Indications for the use of motherwort - why take the drug. Motherwort - treatment, recipes, instructions

This plant contains alkaloids, vitamins, tannins, carotene, essential oil, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Only the upper part of the stem is used along with the flowers, dried in a dark place.

This herb is most often used as cardiac remedy due to its vasodilating and sedative properties. At the same time, it eliminates sleep disturbances, calms in hysterical conditions, and removes depression. Motherwort helps well with violations reproductive functions and infertility. It allows the female body to more easily rebuild during menopause.

Just pour 3 tbsp. l. of this herb with a glass of boiling water and wait until it cools down. It is necessary to take tea during the day every time before meals. The decoction is obtained by boiling in a water bath two tablespoons of dry grass, filled with a glass of water, for 10 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and topped up with water to the volume of a glass. The infusion is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. motherwort, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water and aged for 2-3 hours.

Motherwort, cooked in water, calms the nerves well, helps with stomach problems and disorders. menstrual cycle but has a short shelf life. You can use alcohol tinctures by pouring 20 g of motherwort ½ cup of alcohol and holding for 2 weeks. Take them should be 30 drops.

How to brew motherwort herb: a few recipes

For various problems, tinctures and teas from motherwort and its mixtures with other herbs can be used:

  • in case of hypertension, hawthorn flowers, mistletoe and cudweed should be added to motherwort in equal parts. Consumed 2 tbsp. l. mixture per ½ liter of water. You need to cook the broth in a steam bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain;
  • you can prepare a collection of 2 parts of hawthorn fruit and part of motherwort, mint leaves, green walnut, valerian root. Within 30 minutes, 1 tbsp is infused. l. mixture in a glass of boiling water and taken for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • to prepare a soothing tea, you need to take a spoonful of mint leaves, motherwort, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and yarrow. For daily allowance in a teapot or a cup with a mesh, pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with a glass of boiling water and is divided into 2 doses. Can be used for thermos.

Components can be changed, new ones added. It is important not to boil the infusion so that its beneficial properties are not lost.

Motherwort is effective and absolutely natural remedy, but despite its beneficial properties, it can be harmful to health. Before drinking herbal tea or infusion, you need to get permission from a doctor, find out about possible contraindications, agree on the method of preparation of the product.

  • Benefit

    This herb is infused with alcohol, some cases involve water tinctures. Useful for internal organs and systems, nervous settlement, renders sedative action. All this is due to the high concentration of alkaloids, bioflavonoids, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, mineral salts.

    1. It goes well with valerian, corvalol, which enhances its sedative effect.
    2. Has benefits for children, pregnant women.
    3. In terms of external use, it is used to care for oily skin face, narrows pores, saturates the body with many vitamins, microelements.
    4. It has beneficial effect both for women and male body in terms of regulation of sexual functions, hormonal levels.

    This herbal tincture is almost universal.

    Note! Alcohol tincture is wonderfully combined with medications of almost all groups. But at the same time, the consultation of the attending physician will not be superfluous.

    How to cook

    In order for a product prepared on the basis of alcohol to be as useful as possible, the correct proportions must be observed. The classic alcohol tincture is prepared as follows:

    1. Take a dry glass jar.
    2. Put one piece of fresh motherwort there.
    3. Pour 5 parts of 70% alcohol.
    4. Cork the container, take it to a cool dark place.
    5. Strain after a month.

    Alcohol tincture has it all and is prepared in various variations. By combining herbs with other useful plants, its beneficial properties are fully revealed, manifest themselves brighter.

    Herbal tincture

    1. Mix equal amounts of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian - all plants must be dry.
    2. Place one part of the mixture in a glass jar.
    3. Take 5 parts of 70% alcohol, pour into a mixture of herbs.
    4. If desired, add dry peony horses.
    5. Close tightly with a lid, take it to the cellar for a month.
    6. Strain, use if necessary, a couple of drops dissolved in water.

    Attention! Alcohol for this tincture should be taken only 70 percent. If this requirement is not adhered to, the beneficial properties of herbs will not be revealed, respectively, there will be no effect from the use of such a drug.

