Peach oil for the nose: instructions for use. Peach oil in the nose: benefits, harms, indications

Not everyone knows that in the treatment of the common cold, success can be achieved using not only synthesized drugs, but also some natural oils. So, burying peach oil in the nose can cure rhinitis different etiology, sore throat and repair torn vocal cords.

The product is produced by cold pressing and subsequent filtration of peach seed oil. The resulting squeeze looks like clear liquid light shade and has a pleasant smell and taste. The product contains a number of useful micro and macro elements (iodine, zinc, magnesium, etc.), vitamins (A, C, E, B), amino acids and enzymes. It has a mild healing effect on the body.

Product benefits

In medicine, peach oil is prescribed for the treatment various violations gastrointestinal tract, skin lesions and raising immunity, including in oncology. With pathologies of ENT organs natural product helps in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rhinitis (including allergic);
  • sinusitis (including sinusitis);
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis.

The question often arises - why should an adult use oil, while pharmaceuticals offer many effective medicines? In favor of this natural product is the fact that it can replace medicinal drops from a runny nose hypersensitivity mucous membranes, as well as significantly speed up treatment and prevent complications in the composition complex therapy sinusitis and inflammatory diseases ENT organs.

When instilled into the nose, the remedy has the following effect:

  • liquefies snot;
  • removes dried crust of mucus and moisturizes the sinuses;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect in case of damage to capillaries;
  • flowing into oral cavity, moisturizes the throat and relieves inflammation;
  • relieves swelling of the nasal sinuses;
  • destroys pathogenic microflora.

Choice of product for treatment

An important step in preparing for treatment is to determine which oil is suitable for use. The tool is presented on the sales market in a large assortment as a product for the manufacture of cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies and may differ in composition.

To the question of consumers "What oil can be instilled into the nose - essential or cosmetic?" the only correct answer would be - pure ethereal, which is sold in pharmacies. Cosmetic oil is not suitable for oral use, as it may contain fragrances and a number of chemical components that adversely affect the body.

In any case, before buying a product, you should pay attention to the components of its composition. It must be 100% natural and contain no additional elements.

If the composition of the product is natural, but the manufacturer is in doubt, the product can be cleaned at home. To do this, the product in the vial is boiled for some time in a water bath or poured into an enamel bowl and calcined for 40 minutes at a minimum heat.

Peach oil is practically harmless and can be used for a cold in both adults and children. However, there are certain limitations to its use:

  • Should not be used when hyperexcitability and mental illness because it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system;
  • The product must not be dripped in the postoperative period (after surgical intervention in the nose area);
  • A natural remedy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

To detect an allergic reaction, before the first use of the product, testing should be carried out:

  • inflict not a large number of behind the ear or the inner bend of the elbow;
  • leave the product for 15-30 minutes;
  • remove excess with a napkin without rinsing;
  • observe the reaction of the skin during the day.

The presence of allergies is indicated by such manifestations as redness and inflammation of the skin, tearing, itching and the appearance of a rash. If no such reactions are observed, the product can be used without fear.

Instructions for use: features of use by adults and children

General application scheme natural remedy for all groups of patients the following:

  • Peach oil is heated in a water bath to room temperature;
  • The internal sinuses of the nose are washed with a special (saline) solution, or a weak one prepared at home saline solution;
  • Blow out the nose, freeing the sinuses from dried crusts and mucus;
  • In the supine position with the head thrown back, instill the required number of drops;
  • In the same position, wait 5-10 minutes for the agent to spread through the mucosa.

Depending on the age and type of disease, the dosage and some of the nuances of using the product change.

Oil for adults

The following treatment regimens are common peach oil:

