What to do to put a drunk to bed. How to quickly put a person to sleep at home

Able alcohol intoxication a person is often aggressive, causing anxiety to loved ones and others. A drunk person easily loses control of himself, not being aware of his actions, and sometimes this leads to very disastrous consequences. Many people are familiar with situations when a person who has had too much alcohol suddenly becomes violent and almost insane, causing scandals, preventing his family or neighbors from sleeping. It is for solving such situations that it will be useful to learn how to put a drunk person to sleep.

Most people facing similar problem, it is believed that a sleeping pill added to alcohol or food can calm a drunk person without special harm for his health.

They sincerely believe that some pills and alcohol are compatible, but this is not entirely true.

Alcohol and drugs

The interaction of alcohol with medications produces unpredictable effects. Alcohol can change the effect of the drug, and the drug itself can affect the degree of intoxication of a person. On the background simultaneous administration Barbiturates and alcohol can cause apnea (stopping breathing), which, in turn, can be fatal.

When joint use alcohol and antidepressants (amitriptyline (tryptisol), imizin (melipramine)) there is a risk of increased blood pressure and exists real threat development of hypertensive crisis.

The simultaneous use of drugs such as phenazepam, haloperidol, sonapax and alcohol sharply increases the effect of drugs on the central nervous system, which can cause psychosis, loss of personal orientation, and in severe cases– oppression of work of cardio-vascular system and breathing.

Considering possible serious consequences, which can occur in the case of a combination of alcohol and sleeping pills, it is better to refuse the opportunity to put a drunk person to sleep with the help of medications.

Narcologists and psychiatrists rightly believe that there are no means that can pacify a drunk. If you become the object of drunken aggression, it is more correct to think not about ways and means that can calm and stop the drunk, but to take care not to become the object of his aggression. Here are the main tips from experts:

  • if you are unable to stop and calm a drunken, violent person, the best thing is to try to stay away from him;
  • there is no need to provoke a drunk person by pouring out or taking away vodka, or making scandals: in a state of alcoholic intoxication, your words will be useless, a brain intoxicated by alcohol cannot correctly perceive information;
  • try to be as calm as possible, trying to “infect” a drunken rowdy with your calmness: you don’t need to respond to insults, you should talk quietly and calmly, pretending that nothing is happening.

How to put a drunk to sleep?

Most safe way bring a drunk person to an adequate state - sober him up as soon as possible. Although it is quite difficult to do this quickly at home. In a short period of time, it is possible to remove alcohol from the blood only in a clinical setting, using special efferent (forcibly removing foreign substances from the body) methods.

Currently, services are quite common medical institutions on withdrawal from binge drinking at home. Qualified specialists With the help of infusion therapy, they can return even a very drunk person to a sober state in a fairly short period of time.

However, there are also ways to revive a drunk person without the help of specialists, at home:

  • Dilute 20 drops of peppermint tincture in a glass of water and give to a drunk person to drink;
  • 5 drops ammonia per glass of water;
  • taking enterosorbents (for example, activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

The most effective way to speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood and bring a person to his senses is to provoke vomiting. Vomiting can be induced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, several crystals of potassium permanganate should be dissolved in warm water and give the drunk a few glasses of this liquid to drink. A few minutes after taking it, a person will experience nausea, followed by vomiting.

Intoxicated people are sometimes inappropriate and even aggressive. Coming home in such a state, a drunkard brings with him a real danger to his loved ones. Under the influence of ethanol, the functions of the central nervous system and brain regions, which causes a decrease in the level of self-control. Many people know and have seen how a drunk sometimes behaves: he starts fights, provokes scandals.

And a drunken brawler at home becomes many times more dangerous, especially when there are children at home. Therefore, it would be useful for the relatives of an intoxicated rowdy to learn how to quickly put a drunken person to sleep at home. There are many ways to do this, both official and unconventional. All that remains is to choose the right one and use it.

There are many ways to calm down a rowdy drunkard

Many, when deciding how to put a drunk person to sleep, decide to resort to using sleeping pills. Doctors strongly advise that you approach the choice of medical sedatives and sleeping pills with extreme caution, taking into account the person’s intoxicated state.

Almost all drugs that have a hypnotic effect are incompatible with alcohol.

