Electrophoresis: the essence of the procedure, methodology and technique. Features and nuances of electrophoresis for various diseases in a medical institution and at home

Do you or your child have a weakened immune system and don’t know how to boost it? Do you often suffer from bronchial asthma? Do your relatives have problems with the cardiovascular system and are they swallowing all sorts of pills that have a negative effect on the liver? To cope with such situations, doctors often prescribe electrophoresis sessions to their patients. With the help of such procedures, a person will not only keep his liver healthy, but will also quickly get back on his feet, getting rid of the ailment that was bothering him. Thanks to electrophoresis, the medicine reaches the desired organs faster, while providing maximum effect. Today we will learn about the methods of conducting such sessions, in what cases they are prescribed, and also when it is prohibited to conduct them.

What is the procedure

Many people ask the question: “Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it better than taking medications orally, intravenously or intramuscularly?” Now let's try to answer this question. Electrophoresis - medical procedure, which has several names: ion therapy, iontophoresis, ion galvanization, galvanic ion therapy. This is impact based physical therapy. medicines delivered by electric current. Administration of medications by this method has the following advantages over delivery of substances intravenously, intramuscularly or orally:

Longer therapeutic effect.

The ability to deliver the drug to the desired area of ​​the body, while bypassing other organs.

Minimal risk of side effects.

Painless procedure.

Preservation of the normal structure of the patient’s tissues when the drug is administered.

Basic electrophoresis techniques

  1. Galvanic belt.
  2. General electrophoresis according to Vermeule.
  3. Ion reflexes according to Shcherbakov.
  4. Facial electrophoresis according to Bourguignon.
  5. Physiotherapeutic treatment endonasally.

Galvanic belt

Treatment with electrophoresis in this case is indicated for diseases of the female genital organs. This technique can also be used in relation to men with prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, and vascular disorders.

The galvanic belt can be either upper or lower. In the first case, one pad is soaked in a special warm solution and then applied to the chest and lumbar region back, in the second - on the sacral and lumbar vertebrae.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. And the course of such treatment can reach 20 sessions.

General electrophoresis according to Vermeule

In this case, 3 pads with medicine are used. The first (largest) is placed on the back, between the shoulder blades. And the other two are applied to the calves. Thus, electrophoresis is done on almost the entire surface of the body, except for the face, neck and head. Electrophoresis - what is it? In what cases is it prescribed? This is a special technique designed to help adults and children with problems such as vegetative-trophic disorders, neurosis-like conditions, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, diseases of cardio-vascular system.

The duration of the procedure using the Vermeule method can be from 20 to 40 minutes. The course of physiotherapy may be limited to 20 sessions.

Ion reflexes according to Shcherbakov

For the treatment of hypertension and neuroses, as well as if the patient has peptic ulcers or joint disorders, this particular method of performing a procedure such as electrophoresis is used. What is physical therapy according to Shcherbakov? In this case, the electrodes are applied to the upper and lower limbs sick. Moreover, this must be done strictly diagonally. For example, right hand And right leg or vice versa. A specialist applies pads with solutions of potassium, magnesium, sodium or bromine to the shoulder and hip. Above these places, the limbs are tied with a rubber bandage.

The duration of the procedure according to Shcherbakov’s method can reach 40 minutes, no more. In this case, it is necessary to take breaks. The course of such manipulations is usually 15-20 sessions.

Facial electrophoresis according to Bourguignon

According to this technique, one electrode with a drug-impregnated pad is determined for closed eyelids, and the second - for back surface neck. In this case, electrophoresis is prescribed to patients who have diseases of the eyelids and anterior segment of the eyes.

The duration of this procedure is short, can reach 8 minutes. The entire time the manipulation is being carried out, the specialist must monitor the process. After all, the eyes are a sensitive organ, and any impact on them can cause discomfort, redness or swelling. Therefore, the nurse must strictly monitor the patient so that he does not have complications.

Endonasal electrophoresis: what is it?

This is a procedure during which not cloth pads are used, but cotton swabs moistened with medicinal substances. Endonasal electrophoresis is done not through the skin, but through the mucous membrane. Thanks to this effect, ENT diseases are excellently treated. Endonasal electrophoresis is often performed on children aged 3 years and older. In this case, the electrodes are placed as follows: one, having two plates, is placed in both nostrils, and the second - on the back of the neck.

Effective treatment of hernia using physiotherapy

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" - a substance made on the basis of such biological additives, like proteinases, papain, lysocine, chymopapain, has the following effects:

Softens cartilage tissue.

Relieves inflammatory processes.

Increases the secretion of collagen, as a result of which damaged fibers are scarred and their elasticity is restored.

It is thanks to this effect that electrophoresis with Karipazim, an effective drug, has a positive effect on the body of a sick person, reducing the hernia in size, freeing a pinched nerve, and also alleviating inflammation and pain. Also, pads are moistened with this substance and applied to the human body for the treatment of radiculitis, keloid scars, joint lesions, and neuralgic problems. Karipazim is a white powder, which is diluted with normal saline before the procedure.

Requirements for medications used for physiotherapy

Any solution for electrophoresis must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be pure, without impurities.
  2. Prepare immediately before the procedure.
  3. To prepare the solution, use only clean distilled water.
  4. If the medicine does not dissolve in water, then instead of this component you need to use purified alcohol, or the drug “Dimexide”.

To carry out electrophoresis, solutions are used from elements such as iodine, bromine, calcium, the drugs “Novocain”, “Eufillin” and many others, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the procedure

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to do electrophoresis if a person has heat, available skin problems, wounds? No, under no circumstances is it possible. However, these are not all contraindications through which the procedure cannot be carried out. If you have the following health problems, it is prohibited to prescribe electrophoresis to the patient:

Tumors of any etiology and place of occurrence.

