Blood after sex in women causes. Why does blood appear after intercourse in women

Good afternoon Julia!

The situation you describe is quite common among women who are just beginning sexual activity, and what happened to you can be explained by several reasons.

The hymen was not torn

It is probably difficult to find two girls in whom the structure of the hymen would be identical. This thin tissue that covers the entrance to the vagina in virgins has many differences in shape, density, location and number of holes, etc. All these signs are individual and are given to the girl from birth. And often the individual features of the structure of the hymen complicate the process of its elimination during the first sexual intercourse. Moreover, sometimes it is impossible to break the hymen both during the second and third times. Medicine even knows cases when women gave birth to children, being physiologically virgins, and the hymen was eliminated precisely during childbirth.

According to the sensations you describe, it can be assumed that the rupture of the hymen occurred during your second sexual intercourse. This can explain the absence of blood at the first time and its presence at the second. Most likely, during the first sex, the hymen stretched enough to allow the partner's penis to penetrate the vagina. The tension on the tissue caused pain, but it wasn't strong enough for the tissue to rupture and bleed. There are several reasons why this could happen:

  1. Most likely, you are the owner of an elastic hymen or there is a large hole in it.
  2. Your partner's penis may be small enough or the size of the opening in the hymen so that it can enter the vagina without damaging the hymen tissue. Another reason is the lack of a strong erection during the first sexual intercourse, which is quite natural, because your young man could be very excited about the situation.
  3. With a slow and gradual penetration of a partner who is worried about the well-being of the partner and striving to cause as little pain as possible, even a small hole in the hymen can stretch well.

Tissue trauma

The appearance of bleeding and soreness of the second sexual intercourse can also be explained by tissue trauma if you had repeated sex shortly after the first one. During defloration, there are ruptures in the network of blood vessels that are in the hymen. Depending on the elasticity and thickness of the hymen, these tears can be quite deep, with profuse bleeding lasting several days, or superficial, with slight bleeding (in 30% of cases there is no blood at all). As with any injury with tissue damage, it takes time for the wound to heal. It usually takes about 7-10 days, after which whitish scar tissue forms at the site of the rupture.
The recovery period after defloration involves the exclusion of sexual intercourse, as well as careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene in order not to infect the injured tissues. If you did not stand the due time after the deprivation of virginity, blood and pain is a natural phenomenon.

At the moment, you need complete sexual rest so that the tissues in an intimate place can completely heal. Also, a visit to the gynecologist will not hurt. The specialist will examine and assess the degree of trauma to the tissues of the genital organs, give you the necessary recommendations for wound healing. You can also discuss with him methods of contraception in the future. As for condoms with ribs, pimples, etc., the very beginning of sexual activity is not the time for experimentation. You will still have the opportunity to diversify the sensations when you return to normal.

Best regards, Xenia


Bleeding during sex is a fairly common condition that directly indicates the presence of pathological, infectious processes in the body, hormonal imbalance, or other disorders. A set of diagnostic measures should be aimed at identifying the factors that contributed to the appearance of blood during sex.


The official medical name for the process in which blood appears after sex in women is vaginal or mark bleeding. Doctors do not consider it as a separate disease, but only as a symptom that directly indicates the presence of more serious problems in the body.


The blood that appears during or after sex can be in the form of copious discharge or scanty drops. It is also often accompanied by aching pains in the lower abdomen. The color and thickness of the discharge may vary depending on the cause of the bleeding. The scarlet blood flowing in an intense stream is traditionally considered the most dangerous.

