Features of treatment with a medicinal plant motherwort: benefits and healing properties. Contraindications to the use of motherwort and the harm of grass

Recipes alternative medicine often based on the use of phyto-raw materials. Among them, motherwort stands out - perennial belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The habitat is concentrated in countries such as Russia (Middle East), Ukraine, Belarus, as well as in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. The prevalence of the plant is one of the factors explaining its popularity for use in traditional medicine. But there are other reasons as well.

Chemical composition

The habitat of motherwort herb is concentrated in such territories and states as Russia (Middle East), Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central Asia. For medical purposes, mainly common motherwort (heart) and five-lobed motherwort are used.

In their chemical composition the following components are highlighted:

  • Leonurine alkaloid, lenoriudine;
  • Amine stahydrine;
  • Rutin;
  • Quercetin;
  • Quinqueloside (a flavonoid);
  • Saponin;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • Secondary metabolites (iridoids);
  • triterpene glycosides;
  • Bitter and sugary substances.

Also in the composition of motherwort there are vitamins, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, sodium and sulfur. In its general effect on the body, it is in many ways similar to officinalis valerian.

Useful and medicinal properties

Laboratory and chemical research show that the plant has a number of medicinal properties, including:

  • Spasmolytic;
  • sedative;
  • Hypotensive;
  • Antimicrobial.

The bitter taste of grass is the result of the presence of iridoids and flavonoids in the composition.

They also cause its antispasmodic effect, have a stimulating and choleretic effect. Triterpenes have a cardiotonic effect, an anti-atherosclerotic effect, and an activation of the action of cardiac glycosides.

The iridoids in motherwort have following properties:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Laxative;
  • Fungicidal;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Antitumor;
  • Sedative.

Motherwort - unique plant, the use of which varies according to belonging to a particular gender.

For women

The fair sex, who have heard about miraculous properties motherwort herbs, start taking it in large quantities. The plant really does amazing effect on the female body.

Decoctions and teas based on it are drunk to eliminate the following problems:

  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle, algomenorrhea;
  • Bad feeling during menopause and premenopausal period;
  • endometriosis;
  • infections genitourinary system(in particular cystitis);
  • With diagnosed infertility.

Women should take into account that motherwort is a powerful estrogen-progesterone stimulant. it important information for those who take contraceptives. Before using preparations based on this herbal raw material, consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

For men

Grass has a number of properties that suggest it effective application with androgenic diseases. In particular, plant components stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis, reduce pathological processes in the glandular layer.

An andrologist can tell you how to take motherwort correctly for men. Motherwort relieves puffiness and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Men can take it if they have health problems such as:

The use of motherwort

The scope of motherwort is really limitless. At the same time, its areas of application are quite diverse:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract- spasms of the smooth muscles of the stomach, having a psychosomatic origin, catarrh of the large intestine, dyspepsia, flatulence;
  • In gynecologyclimacteric syndrome, painful and irregular menstruation;
  • Violations nervous system - Sydenham's chorea, psychasthenia, insomnia, general neurosis, anxiety disorder, hysteria, etc.;
  • Diseases thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • Violations at work of cardio-vascular system - tachycardia, ischemia, angina pectoris, heart failure (I, II, Stage III);
  • kidney disease(has a diuretic effect);
  • Dysfunctions and diseases respiratory system bronchial asthma, bronchitis, influenza and SARS.

Not every person can take motherwort-based funds. Their use is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under the age of five. The herb contains alkaloids that can turn into breast milk, therefore, during lactation, it is better to refrain from using the plant.

Traditional medicine recipes

If you want to be cured of one of the diseases listed above, you can purchase dry motherwort raw materials at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. In folk medicine, the herb is used in several forms. Motherwort is effective both as a single component and as an ingredient in combination with other types of medicinal phyto-raw materials.

What can be made from dried motherwort:

  • Decoction;
  • Infusion on alcohol;
  • Infusion on water for adding to baths;
  • Ointment or lotion for rubbing.

Traditional healers believe alcohol infusion motherwort the most effective form, since its effect is stronger than decoctions and infusions on water. If existing ailments (gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) do not allow taking motherwort infusion for alcohol, the patient should not refuse to use the plant and find for himself best option.

Tea with motherwort

The use of herbal teas in folk medicine is a common practice. Motherwort tea can be brewed both from dry raw materials purchased at a pharmacy, and from fresh herbs.