Acute stage of the inflammatory process.

Bronchial asthma.

Problems with blood clotting.

Allergy to the components of the drug that needs to be administered.

Cost of the procedure

Electrophoresis, the price of which depends on many factors, can be carried out in a district hospital, in private clinic, as well as at home. Naturally, the cost will vary. In a district hospital, the electrophoresis procedure will be the cheapest. The patient will need to buy medications, and the manipulation itself is often performed free of charge. If you do electrophoresis in a private clinic, the cost of the procedure can range from 200 to 1000 rubles per session. It all depends on the status of the medical institution, equipment, and area of ​​influence. This procedure can also be carried out at home, but in this case the cost will also be high. Since a specialist will travel with equipment, and this will be an additional expense. But you can buy a special device and carry out the manipulations yourself, but you will have to fork out for the equipment, since the cheapest device costs about 5 thousand rubles.

People's opinions about the procedure

Electrophoresis receives only positive reviews from patients. Parents who treat various problems in their children using this procedure are especially happy. Mothers note that during the session the child does not experience the stress that he could get if he was given intravenous or intramuscular injection medicine. And in this case, boys and girls are not afraid, some even like to go to such procedures. And parents are happy that the medicine entering the child’s body in this way does not have any effect. toxic effects. Also, many mothers like that this procedure allows them to achieve maximum effect even with small doses of medication. But you don’t want to stuff your children with drugs large quantities. However, with electrophoresis you don't have to do this. After all, even a small dose of medicine will have its effect positive result. Plus, adult patients write that after electrophoresis sessions they observe excellent results therapy, the disease goes away quickly. People also note that the medicine that enters the body in this way is located there more a long period due to its accumulation in the layers of the skin. And this, in turn, enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Now you know what electrophoresis is and what popular techniques are used. We also determined what requirements the medications used to carry out this physiotherapy must meet. And we learned about how patients respond to electrophoresis sessions.

Nowadays there is a large number of physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at treating various kinds diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, neurology, respiratory diseases and others.

Often in different medical cases electrophoresis is used. By itself, electrophoresis does not bring any therapeutic effect to the body, but in combination with medications, it enhances their effect by applying an electric current directed precisely to the problem area and acts at the very source of inflammation. Naturally, the site of exposure should not be damaged and there should not be severe inflammation in its area.

The electrophoresis procedure itself is cumulative in nature - when medications linger under the skin and slowly dissolve into the bloodstream and lymph. That's why this procedure is gentle on the digestive organs.

The use of electrophoresis in pediatric medicine, as many readers know, is very common. It is used in traumatology, neurology, and orthopedics. Due to their mobility and hyperactivity, many children suffer from fractures; calcium electrophoresis is used to heal them as quickly as possible. Also, the effect of calcium helps treat dysplasia and joint dislocations. Electrophoresis is useful for treating hypertension in newborns. It improves blood circulation and general state body.

There is an opinion that infections or skin diseases can be transmitted through the electrophoresis procedure - this is not at all true, since all equipment involved in the procedure is sterilized. Also, many parents are afraid of using electric current on their child, but in fact it is much more useful than taking medications orally, because the digestive organs of a child in the first year of life are very susceptible to any products, and even more so to drugs, and with electrophoresis the likelihood of adverse reactions reduced to a minimum.

For the electrophoresis procedure to be as effective as possible, it should be combined with other types of therapy. Often, before the electrophoresis procedure, it is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy, when the muscles are warmed up, the pores are enlarged - the penetration and absorption of the medicine occurs faster, and the effect of the procedure is more significant. Electrophoresis can also be combined with massage. First do massage, and then electrophoresis.

How often can electrophoresis be performed on a child?

The frequency of using any type of physiotherapeutic procedures should be no more than 4 times a year. One course usually consists of 10 sessions. In this case, the interval between courses should be 3 months. This is necessary for the absorption of the medicine, and also to give a break to the baby’s body, since electrophoresis is carried out in combination with other procedures, and this puts a strain on the heart and the body as a whole.

In contact with


This is an electrokinetic phenomenon of movement of dispersed phase particles (colloidal or protein solutions) in a liquid or gaseous medium under the influence of an external electric field. It was first discovered by Moscow University professors P.I. Strakhov and F.F. Reiss in 1809.

Using electrophoresis, it is possible to cover the surface with small particles, ensuring deep penetration into cavities and pores. There are two types of electrophoresis: cataphoresis - when the surface being treated has a negative electrical charge (that is, it is connected to the negative contact of the current source, being the cathode) and anaphoresis - when the surface charge is positive.

Electrophoresis is used in physiotherapy, for painting cars, in chemical industry, for the deposition of fumes and mists, for studying the composition of solutions, etc. Electrophoresis is one of the most important methods for separating and analyzing the components of substances in chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology.

Electrophoresis in medicine (physiotherapy)

The medicinal substance is applied to the electrode pads and, under the influence of an electric field, penetrates the body through the skin (in therapy, neurology, traumatology, etc.) or mucous membranes (in dentistry, ENT, gynecology, etc.) and directly affects physiological and pathological processes at the injection site. Electric current also has a neuro-reflex and humoral effect.

