What diet after removal of appendicitis in a month. What can you eat after having your appendix removed? Diet after surgery

The operation of appendectomy is considered easy and safe for the patient and the surgeon. Maybe! But how many cases of peritonitis or late complications occur after a successful intervention.
And most often this is the fault of the patient. Appendectomy is a broadband intervention on. And behavior after surgery also affects the recovery process, as well as the skill of the surgeon.

Surgery to remove the appendix is ​​considered a safe procedure.

The rehabilitation period after appendectomy is 2 months. Young patients who had a healthy and active lifestyle before the intervention recover faster. It is more difficult for children and overweight people to recover.

On the first day after the intervention, only the drinking regimen is shown. No solid food. Non-carbonated mineral water or low-fat kefir is allowed.

On the second day, you should start eating. This will allow you to quickly restore intestinal motility. Food is fractional, in small portions - from 5 to 6 times a day. What to bring to the patient for lunch:

  1. liquid cereals;
  2. vegetable purees from non-fermenting vegetables;
  3. fruit purees;
  4. dairy products except for sour cream;
  5. mashed meat;
  6. compotes.

On the fourth day, the diet expands. You can add dried bread, gradually introduce solid foods, herbs, baked apples, meat and fish. Fermented milk products are shown in any form and quantity to normalize the microflora.

In the future, the patient returns to the usual. But any changes in the diet should be agreed with the doctor.

From drinks, rosehip broth is allowed without restrictions, juices, weak tea, mineral water without gas and herbal decoctions.

It is important to adhere to the standard drinking regimen.

What should be excluded from the diet

After the removal of the appendix, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

This diet aims to reduce the risk of rupture internal seams and postoperative bleeding rehabilitation period. It is forbidden to eat the following foods and drinks:

  • alcohol in any form. The use of alcohol-containing drugs should be agreed with the doctor;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed, do not use seasonings and spices;
  • , peas, other legumes;
  • exclude certain types of vegetables - tomatoes, green and onion raw, cabbage in any form, hot pepper;
  • smoked meats and semi-finished products;
  • conservation;
  • strong coffee;
  • carbonated sweet and mineral waters;
  • grape juice and wine.

How to eat right after appendectomy, the video will tell:

Water procedures

An operation, blood, a surge of adrenaline, vomiting and the patient realizes that after the operation he smells unpleasant. But with water procedures will have to wait.

Until the stitches are removed, bathing and showering are prohibited. Wiping the body with water, washing, washing the feet is allowed.

After the stitches are removed and the bandage is removed, the restrictions are removed, but you should not rush into the bath or sauna. Doctors recommend short-term bathing in the shower.

The area of ​​the seam should not be rubbed or massaged. It is not advisable to use while bathing, as they dry the skin.

After bathing, the seam area is treated with antiseptics prescribed by the attending physician.

Seam and care

The vermiform appendix (appendix) is an appendage of the intestine located in the lower part of the caecum. The inflammatory process in its wall (appendicitis) can cause peritonitis with the development of infectious-toxic shock. In this case, the optimal treatment is surgical removal appendix, that is, laparoscopy and subsequent appendectomy with suturing. In the first days after the operation, increased peristalsis can cause suture divergence. That is why the diet after appendectomy is so important.

In addition, after surgery on the intestine, the absorption of basic substances is disrupted. This leads to the development of protein deficiency and slows down the processes of tissue repair. This is especially true in the case of phlegmonous appendicitis (suppuration of the appendix) or gangrenous appendicitis (necrosis of the process).

Why do I need a diet after appendectomy

Compliance with the diet in the early and late postoperative period solves several problems at once:

  • provides mechanical and chemical sparing of the intestine;
  • restores the metabolism in the body;
  • helps to increase immune forces;
  • improves tissue regeneration at the site of surgery.

Features of the diet

In the early postoperative period

In the first days after the operation, the patient is prescribed diet No. 0a. It involves the complete exclusion from the diet of any products on the first day. This is due to the fact that the body is under stress during this period, and absorption is sharply impaired in the intestines. nutrients. Moreover, in given period there is a high risk of trauma to postoperative sutures on the intestinal wall.

For the first 12-24 hours, the patient is given intravenous electrolyte solutions, it is not allowed to drink, but you can moisten your lips with water. At the end of this period, in the absence of contraindications, you can start taking liquid meals:

  • jelly;
  • sweetened tea;
  • hateful broth;

Second or third day

On the second or third day, the diet expands slightly, and the patient can eat the following foods and dishes after the operation to remove appendicitis:

  • low concentration chicken or fish broth;
  • a decoction of rice or oatmeal;
  • fruit, berry jelly on potato or rice starch;
  • diluted with water one to one juices from fruits, berries;
  • green tea with a little milk.

It should be borne in mind that in people with lactase deficiency, the addition of dairy products can provoke bloating. Such patients are recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) to the dishes.

Diet after surgery to remove appendicitis involves frequent and fractional meals. That is, you need to take food at least every two hours. Portions should be small, almost half as much as the patient ate before the operation. The patient these days eats without meat and fish.

After the operation to remove the appendicitis, you can not eat the following dishes:

  • meat products;
  • fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream);
  • pasta;
  • spicy and pickled;
  • coarse fiber vegetables;
  • cocoa, strong tea, coffee.

Diet and suspected appendicitis may be the same. In this case, the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, and during the day must adhere to the prescribed diet. A diet for appendicitis before surgery is complete failure from taking any food, as general anesthesia will be required. Violation of these restrictions can lead to vomiting during surgery and the reflux of gastric contents into the respiratory tract.

In the subacute phase

With a good course of the postoperative period, on the fourth or fifth day, the patient is transferred to a sparing diet - a. It includes a wider range of dishes and is more complete in terms of key nutrients. The peculiarity of this type of diet is the maximum mechanical and chemical sparing gastrointestinal tract. Starting from the fourth day, soft-boiled eggs are allowed to be added to the patient's menu, but not more than one per day.

Dishes that are offered to the patient must be ground or ground. Cooking recipes involves boiling or steaming. You also need to eat all the dishes in a warm form, it is not allowed to give cold foods immediately from the refrigerator. The following foods should be present in the diet:

  • pureed and liquid soups or broths;
  • steam tunics and quenelles from lean meat birds;
  • liquid cereals (,);
  • steam omelets;
  • vegetable puree (potato, carrot);
  • fruits without coarse fiber and seeds (banana, peaches);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fruit jellies, baked apples;
  • weak tea, diluted juices without dyes.

No food after surgery fried foods, fatty meat, foods containing coarse fiber (radish, legumes), mushrooms.

After discharge from the hospital

Even after being released from surgical department the patient will need to follow the diet for some time. Usually the diet after removal of appendicitis lasts about a month. Such a diet excludes too fatty, fried foods, smoked meats, spicy food. It is recommended to cook steamed dishes, boiled or baked in the oven without fat.

The diet includes all foods that were given to the patient in the postoperative period. You can also give boiled soft meat, cottage cheese, a small amount of sour cream and cream. Vegetables with coarse fiber, nuts and seeds, smoked meat products, carbonated drinks are not recommended.

Gradually, one dish is introduced into the menu in an uncleaned form. They need to be eaten in small quantities and focus on well-being. With good tolerance, you can gradually add new products. The table below shows an approximate diet after an appendectomy by day, which is suitable for both children and adults.

Table - Postoperative menu by day

daysBreakfastLunchDinnerafternoon teaDinner
1 - Weak tea with little sugar- Water;
- weak tea
- Rice or oatmeal- Rosehip tea or decoctionRosehip decoction
2 - Mucous porridge (oatmeal or semolina);
- tea
- Water or diluted fresh juice- Weak broth;
- mashed potatoes
- Kissel;
- soaked biscuit cookies
Liquid porridge without coarse fiber
3 - Liquid semolina porridge with vegetable oil;
- biscuit cookies;
- tea
- Diluted juice;
- cookie
- Soup-puree on weak vegetable broth;
- cracker;
- rosehip decoction
- Low-fat kefir- Liquid porridge;
- steam omelet;
- weak tea;
- cookie
4 - Porridge with butter (vegetable);
- low-fat kefir
- Juice or jelly- Soup puree;
- vegetable puree;
- steam cutlets;
- bread;
- tea or juice
- Kefir or yogurt;
- biscuit cookies
- Porridge or vegetable puree;
- boiled not oily fish
5 - Porridge;
- bread with low-fat kefir;
- rosehip tea or decoction
- Juice with cookies- Broth or soup-puree;
- steam meat or fish cutlets;
- bread;
- kissel
- Casserole of mashed vegetables with the addition of cottage cheese;
- jelly or juice
- vegetable puree;
- steamed fish cakes;
- tea
6 - Porridge (semolina, oatmeal, ground buckwheat) with butter;
- cookie;
- tea
- Juice or tea;
- cookie
- Soup with pureed vegetables;
- chicken steam meatballs;
- potato casserole;
- bread;
- kissel
- Yogurt;
- crackers
- Potato and minced meat casserole;
- dried fruits compote;
- cookie

Appendicitis- it's very common surgical disease, which is an inflammation of the appendix (an appendage of the caecum).

The disease can occur at any age, but most often people from 10 to 30 years old are affected.

If the diagnosis of appendicitis is confirmed, an immediate operation is performed to remove the appendix ( appendectomy).

The basic principles of the diet after appendicitis

Following a diet after surgery is an important link on the road to recovery. Diet after appendicitis must be followed within 3-4 weeks- before full recovery and suture healing. Depending on the recovery period, there are four phase diet, which differ among themselves by types of products and dishes. However, for the entire period of the diet, a number of basic principles are distinguished that must be followed for a speedy recovery:

  • fractional meals 5-6 times a day,
  • small portions,
  • liquid or grated food (mashed potatoes, mousses, jellies, cereals, soufflés or soups),
  • only processed foods (baked, steamed, boiled),
  • comfortable temperature of the consumed dishes (exclude cold and hot).
  • good nutrition, which includes a full range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Diet for the first time after removal of appendicitis

On the first day After surgery, the intestines need time to recover. Therefore, the first 12 hours after the operation, it is only allowed to moisten the lips with water, if necessary. If the general condition is satisfactory, in the next 12 hours it is allowed to drink water or rice water, chicken secondary broth.

2-3 days after removal of appendicitis

Eating during this period should be done with caution, in small portions, monitoring intestinal motility and consulting a doctor. Diet after appendectomy for 2-3 days may include:

  • secondary chicken or vegetable broth,
  • potato, squash or pumpkin puree,
  • mashed boiled chicken fillet,
  • rice water or liquid rice porridge,
  • low-fat yogurt without additives.

