How many eye colors are there? The rarest human eye color in the world

The green color has rightfully earned the title “ rare color eye". It is found in Holland, Iceland and Central Europe, and is less common in other parts of the planet. The color of the organs of vision is determined by the amount of melanin in the cornea, the density of collagen fibers and light scattering. The most common colors are brown, dark blue or gray. The shade of the shell is a fickle phenomenon; it can change over the course of life. This process is influenced by vision pathologies and internal organs.

What does it depend on?

Eye color in humans is determined by the amount of melanin, the pigment of the iris, in the mesodermal (front) layer, since the ectodermal (back) layer is always dark. The darker they are, the more melanin. This is how brown eyes, black or light brown, are formed. Blue or green eyes are formed when the percentage of melanin is less. Red eye color in humans is rare. People who have unusual red eyes are called albinos. In this case, the iris is white, in which the percentage of melanin is zero and the effect is provided by vessels filled with blood. The ratio of pigments is a genetic factor.

It is believed that dark colors dominate the population over light shades. If one of the parents has high percentages of pigment in the iris, then more likely children will have a dark color. Nature has its own laws and color can change over time. In the European race, melanin tends to accumulate and due to an increase in the percentage of pigment, the eyes gradually darken. With advancing age, the membrane becomes pale due to the loss of transparency of the mesodermal layer. Some pathologies visual system cause changes in eye color.

What colors are there?

A newborn baby's irises are blue.

The most common eye color is blue, less often the organs of vision are gray or blue. This is due to the low density of collagen fibers and a small percentage of melanin, in which case a person’s eyes are blue. The saturation of the shade will come from the lower density of the fabric. This color is more common in newborns in the first few months of life. With a higher fiber density, the shade will be bluer or gray. This type of color is common among Europeans. Women in Central and Northern Europe are often bright green; for other regions of the planet and for men this shade is unusual. Popular colors:

  • brown;
  • grey-green;
  • blue;
  • amber;
  • green with hints of tint.

Sapphire eyes are a very rare color. They are actually never found, they are often called when they see a honey or amber green color. Light colors more often observed in newborns or elderly people.

The natural purple tint of the iris can be caused by a pigment mutation.

Mutation of the pigment can cause unique shades such as violet, magenta, amethyst. Natural colors such shades are found in very small quantity of people. Ailments such as glaucoma, cataracts, decreased visual acuity, photophobia and other diseases of internal organs can provoke color changes. There are more people with gray, brown and blue eyes. Also the shade is distinctive feature region of residence.

Eyes are the “mirrors” of our soul; they are able to express a person’s mood, feelings and emotions. Thousands of poems and songs have been written about their beauty. Unique people do, including facial features, and in many ways appearance a person depends on what eye color he has. It determines the color type of a person’s appearance, according to which his style is selected, and women usually rely on it to select makeup. There are many colors and shades of eyes, depending on the physiology of their owner. How are they formed, what can they say about a person, which of them are more common and which are less common?

The eyeball consists of several membranes, one of which contains blood vessels and pigment - melanin. The front part of the visual organs is the iris, which is responsible for their color. The iris contains the pigment melanin, which is visible through the cornea.

The iris itself is an automatic diaphragm that divides the space between the lens and the cornea.

One of the rarest eye colors on Earth is pure green.

Depending on the amount of melanin, a person’s eye color is formed. If there is a lot of it, the organs of vision will be brown (or brown), light brown, green, black. If they have a small amount of pigment, they can be light green, gray, or blue.

The color of melanin in the iris ranges from yellow (brown) to black. The back layer of the iris is always black. The only exceptions are albinos, whose organs of vision, as well as their skin and hair are completely devoid of melanin pigment.

What determines the amount of melanin in the organs of vision?

First of all, it is due to heredity. It is noted that the dominant traits are those with an abundant amount of pigment. Thus, the gene for dark eyes seems to be the strongest, and it usually defeats the gene for light eyes.

For example, if one of the child’s parents has brown eyes, and the other has blue eyes, most likely, their baby’s “mirrors of the soul” color will be dark. This explains the fact that the majority of the planet's inhabitants are brown-eyed people.

Scientists have determined the relationship and color of a person’s eyes with his character - from it one can determine what traits he possesses.

