Very bad smell from the mouth. Bad breath: causes and treatment

One of the common problems in today's medicine is bad breath. A similar problem of a person causes a number of unpleasant emotions in others, in particular, a persistent disgust for this person. What causes bad breath and how to deal with it?

Causes of bad breath.
It should be noted that bad breath is a pathology that occurs as the body matures and develops. In modern medicine, this condition is known as halitosis. This problem is, in principle, solvable. Usually the treatment process is very simple and effective, it is only necessary to accurately identify the main source of bad breath. Basically, this is an accumulation in the human mouth (on the back of the tongue, around and between the teeth) of white matter, in which a large number of anaerobic bacteria are concentrated (gram-negative anaerobes that live and multiply in an oxygen-free environment). These bacteria secrete chemical compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, cadavrine, putrescine, skatole) that are the source of halitosis. Basically, bacteria begin to release foul-smelling substances after human consumption of proteins - meat, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, cheeseburgers, cereals, nuts, legumes, as well as any desserts based on them. In addition, dead cells of the oral cavity serve as food for bacteria.

In addition to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, the causes of bad breath can be:

  • Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers). In this case, this problem is caused by the pathology of non-closure of the esophageal sphincter, when odors from the stomach penetrate directly through the esophagus into the oral cavity.
  • Intestinal pathology (enteritis and colitis). As a result of inflammatory processes in the intestines, toxic substances enter the bloodstream, which the body removes, including through the lungs, as a result of which bad breath appears.
  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas. The process of the appearance of bad breath is similar to the previous version.
  • Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis). A bad smell occurs against the background of inflammatory processes of a purulent nature.
  • Lung diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, abscess). Inflammatory processes in the lungs proceed with the collapse of the lung tissue, namely the purulent process, which leads to the appearance of this problem.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity (caries). A carious lesion of the teeth or an abscess of the tooth proceeds with the release of purulent bad breath.
  • Violation of oral hygiene. Putrefactive microbes, their active reproduction and activity in the remains of food, poorly eliminated as a result of brushing the teeth and oral cavity, contribute to the production of fetid gases.
The consumption of certain foods (garlic, onions) can also cause this problem. In the process of digestion of food, molecules are formed that are absorbed by our body, after which they are removed from it with the blood stream. These molecules can have a very unpleasant smell, which, when it enters the lungs, arises when exhaled. The unpleasant odor associated with the consumption of certain foods disappears on its own after a few days, that is, when the body removes all the foul-smelling molecules from the body. To get rid of or prevent this problem in this case is not difficult, you just need to limit the consumption of these very products.

Excessive smoking or drinking alcohol is also a cause of bad breath. Basically, the process of its formation is based on nicotine, tar and other substances contained in tobacco smoke. They accumulate on the teeth and soft tissues of a heavy smoker. In this case, the only way to get rid of the problem is by giving up cigarettes. Perfect oral hygiene will help to reduce the smell somewhat, but will not completely eliminate it. In addition, smoking leads to dehydration of the tissues of the mouth, as a result of which saliva somewhat loses its moisturizing and disinfecting effect. From here, dry mouth or xerostomia appears, which also leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Decreased saliva production leads to dry mouth. This is especially noticeable in the morning. As a result, our breath becomes less fresh. By constantly swallowing saliva, we cleanse the mouth of the waste products of the bacteria inhabiting it and of the bacteria themselves. Drying out the mouth significantly reduces the positive effect of saliva, resulting in favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. Chronic xerostomia can occur as a side effect while taking certain medications (antihistamines, drugs that normalize blood pressure, antidepressants, diuretics, tranquilizers, narcotic substances). Over the years, this problem can worsen as the effectiveness of the salivary glands decreases and the composition of saliva changes, resulting in a weakening of the cleansing effect of saliva. Chronic dry mouth or xerostomia contributes to the development of periodontal disease (gum disease).

Periodontal disease can also lead to bad breath. Usually this disease occurs in people over 35 years of age and is a bacterial infection of the soft tissues that surround the teeth. In its advanced form, the disease can give a complication in the form of serious damage to the bone on which the tooth is located. In the active form of the disease, gaps form between the teeth and gums, the so-called "periodontal pockets", where an excessive amount of bacteria is concentrated. These gaps are sometimes very deep, making hygienic cleaning difficult, with the result that accumulated bacteria and their waste products cause bad breath.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract can cause bad breath. This is due to the fact that the mucous secretions accompanying the disease enter the oral cavity from the nasal cavity, and their accumulation leads to the appearance of this problem.

People suffering from sinusitis are forced to breathe through the mouth due to nasal congestion, which in turn leads to dry mouth and, as a result, bad breath. In the process of treating sinusitis, antihistamines are usually prescribed, which also contribute to the drying of the mouth.

It should be noted that the presence of dentures can also adversely affect the freshness of your breath. Whether a bad smell comes from prostheses or not is very easy to find out. You just need to remove them and place them in a closed container for a day. After the specified time, open the container and immediately smell it. Approximately such aroma comes from you during communication with people. In addition, bacteria can also accumulate on the surface of the denture, resulting in bad breath. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly and daily clean them both from the inside and from the outside. Usually, when installing them, the dentist talks about the features of the hygiene of dentures. After cleaning, the dentures should be placed in a container with an antiseptic liquid (whichever doctor recommends).

