Self-propelled all-terrain vehicles. Do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicle caterpillar: manufacturing features, drawings

Our country occupies a huge area and not all of its corners have the opportunity to travel on decent roads. For example, in the northern regions and the Far East, it is often impossible to do without a cross-country vehicle.

And what can the industry offer for such cases? And if you need an all-terrain vehicle small, economical and inexpensive? Alas, there are no such samples for sale, and most likely, there will not be for a long time. So people are building home-made all-terrain vehicles, each in accordance with their needs and capabilities. In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at the principles of manufacturing such vehicles and give some tips for novice designers of all-terrain vehicles. Let's start by looking at how ATVs are classified.

Types of ATVs

Two main schemes are popular among do-it-yourselfers - tracked vehicles and units on low-pressure pneumatics, with these examples we will get acquainted with the machines.

Homemade all-terrain vehicles on tracks

Vehicles that are quite complex in amateur manufacturing have their pros and cons. Of the positive characteristics, high cross-country ability can be distinguished; in this regard, tracked all-terrain vehicles have no competitors. Cars of this class are most often built using automotive power units, therefore, their fuel consumption is higher than that of other models, but the power reserve is also solid, unlike their counterparts with motorcycle engines.

Homemade caterpillar all-terrain vehicle with an engine from the VAZv "classic"

The downside of such structures is the relative complexity of manufacturing the mover - caterpillars. You can, of course, try to use caterpillars from industrial products, for example, the same Buran snowmobile, but not in all cases such caterpillars will be a suitable option. The main disadvantage is the high cost of manufacturing an all-terrain vehicle. Even if most of the components are in your own garage, the costs will still be higher (both in time and in finance) compared to wheeled counterparts.

Homemade all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires

They are more common among amateur designers. There are several reasons for this, the first of which is ease of manufacture.

Karakat based on a frame and engine from a motorcycle

To create, for example, a three-wheeled all-terrain vehicle is much easier than its caterpillar counterpart, there are no scarce or difficult-to-manufacture components, component parts are much cheaper and more affordable, the same engine from a motorcycle, for example. Of course, the level of comfort will be lower, but no one forbids making a small cabin on a home-made karakat and equipping it with a heater.

Where to begin?

To begin with, you should decide, according to your needs, what type of all-terrain vehicle you are going to build. It all depends on the specific conditions and personal desire, so it’s hard to advise something. The only thing is, if you have no experience with tracked mechanisms, perhaps you should start with a simple pneumatic.

Next, we determine the operating conditions, capacity and carrying capacity, and, based on these data, outline the general concept of the future machine. After that, you can proceed to the preliminary design of the all-terrain vehicle, which outlines the layout and location of all components and assemblies of the vehicle in general terms, do not forget about the driver and passengers if the vehicle is multi-seat.

Note: to make it more convenient to make layout sketches, make scale models of the main components of the machine out of thick paper and stock up on paper figures of little men in the same scale - it will be much more convenient at the initial stage than to draw the same contours over and over again in search of the optimal location.

Choosing an engine

Not every engine is suitable for an all-terrain vehicle, the main requirement for it is the presence of forced cooling, since all-terrain vehicles usually develop low speeds, a conventional motor from a motorcycle, for example, will overheat. Therefore, if you decide to use such a power unit, then take care of its cooling, at least with the help of a fan and an elementary casing that organizes the movement of air flow.

Of course, the engine must have enough power to provide the all-terrain vehicle with the ability to drive in any conditions. You can calculate the required maximum motor power using the formula: n dv. max=10 -3 N sp. m p; (n dv. max. - maximum power, N beats - specific power per ton of weight, which should be in the range of 20 - 35 hp).

If the machine is intended to be used all year round, a four-stroke engine is preferable. Such engines are easier to start and work more stable at low temperatures than their two-stroke counterparts (although their power density is somewhat lower). There are no specific recommendations on the type of engine - gasoline or diesel, each has its pros and cons.

