How to store feces for testing. Rules for collecting feces for analysis

Analysis of fecal masses is taken quite often, especially in childhood, in order to monitor the state of the digestive system. The collection of feces from infants is a responsible event, primarily for parents, on which the correct interpretation of the result depends. This article will help you figure out how to take a stool test correctly.

What does a stool test show?

Fecal analysis can be an important diagnostic tool in the hands of a competent specialist. To determine the general condition of the body, a coprology (general analysis of feces) is done - it will allow you to assess the state of the digestive tract and identify deviations in its work. Fecal analysis for a coprogram is done in almost any clinic or diagnostic center. According to the results of the analysis, parents learn about the presence in the feces of undigested particles of food, starch, protein, blood, bilirubin. Other physical and chemical parameters are also evaluated. There are also narrowly focused studies of feces.

Before this, you should prepare everything you need to collect feces:

  • a sterile plastic jar from a pharmacy with a spoon;
  • sterile diaper or oilcloth;
  • a potty washed with baby soap is for older children.

Important! It is best to collect feces from a baby not from a diaper. It is impregnated not only with feces, but also with urine, and this is not permissible during the study.

You need to be ready to collect feces in the morning, but you should not forget about this possibility in the daytime, because the process is reflex and is not regulated by the strong-willed decision to “be patient” when the mother is ready. After observing the baby, you can notice the child's urge to defecate - the children calm down, become concentrated, with tight feces, you can notice a reddened face and drops of sweat on the forehead when the baby is pushing.

The collection of biomaterial must be done immediately after defecation in a clean, dry dish. In extreme cases, it is allowed to collect feces in household dishes. It is necessary to take glassware, previously washed and dried. The container must be sealed tightly and the name and age of the child must be signed.

How to collect feces from a baby for analysis in a jar

If defecation has begun.

  1. A child under the ass needs to lay a pre-prepared oilcloth or diaper. Any clean oilcloth or the reverse side of a diaper diaper can come up - they also have a layer of polyethylene. In this case, you can be sure that the pile or threads from the diaper will not get into the stool.
  2. Thick stool is collected with a stool spoon attached to the lid of the container.
  3. Liquid feces are poured from an oilcloth placed under the baby's ass.
  4. Then the container is tightly sealed and transferred to the laboratory. The analysis collected the night before can be stored in the refrigerator.

If there is no bowel movement for a long time.

  1. A child under the ass needs to lay a pre-prepared oilcloth or diaper.
  2. Make a massage of the tummy, stroking with light pressure with the palm of your hand clockwise. Then press the baby's legs, bent at the knees, to the tummy. Perform strokes and exercises alternately.
  3. Next, you can try to stimulate the anus with a gas tube, the tip of which is smeared with petroleum jelly.
  4. If necessary, repeat step 2 and step 3 in sequence.

How much baby stool is needed for analysis? Average for any analysis, it is necessary to collect a volume equivalent to 1-2 teaspoons- this is quite enough to evaluate the necessary indicators.

Is special training needed?

  1. Special preparation in the form of washing is not required if the usual daily hygiene procedures are followed.
  2. If the baby is taking antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to notify the doctor. For some tests, taking antibacterial agents may be unacceptable, so the doctor may postpone the date of delivery of feces.
  3. When conducting a coprogram, the use of antibiotics and enzyme preparations is clearly excluded.
  4. When conducting an analysis for occult blood, it is necessary to exclude tomatoes, fish products and meat from the child’s diet three days before collecting the biomaterial so that a false positive result is not obtained.
  5. When analyzing feces for digestive enzymes, it is forbidden to give enzyme preparations for three days, otherwise you can get incorrect data.

Fecal masses cannot be donated in some cases:

  • if the child was given laxatives or suppositories were placed;
  • if an enema was done;
  • when mixing feces with urine.

Biomaterial storage

If the feces are collected in the morning, they must be delivered to the laboratory within the next two hours after collection. It is best to collect feces in the morning, but if this is not possible, then it is stored until morning in the refrigerator. For most parents, it becomes not entirely clear the question of how much feces can be stored for analysis in the refrigerator. Note that the collected feces in a tightly sealed container must be stored on the bottom shelf for no more than twelve hours. Therefore, when collecting feces, you need to take into account when they will be delivered to the laboratory in order not to get incorrect results. Knowing how to store feces for analysis from evening to morning correctly, you can easily collect biomaterial for research.

How to store feces for analysis?

The collected material is best stored in the refrigerator. The required temperature is from plus four to plus eight degrees, not higher. Place the container on the middle shelf. This is the optimum temperature at which the fecal analysis will be best preserved. Here he can survive to the maximum a large number of bacteria.