The modern pharmaceutical market is rich and diverse. But most of the existing sleeping pills are psychoactive, that is, they have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Of course, there are also new generation medications that are known to have a more gentle effect. But in any case, use medicines In order to put a drunken husband to bed, a preliminary consultation and permission from a doctor is required.

To understand the potential threat posed by sleeping pills and sedatives in tandem with alcoholic beverages, study the following table:

Type of drug Titles Peculiarities How it works in combination with ethyl alcohol

Luminal, Butizol, Barbital,

Alurat, Benzobarbital,

Thiamylal, Amutal, Brevital, Phenobarbital

Have a powerful sedative effect, experts equate their effect on the body to a narcoticdispensed in pharmacies only with a prescription; when combined with ethanol, they lead to severe consequences, including coma and subsequent death
Antihistamines Tavegil, Xizal, Clemastine, Dezal, Diphenhydramine, Cesera, Diazolin, Fexofast, Donormil, Kestinthe main task of these products is to relieve allergy symptoms, hypnotic effect defined as incidentalthe products are sold without a prescription and are one of the few that have minimal threat when taken by an intoxicated person, but can cause a severe hangover and subsequent alcoholic insomnia
Kinazolones Meprobamate, Gluthemite, Equantil, Paraldehyde, Methaqualone, Trazodone, Mecloqualone, Oxylidene, Tibamateglycerol derivatives, hypnotics, which have a strong inhibitory effect on the liverare strictly prohibited in the presence of ethanol in the internal structures of the body, such a tandem leads to irreversible liver damage and the rapid development of cirrhosis, and has an extremely detrimental effect on the functioning of other organs
Melatonins Yucalin, Melular, Melaxen, Melaton, Circadintheir effects are similar to drugs from the melatonin group
Benzodiazepines Clonazepam, Diazelam, Clobazan, Gidazelamsleeping pills, which have a fairly gentle effect, but with prolonged use have a negative effect on brain structuresIt is prohibited to take while intoxicated; this tandem aggravates the state of the intoxicated person and provokes Negative consequences, up to coma, respiratory and cardiac arrest, can lead to a fatal outcome

Doctors do not advise using sleeping pills in the case of an intoxicated person

Allowed methods

By conviction medical representatives, causes aggressive behavior drunken faces are hidden in the depths of the person’s subconscious. Ethanol liberates, removes restrictions from the individual, and all hidden and pent-up emotions, stressful conditions, existing contradictions, unresolved grievances come out. Therefore, trying to calm down a violent drunk sometimes becomes too dangerous.

The best way to neutralize drunken aggression is sleep. It is extremely necessary to bring a person out of the state alcohol intoxication and restoration of the functioning of the entire body.

It is in a dream that all the body’s energy is directed to relieving the consequences of a toxic shock. The condition of the heart, liver, kidneys and brain structures. But, so as not to harm the drunkard yet more harm, you should use only truly safe and effective methods.

Suitable medications

The only pharmaceutical drugs that can be used in such a situation are medications plant origin, which have a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system. These are the following drugs:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • peony tincture.

By the way, you can add them directly to alcoholic drinks. And soon the aggressor’s behavior will change. True, the effect will not come instantly, but internal organs no dangerous harm will come to a tipsy person.

Peony tincture is one of the approved sedatives that can be used when intoxicated

Help from the public pharmacy

If use pharmaceutical drugs to calm down a drunken brawler is fraught dangerous consequences, then some ways from traditional healers will come in handy. You can make your own at home various decoctions and infusions that have a mild sedative effect and help in such a difficult task.

From hops. Steam the raw materials (50 g) with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to infuse for half an hour. Ready product give a drink to someone who is drunk. If he refuses, the broth can be quietly added to vodka.

From pumpkin. Pumpkin decoction also has a good calming effect. To make it, pumpkin should be cut into small cubes and boiled for 20–30 minutes in a liter of water. Then rub the mixture through a blender or grind it in a meat grinder and bring the pumpkin to a puree. Mix the resulting pulp with honey.

It is worth knowing that homemade recipes that have a sedative effect do not have quick effect. For many people they will not have the expected effect.

"Sleepy" points

In addition to healing infusions, you can also use some unconventional methods of calming. For example, you can use bioactive points. There are several of them and they are located in the following areas:

  • between the nostrils;
  • near the corners of the eyes;
  • in the area of ​​the upper eyelids;
  • on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows);
  • in the area where the carotid artery is located.

