Bobotik drops for a newborn baby from colic. Bobotik for infants - application and consequences

Bobotik (active ingredient - simethicone) - a drug to eliminate increased gas formation, or, in other words, reduces flatulence. By reducing the surface tension in the transition layer between the two phases, the drug prevents the formation and causes the destruction of gas bubbles in the intestinal contents and mucus that covers the gastrointestinal tract from the inside. The gases released from the burst bubbles can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted from the body due to peristalsis. Thus, Bobotik prevents the formation of large gas-mucous conglomerates, which are the cause of painful bloating. AT instrumental diagnostics(during sono- and radiography) the drug is used as aid: it prevents the appearance of image defects, provides better irrigation of the mucous membrane of the end section gastrointestinal tract radiopaque preparations, preventing the rupture of the resulting contrast film, even in the case of bloating. Due to its chemical inertness, Bobotik does not affect the bacteria and enzymes of the digestive tract, does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients, does not change the pH and volume of gastric juice. The drug is extremely popular with parents of infants struggling with the problem of abdominal pain in their babies. Intestinal colic in infants is extremely common. Ignoring serious violation, she, nevertheless, delivers a lot of unpleasant minutes, diluting the psychological comfort that has developed in the family with a spoonful of stressful tar. The main cause of intestinal colic is the adaptation of the immature digestive system of the newborn to new conditions of existence outside the mother's womb. Another important etiological factor, according to scientists, should be considered a hypoxic lesion of the central nervous system, disturbing regulatory functions autonomic centers in relation to the digestive tract, which manifests itself depending on the affected part of the autonomic nervous system or neuro-reflex intestinal spasm, or a decrease in intestinal motility up to the development of atony.

In this case, the appointment is shown drug therapy. One of the drugs, the effectiveness and favorable safety profile of which have been unconditionally confirmed in clinical trials, is a bobotik, produced in the form of an emulsion, intended for the treatment of children, starting from infancy. The drug is used at the time of occurrence pain syndrome, which in most cases stops within 4-5 minutes. Addiction to Bobotik does not develop, which makes it possible to effectively use the drug during the entire problem period. The dosage form of the drug initially gives it the ability to more effectively "deal" with gas bubbles, ensuring their rapid elimination and removal of their contents from the body. Another advantage of Bobotik is the absence of lactose in its composition, which is important for children in whom digestive dysfunctions are aggravated by hypolactasia. In clinical trials involving infants, the drug has proven to be effective and safe means corrections digestive disorders. Thus, in the vast majority (94%) of patients who took Bobotik, dyspeptic symptoms (bloating and pain in the abdomen, increased gas formation) could be eliminated already by the 3–5th day of pharmacotherapy, while in the control group this could be achieved only in 63% of patients. It should be mentioned that Bobotik did not cause an increase in diarrhea in patients with hypolactasia.

Bobotik is recommended to be taken after meals. Before use, the emulsion bottle should be shaken to homogenize it. In order to improve dosing accuracy when measuring, the vial must be held vertically. With increased gas formation and abundant accumulation of gases in digestive tract children from 1 month to 2 years old are prescribed 8 drops of Bobotik 4 times a day, from 2 to 6 years old - 14 drops 4 times a day, over 6 years old - 16 drops 4 times a day. To increase the convenience of using the drug in infants, it can be mixed with baby food or cold boiled water.


A drug that reduces flatulence. Simethicone (activated dimethicone) is a combination of methylated linear siloxane polymers stabilized with trimethylsiloxyl groups with silica. By reducing the surface tension at the phase boundary, it hinders the formation and contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles in the contents of the intestine and mucus of the gastrointestinal tract. The gases released during this can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted due to peristalsis. This prevents the formation of large gas-mucous conglomerates, causing painful bloating belly.

With sonography and radiography, it prevents the occurrence of image defects; promotes better irrigation of the colon mucosa with contrast agents, preventing the contrast film from breaking.

Due to chemical inertness, it does not affect microorganisms and enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract. Does not reduce the absorption of food, does not change the reaction and volume of gastric juice.


Simethicone after oral administration is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted through the intestines unchanged.

Release form

Drops for oral administration in the form of a thick, opaque liquid from white to white with a creamy tint with a fruity odor; it is allowed to separate into a liquid layer and a sediment, which, after shaking, form a homogeneous emulsion.

