Year of the rooster for Capricorn men. What the horoscope says about Capricorn's health

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Each representative of the signs of the zodiac has its own sphere of success this year, but only Capricorns are even more lucky - they can literally reach unprecedented heights in their careers and improve their social status.

First of all, many Capricorns will decide to achieve their goals and impressive results this year. In this they will be helped by endurance, stubbornness and people who will surround and support their success. The best strategy to win is to do your best, because luck is already on your side, and now the most important thing is not to miss anything and be sure that you did your best. This will determine the scale of your success.

Horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 by months

January can be complicated due to a conflict situation with relatives. In your family, there may now be disputes between several generations, and in this situation you take a position of neutrality. If you are going to reconcile the warring parties, then leave this venture for now - nothing will come of it.

February and March can turn out well: you may receive the amount of money necessary to resolve urgent issues. It may be a debt that you completely forgot about. In April, we can expect an aggravation of conflicts, which are not the first year. Be careful in dealing with people and do not let others boss you around. May will bring peace of mind and a desire to have fun, but do not try to relax at this time - there may be a hot period at work, and you may not be allowed to go on vacation.

The summer period will bring difficulties with colleagues or partners. Yes, you may have many achievements this year, but in the area of ​​​​relationships with people you need to show more patience, and at the moment it is increasingly difficult for you to do this. People are not keeping up with you and your changes, and you are not ready to listen to them.

September and October are the best time to plan a vacation. At this time, your strength and emotions are almost at zero, and you need a recovery period and the opportunity to spend some time in solitude, or where you cannot be reached by work affairs. But November and December are a chance to make a strong breakthrough in work.

Capricorn Man: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Capricorn most often appear as an ideal in the eyes of the opposite sex, because they combine what is possible in themselves: they are responsible and almost always know what they want from life. They perfectly see the goal in front of them and know how to achieve it. They are strict with themselves and very often critical of the results that they manage to achieve. They are also strict towards others, and most often show their love with deeds, not words. You cannot expect romantic courtship from them with flowers and meetings of dawns, but such a person will never betray you, but he will also expect devotion and balanced decisions from you.

This year, Capricorn men have a great opportunity to find a circle of like-minded people who will support them in all their endeavors. In addition, most of the year is a great chance for you to establish yourself in your professional circles, because right now the chances of success are as high as possible. You can make a serious breakthrough in your career if you plan your actions correctly and be able to enter the right circles of people.

Capricorn Woman: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Capricorn women are similar in character to the men of this sign - they set high goals for themselves and strive for the maximum result. They are often considered arrogant or cold, because they are not used to showing emotions - the price is too high, because if you let go of control for a minute and let your emotions rule you, then the losses will be high. It is these women who most often want to build a career and do it even despite the family and the presence of children, because they know how to correctly allocate their time and always remember their own desires.

The current year will bring career opportunities for women of this sign, regardless of what stage they are at now - whether they are mothers with children or women who have been trying to succeed in the professional field for several years. This year, luck promises to smile at you, but you should also try and not miss the chances and opportunities that will come into your life.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

In the coming year, love will not become a priority in the lives of most Capricorns, but, nevertheless, it is possible to single out separate favorable and not very periods for this zodiac sign.

June is one of the most romantic and peaceful months of the year. Although communication with your other half can be complicated due to the fact that you will be stubborn and not prone to flexibility of thinking. If every time you disagree with your lover, you try to convince him that he is wrong, then the relationship can really become more difficult at this time, even despite a favorable prognosis. Try to avoid jealousy and control during this time.

But December will help you understand and feel how nice it is when you are taken care of and loved, because it is at this time that your partner will burn with passion and desire for you. For those who are in search, this is a good chance to find a new love or sympathy.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Career this year can reach a maximum - everything contributes to this. And the fair, respectful attitude of your manager, and the attitude of colleagues, and your successes and achievements. Stop at nothing and remember that a lot is possible this year. You just need to properly manage your capabilities.

With finances, the situation will be stable - it is likely that career growth will not bring a rapid increase in wages, but this will not be for long. This will definitely happen in the future.

Forecast for Capricorns according to the Chinese horoscope

Capricorn-Tiger: A very good year that will give you acquaintance with amazing people. You should build a relationship with your direct supervisor - even if you have a difficult relationship now, you may find that you have a lot in common.