How to get rid of an unpleasant smell?
When solving the problem of bad breath, most people mask it with chewing gum or mouthwash, unaware that it is represented by volatile compounds. They also do not know that chewing gum negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, and the effect of them is only short-lived. Mouthwashes often lead to disruption of the natural flora in the mouth, which only exacerbates bad breath. There are many other remedies, but doctors most often prescribe CB12, because, unlike others, it does not mask, but neutralizes those very volatile compounds, eliminating an unpleasant odor for a period of at least 12 hours. At the same time, it does not violate the normal flora of the oral cavity, it can be used even by pregnant and lactating women. CB12 is actively used by users of braces and prostheses. For persistent fresh breath, it is recommended to use rinse aid every day.

To deprive the bacteria of nutrients, you should include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet (especially apples and oranges) and limit the consumption of meat. It has been proven that vegetarians have practically no problems with fresh breath. Also of great importance is the correct and timely cleaning of the oral cavity, especially after eating protein dishes. If you do not thoroughly clean the spaces between your teeth every day, where food remains get stuck, you will not be able to cope with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you have a problem with fresh breath, it is recommended to brush your teeth, gums and tongue after each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly and use dental floss. All this will help to keep the oral cavity clean and prevent the appearance of plaque, in which bacteria live that produce unpleasant "aromas".

If you keep your mouth perfectly clean, but the smell from your mouth does not disappear, you should visit a dentist who, if necessary, will teach you how to properly brush your teeth with a toothbrush and help you with the use of dental floss. Unfortunately, even today a large number of people do not properly use these attributes of hygiene. If you have tartar on your teeth, your doctor will quickly and effectively remove it. If periodontal disease is detected, the dentist will prescribe the necessary treatment. In addition, if any other untreated diseases are found that may be the source of bad breath. If, after examining, the dentist does not find anything that could be the source of the problem, he may refer you to a general practitioner for an examination.

To get rid of this problem, it is important, in addition to teeth and gums, to thoroughly clean the surface of the tongue every day. Unfortunately, most of us ignore this procedure, but in vain. After all, it is this procedure that often helps to get rid of this problem without the use of any additional methods. It should be noted that it is necessary to clean the back of the tongue, since the front, in the process of constant movement of the tongue, touches the hard palate and thus cleans itself. Therefore, bacteria that produce malodorous compounds are mainly concentrated on the back of the tongue, which needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

To eliminate unpleasant odors, it is best to use toothpaste, which includes antibacterial substances (chlorine dioxide or cetylpyridone chloride). Such a paste not only cleanses well, but also has a detrimental effect on anaerobic bacteria.

Additional use of liquid mouthwash will help to cope with bad breath. Its composition has antibacterial properties and the ability to neutralize volatile sulfur compounds.

Rinsers can be of several types:

  • containing chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite (kill bacteria and neutralize their secretions);
  • with zinc content (neutralize volatile sulfur compounds);
  • antiseptic (kill bacteria, but do not eliminate odor);
  • with the content of cetylpyridone chloride (reduces the number of anaerobic bacteria).
As mentioned above, the use of mouthwash is necessary in addition to brushing and flossing, since the product itself is not effective, since it cannot penetrate deep into the plaque on the back of the tongue. Rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth will remove any remaining bacteria. The tool should not just be typed into the mouth, but rinsed thoroughly. Before rinsing, it is necessary to say “ah-ah-ah”, which will allow the agent to get to the back of the tongue, where the main part of the bacteria is concentrated. After rinsing, the product should be spit out immediately. Children should not use rinse aid as they may accidentally swallow it.

As an additional means of getting rid of an unpleasant odor, you can use various mints, lozenges, drops, sprays, chewing gums, etc. It is good if these products contain substances such as chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite and zinc, which neutralize volatile sulfur compounds. In addition, mints, lozenges and chewing gum stimulate the production of saliva, which, thanks to its cleansing properties, eliminates bacteria and their waste products from the oral cavity, which means it eliminates bad breath.

Irrigators as a way to get rid of unpleasant odors

Recently, dentists are increasingly advising patients to use irrigators. These are devices that supply a jet of water under pressure, washing out food debris and accumulations of bacteria from even the most inaccessible places.

One of the new models on the Russian market is the stationary irrigator of the German brand ACleon TF600, which has extended functionality. Seven nozzles in the kit allow you to eliminate bacteria even from the most inaccessible places and clean the oral cavity with high quality (including nozzles for the tongue, braces and implants). The ingress of new microorganisms is prevented by the presence of a built-in ultraviolet lamp, a disinfecting nozzle.

An analogue of a stationary irrigator is a portable model of the same brand ACleon TF200. Weighing only 250 grams, it comes in a case and comes with a battery, so you can take it anywhere with you. Use irrigators, and the problem of bad breath will not affect you.

Video: Overview of ACleon TF600 and TF200 irrigators

Additional measures to eliminate unpleasant odors.
Drink more liquid throughout the day. This will reduce the bad odor. Not drinking enough water throughout the day will cause the body to retain water by reducing saliva production. And this will negatively affect the natural cleansing of the oral cavity from bacteria and their secretions. It is especially important to consume plenty of fluids for people suffering from chronic dry mouth (xerostomia).

Rinse your mouth with water several times a day. This will reduce halitosis somewhat by dissolving and washing away the waste products of bacteria.