Excipients: sodium saccharinate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium carmellose, citric acid monohydrate, raspberry flavor, purified water.

30 ml - dark glass bottles with a dropper cap and a polyethylene screw cap (1) - packs of cardboard.


The drug is administered orally, after meals.

Before use, the bottle should be shaken until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained.

For an accurate dosage of the drug during instillation, the vial should be held vertically.

With increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, children from 28 days of life to 2 years are prescribed 8 drops (20 mg of simethicone) 4 times / day; children from 2 to 6 years old - 14 drops (35 mg of simethicone) 4 times / day; children over 6 years old and adults - 16 drops (40 mg of simethicone) 4 times / day.

For more convenient administration of the drug, in particular to young children, it can be pre-mixed with a small amount of cold boiled water, baby food or non-carbonated liquid.

After the disappearance of symptoms, the drug should be discontinued.

In preparation for diagnostic procedures (X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract), 1 day before the study, the drug is prescribed 2 times / day (morning and evening): children from 28 days of life to 2 years - 10 drops (25 mg), children from 2 to 6 years - 16 drops (40 mg), children over 6 years old and adults - 20 drops (50 mg).

For a sonographic study of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 day before the study, the drug is prescribed 2 times / day (morning and evening) at the dosages recommended in preparation for an x-ray study. The dose should be repeated 3 hours before the start of the study.


There are no reports of overdose.

Simethicone is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and an overdose does not pose a threat to life and health.


  • hypersensitivity to simethicone and / or other components of the drug.
  • Application features

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

    There are no data on the safety of the drug in lactating women. During the period of breastfeeding a child, the drug should be used only if necessary.

    Use in children

    For newborns up to 28 days of life, the drug is contraindicated.

    special instructions

    The drug does not contain sugar, it can be used by patients with diabetes and digestive disorders.

    Taking the drug may distort the results of some diagnostic tests, for example, a test using guaiac resin.

    Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

    The drug does not affect driving Vehicle and maintenance of mechanical devices.

    Bobotik drops are sold in a dark glass bottle with a convenient cap. A special cap in the form of a dropper allows you to measure the required amount of the drug.

    Why does a newborn need

    A newborn baby is born sterile, there is no microflora in his intestines. The intestines are populated with useful microscopic organisms from the first day of the baby's birth. This is due to mother's milk, which contains everything that is necessary for the development of the baby. will help speed up this process.

    The first 14 days after birth, the baby eats little, so the intestines cope with the absorption of food. The baby's needs are growing, but not all of the milk is absorbed due to age features gastrointestinal tract. Fermentation and gas formation appear, leading to bloating. The newborn experiences cramps in the tummy, called colic. Mostly they appear daily and at about the same time. However, there are happy children who have never experienced painful spasms.

    Parents are lost and panic when the newborn begins to yell heart-rendingly, while blushing and twisting his legs. Grandmothers in such cases are advised to lay the child on the tummy to discharge gas. and a diaper heated with an iron and applied to the tummy can alleviate the condition of the crumbs. But not always folk and time-tested methods help to cope with colic in a child. Carminative medicine Bobotik will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at pharmacies without any problems.

    The drug envelops gas bubbles, reduces them, removes them from the body and prevents the appearance of new ones. Painful cramps and bloating disappear, and the baby can sleep peacefully. Bobotik does not affect the intestinal microflora, is not dissolved by gastric juice and is excreted unchanged naturally from the body. Feedback from experienced parents on this remedy in most cases positive.

    How to give Bobotik to an infant

    Instructions for use indicate what to take Bobotik not for children under 28 days old. Like any drug, it is prescribed by a pediatrician to reduce gas formation in the baby's tummy. How to give Bobotik to a newborn is up to the mother: from a spoon, through a syringe or add to a bottle with a mixture.

    There are contraindications to the use of Bobotik:

    • intestinal obstruction;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • sensitivity to any component of the drug;
    • children under 28 days of age.


    Before use, the cloudy liquid in the vial must be shaken thoroughly, as a precipitate will form. Then, turning the bottle upside down, use the dropper cap to drip the recommended amount of the drug. How many drops of Bobotik to give the baby is indicated in the instructions.