If you are confused by the storage of intestinal contents in the refrigerator, then temporarily free the shelf on which you put the container from other food products. Although a jar for analyzes purchased at a pharmacy closes very tightly and hermetically, protecting the contents from surrounding bacteria, and the environment from the contents of the container.

How not to store a stool sample?

In no case should you put the container with the analysis in the freezer. Do not put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, as well as on the refrigerator door. And, of course, it is strictly forbidden to leave it just to stand at room temperature.

Why is storage temperature necessary? Remember biology lessons. In heat, microorganisms multiply rapidly. In the cold, they quickly die. Therefore, if you leave the container in the room, then the bacteria will quickly begin to multiply, and by the time you deliver it to the laboratory, the indicators will change upwards. Conversely, when stored in a freezer, microorganisms will die and stool analysis will show a completely wrong result. The temperature from plus 4 to plus 8 degrees is optimal, in it the bacteria will not die quickly, but reproduction is also inhibited, so their number will not change significantly.

How long can you keep feces in the refrigerator?

Everything is clear with the temperature regime, but what about time? Feces for a coprogram should be stored for no more than 8 hours. Eight hours is the upper ceiling. Even after 6 hours, the result begins to distort. Of course, it is best not to store it at all, but to collect it and quickly take it to the laboratory. In this case, with proper transportation, the stool analysis will be of the highest accuracy, which is necessary for prescribing the right treatment. But it doesn't always work out that way. When calculating the time, take into account the time to get to the laboratory, do not wait until the last moment.

It is worth noting that some tests do not tolerate the storage of feces at all. For example, to detect Giardia, it is necessary to deliver the contents of the intestine within two hours or even earlier. If you suspect dysbacteriosis, then it is also necessary to get to the laboratory with a sample immediately after collection. What happens if the time frame is violated? Be honest with your doctor about this. It is best to retake the test. If you hide that the feces were stored for more than 6-8 hours, then the doctor may begin treatment that is detrimental to you based on highly distorted analyzes.

How to collect a fecal analysis?

Preparation for the collection, like any other preparation for the delivery of tests, requires thoroughness and compliance with all the rules. At first it seems that it is very simple to follow the usual physiological process and collect the sample. But there are several nuances. So, follow the instructions below.

  1. Training.
  • Buy a sterile container from the pharmacy;
  • Do not take medications that affect the functioning of the digestive system a few hours before collecting the material;
  • In no case do not take laxatives, the last dose - at least 24 hours ago, preferably more. The very act of defecation to collect the analysis should be natural!
  • Do not use rectal suppositories;
  • Be sure to empty your bladder;
  • Women are not recommended to take the test during menstruation.

What to do if you are taking medicines that you cannot refuse? If you have menstruation, and you need to pass the analysis? If constipation occurs? Be sure to tell your doctor about this. In each individual case, he will select the appropriate solution.

  1. Collection of material.
  • Prepare a container or any other suitable container. A sterile special container is preferable, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Many laboratories provide their own collection container.
  • Wash the vulva thoroughly using soap and then rinse with clean water.
  • Use a pot or vessel.
  • Collect a sample of the contents of the intestine, in special containers for this a spoon is included.
  1. Take the sample to the laboratory as soon as possible.

How long can you store material for analysis on the eggworm?

This is one of the most common situations when you have to take a coprogram. It is usually taken by children. The act of defecation is very intimate and most often unpredictable. If a person has a perfectly healthy digestive system, then the stool should be regular and at the same time (usually, this is the morning). But due to the change in the composition of products, the fast pace of life, stress, there are very few people who can boast of a chair on schedule. Hence the question - how much can you store feces? Alas, as mentioned above, for any study, this period does not exceed 8 hours. After the allotted time, the material completely changes, microorganisms multiply or die, and as a result, the result will have nothing to do with reality. One of the solutions to the problem came up with the laboratories themselves. Some provide a courier call service that will deliver the material in a special refrigerated bag quickly and without loss of quality.

Where to store feces?

The best option is a purchased sterile container. It is simple and convenient to use, it comes with a special spoon, it does not need to be prepared, boiled, washed - just open the package and that's it. The worst option is a littered plastic container. Bacteria will remain in plastic even after sterilization, harmful substances that can affect the result of the study settle on plastic, because food, paints, etc. were stored here before. Do not use used plastic containers to collect bowel material.

An alternative is a glass jar. It happens that there was no purchased container at hand, and it became possible to collect and deliver feces right now. In this case, you can use glass containers, a jar.