Among the engines of domestic production, motorcycle engines M-67 have proven themselves well, and from automobile engines, the “Zazovsky” family can be noted. Quite often you can see engines assembled on the basis of tractor launchers using parts from other engines and working with different clutches and gearboxes. Recently, homemade all-terrain vehicles from a walk-behind tractor have become widespread. This is due to the appearance on the market of inexpensive sufficient power

Recently, craftsmen have been constructing homemade all-terrain vehicles on tracks and low-pressure tires using Chinese engines manufactured under license from Japanese companies. These motors are distinguished by reliability, unpretentiousness and low price with quite sufficient power. Pay attention to them when designing a machine.


In the design of the chassis, it is best to use independent wheel suspensions, although they are technologically more complex, but they provide comfortable conditions for the driver and passengers. Together with low-pressure tires, this gives a good effect.

The frame can be either a spatial structure or flat, in addition, one-piece or articulated (for tracked and wheeled vehicles). By the way, the articulated design of a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle has great potential for design work, but because of its complexity, it finds little use in such an area as do-it-yourself all-terrain vehicles.

For the manufacture of frames, channels, corners and pipes of different sections and sizes are used.

Hello to all DIYers! For a long time I nurtured the idea of ​​​​building a homemade all-terrain vehicle, and now I decided.

There was no experience in building an all-terrain vehicle, as such, I did everything by trial and error. Next, a small photo report of the manufacture of an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands.

As planned, the design of the all-terrain vehicle should be simple and practical. As a power unit, I decided to use a walk-behind tractor along with a gearbox.

Slowly began to try on and figure out the future design of a homemade all-terrain vehicle.

He began to cook the frame from the corner and profile pipes.

I started manufacturing the front drive, decided to connect it to the axle shafts with the central shaft, put the driven star for the chain drive.

At first, such an experimental version of the all-terrain vehicle turned out, in the process of testing it corrected the flaws. From the gearbox of the walk-behind tractor there is a chain transmission to the driven star. Steering wheel from a VAZ car.

Made discs for cameras.

I put the cameras on the disks, and that's what happened. I had to redo.

Then he took and put the "encouraging", it turned out much better and more reliable.

The all-terrain vehicle began to actively run in, along the way, changes and adjustments were made to the design. To date, the all-terrain vehicle has been debugged and is ready to overcome swamps, mud and snow, even floats.

In the photo: I'm handing over to go into the lake, so it seems easier to move down the steep slope into the water.

The all-terrain vehicle keeps on water and floats.

I also want to say to those who want to build an all-terrain vehicle on their own.

First, get ready for big expenses, which will be much more than you expect.

Secondly, it takes a lot of time to build an all-terrain vehicle, it’s not so easy to do so without drawings, and without experience. In the process of work, you have to figure it out many times, weld it, then cut it off and redo it. But if there is a great desire, patience, then something worthwhile will turn out.

Lightweight all-terrain vehicles with huge cameras are able to overcome severe off-road conditions that other types of off-road vehicles cannot pass. Self-made vehicles of this type are simple, since they do not have a complex technical base, which is what won the recognition of most home craftsmen. Such equipment is especially in demand among residents of rural areas, where precipitation greatly reduces the quality of roads, as well as among lovers of hunting, fishing and extreme recreation.

Varieties of homemade all-terrain vehicles

Depending on the type of construction and chassis, the following types of homemade all-terrain vehicles are distinguished:

  1. Boat swamps. They have a simple design and are relatively cheap to manufacture. They are equipped with an outboard motor and allow you to move around shallow waters.
  2. caterpillar swamp allows you to drive over overgrown water bodies, but it is rather complicated and expensive to manufacture, as it requires the attachment of a special type of caterpillars.
  3. All-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires- the simplest and most promising type of swamp, the performance of which depends on the design and reliability of tires.

Some homemade products later become serial models. This happened with, which is now known all over the world.

Types of homemade all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires

Homemade all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires, having the same principle of off-road movement, may differ in type of design. There are the following main types of vehicles of this type:

1. All-wheel drive caracat. In its design, it uses transmission and chassis elements from obsolete types of cars. It has four-wheel drive, a transfer case, and an adapted boat hull in its lower part and tightness add buoyancy to the all-terrain vehicle. Designed to overcome swamps and swamps, capable of delivering goods and people to inaccessible areas.

2. Tricycle on low pressure tires. It features the simplest design, and can be made by almost any car enthusiast in a garage. The IZH Planet 3 motorcycle is often taken as the basis for such an all-terrain vehicle, thanks to its endurance and unpretentiousness.