The reasons

Since blood during sex is only a consequence or a sign of a certain disease, there can be many reasons for its appearance. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Rupture of the hymen during the first sexual intercourse. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of this shell, it can not be torn, but stretched, therefore, not everyone has the first sex accompanied by blood.
  • · Mechanical damage to the vagina. During active or rough intercourse, damage to the vaginal mucosa, rupture of the fornix or injuries to the cervix (if the woman has fragile vessels) occur.
  • · Infectious diseases. Superiority in this matter is held by chlamydia - a pathological process provoked by bacteria called chlamydia. Other sexually transmitted infections can also be the cause.
  • endometriosis of the cervix. A sign of this disease can be called the presence of many nodes in the vaginal cavity, ovaries, cervix and on its muscles. The appearance of these cell clusters is due to genetic factors, as well as hormonal disorders.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs. These include vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), cercevit (inflammation of the cervix) and other diseases.
  • Taking medications or hormonal contraceptives. In such cases, the doctor prescribes a replacement or a decrease in the dose of the drug.
  • · Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The appearance of blood during sex can be facilitated even by ordinary E. coli, which entered the body due to insufficiently regular and high-quality hygiene procedures.
  • fungal flora. The colonization of fungi on the surface of the genital organs can contribute to the looseness of the walls of the vagina and, as a result, the tendency to have periods during sex.
  • Cellular pathology of the cervix (erosion). Most often, this disease is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers that can bleed.
  • Oncology, benign formations.
  • · Diseases of the blood.
  • Incorrectly installed spiral can injure the walls of the uterus.


Pathological vaginal bleeding can manifest itself in different forms, their abundance and frequency depend on this. There are the following types of bleeding:

  • Long periods (duration of normal menstruation increases by 2 or more times).
  • Too frequent periods (short cycle) is also a type of bleeding. Not surprisingly, in this case, you can quite unexpectedly detect blood during sex, when there are still a few days of weeks before menstruation.
  • Metrorrhagia. This condition is defined as bleeding from the vagina that occurs independently of the menstrual cycle.
  • Bleeding that occurred in the postmenopausal period. If at least 6 months have passed since the last menstruation, we can talk about a high risk of pathological processes that provoke blood after sex in women.


The traditional medical treatment for vaginal or uterine bleeding is to address the causes. Conservative methods involve taking drugs that promote blood clotting, as well as all kinds of drugs that optimize the hormonal balance of the body.

When choosing medicines, it is very important to take into account all the characteristics of a woman's body and correlate them with the clinical picture of the disease. The following factors may influence this:

  • Presence and type of underlying disease.
  • The age of the woman.
  • Features of the menstrual cycle.
  • Regularity of sexual life.
  • The general condition of the body.
  • The presence of chronic diseases, allergic tendencies and other contraindications.

With regards to surgical manipulations, their implementation should be due to clear indications. Everything again depends on the cause of the underlying disease. This can be as removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), ovarian surgery, curettage of the endometrium, cauterization of erosion and other manipulations.

There are several ways to stop bleeding during sex with traditional medicine. The best medicines in this case are infusions and decoctions for douching. The most effective herbs in this regard are St. John's wort, chamomile, upland uterus, viburnum and barberry.

To stop bleeding, you should pour a spoonful of pharmaceutical herbs (viburnum, chamomile, St. John's wort) with boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can boil the infusion in a water bath for 5 minutes. Douching is performed using a chilled infusion to body temperature.

Viburnum has a good hemostatic effect. Her decoction is taken three times a day, three tablespoons. This will, if not completely stop heavy bleeding, then at least reduce their intensity.

Another adjuvant during the appearance of menstruation during sex is an infusion of barberry (pharmacy herb). It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of crushed dry leaves with half a liter of boiling water. This decoction has excellent taste and can be a great alternative to tea. Add honey or lemon to the drink.


For women who often observe the appearance of blood in the vagina, a complete medical examination of the body is shown in order to identify the causes of this condition. Emphasis should be placed on the thyroid gland, pelvic organs and breasts.

An example list of analyzes looks like this:

  • A smear from the cervix. It will eliminate infectious diseases and fungal infections.
  • A general blood test will determine the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as identify anemia, which is very common in cases with periodic blood loss.
  • · A blood clotting test will show how effective this function is.
  • · Blood biochemistry will assess the condition of the internal organs (liver, kidneys), as well as the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal analysis will make it possible to determine the level of progesterone in order to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, as well as to trace the presence of ovulation. No less informative is the testosterone level, which can affect the activity of hair growth and other side effects of hormonal failure in a woman.
  • · Ultrasound examination in the pelvic area will show the condition of the organs.
  • An endometrial biopsy will rule out oncology or a precancerous condition.

