due to these properties, oxolinic ointment is often used to prevent diseases that have viral nature.


Oxolinic ointment can be replaced with a drug from the group:

  • Herbal remedies;
  • Antiviral drugs;
  • keratolytic drugs (acid-based).

The mechanism of action of keratolytics, as well as big list herbal preparations, based on mechanical removal warts Antiviral drugs have an effect on the cause of the appearance.

Among the analogues are the following:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Aldara cream;
  3. Stefalin;
  4. Panavir.
  5. Viferon ointment

Vafiron ointment belongs to the group of antiviral agents. Her active substances are ascorbic acid, human interferon, as well as vitamin E. The drug should be applied daily 3-4 times a day to the wart area.

The course of therapy lasts on average 5-30 days. Indications for prescribing the drug are conditions such as genital warts, plantar, and flat warts. More details have been written about the latter.

Only a specialist can select Oxolinic ointment or Viferon ointment. Both drugs have the same effect. The only difference between the medications is the duration of relief from the unpleasant illness.


In Moscow, you will have to pay an average of 87 rubles for Oxolinic ointment.
In Novosibirsk, you need to pay 75 rubles for the same drug.
In Samara, Oxolinic ointment costs an average of 69 rubles.
In Omsk you will be asked to pay 58 rubles for this medicine.
In Kyiv, on average you need to pay 8 hryvnia for the same drug.

When you yourself are sick, it’s half the trouble, but if your beloved child suffers from a viral infection, this is a catastrophe on a universal scale for any normal mother. The solution is: engage in prevention. seasonal diseases. The hardening option is great, but sometimes there is simply not enough time for daily procedures. What to do in this case? Doctors quite often advise using special medicines, preventing the occurrence viral diseases by creating a protective barrier. Of the antiviral drugs, panacea ministers most often recommend Oxolinic ointment. What kind of miracle is this and is there any real benefit to using it? Let's figure it out.

Effective or useless?

What is this drug for (indications)

So, oxolinic ointment belongs to the group of antiviral drugs with a relatively small spectrum of action.

The main task of this product is to prevent entry into human body influenza strains and herpes simplex.

It is also used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes and mucous membranes of the nasal cavity caused by viruses, to get rid of shingles and/or blisters, scaly lichens, warts and other inflammatory processes of unknown etiology on the skin.

Properties, storage, price

The ointment tends to be quickly absorbed into the skin through the treated areas. It penetrates the blood, spleen, kidneys and liver. It is completely excreted in the urine. Oxolinic ointment does not tolerate interaction with light, so you need to store it protected from direct sun rays place (somewhere in a cool pantry or refrigerator). The price (for Russia) of the drug is quite acceptable for any family and varies between 30-35 rubles per tube of 10 grams.

Like other medicines, oxolinka is best stored in the refrigerator.

How and when to take

Oxolinic ointment is used strictly externally (on the skin, sometimes on mucous membranes), that is, do not chew or swallow. If necessary, lubricate the mucous membranes:

  • For inflammatory processes in the eyes, apply the ointment behind the lower eyelid 1 to 3 times a day (depending on how severe the inflammation is);
  • At viral inflammation nasal cavity (rhinitis) medicine should be applied thin layer on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages up to 3 times a day.

To prevent influenza, carefully distribute the ointment on the sides of the baby’s nose twice a day, during the period of active ARVI, for 25 days. For treatment skin diseases use concentrated oxolinic ointment (3%). We use it from 14 days to 60 days, smearing the affected areas of the skin at least 2 and maximum 4 times a day. In all other cases we use a medicine with a concentration of 0.25%.

Oxolinka can cause slight itching and burning, possible manifestations of dermatitis and discoloration of the skin in a bluish color (easily washed off with warm water) - these are the ones identified today side effects. The use of this medicine should be started only after consultation with an experienced pediatrician.

Health small child directly depends on nutrition. should be balanced, include more vitamins and minerals and less sugar and salt. The child's diet should be based on vegetables, meat and fish.

Many mothers complain that their babies refuse complementary feeding and spit out food. What to do? How to feed a child? Look for answers to these questions in.

Such different instructions

The instructions say that oxolinic ointment can be used by children starting from the age of two, however, many mothers, and what can I say, doctors, quite calmly confirm the fact of the possibility of use this drug at a much earlier time childhood. Returning to the instructions, I note that the safety data and absolute confirmation of the effectiveness of this product modern science not proven and research on this topic has not been properly conducted. Therefore, people argue about the effectiveness of the drug.

The ointment is contraindicated for children under one year of age.

The most famous pediatrician of the CIS about oxolinic ointment

Famous children's doctor E. Komarovsky, when asked “can children use oxolinic ointment,” answered:

“I do not presume to say with complete confidence that oxolinic ointment is absolutely useless in the fight against viral infection, however, over the entire 40 years of the existence of this drug, manufacturers have not found either the time or the funds to conduct research on the effectiveness of the product they produce. My personal opinion: there are no effective antiviral drugs at all - this is all the work of self-hypnosis of adult minds. Since children do not have the habit of inspiring themselves with anything, virus fighters do not have the effect expected by adults on them. It turns out that the need to use oxolinic ointment for a child disappears by itself.”