  1. Runny nose with colds and flu. Peach oil is instilled 2-3 drops into each nasal passage 3-5 times a day. Such therapy is carried out full recovery. In the absence of individual intolerance, the remedy can be improved with additional components. To obtain effective remedy from a cold, you should combine a tablespoon of peach oil, 1 drop each of thyme and oregano oils and 2 drops of pine. Apply the drug in the same way.
  2. allergic rhinitis. The product in this case is used as an auxiliary drug that expands the sinuses and makes breathing easier. It is instilled 1, maximum 2 drops three times a day. The remedy can be strengthened by adding to 1 tbsp. l. peach oil 1 drop of lemon, basil and mint oils.
  3. Sinusitis, including sinusitis. In this case, the product is used as an addition to drug therapy. The agent is dripped 3-4 drops 4-5 times a day. The standard therapeutic course is 3 weeks. With sinusitis, a mixture of 30 ml of peach oil and St. John's wort oil is effective, which is used in the same way. In the absence of St. John's wort oil, you can use water decoction dried herb plants.
  4. Atrophic rhinitis, dryness of the nasal mucosa. In such cases, home-made cotton swabs and inserted alternately into each nostril for 25-30 minutes. For more effective hydration, softening of the mucosa, you can mix 2 tsp. peach oil and one teaspoon oil solutions vitamins E and A.
  5. Rhinitis of bacterial origin. With these pathologies, an oil mixture is used: peach (2 tsp) is mixed with lavender and oil tea tree(1 drop each). Or a mixture of peach oil (30 ml) with propolis tincture (10 ml) is prepared.
  6. Torn vocal cords. Instillation of the drug into the nose can serve auxiliary means with a dry voice and a sore throat - flowing down the mucous membranes, it effectively softens and moisturizes the sore throat . In the absence of pathologies of the ENT organs, it is dripped no more than three times a day, 3 drops each. The head should be tilted as far back as possible.

Important! The above treatment regimens are typical and can be adjusted by a specialist. Before using peach oil, you must obtain permission from an otolaryngologist.

Treatment of children

Not all doctors are unanimous in answering the question - is it possible to drip peach oil into the nose of children from the first days of life, since it can form an oil film that interferes normal breathing. However useful composition oils and the absence of aggressive components, in most cases allows you to give a positive answer.

In infants, it is advised to use oil not for instillation, but for lubricating the nasal cavity. First, the children's nose is cleaned by dropping 1-2 drops of saline solution and removing excess mucus, and then with the help of cotton flagella, a small amount of the product is applied to the nasal sinuses. Such manipulations are carried out 2 to 3 times a day.

For children from 1 to 6 years old, peach oil is dropped drop by drop into each nostril twice a day, and from 7 years old, the dosage can be increased to 2 drops.

Application during pregnancy

One of the important benefits of peach oil is the possibility of its use during pregnancy. It is absolutely safe for expectant mother and a child and can replace a number of prohibited medicines for a runny nose.

Thanks to his rich useful substances composition, peach oil is used to treat various respiratory diseases.

With the advent of cold weather, people begin to suffer from a runny nose, which is why many of them resort to the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops or sprays. However, such drugs give only a temporary result, and many of them, despite the assurances of advertising and manufacturers, do not justify the trust of patients.

To cure a runny nose in a child or an adult completely, peach oil for the nose is often used. It acts gently, without causing irritation of the respiratory mucosa, but, like any other drug, has its own negative sides that you need to know about.

Useful properties and indications for use

Peach oil is extracted from its kernels, since they contain the most useful substances. Such a product has a strong effect on the human body, which is expressed in its properties such as:

In the pharmaceutical industry, peach oil is used to make huge amount all kinds of medicines. Done at the expense of his rich chemical composition, which includes:

This component can be used both in the form of an ordinary oil and in the form of an essential oil for inhalation for respiratory ailments. But before using it, be sure to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can decide on the advisability of conducting therapy with this substance.

Application of this product plant origin must be justified, since its uncontrolled use may have adverse consequences.

At the same time, peach oil is not contraindicated for babies whom parents do not want to “stuff” with chemicals. medicines immediately after birth. Instillation or wiping of the nasal cavity of newborns is carried out by young mothers solely for hygienic purposes to soften and moisturize the mucous membrane. In addition, it can be used to remove dirt, as well as dust particles from the baby's nose, without causing him pain.

The use of this herbal substance is indicated for such ailments as:

  1. Chronic runny nose.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. allergic rhinitis.
  4. Acute or chronic sinusitis.
  5. Sinusitis various shapes and severity.
  6. Tonsillitis.
  7. Mucus discharge in polypous sinusitis.

Also, one of the main indications for therapy with peach oil is SARS and a cold, accompanied by a runny nose with mucus or pus. If, due to sneezing, the wings of the nose turn red in the patient, or wounds, microcracks, ulcers form, then the damaged areas of the epidermis should be lubricated with this substance 5-7 times a day. Pretty soon, the damage will disappear, because, as mentioned earlier, it has a wound healing effect.

Application features

It is best to use this product not for nasal instillation, but as aromatherapy using a special diffuser or aroma lamp.

This treatment method contributes to the rapid assimilation of the useful components of this product, especially if nasal diseases are being treated in young children.