Complications and consequences

Since blood during sex appears as a result of the presence of pathological changes in the pelvic organs, hormonal or other disorders, the list of complications that may occur if the underlying disease is not treated is different in each specific situation.

However, there are common complications that are characteristic of most cases of blood in the vagina:

  • Anemia associated with permanent or one-time (but significant) blood loss.
  • · Changes in the regularity of ovulation and the menstrual cycle.
  • · Difficulty conceiving a child.
  • Violation of the quality of sexual life.


The most effective way to prevent vaginal bleeding can be called a timely examination of the pelvic organs, including tests for sexually transmitted infections.

Women's health requires special attention. Running problems of a gynecological nature can hit the most sick for any woman - the ability to have children. That is why it is worth paying special attention to your health and not neglecting it. Any phenomenon that is not related to the norm should be a mandatory reason for visiting a doctor.

It is not uncommon for women to experience spotting after a hollow act, which is otherwise called postcoital bleeding.

Bloody discharge after sex can have various causes. But, whatever the reason, you should definitely visit a gynecologist, who will determine exactly what caused the bleeding, take all necessary measures to eliminate this problem.

Bleeding after sex: causes of their occurrence

  • One of the reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina may be mechanical damage. During violent sex, a woman can get injured in the vaginal mucosa or cervix. There are more serious injuries: trauma to the vault or walls of the vagina. If you experience severe pain and heavy bleeding during or after sex, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Severe bleeding can lead to very serious consequences.
  • Another cause of pathological discharge of blood from the vagina after intercourse can be inflammatory processes and diseases of the female genital organs. Such diseases may include vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) or cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). If there are such diseases, then bloody discharge may not be associated with sexual intercourse in any way, but occur unexpectedly, even when the woman is at rest. Fungal or bacterial infections, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, can cause an inflammatory process. Certain medications can also cause vaginal bleeding in women. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of a reduced immune system and is treated with antibiotics.
  • Bloody discharge can be caused by diseases and sexually transmitted infections (STDs). Among other things, the discharge may be accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and itching.
  • One of the most common culprits of spotting in women are polyps and erosions. If present, spotting may appear after intercourse. Erosion and polyps need timely treatment. Most often, polyps are removed, and erosion is cauterized by various methods.
  • Vaginal bleeding is sometimes the result of endometrial hyperplasia, including after intercourse.

What else can cause vaginal bleeding?

  • Bloody discharge after intercourse may indicate endometriosis. Abundant and spotting blood from the vagina is just a sign of this disease. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, severe bleeding can be observed, closer to menstruation, they are more likely to be spotting, and may appear after sex.
  • Sometimes bleeding can be associated with the ovulation process. Sexual intercourse does not play any role here. Most likely, ovulatory bleeding after sex is just a coincidence. The process of ovulation is natural and usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It does not require treatment, as it is the norm of physiology. Sometimes, however, a doctor may prescribe herbal preparations to treat such bleeding.
  • The cause of bleeding can also be oral contraceptives. As a result of their intake, the lining of the uterus becomes thinner and may bleed during intercourse. Pseudomenstrual bleeding can also lead to untimely birth control pills or skipping them. Bleeding while taking oral contraceptives can also be a side effect. Here you need to consult a doctor. After all, bleeding while taking OK may indicate that the drug is not suitable for you and it needs to be replaced with another one.
  • Less commonly, vaginal discharge can be caused by uterine tumors and cell changes in the cervix.
  • Do not forget that your partner can also be the cause of bleeding after sex. Blood in semen is quite rare, but still occurring. It can be caused, for example, by diseases of the disease genitourinary system and urinary tract.

What should be done in case of bleeding?

It must be understood that most spotting and heavy bleeding are easily cured by a doctor. It is for this reason that you should not postpone contacting a doctor who will help identify the cause and eliminate it. If the bleeding is also accompanied by pain or is too strong, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Rare, but still there are cases of internal bleeding. Not always internal bleeding may be accompanied by signs of external. The main symptom of internal bleeding are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which are cramping in nature. Such pains can be observed in the perineum, inguinal folds, lower back. Internal bleeding may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • incipient or threatened miscarriage.