    Water tincture of motherwort

    1. Pour 15 grams of dried grass with a glass of boiled drinking water.
    2. Leave for 6 hours to infuse.
    3. Filter, put in a jar.
    4. Store in a dark, cool place.

    This is a simplified version for those who are contraindicated alcohol products.

    Instructions on how to take

    Standard volumes of motherwort tincture for internal reception make up from 20 to 50 drops in one dose. The use is made 3 times a day, the tincture must be dissolved in drinking water. Be sure to take medicine half an hour before meals. If the purpose of the reception is exclusively therapeutic, then twice a day is enough.

    Water tincture taken three times daily before meals. The dosage is 50 milliliters at a time.

    Attention! Application is prohibited before the start of active motor, hard mental work. It does not call directly hypnotic effect, but is a factor that dulls vigilance, physical power for a short period of time.

    What helps

    Herbal tincture helps with disorders of the nervous system, fights stress, insomnia, inhibits the excessive activity of all human systems.

    1. It fights against cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, eliminates spasms, convulsions, has a slight choleretic, diuretic effect.
    2. Has efficiency at , .
    3. The tool perfectly helps to cope with the female body during menopause, during childbirth.
    4. Provides prevention, healing effect with sexual dysfunction in men.
    5. It has antibacterial properties, is used to treat minor wounds, cracks, abrasions.

    Motherwort tincture regulates everything internal processes, gently restores the functions of the nervous, endocrine systems. Helps fight goiter, sclerosis, epilepsy, eliminates, normalizes blood pressure.

    Attention! Correct, timely use of the remedy, passing the full treatment course are the main guarantees of its positive impact. Between courses of treatment, it is necessary to take small breaks - then the effect will be complete.

    Motherwort tincture for children

    Alcohol tincture of this medicinal plant is not used unless absolutely necessary for children who have not reached the age of twelve. It can be given with clear recommendations from a doctor according to the principle - 1 drop 1 year of life.

    1. The remedy is prescribed for children in the presence of panic fears, anxiety, excessive nervousness.
    2. For babies, it is used as an additive to bathing water - 5 - 10 drops in the bath, if the water tincture can be half a liter.
    3. Under 12 years of age not allowed alcohol tincture- A water-based product can be added to tea. For one such reception, 2 teaspoons is enough.
    4. It is enough for a small child to inhale the smell of this tincture for several minutes to achieve a sedative effect.
    5. You can put a drop on his skin, add to baby cream, soap, shampoo.

    Attention! The use of the drug must be agreed with the pediatrician. The child should be checked for allergic reaction to the product, its individual intolerance.

    During pregnancy

    For pregnant women, there are rules that allow or prohibit admission during the period of bearing a child.

    1. During the first trimester, the drug is not recommended for use, because it can cause a contraction of uterine contractions, leading to miscarriage.
    2. In the second trimester, it is desirable to take water-based products in small quantities.
    3. The entire third trimester, the period before childbirth, involves taking motherwort tincture. It helps a woman to relax, avoid unnecessary excitement before the birth process.

    At the same time, due to the active substances contained in this herb, the body structures are prepared for the process of the appearance of the baby. Doctors confirm that taking before childbirth has a positive effect on the muscles of the uterus, childbirth is easier, faster.

    Attention! Reception of means has to be supervised by the gynecologist. Doses should not exceed those prescribed by the doctor. A tincture prepared with water will be an ideal replacement for its alcohol counterpart.

    Contraindications for use

    In addition to the many positive indicators that make the use of motherwort tincture in demand, there are a number of contraindications. It includes:

    • use during pregnancy, lactation - concerns exclusively alcohol infusion ki;
    • the presence of low pressure;
    • the use of this tincture on alcohol for children under 12 years of age;
    • with individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to one of the components, allergic reactions;
    • after an abortion, on critical women's days;
    • in the presence of .