    To get rid of colic for children older than 28 days and up to two years, the remedy is prescribed in the amount of 8 drops per dose before meals. Newborns can be given Bobotik directly at meals, but not more than four times a day.

    How long does it take to work

    Bobotik has a sweetish taste, and kids in most cases take it willingly. When a newborn suffers from colic, parents want to help him get rid of the torment as soon as possible. Drops begin to act quickly, already 15 minutes after consumption. Some mothers note that with prolonged use of the product, its effectiveness decreases.

    Comparison with analogues

    Many newborns have to experience colic and to eliminate them, pediatricians prescribe carminatives- Bobotik or its analogues.

    1. Espumizan. The most common analogue of Bobotik, it is prescribed most often. The active substance in these drugs is the same - simethicone. The difference is that in Bobotika the concentration of this substance is higher. According to the instructions, Espumizan is used in the amount of 25 drops at a time, and Bobotik is only 8 drops. Accordingly, a bubble of Bobotik drops is enough for more long time. In addition, this drug costs two times cheaper than the advertised Espumizan, and copes with its task no worse. Colic disappears with age on its own, but up to 4 months they are the norm. Which is better: Bobotik or Espumizan? The choice should be made by parents together with the pediatrician -.
    2. Baby Calm. The drug is significantly different from Bobotik in its composition. It is based on essential oils and has more wide range actions. Helps to cope with pain in the tummy, soothes the baby and relieves inflammation. Any essential oil strong allergen, that's why allergic reactions when using Baby Calma, they are often encountered -.
    3. SAB simplex. The active ingredient is simethicone. It is possible to use it at every feeding, unlike Bobotik. The duration of use of the drug is not limited. Overpriced.

    Side effects on Bobotic

    Parental reviews show that the remedy is well tolerated by children, but there are exceptions. Side effects this drug limited to the occurrence of allergies caused by hypersensitivity to any component included in the composition. Allergy to Bobotik in newborns is rare. If parents notice a rise in temperature, behavior unusual for the child, or, then the drug should be stopped immediately and the pediatrician should be called. The doctor will examine the baby, tell you how to get rid of allergies and prescribe.

    Approximate prices in pharmacies

    The availability of the drug is due to the fact that in pharmacies it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Bobotik is not an advertised drug, it is not always put on display, although in its action it is not inferior to popular analogues. The price in different pharmacies varies from 200 to 400 rubles per vial. average cost drug Bobotik was established at the level of 250 rubles.

    In this medical article, you can read drug Bobotic. The instructions for use will explain in which cases you can take injections or tablets, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the form of release of the drug and its composition.

    In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Bobotik, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of colic and flatulence in adults, children (including infants and newborns), for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list Bobotik's analogues, drug prices in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

    The cure for flatulence in adults and children is Bobotik. Instructions for use indicate that drops for oral administration do not allow the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Release form and composition

    Bobotik is available as an oral emulsion. In 1 ml of the emulsion, the main active ingredient simethicone is contained in an amount of 66.66 mg.

    Emulsion Bobotik is in a bottle of 30 ml. The cardboard pack contains 1 bottle of emulsion, a dispenser cap for convenient dosing of the drug in drops and instructions for use.

    pharmachologic effect

    Bobotik is a drug that reduces flatulence. Simethicone (activated dimethicone) is a combination of methylated linear siloxane polymers stabilized with trimethylsiloxyl groups with silica.

    By reducing the surface tension at the phase boundary, it hinders the formation and contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles in the contents of the intestine and mucus of the gastrointestinal tract. The gases released during this can be absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted due to peristalsis. This prevents the formation of large gas-mucous conglomerates, causing painful bloating.

    With sonography and radiography, it prevents the occurrence of image defects; promotes better irrigation of the colon mucosa with contrast agents, preventing the contrast film from breaking.

    Due to chemical inertness, it does not affect microorganisms and enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract. Does not reduce the absorption of food, does not change the reaction and volume of gastric juice.

    Indications for use

    What helps Bobotik? According to the instructions, drops are used to treat increased gas formation. The drug is recommended for use in:

    • aerophagy;
    • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen;
    • flatulence;
    • Roemheld's syndrome.

    Bobotik for newborns is used to eliminate colic in a child, as well as in the diagnosis abdominal cavity and small pelvis. Reviews about Bobotik say that for these purposes, the drug is also effectively used by adults.