What eye colors are there: place of residence and nation matter!

The amount of pigment is determined by belonging to a nation, as well as climatic conditions where people live. For example, nations whose representatives often include light-eyed people tend to live far from the equator, while dark-eyed people live close to it. Usually brown-eyed people are representatives of latitudes with a temperate climate.

In this way, nature protects the organs of vision from blinding bright sunlight - the darker they are, the easier they tolerate sunlight.

There is one exception to this pattern that can be easily and logically explained. Residents of the Far North also predominantly dark eyes, which make it easier to perceive the reflection of light from snow, because this phenomenon also blinds.

Brown eyes are the most common on the planet

People's eye color can change. Many Caucasians are born with light-colored vision, but over time, the amount of melanin in the iris increases, causing them to become darker. At about 2-3 years old, the child’s eye color is already formed.

In some older people, on the contrary, they become lighter. Usually this means that their color fades, but, for example, they most likely will not turn from brown to blue. This indicator may also change due to certain eye diseases, stress, and other body conditions.

Today, those who want to change their eye color can do it artificially, namely with the help of. Thanks to them, you can make your organs of vision both blue and black, and even visually. True, that’s why you need to wear them correctly.

Eye colors and their names: the most common colors

The color of the eye iris is established during intrauterine development, and one of the genes is responsible for it. Scientists have established not only what eye colors a person has, but also determined which of them are most common and which are the rarest.

The most common colors and shades of “mirrors of the soul”:

What kind of eyes does a person have? Top 5 rarest colors

Unusual and attractive violet (cornflower blue) eyes

That Brown eyes, or rather, brown ones, are found most often, there is no need to even argue. And there are colors of the organs of vision that are the rarest, and therefore the most interesting.

  • Green in pure form. Only 2% of all people living on Earth are green-eyed. Scientists to this day cannot find an explanation for what this might be connected with. There is an assumption that the reason for this may be the Inquisition - in the Middle Ages, people with green eyes were registered as sorcerers and witches, and burned at the stake. The green color is formed due to the presence of light brown or yellow pigment in the iris;
  • Even more rare are violet eyes, which are also called cornflower blue. There are very few owners of these in the world, and the phenomenon of this color is practically not studied today. It is believed that Elizabeth Taylor has this eye color. Nevertheless, many experts believe that in the frame this color of the legendary actress’s eyes can be achieved by playing light and applying makeup in a certain way, but in fact the color of the “mirrors of the soul” is blue;
  • Red eye color. It's about not about the colored lenses worn by actors who play ghouls and vampires in films, but about completely real people having a red color of the organs of vision. This phenomenon is inherent in the background of albinism. With this disease, there is no melanin in the human body, and the organs of vision are no exception. Because of this, their color is formed from the color of the blood in the vessels of the iris. In this case, the eyes, as a rule, do not look as if they are painful. In some cases, the blue and red colors of the blood mix, giving a faint purple tint;
  • Amber. This is also a rare phenomenon, which forms a monotonous light brown color. In some cases, it may contain eye shades such as greenish, reddish, golden, marsh;
  • Swamp eye color. It is also called beer, nut. Depending on how the light hits them, they may have various shades– yellow-green, light brown, greenish, brown-green, golden. Swamp is a mixed eye color that is formed when there is a moderate amount of melanin in the iris and a mixture of blue or blue and brown shades. The mixed swampy color of the organs of vision is also quite rare.

A little about heterochromia

An interesting and rare phenomenon is heterochromia - a feature of the body in which the organs of vision have different colors. It is explained by the presence of different amounts of melanin in the irises.

There are two types of heterochromia:

  • Complete, in which the eyes have completely different colors;
  • Partial, in which the iris of one organ of vision has different colors.

What do psychologists say about light-eyed people?

