Plantain herb. Plantain: medicinal properties

Greetings to all blog readers! Let's talk today about the ancient companion of man. No, it's not about the dog, it's about something else. true friend- plantain. Since ancient times, ever since human roads appeared, this plant has helped to heal legs wounded on the way. It turned out that plantain leaves help with many other diseases - medicinal properties and contraindications gradually opened up to people.

This marvelous remedy sometimes works without any preparation; We have known since childhood that

just pick a leaf, crush it a little and apply it to the wound - and it will heal quickly.

Available raw materials

The botanical genus plantain is very extensive, and many of its species have healing properties. But the leaves of the plantain are considered the most valuable. It has rather large, smooth foliage of a rounded shape, on long petioles, collected in a basal rosette.

It is found everywhere. Of course, it is desirable to procure medicinal raw materials in rural areas, away from major highways and industrial enterprises. You can start a small plantation in your garden - as a weed, this perennial plant is not too aggressive, especially if you remove flower stalks in advance, preventing insemination.

The leaf can be collected throughout the summer, but the highest concentration active substances celebrated in the first month of summer.

For the manufacture of medicines, the juice of the leaves is used, as well as the leaves themselves in fresh and dried form.

It is necessary to dry the raw materials quickly (otherwise it will turn black) - thin layer and in a good draft (but not in the sun), it is possible in special dryers (not higher than +50 degrees).

It is known that plantain as a medicine was highly valued both in the Ancient East, and in the times of Antiquity, and in the Middle Ages. This tool was used by both court healers and ordinary village people.

Modern world pharmacology also uses this modest plant; many medicines and dietary supplements are produced on its basis.

Plantain is not exotic, it is available to everyone, and many medicinal products it is quite possible to make it yourself, it is simple and cheap, but at the same time it is very effective.

Plantain-grass: the keeper of real treasures

This plant in its palm leaves carries a lot of organic compounds created by it, which are useful to humans.

Here are the most significant of them: active glycosides aucubin and plantagin, organic acids, bitterness and phytoncides, tannins and especially valuable mucous substances. They help with a wide range of diseases:


  • nipple cracks in lactating women;
  • inflammation of the eyes;
  • cuts and other injuries skin; bites;
  • boils, boils; festering wounds;
  • skin ulcers; erysipelas; bedsores;
  • lichen;
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding.


  • gastritis with low acidity, colitis, enteritis (and concomitant spasms);
  • stomach cancer;
  • intestinal infections, food poisoning; constipation;
  • anorexia;
  • allergies;
  • pancreatitis; (there is information about the benefits in diabetes);
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • dry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough; asthma; tuberculosis; cancer of the pulmonary tract (there is liquefaction of sputum and expectoration);
  • oxygen starvation;
  • high blood pressure (helps moderately, gently).

Special remarks

There are only two important prohibitions on the use of plantain for oral administration:

  1. gastritis with hyperacidity accompanying ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  2. tendency to thrombosis.

This herbal medicine (in reasonable doses) is not forbidden to pregnant or lactating women. It does not affect the potency in men.

Excellent reviews for the use of psyllium leaf (infusion, syrup, juice) as a cough medicine for children. How old is this possible? There are no specific restrictions, from the age of two it is already possible (if not allergic reactions and strictly on dosages).

Young plantain leaves (while they have not yet accumulated bitterness and mucus) are useful to add to spring vitamin salads.

In the large plantain, not only the leaves are healing, but also the seeds, mainly for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And in gynecology, psyllium seeds are used for infertility.

Folk recipes from plantain leaves

  • Alcohol tincture (for high blood pressure and cough)

50 grams of dry leaves are poured into half a liter of vodka and kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. Filtered, then stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Take 30 drops three times a day.

  • Fresh juice (for summer use)

Freshly picked leaves are twisted and the juice is squeezed out. Keep it in a cool place for no longer three days, after which, if necessary, make a new one.

For external compresses take undiluted. For ingestion, dilute in half with water and boil for a couple of minutes. Drink at various diseases a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day (from dessert to a tablespoon at a time).