To calm a drunken person and make him drowsy, you need to lightly press on these points with your fingertips, trying not to cause painful sensations. Experts in the field unconventional methods treatments assure that these methods of relaxing a person and putting him to sleep are easy and absolutely safe.

The most effective way to calm a drunk

According to medical representatives, the most effective method of calming an intoxicated person and immersing him in restful sleep is the detoxification of the body. That is, first of all, it is necessary to remove all remnants of alcohol from the body and sober up the person. But you should know that doing this at home is quite difficult.

The most in an effective way is infusion therapy (drips), which can be administered at home by an experienced narcologist

If necessary quick measures, you should seek help from a narcologist (a specialist can be called to your home). The doctor will administer an IV and in a short period of time will bring the drunkard to a state of sobriety. If calling a narcologist to your home is not possible, you can use the following methods:

  1. Dilute the tincture in water (200 ml) peppermint(20–22 drops).
  2. Instead of mint, you can use ammonia (5-7 drops).
  3. Give a drink to someone who is drunk activated carbon(1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight).

But most effective method considered to induce vomiting. This will help remove alcohol toxins from the stomach and speed up the sobering up process. A weak solution of manganese will help induce vomiting. A few crystals of the powder must be dissolved in a glass of heated water and given to a drunk person. If necessary, you can take 2-3 glasses of manganese solution. After 5–10 minutes, the intoxicated person will develop gagging and vomit.

After cleansing the stomach, the drunkard should drink warmed tea with honey and milk. By the way, it is worth giving folk medicines at this time, which will have a sedative-sedative effect and send the rowdy into a peaceful sleep. And when he wakes up, the violent drunkard (if he is not already suffering) alcohol addiction), will experience a feeling of remorse. At this time, it is worth having a heart-to-heart talk with him and explaining to him the dangers of such a lifestyle.

Sometimes the most the best way It’s time to leave the drunken brawler and wait for him to sober up

Many experts in the field of psychiatry and addiction rightly believe that effective methods There is no quick way to calm violent drunks. If you happen to become the object of aggression coming from a drunk person, it is better not to choose artificial methods calm down, and take care of your own safety.

In many cases, it is better to leave the house and spend some time with neighbors or relatives, waiting until the drunken brawler falls asleep.

  1. If you can’t calm down a drunkard, you should stay away from the rowdy. There is a great risk of getting hurt, because a drunken, insane aggressor does not know who is in front of him and can attack a girl, an elderly relative, or even a child.
  2. You should not try to take away alcohol from him or create scandals. This will further provoke the drunkard and provoke inappropriate actions that are fraught with dangerous consequences.
  3. You need to stay close to a rowdy drunk as quietly and calmly as possible, as unnoticed as possible. Sometimes it happens that a drunken person adopts the behavior of those around him and calms down himself. In any case, you should adhere to exactly this tactics of behavior.


Living under the same roof with a person who often drinks alcohol and then turns into a rowdy aggressor is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous. Therefore, if such a situation occurs, relatives and friends of the drunkard should take Urgent measures by completely weaning him off alcohol. To do this, you should seek help from a narcologist and strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations. And it’s better to do this as soon as possible, without waiting for the development of alcoholism. Then coping with the disaster will become much more difficult and painful.

On topic for publication. I would like to hear in the comments of comrades who are knowledgeable about medical drugs whether at least one of the drugs listed below is capable of putting a person to sleep instantly?

Insomnia can be caused for various reasons: neuroses, nervous and mental illnesses, emotional days, overwork, etc. A person cannot always cope with insomnia, so he resorts to sleeping pills and sedatives. They regulate the functions of the central nervous system, including sleep. Neuroleptics have sedative and antiseptic properties. Tranquilizers, due to their calming effect, weaken the manifestations of neuroses.

Derivatives of barbituric acid have hypnotic properties. Barbiturates vary in duration of action: barbital, sodium barbital, phenobarbital (luminal) have a long-lasting effect; average duration Barmamil, sodium etaminal (Nembutal), cyclobarbital have actions; short-acting hexobarbital.

The choice of barbiturate depends on the symptoms of the patient with insomnia: if he falls asleep easily and wakes up early, then a long-acting drug is prescribed. If the patient has a problem only in falling asleep, and sleep is continuous, then barbiturates are prescribed short acting.