3. Homemade karakat with a motorized carriage engine FDD. Its feature is the location of the engine not under the frame or gas tank, but under the seat or at the rear of the all-terrain vehicle frame. Chassis parts are traditionally taken from cars, and motorcycle elements are used in the front. For the manufacture of the frame, pipes, channels and corners are used.

4. All-terrain vehicles with low-pressure tires based on cars or ATVs. They are made using ready-made main units by reworking the transmission and chassis, as well as equipping them with low pressure tires.

How to make an all-terrain vehicle on low pressure tires?

The work on the manufacture of an all-terrain vehicle begins with the preparation of an action plan, the full implementation of which means the achievement of the desired result. The following tips will help you save time and money:

  1. The availability of free time, allowing you to regularly perform work on the assembly of the all-terrain vehicle. In its absence, it is better not to start at all.
  2. Budget planning. Self-creation of an all-terrain vehicle allows you to save on the purchase of a serial model, but in order to eliminate unnecessary expenses, you need to make all the calculations and buy the necessary components and parts, as well as leave a certain amount for unforeseen expenses or breakdowns.
  3. Plan development. If you have experience in the development of vehicles or the makings of a design engineer, it is possible to independently create a drawing of an all-terrain vehicle. In the absence of such, they use someone else's experience and ready-made drawings, of which there are a sufficient number on the Internet.

DIY low pressure tires

Tires of this type visually resemble huge pillows that support the entire structure. The degree of adhesion in such wheels allows you to make the vehicle passable on any off-road. Depending on the design features, such tires are divided into the following types:

  1. Arched. They differ in increased dimensions in comparison with a standard wheel in width by 5 times, and have a thickness of up to 700 mm. The pressure in them, as in an ordinary ball, is 0.05 MPa. Mounted exclusively on the main drive.
  2. Wide profile. Differ in an oval design and pressure below standard up to 2 times. Most commonly used in trucks.
  3. Toroid. They are made in a chamber and tubeless version, they are highly popular among motorists.
  4. Pneumoroller, having lugs to improve cross-country characteristics, and stiffening ribs, giving the entire structure stability and strength.

The cost of factory-made low-pressure tires can be out of reach for many motorists. But for your own all-terrain vehicle, it is quite possible to make such a wheel on your own. Work is performed in the following order:

1. The choice of starting material, for example, tires for agricultural or aviation equipment, as well as other types of industrial vehicles.

2. The tread is cleaned, washed and dried, after which the desired patterns are drawn to create your own pattern, as well as remove excess wire and rubber.

3. To remove excess wire, the inside of the wheel is trimmed and the cord is removed using.

4. Excess rubber is also removed with a winch, making cuts around the circumference, and fixing them with pliers to the cable, gently pulling and cutting with a knife.

5. After removing the tread layer, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper.

6. Assembling the disk. To do this, use a standard disc cut in half, or welded from plates and pipes, and then carefully polished to prevent damage to the chamber.

7. The tire is pulled over the rim and secured with straps or a fire hose, and then inflated. The wheel is ready.

What type of tread to choose for an all-terrain vehicle?

To select the right type of tread for an all-terrain vehicle with low-pressure tires, the following factors must be considered:

  1. The protector must be capable of self-cleaning. This property is especially relevant for the use of an all-terrain vehicle in harsh and wetlands.
  2. When using an all-terrain vehicle on peat bogs, tires are chosen with a low and shallow terrain, otherwise if their top layer breaks, the grip will be insufficient for full movement.
  3. When used in snowy areas and on sandstones, tires with a rare pattern are chosen.

Choosing an engine for an all-terrain vehicle

Most often, the following type is used as a power unit for self-manufacturing of an all-terrain vehicle:

  1. Motorcycle.
  2. ZAZ car.
  3. Motoblock.
  4. Domestic cars.

The presence of a certain engine in an all-terrain vehicle does not make a fundamental difference. It is more important to take into account such a feature as ensure sufficient cooling, since the vehicle is operated all year round in various temperature conditions and at low speeds. The ZAZ engine is excellent for this, well tolerated by temperature changes. All-terrain vehicles running on motor-block power units have also proven themselves from the best side.