Advantages of therapeutic electrophoresis:

  • administration of small but sufficiently effective doses of the active substance;
  • accumulation of the substance and creation of a depot, prolonged action;
  • introduction in the most chemically active form - in the form of ions;
  • the ability to create a high local concentration of the active substance without saturating the lymph, blood and other environments of the body;
  • the possibility of introducing the substance directly into areas of inflammation that are blocked as a result of disruption of local microcirculation;
  • the medicinal substance is not destroyed, as, for example, when taking medications orally;
  • a weak electric current has a beneficial effect on the reactivity and immunobiological status of tissues.

Contraindications to electrophoresis: acute purulent inflammatory diseases, heart failure II-III degrees, hypertension Stage III, fever, severe form of bronchial asthma, dermatitis or violation of the integrity of the skin at the sites where the electrodes are applied, malignant neoplasms. Contraindications for the medicinal substance are taken into account.

Substances used in electrophoresis are divided into:

  • negatively charged, introduced from the negative pole - cathode (bromides, iodides, a nicotinic acid and others);
  • positively charged, introduced from the positive pole - the anode (metal ions - magnesium, potassium, calcium);
  • introduced both from the anode and from the cathode (humisol, bischofite and others).

The advantage of bischofite is bipolar administration, since the effect is exerted simultaneously by both positively and negatively charged ions. Upon appointment family doctor therapeutic electrophoresis upon referral to the department medical rehabilitation It is advisable to indicate: diagnosis, name of the method (electrophoresis), the desired medicinal substance and the zones of its influence. The physiotherapist determines the polarity, current strength, duration in minutes, frequency of procedures.

Electrophoresis in scientific research

In biochemistry and molecular biology, electrophoresis is used to separate macromolecules - proteins and nucleic acids (as well as their fragments). There are many varieties of this method. This method is widely used for separating mixtures of biomolecules into fractions or individual substances and is used in biochemistry, molecular biology, clinical diagnostics, population biology (for studying genetic variability), etc.


Galvanophoresis is the introduction of ions of substances (for example: drugs) into an electrically conductive medium through the application of electromotive force (EMF). In dentistry - galvanophoresis - special method for long-term disinfection of the dental root canal system.

The difference from electrophoresis is that to create an EMF, not stationary current sources are used, but small mobile devices. Such devices can, for example, be installed in a patient's tooth for several days or weeks. During long period a galvanic cell ensures the passage of a weak electric current (a few microamps) through the tissues into which delivery of certain substances is intended.

Electrophoresis is a procedure performed in a medical office. During galvanophoresis, the patient is outside medical institution. Weak currents do not pose any danger and have no complications or contraindications. The duration of exposure to currents during galvanophoresis allows you to obtain a different quality of treatment.

Galvanophoresis is carried out using special devices installed in root canals teeth. The devices can be made in the form of a pin or another structure made of metals that make up a galvanic couple.

Devices for galvanophoresis create an emf in the root canal environment, which is previously brought to required values concentration of certain ions by introducing special preparations into the root canals (for example, copper-calcium hydroxide). Under the influence of electric fields created by galvanic pins (devices for galvanophoresis), copper-calcium hydroxide (CHC) migrates into microchannels and dentinal tubules. Causes proteolysis of the microbial bodies located there and the remains of the cellular structures of the diseased tooth. SMC adds sulfur to the copper ion, taking it away from the amino acids of proteins found in the structures of dental tissues.

Unlike the common method of depophoresis, galvanophoresis does not require the use of expensive devices, does not cause pain during its application and creates an antimicrobial environment in the dental tissues. long time.

Electrophoresis is a therapeutic procedure, one of the main areas of physiotherapy.

The medical effect is achieved through the simultaneous influence of weak currents and pharmaceuticals.

What is it, why is medicinal electrophoresis needed, what is the principle of action, the benefits and harms of the procedure, and what are the indications and contraindications for this technique - we will tell you about this in our article.

The cathode (negative electrode) expands blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the glands internal secretion, accelerates metabolic processes in cells.

The anode (positive electrode) helps to activate lymph flow, remove toxins from the body, and also reduce pain sensitivity. In addition to the most common, percutaneous method, medicine also uses the cavity and interstitial method of administering drugs through galvanic current.

The essence of the method

An electrophoresis session is carried out using a hardware method, the technique is as follows: different-pole electrodes with fabric pads impregnated with drugs are fixed on parts of the body.

Under the influence of galvanization, ions of the pharmaceutical solution penetrate under the skin (approximately to a depth of 1.5 cm), accumulating in the cells and in the intercellular space.

The current strength, exposure time and concentration of the medicinal solution are prescribed individually - taking into account the nature of the disease, age, sensitivity skin. When contacting the plates through which the current passes, the patient does not experience pain.

A barely noticeable burning or tingling sensation occurs in the areas where the electrodes are attached. Maybe appearance of a lung metallic taste in the mouth. Session duration is 10-20 minutes. The number of treatment sessions is from 5 to 20.

Therapeutic effect

Electrophoresis is prescribed after completion of a therapeutic course or surgery. The ability to restore the natural structure of tissues is actively used in gynecology (elimination of adhesions in the fallopian tubes), otolaryngology (treatment of chronic sinusitis and otitis), dermatology (skin defects).

Electrophoresis is used in pediatrics (for the treatment of hypertension in infancy), in neurology (relieving inflammation in the area strangulated hernia), in traumatology and other areas of medicine.

When exposed to the body, the following positive effects have been proven:

  • slowing down inflammatory processes;
  • reduction in pain intensity (if the facial nerve is pinched);
  • eliminating excessive muscle tension;
  • acceleration recovery processes(tissue regeneration);
  • calming effect;
  • improvement of microcirculation in subcutaneous tissues.