The standard recipe looks like this:

  • Pour two teaspoons of motherwort (without a slide) into a teapot;
  • Pour the raw material with boiling water (200 ml), insist under a tightly fitting lid;
  • After 15 - 20 minutes, strain the tea through a sieve or gauze. The drink is ready. For taste, you can put a spoonful of honey.

The average duration of a course of treatment based on taking motherwort tea is a month.

You should drink daily, without skipping a dose. One cup a day is enough. Be sure to take it warm, cold tea does not have such a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. You can divide the cup into two servings and drink in 2 doses.

Motherwort tea helps fight a number of diseases:


A decoction of motherwort herb can be prepared in several ways.

Method number 1

Pour 15 g of dry raw materials with boiling water and insist in a glass under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Boil on fire for 5 - 7 minutes. Cool and take in a cool form, adding a spoonful of honey.

Method number 2

Two tablespoons of finely chopped motherwort herb put in a glass dish, pour water (500 ml). Set aside for 30 minutes. Transfer to an enamel saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool and pour through a sieve. Consume before bed. As for the volume, consult a physician.

Method number 3

Take two pinches of dried motherwort inflorescences, pour cold water(400 ml). Pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil. The broth is infused for another 2 - 3 hours, then it cools. Take on an empty stomach while warm.

A decoction of motherwort is always taken only as directed by a doctor. He must also determine the optimal amount of the drug. There is no single standard volume recommended for each patient. It all depends on age indicators, health status and medical history. Improper use can cause unexpected allergic reactions, even if the person is not prone to such manifestations.

A decoction on motherwort herb is drunk to treat diseases and conditions such as:

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Stress, depression, neuroses;
  • Work failures gastrointestinal tract;
  • diffuse goiter;
  • Amenorrhea.

A decoction of motherwort is also used externally. It has the following effect:

  • Regenerating;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Astringent.


It is quite simple to prepare motherwort tincture on alcohol at home on your own. You will need about 100 g of dry herbal raw materials. If the herb is taken fresh, the volume should be larger (up to 500 g), since in the dried raw material the concentration useful substances above. It is crushed in a blender or turned through a meat grinder.

Motherwort grass is poured medical alcohol(70%), it will take about half a liter. You can replace it with vodka without impurities. The infusion is placed in a cool shady place for 30-40 days. It should be shaken periodically. Ready infusion is stored in a place protected from light.

The mode of taking motherwort tincture at home is selected depending on the type of disease and the goals of therapy.

For prevention, you need to drink 20 drops of the drug three times a day for 2 to 3 weeks. Be sure to consult with your doctor about your decision to take the drug.

What to treat with infusion of motherwort?

  • Disorders of the nervous system, neuroses;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Dystonic manifestations in the premenopausal period;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Violations heart rate with hyperthyroidism.

traditional medicine

A plant from the Lamiaceae family found wide application in pharmacology. The pronounced sedative properties of motherwort are the main purpose of its use. The grass also has a number of other effects:

  • Antispasmodic;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • Decreased levels of lactic acid, cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  • Normalizing the level of total lipids in the blood;
  • Stimulation of urination;
  • Sleep improvement;
  • Normalization of protein metabolism.

If you want to treat with a course of motherwort, remember that you can buy it at a pharmacy not only in the form of phyto-raw materials. It is also available as liquid extract and in the form of tablets. Motherwort tincture is especially widely used, which has a more pronounced antioxidant and sedative effect than infusions of hawthorn and valerian, respectively. It should be noted that the attack therapeutic effect from taking the remedy does not occur immediately, so the doctor will select the exact dose of the drug.

Liquid motherwort extract

Most often, patients are prescribed motherwort extract in liquid form. This is an effective sedative: the sedative properties of the plant have a strong effect with increased nervous excitability. Motherwort also helps with high blood pressure (hypertension). For last case taking the liquid extract is especially effective, however, the product is also available in the form of a briquette and powder and in tablet form.

To quickly achieve the desired effect of the drug, it is taken in liquid form orally.