For this period after surgery from the diet completely excluded:

  • legumes,
  • smoked meats,
  • high-fiber foods (cabbage, corn, nuts, bread),
  • milk,
  • fried, fatty, pickled and salty foods,
  • salo,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • spicy dishes, spices, seasonings,
  • alcohol,
  • strong tea and coffee,
  • any solid food.

An example of a diet menu after appendicitis for 2-3 days:

1 meal:

Baked pumpkin puree.

Rosehip decoction.

2 meals:

Vegetable broth based on potatoes, onions, cauliflower.

3 meals:

Steamed cod mousse.

Zucchini puree.

4 meals:

Baked apple puree.

5 meals:

Yogurt is low fat, no additives.

6 meals:

Kissel from fruits.

Week after surgery: diet after appendicitis

The diet after appendicitis at this stage is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the recovery and healing of the intestine and the restoration of its work.

It is important to avoid constipation. Following the principles of the diet of the first three days, allowed to add:

  • foods containing fiber (carrots, baked apples, dried fruits, cereals cooked in water),
  • lean meats (chicken, rabbit, veal),
  • low-fat varieties of fish (preferably marine),
  • 10-15g butter,
  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream).

Particular attention should be paid to water consumption. This will prevent dehydration and additional stress on the body, and will also help normalize bowel function. It is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Most of it should be non-carbonated water, the smaller part should be herbal and green teas, compotes and freshly squeezed juices without sweeteners. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before and after meals to maintain water balance. Strong tea and coffee, store juices, any carbonated drinks should be excluded.

An example of a diet after appendicitis for the first week:

1 meal:

Oatmeal on water with dried apricots, grated.

2 meals:

Baked apple.

Herbal tea.

3 meals:

Steamed chicken meatballs in their own juice.

Puree from boiled beets.

4 meals:

Soup-puree of carrots, zucchini, potatoes with the addition of fresh parsley or dill.

5 meals:

Liquid rice porridge in milk with a piece of butter.

Berry compote (not concentrated).

6 meals:

First month after surgery: diet after appendicitis

The end of the diet after appendicitis should be smooth in order not to cause additional stress to the recovered organism. After the first week of the diet, the list of allowed foods expands, gently preparing the body to return to the previous diet.

Vegetables. Potatoes, onions, carrots, leeks, celery, pumpkin, zucchini, beets. It is allowed to use these vegetables, both separately, boiled, stewed or mashed, and adding them to soups, casseroles, omelettes.

It is useful to add fresh herbs (dill, basil, parsley) to ready meals, as they promote digestion.

Fruit. You can use raspberries, oranges, currants, tangerines, apples, peaches, strawberries. Pay attention to fruits with large grains or tough skins, peeling them before eating.

Side dishes. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal porridge in water or diluted milk. Pasta casseroles, vegetables. Mushrooms are allowed.

Meat. Eat low-fat dietary meat - chicken, beef, rabbit, veal, turkey fillet.

Fish. Preference is given to low-fat varieties sea ​​fish- cod, chum salmon, sea bass, pollock, flounder, saffron cod, tuna.

Flour. You can eat stale black and gray bread, stale white bread, inedible crackers.

Dairy. Skimmed or diluted milk, low-fat cream, yogurt without fillers, kefir, low-fat grated cottage cheese are allowed.

Sweets. Marmalade, marshmallows, fruit jellies, honey, candied fruits and dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, figs, prunes).

Beverages. herbal and green tea, weak coffee and black tea with milk, sweet cocoa, rosehip or dried blueberry decoction, compote, fruit jelly.

Dieting after appendicitis in the first month is very important - the diet affects the composition of the intestinal microflora, re-forming it. It is necessary to avoid any excesses - very sweet or salty, large portions, concentrated dishes.


  • legumes,
  • sweet, cream products,
  • spicy, fried and smoked dishes,
  • okroshka, fried soups, borscht,
  • fat milk and cheese
  • mayonnaises and sauces,
  • black chocolate,
  • carbonated drinks.

Should limit consumption corn, bananas and potatoes due to their high starch content, and pears, nectarines and grapes due to their high sugar content.

Sample diet menu after appendicitis for the first month:

Day 1:

Steam omelet with onions, sweet peppers and parsley.

Green tea.

2 breakfast:

Stewed vegetables (carrots, potatoes, zucchini).

Raspberry juice.

Pollack fish soup with the addition of a small amount of millet.

Gray "yesterday's" bread.

Fruit compote.

Liquid buckwheat porridge on the water.

Boiled beef twisted with a meat grinder.

Rosehip decoction.

Yogurt with peach, dates and figs.

Herbal tea.

Fruit jelly.

Day 2:

Rosehip decoction.

Oatmeal in diluted milk with dates.

2 breakfast:

Pasta casserole.

Fruit jelly.

Soup in broth chicken fillet with buckwheat, carrots, potatoes and parsley.

Rusks from black bread.


Green tea.

Puree from boiled carrots and pumpkin.

Flounder baked in the oven.

Baked apple.

Fruit compote.

Cottage cheese casserole with peach.

Weak cocoa.

Herbal tea.

Baked apple, peach and pumpkin puree.

Day 3:

Grated low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a small amount of honey.

Herbal tea.

2 breakfast:

Stewed mushrooms with vegetables.

Explosion (uzvar).

Cauliflower and zucchini puree soup with dill.

Steam omelet.

Fruit jelly.

Rice porridge on the water with the addition of butter.

Bunny quenelles.

Green tea.

Fruit salad of apple, half banana, orange, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

Crackers from gray or white bread.

Day 4:

Grated baked pumpkin with a little honey.

Weak cocoa.

2 breakfast:

Oatmeal on the water with dried apricots and prunes.

Green tea.

Soup on perch broth with rice, carrots, parsley.

Gray "yesterday's" bread.

Weak black tea (can be with milk).

Fruit jelly.

Liquid mashed potatoes and carrots with greens.

Steam meatballs from veal.

Berry compote.

Crackers from white or gray bread.

Green tea.

Herbal tea with orange slice.

Baked apple.

Day 5:

Grated cottage cheese with berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants).

Green tea.

2 breakfast:

Baked vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin).

Rosehip decoction.

Soup puree from onions, carrots, mushrooms and parsley.

Low-fat yogurt with dates, dried apricots.

Decoction of dried blueberries.

Chicken fillet baked in the oven with pumpkin and carrots.

Weak black tea.


Buckwheat on milk.

Fruit compote.

Herbal tea.

Cottage cheese casserole.

Day 6:

Weak cocoa.

Oatmeal in milk with dried apricots and honey.

2 breakfast:

Vegetable omelette with zucchini, potatoes, onions and herbs.

Green tea with orange slice.

Chicken secondary broth.

Crackers from black or gray bread.

Buckwheat porridge on the water.

Fruit jelly.

Boiled pollock.

Puree from boiled carrots and herbs.

Berry compote.

Milk steam pudding.

Green tea.

Baked apple with dried apricots.

Day 7:

Herbal tea.

Fruit salad of peach, strawberries, banana halves, seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

2 breakfast:

Pumpkin porridge in diluted milk with rice.

Berry compote.

Soup-puree from pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, zucchini with dill.

Fruit jelly.

Green tea.

Steamed fish cakes from chum salmon.

Pasta casserole.

Decoction of dried blueberries.


Cottage cheese casserole.

Green tea.

Baked apple and prunes puree.

After a month, they return to their previous diet, limiting for 2 months:

  • fatty, smoked, spicy dishes,
  • grapes, grape juices,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • alcohol.

The importance of proper nutrition after appendicitis surgery is enormous. First of all, because changing the diet allows the digestive system to enter the usual rhythm. While the most sparing attitude to the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

It is also important to change the diet because it is possible to exclude the likelihood of developing a whole list of complications, namely:

  • divergence of sutures, which is possible even after laparoscopy, despite their small size;
  • peritonitis and the need for a second operation, sanitation of the affected area;
  • slowing down the recovery process, the occurrence of other diseases of the digestive system.

Exceptionally proper nutrition after removal of appendicitis by day will allow patients of any gender and age to recover as quickly as possible.

Peritonitis occurs due to severe intoxication of the body, when some internal organs cannot fully cope with their work.

Connective tissue protects all internal organs abdominal cavity, but when harmful microorganisms or chemicals fall on its surface, then there is a release of substances that stop this process.

Ingestion of a small amount of irritants is not dangerous, but if this happens constantly and in large quantities, then peritonitis occurs. This is a very dangerous disease that can even lead to the death of the patient.

That is why it is very important to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner. Bacteria accumulated in it can become the cause of inflammation of the abdominal cavity, various diseases gastrointestinal tract and the entry of fluid into the abdominal cavity.

Peritonitis can also begin as a result of injuries in which wounds form in the internal organs. It may be a consequence of an unprofessional operation, or a complication of gynecological diseases.

The gangrenous form of inflammation of the process of the caecum implies necrotic processes in the tissues of the appendix, which are irreversible. Often, death is observed only on some part of the organ, but sometimes it affects it completely.

In the vast majority of cases, the gangrenous process is one of the stages of acute appendicitis, which develops after a couple of days if the patient has not asked for help. In old age, such a process can be an independent disease.

If a patient with gangrenous appendicitis does not receive correct medical care, then the process becomes more complicated, turning into a gangrenous-perforative form - perforations form on the walls of the process.

At risk are the elderly due to specific age-related changes in their body and those patients who ignore the symptoms of developing appendicitis. In childhood, the process is most dangerous, since in case of infection it will spread very quickly throughout the body.

With the gangrenous type of appendicitis, the tissues of the appendix die. Dying off can affect both part of the process, and hit it completely. If the inflammation is accompanied by the formation of holes, then they speak of a gangrenous-perforative form. Purulent contents break through the holes and enter the abdominal cavity.

Pathology refers to purulent types of appendicitis, occurs on the 2nd-3rd day of the development of inflammation. The named type is also referred to as the primary gangrenous form, which occurs in the elderly as a result of a violation of the blood supply to the process - appendix infarction.

The risk group traditionally consists of three categories of people:

  • late patients seeking medical help (2–3 days of inflammation or later);
  • children, because pathological process rapidly spreads throughout their body;
  • older people, which is associated with the peculiarities of age-related changes.

Acute gangrenous appendicitis is a type of purulent inflammation of the appendix, which is based on irreversible destruction (destruction) of its wall. Therefore, it is referred to as one of the types of destructive appendicitis.