Impact in cosmetology

When the skin comes into contact with opposite electrodes, electromagnetic fields are formed, stimulating the formation of new ions in the lymph and intercellular space. Electrode plates are fixed on areas of the skin where there are sebaceous and sweat glands– effective absorption of drugs occurs in this area.

Several processes occur simultaneously under the cathode and anode:

  • electrodiffusion;
  • polarization;
  • electroosmosis.

As a result of biochemical effects on nerve endings, a response from the body occurs - pores open, capillary vessels dilate, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated (the resorptive effect lasts from 3 to 20 days).

In cosmetology practice, various electrolytes are used that have a healing, healing, regenerating effect (on branded packaging there is a sign of the electrode from which the product should be injected under the skin).

According to their purpose, preparations for electrophoresis can be anti-inflammatory, anti-aging (non-surgical lifting), nourishing, moisturizing.

IN medical cosmetology drugs such as hyaluronic acid, collagen gels, masks based on placental composition, salicylic acid, nicotinic acid, antiseptic emulsions, lidase.

Using electrophoresis (an alternative name for the procedure is iontophoresis), dissolved extracts from medicinal plant materials, vitamins, and active microelements are introduced under the skin.

What problems does it help solve?

Elimination of cosmetic defects

The skin on the face and neck is sensitive and thin. From deep abrasion a red scar remains, which fades after a few years, but never completely disappears. People prone to keloid scarring are left with a lumpy scar that indelibly spoils their appearance.

The defect can be partially (and in some cases completely) eliminated using medicinal iontophoresis. During treatment sessions, drugs are used that actively destroy layers of scar tissue (lidaza, fermenkol).

The new generation drug is longidase, which has antioxidant, immunostimulating and antiseptic properties. Penetrating under the influence of galvanic current under the skin, the medicine restores the structure of the epidermis, restoring natural elasticity to the tissues. Unlike lidase, the new drug does not cause allergic reactions.

Postoperative period

Scar marks remain on the face after surgical operations(defects in the area of ​​the eyes, cheekbones, and eyelids are especially noticeable). It is impossible to eliminate visually noticeable pathology using traditional medicines, but using electrophoresis it is possible to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect. For galvanic administration, the drug collisin is used subcutaneously, which has the following types impacts:

  • destroys the tissue of keloid scars;
  • resolves defective skin changes on the eyelids;
  • breaks down scar tissue of the retina.

Electrophoresis with collalysine is prescribed for injuries in the eye area and healed lesions of the mucous membrane.

The procedure is carried out with great care (the first dosage is minimal) to prevent burn inflammation of the tissues

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • non-injection method of drug administration;
  • the therapeutic activity of drugs is enhanced by galvanic current;
  • immediate effect on the area of ​​inflammation;
  • absence of unpleasant sensations;
  • prolonged therapeutic effect.

The main disadvantage is the limited use (not all drugs can be administered by electrophoresis).

The inability to create a high concentration of the drug and determine the degree of its accumulation in the body are also disadvantages therapeutic technique electrophoresis.

Who can

Electrophoresis is used in medical cosmetology practice for the following purposes:

  • to restore elasticity and rejuvenate the skin;
  • to smooth out wrinkles;
  • to eliminate puffiness (bags under the eyes);
  • to cleanse skin pores of impurities.

Indications for the use of the electrophoresis procedure are the presence of defects:

  • dry, aging skin of the face and décolleté;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • fine wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin in the cheeks and chin.

Electrophoresis is one of the main methods used in comprehensive program oily treatment acne. Disincrustation (removal of comedones) - galvanization using an alkaline solution, which is introduced from a negatively charged pole.

Since iontophoresis radically improves blood circulation in peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect, after just a few sessions the skin acquires an even matte tint, areas with an “oily sheen” and peeling disappear.

Before carrying out the electrophoresis procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is not allergic to the drug and that he tolerates the effects of galvanic current well.

When to abstain

Contraindications for prescribing electrophoresis are:

  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • purulent infections;
  • viral diseases;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dermatitis in the inflammation stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • renal failure;
  • the presence of metal dental crowns;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental illness.

How does the session work?

The session is conducted in the following sequence:

The procedure takes 3-4 minutes, frequency – once every 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 6 procedures. Repeated treatment – ​​after 2 months.

And the rejuvenation procedure goes like this:

  1. The cosmetologist impregnates tissue pads with a nutritious or therapeutic solution and places them on the skin (under the electrodes).
  2. After turning on the device, the ions of the active substance penetrate deep into the skin. By moving the electrodes in a sliding motion, the cosmetologist sequentially treats areas of the face and neck. An iontophoresis session lasts 7-8 minutes.
  3. After the session, a nourishing mask is applied for 10 minutes.

6 to 10 procedures are prescribed.

Electrophoresis is a highly effective physiotherapeutic procedure. The achieved therapeutic (or cosmetic) result is maintained for a long time after completing a course of physiotherapy.

It is important that sessions run qualified specialists, having practical experience in their field, well aware of the functionality medical equipment. During the procedure, the specialist must continuously monitor the patient's condition.

A good doctor prescribes sessions only after receiving reliable evidence that there are no absolute contraindications to the procedure.

Sessions are canceled if severe irritation appears on the skin, or if health deteriorates due to exposure to current or prescribed medication.

In general, the procedure is well tolerated by patients, regardless of age and severity of the disease. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to punctually follow the recommendations of the attending physician, and also complete the full course of prescribed procedures.

Watch a video of how electrophoresis is done for facial skin:

If your doctor has prescribed procedures, never skip or reschedule them without good reason. Try to follow all the specialist’s instructions. After an electrophoresis session, you should not take a bath, sunbathe, or visit a solarium or fitness room.