  • sweet syrup

Fresh chopped plantain leaves are layered in a glass jar

with sugar or honey. Withstand 10 days in the dark, then the syrup is drained. It can be stored in a cool place for a long time. Drink before meals (15-20 minutes) three times a day for a teaspoon. it excellent remedy cough for children (if you are allergic to honey, do it only on sugar).

  • Infusion

A leaf (1 tablespoon of dry or 2-3 tablespoons of fresh) is steamed with a glass of boiling water and kept for a quarter of an hour. Reception - a tablespoon (before meals, 20 minutes), in one day 3 or 4 times. They are also used externally (lotions, baths, washings).

  • Plaster (for wounds and abscesses)

Bread crumb and crushed leaves of freshly picked plantain are added to melted lard (unsalted) (in equal parts by volume). This mass is applied to the skin and fixed with a plaster or bandage.

  • Ointment

Vaseline (100 grams) is combined with powdered dried plantain leaf (10 grams). The mixture draws out boils well.

See you soon, dear friends!

With all respect, Andrew

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Plantain (Plantago major) belongs to perennial herbaceous plants of the Plantain family (Plantaginaceae). Plantain habitat: temperate and subtropical zones. On the territory of the post-Soviet space, it is distributed everywhere, with the exception of the regions of the Far North. Although the plantain is recognized cultivated plant, its abundant growth is observed along highways and trails, on wastelands and on sandy soils, in steppe and meadow zones. Anemophilous (wind-pollinated) culture propagated by seeds.

The plantain is also found under other names: roadside, cutter, companion, boil grass, seven-veiner, rannik. We will talk about all of it and contraindications for use in this article.

plantain photo

Composition of plantain

The composition of the leaves of a medicinal plant includes:

  • iridoids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • lemon acid;
  • carotenoids;
  • lipophilic vitamin K;
  • vitamin U (methylmethionine);
  • plant polyphenols - flavonoids;
  • mannitol;
  • sorbitol;
  • oleanolic acid.

Oleanolic acid, natural high-molecular carbohydrates - polysaccharides, mixtures of esters - fatty oils (Olea pinguia), nitrogenous substances (proteins, amino acids, enzymes, alkaloids) were found in the seeds.

Medicinal properties

Leaves, seeds, seed husks of the plant are used as a source of medicinal raw materials. For the preparation of raw materials, the collection is made in the following periods: leaves - before or in the initial phase of flowering; roots - in the fall, after the cessation of sap flow in the plant, or in early spring before the start of the process; seeds - during full ripening.

In order to protect against possible processes of fungal and bacterial decomposition and, as a result, the loss of active substances, the aerial parts are collected in dry weather after the morning dew has disappeared. It is forbidden to use raw materials collected near highways, since such material is poisonous, toxic due to carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) absorbed by the plant.

The collected parts of the plant are carefully sorted, foreign impurities are removed. Drying of the prepared material is carried out in the open air, avoiding direct contact with sun rays, or in special dryers at temperatures up to 60°C. Store harvested raw materials in dry, ventilated areas for two years.


Plantain is used in medicinal purposes both inside and outside. The plant is taken orally in the form of:

  • juice squeezed from the leaves;
  • syrup;
  • infusions;
  • tinctures;
  • alcohol and water extracts;
  • decoction.

Externally used for baths, body wraps, lotions, compresses, ointments.

Interesting! not everyone knows, although it is not at all difficult.

Plantain large - natural medicine with unique properties. Preparations based on it active substances used as means:

  • diuretics;
  • diaphoretics;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antitumor;
  • sedatives;
  • expectorants;
  • hypotensive;
  • to restore the immune status.

Water-based preparations (infusions, extracts) regulate the secretory activity of the stomach, reducing hypersecretion. They produce an anti-inflammatory effect, act as strong antispasmodics, perform protective function with defects in the gastric mucosa ( ulcerative lesions). Use when peptic ulcer stomach and hypoacid gastritis (read about the treatment of gastritis with plantain).

It is recommended to take plant juice for illnesses gallbladder: acute and chronic . The seed husk supports the reproduction of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, necessary for normal operation intestines. It is also often present in diets for weight loss due to its characteristic property - to cause a feeling of satiety. When combined with water, the husk swells and acts as the body's natural detoxifier.