Constantly stimulate the process of salivation, which will reduce the unpleasant odor. The easiest way is to chew something (mints, propolis, chewing gum, mint, cloves, dill, parsley, etc.). If you prefer chewing gum or mints, you should make sure that they do not contain sugar, as it stimulates the growth of bacteria that cause cavities.

Folk remedies for getting rid of bad breath.
Add three to four teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a glass of water. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid two to three times during the day. Under the influence of active oxygen, formed due to hydrogen peroxide, putrefactive bacteria, which are the cause of an unpleasant odor, die.

For the same purpose, you can use hydroperite (hydrogen peroxide in the form of tablets).

Fresh Siberian cedar needles will help get rid of diseases of the oral cavity and gums (you can use pine or fir henna). It is necessary to chew the needles before the formation of water. In the process of chewing, due to coniferous phytoncides, the oral cavity is disinfected and cleaned of food debris. Two weeks of daily performance of the procedure will eliminate the unpleasant odor forever.

With reduced salivation and severe dryness of the mouth, it is recommended to chew a slice of lemon. This will get rid of the repulsive smell from the mouth for an hour and a half.

Rinsing the mouth with decoctions of infusions of bitter herbs (wormwood, yarrow, tansy) also eliminates unpleasant odors. This is due to the fact that herbs increase the secretion of saliva, which suppresses the pathological microflora, which is the source of an unpleasant odor. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to pour dried and chopped grass (a tablespoon) with a glass of boiling water and insist for fifteen minutes. Rinse your mouth with this infusion two to three times a day.

An infusion of chamomile and calendula has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces inflammation of the tonsils, the back of the pharynx and the root of the tongue, reducing the intensity of bad breath. The preparation of the infusion is similar to the previous recipe.

Tea from lemon and peppermint leaves, rose hips, cumin seeds, thyme herbs give freshness to the breath. Brew grass instead of tea and drink with honey.

Eating walnuts or fennel in the morning will also reduce bad breath.

Rinse the mouth with tincture of St. John's wort (twenty to thirty drops in half a glass of water).

Use an infusion of strawberry leaves: pour two cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw materials and put on fire, cook for twenty minutes, then strain. Drink half a glass daily.

Infuse cranberries in water and consume daily.

Juice, water and alcohol infusion, alcohol tincture, syrup and sea buckthorn oil, taken orally, will help get rid of an unpleasant odor.

The use of infusion of sorrel leaves also solves this unpleasant problem. Pour a tablespoon of fresh leaves with two glasses of water, put on fire and cook from the moment of boiling for fifteen minutes. Then insist the broth for two hours and strain. Drink 50 ml four times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

A decoction of oak bark helps with chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, and bad breath. Rinse your mouth with it two or three times a day for ten minutes.

Smell from the mouth- an unpleasant symptom that a person of any age can face. Halitosis is the medical term for an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Morning breath is a purely physiological phenomenon and is eliminated with an ordinary toothbrush.

In addition, certain foods such as garlic, onions, or cabbage can also be the cause of bad breath. All these manifestations are related to physiological halitosis.

Smell from the mouth

However, more than a quarter of the world's population suffers from pathological bad breath. In this case, neither tons of chewing gum, nor mountains of mint candies, nor newfangled mouth sprays help - the smell still remains unpleasant.

Often its occurrence is associated with the presence of dental problems. In fact, the smell from the mouth does not always indicate diseases of the teeth and gums. In some cases, you can get rid of such a smell on your own, and sometimes you can not do without the help of a specialist.

Causes of bad breath

Chronic bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is most commonly caused by smoking or chewing tobacco, or by improper dental care. Or is it a sign that something is wrong in your mouth:

  • damaged tooth;
  • inflamed gums;
  • tongue disease.

In about 85% of cases, the cause of bad breath is in the mouth. The remaining 25% are accounted for by gastroenterological or respiratory diseases.

If you suffer from bad breath when you wake up in the morning, this may be a sign of dry mouth due to the fact that you breathed through your mouth at night, or you are using certain types of medicine, or maybe everything is explained by some internal disorders.

Halitosis can occur with swelling of the nasopharynx, nasal infection and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

It is caused by tonsillolitis (tonsil stones) - small whitish specks of foul-smelling food debris, dried mucus and bacteria that fill the folds of the tonsils. Enlarged, deeply wrinkled tonsils or frequently recurring tonsillitis are excellent breeding grounds for such deposits. People suffering from these "accumulations" sometimes try to pick them out with cotton swabs or sharp objects, but the situation repeats itself again.

Halitosis can be a sign of serious kidney, liver, and lung disease. Sometimes he warns of intestinal and digestive disorders, including constipation, and indigestion. Any condition that causes frequent vomiting, including bulimia, can cause bad breath.

Although halitosis rarely occurs as a result of stomach problems, it is becoming epidemic among dieters. It's easy to tell if someone is on the Atkins diet or another low-carb, high-protein, or high-fat diet. Almost two-thirds of people who follow one of these diets suffer from bad breath, so they often lose friends along with those extra pounds.

Bad breath is a sign that the body is breaking down fat into ketones, hence the name of this condition - ketosis (elevated levels of ketones). Ketosis is considered a good sign for those who are trying to lose weight, but it can turn into acidosis - an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood, and this is a serious disorder that increases the risk of osteoporosis and kidney stones or something even more serious.