You should also not use additional cosmetical tools. If you are taking medications, be sure to inform your cosmetologist about this - this is important!

Requirements for medicinal products

Electrophoresis is one of the ways to introduce drugs into the body. Most "pure" (i.e., single-component) injectable pharmaceuticals can be absorbed through the skin. These are drugs penicillin series(antiseptics), vitamins, chemical elements (potassium, copper, calcium, zinc).

In cosmetology medicine, using the capabilities of innovative equipment, specialists conduct iontophoresis sessions with multicomponent substances.

Regardless of which drug will be used during the session, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the preparation of formulations. The following solvents are used:

  • distilled water;
  • medical ethyl alcohol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • buffer compounds.

Electrodes during one treatment course do not change places. The effectiveness of drug absorption depends on the condition of the skin, age, type of solvent, drug concentration, types of medical equipment, current strength, and session time.

Combination with other cosmetic procedures

Electrophoresis goes well with thalassotherapy, therapeutic massage, mud therapy, etc. It is possible to carry out RF body lifting (), as well as RF face lifting (before and after photos). A day later (it is not recommended to do it on the same day) after the electrophoresis session, to enhance the effect, you can use ultraphonophoresis, with mineral complex and lymphatic drainage.

The doctor is developing individual program skin care, taking into account the condition of the skin, age, tolerance of medicinal components, requirements for aesthetic effect.

Since iontophoresis in combination with other cosmetic procedures radically improves blood circulation in peripheral vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect; after just a few sessions, the skin acquires an even matte tint, areas with an “oily sheen” and peeling disappear.


The average cost of a treatment session to remove acne is 1000 rubles. The cost of rejuvenation procedures depends on the status of the clinic, the electrophoresis equipment used, and the quality of the drugs used. The figure ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Thank you

Electrophoresis - definition and physical essence of the process

The term "electrophoresis" consists of two parts - "electro" and "phoresis", where "electro" means electric current, and "phoresis" is translated from Greek as transfer. Electrophoresis represents the movement of charged particles (ions) in an electric field created by an external source. The physical process of electrophoresis today has wide application in various industries. It is most often used as a physiotherapy procedure, and in research methods for the separation of biological substances.

Medical procedure – medicinal electrophoresis

Electrophoresis as a medical procedure is also called iontophoresis, ion therapy, ion galvanization or galvanic ion therapy, all of which refer to the same process. Applied to medical practice, electrophoresis is a method of electrotherapy that is based on the effects of direct current and the action of drugs delivered using the same current. The delivery of various medications using this method is called drug electrophoresis. Today, several types of electrophoresis are used in medical practice, in which various electrical currents are used.

The following currents are used to deliver drugs by electrophoresis:
1. Direct (galvanic) current.
2. Diadynamic currents.
3. Sinusoidal modulated currents.
4. Fluctuating currents.
5. Rectified current.

The principle of operation of medicinal electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is based on the process of electrolytic dissociation. A chemical substance that is a drug breaks down into ions in aqueous solution. When an electric current is passed through a solution with a medical drug, the drug ions begin to move, penetrate the skin, mucous membranes, and enter the human body.

Drug ions penetrate into tissues mostly through sweat glands, but a small volume can also pass through the sebaceous glands. After penetration into tissues through the skin, the medicinal substance is evenly distributed in the cells and intercellular fluid. Electrophoresis allows the drug to be delivered to the shallow layers of the skin - the epidermis and dermis, from where it is able to be absorbed into the blood and lymph through microvessels. Once in the bloodstream and lymph flow, the medication is delivered to all organs and tissues, but the maximum concentration remains in the area where the medication is administered.

The amount of drug that can be absorbed into the tissue from the solution during the electrophoresis procedure depends on many factors.

The main factors influencing the degree of drug absorption when delivered by electrophoresis:

  • degree of dissociation;
  • ion size and charge;
  • solvent properties;
  • concentration of a substance in solution;
  • electric current density;
  • duration of the procedure;
  • person's age;
  • condition of the skin;
  • general condition of the body.

Therapeutic effects of medicinal electrophoresis

A drug delivered to the body using electrophoresis acts through several mechanisms:
1. Reflex mechanism(ion reflexes).
2. Humoral (systemic) mechanism.
3. Local mechanism.

Reflex component therapeutic action medicine is formed due to indirect influences. The humoral component has a systemic effect due to the penetration of the drug into the blood and lymph flow, and the effect on many organs and tissues. Local action electrophoresis is due to the high concentration of the drug at the injection site.

Electrophoresis has the following therapeutic effects:

  • anti-inflammatory – anode;
  • dehydrating (promotes the release of fluid from tissues and swelling) – anode;
  • anesthetic – anode;
  • soothing - anode;
  • vasodilator - cathode;
  • relaxing (especially in relation to muscles) – cathode;
  • normalization of metabolism, nutrition of organs and tissues - cathode;
  • secretory (production and release of biologically active substances into the blood) – cathode.

Advantages of electrophoresis over methods of drug administration through
orally, intravenously or intramuscularly

Electric current allows you to activate physicochemical and metabolic processes, as well as cellular interactions in the tissues of the body. Administration of a drug using electrophoresis has the following advantages over delivery of the substance orally, intravenously or intramuscularly:
  • prolonged effect of the drug due to the creation of a depot in the skin and the slow release of the drug into the bloodstream;
  • slow removal of the drug from the body;
  • reduction of the effective therapeutic dose;
  • the ability to deliver medicine to the desired area of ​​the body;
  • low risk of side effects;
  • delivery of the drug immediately in activated form;
  • painless delivery of medicine to the desired area of ​​the body;
  • preservation of normal tissue structure during drug administration.
The combination of the action of electric current and medication can significantly reduce the dose of the drug, since even low concentrations of the substance have a therapeutic effect. If the medicine is administered in such low doses orally (in tablet form), intravenously or intramuscularly, it will not have any significant effect. therapeutic effect. Electric current allows the activity of the drug administered by electrophoresis to be increased, allowing the use of lower dosages.