Another main criterion for choosing an engine for future homemade is its power.

The reserve of power must be sufficient so that the all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires can drive out of mud, water, or deep snow.

By choosing a unit with a power reserve, they get the best performance, prevent overheating and create conditions for the longest possible service life.

Features of the chassis of the all-terrain vehicle

The undercarriage of all-terrain vehicles on low-pressure tires is made in the form to give the all-terrain vehicle the best off-road qualities, increase the comfort of driving a vehicle and ease of driving for the driver and passengers. This type of construction has the main drawback - the complexity of manufacturing.

To create it, pipes, corners and channels are used, made of durable alloy steel, creating a strong foundation that can go out for several years without breakdowns. The frame is made both solid and articulated. The latter has a high working potential, but the complexity of manufacturing makes it quite rare in home-made designs.

The sequence of self-assembly of the all-terrain vehicle

Assembling an all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires includes the following steps:

1. Selecting the type of all-terrain vehicle and the base on which units and parts will be mounted. For this, frames of cars or motorcycles are used, as well as a home-made design, developed on their own or borrowed from other people's drawings.

2. Manufacture and assembly of the suspension with the rear axle. For this, the optimal solution is independent design, and although much more time will be spent on its creation, the result will be an all-terrain vehicle with higher qualities of patency and ride comfort.

3. Mounting wheels. Produced after completion of work on the creation of the rear axle and suspension. Metal hubs are used to mount the cameras. Properly made or selected low pressure wheels will provide an all-terrain vehicle with increased driving safety and good handling.

4. Mounting the engine. Particular attention is paid to the correct arrangement of the cooling system.

5. Installation of additional systems. Includes the connection of the brake system, communications for the removal of exhaust gases, clutch and. At this stage, the body of the all-terrain vehicle and lighting devices are being installed.

6. Completion of work and implementation of a pilot test, which shows the performance of nodes and systems. If there are problems or points that need to be improved, the shortcomings are eliminated, after which the all-terrain vehicle is ready for operation.

Video test homemade all-terrain vehicle

In many Russian regions, the state of roads leaves much to be desired. This problem is especially acute in the northern regions, where snow hides bumps on the roads. In order to move normally in such terrain, you need a car with increased cross-country ability, and preferably an all-terrain vehicle. But modern industry does not produce such equipment. No, all-terrain vehicles, of course, are being made, but there are no cheap models that a not very rich citizen could buy. The way out can be to create an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. A huge plus of such a decision is that the car will be made in accordance with one's own needs and for specific conditions.

The most popular all-terrain vehicle models are tracked units and those that use low-pressure pneumatics.

Most often, all-terrain vehicles are required by residents of rural areas. Dirt and impassability are a big problem for them even if they live in a warm region. A villager is not able to afford buying a factory-made all-terrain vehicle, which is why people make this technique with their own hands. The basis for the all-terrain vehicle are old cars and motorcycles. Also, any parts that are at hand go into the work.

A mini all-terrain vehicle, made with his own hand, is the pride of the craftsman who assembled it. Such a machine will certainly be an original product. So, this is a kind of visiting card of the master. An indicator of his professionalism. After all, not everyone can make an all-terrain vehicle with their own hands from the old Oka, for example. Sometimes it takes several weeks to fit one part to another, and you need to be careful when doing this. It can take a lot of time to find the necessary part or assembly.

The designs of home-made all-terrain vehicles are so successful and unusual that a solid design bureau can admire the development of a craftsman.

An all-terrain vehicle brings much more benefits than an ordinary motorcycle. The main advantage of the car is that you can ride it all year round. With the advent of winter, an all-terrain vehicle "on a pneumatic course" is easily equipped with skis, and it turns into a snowmobile.

I advise you to read about how to make a tractor from a walk-behind tractor.

How to make an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor description and photo

As already mentioned, you should clearly imagine what exactly the all-terrain vehicle will be used for, and only then proceed to its creation. Caterpillar mechanisms require experience in handling them. If there are problems with this, it is recommended to start with ordinary "pneumatics".

When it is already clear how the all-terrain vehicle will be used, it remains to decide on its capacity and carrying capacity. Next, drawings are created according to which it will be done. On the drawings you need to draw components and assemblies. Figure out the best way to arrange them.