Such a diagnosis can be established only after an intraoperative visual assessment of the appendix: against the background of sharply edematous, loose, covered with fibrin and purulent layers, the walls are determined by areas of dark necrosis.

Any manipulations with the gangrenous-altered appendix end with its rupture.

Main reasons

To find out the exact provocateur, specialists excise the appendix, after which they evaluate the micropreparation of the contents.

As already mentioned, gangrenous inflammation is a consequence of the development purulent form appendicitis, thus, the main cause of the disease is prolonged inflammatory process. Usually, it takes two days for the disease to go into this form, but some factors can have Negative influence and significantly speed up the process.

  • infectious infection;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • violation of the normal outflow of the contents of the process of the caecum.

However, there are also situations when the inflammatory-necrotic process is primary, and factors such as:

  • senile age, when the blood supply system of organs is disturbed due to damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • arterial atherosclerosis (the presence of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels);
  • thrombosis of blood vessels supplying the appendix;
  • a congenital form of arterial hypoplasia (narrowing of the lumen) - in this case, appendicitis is most likely to manifest itself in childhood.

When blood flow is disturbed, the so-called appendix infarction occurs, which is the impetus for the development of necrotic processes.

Appendicitis, as you know, is an inflammatory process of the appendix (vermiform appendix of the rectum). The stage of the disease affects the type of appendicitis: it can be catarrhal, phlegmonous or gangrenous. Treatment for any type of disease is one - surgery.

Inflammation of the appendix occurs in such situations:

  • entry into the appendix through the blood or lymph of pyogenic bacteria;
  • due to inflammation provoked by undigested food, blocking the lumen of the process;
  • eating seeds or ingesting fruit seeds, small parts from toys that are swallowed by young children.

The main symptoms of appendicitis are:

  • Severe pain, spreading at first throughout the abdomen, and over time localized in the right lower part and aggravated during coughing. Pain may be concentrated in the pelvic area if the appendix is ​​lowered down.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea (and possibly constipation), dark urine, and pain when urinating.
  • Fever, dry tongue.

In order to avoid serious complications (and more specifically, a rupture of the process that provokes inflammation of the entire abdominal region), the disease is treated by excision of the appendix, that is, appendectomy.

After operations in progress a sufficiently long recovery period, the key factor of which is the diet - since the use of the usual daily food can provoke the divergence of the sutures and the further development of peritonitis.

The diet after appendicitis includes such allowed foods:

  • vegetable soups based on potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, herbs. Best of all - in the form of puree soups;
  • pasta casseroles, vegetables, mushrooms;
  • cereals on the water with vegetables - especially based on buckwheat, oatmeal, rice cereals;
  • lean meat and fish (sea);
  • low-fat sour-milk products heated to room temperature (so as not to disturb the work of the stomach);
  • strawberries and raspberries, oranges, peaches, pomegranate;
  • dried fruits and honey;
  • herbal teas, compote, jelly, rosehip broth.

Pickles and smoked products, sauces and seasonings, pepper and salt, fish and pea soups, borscht, okroshka, fatty meat broths, fatty dairy products, sweet and starchy foods should be excluded from the diet.

The formation of a gangrenous type occurs with the progression purulent appendicitis. Lack of help for several days leads to necrotic processes. Under the influence of the presented factors, necrotic processes may occur earlier:

  • there are autoimmune diseases:
  • the patient's body is infected with an infection;
  • outflow of contents of an appendix is ​​broken.

However, the primary nature of the inflammation is not ruled out. This happens in the following cases:

  • in old age, when the blood supply to organs is disturbed due to vascular pathology;
  • with thrombosis and damage to the veins responsible for the blood supply to the process;
  • during the development of arterial atherosclerosis (cholesterol plaques are present on the walls of blood vessels);
  • if the patient has a congenital narrowing of the lumen of the vessels (arterial hypoplasia), gangrenous appendicitis may appear in childhood.

In most cases, gangrenous appendicitis is secondary. It develops on the 2-3rd day after the appearance of inflammation of the appendix of the caecum, as a result untimely appeal to the doctor or errors in diagnosis.

Acute gangrenous appendicitis in children is of great danger. Since their disease develops more rapidly and can lead to serious complications within 10 hours. With the least suspicion, you should consult a doctor and, after confirming the diagnosis, proceed to drastic measures.

There are cases when gangrenous phenomena in the appendix are primary. This happens, for example, in children with congenital underdevelopment of the appendicular arteries, with thrombosis of the blood vessels of the appendix, the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the intestinal arteries, with vascular damage in the elderly.

The etiopathogenesis of gangrenous appendicitis is determined by the mechanism of inflammation in the appendix. Risk factors for the development of the primary gangrenous process are:

    Senile age and age-related changes in blood vessels;

    Children's age and congenital hypoplasia of the appendicular arteries;

    Atherosclerotic lesions of the walls of the arteries of the intestine;

    Formation of blood clots in the arteries and veins of the appendix;

These data suggest that the immediate causes of acute gangrenous appendicitis are microcirculatory disorders. Their result is a violation of blood circulation in the process and, as a result, its necrosis (gangrene).

It also happens that the cause of gangrenous appendicitis is the transition of simple forms of appendicitis (catarrhal and phlegmonous) to destructive with inadequate and untimely surgical treatment. In this case, the appendix is ​​simply subjected to purulent fusion.

Differences in the menu of an adult and a child after surgery

There are no special differences in nutrition in adults and children after appendectomy. But in any case, it must be remembered that the child has a more vulnerable body. The smaller the baby, the weaker the organs of the digestive system. It is hard for them to get used to the load after a hard test.

In addition, children usually ask for various sweets, not realizing how harmful it is in the current situation. Starting from the second week, marshmallows and soaked dried fruits may appear on the menu for children as sweets.

Disease classification

Peritonitis is divided into three types: primary, secondary and tertiary. In the first case, the disease is caused by the presence of an infection in the body. In this case, the abdominal cavity remains intact and unharmed.

Primary peritonitis is also divided into several categories:

  • spontaneous childish;
  • spontaneous adult;
  • peritonitis in people with active tuberculosis.

In secondary peritonitis, the abdominal cavity is either slightly damaged or complete break peritoneal tissues. In this case, the integrity of the organs is violated.

Usually, a disease of this nature is the result of either an abdominal injury or an unsuccessful operation.

Tertiary peritonitis is fortunately rare. In fact, it is a recurrence of peritonitis, that is, it is peritonitis that develops after peritonitis. With such a disease, a very strong intoxication of the body occurs.

Almost all internal organs cease their work. A prerequisite for its occurrence may be a strong decline in immunity. treatment given type peritonitis does not give in and the patient always dies.

Experts distinguish several forms of appendicitis, depending on the main causes:

  • primary (develops independently);
  • secondary (against the background of non-compliance with medical prescriptions or an incorrectly performed operation).

In addition, the nature of the course determines the acute and chronic form of the disease.

Acute phlegmonous appendicitis develops very quickly and proceeds in several stages:

  • At the first, a superficial inflammatory process is observed.
  • The second is inflammation of a purulent nature.
  • The third stage of appendicitis is characterized by necrotic lesions.

The last stage, which leads to serious consequences, is considered a rupture of the process.

Nutrition for children after surgery

The products that make up the patient's diet after surgery vary depending on the time that has passed since the removal of the appendix. However, the basic principles that accompany the diet remain unchanged and include the following provisions:

  1. Eat fractionally - up to six times a day.
  2. Eat in small portions (no more than 200 ml at a time), giving preference to light grated food: vegetables and meat soufflé, liquid cereals and mashed soups.
  3. Avoid including raw foods in the diet, stew and boil foods, and steam.
  4. Avoid too cold and hot foods.
  5. Eat a varied diet, including dairy products, cereals, meat, vegetables and fruits on the menu.

The role of fluid in the diet after surgery is very important. With a lack of water in the body, dehydration may occur or the digestive tract may malfunction. And the whole process of recovery directly depends on it. What to do? Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day, half a glass at a time, with an approximate interval of three hours.

The period of compliance with the sparing regimen is also approved by the doctor based on the patient's state of health. Most often, the diet is canceled after a month from the date of surgery. Until then, try to follow it and eat right.

A child who has undergone surgery to remove appendicitis requires special attention and diet. Provide him with a sparing diet, while all food should be crushed as much as possible and distributed over several doses (5-6 times).

In case of uncomplicated appendicitis, mineral water can be given on the first day, and a small amount of mashed potatoes by the end of the day. Usually after a week you can eat the usual food, but make sure that there is no overeating.

In case of complicated pathology, when there is purulent inflammation in the abdominal cavity, it will be possible to leave the hospital only after 2-3 weeks.

It is recommended to include mashed potatoes, mashed apples, boiled vegetables, liquid cereals and steamed cutlets in the child's menu. In no case should a child be allowed to eat meat in pieces or whole fruits. In practice, it is they and the nuts that turn out to be the most dangerous, since the child, without chewing thoroughly, swallows in larger portions. But bananas are harmless to the child's body, they can be given almost immediately after the operation.

How long a child needs to follow a diet, only the attending physician decides.

Is there a specific diet after appendicitis in children? There are no special recommendations in this case. It means that there is definitely no difference between children and adults. Basically, the diet should be the same. Only now, of course, adults should give up their bad habits.

As for children, it is advisable to limit the consumption of sweets so as not to irritate the intestines once again. In general, the recommendations are similar, you can not eat spicy, starchy, sweet and salty. Include in the diet as many healthy and light soups as possible, as well as fruits and vegetables. The fact is that the diet after appendicitis is the main component of the rehabilitation process.

Adults should pay special attention to the diet after appendicitis in children. small organism it will take more time to recover, so it is better for parents to consult a doctor about what is best to give the child.

Fatty foods should also be completely eliminated from the diet. Fruits are allowed, but, again, hard fruits cannot be served, they must first be crushed.

You can introduce ripe bananas into your daily diet - they are nutritious, contain many vitamins and have a pleasant soft texture. The diet after removal of appendicitis by day may also include fermented milk products - of which yogurt has become the most popular among children.

The first days after the surgical intervention, the child may generally refuse to eat, so you don’t have to be especially smart with cooking. Let your beloved child eat very little, but nutritious food, which contains everything to restore strength.

Recipes by day for children:

  1. thin rice water;
  2. chicken broth without a lot of fat and spices;
  3. some mashed potatoes and sweet liquid jelly;
  4. boiled rice with a side dish made from boiled zucchini;
  5. boiled mashed potatoes chicken meat;
  6. mashed potatoes with a little mashed chicken;
  7. pumpkin puree, yogurt (low-fat, no additives), minced lean meat.