Scope of application of electrophoresis

The scope of application of medicinal electrophoresis is very wide. The method is used not only as a therapeutic procedure, but also as a preventive one. Nervous diseases, respiratory systems, surgical, gynecological, ear, eye, nose and others, can be cured when used complex treatment including the electrophoresis procedure.
Main indications for the use of electrophoresis:
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (calcium solutions);
  • atherosclerosis (solutions of iodine, novocaine);
  • hypertension (solutions of bromine, caffeine, magnesia, potassium, iodine, novocaine);
  • scars formed after surgical interventions, injury or inflammation
  • rosacea;
  • strands from connective tissue, including adhesions (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • keloid scars (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • Duputrien's contracture (iodine solutions, lidase, ronidase);
  • burns (solutions of iodine, lidase, ronidase);
  • pathology of joints and bones - arthritis, polyarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis (salicylate solutions);
  • eye pathology;
  • pathology of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.);
  • chronic low-grade inflammation of the female genital organs - endocervicitis, endometriosis, colpitis, endometritis, cervical erosion (antibiotic solutions, for example, tetracycline);
  • inflammatory diseases genitourinary organs– prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.;
  • chronic bronchitis (antibiotic solutions);
  • pathology of the nervous system - neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia (novocaine);
  • spinal cord or brain injuries;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pathology digestive system(gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis);
  • neuroses;
  • migraine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and teeth - stomatitis.
In the treatment of bruises, ruptures and sprains, swelling, purulent inflammation, pain syndrome, trophic ulcers, it is better to use solutions of medications prepared with pharmaceutical Dimexide rather than with distilled water.

Electrophoresis therapy is used as part of complex treatment severe pathologies With long course. Electrophoresis cannot be considered as a panacea or an isolated method that guarantees complete cure from chronic pathological process. This method must be used in combination with other therapeutic procedures, including medication.

Medicinal electrophoresis has different dosages, which are determined by the duration of exposure (from 10 minutes to half an hour) and current density (0.03-0.08 mA/cm 2). Children and the elderly should receive electrophoresis at a lower dose, which is a third or a quarter lower than for an adult. The usual course of treatment is from 10 to 20 sessions. Electrophoresis sessions are carried out daily or every other day. After completing the full course, it can be repeated again if necessary, but not earlier than after 2-3 months.

Contraindications to electrophoresis

Despite its versatility and accessibility, the electrophoresis method has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which its use is strictly prohibited.
Main contraindications for electrophoresis:
  • tumors of any location;
  • acute phase of the inflammatory process;
  • bleeding disorders with the presence of bleeding and a tendency to bleed;
  • impaired sensitivity of the skin;
  • wounds, cuts in the area where medicinal pads are applied;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • allergy or sensitivity to a drug that needs to be administered using electrophoresis.

Methods of medicinal electrophoresis

The essence of the drug electrophoresis technique is to apply the drug perpendicular to the direction of current movement, that is, between the electrode and human skin. In domestic practice, solutions of medications are most often used, while abroad they prefer to use the same medications, but in the form of a gel.

Today there are several types of medicinal electrophoresis, which are due to different ways application of medication, and the type of electric current. Let's consider the basic methods of medicinal electrophoresis.

Galvanic technique
Most often, electrophoresis is carried out from solutions of medicinal preparations, which are moistened with special pads. The pads are gauze folded in 2-4 layers or filter paper. A solution of the medicinal substance in the required quantity and concentration is transferred to a pad, which is located on the body. A protective pad is placed on the medicinal pad, and the dimensions of both pads should be the same. And the electrode of the electrophoresis apparatus is installed on the protective gasket. A second electrode is placed on the opposite side of the body to create a line along which the drug will move.

The electrophoresis apparatus has two electrodes - positive (anode) and negative (cathode). The drug substance also dissociates in solution into positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions). If the drug dissociates to form cations, it should be placed on the positive electrode. In case of dissociation of the drug into anions, the drug pad is placed under the negative electrode. Thus, there is a universal rule for the location of the medicinal pad: the drug and the electrode must have the same charge (+ or -).

If the drug dissociates with the formation of cations and anions, then the drug pad can be placed under both electrodes at the same time.

Bath technique
In this case, electrodes are already built into a special container (bath). To carry out electrophoresis, the required solution of the drug is simply poured into the container, and the person immerses the desired part of the body in the liquid.

Cavity technique
In this case, in hollow organs(stomach, bladder, rectum, vagina, etc.) a solution of the drug is administered. Then the desired electrode (cathode or anode) is also inserted into the organ cavity, and the second is located on the surface of the body.

Interstitial technique
In this case, the drug is administered orally (tablets), intravenously or intramuscularly, after which electrodes are placed on the part of the body where the focus of the pathological process is located. Interstitial electrophoresis is especially effective in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.).