If you nevertheless decided to instill peach oil into the child’s nose, then you need to remember a few important points that will help achieve maximum effect from therapy.

Method of treatment

Daily daily dosage oil for nasal instillation in adults and children over 6 years old is a maximum of 15 drops, the minimum amount is 12 drops in each nostril. Only by adhering to such a norm can one obtain quick effect. If we divide this number of approaches for the whole day, it turns out that it is necessary to bury the nose 4-5 times, 3 drops each, within 1 week. If necessary, the course of therapy can be extended after consulting with an otolaryngologist.

For babies under 1 year old, the dosage should be slightly less, only 1-2 drops of the mixture 3-4 times a day. Excessive use of the substance is not recommended - the earliest possible onset positive result anyway, you should not wait, because the oil acts slowly and gently.

Before carrying out the instillation procedure, older children, as well as adults, should first rinse nasal cavity salt solution. This will help clear the nostrils of mucus and dirt, thereby active substances, which are part of peach oil, will be absorbed faster into epithelial tissues.

If nasal congestion or runny nose is not very pronounced, then the instillation should be canceled, and instead, the walls of the nose should be lubricated with an applicator or a hygienic cotton swab. Doctors recommend doing this at least 4 times a day until complete recovery.

Can cook universal balm for the treatment of throat, nose, ears during an exacerbation respiratory infections. It is made very simply: for 10 ml of peach oil, add 1 drop of chamomile (if not, you can resort to the use of eucalyptus), lavender, and tea tree oil. Mix well - and the medicine is ready. It is also allowed to be used for lubrication skin newborn babies.

The opinion of doctors about the use of this substance is mostly positive. However, they do not recommend treating ENT diseases with it, not being exactly sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components that make up this plant substance. To do this, you must first pass special tests.

It is necessary to buy peach oil for instillation of the nose only in a pharmacy. A mixture intended for cosmetic purposes will not work in this situation.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that this herbal product is considered to be absolutely harmless, in certain cases it cannot be used. Allergy is perhaps the only contraindication, but it is very important nuance, neglect of which can cause serious harm to health.

To find out if a person has an individual intolerance to a substance, it is necessary to conduct allergy tests. This can be done both in the clinic and at home. To do this, you need to drop on back side brush 1-2 drops of oil and wait 20-30 minutes.

Sometimes the reaction is much faster, but in any case, the product should be well absorbed into the skin, only after that it will be possible to observe the result of such a test. If after its implementation no unpleasant manifestations arise, you can safely use this useful gift nature.

In the event that redness or swelling of the skin that has been examined has been noticed, the use of a medicine such as peach oil cannot be discussed. Otherwise, after instillation of the nose with this liquid, the patient may experience side effects as:

If they were seen similar symptoms already after the start of treatment, the use of peach oil should be abandoned and an antihistamine should be taken.

You can drink a tablet of Loratadine, Tavegil or Citrine, or purchase a special nasal spray that relieves allergic reactions(Avamis or Eden). To stop such anomalies in a child, you should not make independent decisions so as not to harm him. Only a doctor will be able to assess the seriousness of the situation and prescribe a medicine that will greatly alleviate the condition of a small patient.

The healing properties of peach oil were first noticed by the Chinese. Hundreds of years ago, only rich people could use it. AT modern world this tool is available to everyone. Oil is extracted from the seeds of ripe fruits by cold pressing. The online store "Daughters-sons" presents cosmetics, which include peach oil. Our experts will talk about these products.

Benefits and Health Benefits of Peach Oil

Pediatricians and cosmetologists note that this hypoallergenic product, so it has practically no contraindications. In otolaryngology, peach oil is recommended for rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. In addition, it can be dripped into the nose of newborns for hygiene purposes and to moisturize the mucous membrane. Also, experts advise using the remedy if you suspect ARVI or influenza. Drip 1-2 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day. The emulsion helps:

  • reduce the viscosity of mucus;
  • remove mucus from the recesses of the sinuses;
  • fight pathogenic microbes;
  • prevent complications (sinusitis, otitis media);
  • prevent drying of the mucous membrane;
  • strengthen vascular network nose.

For children 3-4 years of age, it is advisable to rinse the nasal passages with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per liter) before using this product. boiled water) or pharmacy saline. This will improve contact with the inflamed areas of the nasopharynx.