Risk factors for bad breath

The appearance of bad breath can be triggered by temporary factors that change the microflora in the oral cavity or malfunctions of individual organs:

insufficient oral care;
excessive consumption of sweets and foods with a strong odor: onions, garlic, corn, cabbage;
carious teeth, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis;
breathing through the mouth causes dry mouth;
plaque on the tongue;
fungal infection of the tongue, lips, inner side of the cheeks (white “grains”);
metabolic disorders: hereditary diseases, diabetes mellitus;
diseases of the intestines and stomach: gastritis, dysbacteriosis, liver or kidney disease, worms;
the concentration of mucus in the sinus sinuses and nasopharynx: chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, seasonal allergies, adenoids, inflammation of the tonsils - chronic tonsillitis;
increased dryness of the oral mucosa and nasopharynx as a result of long-term medication: antibiotics, nasal drops;
emotional stress (stress, fears) cause drying of the oral mucosa;
pathology of the lungs: bronchitis, bronchitis, abscess.

Diseases in which there is a smell from the mouth

By the smell from the oral cavity, you can determine the disease that causes it.

Bad breath can be a symptom of the following conditions:

How to get rid of bad breath

Getting rid of such an unpleasant symptom is not always easy. To prevent the appearance of odor, you should resort to oral hygiene procedures as often as possible, use special toothpastes and rinses that prevent the rapid growth of bacteria, breath freshening sprays, and chew chewing gum.

Such measures are more likely to mask this symptom, but do not affect the cause of its occurrence, and therefore are ineffective. You can completely eliminate bad breath only by solving the problem of its appearance.

If the problem lies only in the rapid multiplication of bacteria that accumulate on the teeth and gums mainly after eating, it is easy to solve with toothpaste. If there is no opportunity to brush your teeth after eating, you can rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, use dental floss.

Also, the state of the oral cavity and the body as a whole is affected by the nutrition and lifestyle of a person. Regular consumption of healthy food rich in vitamins and various microelements, and the rejection of bad habits contribute to the restoration of the microflora of the oral cavity and, as a result, lead to the disappearance of an unpleasant odor (if its cause does not lie in the presence of pathologies of internal organs). In other cases, only a specialist can help solve the problem of bad breath.

Treatment for bad breath

Before starting treatment, we must clearly establish the cause of the smell. But sometimes only a trial treatment can reveal this cause. The main cause of halitosis is plaque on the tongue. And he, in turn, is a mirror of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to look for and identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by the appearance of plaque on the tongue.

  • exclude sugar in any of its manifestations from your diet;
  • exclude black tea and coffee from the diet;
  • exclude milk and cottage cheese;
  • reduce the content of meat dishes in the diet;
  • increase the content of raw vegetables and fruits, berries.

Make it a rule to eat one apple and one carrot a day. Chewing raw fruits and vegetables loads and strengthens the gums, teeth, chewing muscles, in the thickness of which and under which there are salivary glands, that is, they are massaged and saliva is released. In addition, raw vegetables and fruits mechanically remove plaque from the tongue.

Reception of fermented milk products containing acidophilus bacteria:

  • yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • biolact.

These products saturate the intestines with beneficial bacteria that help a person in immunity and in digestion. This means that the work of pathogenic bacteria is inhibited, which previously caused fermentation and flatulence in the intestines, diarrhea and colic, and also led to a decrease in immunity.


Another important point in the treatment of bad breath is the replenishment of the amount of saliva in the mouth. Or rather, not even so much saliva as moisture in general. Remember who most often has bad breath - teachers, lecturers, teachers of institutes. They talk long and hard every day. As a result, it dries up in the mouth, as a result, anaerobic bacteria develop on the tongue.

In addition, human saliva normally contains a bactericidal substance - lysozyme, which kills various bacteria. And if there is not enough saliva, then there is nothing to kill bacteria with. Therefore, advice to anyone who wants to cure bad breath is to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, that's 10 glasses of water. And in the summer - even more, since most of the moisture also comes out with sweat.

moderate physical activity


Antibiotics are an extremely effective method of treatment, but without proper medical supervision can lead to even more halitosis. The main antibiotics used today in the treatment of halitosis are antibiotics of the metronidazole (Trichopolum) group.

These antibiotics kill anaerobic microbes, which leads to the rapid elimination of bad breath from the mouth. But if a person has not identified the true reason for where anaerobic bacteria began to appear from, then antibiotic treatment will be like “shooting sparrows from a cannon.”

If the causative disease is not cured, then immediately after stopping antibiotics, the smell from the mouth will return with the same force. In addition, self-medication can be harmful.

Folk remedies for bad breath

We can advise you to rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. For example, chamomile - for this, pour a glass of boiling water over three table boats of chamomile flowers, you need to insist for an hour, then strain and rinse.

You can also prepare a mint infusion - half a liter of boiling water, pour a tablespoon of dry mint leaves or a handful of fresh mint leaves, insist for half an hour and filter.

According to research, magnolia bark has the best effect - it helps to get rid of ninety-nine percent of the pathogenic bacteria in your mouth, which bring bad breath with them.

In addition, you can eat certain foods that will help get rid of halitosis. These products include:

  • green tea;
  • chewing gum containing xylitol;
  • yogurt;
  • carnation;
  • parsley.