As a rule, internal bleeding is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • bleeding accompanied by sharp pains;
  • profuse sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

If at least a few of these symptoms appear, it is recommended to call as soon as possible ambulance, because this may indicate internal bleeding.

Other causes of bleeding after intercourse

  • The norm is bloody discharge after the first sexual intercourse. In most cases, as a result of the first sex, the hymen is torn, which leads to vaginal bleeding. Very often, after the first sexual intercourse, there is no blood. This indicates that the hymen is very thin. But if it is thick enough and dense, then in this case, spotting cannot be avoided. They can even be very abundant.
  • One of the causes of bleeding may be pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman can observe weak, sometimes even spotting, blood discharge. You should not be indifferent to such a situation, because any pathological discharge during pregnancy can end sadly for a woman and a child.
  • Bleeding during sex can also cause adenomyosis. Adenomyosis refers to a violation of the functional activity of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, or endometrium. It is worth saying that the disease can be both congenital and acquired. The cause of adenomyosis can be both inflammatory diseases and surgical interventions.
  • Sometimes bleeding causes irritation of the walls of the vagina. This can happen as a result of using tampons, frequent and rather rough masturbation. As a rule, the discharge as a result of these causes stops soon and does not require treatment. It is only recommended to limit these moments.
  • The cause of uterine bleeding after intercourse during pregnancy can be low or even complete placenta previa: when it is located in the lower part of the uterus. With complete placenta previa, the natural exit from the uterus is completely blocked.
  • The appearance of blood may indicate premature exfoliation of the placenta, which requires emergency medical attention. A pregnant woman is recommended to lie down quietly for half an hour after each sexual intercourse. This is necessary in order for the uterus to finally calm down.

So, as it has already become clear, the causes of bleeding after intercourse can be very different. In no case should we turn a blind eye to this problem. You must understand that any pathological discharge can lead to sad consequences. Timely contacting a doctor will help you determine the cause of the problem and solve it. It may also take a long time to heal. But what could be more important for a woman than the desire and ability to have a child?

Before planning the conception of a child, it is necessary to eliminate all existing problems. Very often, gynecological problems are the cause of miscarriage and the inability to bear a child. Think about it and pay attention to your health. Strengthen your immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid sexual intercourse with different sexual partners. This can cause many gynecological diseases.

Blood after intercourse is a special type of uterine bleeding (UK) that occurs immediately after intercourse or a short time after it. They occur in 0.7-9% of women aged 20 to 40 years. Discharge is considered a pathology, which does not depend on the monthly cycle and menstruation. If postcoital bleeding is one-time, there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to worry. But if the discharge of blood is regular, then a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

A similar phenomenon in 30% is associated with inflammation of the genitals, in 40% - a normal colposcopic picture is detected, in 17% - with dysplastic processes in the uterus, 5% - polyps, 0.6% - cervical cancer. The volume of secretions can vary from smear marks to a noticeable amount.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes are divided into physiological and pathological. Among the first (natural) are:

  • virginity;
  • menstruation;
  • ovulation.

Pathological causes:

  • infectious diseases;
  • atypical tissue growth;
  • cervical erosion;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • pregnancy pathology.

natural factors

Virginity. It is well known that during the first sexual intercourse, the hymen breaks (defloration), this is accompanied by a slight bleeding. But if after intercourse it does not stop, perhaps there is a violation of blood clotting, then the help of a doctor is necessary. It also happens that after intercourse 2 and 3 times blood flows again, which means that there is too active intercourse. In some women, the hymen can be very stretched, but not torn at the first contact, then blood can be observed during the second act.

Menstruation. Sometimes intimacy accelerates the approach of menstruation. This usually happens the day before their onset. Bloody discharge in this case, the beginning is brown, then becomes normal.

Ovulation. Drops of blood during intercourse and after sex in the middle of the cycle can indicate the onset of ovulation - the release of the egg from the follicle. At the same time, they are not abundant, pink in color. On the 7-13th day after ovulation, there is also slight bleeding during sexual intercourse. In such cases, it is associated with the introduction of the zygote into the uterine wall and the onset of pregnancy.