  1. Wash the can with soda;
  2. Scald with boiling water;
  3. Wait for the jar to dry;
  4. Move the sample to the jar;
  5. Close the lid tightly.

How to bring the collected material to the laboratory?

The last unanswered question on this topic is how to properly store the container while you get to the hospital? Often the journey takes at least half an hour. If you go by bus in the summer in hot weather, and you just carry a container of feces in a bag, what will happen? Microorganisms will begin to multiply rapidly in heat and the result of the analysis will horrify the doctor, even if initially you or your child are completely healthy.

Therefore, it is necessary to put the feces in the refrigerator for a short time, then put the container in a thermos or build its likeness. Wrap the container in several layers of paper, then in a cloth, such as a towel. This will keep the desired temperature for a short time.

Rules for collecting feces

The coprogram is an accurate method for identifying the pathogenic environment within the body. Incorrectly collected material can significantly distort the results of the analysis. To prevent this, it is important to follow certain rules before taking the sample.

  1. Use of sterile containers. Special fecal containers can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently (treat a plastic or glass jar with boiling water, dry).
  2. Hygiene. Before passing faeces, the genitals should be washed well with soap and water (can be treated with furatsilin). The preliminary container for collecting feces - a vessel, a pot - must be clean and dry.
  3. Collect a small amount of feces(2-3 cc of substance) with a special spoon, place in a prepared container or jar, then close tightly.

During the collection of organic material, nothing superfluous, including urine, should get into it. Therefore, it is important to empty the bladder before the procedure.

An important recommendation of doctors is to follow a therapeutic diet 7 days before the test. Fried, spicy, fatty and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Focus on vegetables (raw and boiled), consume more dairy products. Such nutrition contributes to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes regular stools, which will make it possible to collect the right amount of bowel movements.

When is feces not suitable for collection?

It is not always possible to collect feces for research. There are situations when it is better to wait with such a procedure, otherwise the results of the analysis will be distorted.

You can not donate feces immediately after an enema or x-ray contrast examination of the digestive tract. It is recommended to wait at least 48 hours. If a person takes sorbents, uses rectal suppositories or laxatives, stool collection is possible no earlier than a few days (2-3 days) after such manipulations.

How and where to store material

It is better to collect feces early in the morning, following all the rules of such a procedure. After a bowel movement, the material must be delivered to the laboratory within a few hours. If there is no courier delivery, the substance must be taken to the clinic yourself. If it is not possible to send feces to the coprogram in the near future, they can be stored for some time - the shelf life of fresh feces is no more than 8 hours - but it is important to adhere to the basic rules:

  • storage of material is possible only in the refrigerator (the best place is the middle shelf with the desired temperature from +4 to +8 degrees);
  • it is forbidden to place the container on the side shelves or leave it in the freezer, as this can destroy the natural properties of the intestinal contents;
  • the lid on the container with feces must be tightly closed to isolate the material from external factors;
  • it is strictly forbidden to keep the collected samples at room temperature for more than 15 minutes.

Failure to comply with the rules for storing feces for analysis significantly reduces the chances of obtaining the correct test result.

Children's feces are not as easy to collect as adults. It is not always possible to guess the exact time of a bowel movement, especially for babies. Therefore, if the baby poops in the afternoon or in the evening, his feces will be suitable for study until the next morning. The main thing is that all storage requirements are met, and the analysis of the child is brought to the clinic without delay.

How long can a stool sample be stored

Often patients have a question: how long is the collected feces stored? It all depends on what exactly the experts are trying to determine.

Feces that were collected in the evening and stored in the refrigerator until morning (if more than 8 hours have passed since the bowel movement) are rarely suitable. This is explained by the fact that long-term storage adversely affects the state of feces: some microorganisms die, others begin to develop, the chemical composition of the contents, its structure and properties change. All this leads to incorrect results and erroneous diagnoses.

Collection and storage of intestinal contents important role in the coprogram. The result of the study depends on compliance with the relevant rules. If stool samples are stored at room temperature, for a long time or frozen, the pathogenic flora will change in them, which will lead to a distortion of the final analysis values. Without a retake of bakposev, there is a risk of prescribing the wrong treatment, which can cause great harm to health. Therefore, it is important to comply with all the requirements indicated by experts.

Where to store fecal analysis until morning? Maybe in the fridge?

    Of course, you should store the feces prepared in the evening for analysis in a special jar (you can buy these in advance at the pharmacy, and if you suddenly didn’t have it at hand, then in a penicillin jar) in the refrigerator. And the jar (bubble) itself is placed in a plastic bag, and then in the corner of the refrigerator door.