Attention! When taking the husk, you should drink at least 2 liters of water to prevent constipation.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Medicines based on plantain leaves normalize the content of b-lipoproteins, total lipids. They reduce the complication of atherosclerosis - aortic atheromatosis. Render light sedative action. They have antihypertensive properties (lower blood pressure). Plantain is recommended as an adjuvant therapy for cardiovascular diseases: arrhythmia and acute heart failure.

Influence on the respiratory system

Plantain preparations are expectorant, mucolytic, antitussive drugs. They protect the epithelium of the respiratory passages, contribute to liquefaction of sputum, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the properties pulmonary surfactant restore the function of the ciliated epithelium.

When conducting complex treatment, including an infusion of the leaves of a plant, you can be cured of serious pathologies: pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, whooping cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Grass suppresses the action hemolytic streptococci and is used in complex therapy angina, pneumonia.

Impact on skin imperfections

For local application, scratches, ulcers and other damage to the dermis. it medicinal plant accelerates the process of skin regeneration, has a hemostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. Plantain juice inhibits growth pathogenic staphylococci and helps get rid of purulent abscesses, boils, carbuncles on the skin. Traditional healers use herb for compresses in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Impact on the genitourinary system

A decoction of psyllium seeds is effective in the treatment of endocrine infertility. Means containing this plant are recommended to be taken by women with inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries. The treatment of uterine bleeding with this herb is also effective. Plantain preparations are prescribed for diseases inflammatory nature: nephritis, with urinary incontinence. The beneficial properties of the plant will help men with activating the functions of the gonads.

Impact on immune status

Recent scientific studies have established the high effectiveness of psyllium preparations in the fight against oncological pathologies: leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis and others malignant neoplasms. They lower Negative consequences performing chemotherapy procedures. The plant activates the protective properties immune system helping the body resist autoimmune diseases and viral diseases. The presence of oleanolic acid in the composition allows the use of grass in the treatment of HIV infection.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

Plantain is part of herbal preparations prescribed for elevated emotional excitability, sleep disturbances, irritability and anxiety. Helps with mild forms of insomnia, neuroses, anxiety-phobic disorders.

Plantain contraindications

Although drugs plant origin have a versatile effect on the human body and in most cases their use is justified, only a doctor can foresee undesirable side effects after a comprehensive examination. The use of plantain preparations is contraindicated:

  1. With increased acidity of the stomach and excess production gastric juice.
  2. With increased blood clotting.
  3. With an intensive process of formation of blood clots.
  4. With individual intolerance to the components of the plant and the presence of allergic reactions to it.

Persons with serious somatic pathologies are advised to consult a therapist before starting treatment with psyllium-based drugs, and if necessary, undergo an examination by narrow specialists.

Preparation and use of drugs from plantain

fresh leaves

Used for disinfection of skin lesions and as a hemostatic agent for external use.

Freshly picked, undamaged leaves must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, applied entirely to the damaged surface. More active action has a "gruel" of plantain: leaves of the plant finely chopped with a knife.


Juice is the most rational and effective drug in most cases of treatment. It is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices that have not undergone heat treatment, but the value of juices processed by pasteurization or boiling should not be denied.

Attention! To preserve biologically active ingredients All plantain parts must be processed within 2 hours of harvest.

The collected leaves of the plant are washed with water, cut with scissors. To squeeze the juice, use a press, juicer, juicer or meat grinder. The resulting liquid is processed by canning or pasteurization, poured into sterile containers, carefully corked.

Plant juice is taken 20–25 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Optimal duration course of treatment - one month.


Natural has a number of advantages over synthetic pharmacological agents used in the treatment of colds, viral, infectious diseases. Fresh leaves of the plant are used to make syrup.

Recipe 1. Finely grind the washed raw materials, put them in a container in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Close the container with the workpiece tightly and keep the composition for 2 months in a cool room. Strain the syrup carefully.

Recipe 2. Mix the prepared raw materials with liquid honey in a ratio of 1: 1, place in a glass container and a saucepan with warm (not hot!) Water until completely cooled. Strain the composition.