Capricorn-Rabbit: A favorable year for those who decide to change their professional field and leave the field in which you have worked in recent years. The year is good for change, but be prepared for the fact that not everything will go smoothly at first.
Capricorn Dragon: Use your connections, both friendly and professional, to help other people solve their problems. These are the people you can turn to for help. Remember that the main thing this year is mutual assistance.

Capricorn Snake: Your weak point this year is that you compromise too easily, even in cases where you need to defend your interests. Be honest with yourself, and answer yourself the question - why do you need it.

Capricorn Horse: You will spend a lot of time on empty deeds and efforts, so you need to free your day from those activities that eat up your time but do not produce results. Strive to plan your schedule.

Capricorn-Goat: You are full of ideas and desire to develop, make new plans. The only thing that can stop you is a lack of confidence. Find those who are ready to support you at any moment.

Capricorn Monkey: During the year, you can have both victories and defeats, but the result of the year will be the same - you will rise to new heights, and in December you will be able to evaluate the distance that you have overcome on the way to your goals.

Capricorn Rooster: Use any free time for new knowledge. It is important for you to master new skills this year, and for this you need to understand what qualities you need to develop in yourself and what knowledge to master.

Capricorn Dog: Throughout the year, you will have pleasant company in the person of a close friend. Appreciate the friendship and support of this person, because he will remain with you even in the most difficult times.

Capricorn Pig: Favorable year for a change of residence. If you have been thinking about moving for a long time, then this year you will have a real opportunity for this.

Capricorn Rat: Pay attention to the creative ideas that were born in your head last year. Perhaps now is the best time to bring them to life, but be sure to seek the help of like-minded people.

Capricorn Ox: The year will be successful, provided that you can clearly prioritize and learn how to plan your time, otherwise you will be swallowed up by an abundance of small tasks.

See the horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2017.

2017 will turn out well for Capricorn, as it will bring him spiritual harmony, an optimistic approach to life and even energy. The desire to achieve goals, peace of mind and the desire to succeed can bring wonderful results to Capricorn.

The stars recommend Capricorn in the first half of the year not to take drastic steps both in business and in the personal sphere. Success will accompany him if he adheres to the previously chosen and thought out line of behavior.

Proven methods will bring guaranteed success in any direction, whether it be career, personal relationships, competition or expanding one's horizons.

But in the second half of the year, the situation will be exactly the opposite: the creative potential of this zodiac sign will simply go off scale. Entrepreneurship, non-standard and originality of the chosen ways of solving problems will provide Capricorn with every chance for successful progress.

In other words, in 2017 there will be no impossible tasks for Capricorn, he will be able to realize all the goals he has set. The only advice is given by the stars to Capricorn: in December, you should not take on important tasks, but it is better to devote this time to a good quality rest.

Love horoscope for 2017 Capricorn

2017 will give the restrained and balanced Capricorn a sea of ​​​​romantic experiences. If he is in search of a soul mate, then the opportunity to easily fall in love and experience serious and deep feelings will amaze Capricorn himself.

However, in this situation, Capricorn should be on the alert, because amorousness, together with serious feelings, can lead to long and painful experiences, if suddenly, instead of meeting with his soulmate, he has to go through love disappointment.

However, this zodiac sign will still be able to avoid disappointments in personal relationships, if it does not recklessly, headlong, rush towards untested relationships and new feelings. It is enough just to think it over judiciously and carefully before starting to build another romantic relationship.

For those Capricorns who have already found their partner, 2017 will give many opportunities to strengthen their relationship. In the existing couple, violent emotions and sensuality will only benefit both Capricorn himself and his soul mate, bringing passion to the relationship and giving unforgettable moments.

Career 2017 Capricorn

Capricorn's career in 2017 will slowly move forward. From the very first days of the Year of the Rooster, the confident and serious approach to the work of Capricorn will significantly contrast with the lack of concentration and fussiness of his environment, and also provide him with a significant advantage over his rivals. Management and employees will see in this period of time in Capricorn a model of stability, since he will responsibly approach the tasks entrusted to him. Capricorn will be able to live up to expectations because he will act with tried and true methods.