    But experts say that fresh feces prepared in the morning are best. And you should also take into account why you donate feces, if to identify the eggs of worms, then you can prepare it in the evening.

    It is possible, but not necessary, the analysis of feces shows enzymatic activity, that is, how much the organs of your digestive tract are able to digest food. Nothing will happen to your feces overnight even if you leave the jar in the toilet.

    Well, of course you can, especially since nothing will happen to him until the morning, if not in the refrigerator. Storage of feces should be in a special jar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Do not keep feces for more than 12 hours in the refrigerator. In the evening, collect in a special container, and put in storage in the lower part of the refrigerator.

    Usually they do this, in the evening they put the feces in a special box for analysis, then they wrap the box with a newspaper and several bags and into the refrigerator door. If it is winter outside, then you can put the box on the balcony. If you didn’t have time to pass the tests, the next time you need fresh feces.

    Yes, you can, nothing will happen to the feces, many do just that. Of course, it would be better to prepare fresh feces, which are several hours old - well, this is ideal, it also depends on what exactly you are handing over. I made it myself in the evening and kept it in the fridge.

    It can be in the refrigerator, or you can just indoors. In winter, I left a jar on the balcony and just under the bathtub in the bathroom. I think that this did not affect the quality of the analysis in any way. But if I put the jar in the refrigerator and one of my household members saw it among the products, I'm afraid that the consequences would be very deplorable.

    Of course, in the refrigerator, it is better in the freezer, otherwise, if you have worms, then they can eat feces overnight and you will have nothing to carry for analysis. Or the feces can turn sour, deteriorate and the analysis will be incorrect.

    It is possible, it is possible, no one forbids

    Only it is best that the feces be fresh

    This means that before leaving the house it is best to go to the toilet.

    And then put the feces in a special jar or box and take it for analysis

    PS: if you have done your business in the evening, then put the feces in a jar, a box and in the refrigerator. Pack carefully

    Here in the question you will find out how much stool analysis is stored. Although the question was created quite a long time ago, even today the answers of the authors are quite relevant, the rules for storage and terms have not changed.

    As for the place of storage of feces, the ability to store it in the refrigerator, then yes, you can store it there, only in the refrigerator compartment of the device. Carefully close a special jar for these purposes, and for reliability also in a small plastic bag. And all this in a corner, so as not to embarrass the rest. And yet it is not recommended to store the analysis of feces for a long time, it is advised to bring fresh. And the refrigerator is the best place to store feces.

    Analyzes should always be fresh, including the analysis of feces for occult blood, worms, and other parameters. You should not store it in the refrigerator, yet it is for food, you can leave it on the floor in the toilet, or if there is a balcony, then take it out there.

Most people who at least once encountered stool tests wondered how to properly collect, store and donate it. Indeed, the accuracy and correctness of the diagnosis depends on compliance with all norms and rules, which is very important for a potential patient.

Obviously, everyone wants to hear from the doctor the correct diagnosis after the delivery of feces. To do this, you must follow the rules below. If you decide to neglect these tips, then no one can guarantee you the accuracy of the analyzes, keep this in mind.

There is nothing difficult in collecting material. Buy a special plastic container for tests at the pharmacy. It comes with a spatula for collecting feces and is screwed tightly with a lid.

  1. First you need to find a container where you will keep the feces. Ideally, it should be a transparent jar with a screw cap and a specialty spoon inside, where storage will be safe for the stool itself. Many will probably ask where I can get such a container that meets all the criteria. But in the yard of the 21st century, such special jars for analysis are sold in any pharmacy and cost a penny. If you have already used such a container before, then before re-taking the analysis, it is necessary to rinse the jar well.
  2. Immediately before collecting feces, thoroughly wash the genitals with soap and rinse well with water. The study of feces will not suffer.
  3. First of all, you need to empty your bladder so that urine does not get into a jar of feces in any case. Now you need to start the process of defecation. Here, the same spoon from the pharmacy container will greatly facilitate our work. Use it to put some feces in a jar and close it well.
  4. Also, ideally, a person should eat right and follow a diet for testing.

Here are some examples of such diets:

Nutrition according to Pevzner. Your diet should include white and black bread, any kind of boiled or fried meat, boiled cereals such as: rice, buckwheat, sauerkraut, apples, potatoes. A person should consume about 3,000 calories per day with this diet.