    This series factors require complete failure from the drug, the drugs in which it is included. Don't overdose too much long time use. When used externally, it can be added to products with which the tincture is compatible.

    Attention! When self-collecting raw materials, it is necessary to adhere to the collection technology, to properly dry. Means to prepare clearly according to the specified recipe.

    Motherwort Tincture - Pantry useful substances, a guarantee of peace of mind. Its correct application will not make you wait long for a positive effect. Before taking it is necessary to clarify how to do it correctly, follow all the recommendations, take breaks in a timely manner.

    AT modern world people are constantly stressed, so all kinds of sedatives pharmaceutical products are in high demand. Herbal remedies based on motherwort in the form of fees, alcohol infusions and tablets are considered the safest. At the same time, we recommend that you first figure out how much you can drink motherwort per day in tablets or infusions.

    Course duration

    There are different schemes for taking motherwort:

    1. Treatment cycles of 20 days with breaks of 10 days. The course consists of three such cycles, and then a month break is needed.
    2. Motherwort is taken for a month, and then a two-week pause is made. If you notice a result, repeat the course to consolidate the result.

    When taking, be sure to listen to your body. If you find a clear deterioration in well-being, immediately stop taking the motherwort.

    Permissible dosages

    Motherwort has a calming effect on the central nervous system, but it does not make you sleepy. The correct dosage does not impair concentration and does not affect mental clarity. How many drops of infusion should be taken per day, the attending physician should determine, since the dose depends on the complaints:

    • dyspnea;
    • headache;
    • irritability;
    • pain in the heart;
    • accelerated heart rate.

    For adults, doctors usually prescribe 30-40 drops of tincture per 50 ml of water up to three times a day, half an hour before meals. This dose creates a calming effect and normalizes cardiac activity. After taking motherwort, it is recommended to lie down and relax.

    Dosage of motherwort infusion for children

    When children have disturbed sleep patterns, they become more irritable or too whiny, pediatricians may prescribe motherwort. Up to two years, motherwort should be used in the form of a decoction added to water when bathing, and older children can take a weak decoction of motherwort in a teaspoon up to two times a day.

    Motherwort tablets

    In pharmacies, this herbal remedy is sold in the form of tablets. The course of their admission should be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the symptoms and diseases. To begin with, let's figure out how much to drink motherwort in tablets to calm down? Doctors usually advise adults on a tablet 1-2 times a day, and the duration of the course depends on individual characteristics. Note that what large quantity water you drink the medicine, the faster it will work.

    How long can you drink motherwort in case vegetative dystonia, constant insomnia or during menopause, your doctor should also tell you. On average, this is three to four weeks, during which you need to take one tablet an hour before meals up to three times a day.

    As for children, up to five years of age, doctors sometimes prescribe half a tablet up to 2-3 times a day, and older children take a whole tablet twice a day. As already mentioned, motherwort tablets should not be given to children under two years of age.

    Is an overdose possible?

    How much and for how long can motherwort be taken in tablets or in the form of infusion, we told, but is an overdose possible and how does it proceed? This is really not excluded, but you can understand this by the signs:

    • increased heart rate;
    • nausea;
    • weakness;
    • dizziness and migraines;
    • abdominal pain.

    Thus, do not abuse the medicine, but find out in advance how much you can drink motherwort in tablets, so as not to harm the body. AT individual cases motherwort may be substituted if the physician deems it appropriate.

    Everyone knows that the main source healing properties for a person - these are products plant origin, herbs, flowers, fruits. One of the most famous medicinal plants is motherwort. it perennial grass, belonging to the family of yasnotkovyh. The name of the plant corresponds to its place of growth, because motherwort loves desert places, including slopes and ravines. Among the people, motherwort has a number of names, such as dog nettle, core and heart grass. The described representative of the flora has a number of useful properties, about which and will be discussed in this article.

    The chemical composition and beneficial properties of medicinal herbs

    It will not be a secret for anyone that motherwort is an extremely valuable product for human health, having a number of useful properties. This plant is considered healing due to the richest chemical composition, consisting of more than one hundred substances. Among the components included in the composition, it should be distinguished: tannins, essential oils, vegetable acids, beta-carotene, carbohydrates, glycosides, flavonoids, etc.