Dosage for adults - 15 - 20 drops (can be diluted in a small amount of water) up to four times a day, one hour before meals. Please note that motherwort in the form of a liquid extract can enhance the effect sleeping pills, so you should be careful when taking in parallel.

pharmacy tincture

Pharmaceutical release of motherwort tincture is prepared by combining the components of the herb with ethyl alcohol(70%). Herbal raw materials are placed in alcohol, the proportions of the ingredients are 1:5. Aging is carried out for several months. The release form has several volume options, the most popular are 15 and 50 ml bottles.

The glass of the bottle should be dark in color so that the tincture does not lose healing properties. The drug is stored in a dark, protected from access sun rays place, at a moderate temperature (up to +15 ° C). Standard shelf life pharmacy tincture motherwort - 24 months. It is not recommended to use it after the specified period of time.


Heart grass has many useful properties, but in order to use it correctly, you need to know about the contraindications of the plant. On the potential harm motherwort is often indicated by therapists who see patients during pregnancy.

The effect of the plant is such that it additionally stimulates smooth muscle uterus. This may lead to premature tribal activity and endanger the life of the mother and fetus. The effect of motherwort on influence is also known. menstrual cycle(his stimulation). This should be taken into account by women taking oral contraceptives.

With caution, motherwort should be taken by those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. With bradycardia (slow heart rate) and low blood pressure ( arterial hypotension) use of the drug can be dangerous, as it has an antihypertensive effect.

The plant has a sedative effect.

This indicates the need for optimal application(or complete failure) from motherwort for people whose professional activities require speed of reaction and / or concentration of attention.

Other side effects possible when taking motherwort:

  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin (increased sensitivity to UV radiation);
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Nausea;
  • Heartburn and belching;
  • Drowsiness.

Motherwort is not recommended for use during lactation, with exacerbation erosive gastritis and diseases of the duodenum, with severe disorders and diseases of the CNS. It is also contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components in its composition.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

If you want to use motherwort for medicinal purposes, you should start collecting it between the end of June and the second week of August. At this time, the plant is in the flowering phase. Motherwort stalks, covered with leaves, having a thickness of up to 5 mm, are taken as the basis for raw materials. Inflorescences should be fully bloomed.

The plant is cut with a pruner or a sharp knife at a level of 40 - 45 cm below the top.

Cut specimens are tied in bunches and transported to a designated place for drying. A good sample of motherwort suitable for harvesting has succulent bright green leaves with no traces of pests. Cleaning is carried out in dry, clear weather. You can only collect motherwort, growing away from roads, landfills, related to the harmful production of buildings and livestock complexes. It is impossible to uproot a bush, this will reduce the motherwort population.


The collected grass is dried in limbo, tying small bouquets. Drying in a horizontal form is allowed if the motherwort is laid out on a litter. From time to time it needs to be stirred up so that the stems do not cake and do not rot. If thermoregulated drying chambers are available, make sure motherwort is processed at a temperature not exceeding +50° C. More high rate negatively affect the beneficial properties of the plant.

Motherwort is considered ready to eat if the stems and leaves break easily when taken with the fingers.

Hardened parts of shoots, leaves with dark or yellow spots should be removed from the total mass (they are not of high quality). Motherwort, dried according to the technology, has a slight bitter smell and a corresponding taste. The optimum humidity level is 13%.


Dried motherwort should be stored in such a way that it is reliably protected from moisture. Phyto raw materials are laid out in bags from natural material(burlap, canvas, cotton), kraft paper bags, carton boxes. They are stored in a cool dark place. Sunlight exposure is not allowed.

If all measures are taken, motherwort can be stored dry for 36 months.

Motherwort juice can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than 72 hours. If alcohol was used in the preservation process (in a ratio of 1:1), the shelf life increases. When using sealing, it can be up to 12 months.

And it's a sin not to use this wealth. The topic of our article is motherwort and what it treats.

What does motherwort look like and where does it grow

For pharmaceuticals, two types of plants are of interest:

  • motherwort five-lobed or hairy;
  • motherwort heart or common.
These are perennial branching herbs of a grayish color, height 30-100 cm, with a straight, rectangular in cross section, fluffy brown stem. The leaves are petiolate, opposite, green above and bluish below. At heart motherwort they are also five- and sometimes seven-fingered. The upper leaves of both species are trifoliate.

The flowers are pink, small, planted in deciduous axils. Flowering time - from early summer to autumn. Fruit calyx breaks into 4 tetrahedral dark brown nuts.

Both species are distributed throughout Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Siberia. Habitat: Wastes, roadsides and river banks, pastures and resting arable lands.