However, starting from mid-summer, the situation will begin to change: inspiration and a surge of creativity will give Capricorn the opportunity to act actively and energetically. The second half of the year will give this sign of the Zodiac an opportunity to express itself in a non-standard way in solving problems, using innovative techniques and methods. This period is great for realizing the inherent potential, expanding horizons, opening up new opportunities, as well as for launching a promising project and actively promoting everyday affairs.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Capricorn

An example to follow in terms of handling money in 2017 can be most Capricorns, who will competently and responsibly approach each of the investments and will not waste money in vain. Adhering to the criterion that every penny spent should be tripled back, Capricorns will think about profitable investments in stock companies or precious metals.

Here it is important not to rely only on yourself, but to have a financial analyst nearby who will be able to give good advice in time.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Capricorn

One of the most disciplined in terms of caring for their own health in 2017 will be Capricorn, as this person will prefer to do everything so that the disease does not come and bypasses him. For this, Capricorn will spend a lot of time and money on prevention and strengthening of his body. He can visit health resorts and at the same time throughout the year he will improve his diet, excluding everything superfluous and choosing only the best food for his body. The stars advise these people to have less contact with the sick and avoid injury.

Horoscope 2017 male Capricorn

The career growth of Capricorn men is not far off, it is enough just to take the last decisive step. Success in business should be expected closer to the end of spring. True, in love affairs, for which this representative of the stronger sex will also have a passion, Capricorn will be disappointed. The partner will begin to show her mercantile interests, and Capricorn will not feel the return from these people, and therefore the couple will part ways in the fall.

Horoscope 2017 Capricorn woman

Positive changes will decorate the life of the representatives of the Capricorn sign. These women will finally be able to fulfill their dream and move abroad or find the job and the profession that they have been striving for all their lives. But the most positive moment of this year is expected in the summer months, when Capricorn women find out that they are expecting a baby. From that moment on, their life will be painted with new colors and will no longer be the same.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac-eastern signs:

Capricorn Rat

This year, Capricorns should be considerate and very gallant with their loved ones, since it is not at all excluded that a third person will appear in a pair of these people, who will become a dangerous rival to Capricorn and aim at his happiness.

Capricorn Ox

For those Capricorns who are born in the year of the Ox, it is important to follow their words throughout the year and be picky in choosing people who can be trusted with secret information. Otherwise, there is a risk of betrayal of the partner.

Capricorn Tiger

It is very important for the personalities of this intersection of signs to distinguish between the energy expended over the entire distance of the year, since, having taken up work too zealously, Capricorns can already feel unwell and come down with a disease halfway through.


A careless attitude to money in 2017 can lead to the fact that for the sake of their whims, Capricorn will take too many loans, which will have nothing to pay back. In this regard, even a trial and a long-term dependence of such Capricorn on the people who vouch for him are possible.

Capricorn Dragon

Harmonious love relationships will simply inspire the representatives of the Capricorn sign, and these people will do their work with great inspiration and inspire the accomplishments of others, which will make them such spiritual leaders.

Capricorn Snake

For these individuals, throughout the year of the Rooster, life will set up all sorts of traps from temptations and financial extra to the betrayal of loved ones. It is important to endure all the trials and then Capricorn will feel happiness.

Capricorn Horse

Capricorns have a chance to significantly strengthen their position in work, but for this, from the first days of the year, you need to abandon the mandatory vacation and push your love experiences into the background. The main thing is not to forget about your health.


With the advent of spring, these personalities will aggravate relations within the family, perhaps the unpleasant details of Capricorn's betrayals will come out, because of which this person risks being left without his soulmate and spending the rest of the year in disputes and litigation.

Capricorn Monkey

A great year for meeting a person who will become close and dear awaits Capricorn. Moreover, if this person is sincere in his desires, he will have time to register a relationship and even have a baby.

Capricorn Rooster

In order not to be fired from your favorite job and not fall into disgrace to the leadership of Capricorn, born in the year of the Rooster, it is important to work with your soul, that is, selflessly. If these people are lazy and arrange squabbles, nothing good should be expected this year.

Capricorn Dog

Relations with loved ones this year will be maintained only on the basis of common interests. If Capricorn does not find a unifying hobby for himself and his partner, parting and even divorce is not at all excluded.

Capricorn Pig

With the advent of 2017, these individuals should learn to understand people. The fact is that a lot of people will revolve around the lucky Capricorn who dream of living at his expense or who want to take possession of his property by deceit.