The syrup is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Tinctures - liquid form drug, in the preparation of which medicinal chemical substances are extracted from the plant using alcohol compositions of 40–70% strength. In most cases, vodka is used at home.

If you don't know, here are some recipes.

Recipe 1. Prepared feedstock - place crushed plantain leaves in a glass vessel, add alcohol-containing

drink, cork tightly and insist in a dark room at room temperature for 7 days. For one part of crushed leaves, four parts of alcohol should be taken. Drain the finished tincture, carefully squeeze out the remnants of the plant and strain. The filtered composition should be transparent, regardless of its color.

Recipe 2. Combine 400 ml of juice with 400 ml of vodka. Insist for at least two weeks in a cool room, avoiding sunlight, then strain.

Alcohol tinctures are suitable for use after long term storage in tightly closed dark glass containers. Use the composition 1-2 times a day, dosage from 10 to 30 drops per dose (depending on body weight, an individual dose is calculated). The duration of the course of treatment is one month.

Infusions are aqueous extracts from plantain leaves. The feedstock must be poured into a container, poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10 for internal use, 1:5 for external use. Close the contents of the container tightly with a lid and soak in a water bath for 10 minutes. After complete cooling, strain the infusion.


Plantain decoctions - water extraction useful substances from the leaves, seeds and roots of the plant. The recommended daily portion is 1 liter: a quarter of the warm composition is taken on an empty stomach, the rest is drunk during the day in 3 doses after meals. Decoctions deteriorate quickly, so it is recommended to prepare a fresh composition daily and store the resulting drink in the refrigerator.

Recipe 1. Pour the sorted, washed and crushed raw materials with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:10 for ingestion and 1:5 for external use. Mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for half an hour. After cooling, strain the broth through cheesecloth.

Recipe 2. Pour the required amount of raw materials into a container, pour raw water in the proportion indicated in the recipe 1, mix and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. Bring to a boil and boil in a container with a closed lid for 5 minutes. Leave the dishes covered for 30 minutes, strain the broth through cheesecloth.

They are very popular, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Use this miracle plant and be healthy!

With this wonderful plant introducing children in the second grade high school. Therefore, there is hardly a person who does not know what a plantain is. Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of most drugs based on it have been studied by official medicine quite well. The chemical composition of the ground parts of the plantain is so unique that this modest herb is used on an industrial basis to make the medicine Plantaglucid. Many peoples have long used the leaves for food, which is an excellent prevention of cardiac, pulmonary, gastric diseases and, among other things, contributes general strengthening organism. In some regions of Russia, plantain is called boil grass, cutworm or wounded, due to its wound healing properties.

So, today we will consider what plantain has medicinal properties and contraindications. Recipes for potions used by traditional healers to treat many diseases will also be presented to your attention (who knows, maybe you will choose several suitable options for yourself). But first, some theory.

Medicinal types of plantains

More than 200 plant species of the Plantain genus are known in the world. Medicinal properties and contraindications were found in only a few of them. For problems with the digestive tract - constipation, diarrhea, colitis and metabolic syndrome- plantain ovoid helps well. Its ground parts contain saponins, mucus (its seeds contain 40%), vitamins C, K, tannins, alkaloids, bitterness, fatty oils and acids. This type of plantain has long narrow leaves without veins and ovoid inflorescences on thin tall peduncles. The seeds of the sandy plantain, growing in low bushes, have the same medicinal properties. Its habitat is the regions of Transcaucasia, the south and temperate latitudes of Europe. In some countries, this plant is cultivated for the manufacture of medicines.

There are types of plantains (seaside, deer-horned), the medicinal properties of which have not yet been confirmed (the plant is undergoing clinical trials), but people have long eaten their leaves as vitamin supplement to salads and soups, and the seeds are used as spices.

lanceolate plantain

Another species is widely used in medicine - lanceolate plantain. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are also quite well studied and proven. Leaves, seeds and even rhizomes of this plant have the richest chemical composition, including flavonoids, carbohydrates, mucus, cholesterol, fatty, phenolcarboxylic and organic acids, sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. Used for diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin ailments, lung diseases, various injuries. You can recognize this plant by a dense rosette of rather large lanceolate leaves with longitudinal veins. Its flowers, collected in spike inflorescences, are located on long thin peduncles. The sizes of these "spikelets" are small, 3-5 cm, and the color is gray-lilac, less often gray-white.