Barbiturates with long-term action are excreted by the kidneys, and short-acting ones are destroyed in the liver, therefore, in case of liver disease, the use of short-acting barbiturates is contraindicated. Barbiturates at long-term use addictive. In this sense, they can be equated to drugs. It is dangerous for pregnant women to use this drug, because it easily penetrates the placenta and negatively affects the development of the fetus.

To create sleeping pills, the following drugs were synthesized:

Tetridine (Benedorm). Low toxicity, almost non-addictive in hypnotic doses. Accepted at nervous disorders And various types insomnia.
Noxiron. Mainly prescribed for neurotic conditions. After 15-30 minutes of using the drug, sleep occurs and lasts 6-8 hours. With prolonged use it is addictive.
Chloral hydrate. Prescribed as a sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant for eclampsia, tetanus and spasmophilia. Long-term use Chloral hydrate is addictive.
Carbromal (adaline). Used for neurasthenia as a sedative and moderate hypnotic an hour before bedtime. Contraindication: bromism.
Bromized (bromural). Has the same effect as carbromal. Used for insomnia and nervous excitement. As a sleeping pill, take 30-40 minutes before bedtime.
Sodium bromide. Used for neurasthenia, increased irritability, insomnia, epilepsy, chorea. Long-term use can cause bromism: runny nose, cough, rash, general weakness.
Rhizome with valerian roots. Reduces excitability and has a moderate antispasmodic effect. It is also used for insomnia.
Motherwort grass. Taken in the form of an infusion or extract as a sedative.
Corvalol. Used for increased irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, neuroses, and intestinal spasms.
Thioridazine (Sonapax, Melleril). Used for schizophrenia, neuroses, anxiety. It's a neuroleptic. Contraindications: allergies, coma, glaucoma.
Meprotan (andaxin, meprobamate). It's a tranquilizer. Calms the central nervous system, enhances the effect of sleeping pills. Do not use while driving or during work requiring quick reactions.
Chlordiazepoxide (Elenium, Librium). Used for neuroses, mental illness and for premedication in surgery.
Diazepam (seduxen). Calms the central nervous system and has a relaxing effect.
Oxazepam (tazepam). Similar in function to seduxen and elenium. Used for neurotic conditions accompanied by anxiety and insomnia.
Nitrazepam (Eunoctin, Rader). Reduces emotional excitability, eliminates insomnia. Sleep occurs 20-45 minutes after using the drug and lasts 6-8 hours.
Oxylidine. Depressant. Used for neuroses, insomnia, psychopathy.
Trioxazine. Tranquilizer. Calms the central nervous system. Prescribed for neuroses, insomnia, increased irritability, fatigue.
Fruticin. The drug is well tolerated and has a calming effect.
Gindarine. Tranquilizer. Used for neurasthenia and insomnia.

The human body naturally produces a sleeping pill. A similar substance was isolated from the blood of a sleeping rabbit. On its basis they will try to create deprived side effects sleeping pills.

Sleep problems affect people of all genders and ages. The working population has difficulty falling asleep due to stressful situations in the family, at work. Elderly patients often suffer from dyscirculatory brain damage, which is manifested by an inability to fall asleep on time or frequent awakenings. Among the wide selection of hypnotics, it is not easy to choose the right fast-acting sleeping pill. The article provides information on drugs that have their effect within 15-30 minutes.

Modern sleeping pills are divided into the following groups:

In what situations are the described drugs applicable?

Rapid-acting sleeping pills have their effect in a fairly short time. There are medications that can help people fall asleep within 5 minutes.

It is quite logical that somnologists (doctors who specialize in sleep problems) recommend a fast-acting sleeping pill if so-called presomnia insomnia occurs. This pathological condition, in which a person is bothered by difficulty falling asleep. However, he does not wake up at night, and awakening is quite easy and asymptomatic.

Intrasomnic insomnia is a condition that is accompanied not by difficulty falling asleep, but by frequent awakenings. It is easy to assume that a quick-acting sleeping pill in this situation is not only not indicated, but is also fraught with aggravation of the condition. It can lead to dangerous psychosomatic consequences.

Very fast acting drugs

The rapid onset of the hypnotic effect is necessary for the correction of presomnia disorders. The most convenient and safest would be the use of anticholinergic drugs.

The most famous fast-acting sleeping pill from this group is Donormil.