    As for the beneficial properties of the herb, there are quite a lot of them, which allows you to apply medicinal plant for complex treatment most various diseases. Usually herbal tinctures, based on motherwort, are taken to achieve a diuretic effect, which makes the remedy an effective tool for cleansing the body and removing accumulated harmful substances.

    The plant also has an astringent, anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Of particular note is the pronounced sedation, which can be achieved by taking motherwort. Its properties are in many ways similar to those of valerian, since the described product of plant origin relieves stress, relaxes, and stimulates the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation of the nervous system. It is necessary to separately note the antispasmodic properties, as well as cardiotonic, which allows it to be used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

    What does the plant help from: indications for use

    It is necessary to start with the fact that preparations made on the basis of the described plant are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. In some cases, the herb can be used as the only therapeutic tool, leading to a speedy recovery. It is also worth noting that the effect of using natural medicine largely depends on the auxiliary components included in the composition of the drug. However, it is worth separately describing the situations in which the use of the plant will be as relevant and effective as possible.

    For the treatment of the nervous system

    The main purpose of using motherwort tincture in traditional medicine is bringing the nervous system to a state of rest. Components herbal remedy affect the central and peripheral nervous system, increasing the transit time nerve impulse between neurons. Thus, a sedative effect is achieved, which inhibits the reactivity of nervous activity.

    In connection with the above, it should be noted that motherwort has a calming effect on the body, helping to cope with stress, mental experiences, and tension. Preparations based on a specific component are used in courses, which can significantly improve the neuropsychic state of a person.

    Diseases of the heart, blood vessels

    Based on the fact that one of folk names motherwort - the core, it is obvious that the plant is used to treat and prevent all kinds of diseases associated with disruption of cardio-vascular system. First of all, you need to start with the fact that a particular drug expands the walls of blood vessels, preventing thrombosis.

    It is also recommended to take the remedy for people suffering from arrhythmias, since this herb relaxes the heart muscle, normalizing the heartbeat. At the same time, it is important to note that active substances, present in the composition of the motherwort, favorably affect the functions of the blood, which also has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism.

    Benefits for infertility, mastopathy and menstruation

    It is also important that the use of motherwort tincture has a positive effect on work. reproductive system, since a particular drug contains active substances that normalize hormonal background in female body. Also, some gynecologists claim that motherwort can be drunk in violation of the menstrual cycle, which reduces pain and put the cycle in order.

    The extract of the described herb is used as prophylactic from mastopathy and others pathological phenomena associated with a violation of the production of hormones by the ovaries. In this regard, a decoction of motherwort flowers is useful for pregnant women and women who plan to conceive a child.

    For diseases of the stomach

    During an exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and other ailments that affect gastrointestinal tract, doctors advise, in addition to the classic drug treatment, to use motherwort. Due to the fact that the grass relaxes smooth muscle walls of the stomach and intestines, bright spasmodic pains disappear, causing significant discomfort. Due to the intake of a herbal preparation, work is normalized digestive system, the intestinal microflora is restored, as well as from the body naturally accumulated toxins and slags are removed.

    From high pressure

    At high pressure motherwort is the best tool that quickly improves well-being and reduces performance. This happens because motherwort-based tincture dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow. However, using the drug in medicinal purposes, you should be extremely careful, since the composition has a pronounced vasodilating effect and can lead to a significant slowing of the heartbeat and pulse.

    From insomnia to good sleep

    As you know, the main cause of insomnia, as the main manifestation of sleep disturbance, is nervous tension. Motherwort tincture, in turn, is one of the best and safe means to calm the nerves. Thus, if the problem bad sleep is present, it is necessary to drink the described drug in a course, which will reduce the overall neuropsychic stress.