Plantain large

This is the best known species, widely used for treatment, especially in traditional medicine. Most often, this plant can be found along the roads, which is why it was called so - plantain. Medicinal properties and contraindications of preparations from it have been confirmed in clinical trials. The benefits of plantain are so great that it is cultivated in many countries. Appearance plants are quite recognizable. Its leaves are large, wide, petiolate. Particular strength is given to them by perfectly visible longitudinal veins located both in the leaf blade and in the petiole. Peduncles of a large plantain reach a height of 50 cm. The flowers are collected in a dense narrow spike, having a length of 20-25 cm. The seeds are very small (up to 1 mm), ripen in dense seed pods. Blooms from May to September, the seeds ripen throughout the flowering period. Long peduncles, swayed by the wind, scatter them far from the mother plant. You need to have the knowledge and experience to collect psyllium seeds correctly, which is why they are quite expensive.

Chemical composition

In folk medicine, for many hundreds of years, it has been used. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant determine its unique chemical composition. Plantain leaves and seeds contain:

  • polysaccharides (dietary fiber);
  • mucus (about 11%);
  • aucubin;
  • bitterness;
  • carotenoids;
  • choline;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • factor T;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • trace elements.

Large plantain seeds, in addition, contain saponins, tannins, fatty oil, fiber, oxalic acid, and mucus in them is about 44%.

Application area

In folk medicine, plantain leaves are most often used. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this raw material are such that they are successfully used for:

  • various skin injuries (cuts, bruises, burns, boils, ulcers, festering wounds);
  • cancer of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system ( inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, ovaries);
  • problems with the digestive tract (gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis, dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer);
  • lung diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma);
  • whooping cough;
  • hay fever;
  • lack of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • some heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • infectious diseases (streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus);
  • infertility (due to hormonal imbalance).

Plantain seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications

For medicinal purposes, plantain seeds were used by Avicenna. Much attention to this natural medicine gave and healers Ancient China. With the help of psyllium seeds, constipation and diarrhea were treated, they were used for tumors, bleeding, inflammation of the eyes and internal organs, and dysentery. Now they are even more widely used both in folk and in official medicine plantain seeds. The medicinal properties and contraindications of drugs created on the basis of this raw material allow them to be used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, restore the microflora of the stomach, treat prostatitis and some types of infertility, fight excess weight and strengthen the immune system. Also, preparations from psyllium seeds help to remove plaques of “bad” cholesterol in blood vessels, control blood sugar, get rid of hemorrhoids, and improve skin condition.

Plantain in cosmetology

This unique grass used not only to treat diseases, but also to maintain a fresh and flowering state of the skin of the face, improve the condition of the hair, relieve tired legs and soften the skin of the hands. When making baths or preparing ointments and creams, especially for the face, one should not only forget that, being a medicinal plant, plantain has medicinal properties and contraindications. The reviews of those who have chosen this raw material to solve their health problems are extremely positive. Plantain helped many people become parents, get rid of gastritis, cough, and excess weight. In cosmetology, this representative of the plant world is also in demand. With the help of this natural healer and beautician women regain their youth and beauty. Doctors do not recommend using it only for those who have drugs based on this plant that cause allergic reactions.

Some recipes:

1. Contrasting wiping of the décolleté and face. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of dry (or fresh) raw materials of plantain and water, taken in a ratio of 1: 1, insist, divide into 2 parts. Place one in the refrigerator and leave the other at room temperature. When wiping the skin, alternate cold decoction with warm.

2. For tired legs. Prepare a bath, pour plantain with boiling water (the proportions may vary, more often they take 30 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of water). Cool down a bit. Do this foot bath for at least 15 minutes.

3. For hands. Plantain cream is prepared on the basis of a decoction of leaves and butter. Instead of a decoction, you can use powder from dry raw materials.