Did you know? Motherwort is a very valuable honey plant. AT Western Siberia in the wild, it is practically not distributed. It is specially sown near apiaries.

Chemical composition

The plant contains the following chemical compounds:

  • alkaloids (only at the beginning of flowering);
  • glycosides and their derivatives saponins;
  • essential oil;
  • phenols and polyphenols;
  • glucose and maltose;
  • organic acids;

Medicinal properties

motherwort like medicine has a positive effect on blood pressure by reducing it; slows down the heartbeat and increases the amplitude of myocardial contractions. His pharmachologic effect close to lily of the valley and (has a calming and antispasmodic character), but it is much stronger than the latter, especially when treating


Now, knowing the properties of motherwort, let's find out why they drink it and in what form it is still used.

In medicine

Preparations based on motherwort are prescribed for cardiovascular diseases and nervous disorders, as aid at complex treatment epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, thrombosis, diseases digestive tract, as well as to stimulate the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Did you know? In the USA, valerian is not used, only motherwort is used there.

In cosmetology

Motherwort is used as part of lotions, and for and with as well as to relieve irritation from In creams and masks for sensitive is added water infusion or alcohol tincture of the herb. Read on to find out how to cook them in our article.

For skin, motherwort can be used both as an independent remedy and as part of masks and rinses, reducing the oiliness of hair, strengthening it and improving growth.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on motherwort

  • Alcoholic tincture of motherwort- excellent sedative. What it helps with: various neuroses, palpitations, congestive cardiomyopathy, subaortic stenosis, endomyocardial fibrosis, Fontan's disease, shortness of breath and in the early stages.

Folk recipes

Any medicinal plant finds its place, first of all, in traditional medicine, and "heart grass" was no exception to this rule. Consider how to brew motherwort for drinking and how to make an aqueous infusion or vodka tincture from it.


The benefits of motherwort lies in its beneficial effect on blood vessels. However, it can also cause harm, like all drugs based on it. Read more about contraindications and side effects in our article. In the meantime, we will describe the recipe for a soothing “heart herb” tea: make an herbal bouquet of equal parts of motherwort, yarrow, chamomile and mint. Brew 1 tablespoon of this tea daily and drink half a cup three times a day on an empty stomach.

By the way, the benefits of motherwort tea have long been known among the people if the cause of impotence was nervous disorders and the systematic use of a warm herbal drink will solve delicate issue. In addition, such tea and freshly squeezed grass juice help to solve the problem of early ejaculation.

water infusion

Cooking method: Pour 2 tablespoons of grass with 2 cups of boiling water and insist under a closed lid for a quarter of an hour. Strained infusion drink 1 tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe for men: Pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with 4 cups of boiling water and leave on Strained drink drink half a cup three times a day on an empty stomach. Regular drinking will restore normal blood supply to the penis during

Alcohol tincture

How to make motherwort tincture at home: Pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass (or 6 tablespoons of fresh) into a glass of 70% alcohol and hide for 2 weeks in a dark place.

With the systematic use of the drug, sleep is strengthened, excitability disappears and the functionality of the ANS stabilizes. And the tincture eliminates neurosis and shortness of breath, stabilizes the heart rate and blood pressure. It is also useful in primary cardiomyopathy.

How to take motherwort tincture for calming: on an empty stomach three times a day, 30-35 drops.

Medical fees

Reduces excitability, has an antispasmodic effect. Compound: rhizomes of licorice and valerian, motherwort and mint. Indications: sleep disorder, vegetative-vascular dystonia, irritability, astheno-neurotic syndrome. Preparation and use: 4 tablespoons pour 2 cups hot and keep a quarter of an hour under the lid in a water bath, and then gradually cool. Strained drink to drink warm twice a day in a glass on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment- 15-30 days.
It has a sedative, antispasmodic effect, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system. Compound: valerian root, oregano, motherwort, Method of preparation and use: brew 2 packets in a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink warm a quarter cup four times a day on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment- 15 days.

Collection, drying and storage of medicinal raw materials

Only the tops of healthy, young shoots are collected, with unspoiled leaves. Collection time - flowering motherwort. The stems are cut (it is cut off, not pulled out) along with the leaves to a length of 40-45 cm from the top. Collection conditions - dry weather.