Solutions for electrophoresis

For the procedure, mainly solutions of medicinal products are used. Solutions are prepared ex tempore, that is, immediately before use. Long-term storage (more than 7 days) of solutions is not allowed medicinal substances for electrophoresis. Different drugs are administered in different concentrations, which are determined by many factors.
Solution concentrations various drugs for electrophoresis:
  • Antipyrine – 1-10%;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 5-10%;
  • Biomycin – 0.5%;
  • Bromine – 1-10%;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B 1) – 2-5%;
  • Lidase (hyaluronidase) – 0.5-1 g, diluted with 100 ml of 1% novocaine solution;
  • Histamine – 0.01%;
  • Dicaine – 2-4%;
  • Diphenhydramine – 0.25-0.5%;
  • Iodine – 1-10%;
  • Calcium – 1-10%;
  • Potassium – 1-10%;
  • Sulfothiophene – 1-10%;
  • Codeine – 0.1-0.5%;
  • Caffeine – 1-10%;
  • Lithium – 1-10%;
  • Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) – 1-2%;
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) – 1-10%;
  • Copper – 0.1%;
  • Novocaine – 1 g dissolved in 100 ml of 0.5% soda solution;
  • Penicillin – 5000-10000 units per 1 ml of solution;
  • Platyfillin – 0.03%;
  • Prozerin – 0.1%;
  • Sulfur – 2-5%;
  • Silver 1-2%;
  • Syntomycin – 0.3%;
  • Streptocide – 0.8% (use 1% soda solution as a solvent);
  • Urotropine – 2-10%;
  • Phosphoric acid – 2-5%;
  • Chlorine – 3-10%;
  • Zinc – 0.1-2%;

Solutions for electrophoresis have low concentrations, so it is necessary to adhere to following rules their preparation:
1. On an accurate scale, measure the indicated number of grams of the substance (for example, for a 2% solution take 2 g of the substance, for a 0.8% solution - 0.8 g).
2. Pour a measure of the substance into a clean measuring vessel with a volume of at least 100 ml.
3. Take distilled water and slowly add it to the “100 ml” mark, rinsing the scale cup on which the measure was located.
4. Pour into another container and stir until the substance is completely dissolved.

Requirements for drugs for electrophoresis

Medicines intended for electrophoresis must meet the following requirements:
1. Clean, without impurities.
2. Fresh, that is, the drug solution is prepared immediately before use.
3. To prepare the solution, use only clean water (distilled).
4. If the medicine is insoluble in water, then purified alcohol or Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is used as a solvent.
5. The use of saline solution as a solvent is not allowed.
6. To prepare solutions of enzymes (lidase), it is necessary to use buffers (phosphate, bicarbonate, etc.) as solvents.

Medicines administered from the anode and cathode are shown in the table:

Medicines administered from the anode (positive electrode) Medicines administered from the cathode (negative electrode)
Metal ions (calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, lithium, copper, silver, etc.)Non-metal ions (phosphorus, bromine, iodine, sulfur, chlorine)
Local anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine, dicaine)Acids (ascorbic, sulfothiophene, nicotinic acid, pilocarpine, phosphoric)
Alkaloids (aloe extract)Caffeine
Antibiotics (eg, Teramycin)Penicillin
Sulfa drugsStreptocide
AntipyrineMagnesia sulfate
Vitamin B 1 (thiamine)
Lidaza (hyaluronidase)
Salicylic acid

Treatment with electrophoresis

Various techniques are used for treatment with electrophoresis, which are highly effective for the treatment of certain diseases. Let's look at the basic techniques for electrophoresis.

Ionic reflexes according to Shcherbak

To carry out electrophoresis, it is necessary to prepare medicinal and protective pads with an area of ​​120-140 cm2 (11x11 - 13x13 cm). The pads are applied so that they are located along the diagonal line of the body, for example on the right shoulder and left thigh. For the procedure, solutions of metal and non-metal ions are used:
  • chloride CaCl 2 (calcium chloride);
  • KJ (potassium iodide);
  • ZnSO 4 (zinc sulfate, zinc sulfate);
  • NaBr (sodium bromide, sodium bromide);
  • MgSO 4 (magnesium sulfate, magnesium sulfate);
  • sodium salicylate.
Above the place where the electrodes are applied, a small area of ​​the body is wrapped with a rubber bandage. Electrophoresis is started at a current density of 0.05 mA/cm2, increasing it in 2 steps to 0.15-0.2 mA/cm2. The entire procedure is carried out for 20 minutes with breaks of 10 and 17, when the current density is increased.

The method can be used if there is any pathological condition, in which treatment with electrophoresis is indicated. An excellent effect is achieved in the treatment of hypertension, neuroses, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Ionic collar

To carry out electrophoresis, solutions of the following elements are used:
  • calcium;
  • bromine;
  • magnesium;
  • novocaine;
  • aminophylline.
A medicinal pad measuring 31x31 cm (approximately 1000 cm 2) is applied to the neck and upper chest area, which is soaked in 50 ml of warm (38-39 o C) medicinal solution. As a protective layer, a layer is placed on top of the medicinal pad. soft fabric(flannel, calico) of the same sizes. The second electrode is placed at the junction of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The gasket for the second electrode should have dimensions of 20x20 cm (approximately 400 cm 2) and be moistened with warm (38-39 o C) distilled water instead of a medicinal solution. A protective pad of soft fabric is placed on top.

The ion collar allows the simultaneous delivery of two ions with different charges - for example, calcium from the anode and bromine from the cathode, creating a calcium-bromide collar, or novocaine from the anode and iodine from the cathode, creating a novocaine-iodide collar.

The electrophoresis procedure using the ion collar method is carried out for 6-10 minutes at a current strength of 4 mA, which is brought up to 6 mA. If it is necessary to penetrate the drugs deeper into the skin, it is allowed to increase the current strength to 16 mA and lengthen the procedure time to 20 minutes.