4. For dry hair. Ready rinse aid. To do this, pour a spoonful of raw plantain with a glass of boiling water and insist.


Like all medical preparations or medicinal herbs, has plantain medicinal properties and contraindications. Children under 2 years of age and pregnant women can use it only after consulting a doctor. Most often, pediatricians prescribe plantain syrup for babies (as an antitussive). difference this drug is its concentration, which can adversely affect gastrointestinal tract little patients. In addition, it is not recommended to be treated with plantain for people suffering from high acidity and thrombosis, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to drugs from this plant. For some types of gastrointestinal ulcers, plantain medicine can only be used as directed by a doctor. Seeds should not be taken by asthma sufferers and children under 6 years of age.


There are several hundred recipes from this plant. Here is a small part of them:

1. For any skin injury, including purulent wounds, an ointment is used from the powder of dried plantain leaves, for which the raw materials are mixed with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:9. For fresh cuts, psyllium leaf can be chewed and applied to the wound.

2. For all diseases of the lungs, accompanied by sputum, as well as for gastritis and ulcers of the digestive tract, they drink an infusion of plantain. It's cooked different ways. We suggest 5-7 grams of dry raw materials (leaves, seeds) pour 200-220 ml of boiling water, cover, insist, strain and drink a tablespoon before meals. The same infusion can treat inflamed eyelids.

3. For hypertension, plantain tincture is used, which is prepared by adding 20 grams of dry raw materials to a glass of vodka. All this is placed in a dark glass container and infused not in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Drink tincture, adding no more than 30 drops to the water.

4. Plantain syrup is drunk for the same diseases as the infusion. Prepare it like this: glass containers fresh raw materials and sugar (honey) are laid in layers, rammed tightly (kneaded) and infused for up to 2 weeks, after which the syrup is separated from the rest of the mass and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipes with psyllium seeds

1. For constipation at night, drink a glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of seeds.

2. With prostatitis and lethargy of spermatozoa, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water, simmer on low heat for 5 minutes and drink two tablespoons three times a day.

3. In case of female infertility, they eat a spoonful of dry seeds three times a day, always drinking a large amount of water, or pour the same spoonful of seeds with a glass of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, insist up to 40 minutes and drink this infusion several times a day in the dining room spoon.

4. Seed husks are consumed with large quantity water to reduce appetite and correct weight.

Plantain, familiar to us since childhood, is a hardy and very unpretentious plant. It is widespread throughout our country. Commonly used for medicinal purposes various drugs from plantain - from freshly cut leaves and their juice to syrup and tinctures, which are offered in pharmacies. Plantain decoction is an easy-to-prepare, but extremely effective remedy that helps to strengthen the immune system and maintain health even with very serious diseases.

Despite its simplicity and prevalence, plantain is a very valuable medicinal plant with a wide range of healing effects on a sick body. Preparations based on it are effective means with action:

  • diuretic and diaphoretic;
  • wound healing and hemostatic;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor and analgesic;
  • sedative and hypotensive;
  • secretolytic and antiallergic.

On the basis of plantain are made herbal preparations successfully protecting internal organs and body systems from the destructive effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Attention! Most best time for the collection and procurement of raw materials - from May to September.

The benefits and harms of plantain preparations

A decoction of plantain leaves, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, is used in the treatment of many ailments:
  • periodontal disease, gum disease, scurvy;
  • throat diseases and respiratory system accompanied by thick mucous secretions: tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma;
  • stomach diseases associated with low acidity, colitis;
  • dysentery;
  • increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, hemorrhoids;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • hypertension of the initial stage;
  • disease blood vessels, arrhythmia, headaches;
  • skin inflammatory processes, rash, acne;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, parametritis;
  • eye inflammation;
  • urticaria, dermatitis;
  • exhaustion, neurasthenia, insomnia;
  • swelling, lymphostasis;
  • leukemia, oncological diseases stomach and lungs, malignant skin ulcers.

A decoction of plantain seeds has the following medicinal properties:

  • heals from female infertility on a hormonal basis;
  • helps alleviate the condition diabetes;
  • gently envelops and soothes the gastric mucosa, protecting it from irritating factors, relieves inflammation;
  • improves intestinal motility, cleanses it of accumulated harmful toxins.

Caution: contraindications!