The plant belongs to the biennial or perennial family of Lamiaceae. In the people it is also called dog nettle, core or heart grass. The plant grows in European countries, Central Asia, Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Prefers wastelands, cliffs, deaf abandoned places.

It is customary to use in official or traditional medicine not only the upper flowering part of the plant, but also the root system. After harvesting, the plant is dried for some time in the attic, in a place where there is no direct sunlight, clean and dark. In some cases motherwort is dried in the open air. Before drying the root system, it must be crushed.

Chemical composition

Vitamins: beta-carotene, choline, vitamins of group B, C.

The chemical composition of motherwort is quite diverse: carbohydrates, essential oil, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, glycosides, phenolic, paracoumaric, malic, citric and oleic acids, terpenoids, tannins.

Flavonoids: quercetin, quercetin 7-glucoside, rutin, cosmosiin, quinqueloside, hyperoside.

In a small amount in the flowers is the alkaloid stachydrine.

The grass contains leotin (has a mild vasodilating effect).

The seeds are rich in fatty oils.

Due to its rich composition of useful substances, the plant is often used in medical purposes and sometimes for prevention. For example, doctors prescribe preparations based on motherwort in case of diseases regarding the cardiovascular system. It has a medicinal plant and properties such as diuretic or cold remedy. It can also be used as an astringent, sedative, cardiotonic, antispasmodic, or anticonvulsant.

The impact on the body of preparations based on motherwort in correct dosage is soothing, like valerian. Often such drugs are prescribed in case of acute neurosis, insomnia, different types neuralgia, hysterical fits. If a person has an elevated arterial pressure, the doctor can also prescribe motherwort to him. An indication for taking drugs of this kind can also be angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, paralysis, Graves' disease, anemia, disorder normal functioning gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal properties

Motherwort in its action is similar to valerian officinalis and lily of the valley, but in terms of useful properties, it is in many ways ahead of them. Great for men, women and children.

Medicinal properties of motherwort:

  • Relieves depression. An excellent sedative. It is believed that the plant has the ability to soothe, and at the same time bring a feeling of joy to a person. This makes it easy to transfer life difficulties. At the same time, motherwort goes well with other means, which allows you to combine them with each other. Since the herb is non-toxic, it is therefore safely used as a sedative for children. Babies are prescribed hyperexcitability and fears.
  • Slows down the heart rate, helps with pressure, reducing it.
  • Possesses restorative effect. An excellent diaphoretic, expectorant, expectorant.
  • Has an analgesic effect. For women, it is good to use for painful periods, helps during menopause.

Motherwort is often prescribed for various diseases heart: hypertension, cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, heart failure.

The plant is used both fresh and dried.

Motherwort tincture.

You can buy it at the pharmacy or make your own at home.

The recipe is as follows: pour 1 part of fresh or dry motherwort herb with 5 parts of alcohol (70%) into a glass vessel, cover with a lid and place in a dark, cool place. Infuse for about a month, shaking occasionally. After the expiration date, strain and already in this form it can be used for its intended purpose.
Take 3 times a day, 20 drops (no more than 30).

Recipe for the heart:
In equal proportions, mix motherwort herb, valerian root, fennel and cumin seeds. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Insist until completely cooled, then strain. Take this remedy three times a day, 50 ml.

A decoction of motherwort to calm the nerves, also suitable for sleep:
1 tablespoon of chopped herbs per 250 ml of boiling water. Boil for 1/3 hour in a water bath. The broth should cool for at least forty minutes, after which it must be filtered.
As remedy drink this liquid 70-80 g 3 times half an hour before meals. For calm and sound sleep, the last reception to transfer to the late evening.

Do not drink more than 6 glasses of decoction per day. Otherwise it may be side effect: dizziness, headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbance, loss of appetite.

Herbal infusion.

15 g of motherwort are poured into 200 g of boiling water and left to infuse for 15 minutes. Then squeeze the grass well and strain the liquid.
It is taken 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures help relieve pain and spasms. And the alkaloids included in the composition contribute to the cure for diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as pancreatitis.
Decoctions and lotions from motherwort root stop bleeding well.

More strong action possesses the juice from the plant, as it has an increased concentration of nutrients. It perfectly and quickly removes toxins from the body. It also normalizes hormonal balance.