The menu can be slightly changed, taking into account the preferences of the child, the main thing is that it should change daily. It is allowed to include cereals, especially those cooked with milk. If the baby stubbornly refuses such unattractive dishes, you can give more fruits, but you should not forget that they must be crushed.

The diet after surgery in children should be sparing - as far as possible:

  • serve any food in a crushed form: in the form of mashed potatoes, mashed, boiled, steamed;
  • completely eliminate fatty broths and fried foods;
  • do not give large pieces of meat and hard fruits;
  • give bananas - they are ideal for a daily diet;
  • give low-fat fermented milk products (mainly yogurt) daily.

The postoperative diet includes:

  • cereals;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chopped on a grater, and then evaporated vegetables and fruits (beets, carrots, apple, pear),
  • steam cutlets,
  • kefir,
  • cottage cheese;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • compotes of their dried fruits;
  • decoctions of berries;
  • fruit drinks.

With strict observance of the rules of rehabilitation, the child will be able to return to the usual regimen (including studies) in two weeks.

MORE ABOUT: What can you eat with a duodenal ulcer 12

If the operation was successful, the little patient is allowed to leave the hospital on the seventh or eighth day. However, this does not mean at all that, upon returning home, the child should not continue to comply with the hospital regimen, which is expressed in moderate physical exertion. The state of health of the child for a long time should be under the control of the attending physician.

During this period, it is recommended to replace active games with quiet ones, adding daytime sleep to the mode. Do not avoid short walks on the street, because fresh air goes only for the benefit. During hygiene procedures, it is better to forget about a rough washcloth for a while, replacing it with a soft sponge.

In the rehabilitation period, nutrition after the removal of appendicitis in a child is allowed to adhere to the menu to which he was accustomed before the illness. However, you should refrain from using:

  • fried;
  • oily;
  • rough food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • carbonated drinks.

The number of meals during the day should be increased. So, three meals a day for a child turns into five meals a day. At the same time, the size of a single serving is halved to avoid overeating.

Prohibited foods are replaced with dietary ones that are easily digestible by the body:

  • vegetable soups;
  • boiled or steamed meat;
  • lean fish, boiled or steamed;
  • vegetable oil salads;
  • dairy products;
  • not highly concentrated compotes;
  • berry fruit drinks.

There are also more severe cases, when the recovery time is stretched to several months. Younger children are especially susceptible to this. school age. During the day, the child is at school, and adults cannot keep track of what is included in his daily menu.

It is important to remember that the nutrition of an 8-year-old child after an appendectomy, as well as the nutrition of children of other age groups- This is a carefully structured diet consisting of steamed and boiled foods. Spicy, fried, fatty and canned foods, as well as other types of foods that are dangerous for the child, which have been noted above, should be avoided!

Features of pathology in women

Symptoms of peritonitis of the abdominal cavity can be different. Depending on what caused the disease, its initial symptoms may vary.

But still, there are several symptoms that are characteristic of all types of the disease. Experts will distinguish three main stages in the development of the disease.

The appearance of a reactive stage in humans

Symptoms of this stage appear on the first day. Accompanied, as a rule, by severe pain in the area where peritonitis develops. Depending on which organ was affected, the pain can be of a different nature.

For example, if peritonitis develops against a stomach ulcer, then you will feel a sharp pain in the epigastric region. If the cause was a ruptured appendix, then you will feel pain in the area under the right lung. Over time, the pain will spread to the entire abdomen.

It also happens that after the first outbreak, the pain disappears or becomes less noticeable. But everything resumes after a while.

A person suffering from peritonitis is very easy to identify by his face. It becomes pale, acquires an earthy hue. At the moments of outbreaks of pain, the face is covered with sweat. Dehydration sets in, and facial features become sharper and sharper.

There are other symptoms that are noticeable to others. So the patient tries to take a more comfortable position in order to somehow alleviate the pain. In most cases, this is a pose, lying on your side with your legs tucked up to you.

This is due to the fact that he tries in every possible way to protect the stomach from any tension. In such a patient, during examination, a board-shaped abdomen will be found - very tense abdominal muscles. Dehydration begins.

The development of the toxic stage in the body

Its beginning falls on the second or third day. Symptoms of peritonitis become less pronounced, while the general condition worsens.

Due to dehydration, brain activity is disrupted. Body temperature rises to 40-42 degrees, pulse quickens.

Terminal stage or irreversible

If you allowed the development of the disease to this stage, then most likely everything will end in death. Dehydration has reached a critical level. The work of the lungs is disturbed, the pulse begins to disappear.

In some cases, peritonitis may develop against the backdrop of an unsuccessful operation. In 5-7%, this disease develops in women after poor-quality caesarean section. With this cause of the disease, the likelihood of death is very high.

A complication of the operation can threaten with suppuration of the suture, acute inflammation of the appendages, soft tissue abscess and endometritis. Against the background of all this, peritonitis develops.

Also, the likelihood of developing peritonitis is possible if you suffer from gynecological diseases, including chronic and acquired during pregnancy. These diseases include vaginosis with colpitis.

Women under 16 and over 35 are at risk. Peritonitis and sepsis may also be the result of frequent vaginal examinations. May develop with unsuccessful or prolonged childbirth.

What should be the diet after appendicitis in adults and are there any specific recommendations? Of course, only the attending physician can answer this question accurately. But there are certain guidelines that should be followed.

So, in the first days after removal, you need to exclude food that can cause irritation. You can not eat flour, it contributes to the appearance of excess weight. This may cause the seams to come apart. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol.

Diet after gangrenous appendicitis

Do you know what should be the diet after gangrenous appendicitis? The first step is to eliminate irritating foods. As a first course, you should leave light soups that are full of vitamins. Fish should be excluded, it is desirable that the composition of the soup includes vegetables.

As for the second courses, it can be any porridge, except for peas. It is not recommended to eat potatoes, in it increased content starch. If you disassemble vegetables and fruits, then in this case you can eat everything except sour.

No citrus fruits, cranberries, currants, etc. It is advisable to give preference to bananas, apples and pears. The main recommendations should be given by the attending physician. A competent diet after appendicitis helps the body recover.

Diet after appendicitis with peritonitis

Are there any special recommendations regarding nutrition or diet after appendicitis with peritonitis? In this case, everything is much more serious, so you need to follow a certain diet. It is better to eat light foods that are not able to cause irritation and contribute to the development of excess weight.

These should be light vegetable soups, but without potatoes. For main courses, it is advisable to choose cereals, such as buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. You can not eat sweets, drink carbonated drinks and eat too spicy and salty foods.

Diet after purulent appendicitis

What should be the diet after purulent appendicitis and is it necessary to follow it? Naturally, after the operation, it is imperative to follow a diet. It is forbidden to compose it on your own, this issue is dealt with exclusively by the attending physician.

As with any surgery, a specific diet must be followed. Yes, none harmful products. The daily diet should include light soups and broths. Puree soups are perfect, but only without potatoes.

Dietary nutrition after an operation to remove appendicitis in adults is characterized by a serious dietary restriction at the very beginning with a gradual expansion of the menu in the future.

On the first day after the operation, the patient has no appetite due to the fact that the body is in a state of stress. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat food and liquids - sometimes it is enough to moisten the lips. After 12 hours, the patient is allowed to eat broth, drink jelly or tea (if the condition allows).

On the second and third days after the removal of appendicitis, you should switch to 5 or 6 meals a day (fractional meals). The diet should include low-fat yoghurts, mashed potatoes with chicken fillet, zucchini and pumpkin, chicken broths, rice.

In order to improve the functioning of the intestines, in the first 7 days after the removal of the appendix, fruits and berries, vegetables and cereals can be introduced into the patient's menu. You can eat lean meat and fish. It is very important to chew food thoroughly, and even better - to give it to the patient in a crushed (puree-like) form. To heal wounds, you need to drink clean water without gas in large quantities.

On the second week after the operation, you can start eating lean soups, carefully boiling all the vegetables and chopping them with a blender. A month later, the diet after the removal of appendicitis in the menu, you can enter previously prohibited beans. Flour and sweet can be eaten after 2 months, but in limited quantities.

Symptoms and signs of the disease in adults

Symptoms given state are developing at a rapid pace. The main features are:

  • thickening of the walls of the appendix and their edema;
  • layers of fibrinous nature;
  • process tension.

When diagnosing, the content in the form of pus is observed in the lumen of the appendix.

Most often, the pathology appears in children. In them, it is more acute than in adult patients. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • acute pain in the abdomen (in the navel, in the lower part and pelvic region, lower back, mainly on the right side), aggravated after coughing, physical activity;
  • renal colic (with an atypical location of the appendix);
  • plaque formation in the tongue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature rise.

Children with pathology become lethargic and capricious, hold on to their stomachs and cry a lot. They usually have a fever, unlike adult patients, in whom it can remain normal.

If these signs are observed, you should immediately call an ambulance. The patient should not be given analgesics and antispasmodics before her arrival. The imposition of heating pads on the stomach is also contraindicated, like any other self-medication. A person with an attack of appendicitis is not recommended to eat and drink.

Causes and symptoms of appendicitis, nutrition after surgery

The main feature of gangrenous appendicitis, which became the result of an acute purulent form, is the presence of specific symptoms that are not typical for other forms of the disease. So, due to the necrotic process, they die and nerve endings- at first, the patient feels a decrease in pain, and some do not feel severe pain at all. Other symptoms may also occur:

  • frequent and profuse vomiting, which does not alleviate the condition;
  • manifestations of intoxication of the body - severe weakness, however, the body temperature can be either absolutely normal, or even low;
  • the surface of the tongue is covered with a yellowish or whitish coating, the main density of the layer of which is concentrated at the root;
  • "toxic scissors" syndrome - against the background of a serious condition and normal temperature there is a pronounced tachycardia, the heart rate can be twice the norm.

If appendicitis occurs as a primary disease, then it is characterized by other manifestations. In such a situation, the pain is pronounced and sharp, but episodic. Severe condition characterized by an increase in temperature, and the abdomen is tense and painful.

It is worth noting separately specific symptoms gangrenous-perforative appendicitis:

  • when a wall rupture is formed, the patient experiences a sharp pain that does not stop and gradually spreads throughout the abdominal region;
  • the temperature rises significantly;
  • the heart rate rises;
  • the surface of the tongue becomes dry, the plaque acquires a brown tint;
  • vomiting becomes continuous;
  • the stomach swells, intestinal peristalsis completely disappears;
  • no chair;
  • tension gradually spreads throughout the abdominal cavity.

Signs of gangrenous appendicitis are ambiguous. This makes it difficult to diagnose the disease on the basis of clinical manifestations, since the patient has symptoms that do not accurately indicate the development of the gangrenous type.