Is oxolinic ointment allowed for infants?

Oxolin is contraindicated for babies under one year old, however, many mothers, wanting to protect their precious child from ARVI, use it. I repeat, the benefit of the drug has not been proven, nor has its adverse effect on children's body. However, as a thinking mother, I would hardly use an untested product on an infant, given the fact that newborn children react much more sharply to all sorts of medical “goodies” and “anointings”. The reaction itself occurs much faster, which can lead to irreversible processes.

Oxolin can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and lead to undesirable consequences.

In general, chest the child must develop his own immunity either by independently suffering from any disease, or by receiving antibodies through milk from a sick mother. If you constantly stuff him with all sorts of newfangled (and not so new) lotions, then by a certain age the baby will become a sick person, whose body will not be able to fight the disease without the help of various pharmacological developments. Tablets, ointments, injections are a last resort. The less any chemical substances in the body, the healthier all its organs and cells are.

The best way to fight ARVI is to harden the baby.

If you decide to use oxolinic ointment as a means of preventing viral diseases in infant, then listen to the advice of modern pediatricians. Doctors recommend diluting 0.25% ointment with petroleum jelly (it is the basis of the ointment) or baby cream, and only then treating the skin on the small nose (the effect is greatly reduced if the drug is diluted).

Only ointment diluted with Vaseline can be applied to skin baby!

Have you been interested? We answered

- The child went to kindergarten. Our pediatrician advised us to put oxolinic ointment in our nose for prevention before visiting the group. Does this make sense and is this remedy really effective?

A practicing pediatrician and otolaryngologist answers:

« helps well in the fight against rhinoviruses and influenza strains. Viferon ointment is more effective against other viruses » .

Kindergarten children are prescribed Viferon as a preventive measure.

The pediatrician, medical consultant answers:

« These two drugs can be combined quite successfully, but there are more effective means, the action of which is aimed at preventing infection from a wider range of different viruses » .

Pregnancy is an amazing period in a woman’s life. This is a time of miracles - the birth and development of a new life. But this wonderful period may be accompanied by various troubles from the body. After all, at this time your immune system is weakened, which makes you a target for all sorts of illnesses. The use of medications during this period is of particular concern to expectant mothers.

After all, they are afraid of harming the child. It is also understandable that every pregnant woman wants to protect herself and her baby from possible infections. Let's look at the about how oxolinic ointment can be useful during pregnancy and the use of this ointment.

What kind of oxolinic ointment is it?

Or, more simply, oxolinka is called ointment, active substance which is oxolin. According to pharmacological classification oxolin refers to antiviral drugs external use. Its effectiveness is unproven, and there is no data on similar substances abroad.

The developers claim that oxolin acts as a barrier to the penetration of the virus into the body and prevents viruses from multiplying in cells. This means that bacteria that enter the mucous membrane when inhaling do not enter the body further after meeting oxoline.

According to manufacturers, oxolin is absorbed by the skin by 5%, and by the mucous membrane by 20%. In this case, the places where the ointment is applied should not have any damage.

The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to oxolin, which is expressed in slight itching or burning at the application site.

Use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy

The instructions for oxolinic ointment say that its use during pregnancy is possible if the benefit to the mother exceeds possible harm for the fetus. To put it simply, there have been no proper studies that could reveal possible consequences for mother and child.

Despite this, most general practitioners consider the use of oxolinic ointment for pregnant women not only possible, but also indicated. What speaks in their favor is the fact that barrier method protection against infection is very good for the vulnerable body of a pregnant woman. Especially if future mom happens in public places with large crowds of people.

How to use oxolinic ointment correctly?

The use of oxolin is possible not only for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, but also for the treatment of herpes, skin diseases, and conjunctivitis. For prevention, 0.25% ointment is mainly used. It is applied to the nasal mucosa in a small amount and rubbed a little.

Can be used before leaving home public places. The same scheme for applying the ointment is also used for viral rhinitis. Oxolinic ointment can be used prophylactically for up to 25 days. It does not tend to accumulate in the body. After returning home, it is recommended to rinse your nose warm water.

For the treatment of herpes simplex and other skin diseases (lichen, dermatitis, warts), 3% ointment is applied to the skin at the site of damage. This can be done 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from two weeks to two months.

For eye diseases - conjunctivitis, viral keratitis - 0.25% oxolinic ointment is applied behind the cornea. The frequency of manipulations is 1-3 times a day.

If allergy symptoms (burning, etc.) or watery eyes occur, it is best to consult a doctor.

There are also recipes traditional medicine using oxolinic ointment. But be careful! During pregnancy, some herbs and herbs can be dangerous for you and your baby.