Physiology includes the following conditions:

  • insufficient arousal of a woman during sex and lack of lubrication of the vagina;
  • age-related dryness of the vagina as a result of estrogen deficiency in menopause;
  • too active frictions during intercourse;
  • use of tampons.

Active masturbation can irritate the vaginal lining and can also cause bleeding during sex. The mucous membrane in these cases heals quickly without treatment. Bloody discharge the next day after sex speaks of the remnants of menstrual blood - normally, the secreted remnants disappear after a few hours.

Mechanical damage to the mucosa can occur during the installation or removal of the intrauterine device, after abortion, during scraping - then there are pink discharge. In all these cases, no treatment is required.

Pathological manifestations

Infections. This, of course, is an STD (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). Bleeding in this case looks like a small brown daub, but treatment is required. Itching and burning are noted. It also happens that spotting after intercourse may be their only symptom.

Atypical tissue growth. This refers to hypo- or hyperplasia of the endometrium, endometriosis. With hyperplasia, the tissue grows, bleeding and soreness appear after intimacy. This does not mean that this symptom is its first sign, but it should cause alertness. Its danger is that hyperplastic tissue can be reborn. Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent growth of the endometrium into other organs. May occur without symptoms, but can be marked by bleeding in the middle of the monthly cycle.

Erosion is a defect in the epithelium of the cervical mucosa in every second woman. It is asymptomatic and is a benign process. It can change and be reborn. And blood after sex or outside of it is presented as pink discharge, which should alert.

Polyps are mushroom-like growths on a stalk in the uterine cavity or cervix. Blood appears when a member of a partner penetrates, which can “disturb” the neoplasm.

Tumors. Regardless of their good quality, these changes may be accompanied by bleeding in the form of light brown discharge. Among them are fibroids, cysts, polyps and cancer. Formations can occur on any part of the genitals.

Cancer and metastases of the cervix at an early stage may not manifest themselves in any other way. Therefore, regular examinations by a gynecologist are necessary.

Naboth cysts - often appear on the cervix, there may be several. When examined, they can be seen on ultrasound. Their etiology is often infectious. They don't regenerate. They tend to grow, suppurate and bleed.

Inflammatory diseases - with them, blood discharge can appear both during sex and at rest. These negative processes include: vaginitis, cervicitis, colpitis. Among the symptoms, one can note pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, dyspareunia, cloudy discharge from the vagina. In etiology, a fungal infection, non-compliance with hygiene, bacteria, a violation of microflora are determined.

Acceptance of OK - these drugs greatly thin the uterine mucosa, that is, initiate its hypoplasia, pink discharge after sex can become a sign of violations. The intake of these drugs should be carried out according to the scheme, at the same time, no more than 21 days.

Bleeding may be due to long-term use of antibiotics, the appointment of hormonal replacement drugs. The cause of blood after intercourse can also be the thoughtless use of toys from a sex shop. If the surface of the dildo is rough, uneven, irritation and trauma to the genital mucosa cannot be avoided.

Blood after sex can coincide with an anus fissure with hemorrhoids, with anal contact. In this case, the source will not be associated with the genitals. It is exceptionally rare that blood in the partner's semen can be mistaken for own bleeding. This can occur with inflammation of his urinary tract.

Associated symptoms

Approximately 30% of women with postcoital bleeding have abnormal CM, and 15% have dyspareunia. With STI infections, manifestations of itching and burning are constant, blood can be released with pus and mucus, ulcers, vesicles, and reddened areas can be found on the genitals. There is painful urination, discomfort during intercourse. Beli can be white, green, yellow, with or without a smell. Symptoms can often be blurred, even more often marked carriage.