One of rare phenomena- amber eye color

Taking into account the color of a person’s eyes, many conclusions can be drawn about his character:

  • As a rule, green-eyed people are distinguished by their integrity, determination, stubbornness, and determination. Their authority is unshakable among their social circle, they steadfastly resist difficulties, but sometimes green-eyed people feel a lack vital energy. They are characterized by the fact that they are fair, they make excellent professionals, but they rarely strive to become leaders, therefore, they rarely find themselves among them. Green-eyed representatives of humanity are mysterious, but they solve riddles in others quite easily, being insightful people. Gaining their trust is not easy, but having done this, you can count on having a loyal, reliable and sympathetic friend;
  • Blue-eyed people are romantics and dreamers. They are sensitive, vulnerable, sentimental. There are also capricious representatives among them. Moreover, such people are purposeful, generous, and often have talents. They can be quite tough, but most of them have excellent imagination, a rich imagination;
  • People with gray eyes are usually hardworking, practical, balanced and have an analytical mind. They have a realistic outlook on life, while being reliable, self-sufficient, honest and usually kind, although they are rarely ambitious. It may seem that a gray-eyed person is reserved to the point of dryness in communication, but he great friend who will never refuse to help, give advice, listen;

  • Representatives of humanity from gray-blue eyes absorbed the qualities of blue-eyed and gray-eyed people. They are ambitious and decisive, zealously protect their interests, have both a wonderful imagination and high intelligence. They cannot be called sentimental, but they are loyal. Despite the fact that they themselves sometimes feel a lack warmth, they are ready to give it to loved ones, protecting, helping, supporting people dear to their hearts in every possible way;
  • Gray-green eyes are usually a sign that their owner is hardworking, conscientious, honest, decisive, and looks at things realistically. Flexible, with good developed intuition, patient, they are able to sympathize with others, listen to their problems and, if possible, help them. People with gray-green eyes are characterized by tenderness towards loved ones, but mercilessness towards their enemies.

Characteristics of psychologists for dark-eyed people

This is what eyes look like with complete heterochromia

Here's what they say about people with dark eyes:

Here are dark shades, according to psychologists.

Regardless of what color people's eyes are, each person is unique, and the color of his visual organs does not make him worse or better than others. The main thing is to avoid them!

It is worth mentioning that the seven billion inhabitants of the planet have several hundred shades of the iris. But, as we know, there are not many basic colors.


Eyes of a beautiful dark brown tone are the adornment of most people in the world. It is generally accepted that all people had dark eye color, light shades appeared much later under the influence different stages evolution.

There are especially many people with brown eyes in the east. And in general, this shade is typical for residents of the south and east. U brown eyes, in contrast to light ones, there are a huge number of shades, one of the rarest and most unusual is yellow, called amber. The color is very beautiful, and people who have it have a very piercing gaze. There are very few such people; they arouse excessive interest and are often unreasonably endowed with supernatural abilities.


Celestial eye color is found in people much less frequently than what has already been described. As a rule, it is typical for residents of the north. Perhaps that is why the shade is very cold. The blue-eyed inhabitants of the planet, for the most part, have light, thin skin and blond hair.

Blue color is also rich in shades. Among such eyes, there are both light and dark. An example of this is close-ups of photos of models, however, most often, to obtain the desired effect, special ones are used.


Gray eyes are the least abundant, but they are not considered the rarest. Typically this color is dominant among northeastern peoples.

Gray eyes have one interesting feature. They, depending on the environment and the mood of the owner, are able to change shade. It looks very beautiful.


In the body, a special pigment is responsible for eye color. The amount of one or another pigment determines the color. Blue color is an exception, as it is formed by the refraction of light rays. Along with yellow, this color is no less rare. It is worth mentioning the color indigo - it is a special blue. This blue is deeper, and occasionally there are cases with a bias towards purple.


Green eyes are also quite rare when it comes to the rich color of young grass. Much more common is dark green, marsh. This eye color is characteristic of Westerners, although today this is no longer an indicator. Light green eyes have always been considered a sign of exclusivity. For example, among the ancient Slavs, such eyes were sufficient reason to classify a person as “ evil spirits" However, there is nothing mystical, except for unusual beauty, in the green shade of the eyes. By the way, they are also quite rare, especially in European countries.

The seven billion inhabitants of the planet have several hundred shades of the iris.

Eye color scale

The classification of eye shade is determined using certain color scales. The Bunak scale, for example, gives the “title” of the rarest yellow color. And divides all types of shades into several types, subdivided into: dark, light, and also mixed type. All types, according to this scale, have their own set of characteristics. It is worth noting that according to the Bunak scale, rare Blue colour eye. Indeed, blue and yellow shades of the iris are extremely rare. Moreover, it is impossible to determine with one hundred percent accuracy the territory where the number of carriers of such colors is greatest.