The engine is selected one that has forced cooling. For example, you can use water-cooled or air-cooled motoblock engines.

The maximum motor power is calculated by the formula:

ndv.max here denotes the maximum power, and Nsp - specific power per 1 ton of weight. The limits of the last indicator are 20-35 hp.

If you intend to use the all-terrain vehicle year-round, it is recommended to equip it with a four-stroke engine.

What type of diesel or gasoline engine to choose for an all-terrain vehicle?

It is impossible to give a specific answer to this question. Both motors have their advantages and disadvantages.

It is not bad to use domestic motors in an all-terrain vehicle. They have shown their reliability. This refers to the Zaz engine and the M-67 motorcycle engine. Engines are also good, based on the design of which are tractor “launchers”. In recent years, many have begun to make all-terrain vehicles from walk-behind tractors. This is explained by the fact that the market was flooded with affordable Chinese walk-behind tractors, on which engines of sufficient power are installed. These motors are reliable and do not require frequent maintenance.

Chassis is recommended to do with independent wheel suspension. To do this, it will take some effort, but the comfort of those inside will be ensured. An excellent result is achieved when the suspensions are paired with low pressure tires.

If we are talking about a tracked all-terrain vehicle, the frame for it is a one-piece structure. In the case of wheeled vehicles, an articulated version is used. Although an articulated frame can be chosen for a tracked all-terrain vehicle.

How to make an all-terrain vehicle with your own hands from a walk-behind tractor

Light homemade all-terrain vehicles are called "pneumatics" or "karakat". The best patency is provided by large chambers.

Stages of creating an all-terrain vehicle:

Choice of machine base.

The frame of a motorcycle URAL or IZH can serve as the basis. Machine based on IZH, more maneuverable. And many opt for this option. Such a machine moves well off-road.

Manufacture of suspension and rear axle.

To obtain an independent rear and front suspension, the spars are connected by a strut, a steering sleeve and a special rack. Such a suspension provides a smooth ride, and any type of all-terrain vehicle should have it.

Wheel fastening.

Any light all-terrain vehicle should have a camera from a truck. It is attached to the suspension with a metal hub. Low pressure chambers from KamAZ trucks, their trailers, as well as URAL vehicles are used. This provides ease of steering and increased safety when traveling.

Installation of systems and engine.

When the suspension with wheels is installed, the walk-behind tractor motor is produced. At the same time, the clutch, brake, gas emission system are connected.

Upon completion of the assembly, the all-terrain vehicle is tested. If everything is in order, you can start using it.

Homemade all-terrain vehicle and its use

All-terrain vehicles-pneumatics showed excellent patency in swampy terrain, riverbeds and mud. They have good buoyancy, so a small water barrier can be overcome on such an all-terrain vehicle without difficulty.

As a rule, a pneumatic can accelerate up to 75 km/h.

A selection of videos on how to make an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor

All-terrain vehicle from the motoblock "Neva"

Drawings, do-it-yourself home-made all-terrain vehicles, with small overall dimensions, we will consider using the example of L. Antokhov's design.

Equipped with a closed cabin, low pressure tires, breaking frame and original transmission.

Technical characteristics of the all-terrain vehicle:
own weight - 220 (kg)
weight of transported cargo together with passengers - 300 (kg)
towing trailer weight - 250 (kg)
the possibility of transformation into a mini tractor with a tire diameter of 650 ... 800 (mm)
maximum speed on the road - 60 (km / h)
maximum speed on snow - 35 (km / h)
turning radius - 3 (m)



It consists of:
three chain drives
reverse gear
reverse gear brake
cardan shaft
two differentials


With the help of a chain, torque is transmitted from the engine to the reverse gear





Automotive type

Rack mechanism from a motorized carriage

From motorized carriage

From scooter

We will weld home-made all-terrain vehicles with our own hands from steel pipes measuring 40x1.2 (mm). The panels are made of waterproof plywood 3 mm thick, which are riveted to the frame.
Mud guards are made of one millimeter thick aluminum sheets.
Glazing: windshield - stalinite; side and rear - plexiglass, three millimeters thick.
Seats - reclining, for convenient boarding and disembarking of passengers.

Self-pulling, with pulling force up to one ton.