    Instructions for use

    Bobotik is prescribed orally, after eating. Before use, the bottle should be shaken until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. For an accurate dosage of the drug during instillation, the vial should be held vertically. With increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the digestive tract:

    • children from 28 days of life to 2 years (babies and newborns) are prescribed 8 drops (20 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day;
    • children from 2 to 6 years old - 14 drops (35 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day;
    • children over 6 years of age and adults - 16 drops (40 mg of simethicone) 4 times a day.

    For more convenient administration of the drug, in particular to young children, it can be pre-mixed with a small amount of cold boiled water, baby food or non-carbonated liquid.

    After the disappearance of symptoms, the drug should be discontinued. In preparation for diagnostic procedures (X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract), 1 day before the study, the drug is prescribed 2 times a day (morning and evening):

    • children from 28 days of life to 2 years - 10 drops (25 mg);
    • children from 2 to 6 years old - 16 drops (40 mg);
    • children over 6 years old and adults - 20 drops (50 mg).

    For a sonographic study of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 day before the study, the drug is prescribed 2 times a day (morning and evening) in dosages recommended in preparation for an x-ray study. The dose should be repeated 3 hours before the start of the study.

    See also: how to take an analogue for bloating and colic.


    • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Bobotik is not prescribed to newborns until the 28th day of life.

    Side effects

    When using Bobotik emulsion in therapeutic dosages and according to the instructions, side effects were not detected. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin and itching.

    Children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

    There are no data on the safety of the drug in lactating women. During the period of breastfeeding a child, the drug should be used only if necessary.

    Use in children

    For newborns up to 28 days of life, the drug is contraindicated.

    special instructions

    Does not contain sugar, so it can be used when diabetes and digestive disorders. During treatment, carbonated drinks are not recommended.

    Taking the drug may distort the results of some diagnostic tests, for example, a test using guaiac resin. Does not affect the driving of vehicles and the maintenance of mechanical devices.

    drug interaction

    The medication may interfere with the absorption of oral anticoagulants.

    Analogues of the drug Bobotik

    According to the structure, analogues are determined:

    1. Antiflat Lannacher;
    2. Sub simplex;
    3. Espumizan 40;
    4. Espumizan;
    5. Simicol;
    6. Simethicone;
    7. Meteospasmil;
    8. Disflatil;
    9. Espumizan L.

    Which is better: Bobotik or Espumizan?

    Often on the forums they are interested in which is better - Bobotik or Espumizan. It should be noted that in the first preparation the content active substance- simethicone - slightly higher than in the second. Therefore, the first remedy can be taken in smaller doses. Accordingly, it can be used for a longer time.

    Holiday conditions and price

    The average cost of Bobotik (30 ml drops) in Moscow is 310 rubles. In pharmacies, the emulsion is dispensed without a prescription. If you have any questions or doubts about taking it, you should consult your doctor.

    The shelf life of the emulsion from the date of manufacture is 2 years. The drug Bobotik instructions for use should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature not higher than +25 C. Keep away from children.

    The content of the article:

    Almost every mom is faced with such a problem as intestinal colic at the baby. And even the most experienced of them can be confused when the baby begins to cry from the pain that torments him. There are many drugs that help reduce pain and help get rid of discomfort in violation of digestion. One of them is a bobotik for newborns, which is an effective, and at the same time absolutely harmless remedy for colic and increased flatulence, which is allowed to be used to treat the smallest children.

    Why does colic occur?

    The esophagus of a newborn child is still very weak, the process of its formation is in the process of completion, so adaptation to a new life can occur with some complications. This is manifested in the accumulation of gases in the intestines, because the necessary intestinal bacteria not yet in the baby's body. As a result, spasms occur in the infant's gastrointestinal tract, resulting in acute pain in the tummy.

    For the first time, such attacks appear in babies, starting from the third or fourth week of life. At first, they last only a short time, but over time, the duration of the attacks and their intensity increase. Moreover, as a rule, the most severe of them are noted in evening time when both the baby and the parents begin to prepare for bed.

    The reasons for increased gas formation can be:

    Feeding a breastfeeding woman. Experts note that the mother's diet should not contain foods that provoke increased gas formation;

    Violation of the instructions for preparing the milk formula if the baby is bottle-fed;

    The introduction of a new type of mixture, banal overeating;

    Swallowing air while feeding;

    Feeding too fast, as a result of which the baby literally “swallows” the food, the mother must ensure that the feeding lasts up to 20 minutes.