It is also necessary to take into account the shelf life of oxolinic ointment and not use it after two years. It is best to store it away from sources of light, cold and heat, preferably at temperatures below ten degrees.

There are other products besides oxolinic ointment based on . These include “Tetraxoline” and “Oxonaphthylene”. They are completely identical and the method of using them is the same.

Since the safety of using oxolinic ointment during pregnancy has not been fully established, the possibility of its use is best discussed with the doctor managing your pregnancy. Some experts are inclined to use safer homeopathic medicines during this period.


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Since the early 70s of the last century, Soviet pharmacists have mastered and began to produce a new antiviral drug– oxolinic ointment. This was some kind of breakthrough in medicine, since the composition medicine helped actively resist influenza viruses. In addition, the ease of use and safety of the drug quickly made oxolinic ointment popular.

Rimantadine, produced by American pharmaceutical companies several years earlier, and having the same properties, had a number of contraindications and unwanted side effects. Oxolinic ointment, how and substitute, quickly found its niche in drug and therapeutic treatment.

Naphthylene-tetherone is the main component, which determines the possibilities of using the ointment. Thanks to it, the viral infection is quickly blocked. Chemical reaction substances with bacteria have a virucidal effect. This reaction weakens the active influence of viruses on the body and then completely destroys them.

Oxolinic ointment for a runny nose is used only externally - it lubricates the nasal passages. In pharmacy kiosks you can find two forms of ointment:

25% oxolinic ointment

3% "oxolinka"

Typically used only for dermatological treatments infectious diseases. When treating rhinitis, this form can be used if the child experiences skin irritation as a result of active secretion of mucus on the face.

The use of the drug in the treatment of adults and children requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. The otolaryngologist conducting the examination, based on the tests and general clinical picture will determine the dosage and prescribe a regimen for using oxolinic ointment. If prescriptions are indicated for a child, the pediatrician will definitely follow the dosage, depending on the age of the baby.

How ointment treats a runny nose

When purchasing oxolinic ointment to treat a runny nose, you must remember that the drug helps and treats only those rhinitis and sinusitis that are caused by a viral infection. If you doubt that your runny nose is caused by a cold, get tested. Treatment of allergic or fungal runny nose with this drug will not give any results.

As an additional remedy

In the treatment of influenza and ARVI, oxolinic ointment is used as an additional medicine. It lubricates the nasal passages, the mucous membrane of which is susceptible to the spread of viruses. If cold runny nose detected in a child, the nasal passages need to be smeared in the morning and evening.

For adults

Adults – 3-4 times a day. Most often, the course of treatment in both adults and children lasts up to 7 days. In case of complicated or acute rhinitis or sinusitis, the procedure can be extended by the doctor up to 14 days.

The effect of using the ointment occurs only when the nasal passages are first cleared of excess mucus or accumulated crusts. To do this, the nose must be washed, disinfected, and, if necessary, instilled with nasal drops or spray. Only after this the ointment is carefully applied to inner side wings To a small child the procedure should be performed extremely carefully - it is advisable to apply the ointment not deeply, using a cotton swab.

If these recommendations are followed and the nose is first rinsed saline solution or processed vasoconstrictor drops, naphthylene-tetherone will be able to provide antiviral effect longer, which means treatment will be faster and more effective. During the first few days, the drug helps relieve swelling and block inflammatory process in the sinuses, and then directly fights the viral infection.

For prevention

Preventive measures using oxolinka are most often used in pediatrics. If the weather outside is unstable and damp, and at school or kindergarten the flu epidemic has begun, be sure to lubricate your child’s nose medicinal ointment. The drug is completely safe, and its use for preventive purposes helps protect children from possible infection.


The only contraindication in which the use of the drug is undesirable is individual intolerance to the components included in the ointment. If we are talking about the treatment of a small child or prevention, the doctor will definitely conduct a study on the small organism’s tolerance to naphthylene-tetherone. However, according to the most recent published data regarding clinical trials, allergic reactions on ointment occur in only 1 person per thousand.

Despite the fact that the drug effectively treats rhinitis of viral origin of varying severity, side effects may occur in case of an overdose of oxolinic ointment:

  • Immediately after the first application, itching and burning is felt in the area of ​​the nasal passages, especially if the mucous membrane of the wings of the nose is affected by the virus;
  • In case of an overdose in an adult or child, the skin near the nose may turn blue.
  • This is easily washed off with warm water and laundry soap;
  • In the first days after the start of treatment, there may be cases when a pathogenic secretion begins to be produced in larger than usual volumes. To block the process, be sure to use vasoconstrictor drops before applying the ointment;
  • When allergic dermatitis As a result of treatment, the procedure must be stopped and consult a doctor. He will reduce the dosage or change the treatment regimen by finding alternative medications.

Oxolinic ointment is used with extreme caution in the treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and have full control over the treatment process on his part. All that is necessary for the ointment to be beneficial is its correct use and adequate treatment tactics.