The following pathologies can serve as the cause of the appearance of blood:

  1. Cervicitis - its clinic is often erased, if left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Painful "bloody" sex, mucous whites are noted. The opening of the vagina is reddened and swollen.
  2. Vaginitis - contact bleeding is not very pronounced, but painful. There is itching, irritation, a feeling of fullness from the inside. Urination frequent, painful. Both inflammations are treated quickly, with antibiotics or cauterization.
  3. Endometriosis - blood can go on any day of the MC. The appearance of discharge in the intermenstrual period is characteristic. There may be pain during intercourse and in the vagina during menstruation. Constipation, frequent urination, hematuria are observed.
  4. Atrophic colpitis - develops during menopause. The level of estrogen decreases, there is a pronounced dryness and burning of the mucosa, pain during sexual intercourse, itching, leucorrhoea. The development is gradual. Due to the reduction of lactobacilli, pathogenic microflora is activated.
  5. Prolapse of the pelvic organs - occurs with weakness of the ligamentous-fascial apparatus. On the early stages there are no symptoms. The first sign is the absence of an orgasm. Then there are pulling pains in the vagina. Urinary incontinence and increased frequency of micturition are noted, the cervix and vagina swell, and postcoital bleeding occurs. Sexual abuse, a foreign body in the vagina also always cause bleeding.

When is urgent help needed?

The reason for the provision of urgent measures may be internal bleeding. There may be no outward manifestations. The main symptom is sharp pains in the lower back, perineum, lower abdomen in the form of contractions. If blood has gone after sex, these pains are noted, there is pallor of the skin of the face, nausea and weakness, vomiting, profuse sweating, tachycardia and arrhythmia, blood pressure may decrease to collaptoid, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Thus, blood during intercourse in combination with the above conditions is more often observed in 4 cases - this is a rupture of an ovarian cyst or the organ itself, a miscarriage that has begun, an ectopic pregnancy. Urgently consult a doctor should be in case of violations of the MC in any direction.

Pregnancy and sex

When pregnancy occurs, its combination with coitus can cause pink discharge and spotting during sex and after. This is not the norm in any case, and a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Some gynecologists do not welcome sex during pregnancy in general, fearing a miscarriage.

If a pregnant woman has placenta previa, severe bleeding may also begin after intercourse. Premature abruption of the placenta during intercourse can harm the fetus.

After intercourse during pregnancy, a woman is advised to relax and lie down for half an hour so that uterine contractions do not resume. Bleeding after intercourse may well appear with too early sex after childbirth - this means stopping intercourse for another 1-2 weeks.

Sex during pregnancy can be characterized by postcoital bleeding during detachment of the fetal egg. Discharge during intercourse and blood can go if there are:

  • detachment of the fetal egg;
  • rupture of the tube during ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • low progesterone levels.

All of these situations are a reason for an emergency call to the doctor. You should not try to stay at home, hoping for a chance, and engage in amateur activities to stop the bleeding. This is fraught only with the loss of the necessary time and complications.

Diagnostic measures

To identify the causes of bleeding, the following types of studies may be required:

  • gynecological examination, questioning;
  • general analyzes of feces and urine;
  • blood for biochemical studies: determination of protein, fibrinogen, bilirubin, residual nitrogen, urea, if oncology is suspected - determination of creatinine, indicators of liver enzymes - ALT and AST;
  • in addition, it is necessary to determine the hormones T4, TSH, hCG;
  • a smear is taken from the vagina for microscopy, sowing the contents of the vagina to determine the pathogen and determine sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • if you suspect an STI - a PCR study;
  • a smear is taken from the vagina, a biopsy of the cervix and uterus is performed for cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, ECG.

Principles of treatment

Treatment is always aimed at eliminating the cause of the bleeding, not stopping it. Only at the risk of large blood loss, hemostatic hemostatics are used. Treatment is determined by the cause. If there is mechanical damage to the walls of the vagina, sutures are applied to the gaps.

If bleeding after intercourse occurred with an STI, antibiotic therapy is necessary, and both partners are treated. With erosions and polyps, cauterization or removal is done. With hypoplasia, hormonal preparations are corrected, with hyperplasia, each patient has an individual approach. Possible curettage of the uterus. In the treatment of atrophic processes, topical application of agents containing estrogens (Ovestin) is used.

Any bleeding is a concern. Not knowing why there is blood after sex, women panic and draw the most terrible pictures in their imagination. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. The causes of the problem are different - from the most banal to quite serious.

Natural causes of bleeding

Everyone knows that the faithful companion of the first sexual intercourse is the blood from the vagina, which is a consequence of the rupture of the hymen. In this case, its volume after the first sex depends on how strong the hymen was, what is its shape and tension. The partner's sexual experience is also important.