Use for pregnant women and while breastfeeding

For pregnant women motherwort is the same common remedy, such as the herb valerian. It is often recommended by doctors both during pregnancy and lactation.
In the pharmacy you can buy tea bags with motherwort, tablets and alcohol tincture. The latter must be abandoned immediately. And from the first two, you can choose what you like best. But the doctor often advises tea, as there may be extra additives in tablet form. You can also add grass to food in pure form one gram per meal.

Useful properties of motherwort during pregnancy:

  • Reduces pressure.
  • Eliminate insomnia.
  • Calms the heart (helps well with attacks of tachycardia).
  • Helps with nausea and toxicosis.
  • Prevents seizures.
  • It will relieve excessive gas formation in the stomach and intestinal colic.
  • Due to its diuretic action, it prevents swelling of the extremities.
  • Relaxes, relieves anxiety.

A decoction of motherwort for toxicosis and gestosis.

The following ingredients are mixed: motherwort - 30 g, hawthorn berries - 30 g, dry lingonberry leaves - 20 g. Two tablespoons of this composition are poured into 250 ml of boiling water and boiled in a steam bath under a closed lid for 15 minutes. Then strain and let cool slightly. This liquid should be drunk during the day every time before meals, dividing it into 3 parts.

Motherwort does not cause the effect of addiction and any dependence and is easily absorbed by the body. But you need to apply it periodically, not regularly.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications for use:

  • when treated with infusions and decoctions, sensitivity to light increases and you can even get a sunburn;
  • motherwort tea tends to sleep, so it is better to take it in the evening;
  • they should not be abused by hypotensive patients;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenum it is also a contraindication to the use of drugs based on motherwort;
  • individual intolerance can provoke allergic reaction organism and exacerbation of the above diseases.

In any case, if you have received approval after consulting with your doctor about taking motherwort-based medications, follow the instructions for taking them carefully! Since an overdose of drugs can also adversely affect your health. Among other things, the occurrence of nausea or belching is not ruled out. A severe overdose can cause serious poisoning, which gives complications to the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It is impossible to combine motherwort tinctures with other drugs, whose action is aimed at the cardiac system and the work of the heart itself, since the load on the vital important organ intensifies.

In the presence of any type of thrombophlebitis or thrombosis, motherwort-based medicines can still be used during treatment, but only under the very strict supervision of experienced doctors.

Motherwort (heart grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, known for its sedative effect. It grows almost everywhere, choosing abandoned wastelands (hence the name), glades, village streets.


In folk medicine, the tops of motherwort shoots are used. Grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant (approximately from the end of June to mid-August). Stems are selected no thicker than 5 mm. Flowers must be fully open. The shoots are cut to a length of 30-40 cm. The motherwort is dried in the shade, in the attic or other well-ventilated area, periodically turning over, or by tying it in bunches and hanging it on a rope. Also, special dryers with temperatures up to 50°C can be used for drying. Dry grass is crushed. Store motherwort for 3 years.
In addition to motherwort grass, you can prepare the juice of this plant for future use. To do this, the cut tops are washed, scalded with boiling water, ground in a meat grinder and squeezed through gauze. Then the resulting juice is diluted with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, poured into glassware and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year. Juice undiluted with alcohol can be stored for no longer than 3 days.

The composition and use of motherwort

Motherwort contains: rutin, saponins, tannins, carotene, alkaloids, essential oil. In folk medicine, this plant, which has a sedative, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, is used to treat:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurosis, depression;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • insomnia;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • scanty and delayed periods;
  • burns, wounds (externally).


Motherwort tincture:

  • 15 g dry herb motherwort;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour the motherwort with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

  • 1 part motherwort herb;
  • 5 parts 70% alcohol.

Fill the grass with alcohol and put in a dark place for 14 days. Strain the finished tincture and take 30 drops three times a day before meals, diluted with water.

Motherwort decoction:

  • 1 tbsp motherwort herbs;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Grind motherwort herb, pour boiling water over it and cook in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then remove the decoction from the bath and let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

A decoction of motherwort can be washed as a rejuvenating lotion.
Collection for diseases of the thyroid gland:

  • 2 tbsp hawthorn fruit;
  • 1 tbsp motherwort herbs;
  • 1 tbsp peppermint;
  • 1 tbsp green walnut;
  • 1 tbsp valerian roots.