There are several other popular ways to get rid of bad breath. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tea boats of wormwood, insist this decoction for twenty minutes, filter and rinse your mouth five to six times a day. Or pour a tablespoon of mint with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse this infusion for an hour and strain. You need to rinse four to six times a day.

Bad breath in a child

An unusual or unpleasant smell from the mouth of a child should always attract the attention of parents, such a case cannot be ignored. After all, an unhealthy smell in the mouth is the first sign of some deviations in the well-being of your child. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately understand the causes of such a state.

Causes of bad breath in a child

Child oral hygiene

Feeling a bad smell in a child, parents, of course, turn to the dentist. Careful adherence to all the proposed recommendations will get rid of unwanted bad breath in a child. From childhood, it is necessary to accustom the child to brushing his teeth. To do this, be sure to use only baby paste. All children's pastes are classified according to the age of the children, so you can easily choose the right option.

Violation of the microflora in the mouth and nasopharynx

This cause of bad breath can manifest itself in children in the case of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx or oral cavity. These diseases include untreated caries, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, bronchopulmonary diseases, diseases of the gastric organs. All of these diseases lead to a violation of the microflora in the baby's mouth and, as a result, to a repulsive odor from the mouth in a child.

salivation disorder

Violation of salivation due to problems with the salivary glands, in particular with their functionality. The work of the salivary glands in the body of any person, including a child, is of great importance. Since it is saliva that performs a kind of protective function, as it cleans the oral cavity of germs with each sip. Saliva contains special enzymes, immunoglobulins and many other components that provide many useful functions in the human body. Saliva cleanses and moisturizes the mucous membranes in the mouth, has a bactericidal effect, provides phosphorus and calcium metabolism.

Pathologies in nasal breathing

Far from harmless phenomenon, which is accompanied by rhinitis, adenoiditis. Due to incomplete nasal breathing, the mucous membrane in the mouth dries out, which leads to the same pathological consequences - dry mouth and, as a result, a violation of the microflora, accompanied by an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

Digestive system disorder

Often, such violations can appear in special age periods of children, for example, when the child is growing intensively, and the internal organs do not keep up with it. During this period, an imbalance in the functioning of the digestive system can occur and also lead to a repulsive odor in the mouth.

A specific smell from the mouth in a child can be caused by such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, lung-type diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, abscesses.

Treating bad breath in a child

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons that can induce an unpleasant odor in a child. Therefore, for effective treatment, competent diagnosis is necessary, which can only be performed by a doctor, and therefore there can be no talk of any self-treatment. The very first thing to do if bad breath is found in a child is to consult a pediatrician.

Only a pediatrician can comprehensively approach the solution of this problem.

Questions and answers on the topic "Smell from the mouth"

Question:Hello! What should I do if I have bad breath?

Answer: Hello! There are various causes of bad breath, but in healthy people, the main cause is due to microbial deposits on the tongue, especially at the back of the tongue. Some studies have shown that simply brushing your tongue can reduce bad breath by as much as 70 percent.

Question:Hello! What does the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth mean?

Answer: Hello! The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth appears when air with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide comes out of the digestive tract. This “aroma” is a consequence of the breakdown of protein products. Such a symptom can be observed, for example, with low acidity of gastric juice, as a result of which food is retained in the stomach for a long time and begins to rot. Putrid belching can also occur as a result of banal overeating.

Question:Hello! How to remove bad breath?

Answer: Hello! This is of course a very delicate topic and a big problem for the person who suffers from it. In fact, this unpleasant problem is many. First of all, you need to check the digestive tract, visit the dentist to make sure that you do not have caries, which in turn also causes bad breath. Try using mouthwash, sold in pharmacies, or chewing gum.

Question:Hello! Recently, as a neat person, they began to remark to me that an unpleasant smell comes out of my mouth. I do not want to go to any doctors, because all my teeth are healthy and I go to the dentist regularly. What can be done in my case?

Answer: Hello! The causes of bad breath can be smoking, alcohol, diseases of the teeth and gums, stomach diseases, and sometimes due to certain medications. There are several ways to get rid of this situation: you must thoroughly brush your teeth and gums, and you can even use your tongue (only with a special spatula, and not with the back of a toothbrush), you also need to rinse your mouth, the solution can be prepared like this - 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chamomile with one glass of boiling water, there is also such a solution, we take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark and also pour boiling water, insist and filter and rinse before going to bed. If traditional medicine does not help, you should think about the fact that the cause of the unpleasant odor lies elsewhere and be sure to visit a gastroenterologist.



Question:Hello! For a very long time, in the mornings, I have bad breath and bitterness in my mouth. Whatever I tried, but nothing helps. Everything is in order with my personal hygiene, I brush my teeth, before going to bed too, but the bitterness still remains in the morning ... And it doesn’t go away even after brushing my teeth, but only when I eat something or drink sweet coffee. And now I got married and for me it has become just a tragedy, I try to wake up before my husband, but I understand that this is not an option. Help, please advise what to do.

Answer: Hello. Such problems may be associated with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Have you contacted a therapist? To begin with, in addition to the examination, I would advise you to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and FGDS, and then start from the results obtained.