    The specificity of the effect of the product on the nervous system is to reduce the activity of excitation processes. The effect is similar to sedative medication, however, motherwort has natural properties that do not disrupt cognitive processes and do not allow a person to lose a sense of reality. For this reason, taking the infusion at night, you don’t have to worry that it will be difficult to wake up in the morning, or you may not hear the alarm clock.

    What is motherwort tincture for and how to drink it?

    Motherwort is usually taken, regardless of the type of product, to normalize cardiac activity, dry, calm, it is used for insomnia, arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. You need to take the drug before meals, while the dosage depends on the type of remedy:

    • tincture - twice a day for 50-100 milliliters;
    • extract 3-4 times a day, 20 drops;
    • tablets 3-4 times a day, 14 milligrams.

    Motherwort preparations: extract, tincture, collection and tablets

    Although motherwort is an herb that is harvested for cooking medicinal tinctures and decoctions, it can also be purchased at pharmacies, since the extract of this plant is used to create a variety of drugs. Motherwort can be presented in the form of dry preparations, alcohol infusions, dragees, tablets and extracts. It should be noted that the dosage of each individual drug is set by the doctor, taking into account the existing problem.

    Among the most common medicines, it is necessary to highlight such means as: Motherwort Forte from Evalar, Cortex, etc.

    Harm from use and contraindications

    Despite the fact that motherwort is a miraculous herb that has a number of properties beneficial to the human body, there are a number of contraindications that make the treatment process with tinctures and decoctions inaccessible. As noted above, you can drink motherwort tincture during pregnancy, but it is worth clarifying that the drug does not harm only on later dates bearing a baby. If you take the tincture for early dates, then it can be fraught with a miscarriage.

    Worth giving up similar treatment and breastfeeding mothers, as the components of the herb may be toxic to infants. Also, some disorders of the cardiovascular system, for example, low arterial pressure and weak heart rate.

    Motherwort recipes and how to take them

    Motherwort-based preparations can be prepared at home. There are quite a few recipes for creating tinctures and decoctions, the most effective and proven of which are listed below.

    How to make tincture at home

    To create a tincture at home, you will need to grind and squeeze fresh motherwort herb to get 40 milliliters of plant juice. The resulting product must be diluted with vodka in a volume of 60 milliliters. The mixture should be sent to a warm, dark place where it should be infused for a week. You need to use the remedy three times a day after meals, mixing a third of a glass of water with 30 drops of tincture.

    How to make tea

    Motherwort tea is not just a healthy, but very fragrant drink that can be purchased ready-made in bags, or you can use a dry mix and a teapot. For proper brewing of tea, you need to pour two teaspoons of crushed dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and cover the teapot with a lid. After 15 minutes, the drink is ready to drink.

    How to make a medicinal decoction

    For creating medicinal decoction you need to pour a tablespoon of dry grass into the pan and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Now the container needs to be sent to water bath where the future broth should boil for 20 minutes. At the end of the time, the product must be filtered and allowed to cool. It is necessary to use the product three times a day before meals.

    When to collect motherwort for medicinal purposes

    According to the recommendations of experts, it is necessary to start collecting motherwort to create blanks for medicinal purposes at the very beginning of the flowering of the plant. This is the position official medicine, based on the results of molecular studies, according to which it was during this period chemical composition Motherwort is richest in substances useful for the human body.

    It is worth paying attention to the specifics of harvesting, during which cut off from the stem upper part not exceeding forty centimeters in length. It is worth noting that the length of the plant ready for harvest should be about one meter. You can also cut off the lateral stems of the motherwort to the last leaves.

    There are also unspoken rules for collecting this wonderful herb. Despite the fact that motherwort belongs to perennial plants, it is necessary to show respect for nature and not completely destroy its growth. Far from every bush is cut off, while cutting off the main stem, the side ones are left, or vice versa. When collecting a plant, it is important to avoid growths near highways, since the motherwort very well absorbs the products of combustion of fuel emitted by a car. The same rule applies to grass growing near fields where chemical work is carried out.

    Instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets - just a fact-finding information, not a recommendation for treatment. Motherwort refers to sedative drugs, so it can give pronounced side effects, has a number of contraindications and age restrictions. Before starting treatment, a medical consultation is recommended.

    Motherwort - known in folk and traditional medicine depressant. As a pharmacological raw material, two closely related types of motherwort are used - five-lobed and hearty. A dry extract is obtained from the herb, from which tablets and capsules are made. Read more about other dosage forms and read our other article.

    Features of motherwort in tablets

    The instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets indicate that the sedative effect occurs slowly, like that of valerian. The substance should accumulate in the body and begins to act in the second or third week of admission.

    Composition and packaging

    As part of the tablets - dry extract of motherwort five-lobed and heart (14 mg per tablet) and excipients (cellulose, sucrose, starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, monohydrate and others). Tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces.

    pharmachologic effect

    Motherwort five-lobed and heart are listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia and belong to the group of sedatives, sleeping pills vegetable origin. In addition, the herb has a number of other healing properties:

    • antispasmodic;
    • painkiller;
    • hemostatic;
    • astringent;
    • cardiotonic;
    • bactericidal;
    • restorative;
    • hypotensive;
    • diuretic;
    • expectorant;
    • antipyretic;
    • diaphoretic;
    • anticonvulsant;
    • anti-inflammatory.

    Indications for use

    • Functional disorders of the central nervous system. The drug is indicated for elevated nervous excitability, insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, panic attacks. It is applied in complex therapy epilepsy, paralysis, convulsions various origins. The instructions for motherwort in tablets indicate that the herb contributes to fast falling asleep and relaxation of the nervous system, however, it helps with mild forms of sleep disturbance, in the initial stages of neuroses. For example, neurotic states that turn into manic-depressive psychoses require serious integrated approach in the treatment and observation of a psychiatrist and work with a psychotherapist.
    • Hypertension. The herb helps initial stage hypertension, normalize high blood pressure and heart rate, relieves spasms and headaches.
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tablets are prescribed for various heart ailments - tachycardia, angina pectoris, cardioneurosis, shortness of breath and edema in heart failure, myocarditis. Increasingly, motherwort is prescribed for vegetovascular dystonia (VVD), when diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels are of a psychosomatic nature. The herb stimulates blood circulation, relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, and helps with atherosclerosis.

    In addition to the main indications mentioned in the leaflet, there are other appointments. A doctor may recommend this drug for the following symptoms and conditions:

    • digestive disorders;
    • spasms, colic of the stomach and intestines;
    • flatulence;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • swelling in renal and heart failure;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • hyperfunction thyroid gland.

    Dosage and method of administration

    How to take motherwort extract tablets? It is important to remember that sedatives and sleeping pills are taken only on prescription. Only a specialist can evaluate clinical condition patient, determine the severity of the disease, the severity of symptoms.

    • Dosage Maximum daily dose the drug - 56 mg, that is, 4 tablets. It is advisable to take them at regular intervals to maintain the sedative effect. It is not recommended to take double doses to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect. This can lead to overdose and intoxication.
    • A course of treatment . To achieve a therapeutic effect and consolidate it, the grass is drunk for a long course. It may take 2 to 4 weeks. A second course after a break in treatment may be prescribed at the discretion of the physician.
    • Acceptance conditions. The drug is recommended to be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. The tablet is swallowed whole with enough water.

    drug interaction

    You can drink motherwort extract with other sedative and heart medications. But it should be remembered that the herb can enhance their effect. Also, the drug potentiates the effect on the body of analgesics and antihypertensive drugs. It is not recommended to take motherwort with alcohol, as the herb enhances its effect.

    Side effect of the drug

    Side effects can be observed with individual intolerance to the herb, overdose, long-term treatment, combination of pills with alcohol or other drugs. How are side effects manifested?

    • Digestive disorders. Nausea, belching, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea.
    • Allergic manifestations. Redness skin, urticaria, itching, swelling.
    • Disorders from the nervous system. severe drowsiness, lethargy, decreased intellectual and physical capacity for work, dizziness, confusion.