    Sometimes it is enough just to eliminate these causes so that the attacks of colic in the baby stop or at least their number and duration decrease.

    What is included and how it works

    Bobotik from colic is a liquid of a thick consistency of white or cream shade with a fruity smell. The main active ingredient of the product is simethicone. Among the auxiliary components there are flavor, citric acid, sweetener, preservatives, distilled water.

    The principle of operation of Bobotik is based on the properties of the active component of the product. The main active ingredient prevents the process of gas formation in the intestines, and also directly affects the surface of gas bubbles, contributing to their disintegration. The bubbles crushed into microparticles are removed from the body, as a result of which there is a significant relief of the condition - bloating disappears, pain disappears. At the same time, the substance itself does not linger in the baby's body, does not react with intestinal or gastric juice, does not enter the bloodstream and is not absorbed in the intestines, but is excreted unchanged in the feces. This provides the main action of Bobotik.

    Due to this, the use of bobotik has clear advantages:

    Overdose with this mechanism of action is practically excluded;

    Minimum side effects, which allows the use of the remedy for newborns, starting from the 28th day of life;

    High efficiency to facilitate the discharge of gases;

    Thanks to equipping the bottle with the emulsion with a dropper cap, the product becomes convenient to use - it is easy to dose it, add it to various liquids;

    The product does not contain sugar and artificial colors;

    The action of simethicone does not depress beneficial microflora intestines, which allows it to be used for digestive disorders;

    Due to the excretion of the active component through the intestines unchanged, the negative impact on the body becomes minimal;

    Children willingly accept a remedy that has a pleasant taste.

    How to give bobotik to a child?

    With flatulence and bloating in newborns;

    Before diagnostic procedures;

    For relief after surgical intervention on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Each emulsion vial is accompanied by instructions for use, which contains detailed information on correct application means, indications, contraindications, recommended dosage and frequency of administration are described.

    The annotation says that bobotik is allowed for use only from the 28th day from the birth of the baby, although in practice pediatricians quite often allow the use of the remedy from the first days of life. At the same time, parents should be aware that for children whose age has not reached four weeks, there are no data on the safety of the remedy. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to treat a baby up to 28 days of life, the pediatrician should decide on the appointment of a bobotik.

    Parents should also know that the only dosage form release of the drug are drops for internal reception. During storage, the agent may separate into a dense sediment and an upper liquid part, which is acceptable. This is not a sign of a spoiled product, the bottle should be shaken before use, after which the drops are again usable.

    Many parents are interested in the question: how to give bobotik for newborns? Exist simple rules taking the drug:

    The child is given drops before feeding or immediately after eating;

    Drops are given to the baby by pouring boiled water into a spoon and stirring the remedy of the required amount in it. If in this form the baby refuses to swallow the medicine, then you can mix it with a small amount of liquid - a mixture, tea, complementary foods, fruit puree, depending on age and type of feeding. If in this case the child stubbornly refuses the remedy, you can apply it to the nipple or nipple of the bottle - when feeding, the medicine will enter the child's mouth;

    It is necessary to shake the bottle well so that the contents acquire a uniform consistency, and turn it down with a dropper, so that it is more convenient to measure the drops;

    A single dosage for babies aged 28 days to 2 years is 8 drops, which corresponds to 20 mg of simethicone. The remedy must be given to the child after each feeding, on average, this is 4 times a day. After the symptoms of bloating are significantly reduced, you can offer the baby medicine through feeding;

    Before carrying out diagnostic procedures, the dosage is slightly increased: the remedy is given to the baby 10 drops twice a day.

    If the baby refuses to eat, then you can use a syringe to give him medicine. To do this, Bobotik is mixed in the required dosage with a small amount of boiled water, the solution is drawn into a syringe and injected into the baby's mouth.

    Reception continues until the complete disappearance of all unpleasant symptoms. Subsequently, the drug can be given to the child if necessary, with symptoms of flatulence and bloating. It is recommended to cancel the drug gradually, while observing the well-being of the baby. It is advisable to remove one dose of the drug for several days.