Ozostomia, or pathological stomatodysonia, is a problem that a person has encountered at least once in his life. Not always the presence of signs of ozostomy is a signal for concern. If they are slightly perceptible or appear extremely rarely, pseudohalitosis can be assumed. This phenomenon is common among children from two to five years old and adolescents, especially during puberty. But it also happens: there is no smell, and not only those around, but also the dentist speaks of absolutely healthy teeth and fresh breath, but the person is sure of the opposite. Perhaps the whole thing is halitophobia - a mental disorder, the treatment of which is carried out exclusively by a psychotherapist. The most reliable way to check if there is an odor in this case is to use a regular cotton thread, which should be set aside for a minute after cleaning, and then brought to the nose.

Unpleasant or putrid odor from the mouth: causes

Before engaging in treatment, it is important to understand how often the smell appears, what it is associated with, whether it is constantly present, or whether this phenomenon is temporary. If the smell appears sporadically, then certain foods can serve as the cause of bad breath.

Usually this can be eating onions, garlic, hot sauces or fatty foods. In this case, the appearance of a putrefactive odor can be completely eliminated by simply brushing your teeth regularly. If the causes of putrefaction in adults are a constant phenomenon and not associated with eating exotic foods, you should be wary.

5 ozostomy factors

Lack of or improper care of the teeth and oral cavity, that is, irregular brushing of the teeth, can cause the development of ozostomia. The remains of foodstuffs used for food are a favorable environment for the reproduction of putrefactive microorganisms and bacteria, the products of vital processing of which are often the cause of ozostomia. Most often, teenagers and young children face this problem.

One of the most important factors of ozostomy can be the presence of viral or infectious diseases. For example: tonsillitis, sinusitis or purulent sinusitis, inflammation of the mucosa, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, food poisoning, caries, tartar, violation of tooth enamel.

It can also be caused by improper or irregular nutrition, eating harmful, poorly digestible foods that are difficult to digest, disruption of the intestines and digestive tract, overeating, irregular stools, and chronic constipation.

Bad habits, such as smoking, cause a violation of the oral mucosa, increased or pathologically reduced salivation, accompanied by dryness, the appearance of ulcers, microcracks, and destruction of tooth enamel. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of various diseases and inflammations of the oral cavity. In this case, brushing and caring for your teeth will not have any effect.

If there is a putrid smell from the mouth, the reasons may not only be due to improper brushing of teeth or smoking, this may be a signal of a more serious disease, such as liver failure.


It is impossible to independently identify the causes of the appearance of ozostomy; only a medical worker can do this after a series of studies. In most cases, it is possible to eliminate the smell on your own, but not for long, since it is not an independent phenomenon, but a symptom of a disease. An untimely visit to a doctor can cause the appearance of new, more serious diseases, especially if the prerequisites for the appearance of the smell were diseases of the digestive tract, intestines or liver. When you find yourself with ozostomia (halitosis), it is very important to understand what could cause putrid breath.

The causes and symptoms of diseases accompanied by halitosis can be divided into several categories according to the type of smell.

Alternative medicine and naturopathy

What to do if there is a putrid smell from the mouth? The causes of this anomaly can only be identified by a doctor. However, to reduce discomfort, leading not only to a change in the taste of food, but also to a restriction of communication, you can do the following:

  • chew coffee beans for three or four minutes or eat one-fourth teaspoon of instant granulated coffee;
  • to eliminate a problem such as ozostomy caused by anaerobic bacteria, Triclosan or Chlorhexidine will help for five to ten hours;
  • regular use of rinses, dental gels and mint toothpastes, as well as cleaning the tongue plate with a special brush, will help get rid of the smell for two to three hours in about eighty percent of cases;
  • decoctions of chamomile, dill, oak bark, yarrow and propolis with daily rinsing help to reduce unpleasant odors;
  • chewing gums and refreshing sprays, according to dentists, have a refreshing effect that can kill the smell, but the effect of them is very short-lived and disappears after ten to fifteen minutes.

Six types of halitosis

First view. The taste of rotten eggs and the smell of hydrogen sulfide may indicate a violation of the digestive system. Another sign of this disease can be bloating, pain, white plaque on the tongue plate. If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor, as the cause of halitosis or ozostomy may be in gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Second kind. A sour taste and smell after eating indicates the appearance of gastritis and requires immediate treatment to a gastroenterologist.

Third kind. The taste of bitterness in the mouth, regardless of the diet and time of eating. It is a sign of a malfunction of the gallbladder and liver. In this case, if there is a putrid smell from the mouth, the causes that caused a violation in the liver, especially if the smell is accompanied by pain in the side, can only be established by a specialist.

Fourth view. The taste of sugar and the smell of acetone. One of the possible manifestations of diabetes. In most cases, it proceeds painlessly and can only be detected in the later stages along with other pathologies. A timely visit to a doctor if you find yourself having stomatodysonia with a taste reminiscent of acetone can save you from a serious illness.

Fifth kind. In diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as cystitis, polyneuritis, stones or inflammation in the urethra, the appearance of a specific taste and smell of ammonia, which does not disappear after eating or hygiene procedures, is not excluded.

Sixth view. If, after a medical examination, no pathologies were revealed, then, perhaps, the whole point is in improper brushing of teeth and tongue.

Dental diseases

Putrid breath, causes and treatment in dentistry, we will consider further. Bleeding gums, plaque on the tongue and teeth, and a missing filling or part of a tooth can contribute to ozostomy. You should not hope that the problem will disappear on its own, as it is only a sign of a more serious disease requiring treatment. First of all, you need to make an appointment with a dentist-therapist.