The patient has the following symptoms:

  • signs of poisoning: severe weakness, elevated body temperature (sometimes remains normal);
  • nausea;
  • single or frequent vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • hard, tense abdomen - tension covers the entire abdominal cavity;
  • lack of intestinal peristalsis and stool;
  • a yellowish tint of the tongue or a whitish coating on it (located at the root of the organ);
  • dry tongue;
  • chills.

Another manifestation is called toxic scissors. We are talking about a combination of normal body temperature and increased heart rate (about 100-120 beats per minute).

Features of manifestations in women

In addition to the symptoms presented, female representatives experience the following symptoms:

  1. Shilovts syndrome. If the patient lies on her back, then pain is clearly manifested in the right iliac region. Painful sensations go lower when turning the woman over to the other side.
  2. Symptom Promptov. During the study of the vagina, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bgrabbed with fingers and oscillatory movements are made. With inflammation of the appendages, the pain syndrome increases, and its absence indicates the development of appendicitis.
  3. Zhendrinsky's syndrome. When you press on a point located 2 cm below the navel, there is no pain.

Clinical picture in children

Detection of gangrenous appendicitis in children is very difficult. Symptoms are blurred, and time is extremely short, since inflammation of the abdominal cavity in childhood develops faster. Appendicitis is suspected when:

  • frequent stool;
  • lethargy and decreased activity;
  • pain when pressing on the stomach;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle tension from the right iliac region;

Parents notice changes in behavior:

  • the child becomes restless, cries for no reason;
  • the baby presses his legs to his stomach and is often in a similar position;

How to distinguish appendicitis from other pathologies - video

Poor blood supply leads to the death of parts of the appendix. The destructive process is aggravated by various autoimmune phenomena and infections. Necrosis affects the nerve endings, as a result, sensitivity decreases, pain becomes weaker.

And even if the patient's body temperature remains normal, severe intoxication continues: nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief, weakness, tachycardia, the tongue is covered with white or yellow coating. The abdomen is painful and tense.

If the patient is not operated on at this stage, a breakthrough (perforation) of the process filled with pus occurs - perforated appendicitis. A person feels a sharp pain that spreads throughout the abdomen. Infection in the abdominal cavity increases intoxication: the tongue becomes covered with a brown coating, and bloating increases. Such a course of events can provoke serious complications, sepsis and death.

Diagnosis and treatment

First of all, the diagnosis of a pathological condition begins with the collection of anamnesis and examination by a qualified physician.

The doctor will definitely conduct the necessary physical tests and samples of Voskresensky, Bartomier-Michelson, Sitkovsky, Shchetkin-Blumberg, etc., which will help confirm or refute the presence of the disease.

The patient also needs to undergo laboratory tests. In the presence of pathology, a blood test will show increased amount leukocyte cells.

As an additional examination, ultrasound may be prescribed.

Detection of gangrenous appendicitis is difficult due to secondary pathology. The signs do not belong to the typical manifestations for the presented form of the disease, and the disappearance of pain on early stages make patients think there is no problem.

To detect appendicitis, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  1. Analysis of blood and urine. In the blood, an increased content of leukocytes and C-reactive protein, increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). In the urine there are leukocytes and erythrocytes, which indicates pathological changes in the body.
  2. Palpation of the abdominal region. Pressing on the abdominal wall and a sharp withdrawal of the hand leads to painful sensations. If pain does not occur, then the muscles are examined - with minor changes, other diagnostic methods are prescribed.
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics. As a result of the diagnosis, information is obtained about the condition of the appendix and its shape. Examination is difficult in the gangrenous-perforative form, since the contents of the process have penetrated into the abdominal cavity, the contours of the organ are poorly visible in the picture.
  4. Radiography. Get data on the structure and shape of the process.
  5. CT scan. The method is used to get detailed information about the appendix.
  6. Diagnostic laparoscopy. The study shows that the appendix is ​​thickened, has a black-green tint, the tissue has become dead.

After questioning and examining the patient, the doctor prescribes urine and blood tests, does CT, ultrasound, laparoscopy. A patient diagnosed with gangrenous appendicitis is prepared for appendectomy. A classic abdominal operation is performed, during which the inflamed infected process is removed through a 9-12 cm incision and the abdominal cavity is cleaned.

The recovery period after surgical intervention for resection of a purulent appendix requires full and strict adherence to the appointments and recommendations of the attending physician regarding:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • anesthesia;
  • detox therapy;
  • blood tests;
  • prevention of complications;
  • dressings;
  • therapeutic exercises, massage, walking.


Regarding the methods of treatment, the patient has no choice - it is only surgery. The procedure is called appendectomy, involves the removal of the process and can be carried out by two methods: conventional resection or a less traumatic method - laparoscopy.

The traditional option involves the creation of a small incision, through which, along with the caecum, the appendix is ​​also removed. The inflamed process is tied up in the area of ​​​​connection with the intestine, after which it is cut off and sutured.

During laparoscopy, the process is cut off without the organs being brought out, that is, a special apparatus with a camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity through several small holes, due to which all procedures are performed by the doctor inside the body. In any case, the operation involves general anesthesia.

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The presence of any form of appendicitis is an indication for surgical intervention. The operation is also carried out with the gangrenous type. The appendix is ​​removed by appendectomy. Intervention is carried out in several ways:

  1. classical method. The abdominal cavity is opened, the junction is bandaged, the process is removed and sent to laboratory research. The incision is sutured. When the contents of the appendix enter the abdominal cavity, washing is carried out and drainage is established.
  2. transluminal method. Removal of the appendix is ​​carried out through the natural openings of the patient's body. For this, flexible devices are used, so the operation takes place without opening the skin. The use of transluminal intervention is rarely resorted to.
  3. laparoscopic technique. Incisions are made in the abdominal wall, and an instrument is inserted through them. The patient recovers quickly after such an operation, and the risk of infection is minimal.

The importance of proper diet after surgery

Surgery to remove an appendicitis is done general anesthesia. When the patient regains consciousness in the first hours, adverse reactions of strong anesthesia are often observed: nausea, vomiting, complete absence appetite, joint pain.

  • first dose - 100 ml of mineral water without gas, unsweetened tea or plain boiled water;
  • second dose - 200 ml of water or chamomile decoction;
  • third reception - 1 glass of jelly.

Other food can be introduced into the diet after the removal of appendicitis only in consultation with the doctor.

Second day:

  • first breakfast - 1 tbsp. weak tea without sugar;
  • second breakfast - 1 tbsp. jelly or chamomile broth;
  • lunch - chicken breast broth, boiled rice, 1 tbsp. carrot or apple juice;
  • afternoon snack - 1 tbsp. water;
  • dinner - 1 tbsp. kissel.

Third day:

  • first breakfast - boiled buckwheat on the water, a glass of weak green or black tea without sugar and sweeteners;
  • second breakfast - 1 tbsp. black tea with chamomile;
  • lunch - grated zucchini and chicken breast soup, baked pumpkin or boiled rice, 1 tbsp. water or compote;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat kefir or 1 tbsp. kissel;
  • dinner - steamed omelet or buckwheat on the water.

Fourth day:

  • first breakfast - oatmeal boiled in water, 1 hard-boiled egg, tea;
  • second breakfast - fat-free kefir or curd;
  • lunch - chicken broth, boiled rice with pumpkin, tea or compote;
  • afternoon snack - weak black tea, you can sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey;
  • dinner - low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.

Fifth day:

  • first breakfast - buckwheat on the water, tea with crackers;
  • second breakfast - low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch - rice soup with veal, boiled fish, a slice of rye bread, compote;
  • afternoon snack - jelly with crackers or biscuits;
  • dinner - stewed vegetables with chicken or veal, tea with dry cookies.

Sixth day:

  • first breakfast - oatmeal on the water, you can add a small piece of butter, tea with bread and cheese;
  • second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese casserole, jelly;
  • lunch - chicken soup with the addition of potatoes (mashed), boiled rice with fish, jelly or compote;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat drinking yogurt or kefir;
  • dinner - buckwheat with chicken cutlet, tea.

Seventh day:

  • first breakfast - fat-free curd mass or casserole with dried apricots, green tea with biscuits;
  • second breakfast - zucchini-pumpkin puree, jelly;
  • lunch - veal soup, steamed rice with carrots, compote;
  • afternoon snack - buckwheat on the water with the addition of carrots, tea with dry unsweetened biscuits;
  • dinner - steamed fish meatballs, mashed potatoes on the water, you can flavor it with a small piece of butter, tea with crackers.

The main goal of the first week of the diet after the removal of appendicitis is to restore the functions of the organs of the digestive apparatus.

The next two weeks of the diet are very milestone during the patient's rehabilitation. Even with a quick recovery and recovery, you can not return to the usual menu.

The second postoperative week of the diet begins with the gradual addition of fruits or steamed dried fruits to the diet. In cereals, you can add a small piece of butter or a small amount of low-fat cream or milk every day.

At the end of the second week of the diet, pasta, spaghetti, cheese soufflé are introduced into the menu. Boiled fish and casseroles made from cottage cheese or vegetables should also be present in the diet.

In the third week of the diet, the menu includes rich bakery products without sweet fillings, you can start adding a little salt to the dishes. But fatty, spicy and spicy foods should still be completely excluded from the diet.

In the third week, there is no need to grind food. With a normally flowing rehabilitation period, the organs of the digestive system are already able to digest food themselves.

Doctors recommend starting to introduce all prohibited foods into the daily menu only four weeks after the operation and following the recommended diet, provided wellness patient. In this case, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the body itself.

The duration of the diet that should be followed after surgery to remove appendicitis is determined by the doctor in each case individually, based on the patient's state of health. Nutritionists focus on the fact that you should leave the diet gradually, this will help prevent a sharp overload of the organs of the digestive apparatus, while they warn that:

  • overeating or starvation should be completely excluded;
  • any prohibited types of products should be introduced into the menu in small portions and separately from the permitted dishes approximately 1-1.5 months after the operation and after the postoperative sutures have completely healed.

The diet after surgery to remove appendicitis and strict adherence to simple nutritional rules will allow you to gradually return to the patient's usual diet without negative consequences and with the full functioning of the digestive tract.