Although the oil is hypoallergenic, it is better to make a test before the first use (no one has yet canceled individual intolerance). To do this, lightly rub a drop of the product on the skin of the child's elbow bend and observe the reaction for 1-2 hours. If there are no symptoms of irritation (redness, rash, swelling), the medicine can be used.


Peach oil is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetologists. Parents should know that cosmetic oil not suitable for treatment, it may include a variety of fragrances and other chemical additives. For instillation into the nose, the remedy must be bought at a pharmacy. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before use.


Peach oil can be used for successful treatment many diseases of the nasopharynx. For high efficiency, therapy should be started at the first sign of the disease. cosmetic product cannot be used for treatment.

Nature itself gives us unique components for cosmetics, which contain everything necessary for healthy skin and hair. Many fruits, nuts, plants are a whole set of essential trace elements, vitamins, minerals. Adding to their unique composition other necessary substances, the modern cosmetic industry produces cosmetic products familiar to us: creams, balms, shampoos, lotions, etc. Each woman has tried many different means before choosing what is right for her. A separate list includes oils from the seeds of berries, fruits, nuts, such as grapes, oranges, tangerines, of course, almonds and many others.

Among them is peach oil. You can list for a long time what it is used for. It is added to medicines, useful dietary supplements and, of course, cosmetics. Peach oil does not special contraindications, it does not cause allergies, it is easily absorbed, it smells great. It is not without reason that for many women it is a favorite, because peach is one of the sweetest and juiciest fruits, and peach oil has a positive effect not only on appearance, but also on the health of the body.

Beneficial features

The maximum amount of pomace is obtained from peach pits. It is obtained by cold pressing without exposure high temperatures and then filtered. The raw material has a corresponding peach smell, beautiful yellowish color and nice to taste. This oil contains valuable acids: stearic, linoleic, palmitic, etc. Also a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

About the features of cosmetic peach oil, its useful properties and how to use you will learn from the video.

The oil has the ability to slow down the aging process, due to the antioxidants it contains, and helps to stimulate hematopoiesis, improves metabolism and digestion. It also has the ability to cure eczema, dermatitis and other problems.

Oil returns healthy state skin, improves color, gives elasticity, smoothes wrinkles.

Areas of use

Peach oil is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry, it is an integral element of many drugs, and is also used in recipes. traditional medicine, because it can be used to treat heart disease, anemia, diseases of the gallbladder and stomach, and it strengthens the immune system for colds. Bury the pomace in the nose at the first symptoms of a cold and runny nose, regularly 3-4 times a day and you will see how quickly they will recede.

However, please note that cosmetic oil for these purposes is not suitable for dripping the product into the nose, purchase a special composition at the pharmacy. However greatest application peach pomace was found in the cosmetics industry. You can make your own cosmetics, following simple recipes, it is not necessary to purchase ready-made products from cosmetology brands.

You will learn about the features of using peach oil for hair and face from the video.

Peach essence equally beneficial effect on any type of skin, as well as on normal skin, and excessively dry or oily and does not cause allergies or other negative phenomena. It has a good effect on weakened skin, renews, refreshes and rejuvenates it, smoothing fine wrinkles. Oil in pure form best used for application to specific problem areas, it can be applied as a mask - this will make the skin healthy and supple. In order to increase the effectiveness and enhance the effect, peach pomace is combined with other beneficial substances and cosmetic creams and ointments for the skin.

In winter, under the influence of cold air, the lips become weathered and begin to peel off, cracks appear on them. In this situation, they can be lubricated with oil twice a day. Apply it on your skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Also, the oil will help you easily remove makeup.

Mask for the face

Take a tablespoon of peach essence and add the same amount of honey to it (the variety does not matter) and crush it to a pulp. Next, add the same amount of cream, preferably fatty, rub the resulting mixture on your face and hold for 15-25 minutes, and then rinse.

If you have problem prone to peeling skin, then the following recipe will come in handy. Take peach oil, cottage cheese with high fat content and cream in equal proportions (the same two tablespoons), mix this mass and apply on the skin for 15 - 25 minutes.

To improve the appearance and health of hair

Hair is one of the main elements appearance any lady. Healthy, strong, shiny hair speaks of the energy and cheerfulness of their wearer. If you want to get rid of dry scalp, strengthen weak brittle hair and restore it after dyeing, then peach kernel pomace is excellent tool to achieve these results.

Great option: add to shampoos and conditioners that you use to wash your hair every day.