Ionic collar is effective for treating:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • neuroses;
  • sleep disorders, etc.

Ionic belt

To carry out electrophoresis, solutions of ions are used - for example, calcium, bromine, iodine, magnesium, etc. There are upper and lower ion belts. The upper ionic belt is applied to the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, and the lower - to the lumbar and sacral.

For the upper and lower belts, take a medicinal pad measuring 15x75 cm (approximately 1125 cm 2), which is soaked in 50 ml of a warm solution (38-39 o C) of the medicinal product. A protective pad of the same size, made of soft fabric, and 1 cm thick is applied to the medicinal pad. The second pad for the upper belt measuring 15x20 cm (approximately 320 cm 2) is moistened with warm distilled water and placed on the front surface of the thigh in the upper part. For the lower belt, the second pad has the same dimensions as for the upper one, but is placed on the back of the thigh.

The electrophoresis procedure lasts 8-10 minutes at a current of 8-15 mA. If necessary, it is allowed to increase the duration of electrophoresis to a maximum of 20 minutes.

The ion belt is effective in treating inflammatory diseases female genital organs, sexual dysfunction.

General electrophoresis (Vermeule method)

For the procedure, a medicinal pad measuring 15x19 cm (approximately 300 cm2) is taken, which is soaked with the necessary medicinal solution, and is applied to the interscapular region. As a second electrode, two are used simultaneously, which are installed on the back surface of the calves of both legs with pads measuring 12x13 cm (approximately 150 cm 2). The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes at a current strength of 10-30 mA.

The Vermeule method is especially effective for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • neurosis;

Electrophoresis according to Bourguignon (orbital-occipital)

Medicinal pads small sizes soaked in the drug solution and placed on the eye over closed eyelids. A second pad measuring 6x8 cm (approximately 40-60 cm2) is placed on the back of the neck. The procedure is carried out for half an hour at a current strength of 4 mA. The procedure is effective in the presence of facial or trigeminal nerve, as well as for vascular, traumatic and inflammatory pathologies of the brain.

Nasal electrophoresis

Injected into both nostrils cotton swab, soaked in medicinal solution. The second electrode is placed on back neck with a protective pad measuring 8x10 cm (approximately 80 cm2). The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes at a current strength of 2 mA.

Nasal electrophoresis is effective for the treatment of vascular, inflammatory and traumatic pathologies of the brain, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and metabolic disorders.

Electrophoresis according to Ratner

A medicated pad soaked in 0.5% aminophylline solution is applied to cervical vertebrae, and the second pad, soaked in 1% papaverine solution, is located on the ribs, to the right of the sternum. The procedure lasts 15 minutes at a current strength of 1-2 mA.

The Ratner electrophoresis procedure is used to treat circulatory disorders in cervical spine intervertebral disc herniation. To prepare Karipazim solution for electrophoresis, the contents of the bottle should be thoroughly dissolved in 5-10 ml of physiological solution. Add 2-3 drops of pharmaceutical Dimexide to this Karipazim solution.

A medicated pad measuring 10x15 cm (approximately 150 cm 2) is soaked in a warm (37-39 o C) Karipazim solution and placed on the cervical vertebrae. A second pad soaked in aminophylline solution is placed on the shoulders or lower back. There is another option for arranging spacers for electrophoresis with Karipazim. Place a pad soaked in Karipazim on the lower back, and place one soaked in aminophylline on the hips.

Electrophoresis is carried out for 10-20 minutes at a current of 10-15 mA. One course of treatment consists of 15-20 sessions. For successful treatment of a herniated disc, it is recommended to take 2-3 courses with Karipazim, with a break between them of 1-2 months.

Electrophoresis with Karipazim - video

Electrophoresis for children and infants

Children's and infancy are not absolute contraindications for the electrophoresis procedure. For children, contraindications are determined by those for the drug that will be used during the treatment procedure.

During pregnancy, electrophoresis cannot be performed if the following symptoms are present:

  • kidney pathology;
  • pathology of the coagulation system with a risk of bleeding;
  • poor fetal condition;
  • eclampsia.
In gynecological practice, electrophoresis is used to treat chronic inflammatory diseases (cervicitis, endometritis, etc.). In this case, the method of tissue electrophoresis with antibiotics is highly effective.

For the treatment of cervical erosion and endometriosis, the electrophoresis method is used as a method of delivering drugs (iodine, zinc, lidase, amidopyrine) directly into the tissue.

Electrophoresis at home (at home)

The procedure can be carried out at home if you have good preparation, scrupulous study of methods for installing electrodes, preparing solutions, dosing options and compliance with safety precautions. It is also necessary to strictly take into account the presence of contraindications, and not to abuse the “availability” of electrophoresis.

The best option for using the method at home:
1. Purchase a device and medications.
2. Obtain a prescription with the dosage of the course of treatment from a physiotherapist.
3. Invite a nurse to your home to conduct a proper physical therapy session.

Electrophoresis devices – how to buy?

Today there is sufficient quantity various electrophoresis devices that can be used at home. Thus, Potok, AGN-32, AGP-3, GNIM-1, Model-717, Tonus devices are sources of galvanic and diadynamic currents, and Amplipuls-3T, Amplipuls-4 devices generate sinusoidal modulated currents.

The following devices are perfect for home use: Elfor, MAG-30, Potok, Solnyshko, Elan, MIT (EF1, EF2), Elesculap.

The WGD-10 electrophoresis device works with gels.

It is best to purchase equipment for the electrophoresis procedure in specialized Medtechnika stores. The Medtekhnika chain of stores works directly with manufacturers of medical equipment, so the risk of buying a low-quality device is minimal.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.