The main thing to learn is that the diet should be balanced and easily digestible. For self-discipline, it is better to fix everything on paper so as not to deviate from the system and not harm your health. The list of recommended products includes:

  1. Low-fat broths and vegetable soups are the basis of nutrition.
  2. Kashi: buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Can be combined with vegetables and mushrooms.
  3. Puree soup is the perfect dinner. You can grind the ingredients in a blender or grind through a sieve.
  4. Fish, poultry or lean meat as a second course.
  5. Garnish: cereals, vegetables, pasta or potatoes.
  6. Fruits and berries. For those who have undergone surgery, citrus fruits, peaches, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries are recommended.
  7. Milk products. It is important that the products are low fat.

Do not neglect liquid. It will be useful to drink plenty of clean water, rosehip broth, jelly and green tea.

Food should be boiled, steamed or baked.

Following the above, we can conclude:

  • food should be in liquid or pureed form;
  • products need to be boiled, baked or steamed;
  • eat up to 6 times a day;
  • drink plenty of fluids.

All salty, smoked, fried, spicy dishes, mayonnaise and sauces should be excluded. Also banned are fatty fish, meat and dairy products, products that lead to gas formation, pastries and confectionery.

The diet can include:

  • light vegetable broths and soups;
  • porridge on the water;
  • vegetable side dishes and pasta;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • healthy sweets: honey, dried fruits, marshmallows;
  • berries and fruits;
  • green tea, rosehip, kissel, jelly.

After a month of following such a diet, you can safely move on to normal nutrition. However, in any case, this should be done gradually. It is recommended to add one new product per day to the diet.

As is known, from malnutrition The liver suffers the most. In order not to load it with medications after the operation, it is recommended to follow the diet Table number 5 according to Pevzner.

Diet Table number 5 according to Pevzner after removal of appendicitis implies adhering to the following rules:

  • The menu of the therapeutic diet should be dominated by protein products and keep carbohydrates and fats to a minimum;
  • After the removal of appendicitis, the diet "allows" to eat dishes exclusively in steam, crushed or pureed form. That is, any food that contributes to the load of the body is prohibited;
  • Mandatory six meals a day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner and three snacks in between. Portions should be small.

The following foods are acceptable in the diet after appendectomy:

  • wheat products from flour of the first and second grade;
  • meat and fish pastries;
  • pies with apples or cottage cheese;
  • beef, lamb, pork, chicken, rabbit and turkey meat;
  • boiled sausages;
  • lean fish: cod, pollock, crucian carp, salmon, perch, trout;
  • soups based on cereals and vegetables;
  • kefir, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • omelets;
  • raw and stewed vegetables: tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, carrots, peas, cabbage;
  • dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins;
  • fruits and berries: strawberries, raspberries, apples, peaches, apricots, pineapples, kiwi, citrus fruits;
  • fruit and berry kissels, compotes and juices, rosehip broth, tea, coffee with milk;
  • jelly, marmalade, jam, honey.

Menu by day

First week of diet after appendectomy


  • Breakfast: a cup of lemon tea with cookies - 2 pcs.;
  • Lunch: low-fat chicken broth;
  • Dinner: 200 ml natural fat-free yogurt.
  • oatmeal with dried fruits Orange juice;
  • vegetable soup puree;
  • buckwheat and kefir.
  • millet porridge with prunes, berry jelly;
  • 250 g of boiled rice, a glass of fat-free kefir;
  • cereals, a glass of warm milk.
  • toast, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese and coffee with milk;
  • soup-puree from cabbage and broccoli;
  • stewed peppers with onions - 150 g, fresh orange juice.
  • millet porridge with dried apricots, coffee with milk;
  • 200 g boiled chicken meat, tomato juice;
  • buckwheat porridge, multifruit juice.
  • cottage cheese with raisins - 150 g and a glass of apple compote;
  • fruit casserole with low-fat yogurt;
  • 150 g boiled chicken meat, kefir.


  • toast with honey and a cup of unsweetened black tea;
  • baked beef with zucchini and pepper - 200 g, cherry juice;
  • buckwheat, fresh citrus fruits - 250 ml.

Meals for the first 3 days

Recovery after surgery: procedures and means

  • monitoring the patient's condition: measuring temperature, examining sutures, detecting bleeding, monitoring well-being;
  • performing body detoxification;
  • control over the restoration of physiological functions.

According to the doctor's indications, exercises are prescribed. Complexes and classes are selected individually. Use the following recovery methods:

  • medical gymnastics;
  • breathing exercises - develop chest breathing, pay attention to exhalation;
  • massage - pay attention to the limbs, back and chest.

In addition, drugs are used to eliminate pain and prevent the development of complications.

Medicines used in the postoperative period - table

The action of drugs Preparations
  • Narcotic (with severe pain) - Butorphanol, Promedol, Nalbufin;
  • non-narcotic analgesics (for mild pain or concomitant diseases, during which it is forbidden to use narcotic drugs) - Paracetamol, Tramadol.
Elimination of pathogens
  • Cephalosporins (ceftazidime, ceftriaxone) or levofloxacin;
  • Amikacin, Ornidazole.
Elimination of toxic substances
Prevention of complications (thromboembolism, ulceration)
  • Anticoagulants that inhibit the activity of the blood coagulation system and prevent the formation of blood clots - Clexane;
  • blockers of gastric secretion - Omez, Kvamatel.

Diet recipes after appendicitis

Soup with meatballs


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • low-fat minced meat - 200 g.

Bring the water to a boil. My carrots and potatoes, peel, cut into cubes and throw into the water. We form meatballs from minced meat, lower them into the water to the vegetables. We cook everything until done.

Do you know diet recipes after appendicitis? It's not worth doing anything special. The diet should be habitual, but without the content of fatty meat and fish. Avoid carbonated drinks and sugary foods. If we are talking about soups, then they should contain only healthy ingredients.

These include carrots, beets, zucchini, peppers and onions. Potatoes should be postponed, the high content of starch can adversely affect the recovering body. If we are talking about second courses, then it is advisable to give preference to cereals, but exclude peas.

In fact, there are quite a few recipes, but only the attending physician is able to give his recommendations, which will need to be followed. A diet after appendicitis should help the body recover, and not harm.

Here is an approximate diet menu after appendicitis for one day, which can be used 1-2 weeks after the operation.

First breakfast. Oatmeal boiled in water, mashed; freshly prepared grated cottage cheese; green tea.

Lunch. Rosehip decoction.

Dinner. Meat broth with semolina; meat steam meatballs; mashed rice porridge on water; jelly from sweet fruits and berries.

afternoon tea. A decoction of dried blueberries.

Dinner. Buckwheat porridge on the water, wiped; steam omelet; green tea.

For the night. Warm kissel.

For example, here are popular diet recipes after appendicitis.

Meatballs steamed with rice

Turn beef (100 g) three times through a meat grinder, rinse rice (20 g) and boil. Rub the cooled rice and combine with minced meat, salt and mix well. Cut the resulting mass into meatballs and steam until tender.

Pike perch with steamed butter

Steam pike perch (120 g) for 35-40 minutes. Melt butter (5 g) and pour it over the finished fish.


This diet has only one drawback. This diet is not balanced. It cannot be followed for a long time, it is used only under the supervision of a doctor.

There were no contraindications to the diet. However, when prescribing a diet, the doctor examines the patient's condition and adjusts the menu.

It is important to make it as useful as possible for the patient; this requires individual adjustments.

Acute and chronic forms of appendix inflammation are the main indicators when the appendix is ​​removed. The condition is characterized by pronounced symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain syndrome from the source.
  • Increased body temperature.

In addition to inflammation of the appendix, the indications for using laparoscopic surgery are:

  • Mucocele.
  • Neoplasms of a benign type, cyst, worms.
  • Tumors caused by carcinoid lesions of organs.

The operation is possible in the following cases of concomitant diseases:

  • Diagnostics does not allow to confirm or exclude the inflammatory process. In this case, the operation from a diagnostic turns into a therapeutic one.
  • Women childbearing age with unclear symptoms that do not clearly separate the inflamed process and gynecological disorders. Medical statistics indicate that almost half of patients with suspected appendicitis had an appendectomy unreasonably. At the same time, the case of adhesive process, which occurs as a complication, provoked infertility.
  • Patients with diabetes and obesity, when a full incision will lead to a purulent complication.
  • Childhood. Due to the minimally invasive method, the occurrence adhesive disease minimized.

If there are indications, then there are contraindications for this surgical intervention:

  • kidney disease, liver dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy in the last months.
  • Blood diseases leading to poor clotting.

Contraindications are pathologies located at the site of the proposed operation:

  • Increased density of inflammatory products clustering within and near the process.
  • Adhesion processes.
  • Accumulation of gases in the appendix. When you try to remove it, it can lead to a violation of the integrity of the process, touching nearby organs, provoking the development of peritonitis. The blood vessels and walls of the intestinal tract are also at risk.
  • Peritonitis in advanced form.

Appendicitis with complications: dietary features

A patient who refuses to follow a diet complicates the recovery process. Serious complications may develop threatening health and even life. If you do not follow the diet and diet, the patient faces:

  • Complication with peritonitis due to divergence of sutures on the walls of the intestine, after removal of the appendix.
  • The occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to complications during recovery, weak immunity, infection with prohibited foods. If complications are suspected, repeated surgical intervention, removal of neoplasms or adhesions is possible.

Compliance with the basics of proper nutrition is shown not only in emergency situations. Even before surgery, patients who eat rationally recover faster and easier than those accustomed to heavy and coarse food. Well, if the appendix was removed, dieting will bring a speedy recovery.

  • bleeding;
  • sepsis;
  • collapse;
  • kidney failure;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • ultimately, death.

All of them require immediate resuscitation.

The second is postoperative. It is less dangerous and usually does not require repeated surgery.

These consequences include adhesions, hernias, disruption of the intestines. Women may have difficulty conceiving a child.

Phlegmonous appendicitis is fraught with the occurrence dangerous consequences. In the event of an untimely medical care the following complications may develop:

  • widespread or local peritonitis;
  • perforation of the appendix;
  • sepsis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • purulent inflammation and thrombus formation in the veins of the liver (pylephlebitis);
  • appendicular infiltrate.

Among the frequent consequences of the pathological condition, destructive changes in the organ are also distinguished, which leads to the development of gangrenous appendicitis.

Phlegmonous-ulcerative appendicitis is also considered a dangerous complication, in which a purulent process develops when the process of the caecum is affected by ulcers. Some complications can be fatal.

Thus, phlegmonous appendicitis is a dangerous pathology leading to serious consequences. Its difference from other varieties lies in the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the absence of destructive changes.

The lack of immediate medical care for the gangrenous and gangrenous-perforative type of the disease can lead to extremely life-threatening consequences, such as:

  • the formation of purulent abscesses in different cavities of the pelvis;
  • purulent peritonitis - a large-scale inflammatory process in the peritoneum, which, without urgent medical intervention, leads to sepsis and death of the patient;
  • septic type thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins with the formation of thrombotic formations.