Prepare a collection of these herbs and brew in the ratio: one tablespoon of the collection per glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour and strain. Drink 1/2 cup twice a day before meals. Recommended course of treatment: 30 days, then a break of 10 days and again taking 30 days.
Motherwort tea:

  • 2 tsp dried herbs motherwort;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Pour the motherwort with boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm in small sips. Motherwort tea is not only a good sedative, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
If desired, you can add hawthorn berries, mint leaves, chamomile, hops to motherwort tea.

Soothing tea collection (recipe 1):

  • 4 parts motherwort herb;
  • 3 parts St. John's wort;
  • 2 parts of lemon balm;
  • 2 parts hawthorn flowers;
  • 1 part valerian roots.

Prepare a collection of these herbs and brew in the ratio: two teaspoons of the collection per cup of boiling water. Tea is ready in five minutes.
Soothing tea collection (recipe 2):

  • 1 tbsp motherwort herbs;
  • 1 tbsp Hypericum perforatum;
  • 1 tbsp yarrow;
  • 1 tbsp pharmaceutical chamomile flowers;
  • 1 tbsp peppermint leaves.

Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection of these herbs with a glass of boiling water. Drink warm 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.
Tea for vegetovascular dystonia:

  • 2 parts motherwort herb;
  • 1 part St. John's wort;
  • 1 part lemon balm;
  • 1 part valerian roots.

Prepare such a tea collection and brew as in the recipe above.

Collection from nervous excitement and palpitations:

  • 1 part motherwort herb;
  • 1 part valerian root;
  • 1 part cumin fruit;
  • 1 part fennel fruit.

Take one tablespoon of the collection, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Drink half a glass three times a day.
Motherwort from oily hair:

  • 2 tbsp motherwort herbs;
  • 1 liter of water.

Pour the grass with water and leave for 2 hours, then bring the resulting infusion to a boil and cool. Wash your hair with this decoction or use as a rinse.


Contraindications to treatment with motherwort are:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • individual intolerance.

Medicines based on motherwort are incompatible with alcohol! Also, you should not take preparations with this plant if you plan to stay in the sun for a long time. Joint use motherwort with others sedatives and antidepressants is possible only after consulting a doctor.

This plant contains alkaloids, vitamins, tannins, carotene, essential oil, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Used only top part stem with flowers, dried in a dark place.

This herb is most often used as cardiac remedy due to its vasodilating and sedative properties. At the same time, it eliminates sleep disturbances, calms in hysterical conditions, and removes depression. Motherwort helps well with violations reproductive functions and infertility. It allows female body easier to rebuild during the menopause.

Just pour 3 tbsp. l. of this herb with a glass of boiling water and wait until it cools down. It is necessary to take tea during the day every time before meals. The decoction is obtained by boiling in a water bath two tablespoons of dry grass, filled with a glass of water, for 10 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and topped up with water to the volume of a glass. The infusion is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. motherwort, which are poured with half a liter of boiling water and aged for 2-3 hours.

Motherwort cooked in water is good for calming the nerves, helps with stomach problems and menstrual irregularities, but has a short shelf life. Can be used alcohol tinctures, pouring 20 g of motherwort ½ cup of alcohol and holding for 2 weeks. Take them should be 30 drops.

How to brew motherwort herb: a few recipes

For various problems, tinctures and teas from motherwort and its mixtures with other herbs can be used:

  • in case of hypertension, hawthorn flowers, mistletoe and cudweed should be added to motherwort in equal parts. Consumed 2 tbsp. l. mixture per ½ liter of water. You need to cook the broth in a steam bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain;
  • you can prepare a collection of 2 parts of hawthorn fruit and part of motherwort, mint leaves, green walnuts, valerian root. Within 30 minutes, 1 tbsp is infused. l. mixture in a glass of boiling water and taken for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • to prepare a soothing tea, you need to take a spoonful of mint leaves, motherwort, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and yarrow. For daily allowance in a teapot or a cup with a mesh, pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with a glass of boiling water and is divided into 2 doses. Can be used for thermos.

Components can be changed, new ones added. It is important not to boil the infusion so that it is not lost. beneficial features.

Motherwort is effective and absolutely natural remedy, but despite its beneficial properties, it can be harmful to health. Before drinking herbal tea or infusion, you need to get permission from a doctor, find out about possible contraindications, agree on the method of preparation of the product.