The Schmidt Diet. This is a bland diet. A person with it should eat 5 times a day, dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, butter, kefir, and so on) should be a priority. The diet also includes chicken eggs, any meat, potatoes, oatmeal. The number of calories is approximately 2500 per day.
For occult blood. With this type of analysis, green vegetables (cucumbers, greens, cabbage), fish, meat, chicken eggs, and tomatoes should be included in the food.

Now you need to decide when to take a stool test, because it is not always possible to do this. Here are all the cases in which you can not donate feces:

  1. The procedure should not be carried out earlier than two days after the enema.
  2. In women during menstruation, the procedure is also unacceptable.
  3. If you took activated charcoal, then the defecation process should be postponed for a couple of hours. In the case of taking laxatives or rectal suppositories, you will need to wait 1-2 days.

How and for how long can a stool sample be stored?

How long can feces be stored? It is best to collect fecal material for research in the morning of the day when the tests will be taken. It is also acceptable in the evening, but the feces should not lie with you for more than 8 hours. For analysis, the collected material should weigh only 10-15 grams of feces. How to store feces? To keep it, you need a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees, that is, a refrigerator is ideal for this. Of course, it is impossible to freeze feces for analysis. The results of the coprogram in this case will be incorrect.

We figured out how to properly store stool analysis until the morning and where to store it, BUT it is not always possible to store feces in the refrigerator, with dysbacteriosis, giardia and some other diseases, tests should be collected immediately before delivery, in the morning. This is due to the fact that not all bacteria can live for a long time, which are important for the accuracy of the diagnosis. Fecal analysis how many hours can be stored for these diseases? The shelf life of feces is a maximum of 2-3 hours.

After all this, you must personally deliver the tests to the laboratory or clinic or order a courier who will do it all for you. You can ask the doctor from whom you took the referral for how long to wait for the test results. So, how much feces are stored, we figured out, let's move on to the next questions.

Information for a coprogram in a newborn baby

I would like to note right away that in newborns and infants in the first days after birth, the stool is specific, different from the stool of an adult. Kal has a marsh, dark green color. After two to three weeks after birth, the discharge in children occurs more often than usual, the color changes to a yellowish tint.

Also, the delivery of feces in children is significantly different from the delivery in an adult. A baby cannot eat the same food as adult mature people. Therefore, the child must be properly fed. Children during this period eat mother's milk or special mixtures for babies. If it suddenly turns out at a pediatrician’s appointment that the baby needs to take a stool test, then the child’s mother will need to follow a special diet, since the composition of breast milk will depend on what the mother ate.

Mother's diet:

  1. Do not eat allergenic foods such as: eggs, chocolate, and all citrus fruits.
  2. Of course, it is forbidden for the mother to smoke or drink alcohol, not only before the test, but also during the entire period of breastfeeding.
  3. Oatmeal and rice porridge, light soups, steamed food, all this will be ideal for a child. (Permitted product)
  4. Try to avoid fried foods as they are too fatty. Easily digestible carbohydrates are not allowed.

In the event that parents decide to feed their child with special mixtures, this diet, obviously, will not help in any way. Such types of feeding will in no way replace breast milk, no matter how balanced it is.

Greetings, my dear blog readers! Recently, I decided to visit the clinic for a preventive examination. I will not go into details of which doctors I had to go around, I will dwell briefly on the problem - tests.

You may immediately think: “Well, what's wrong with that? What's the problem with turning them in?" And, as they say, there is a problem, and a considerable one - this is the analysis of feces. Not always a person has the opportunity to empty his intestines on the day of the test. And now I'm wondering - can the analysis of feces be stored in the refrigerator? After all, the final result depends on the correctness of the analysis - whether a person is healthy or not.

Why do you need a stool test?

Most people think that only children should take feces for analysis, for adults this is completely useless. You are deeply mistaken, this method of examination must be carried out at any age, regardless of place of residence or financial situation. First of all, you can recognize and identify a number of diseases.

Blood found in human stools - sound the alarm, it could be internal bleeding. Mucus in the feces will tell about chronic and sometimes malignant bowel diseases. Found bile pigments, treat the liver. Well, there is nothing to say about the simplest, because it is the analysis of feces for allows you to find them in the body.

When to collect and when not

Well, when it is worth collecting it is clear when the doctor prescribes. And when appointed, but the collection should be postponed? First of all, if you are taking any medications. Especially if the drugs are laxative pills or preparations containing iron, it is sometimes prescribed for low hemoglobin. In the first case, the feces will be liquid, with a disturbed content of microorganisms in it.