Plantain decoction is contraindicated:

  • with exacerbation of stomach diseases caused by high acidity - gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • with increased blood clotting, the tendency of blood vessels to thrombosis;
  • with hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the preparations of this plant.

Decoction of plantain: how to cook?

From fresh or dried leaves

Recipe 1. To prepare a decoction of plantain leaves, you need 2 tbsp. (10 g) raw materials and 200-250 ml hot water. Heat in a water bath under a lid for half an hour, strain.

Recipe 2. 1 st. l. Steam raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for a day under the lid. Then strain and take as directed.

from seeds

Recipe 1 (For diseases of the stomach and intestines). 1 tbsp seeds are poured into an enamel bowl, a glass of water is added and boiled for a minute, then insisted under the lid for half an hour and filtered.

Recipe 2 (For hemorrhoids, impotence). 1 tbsp seeds, pour 350 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Tip: For the prevention of impotence, this decoction can be drunk by men after 35 years. Important regular intake during the period from September to March.

The use of decoction for medicinal purposes

  1. To get rid of a cough, it is recommended to take a tablespoon of plantain broth 4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. The course of admission is a week.

    Tip: This remedy can further alleviate coughing attacks, soothe a sore throat, taking it like a warm tea. It is useful to add 1 tsp to it. honey.

  2. For gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers, take orally a third or half a glass of decoction for 15 minutes. before meals 3-4 times a day.
  3. Decoction of fresh leaves plantain is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases traumatic nature, inflammation, boils. It is recommended to wash the wounds with it, apply wet bandages and compresses (2-3 times a day), make lotions with it.
  4. With infertility that has developed hormonal reasons, should be taken 1 tbsp. decoction of plantain seeds three times a day before meals (course 1-2 months). The recipe for this decoction: 1 tbsp. boil seeds in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes, then 30 minutes. insist and persevere.
  5. In diabetes, it is recommended to take 2 tbsp. decoction 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe 1. To moisturize dry skin of the face, use compresses from a decoction or infusion of plantain. It will take 2 tbsp. dry plantain leaves and 200 ml of hot water. Pour boiling water over raw materials and hold in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat and leave for half an hour, strain, cool. The compress should be applied for several minutes, changing it 3-4 times. You need to start with a hot one, then apply a cooler one, and at the end of the procedure leave a cold one on the skin for 5 minutes.

Recipe 2. To make cosmetic ice, you need to freeze the plantain broth prepared according to the previous recipe in ordinary cube molds. It is useful for them to wipe the skin 3-4 times a week. The procedure should last up to three minutes, rubbing is carried out slowly, along the massage lines. After it, you do not need to lubricate the skin with any means.

Recipe 3.Rinsing dry hair with a decoction of plantain will restore shine and radiance to them. To prepare the product, you need to take 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. dry or fresh crushed leaves, bring to a boil and turn off. Leave on for 20 minutes, cool to 30-35°C and use on washed hair. Do not rinse.

Recipe 4. To prepare lotions for the eyes, which will help relieve inflammation and fatigue, as well as smooth out small facial wrinkles with regular use, you need to mix 2 tsp. psyllium seeds and cold water. Then add 6 tablespoons to this mixture. boiling water. Cool and strain the liquid, soak cotton pads with it and put on the eye area for 10 minutes.

Recipe 5. To prepare a hand bath, you need to mix dry crushed plantain leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers in equal parts. Steam with boiling water (1 cup) 1 tbsp. raw materials, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let cool and strain, add 1 tbsp. glycerin. Keep your hands in this bath for 10-15 minutes, then wipe dry and grease with a nourishing cream.

About others useful properties this amazing plant- plantain - you can learn from the video:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Plantain is a genus of herbs belonging to the Plantain family and numbering more than one and a half hundred species. The plant is distributed throughout the globe, mainly in temperate and subtropical zones, it can be found along roads, in wastelands, meadows, in steppes and sands. in the official and alternative medicine the most commonly used are the healing properties of plantain flea, lanceolate and large. The plant is used in the treatment of bronchitis, enteritis, gastritis, for healing wounds and pustular skin lesions.