How appendicitis develops - video

Gangrenous appendicitis is one of the most complex shapes inflammation of the appendix, in which the risk of death is high. At the first suspicion of the development of a problem, you should consult a doctor, because the only way treatment of the disease - surgery and strict rules during the recovery period.

If the diet is not followed after appendectomy, the development of extremely severe and dangerous complications for the patient is possible:

  • divergence of postoperative intestinal sutures, leading to the development of peritonitis and, as a result, a second operation;
  • slowing down the recovery of the patient, dangerous occurrence other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If peritonitis is added to appendicitis, the operation to remove it becomes much more difficult. Of course, after such a serious intervention, the recovery will be longer and more difficult. The diet for appendicitis aggravated by peritonitis should be as gentle and light as possible.

The basic principles of the diet will be exactly the same as with the usual removal of appendicitis, but with some differences:

  1. Nutrition with peritonitis should be made as rich as possible in vitamins.
  2. Sour vegetables and potatoes are prohibited.
  3. Citrus fruits and sour berries are an indispensable component of a therapeutic diet.
  4. Preference should be given to fruits such as pears, bananas and apples. They contain a large amount of sugar and are prohibited in ordinary appendicitis.

The therapeutic diet of a patient after phlegmonous appendicitis is compiled exclusively by a doctor based on the patient's condition and some of his eating habits. The menu in this situation, as with ordinary appendicitis, should consist of liquid consistency cereals, soups, stewed vegetables and cottage cheese - those foods that are enriched with useful substances.

Timely intervention of surgeons reduces the likelihood of complications. The most dangerous conditions occur if left untreated:

  1. Internal bleeding. In this case, assigned reoperation.
  2. Violation of the patency of the intestine.
  3. The development of inflammation in the abdominal cavity (peritonitis). When it is detected, surgical intervention is prescribed with the treatment of the abdominal cavity with antiseptic solutions;
  4. The development of an abscess (suppuration). The patient's body temperature rises, health worsens. An abscess also refers to the indications for re-intervention by the surgeon.
  5. An intestinal fistula is a hole in the intestinal wall. As a result of the formation of a fistula, the surface of the intestine communicates with the internal organs.
  6. Thrombophlebitis of the portal vein. The complication leads to problems with the functioning of the digestive system - the outflow of blood from the organs is disturbed.

Gangrenous appendicitis is dangerous for the health and life of the patient. For children, the condition is the greatest threat, as the pathology develops very quickly. You can avoid the appearance of the disease, for this you need to visit a doctor when the first signs of appendicitis occur.

If gangrenous appendicitis is operated on before spontaneous rupture of the appendix, then this does not threaten the patient. The only thing that is noted a little more often than with other forms of appendicitis is suppuration of the postoperative wound.

But in case of refusal of the operation, in all cases, severe consequences develop:

    Perforation of the appendix with leakage of purulent contents and feces into the abdominal cavity;

    Self-amputation of the appendix (its complete detachment from the caecum);

    Purulent and purulent-fecal peritonitis;

    Abdominal sepsis;

    Multiple abscesses of the abdominal cavity and pelvis;

    Sepsis and pylephlebitis (spread of purulent infection into the systemic circulation).

All these conditions are characterized by a progressive and fulminant course, causing extremely severe intoxication with multiple organ failure. Such pathological changes end in irreversible disruption of the functioning of vital systems and the death of the patient.

Postoperative prognosis for patients

After the cause of peritonitis has been eliminated, the patient needs specific care.

He must be constantly monitored. The person who watches the patient should evaluate the respiratory rate every hour, as well as measure the pulse, diuresis and central pressure in the veins.

Some medical support and special therapy is needed. A colloid or crystalloid solution is administered intravenously, which is preheated.

This is done so that the patient's body temperature does not fall.

Three days ventilation is carried out. Thus, all organs and tissues receive enough oxygen for full functioning. The body is supported with glucose, the intestines are launched.

To prevent the onset of pain, narcotic drugs are used that are combined with anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, a patient may be prescribed morphine, fentanyl, ketorolac, and others.

Relapses after a properly performed operation are rare. To completely protect yourself from them, you need to adhere to a special diet and lifestyle.

The need for a diet

An inflammatory process that develops in the appendix of the large intestine leads to appendicitis. This disease is most often acute and requires urgent surgical intervention.

The period of adherence to the diet after the removal of the appendix is ​​from 3 to 4 weeks. The goals pursued by the diet are two. A sparing diet protects the colon from additional stress. This is the first. Second, the pressure on postoperative sutures and the wound heals better.

The diet for the remaining three weeks after the operation is based on the observance of simple rules. Here they are.

  • Salt and spices are also prohibited in the first month after the operation.
  • It is wiser to refuse unleavened milk, beans and legumes in order to avoid the formation of gases.
  • The average size servings - 200 g.
  • You can not enter into the menu at the same time more than two products per day.
  • Can be introduced into the diet Rye bread.
  • Honey, low-fat cottage cheese and marshmallows are also introduced in consultation with the doctor.

If the patient ignores the recommendations, does not follow a sparing diet and reduced stress, this can lead to a number of negative consequences. This is fraught with improper overgrowth of sutures after removal of the appendix, the development of adhesions and even inguinal hernia.

The duration of the diet Table 5 according to Pevzner after removal of appendicitis can vary from a week to a month, depending on the degree of overgrowing of the sutures and physiological features person.

Within 12 hours after the completion of the operation to remove the appendix, experts strongly recommend not to consume anything, only to moisten the patient's lips with a small amount of water. Further, over the next two days, try to observe frequent fractional meals with low-fat broths and soups.

Usually, after removal of appendicitis, the patient is prescribed bed rest followed by a therapeutic diet for only seven days, since the operation to remove appendicitis is not considered difficult and does not lead to any unpleasant consequences for the human body.

In some cases, if during the above period after the removal of appendicitis, the sutures are poorly overgrown, or the patient's state of health has deteriorated sharply, the therapeutic diet is extended until complete recovery.

What happens if you break the diet?

Surely you are interested in the question of the consequences of violating the rules of the diet after the removal of appendicitis. Indeed, many, especially children, do not fully understand the whole essence of this kind of diet and immediately return to their usual diet.

Violation of the therapeutic diet after removal of appendicitis threatens you with a deterioration in well-being, nausea, vomiting, too slow wound healing and other unpleasant health consequences. Therefore, a special postoperative therapeutic diet in no case should you violate, interrupt, or replace the obligatory products on the menu with your favorite ones.

Diet after removal of appendicitis is a mandatory measure designed to strengthen immunity after surgery and smooth transition of the patient from medical nutrition to the usual one for a certain amount of time. As mentioned above, it can be from a week to a month.

  1. Regime compliance. Adults are primarily shown fractional nutrition. Its essence is reduced to frequent meals in small portions. It is prescribed to eat at least 5-6 times a day. But at the same time, the volume is significantly reduced. This is necessary for maximum well-coordinated work intestines, so that there is no overflow, bloating, gas formation. All of this can affect recovery stage. In some cases, the walls at the site of the operation may grow worse. In addition, after the operation, the patient should lie in bed. Lying position negatively affects peristalsis.
  2. Mandatory heat treatment. After appendicitis is cured, therapeutic nutrition involves eating only boiled and steamed food. In the first three days, food can only be consumed in liquid form or pureed. After three days, you can carefully introduce liquid cereals, mashed potatoes, souffled foods and omelettes.
  3. Room temperature food. The patient should not take cold or hot food. All foods must be at room temperature. When drinking hot soup or cold water, there may be a spasm of the digestive organs. In this case, the divergence of the seams or uneven fusion is possible. Complications are not excluded.
  4. Salt minimum. The maximum daily salt intake is reduced to 8 g per day. A larger amount affects the patient's condition negatively, the blood becomes thicker, decay products that are unnecessary for the body during digestion are retained, and the healing of incision sites slows down when the appendix is ​​removed.
  5. You can't eat sweets. Fast carbohydrates overload the digestive organs of a fragile organism. Children should replace sweets with permitted foods in the form of sweet bananas and baked apples.
  1. Refusal of alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol after the operation. Surgical intervention suggests antibacterial drugs, and alcohol makes their use useless. In addition, under the influence of alcohol, the process of healing and fusion of the walls at the incision sites slows down.

To recover faster, you need to drink plenty of water. Fluid will help you recover metabolic processes. Food is consumed only in small portions.

The patient needs to lie down and rest a lot. You can’t lift weights, play sports, you can only walk in the fresh air.

You should drink vitamin teas, decoctions, they will fill the body with vitamins, and allow you to quickly recover.

  • Fractional food intake. About 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small so that after eating a slight feeling of hunger remains. This will help unload the digestive tract and prevent the divergence of the seams.
  • Cooking should be done by boiling or steaming.
  • Allowed products must have the appropriate consistency. During the first week, food is acceptable in the form of liquid and pureed semi-liquid mixtures. In the second week, you can eat steam omelets, purees, soufflés, slimy porridges and soups.
  • Gradual addition of new products. The introduction of dishes should be carried out in stages, with ingredients previously used separately.
  • The temperature of the dishes should be 37-38 degrees, as chilled and hot food can provoke a spasm of the digestive tract.
  • Salt should be consumed in a minimum amount (no more than 8 g per day). It is better to completely abandon this ingredient for a while. Sodium chloride causes thickening of the blood, promotes the retention of decay products, and slows down the healing of wounds.
  • Refusal to drink alcohol is an integral part of the diet, as alcohol inhibits the process of tissue regeneration.

How long the diet lasts is determined by the doctor. It depends on the type of appendicitis, complications after surgery, the method of performing the operation, and the characteristics of the recovery process of the body.

On average, proper nutrition should be strictly observed for several months. This period is reduced if laparoscopy was performed. This manipulation differs from a conventional appendectomy in that the incision is much smaller, therefore, tissue healing is faster.

Nutrition after laparoscopy is based on a diet that is equivalent in terms of dietary restrictions to conventional surgery.

In general, the duration of dietary nutrition depends on the pace of recovery processes, the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people are almost completely able to return to their normal diet within a few weeks after surgery.

In general, it is advisable to stick to a fairly strict diet during the first month, the rest of the products should be gradually included in the diet, you should not rush. In a few weeks, the body usually has time to recover.

In general, if you follow all the doctor's recommendations after removing the appendix, there should be no complications. It is worth remembering that diet food is enough important aspect full recovery. If you do not follow the diet, the likelihood of complications after surgery increases.