The first appointment in this case should be to carry out the following procedures: an initial examination of the oral cavity and an assessment of the condition of the teeth and tooth enamel, gum disease, the presence of tartar, testing the smell and identifying its source. After examination and diagnosis, the doctor will identify the pathology, due to which there was a putrid smell from the mouth. Causes and treatments will be described below.


Basically, the treatment consists in the removal or filling of a damaged tooth, as well as the appointment of funds that are optimally suited for high-quality and safe oral care. If, during the diagnosis, the doctor did not reveal signs of dental pathologies or disorders and the current state of the oral cavity could not provoke the appearance of ozostomy, then you should contact a therapist who, after carrying out the necessary procedures and tests, will write a referral to an appointment with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or otolaryngologist. In addition, people suffering from chronic diseases may also experience an unpleasant, slightly noticeable odor during an exacerbation. If the smell appeared after a sore throat, flu or SARS, it is not advisable to conduct a medical examination. In this case, you should consult a doctor and take antiviral drugs as prescribed.

Putrid breath: causes and diagnosis

Having got to a consultative appointment with a dentist, it is necessary to describe the problem as accurately as possible: tell how exactly and how long ago the signs appeared, whether they were accompanied by eating, passed after brushing your teeth or rinsing.

Tell us if white or gums, cheeks or palate was present, if you were treated with antibiotics, hormonal pills, and so on.

halitosis and ulcer

If the problem persists after dental treatment, a more serious condition may be the cause. Putrid smell from the mouth of the cause of an ulcer may have the following: exacerbation of the disease, increased acidity, nausea, vomiting, body temperature above 37 degrees, heaviness in the stomach, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as smoking and alcohol intoxication. All this can be a sign of ozostomy against the background of a local defect in the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines.

Bad breath in children and adolescents

If you notice a putrid breath in a child, the reasons for the appearance may be different. Before you worry, you need to determine the duration and episodic occurrence of an unpleasant odor.

Temporary factor - usually this kind of smell appears when:

  • taking spicy food;
  • non-compliance;
  • viral disease;
  • caries;
  • runny nose or sinusitis;
  • using nasal sprays.

A constant factor indicates the presence of a serious disease that changes the microflora of the body:

  • thrush of the soft palate caused by yeast-like bacteria;
  • chronic sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • stagnation of feces, disruption of digestion;
  • syndrome of chronic hyperglycemia;
  • loss of milk teeth;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • decrease or increase in salivation caused by antibiotics.

Diagnosis of halitosis in children

All of the above factors can be a symptom of a serious illness and cause putrefaction. Causes, diagnosis of the disease can be as follows:

Bad breath, the causes and treatment of this phenomenon worries many adults. This symptom prevents you from freely communicating with others at home, at work, in public places. He always suggests that there are some health problems. In fact this symptom is characteristic of many diseases of internal systems, but not always the reasons for its appearance are dangerous.

The essence of the problem

Bad breath with an unpleasant odor from the mouth is called halitosis. If a person has noticed such a symptom in himself, you should first figure out what kind of problem is taking place:

  • True halitosis is the real presence of a fetid odor that is noticeable to a person and those around him. Disease is the cause.
  • Pseudogalitosis is a condition in which a bad smell is so weak that only the person himself notices it.
  • Halitophobia - it seems to a person that he has a putrid smell from his mouth, but even the dentist does not confirm his presence.

To test for a fetid odor, you can put a tissue on the back of your tongue and sniff it, or test the scent of a used toothpick. There are special sensitive devices for assessing the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas in the exhaled air, which smells unpleasantly of rot and is formed in the body during illness. If the aroma of acid is felt or gives off rotten meat, you should go to the dentist or therapist to find out the causes of the violation.

Causes of halitosis

The causes of bad breath in an adult can be extremely diverse, and it is impossible to determine the pathology only on this basis. Therefore, you need to consider other symptoms that have arisen simultaneously with halitosis:

Possible reasons The nature of the smell Associated symptoms
Dental diseases: caries, periodontitis, stomatitis. A fetid smell with a touch of rot, worse in the morning. Pain in the teeth, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, bleeding.
Diseases of the urinary organs: nephrosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Reminds me of ammonia. Lower back pain, fever, discomfort when urinating.
Sjögren's syndrome. Unpleasant smell, like caries. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes, photophobia, difficulty in swallowing.
Pathologies of the respiratory organs: sinusitis, sinusitis, proliferation of adenoids and polyps, pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, tuberculosis. Purulent smell. Pain in the throat or sinuses, mucus discharge, difficulty in nasal breathing, changes in voice and pronunciation of sounds, plaque on the tonsils.
Liver failure. Rotten smell of spoiled meat or eggs. Light feces, dark urine, yellow mucous membranes and skin, bitter taste in the mouth.
Diseases of the stomach and small intestine: gastritis, ulcer. Sour breath in an adult or child. Stomach pain, heartburn, stomach or intestinal bleeding.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis. Putrid smell. Digestive disorders, accumulation of intestinal gases, flatulence.
Problems with the pancreas, diabetes and diabetes insipidus. Offensive sour smell with an admixture of acetone. Persistent thirst, copious urination, weakness, accumulation of excess weight.

Dental diseases

If the cause of bad breath in an adult lies in dental problems (this happens in 80% of cases), you should consult a dentist. The appearance of a fetid odor indicates that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in carious lesions or under tartar, which cause decay processes. Ignoring the situation will lead to tooth loss due to damage to the internal tissues of the tooth or gums.