Capricorns in 2017 will generously endow with excellent opportunities, but in return it will require endurance and patience. The crazy rhythm that the lord of this year, the Fire Rooster, will set for your life, will tire the leisurely, slow Capricorns a little. But this fatigue will be quite pleasant. Representatives of this sign will spend all their time and energy on communication, dating, entertainment, their own development and professional growth. Interesting events will constantly take place around you, which will diversify your life and fill it with vivid impressions, and you with new sensations and emotions. To keep up with fleeting events, you need to rationally spend your resources. Try to clearly plan your actions at the beginning of the year, set the right priorities and reassess your life values, because the correctness of the direction you have chosen depends on how productive and effective this year will be. Capricorns in 2017 will be able to take strict control over their emotional state and assess situations objectively, impartially. Such tactics will help them abstract from problems, find out the very essence and find their source, which will positively affect their decision-making and conclusions. Your pragmatism and practicality will not allow you to make a mistake, but do not rely too much on common sense, because life is unpredictable, and there may not be any meaning. Listen to your inner feelings. The heart will never deceive.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn woman

The main forces of the representatives of this sign will be directed towards achieving financial and material well-being, so most of the time they will be at work, and even sitting at home on the couch, their thoughts will still be occupied with work issues. The rooster is an energetic but rational animal. He does a lot, but does nothing in vain. This is how women born under the sign of Capricorn will be busy with different things all the time, but all their affairs will be aimed at achieving the same goal. Those representatives who have previously established themselves as a punctual, executive and fast-learning employee will receive new job offers, new large-scale projects and important negotiations. All efforts will be well rewarded, and your financial situation will creep up dramatically. Many of the fair sex, born under the constellation Capricorn, are promised changes in the professional field of activity associated with an increase in the level of responsibility and empowerment. Maybe it will be opening your own business or filling a leadership position. In any case, career growth and capital increase are guaranteed for you in 2017.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn man

Men who were born under the sign of Capricorn will be able to show their masculine qualities in 2017, both at work and in relationships. They purposefully and stubbornly will make their way towards their goal, implement their ideas, which will be supported by many of their environment. For everything to go like clockwork, Capricorn men need to clear their personal space, set acceptable boundaries, free up a platform for personal and professional growth, personal development and self-knowledge. it is very important for you from time to time to run away from the hustle and bustle, from routine, to retire so that no one can confuse you, interfere with your thoughts. The stars say that Capricorns are very productive and rational only if they work independently. Therefore, give preference to single projects, if you open your own business, do it without intermediaries and partners. you yourself are capable of much, and collective work will not bring you pleasure and the expected results.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Capricorn zodiac sign is a generalized astrological forecast for 2017 for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2017, we recommend making a personal horoscope for 2017. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2017, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects, their influence on your destiny throughout 2017. This is also a significant advantage in the form of leadership, which allows you to more rationally manage events, making optimal decisions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac:

The Year of the Rooster for Capricorns will be marked by achievements. The horoscope for 2017 Capricorn will take note and remain on horseback in almost all areas. You will be at the top of your abilities as an organizer and discoverer. All your plans are achievable, and you feel the strength in yourself to accomplish them. The stars reveal your inner potential, and everyone around you appreciates you for your strength of character, determination and the help that you provide to all your loved ones easily and naturally. You can do everything except gambling. Here in this area you are a complete layman. Destiny gives you a new way of thinking and the potential for you to open up in work.

You can easily avoid conflicts thanks to your oratory skills and the ability to prove your point. In connection with this beautiful feature, you will have envious people - this is inevitable in any case, so do not be upset and be careful - try not to have a chance for them to catch on to your reservations or mistakes. You have an understanding and see the goal - this is the most important thing!


This year can radically change you both externally and internally. You have been waiting for a push for a long time and are ready to change your habits. The time has come! There is no longer any reason to put off a diet for later. Having determined the necessary norms for losing weight, take your time, the main thing is a stable process. Ideally, if you lose 1.5-2 kilograms per month, separate meals and changing foods to less heavy ones will help you with this. Vegetables and fruits will not only improve fat burning, but also regulate the activity of the digestive system. Ease and even greater self-confidence are then provided.