Blood after sex can be a signal of the onset of menstruation. This is typical for those ladies who have an irregular menstrual cycle. Sexual activity provokes the tone of the uterus, changes the hormonal background. The result is the beginning of menstruation.

After menstruation, a girl can also bleed as a result of sexual intercourse. This phenomenon is explained by the release of remnants of the exfoliated mucous membrane. Some blood may appear after sex during menopause. As a result of sexual intercourse, a hormonal surge occurs, the body reacts in this way. Blood in men from the penis after anal intercourse is most often a sign of damage to the blood vessel.

There is bleeding after intercourse in women and as a result of mechanical trauma. Among the reasons it should be noted:

  1. The use of sex toys (blood and pain appear when the size of the girl's penis and the dildo do not match).
  2. Insufficient amount of natural lubrication (this happens if a woman is not sufficiently aroused or is under the influence of alcohol).
  3. Excessive activity of the sexual partner, rough sex can cause minor injuries, tears that begin to bleed. Blood from the anus is also a consequence of rough sex.

Thus, contact bleeding during sex is often the result of natural causes, temporary and not threatening to health.

The causes of recurring unplanned bleeding after sex may lie in hormonal preparations. Blood is released on any day of the cycle of the first 3 months after the birth control was started. If the scarlet discharge continues further, this indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the female body, hormonal disorders. In this case, you need to think about changing the means of contraception.

Using a condom can also cause bleeding. This is due to insufficient hydration of the girl's vagina or the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the material from which it is made.

Another cause of the problem may be an intrauterine device. If contact bleeding occurs during the first 3 months after its installation, then there is nothing to worry about. But the presence of blood from the vagina further indicates the occurrence of such problems as inflammation, displacement of the spiral, the likelihood of rejection of a foreign body by the girl's body.

Venereal diseases

Discharge with blood can be a sign of the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Among the most common are:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Most sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic at first. But in the body of the girl are pathological changes. The appearance of blood after intercourse without pain requires additional examination, including the identification of possible sexual infections.

Important! If a sexually transmitted disease is suspected, it is necessary not to delay the diagnosis. It is required to start timely treatment.

Therapy should be carried out not only by the woman, but also by the partner. During this time, you will have to refrain from sexual intercourse. Postcoital bleeding can occur due to infectious and inflammatory processes.


During pregnancy, the appearance of blood after sex is an alarming symptom. With his active actions, the partner can provoke a miscarriage for early dates. In such a situation, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Do not confuse discharge with the appearance of blood in the urine.

Sudden bleeding during pregnancy may be evidence of the development of the fetus outside the uterus. In addition to the appearance of scarlet discharge, a woman's health deteriorates sharply. Delay in this case can cost the patient her life. After childbirth, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will help you avoid an annoying problem.

Gynecological diseases

If the blood from the vagina in a woman is observed after each sexual intercourse, this is a reason to suspect the presence of a gynecological disease. The most common pathologies are benign and malignant neoplasms:

  1. Cyst. A benign neoplasm that can appear for various reasons. The main one is hormonal imbalance, infection. Pathology does not manifest itself for a long time. It is treated medically and surgically.
  2. Cervical erosion. Pathology, characteristic mainly for young girls. It gives itself out as small specific discharge and soreness in the lower abdomen. During sex, the affected area can be injured, resulting in scarlet blood in a small amount. Treated with medication.
  3. Polyps. They do not belong to cancer, however, such neoplasms often cause bleeding from the vagina.
  4. Cervical cancer. A malignant neoplasm that is asymptomatic at first. Pathology can be recognized only by conducting a special study.

Important! The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of treatment.

What to do if there is blood

Blood can appear immediately, the next or the day after sex. Even if the bleeding after intercourse passed quickly and did not cause any problems, it is still worth going to the gynecologist. A visit to the doctor will determine true reason pathology and exclude the most terrible suspicions. The specialist will tell you what to do.

The appearance of a drop of blood or more significant scarlet discharge (clots) from a woman's vagina can be caused by various reasons. But in any case, it would be useful to consult a specialist who will establish the exact cause of the pathology and tell you what to do in each specific situation.