It is antihistamine. That is, it combines several therapeutic effects:

  • Anxiolytic (sedative).
  • Antiallergic.
  • Muscle relaxant.

The basis of this medicine is Doxylamine succinate. This compound can also be part of such hypnotics as Reladorm, Reslip.

  • Individual reactions of intolerance to doxylamine succinate in the anamnesis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Impaired renal function (with a pronounced decrease in glomerular filtration rate).
  • Glaucoma, even anamnestic information about this disease in the family.
  • Obstruction urinary tract associated with prostate diseases in men.

Sleeping pills weaken brain activity and help slow down brain waves

The use of this group of drugs is justified for a short course. It is better if its duration does not exceed 3 weeks. If after 5 days there is no effect, and the person still suffers from insomnia, you should consult a doctor to find the cause and its adequate correction.

Benzodiazepine drugs

This group of drugs acts on receptors of the same name located on nerve cells. Midazolam and Lorazepam are drugs registered in Russian Federation. They can act quite quickly on synapses that transmit information through gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA). The bottom line is that this mediator inhibits excitation in various structures of the human brain, thereby causing various effects, including anxiolytic and hypnotic.

These two drugs exert their effect quite long time(lorazepam induces sleep lasting 10-20 hours depending on the dose taken). But there are also drugs that have a good, quick, but at the same time short-lasting effect. So, Midazolam acts for about 3 hours. This is a fairly effective fast-acting sleeping pill. It induces sleep within 20 minutes of use. Therefore, taking this drug must be synchronized with this parameter: half or a whole tablet is used half an hour before bedtime.

Midazolam is a short-acting drug of the benzodiazepine class.

The effects realized by benzodiazepines are not much different from Doxylamine and its analogues. Sleeping pills from this group act quickly due to their high lipophilicity. But it should be remembered that joint reception antisecretory and antacids may significantly distort the effects and prolong the time of sleep onset.

Other groups of drugs

Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics are an alternative to the medications described above. To date, two drugs have been registered in Russia - Zopiclone and Zolpidem. Each is a potent hypnotic that selectively acts on the omega-1 or omega-2 subtypes of GABAergic receptors in the brain.

They also cause a hypnotic effect, improving not only the duration of sleep (increase), but also affecting its phases. At the same time, the latent stage is shortened. Sleep becomes longer and deeper. The patient does not wake up in the middle of the night, and the next morning he does not feel weak.

Among the effects provided are the following:

  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Reduced anxiety.
  • Soporific effect.
  • Anticonvulsant action.
  • Weakening of the respiratory center.

The latter effect is undesirable, but in therapeutic doses, respiratory arrest is excluded. All of the drugs listed are not sold without a prescription. IN free access You can purchase the following group of medications.

These are Melaxen and Circadin. They are effective for desynchronosis - conditions that arise when flying or moving to other countries, or changing work schedules. In pathogenesis main role plays shift everyone regulatory mechanisms due to circadian mismatch. Melaxen is not a strong hypnotic. But it can normalize sleep in conditions of desynchronosis.

These drugs can be used prophylactically before a flight or move. If insomnia was preceded by a change of job or place of residence, it makes sense to try treatment with these medications. In addition, the frequency adverse reactions theirs is minimal.

Special instructions when taking sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are psychotropic compounds. This means that they act not only on certain structures of the brain, but also on the entire nervous system as a whole. Therefore, driving a car is contraindicated during treatment with these drugs.

Pregnancy is a vulnerable period in a woman’s life. Especially the 1st trimester, when the formation of the main organs and systems of the developing fetus occurs. The use of sleeping pills should be postponed during this period. This is due to the teratogenic effect. Cases of children being born with deformities after taking Thalidomide are still published and excite consciousness. The second and third semester are the times when these drugs can be used for treatment if the benefits of the drug significantly outweigh the potential harm.

When using hypnotics, the following undesirable effects may occur:

  • A rise in blood pressure, especially dangerous in people with pre-existing hypertension.
  • The formation of drug tolerance is a situation when a quick-acting sleeping pill no longer has its effect.
  • Sedation is a state of weakness after waking up.
  • Paradoxical excitation and stimulation.

These conditions can only be avoided if the drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Adequate intake of sleeping pills requires a 3-week intermittent course. This means taking 1 or two tablets at bedtime every other day for 21 days.