Any sport that you start doing will be useful and interesting for you. You definitely won't leave him in a month. The Year of the Rooster is a clean slate for you, where you do not depend on your previous habits and attachments. Start boldly. You can be invited by a friend or colleague to the section or for a run. Agree, and you will be united not only by friendship or work, but also by a hobby, it will even unite different people.

Think about the fact that you have chronic diseases, seasonal allergies or diseases of the digestive tract. It's time to start treatment. Spring is the time to take care of your health. Already in the summer you should be completely healthy and strong: new goals and heights await you, which you can conquer without being distracted by trips to the doctor.

If the family has a little Capricorn, invite him to choose a sports section to his liking - this will become his hobby for life, or even the most important thing. It is possible that a future football player is growing in your family.

Love and relationships

You radiate confidence and attract the opposite sex like a magnet. Your sense of humor and mischievous nature is what your fans fly like moths to. Do not be afraid of new feelings and relationships, they will become a spring that will bring peace and warmth to your home. These are your people, and you deserve it with your work, a sense of harmony and order inside.

Family Capricorns make vacation plans with their half, prepare surprises, sparkle with their warmth and love. Their passions are bathed in attention, and in return they give their good mood. You are not afraid not to be in time, or to spin around and forget something - you have everything under control and you are understood everywhere.

For free representatives of the sign, the love horoscope for Capricorns for 2017 is preparing an explosion of emotions and new feelings. You will not be left out of the right choice. The bonds of Hymen are ready to receive you into their temple. Children will not make you wait long, and can even cause a hasty marriage. Go into relationships boldly. Your couple will support you in your endeavors in any field and will give you the opportunity to get more, because a person in love sees life a little differently, and he is ready to conquer any heights. The hormones of happiness in it are of an exclusively natural nature.

Do not trust friends or acquaintances who speak badly about your girlfriend or man. There is a chance that they will want you to break up. The reasons can be different - from envy to far-reaching plans. Avoid gossip and don't gossip behind your back. Be honest with your soul mate and she will respond in kind.

Finance and savings

The financial horoscope for 2017 Capricorn sees, first of all, as a limiter in freedom of choice. Do not rush to throw all the supplies into one basket. Instability in the securities market, a huge number of "fake" projects can rock your business or investments. Be far-sighted and use the services of specialists. Don't forget to double check your documents. Your business is going very well, but people who can make money on you see it.

Do not spend savings on momentary joys and entertainments, you cannot appreciate the real value of this or that process. This is a small minus that overshadows your clear vision. And being on the crest of success, you can easily lose everything.

Avoid loans. This is a month for savings and increasing capital, even the smallest one. If this process cannot be avoided in any way, take the amount that you will surely return in due time. It is better to take only the missing amount. Do not save on health - all procedures carried out before the summer will pay off with your health and the absence of sick leave. In the summer or closer to autumn, after analyzing the situation, you can really profitably make the necessary purchases or invest in another business. Do not rush things - your spark will not go out, but will become a fire if you do not spend the spark.

Career and achievements

In your field, you achieve maximum success. A great opportunity awaits you to express yourself. Self-confident Capricorn, whose 2017 career depends only on him, and he understands this, will achieve the maximum. If you're in engineering or some other area of ​​innovation, don't be afraid to come up with even the most seemingly crazy ideas—they'll pop and you'll be the winner.

If you have ideas on how to set up any work process to achieve maximum benefits and get additional developments, tell your manager about it, explain the essence of your proposal and express your readiness to start debugging this project. You will show your interest in the development of the company, getting more revenue and gaining the trust of the directors.

Don't be afraid to suggest - all your oratory skills are turned on to the maximum, and therefore you will be heard and take advantage of all the changes you propose.

It is better to put aside innovations, new developments, projects in which you understand little, no matter how they describe the full power of this process to you and no matter what amounts they promise. You should invest only in what you are completely sure of, and with the condition of the most correct and accurate registration of responsibility.