With stomatitis, the smell from the mouth also indicates the vital activity of bacteria. The infection can provoke a severe fever, serves as a source of pathogens that can enter any other organ through the bloodstream. For treatment, the doctor will recommend antibacterial medicines, mouth rinses.

Most of the problems found in dentistry have one cause - non-compliance with hygiene rules. It is worth skipping cleaning in the mornings and evenings for two days - and it already stinks from the mouth with rot. Bacteria are not eliminated from the surface of the teeth, they begin to multiply more actively, their waste products accumulate and, together with food, form soft plaque, which then turns into hard tartar. Therefore, you can prevent the appearance of bad breath by observing the rules of hygiene.

Digestive problems

Causes of bad breath in adults associated with the digestive system are very dangerous, but not so common: about 10% of cases. They lead to depletion of the body, impaired immunity, provoke pain, the patient smells sour from the mouth.

If pathogenic bacteria develop in the intestines, they can enter the respiratory and urinary organs and form new foci of infection.

It is impossible to eliminate a rotten smell with such diseases with toothpaste or rinse aid., you must definitely contact a therapist or gastroenterologist who will prescribe treatment:

Liver disease

When people try to find out why the mouth smells rotten and there is an unpleasant taste, diagnostics often reveal liver dysfunction. This gland secretes bile, which has a bitter taste, which causes a periodic sensation of bitterness when gastric contents enter through the esophagus into the throat.

Liver diseases are provoked by various reasons: viral hepatitis, poisoning, alcohol intoxication, irregular meals. Therefore, treatment is developed individually. The doctor may recommend:

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • The appointment of drugs - hepatoprotectors.
  • Dieting.
  • Treatment of viral diseases with antiviral therapy.

Problems with the pancreas

The presence of a bad smell in a woman or a man is always unpleasant, but this symptom sometimes reveals unexpressed diseases in healthy-looking people. This happens when the smell of acetone from the oral mucosa appears. Turning to the doctor, patients may unexpectedly reveal an increase in blood sugar. The aroma of this substance accompanies the breakdown of large amounts of fat in cells that lack available carbohydrates.

The following measures will help reduce the harm of diabetes to the body and fight halitosis:

  • Constant control of sugar levels and timely use of insulin when it rises.
  • Dieting.
  • The use of hypoglycemic agents.

Halitosis in diseases of the respiratory system

In every tenth patient with complaints of bad breath, the causes of the symptom lie in diseases of the respiratory tract. In infections that provoke tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, antibiotic therapy is necessary, and it is better to first identify the type of pathogen. To do this, do bakposev biomaterial.

If pathogenic microorganisms linger and actively multiply due to neoplasms (polyps, adenoids), surgical intervention may be necessary. But not in all cases, doctors consider the operation necessary, the decision is made after a complete diagnosis, taking into account the likely harm and benefit to the patient.

Simultaneously with the treatment of the respiratory system, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity so that the infection does not accumulate on the teeth.

Rare causes of halitosis

The smell of rotten breath, which is caused by problems with the kidneys, other organs, or Sjögren's syndrome, is very rare. But the possibility of their occurrence cannot be ruled out. That is why, in the absence of diseases of the digestive, respiratory system and diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to continue the search for pathology. To establish where the putrid smell from the mouth came from, identify the cause and build a treatment regimen, the following examinations may be needed:

  • Urinalysis.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.
  • Diagnosis of the functions of the glands of the body (salivary, lacrimal).
  • Biopsy of various organs.
  • Immunological examinations.

Temporary halitosis

The causes of putrid breath in adults can be harmless to health. That is why healthy people may experience temporary halitosis that is not associated with organ diseases:

In these cases, you should not worry about the rotten breath, about the causes and treatment. But if the symptom does not disappear with time and is accompanied by other abnormalities, you should consult a doctor.

Urgent symptom relief

It is imperative to treat any disease that causes sour, rotten breath, the smell of rotten eggs. They do not get rid of such diseases in a day, sometimes long-term therapy, special medicines are required. But in life there are situations when you need to get rid of the stench urgently, for example, before a date or a business meeting. If your breath stinks, you can:

  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Thoroughly brush your teeth with mint paste and mouthwash.
  • Chew coffee grains for a few minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with antibacterial drugs (Chlorhexidine).

All of these methods can only temporarily remove the rotten smell from the mouth, the causes of halitosis remain, and after a few hours it returns again. A more effective way to get rid of the smell of rotten or rotten eggs in your mouth is to rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions regularly. To do this, use special pharmaceutical preparations, a decoction of chamomile. Such a procedure will relieve halitosis immediately, but the effect will be more stable.

The causes of bad breath in adults and the treatment options for this symptom are incredibly varied. Halitosis can occur in both healthy and sick people, so diagnosis is always necessary. Especially if the aroma is very sharp, purulent, contains impurities of acetone and ammonia, when a bitter taste joins.

If the mouth stinks in the morning, it means that the person does not take enough care of the oral cavity. To get rid of the manifestation, you should brush your teeth more thoroughly and use natural and pharmacy rinses more often. In case of ailments of the internal organs (liver, stomach, pancreas, tonsils, sinuses), it is necessary to carry out a full treatment, drink the prescribed medicines and, if necessary, perform an operation.