    With all the above symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and seek medical help.

    special instructions

    Sedative, hypnotic effect of the drug can affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to take pills when driving vehicles, working with mechanisms, in any type of activity that requires speed of reactions.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature not exceeding 25°C. Tablets should be kept out of the reach of children. Expiration date - 24 months. After the expiration date, the use is not permissible.

    What are the contraindications of motherwort tablets? Hypotension, bradycardia (slow heartbeat), individual intolerance to the extract of the herb and others excipients, varicose veins veins, sharp forms stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis. also in official instructions it is forbidden to take pills during pregnancy and during feeding, children under 12 years of age.

    Application features

    How is the drug used in adults and children? What preparations based on motherwort can be purchased at the pharmacy today?

    A variety of preparations based on motherwort

    Motherwort is a valuable pharmacological raw material. Based on the dry extract of the herb, tablets are made with the same spectrum of action, but different in price, packaging, with different commercial names. Today motherwort can be bought not only in a pharmacy, but also in herbal pharmacies, online stores herbal preparations that offer biologically active additives(dietary supplements). It is important to know that taking dietary supplements based on motherwort is not recommended without consulting a doctor. It is also necessary to pay attention to the certification of goods pharmacy assortment. Reviews of such drugs are most often positive, but you should not rely on them and self-medicate.

    More about "Motherwort Forte"

    "Motherwort forte" in tablets (capsules) differs from other drugs in that it contains magnesium and vitamin B6. They enhance the action of motherwort. The drug belongs to food additives, valued high content glycosides. These substances are sedative, diuretic, bactericidal properties, hormonal activity, have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. "Motherwort forte (Evalar)" is prescribed as a sedative, hypnotic for functional disorders nervous system. Also, the drug has cardiotonic, diuretic, anticonvulsant properties. The instructions for use of Motherwort Forte in tablets indicate the average dosage for adults: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day (with meals!). The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on individual characteristics organism, clinical picture.

    Use in men, women, children

    • What is useful motherwort for men. Tablets are prescribed for all the above diagnoses and symptoms, regardless of gender. The medicine helps with diseases of the prostate gland, inflammation urogenital area. Tablets are drunk in a long course under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to remember the effect of motherwort on psychomotor reactions and not to drink pills while driving a car, a professional activity that requires concentration.
    • What is motherwort useful for women. The herb is especially useful for severe premenstrual syndrome(PMS), in the premenopausal period. The drug restores hormonal levels, normalizes metabolism and thyroid function, calms the nervous system, relieves attacks of fear, anxiety, irritability, panic attack. Also, the drug can be prescribed as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, but more often with this symptom, water and alcohol infusion of motherwort is used. The decision on the use of motherwort tablets during pregnancy and lactation is made by the doctor. Read more about the various dosage forms in our other article.
    • Benefits for children. Self-administration of the drug in children of any age is prohibited. Only a doctor after diagnosis and internal examination can assess the child's condition, calculate correct dosage and course of treatment. How to drink motherwort tablets for children? This dosage form It is strictly contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. The child should be able to safely swallow tablets and drink them with water. But even at 3 years old, not all children are able to do this. Therefore, up to this age appoint water infusions and teas based on motherwort. Tablets are most often prescribed for younger children school age and teenagers. Main indications for use: restless sleep, excitation of the nervous system, outbreaks of aggression, irritability, signs of hyperactivity.

    The drug is equally useful for men, women and children. Grass increases resistance to stress, well relaxes muscles and nervous system, relieves emotional stress. It is only important to correctly calculate the age dosage. After all, motherwort, like everyone else sedatives, with an overdose gives pronounced side effects. But at a low dose, its therapeutic effect will be quite low.

    Motherwort in tablets is indicated for neurosis, insomnia, physical and mental overwork, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, at the initial stage of hypertension. In complex therapy, the drug is prescribed for digestive disorders, urinary excretion, problems with metabolism. This is the first sedative for women with PMS and in the premenopausal period.