Chemical composition

Large plantain, also called fellow traveler, seven-veiner, cutter, roadside, grows throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. Perennial reaches up to 30-40 cm in height, has a short rhizome and petiolate, broadly oval leaves in a basal rosette. The flowers of the grass are four-membered, small, collected in an inflorescence in the form of an ear located at the top of the stem, flowering occurs in May-August, and the fruits (ovoid seed pods) appear in August-September.

For medicinal purposes, mostly seeds and dried or fresh plantain leaves are used, the composition of which is represented by:

  • Polysaccharides (including mucus);
  • Glycosides (plantagin, aukubin);
  • Organic acids (citric, salicylic, etc.);
  • bitterness;
  • Flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Carbohydrate mannitol;
  • alkaloids;
  • Choline;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Carotenoids.

As well as such trace elements as magnesium, potassium, calcium, barium. Grass seeds found: starch, mannitol, saponins, fatty oil, carbohydrates, tannins.

Beneficial features

About hemostatic and wound healing properties plantain was known back in Ancient Rome and Greece. Currently, traditional and folk medicine use of plantain as a means of improving the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increasing the acidity of gastric juice, is recommended in the treatment of: gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, dyspepsia. Grass juice sold in pharmacies, as well as the drug Plantaglucid, obtained from plantain leaf extract, is prescribed for ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach (with normal and low acidity), hypocidic gastritis, digestive disorders, anorexia.

Preparations based on the seven-core used in the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough enhance the secretion of mucus in the bronchi, thin it and facilitate further evacuation when coughing. The sedative and hypotensive properties of psyllium are used when taking alcohol infusion herbs to combat edema, insomnia, high blood pressure, excessive irritability, with the help of herbs, the load on the CCC is reduced.

Externally, juice from fresh leaves and crushed grass, as preparations that accelerate the exit purulent discharge and stimulating the growth of granulations, are prescribed for the healing of wounds, cuts, burns, boils, insect bites, eye injuries. Dried or canned juice traditional healers treat disorders of the kidneys and liver, oncological lesions of the stomach and lungs.

The use of plantain in the form of decoctions and water infusions recommended for rinsing with bleeding gums, ulcerative gingivitis and stomatitis, toothache. For oral administration as blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory drugs - for urticaria, fever, scurvy, hemorrhoids, cystitis, hepatitis, skin lesions.

Decoctions of plant seeds, rich in mucus and having a laxative, enveloping and antispasmodic effect, treat chronic constipation, colitis, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

  • Gastritis;
  • Enterocolitis;
  • enteritis;
  • Ulcerative defects of the duodenum and stomach;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • cystitis;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Malaria;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • neuroses;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • insomnia;
  • Purulent wounds;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Various skin lesions;
  • Erysipelas;
  • Insect bites;
  • Gingivitis:
  • stomatitis;
  • Periodontitis.


The use of plantain is contraindicated against the background of:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the plant;
  • Predisposition to increased blood clotting;
  • Exacerbations of erosive and ulcerative disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • A persistent increase in the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Thrombosis.

Long-term use of plant-based products is not recommended, as they contribute to blood clotting, thereby increasing the likelihood of blood clots. Before starting therapy, it is advisable to consult with specialists.

Plantain home remedies

For constipation, a tablespoon of seeds is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and, after cooling, is drunk at night with the seeds, the effect of the infusion is usually observed after 8-12 hours.

For the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, gargling is prescribed and oral cavity infusion of plantain, for the preparation of which 4 fresh or dried leaves are poured over ½ cup of boiling water, after half an hour of infusion in a warm form, they are used every hour, honey is allowed to be added for taste.

At strong cough, bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma recommend 3 tablespoons of honey (sugar can be) mixed with the same amount of chopped fresh plantain leaves. Then, in a tightly closed container, wrapping the mixture, leave for 3-4 hours in a warm place, the resulting syrup after filtering is taken in a teaspoon 4 times a day.

To prepare a decoction that helps with digestive disorders, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia, a tablespoon of seeds is poured into 250 ml of hot water and boiled for 5-7 minutes, then insisted for 20-25 minutes and consumed 3-4 times a day, 50 ml.