Horoscope for Capricorn woman

Women of this sign are famous for their natural beauty and household skills. They can calculate all the moves so much that in any case they will come out victorious. The horoscope for the Capricorn woman for 2017 gives her enough courage to start her own business and move closer to independence. They will be treated kindly with attention and opportunities. Worth a look at a few! Read more >>>

Horoscope for Capricorn man

The only thing you should remember this year is that you can do everything. This is probably the only sign of the zodiac for which everything goes smoothly and successfully. A man can open a horoscope for 2017 Capricorn only to confirm his assumption - you are at the peak of luck and opportunity. The rooster protects you and gives you many abilities, and the main ability is the ability to convince, persuade and promise. Read more >>>

Horoscope by birth numbers

Capricorns born from 27 to 31 December, will discover many new talents, new, completely unexpected interests. You might want to paint a picture, do some DIY, write a song, or write a novel. Now is your time and you should not dismiss such a gift. Perhaps this will make you famous and become the meaning of your life. Even if not, you will appreciate yourself in a new role, feel a surge of new strength and discover a source of harmony and peace in yourself. It is very important to do at least sometimes what you ask for in your hands. Do not reject this gift.

born from 3 to 9 January feel the gaze of the planet Uranus. You will be affected by all sorts of changes and discoveries in different areas. Don't be afraid to start a new business, meet new people and trust. Go towards discoveries: they are in you, just learn to bring them out into the light. Do not be afraid of an unkind comment addressed to you, do not be afraid to consider yourself overly confident in the possibilities - they are, and you have experience and luck.

Capricorns who were born from 4 to 11 January, will be treated kindly by Venus, and they cannot escape love, tender relationships. Go towards your destiny, the Rooster has thought of everything for you and sends you the best - love and trust. This is a relationship that will be with you forever, you will remember this year for a long time. Trust and loyalty will become your companions. Your parents will lovingly accept your choice and will be happy for you.

The horoscope for Capricorns for 2017, born on other days, is calm and balanced. They can enjoy the gifts of the year, choose their own path and solve many problems, the main thing is to see strength in themselves and not wait for help. The strength is in you!

Outwardly modest and compliant, with close acquaintance demonstrating indestructible strength of character and strong will - this is how they often describe Capricorn their relatives and friends. What is the horoscope for 2017 preparing for Capricorn? More on that later. Below is a description of the zodiac sign.

Capricorn people are endowed with extraordinary perseverance and always achieve their goal, however, they act not as warriors, but as diplomats.

The nature of the sign under the control of the planet Saturn leaves an imprint on its appearance. Capricorn is good-natured, soft and supple, he does not seek to enter into a bloody struggle for the first place and hastily rush forward. What are you, the sign will not violate its karma, "going over the heads." He will achieve his goal systematically, and time will be his best assistant.

Capricorns show confidence and calmness in all spheres of life. These are non-conflict people, they will avoid quarrels and skirmishes. If it is not possible to avoid conflict, they show composure.

A conservative and practical Capricorn is not characterized by impulsive decisions and unjustified risks. Before making a decision, the sign will weigh all the pros and cons. He is able to make operational decisions, regardless of the outcome, takes responsibility for what is happening.

The persistence of Capricorn has a downside - it is exorbitant stubbornness. Pride and pride do not allow the sign to admit defeat. He will defend his point of view to the last, not admitting to himself that he was wrong.

Capricorns are ambitious, they firmly believe that life is a movement forward and upward. When imagining their future, they see themselves standing 2 steps higher than they are now.

The sign is hardworking, able to concentrate on the problem, capable of painstaking work, perfectly able to subordinate and obey.

In personal relationships, Capricorn is always cautious. But if he understands that he is safe and can trust his partner, his coldness immediately disappears. Being a true friend, he will lend a shoulder in difficult times.

Earth - the element of the sign - is responsible for firmness and self-confidence, and the planet Saturn makes us treat everything with seriousness and responsibility.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns

From the first days of the year, the Fire Rooster advises to look closely at everyone who is in your circle of acquaintances. Unfortunately, the closest friends will be caught in envy and self-interest. Capricorn's inherent ability to delve into the very essence of things will help to distinguish fidelity from falsehood.

In the spring, when enemies move away from you, a surge of positive energy and vitality will encourage you to reach new heights. If the hypocrites cannot be seen in time, they will show their true face in the fall.

During the summer, try to spend as much time as possible with your family. Do not forget about your friends - go to parties, organize trips out of town, gather in a cozy bar on Fridays.

Rapprochement with one or more work colleagues portends mutually beneficial cooperation.

If Capricorn works hard for the first half of the year, he will be able to relax in the fall, and things will continue to go on by themselves. Even while on vacation, analyze the flow of incoming information, in the future this information will be useful for fruitful work.