    Usually, parents are also interested in the question: how long does a bobot work? We answer: the effect of the drug is noted 15-20 minutes after ingestion, the effect persists for 5-6 hours. Due to the small dosage, the bottle with the drug will last for quite a long time. However, parents should remember that after opening the vial, the product can be used for no more than two months, provided it is stored in the refrigerator, after which it must be disposed of if the product has not been completely used.

    With an overdose, negative side effects were not detected, but doctors do not recommend increasing the dose of the drug.

    Like any other drug, Bobotik has contraindications for use:

    It is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction;

    With obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    first four weeks after birth.

    The tool is well tolerated by children at any age. However, in rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur due to individual intolerance to any component in the composition of the drug. In this regard, it is recommended to give the baby only 1-2 drops of the product for the first time in order to check the reaction of the baby's body to the product.

    What are the analogues?

    Bobotik is not the only drug that helps fight colic and flatulence. In pharmacies, you can find synonymous drugs and analogues of Bobotik. Synonyms are drugs that use simethicone as the active ingredient, while analogs are drugs with a similar effect, in this case carminative. At the same time, other substances can act as the main active components.

    Drugs, the therapeutic effect of which is most similar to bobotik:

    Simicol drops, the main active substance in which is finely dispersed silicone dioxide. Available in a concentration of 4 or 7%, suitable for use in infants from birth. Simicol is used to combat bloating, colic, reduce pain during flatulence;

    Disflatil in drops, in which the active ingredient is simethicone. Drops suitable for use from birth, effective in the treatment of flatulence and bloating;

    Suspension SAB simplex for internal use, which has the same effect as Bobotik;

    Baby Calm in drops for internal use, which includes essential oils, which not only relieve gas and colic, but also have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which expands the range of its application.

    Bobotik or espumizan for newborns - which is better?

    Many parents are interested in what means to give preference to help their baby.

    Both Bobotik and Espumizan contain simethicone, however, the content of the active substance in the preparations is different.

    The bobotica contains 8 times more active ingredient, due to which its dosage is much lower. If 8 drops are enough for Bobot, then 25 drops of Espumizan will be needed for the effect to be similar. Another difference is that espumizan is approved for use from the first days of a newborn's life. Because active substance both tools are the same, it is impossible to say unambiguously which of these tools is the best.

    However, it is worth noting that there is a significant difference in cost - bobotik will cost half as much as espumizan. Therefore, when choosing a remedy, one should take into account the characteristics of the baby, and his reaction to taking the remedy.

    Available reviews on taking bobotik allow us to say that the medicine helps to effectively fight flatulence, eliminates bloating. According to the reviews of mothers, the drug is very convenient to use thanks to the dispenser. In addition, they note the quite democratic price and efficiency of the bobotik, which is ensured by a small dosage. Also, mothers note that babies really like the pleasant taste, which, after taking the remedy, quickly calm down, and the sleep of the babies becomes much calmer.

    Intestinal colic often torments babies in the first months of life. Most often they begin in the third week and pass by the third month. Colic is a normal phenomenon: the accumulation of gases in the intestine presses on the walls, causing a spasm. Bobotik will help relieve the baby's suffering.

    The composition of Bobotica for newborns

    The main active ingredient of drops is simethicone in the form of an emulsion of 30% concentration, which corresponds to the content of simethicone in 1 ml of the drug 66.66 mg. Simethicone has a carminative, defoaming effect. In addition, the emulsion contains a number excipients: sweetener, preservatives, acidity regulator, flavor, water The drug is sold without a doctor's prescription.

    Application of drops according to the instructions for the drug

    Simethicone reduces the surface tension of intestinal mucus containing gas bubbles, reduces their volume and prevents accumulation in one place. As a result, the pressure on the intestinal walls becomes less, pain removed. Scattered small bubbles of gases are more easily absorbed by the intestinal walls, and are also excreted naturally, through colon. At the same time, there is no negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and on the body as a whole.

    In this regard, Bobotik is appointed at painful sensations caused by bloating, colic and increased gas formation. These symptoms often torment babies, whose intestines are just beginning to be populated by microflora and gradually adapt to perform their function.

    The instructions for use indicate the following indications for the use of Bobotik:

    • increased gas formation and accumulation of gases, which is accompanied by colic, flatulence;
    • preparation for the diagnosis of the abdominal organs (gastroscopy, radiography, sonography).