In addition, food after appendicitis should be boiled or steamed. Dishes are recommended to be served only in liquid or semi-liquid form, thoroughly wiped. Later, more solid dishes, slimy porridges and pureed meat are introduced. Other features of the diet should be considered:

  1. Stepping, that is, the menu should be carried out systematically. At certain stages, not only individual products are introduced, but also new dishes.
  2. Temperature indicators of food, which should not be cold or hot. Any deviation from the warm temperature can provoke vomiting, cramps and other undesirable consequences.
  3. Fluid intake - up to two liters per day. This not only helps to eliminate toxins, but also speeds up the healing process of the stitches. It is noteworthy that with inflammation, experts insist on increasing the amount of water to three liters.
  4. The consumption of salt and alcohol (especially the latter) is minimized. Salt can be used in an amount not exceeding eight grams for 24 hours, while alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.

What can you eat

In order for nutrition after appendicitis surgery to be correct, only healthy and permitted foods should be consumed. For example, yesterday's or dried bread, as well as dry types of cookies (from the third day after laparoscopy).

Acceptable after laparoscopic removal of appendicitis lean fish species without skin, cereals such as semolina, rice, oatmeal. In addition, you can eat strained chicken broths, slimy soups made from oatmeal and semolina. Will be useful:

  • soft-boiled eggs, as well as steamed scrambled eggs;
  • milk of a minimum degree of fat content from the fourth day, as well as chopped cottage cheese, natural yoghurts;
  • berry compotes, jelly, soufflé, as well as jelly from sweet fruits;
  • natural types of honey and jam, sugar;
  • unsalted butter and vegetable oil.
  • Sausage, fatty and heavy meat - goose, duck, pork.
  • Mushrooms - they contain chitin, it negatively affects the work of the intestines.
  • Mustard, spices, pepper, mayonnaise - these products irritate healing scars.
  • Sweets, cakes, pastries.
  • Coffee, soda, energy drinks, alcohol.

The appendix can become inflamed in people of different age groups, but children are most often faced with such a pathology. In almost all cases, patients are treated surgically, after which they need to undergo rehabilitation, in particular, switch to special nutrition. The diet after the removal of appendicitis provides for a number of restrictions, due to which patients quickly return to their usual way of life.

Nutrition rules

The diet after surgery to remove appendicitis should be prescribed to patients by attending physicians. Its duration is two weeks, subject to timely surgical treatment. In the event that patients have developed serious complications, the diet after appendectomy should be observed for at least a month.

After surgery, patients are given the following recommendations: and:

  1. With appendicitis complicated by peritonitis, people are shown to drink chamomile decoction, which has natural antibacterial properties.
  2. During meals, you need to absorb warm food, so that it will be faster digested and absorbed by the body.
  3. This category of patients shows fractional nutrition. The number of meals should be up to six times a day. People should eat in small portions, chewing each slice thoroughly.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to include fried foods in the menu after appendicitis. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to use the following culinary techniques: boiling, steaming.
  5. Patients should drink plenty of clean water every day daily dose should not be less than one and a half liters. In addition to water, you can drink homemade compotes, herbal decoctions, teas, freshly squeezed juices.
  6. Experts do not recommend heavily salting dishes, as well as using seasonings, sauces, ketchups, mayonnaises and other types of dressings to improve their taste.
  7. To facilitate the work of the digestive tract, dishes must be pureed or chopped in any way possible. Thanks to this consistency, the food lump will not provoke constipation.
  8. All foods that can provoke increased gas formation should be excluded from the diet of patients. In this case, we are talking about legumes, milk.
  9. People should avoid eating foods that are high in fiber. Foods that can provoke intestinal inflammation should not be included in the diet. The list should be replenished with pickled, spicy, smoked, salty, sour, fatty and fried foods.

What Fruits, Vegetables and Other Foods Can You Eat After an Appendectomy?

The diet after remote appendicitis in adult patients has some features:

First 12 hours after surgery

The patient cannot eat or drink. Such a ban is due to the fact that during this time period he will come out of anesthesia. If you feed or drink him, he will vomit, which can aggravate the condition. When the patient experiences intense thirst, he can moisten his lips with a wet cotton swab

Second 12 hours after surgery

It is possible to restore strength and relieve inflammation by giving a person a low-fat broth cooked from homemade chicken to drink. It is allowed to use biscuit cookies, weak and not sweetened tea, home-brewed fruit jelly

2nd and 3rd day after appendix removal

In the absence of complications, a person can be introduced into the diet of mashed potatoes, boiled in water and without the presence of oil. Experts recommend feeding patients mashed pumpkin or zucchini, which were previously subjected to heat treatment. The menu should be diversified with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, light vegetable soup-puree, croutons. During this period, the use of chopped dietary meat, for example, turkey, chicken, rabbit meat, is already allowed.

Starting from the fourth day after the removal of the appendix, people can be introduced into the diet and other products.

The menu is allowed to diversify:

  • baked apples;
  • porridge cooked in water, from oatmeal, rice cereal, buckwheat (to improve the taste, you can add a small slice of butter);
  • fat-free kefir;
  • boiled or steamed carrots, which is desirable to puree;
  • low-fat boiled or steamed fish (for example, pike perch, pike);
  • compote cooked from dried fruits;
  • boiled dietary meat (a small slice is allowed per day, which is desirable to grind);
  • rosehip broth;
  • boiled and chopped vegetables, for example, zucchini, potatoes, beets, pumpkin;
  • fat-free and unsweetened cottage cheese.

  • peaches;
  • oranges;
  • marshmallow;
  • figs;
  • strawberries
  • dates;
  • raspberries;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • honey and bananas (they should be entered into the menu very carefully).

What is forbidden to eat

This list should be completed:

  • pancakes;
  • scrambled eggs and omelettes;
  • potato pancakes made from potatoes;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • black and red pepper;
  • horseradish;
  • fatty varieties of fish;
  • mustard;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty varieties of poultry and meat;
  • fat;
  • dried, smoked and salted fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • any kind of preservation;
  • garlic and onions that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • legumes;
  • borscht;
  • mushroom, fish soups, fish soup;
  • homemade milk;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • dumplings;
  • sausages, both smoked and boiled;
  • sweet soda;
  • fresh bakery products;
  • pasta;
  • shrimp;
  • cheeses;
  • coffee;
  • sweets and other confectionery;
  • jam;
  • rolls;
  • ice cream;
  • persimmon;
  • condensed milk;
  • grenades;
  • nectarines and other very sweet fruits.

Weekly menu

Ration for Monday:

  1. Dry cookies and a glass of tea, without the presence of sugar.
  2. A cup of apple juice.
  3. A portion with a minimum % fat content of broth made from homemade chicken. One or two crackers. You can supplement the meal with oatmeal or rice porridge cooked in water, in which neither butter nor salt is added. A cup carrot juice or tea without sugar.
  4. A glass of juice, chamomile tea or unsweetened tea.
  5. A portion of zero-fat yogurt and a few biscuits.

Schedule for Tuesday:

  1. A bowl of oatmeal boiled in water, without the presence of salt. You can use barley, wheat or buckwheat. A cup of homemade jelly, cooked from seasonal or frozen berries (fruits), a few biscuit cookies.
  2. A glass of juice, unsweetened tea or compote brewed from dried fruits.
  3. Pureed vegetable soup boiled in chicken broth. An addition to the meal can be chopped potatoes with a grated slice of boiled meat. To improve the taste of dishes should be through greens, such as parsley or dill. A glass of dried fruit compote.
  4. A cup of homemade fruit and berry jelly or natural zero-fat yogurt.
  5. A bowl of porridge cooked in water, made from buckwheat, oatmeal, barley or rice groats. No oil or salt should be added to it. A glass with zero% fat content of kefir.

Ration for the environment:

  1. A portion of slightly salted porridge, boiled in water from wheat groats. One hard boiled egg, A cup of unsweetened tea with biscuits or crackers.
  2. A glass of tea or apple juice. Two crackers.
  3. A bowl of chicken broth, with the addition of chopped herbs, or vegetable soup. A serving of lightly salted rice porridge. A cup of homemade compote.
  4. A glass with zero% fat content of kefir or homemade jelly. A few biscuit cookies.
  5. A slice of boiled or steamed low-fat fish, a serving of wheat porridge cooked in water. A small amount of zero-fat cottage cheese seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt.

Thursday Ration:

  1. A bowl of porridge made from oatmeal, without the presence of oil. A cup herbal tea.
  2. A glass of homemade jelly or natural yogurt, a few crackers, or biscuit cookies.
  3. Boiled or steamed puréed zucchini (it can be replaced with pumpkin or carrots), steamed chicken cutlet. Cup of apple compote.
  4. A glass of natural unsweetened yogurt.
  5. Stewed vegetables, a small slice of boiled or steamed rabbit or veal. A cup of tea with one marshmallow.

Friday Ration:

  1. Barley porridge boiled in milk diluted with water, with a small slice of butter. A cup of unsweetened tea with a toasted bread slice or dry biscuit.
  2. Cottage cheese and carrot casserole, homemade dried fruit compote or jelly.
  3. Vegetable or rice soup cooked in chicken broth. Pureed pumpkin and a few fish cakes (steam). A cup of unsweetened green tea with a toasted bread slice.
  4. A glass of zero-fat yogurt or kefir.
  5. A bowl of buckwheat porridge, one steamed chicken cutlet. Cup of tea.

Saturday Ration:

  1. Cottage cheese soufflé or a bowl with zero% fat content of cottage cheese, with the addition of a spoonful of low-fat sour cream. A cup of unsweetened tea with dry biscuits.
  2. A glass with a minimum% fat content of yogurt or homemade jelly.
  3. Chicken soup with boiled egg and herbs. Boiled or steamed rice with vegetables, a cup of homemade compote.
  4. Two cheesecakes, a baked pumpkin slice, a glass of zero-fat milk with two cookies.
  5. Baked potatoes with zucchini and a slice of boiled or steamed fish. A cup of herbal tea with dried bread slice.

Sunday Ration:

  1. A bowl of buckwheat porridge, a slice of mild cheese, chamomile tea.
  2. Unsweetened fruit and juice with cookies.
  3. Chicken soup with herbs, with the addition of buckwheat or rice groats. A slice, boiled or steamed, of a low-fat fish. A cup of homemade sour cream.
  4. A glass with a minimum% fat content of yogurt or kefir.
  5. Slice cottage cheese casserole, which can be poured with a spoonful of fat-free sour cream. A cup of dried fruit compote with a toasted bread slice.