In order to eliminate dryness of the scalp and hair, smear your hair with just one tablespoon of peach oil an hour before washing it. During the application process, it may seem to you that this is not enough, but in fact this is the optimal amount of oil required, because the more it is, the more difficult it is to wash your hair later.

And here is a recipe for restoring strength to dry hair. Mix oil and honey in equal proportions (1 tbsp. Spoon). If the honey is candied and hardened, then it can be melted for a couple, then pour in the oil and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Apply it to your hair for about half an hour and then rinse it out.

For eyelashes

Put oils on the brush with which you apply mascara and smear your eyebrows and eyelashes with it after you have already removed makeup. This has a positive effect on the density and health of the hairs, forming a protective film on them.

To strengthen nails and get rid of burrs

Just oil your nails and the skin of your fingers next to them and massage. This procedure can be repeated regularly until the desired positive results.

For body

Massage with peach oil helps to get rid of cellulite - a real problem modern women. Prepare the mixture by adding essential oils such as orange or lemon. By following this simple guide, you can easily get rid of this problem.

Peach oil, due to its composition, is ideal for the treatment of chronic colds, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc., which "wake up" with the onset of cold weather. Peach oil is dripped into the nose at the first symptoms respiratory disease, preventing it from spreading and significantly improving general state respiratory tract and nasopharynx.


Peach oil in the nose, application

Peach oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the same name by cold pressing. It is this method that allows you to concentrate the maximum in the product. beneficial vitamins, trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acids etc. Thanks to natural composition, the remedy rarely causes allergic reactions, therefore it can be regularly used for colds even in children (including up to a year old), especially when you don’t want to “stuff” them with any “chemistry” or not all medicines are suitable due to the characteristics of the body or the presence concomitant diseases. You can use oil for children up to a year to treat a cold without fear, any negative impact the product does not affect the development of the body.

Video: The benefits and properties of peach oil.

The use of the product in newborns can be of a hygienic nature, young mothers can use it for daily softening and cleansing of the baby's nose from the "crusts" in his sinuses. First you need to drip peach oil into the nose, 2 drops into each nasal passage, and only after a few minutes proceed to direct cleansing. This procedure is usually done twice a day (morning and evening).

The tool gives a healing effect when instilled into the nose at the first signs respiratory disease (chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.). Its daily dosage is 12-15 drops in each nostril, that is, approximately 3 drops in each nasal passage 4-5 times a day for a week. The oil gently relieves irritation of the sensitive walls of the nasal sinuses, liquefies and removes mucus, preventing it from over-education. For children up to a year, the dosage is slightly less - 1-2 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day. For older children and adults, it is more effective to drip peach oil into the nose after washing the nasal cavity with a water-salt solution (¼ teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

If nasal congestion is not very pronounced, but is accompanied by severe dryness mucous membranes, their redness, the appearance of crusts on their surface, it is recommended to lubricate 3-4 times a day inner part nasal passages cotton swab or insert small swabs from a bandage soaked in the product.

The use of peach oil as a therapy for colds additionally strengthens the capillary walls in the nasal mucosa, adversely affects pathogenic bacteria, thereby preventing the development of complications (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).

Peach oil in the nose, which one to instill

For the procedure, you need to purchase a product at a pharmacy; cosmetic oil is not suitable for this purpose.

throat application

This natural product helps to treat the throat in case of tonsillitis. Use it for rinsing, dissolving 5 drops of oil in a glass warm water. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day. It can be effectively combined with drug treatment and other means of traditional medicine.

If the child is small and cannot gargle on his own, you can speed up recovery and relieve the symptoms of the disease as follows. wind on forefinger bandage, dip it in oil and carefully process sore throat and baby's mouth. Perform the procedure 4 times a day. Usually three days is enough to eliminate the infection and stop it. further development on respiratory tract. With this method of processing the throat, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of the hands.

On the basis of peach oil, a healing balm is prepared, which is excellent for treating ears, throat and nose, and is also suitable for newborns for skin hygiene. For 10 ml of base, take a drop of tea tree, lavender and chamomile oils. Instead of chamomile, you can use eucalyptus.

Contraindications to the use of peach oil

The product is absolutely harmless, but there may be cases of individual intolerance to the product, therefore, before using it, it is important to conduct an allergy test for allergic reactions, for which put a little of the product on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner bend of the elbow and observe the skin for twenty minutes. If redness, irritation and other unpleasant manifestations do not occur, then you can safely use the product. If discomfort occurs, wash off the product and do not use it again. In this case, it is recommended to switch to an alternative remedy.