Secondly, the stool will turn gray-black, which is also not good, you can suspect melena or, as they say in a simple way, blood. The same applies to menstruating women, refrain from taking the test for now, in just a couple of days you will be able to pass the normal contents of the intestine.

What is needed for the examination

The moment of defecation has come, but before it, take care of the container in which you will not only collect feces, but also transport it to the laboratory. It is best, in this situation, to buy a special container in advance at the pharmacy.

Usually it is a plastic jar with a tight-fitting lid. The contents in it remain in their original form and a specific smell does not spread around. A special spoon is attached to such a jar, for convenient transfer of feces.

If you didn’t have time to buy such a jar, any other that is in the house will do. Only such a jar should be thoroughly washed before use and wiped dry with a clean towel.

Practice in practice

Where do you think you should empty your bowels, into the toilet? You won't guess, it must be a vessel, clean and dry. Well, if there is no such thing at home, which is natural, then we will act by folk methods. We will stretch a plastic bag over the toilet and from it we will take feces for future analysis.

Yes, and do not forget to wash yourself, because we do not need extra bacteria. And most importantly, you should not take kilograms of your feces to the laboratory, a teaspoon will be enough. But if the examination is for helminths, you need to take a little more feces and preferably from different places.

Laboratories, even private ones, accept the analysis we need only in the morning hours. And our intestines are simply not able to predict this. How long can feces be stored so that the analysis we need is correct?

Doctors recommend saving it for no more than eight hours. That is, if you went to the toilet for hours like that at 10-11 pm, the analysis will be correct. And, if the act of defecation occurs in the afternoon or evening, then the container with the contents can be put in the refrigerator overnight. The jar, of course, should be tightly closed and not placed close to the freezer, it is better to let it be the middle shelf.

However, there are a number of people who, from birth, go to the toilet for the most part every other day. What to do in such a situation? The answer is extremely simple: the feces contained, from the moment of collection in the refrigerator, can be in it for a day.

But, no more than two days, the collected analysis is not allowed to be stored! Do you know why? When stored for a long time, such reactions and processes will occur in it, which in the end will give out the untruthfulness of the examination itself. Many organisms in it will die, while others, on the contrary, will begin to multiply. So, it would seem that the simplest thing can lead to an inaccurate diagnosis.

Well then, my dear readers! I hope that now you will know exactly how to collect samples correctly, what is needed for this and how to store them before sending them to the laboratory. Today we say goodbye to meet again tomorrow on the pages of my blog. And, believe me, I will find something that will definitely interest you. Don't forget to tell your friends about it by sharing the above on social networks. Subscribe for updates and see you soon!

For any disease, to diagnose the condition and just for a physical examination, the attending physician prescribes laboratory tests, including a urine test. This diagnostic method is considered safe, harmless and accurate. However, the result of the study depends on the correct storage of the biomaterial before its delivery. Let's talk about how to properly collect, how much urine can be stored for analysis, and whether this will violate its properties.

Everything is clear with the container in which to contain the biomaterial. Since the days of the USSR, analyzes have been taken in washed glass jars. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies, you can find special plastic containers in which urine is collected. Now it remains only to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for collecting and submitting such an analysis.

Varieties of analyzes

Laboratory research is one of the accurate diagnostic methods. Medicine distinguishes 2 large subgroups of tests: specific and non-specific.

What is included in the specific group:

  • according to Nechiporenko - helps to identify pyelonephritis or urethritis;
  • according to Zimnitsky - analyzes the functionality of the kidneys;
  • on sugar - reveals diabetes mellitus and determines the state of the pancreas;
  • on protein - shows infectious diseases and inflammations;
  • on hCG - reliably detects pregnancy;
  • Rehberg's test - determines the value of creatinine.

non-specific- general urine analysis. According to its results, the level of erythrocytes, protein, leukocytes, the presence of salts, mucus, bacteria and some other indicators are revealed.

How to properly prepare

For greater reliability, before submitting the biomaterial, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • exclude alcoholic beverages the day before urine collection;
  • do not eat carrots, berries;
  • stop the use of drugs that affect the composition of the biomaterial;
  • do not take diuretics.

Before passing urine for analysis, perform morning hygiene procedures. For a general urine test, you should collect the morning "medium stream" (begin and end in the toilet, and the rest is collected in a container).

Do not pass urine during menstruation. And if it is absolutely necessary, then urine is collected through gauze or a swab.

General rules for the collection and storage of analyzes are as follows:

  • Carrying out hygiene procedures before collecting biomaterial. This will help prevent epithelial cells and genital secretions from entering the urine.
  • Tracking your daily diet. On the eve of delivery, it is recommended to refrain from dye products, after which urine can become tinted. Also, do not eat fried and other food that is heavy for the stomach.
  • Store in a closed container to prevent the entry of germs. Also, do not pre-collect urine and store it.