There is another color scale - Martin Schultz, it is somewhat more complicated and includes about 16 shades. By the way, it contains another very rare color – black. Actually, black eye color is not absolutely black, it is a dark shade of brown that can be mistaken for black.

Among the variety of eye shades of the multi-billion army of inhabitants of the planet, there are also complete anomalies. For example, the eye color of albino people in the case of complete absence pigment, when even the pupils have White color. There is also another pathology - different colour eye. By the way, this is not so rare, although such an anomaly is now being corrected. Such “miracles” do not particularly affect vision, being considered a purely aesthetic defect.

    Everything depends on development different organs responsible for the color of the eyes, including melanin, the color of the eyes can be different: blue, green, gray, brown, and with a shade of each color, but there are such cases as different eye colors in one person: one is brown, another is blue, and it also happens that a person has 2-4 colors in one eye.

    Eye color depends on melanin, the pigment in the iris. A large number of melanin creates dark colors eyes: black, brown, light brown. Smaller ones are light: blue, gray, green. Red ones are found only in albinos.

    What eye color can be is written in a whole article on the Wikipedia website: It says that eye color depends on the iris. It is also written what the iris is. And below you can see what eye colors there are. And here is a plate with the color and their name:

    Currently, scientists have identified 8 fundamental eye colors, which, of course, can have shades from the lightest to the darkest. In general, the color of our eyes is determined by the pigmentation of the iris of our eye. This shell itself has two layers: anterior and posterior. The back layer is always dark in color, with the exception of albinos, who have red eyes. So the color of the eyes depends on the front layer, namely on the distribution of pigments in nm.

    So, here are the main 8 eye colors:

  • Eye color: blue, blue, gray, green, brown, black. By the way, this does not affect vision.

    The most unusual cases(interesting iris):

    • Different eye colors (for example, one is blue, the other is brown). But this happens very rarely and the saturation is not so bright, so it may not be noticeable from afar;
    • I recently found out that there is, it turns out, people with purple irises(not to be confused with lenses). This is one of the rarest eye colors. In my opinion, it is unusual and very beautiful.

    Pigmentation of the iris (eye color) can be varied:

    • blue;
    • blue;
    • gray;
    • green;
    • amber;
    • marsh color;
    • brown color;
    • black;
    • yellow (very rare).

    There are congenital disorders in which there is no iris at all, or the eyes are red (albinism).

    According to Wikipedia, eyes come in the following colors:

    Of course that's not all possible colors eyes, there are many shades of the colors I presented, but these are the main ones.

    Most people on planet Earth have brown eyes:

    Blonde-haired people most often have eyes blue color:

    It is very rare to meet people with green eye (only 2% of the world's inhabitants):

    All other eye colors are shades of the above colors and depend on the amount of melanin secreted by the body.

    Eye color This is the pigmentation of the iris. A person can normally have the following eye colors:


    This is due to the genetic code of a person and his nationality.

    And in pathological cases There may also be red, heterochromic eyes.

    Here are the pictures for you.

People's eye color is one of the most important roles in the development of both their character and external data. Makeup, clothing, and jewelry are often chosen to match the eyes. The style of a person depends on this in the future. Also, taking into account the shade of the iris that we see on the interlocutor, we can form a definite opinion about him. Thus, people remember a rare eye color much better than a very common one. Well, now we will look at the rating of the rarest and most common shades of the iris and find out what effect it has on a person’s character.

The most common shade

As it turns out, brown eye color is the most popular on the planet. Residents of all southern countries of the African and American continents, as well as many southern Europeans, eastern races and most Slavs can boast of this iris tone. Doctors claim that this shade of people’s eyes is given by melanin, which performs not only a coloring function, but also a protective one. Those who have brown eyes find it easier to look at sunlight or on the whiteness of snowy deserts. There is a version that previously all people on the planet had brown eyes. However, over time, in the organisms of those individuals who lived far from sunny conditions, the melanin content in the body decreased sharply, due to which the iris also changed its color.