    Is it always possible to give Bobotik to children

    If the child has a bowel obstruction or inflammatory processes with complications in the gastrointestinal tract, Bobotik should not be used. In addition, although the drug is available without a prescription, you should definitely consult a pediatrician before using it.

    A child may have an individual intolerance to certain components of Bobotik and its use will cause allergic reactions. In this case, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

    Thus, Bobotik should not be given:

    • children under 28 days;
    • with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • with intestinal obstruction;
    • in the presence of obstructive bowel conditions.

    How to give Bobotik drops to a newborn

    Bobotik drops are used orally, after meals. For ease of dosage, the bottle is equipped with a dropper cap, covered with a polyethylene cap.

    Bobotik with colic and flatulence is given to the baby three times a day in the following dosage:

    • children from 28 days to 2 years - 8 drops;
    • children from 2 to 6 years - 14 drops;
    • children over 6 years old - 16 drops.

    If the drug is used to prepare for studies of the gastrointestinal tract, then it will be enough to take the drug twice a day the day before the study:

    • children from 28 days to 2 years - 10 drops;
    • children from 2 to 6 years old - 16 drops;
    • children from 6 years old - 20 drops.

    The medicine Bobotik has a rather pleasant taste, the drops do not differ in bitterness, so usually kids take them calmly. To make the process of taking the medicine even easier, Bobotik can be mixed with water, other non-carbonated liquid, baby food.

    Important! Bobotik begins to act approximately 15-20 minutes after ingestion. The drug is stopped after the symptoms of colic completely disappear.

    The drug can be stratified into two layers: the upper light and lower cloudy sediment. This does not mean that the drug has deteriorated and is unsuitable for use. It is enough to shake the bottle to mix the liquid until smooth.

    Side effects and overdose

    Bobotik does not render negative impact on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, does not affect the digestion process, does not dissolve in gastric juice is not absorbed into the blood. Active ingredient simethicone is excreted unchanged. The only possible side effect drugs - the development of allergic reactions. Very rarely, babies show individual intolerance to the components of Bobotik.

    Not listed in instructions Negative consequences drug overdose. Since the active substance Bobotica simethicone is not absorbed into the blood, its overdose does not entail health consequences.

    How long can Bobotik be stored after opening

    It is recommended to store Bobotik in a closed package in a dark place inaccessible to sun rays. It retains its effect when stored in a room where the temperature does not exceed 25°C. The drug should be stored for no more than 2 years. The shelf life of Bobotik after opening is much less - it must be used within two months.

    Drug analogues

    Synonyms and analogues of Bobotik are presented on the pharmaceutical market. Synonyms are drugs whose active ingredient is also simethicone. Analogues have a similar effect, but at the same time they contain other active substances, most often, these are plant extracts.

    Synonyms for Bobotik: Sub Simplex, Infacol, Espumizan.

    Bobotik's analogs: Bebinos, Baby Calm, .

    What is better Bobotik or Espumizan

    Espumizan, like Bobotik, helps with colic, eliminates excessive gas formation. The active substance is the same simethicone. For newborns, two names are produced: Espumizan L and Espumizan Baby. According to the content of the active substance, Bobotik occupies an intermediate position between these two names of Espumizan.

    Bobotik can be given to children only from 28 days, Espumizan has no age restrictions, it can be used from birth. Both drugs are harmless, and contraindications are associated with individual intolerance. Only the price differs - Espumizan is more expensive.

    What is better Bobotik or Sub Simplex

    The content of the active substance per 1 ml in these two preparations is almost the same (66.66 mg in Bobotic and 69.19 in Sab Simplex). Only the list of excipients differs. Despite the fact that the concentration of simethicone is the same, the manufacturer of Sab Simplex allows you to give the drug with each feeding, while taking Bobotik is limited to a recommendation of 4 times a day. The price is about the same.

    What is better Bobotik or Baby Calm

    Baby Calm is not a drug and belongs to dietary supplements (biologically active additives). Its action is associated with the presence in the composition of plant essential oils. The undoubted advantage is the absence of any excipients, which are abundant in preparations based on simethicone, including Bobotik. The effectiveness of Bobotik is higher and faster than that of Baby Calm, so if the baby is very worried about colic, it is better to give preference to Bobotik or any other simethicone-based remedy. The price of the two funds is approximately the same.