Follow all the rules, explanations of doctors, and then you will correctly collect and pass urine, which will ensure the correct diagnosis.

Shelf life

Experts advise storing urine collected for analysis for no more than 2 hours. Long-term storage of urine with its subsequent delivery is unacceptable, since not only physical properties change, but bacteria also appear, and the sediment is destroyed.

In addition, laboratory assistants detect an increase in the pH value, which occurs due to the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Also, during long-term storage, it will not be possible to preserve bile pigments, since they are destroyed by daylight.

If the biomaterials were stored for more than a day (it does not matter where: in a refrigerator or in a cool place), then they are no longer suitable for research.

Type and time of storage

To most correctly store the analysis, you need to reliably know the type of study being conducted.

How long is the biomaterial stored before donation? Consider the main types of analyzes and terms of content.

  • General Analysis. Rented in the morning, on an empty stomach. Storage of such urine before donation is undesirable. When delivering it to the laboratory, make sure that the urine is not supercooled or frozen.
  • According to Zimnitsky. The analysis consists of 8 emptyings per day, which are collected in a special container. During this period, urine should be kept cold to avoid changing its properties. By the way, in order to prevent any changes in the structure, you can add special chemicals to the container, which were described above, but do not forget that as a result of this, the urine becomes cloudy. Long-term storage of the biomaterial is unacceptable, so try to hand it over to the laboratory the next morning.
  • According to Nechiporenko. It is necessary to collect the average portion of the analysis in the morning and immediately send the urine to the laboratory. Urine according to Nechiporenko can be stored for 1 hour, since there is a high probability of bacteria developing. Even infants are tested.
  • Daily urine or Kakovsky-Addis method. This method of examination is used extremely rarely to detect dangerous genitourinary diseases. The analysis also needs to be collected within 24 hours. Can a jar of urine be stored in the refrigerator? Yes, this is acceptable, but first you should drop a couple of drops of formalin there. However, remember that in this case, the urine may become opaque.
  • Three glass sample. Urine is given in the morning after 5 hours of abstinence. In time, urine is stored for a short time, only 1 hour. Also, experts say that urine should be kept at room temperature in a special container.

How to keep longer

If for some reason it is not possible to promptly hand over the container, then you should know how to store urine for analysis. These situations occur when there are problems with urination (for example, when a person is not able to wait until morning to collect morning urine), when collecting urine from a child, or in connection with personal or work situations. In such cases, the collected urine can be stored in the refrigerator until delivery.

The main rule - do not allow freezing!

In the wall of the refrigerating chamber, urine for analysis should only cool down. The ambient temperature cannot be below +4 degrees. Therefore, a compartment in the refrigerator door or the lowest shelf is suitable for storage. Remember that if you put urine in the refrigerator, then its relative density will certainly change. Therefore, fix this fact in the direction or tell the laboratory assistant about it.

Sometimes, for research, doctors prescribe daily urine for the patient. But after all, it is impossible to store biomaterial for more than 2 hours, what to do in this case?

Chemical preservatives come to the rescue. Let's consider some of them:

  • Thymol. Add 2 crystals for every 100 ml;
  • Boric acid. 3-4 granules per 100 ml;
  • Toluene. A small amount of the substance, approximately 2 ml, is poured into the container. After a while, you may observe that the urine has become cloudy.
  • Glacial acetic acid. It is added to the entire volume of urine in an amount of 5 ml.

child question

The procedures and timelines described above are for adults. But how to properly collect and store the child's biomaterial, are there any differences?

It is recommended to take tests in portions of 100-150 ml. For an adult, getting such a volume is not difficult, but collecting material from a newborn sometimes turns into a whole problem. Special children's urinals, which are sold in every pharmacy, come to the aid of young parents. The design of the device is a small plastic container with a special opening with Velcro. Thanks to this, you can easily attach the urinal to your child. Do not put it under the diaper, as the device may come off.

It is highly undesirable to collect urine from babies in a pot due to the high content of bacteria, dust and other harmful microorganisms in it. By the way, this is one of the causes of cloudy urine. Some mistakenly believe that the pot can be easily washed with special products, but this is not so. Therefore, if it is not possible to buy a special urinal, you can use sterilized glass jars and bags.