By the end of autumn, be ready for new pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. The stars are favorable to those representatives of the sign who are ripe for a serious relationship.

In 2017, you will especially succeed in the role of a lightning rod - you will nullify any conflicts in the team and the home circle. The role of a peacemaker will only bring satisfaction.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the strong half of Capricorn will have a real chance to open a successful business. Increasing competition can lead to irreparable mistakes.

Love experiences will show character traits that are not characteristic of you. Passion will distract from pressing matters. Therefore, before you plunge into the pool with your head, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice part of the profit or career well-being.

To achieve success, a man must clearly distinguish between work and love, those who chase two hares will not catch one.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Capricorn woman

This year, the beautiful half of the sign will be categorical and especially demanding. Character traits that are difficult to cope with can play a cruel joke on you. This will lead to conflicts with family members as early as mid-spring. To maintain harmony and well-being with relatives, show tenderness, tolerance and love for your loved ones.

Intending to make an expensive purchase, think 10 times whether you need it. A rash step will bring significant financial hardship.

Single women will get a real chance to meet their soul mate, new acquaintances will have a serious continuation.

In order not to get hung up on household chores, married Capricorn ladies are recommended to find an active hobby.

Love horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster advises representatives of the sign to show as much attention and love to their beloved as possible. The second halves have long been waiting for a romantic step from you, ignoring this fact can lead to scandals and quarrels. Do not skimp on tenderness and affection, so you show gratitude for the moral support provided in time.

If you have thoughts of experiencing new sensations in love behind the back of your soulmate, drive them away. Everything secret will soon become clear, and a fleeting passion will only cause pain and disappointment.

Single Capricorns will have the opportunity to build a family nest. Closer to summer, a worthy person will appear in your life.

The year 2017 does not portend difficulties for couples with children. Children will delight their Capricorn parent with achievements in studies and sports. Do not “put pressure” on children with your authority, this will not give a positive result, but it will bring coldness into the relationship and significantly alienate you from each other.

Finance horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

For selfless work in the first half of the year, Capricorns will receive monetary compensation in the fall. Use these funds rationally, do not spend everything at once: set aside some, if possible, invest, buy furniture, make repairs.

Financial injections in 2017 will be related to your work and business activity; you should not count on gifts of fate.

Do not strive to receive "easy" money earned by the labor of others. Do not get involved in money adventures - you will lose more than you will gain.

Be wary of people who offer profitable investments with minimal risks, if intuition tells you that you should not trust them, listen to it.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorns will be more prone to accumulation than to wastefulness.

If friends ask for a loan, do not refuse. Approach such expenses philosophically - today you helped them, and tomorrow they will support you.

Career horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

After carefully considering the prioritization in 2017, Capricorns will once again come to the conclusion that work should be given paramount importance. Heavy workload is not ruled out, work on weekends and holidays will elevate you in the eyes of your superiors.

The leadership will set tasks for Capricorns that will rightfully be considered a professional challenge. For a positive resolution of such problems, remember everything that you have ever known or been able to do. If you put in enough effort, any task, even if it seemed impossible at first, will succumb to your sharp mind.

New projects started in the year of the Fire Rooster will be successful, but their implementation will not be too fast. Stock up on patience, and a long wait will not bring you nervous experiences and shocks.

Health Horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

2017 should be the year of health for Capricorns. Already at the beginning of the year, there is a risk of catching a serious disease that requires long-term treatment. With the right therapy, it will be possible to “stand on your feet” closer to autumn, but even now, monitor your well-being and do not stop prevention.

The well-being of the sign is directly proportional to its lifestyle. Give up the abuse of alcoholic beverages, rest more, sleep, eat well.

Pay special attention to the nervous system - stress and overwork at work will not affect it in the best way. At the beginning of autumn, organize a vacation by the sea or in a pine forest.

Capricorns are famous people

Isaac Newton, Eduard Uspensky, Stephenie Meyer, Ricky Martin, Dima Bilan, Conrad Hilton, Armin van Buuren, Mikhail Boyarsky, Jared Leto, Mao Zedong, Marlene Dietrich, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Gerard Depardieu, Denzel Washington, Rudyard Kipling, Anthony Hopkins , Oleg Deripaska, Mel Gibson, Marilyn Manson, Adriano Celentano.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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