During treatment, you should avoid alcohol, nicotine and psychotropic compounds.

The problem of sleep paralysis

Among other sleep disorders, this condition stands apart. Young people are more likely to develop sleep paralysis. So what is it: a disease or a condition that you shouldn’t be afraid of?

If, after waking up or before falling asleep, a person experiences immobility, muscle weakness, or a feeling that the body is “not listening,” then this is sleep paralysis. Common reasons developments lie in rather banal everyday and environmental factors:

  • Abuse of nicotine or caffeinated drinks.
  • Irrational work and rest regime.
  • Emotional or physical overload.
  • Sleep disorders as a result of desynchronosis.

Sleep paralysis is not difficult to recognize. Symptoms concern only the process of falling asleep and waking up. Sleep paralysis does not require therapy. Treatment is aimed at correcting causal factors. Sleep disturbance will require the use of Circadin or non-benzodiazepine hypnotics with quick action. Questions about how to treat a condition such as sleep paralysis should be answered by a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Everyone knows the common phrase that sleep is best medicine. Indeed, after several hours of rest we feel vigorous and healthy. It is no coincidence that people at all times have been actively interested in methods of artificial euthanasia without harm to the body. Carotid points and arteries became the main focus of research, and healers and magicians used relaxation for practical purposes.

The most talked about method of putting people to sleep is hypnosis.

  • Hypnosis is one of the most mysterious, but at the same time absolutely harmless ways to switch off a person without sleeping pills. In addition to hypnosis itself, the practice of self-hypnosis is widespread - putting oneself to sleep to improve physical or psychological capabilities.
  • Hypnosis originated in the times of primitive people. It was during this period that the first “intermediaries” began to appear other worlds– shamans. Their role in the formation of hypnosis is quite large.
  • Hypnosis involves the body, but most often occurs without body contact. Euthanasia and other manipulations are carried out on a subconscious level. However, this topic is at the research stage. But one thing is known for sure - a sleepy person can be the object of influence of a hypnotist for both good and selfish purposes.
  • Hypnotic sleep is a type of disconnection of the body from independent decision-making. The will of a person is controlled by the hypnotist or his assistants.

Interesting fact. Our consciousness is not able to quickly return to its previous state after removing hypnosis. Therefore, people do not always remember where they are and what happened to them before.

The standard hypnotic procedure is relaxation for an hour. Sometimes the target may be an emotional rowdy or an intoxicated person. Hypnosis does not require pressure on the body - the action occurs at the level of consciousness.

How to put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to health?

Artificial euthanasia is used for a specific purpose. For example, you need to fall asleep quickly, but there are no sleeping pills at hand. Or you suffer from insomnia, but you don’t want to take medication. There is a way out - today you can relax a person for 2 hours by pressing on sleepy points:

  • find a point at a distance of 1 cm near the corner of the person’s eye, and press it with two fingers;
  • Another way to put a person to sleep is to press on the point between the eyebrows index finger;
  • measure the distance from the nostrils at the width of a finger, and then massage the point at this place with rotational movements of the hands;
  • identify the points above the eye sockets and press them with both fists at once - as soon as you do this, lower your eyes to your knees and fix your gaze on your feet.

Attention! When activating sleep points, it is important to monitor the body’s reaction. It's best not to put yourself to sleep alone. There should be a partner nearby who, if anything happens, will help you return to your previous state.

What liquid is used to euthanize?

After analyzing common physical methods, we move on to the description of special drugs for euthanasia. An important rule the use of liquids is to strictly adhere to the dosage. As a rule, the drug is prescribed by a doctor. Even if you need quick result, do not overdo the dosage to avoid health problems.

Chloroform is a colorless liquid but with a pleasant aroma. Chloroform is superior in strength to ether and other sleeping pills. Anesthesia does not require special preparations. Chloroform relaxes the muscles of the body and disperses consciousness, putting a person to sleep.

It is also important to remember side effects from chloroform:

  1. The first thing to note is breathing problems. The liquid disrupts the rhythm respiratory tract and can lead to health problems.
  2. The second is the activation of the cardiovascular system. Chloroform increases the pulse and affects heart contractions.
  3. Third, chloroform disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
As a result, we can conclude that hypnosis, sleepy points and liquid to put a person to sleep help cope with insomnia. However, in no case should you use the other methods of euthanasia indicated in the article on another person, especially against the will of this person.