The influence of brown eyes on character

As it turns out, brown eye color in people tells us that they are pleasant to talk to, sociable, kind and at the same time ardent. They are excellent storytellers, but, alas, they are lousy listeners. Brown-eyed people slightly selfish, but always open and generous to their loved ones. Research shows that brown-eyed people have the most pleasant facial features. Most people, based on their taste, choose companions with exactly this iris tone, and this happens on a subconscious level.

Popular shade for residents of the North

Very often in the north of Russia and Europe you can see people's eyes. This particular mix is ​​very popular, but if we see eyes that are clearly gray or clearly green, then this is already a rarity. Well, with medical point vision, this shade is characteristic of the iris due to the fact that the vessels that are located in it have a bluish color. At the same time, it gets there small share melanin, which cannot color the eye brown or black, but can make it darker and give it a steely tint. As a result, we get chameleon eyes, the shade of which changes depending on various processes occurring in the body.

The character of such people

People who have gray-green eyes are hot-tempered and slightly impudent by nature. However, this aggressiveness is only an external quality, and inside such individuals are always gentle, subject to the opinions of others and inclined to accept all the suffering that comes their way. A notable feature of such people is that they are able to live with a person whom they themselves do not love, but at the same time they feel something high in relation to themselves. In general, this iridescent shade of the iris looks very attractive, as the photo shows us. The eye color goes well with clothes of any tone and harmonizes mainly with dark shades in makeup.

Blue-eyed: on the verge

What does it mean? Today eyes are not considered a rarity, but you won’t see them at every step either. The iris may have this shade due to the low melanin content in the body. In this case, the red color of the vessels that make up eyeball, due to its low frequency, is absorbed by blue, which is high frequency. Many capillaries that are located near the surface can be painted with it. These vessels overlap the fibers of the iris, which have their own individual density. If it is large, then we get blue eyes. The lower the density, the more saturated and dark the iris shade becomes.

Characteristics of blue-eyed people

If you see blue or dark blue eyes in people, be sure that these are real creators or geniuses who are prone to permanent shifts moods. Often such individuals are very different from the general mass both in their character and in their natural abilities. They are characterized by contradictions, they can begin to feel sad in the midst of fun. Such people prefer eternal change to a monotonous routine; they are fickle in their decisions and choices. However, behind all this confusion there may be sentimentality, sensitivity, the ability to truly love and give everything for the sake of a loved one.

Black eyes….

As noted above, the brown tone of the iris is a very common occurrence. But it’s a completely different matter - these are black tones. The color of the eye, which completely merges with the pupil, is a very rare phenomenon, especially among people. Most often, black-eyed people can be found among Negroids, Mongoloids, and very rarely among mestizos. From a medical point of view, the iris gets its resinous hue due to the maximum content of melanin, which completely absorbs light.

Characteristics of black-eyed people

What is so remarkable, from a psychological point of view, about people whose irises are black? An eye color that imitates resin or even shimmers blue means complete confidence in yourself and your abilities. Such individuals are always stable and make excellent leaders. In a company they are the soul, the person everyone strives for. In life, such people are monogamous. They do not waste themselves on unnecessary relationships, but prefer to choose one partner to whom they will be faithful all their years.

Amber eyes and the character of their owner

The iris is an interpretation of brown. However, unlike him, amber eyes that resemble those of a wolf can be found extremely rarely. Their shade balances on the border between light and dark, they often look transparent, and at the same time the color is very saturated. Surprisingly, individuals who own such eyes love solitude. They often dream, have their head in the clouds, but at the same time they always do their work conscientiously. People with amber eyes will not mislead those around them - everything is always very clear to them.

Red look... does this happen?

Many people are sure that they can only see the red iris in a retouched photo. This eye color actually exists, and it is characteristic of well-known albinos. In the bodies of such people, melanin is completely absent. For this reason, the iris is not painted in any of the tones, and the vessels and intercellular matrix appear through it, which gives a rich tone. As a rule, such irises are always combined with colorless hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as literally transparent skin. In some cases, if there is even a small amount of melanin in the body, it enters the ocular stroma. This, in turn, becomes bluish, and mixing these two colors (blue and red) gives the eyes a purple or lilac tint.