You can store the collected biomaterial for 2 hours, because after this period the urine has a cloudy hue and the accumulation of bacteria in it. Of course, you can store urine in a refrigerator, but you should not allow excessive hypothermia and freezing. When you take the urine to the laboratory, be sure to notify the laboratory assistant about the method and time of storage of the material. This will make some adjustments in the study.

Some parents notice that the baby's urine has turned white. In most cases, this color indicates problems with the kidneys or bladder. Therefore, it is necessary to take tests as soon as possible and without long-term storage in a jar.

Collected urine should not be stored for long periods as it is subject to rapid compositional change. Ideally, the biomaterial should be delivered to the laboratory immediately after collection. If this is not possible, place the container in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf or against the wall. But remember that such storage should be short, only 2 hours.


Not everyone knows how to properly take a stool test, despite the fact that an adult has to do this repeatedly during his life. Moreover, the rules for receiving samples from patients are gradually becoming stricter in order to increase the accuracy of the results obtained. How much stool should be collected? Can it be stored in the refrigerator? Is it necessary to take feces for analysis in the morning or in the evening? Here is a far from complete list of questions, the correct answers to which you need to know in advance, so as not to get, firstly, into an awkward situation, and secondly, so that you do not have to go through this whole procedure again.

How to prepare for stool collection?

Proper preparation for fecal analysis begins in some cases one or two weeks before it is taken, when the patient needs to suspend the use of a number of drugs that can affect the final result. In general, this also applies to people who have recently taken such drugs, as their residual effect can distort test results, which must be stored very carefully, no matter how long it takes. Of course, all this can be done only after consulting with your doctor. As for the drugs themselves, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • medicines to combat diarrhea (Polifan, Stoperan, Smecta, Imodium, Gidrasek, Neosmectin, Enterol);
  • absolutely all antibiotics (including Oxacillin and Cloxacillin);
  • antacids such as Maalox, Topalkan, Gastracid, Phosphalugel, Rennie, Almagel, Gaviscon;
  • antihelminthics like Pyrantel, Vermox, Levamisole, Zentel;
  • laxatives - Forlax, Miralax, Portalak;
  • preparations containing bismuth - Denol, Escape;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs like Diclofenac, Ketanov, Aspirin;
  • cleaning or any other enemas.

Another reason to consult a doctor is a recent colonoscopy (examination of the bowel) or a barium x-ray of the digestive system, both of which can affect the result of a stool test in an adult. They should also be stored carefully, no matter how long it takes for this.

Finally, there are two more points that you need to pay attention to: firstly, the analysis of feces will have to be postponed if the patient suffers from bleeding hemorrhoids, and secondly, this will have to be done in the case of female menstruation. The reason can be easily understood - in both situations, blood will enter the stool sample, which can confuse the laboratory assistant and make him assume that the patient has internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Proper stool sample collection

To understand how to take a stool test, you need to know not only about the preparatory measures, but also about the procedure for collecting a fecal sample. Most often this happens at home (less often in a hospital), and there are a number of sequential steps that must be followed. You can start preparing in the evening, refusing fatty, spicy, salty or fried foods, as well as alcohol (as you know, it is best to collect morning feces for analysis and not store it for a long time). Immediately before collection, doctors recommend urinating so that urine (however much it is) does not accidentally enter the sample later.

Then the person must, in order to ensure the purity of the analysis, wash the anus and external genitalia. To do this, it is best to use warm boiled water and baby soap, as it contains the least amount of impurities. It is permissible to use a solution of furacilin instead of water.

For defecation, you can use any container or container, after making sure that it is dry and clean. After the process is completed, you need to use a special container, obtained in advance at the clinic or purchased at a pharmacy: it is in it that, using the supplied "shovel", you will need to collect about three to five grams of feces (about 30 ml). Visually, this equals one full teaspoon. Following this, the container will need to be tightly closed and signed on top, indicating first the date of collection of the analysis, as well as your last name and first name. In addition, it is worth mentioning that it is better to do the whole procedure in rubber gloves, which can be stored even at home.

For patients who are unable to collect their feces themselves (bed patients), they will have to help their loved one or relative, who will need to use a clean bedpan and a special spatula to transfer part of the feces into a container. The rest of the rules remain unchanged. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the following:

  1. there are situations when a person, for one reason or another, cannot collect his feces immediately before it is taken for analysis (which is not welcomed by doctors);
  2. in this case, it is permissible to collect a sample from the evening and store it in the refrigerator until delivery;
  3. you need to remember that you can store such a container for a maximum of eight hours, while you need to ensure that the temperature in the refrigerator is at the level of about three to five degrees Celsius;
  4. it is strictly forbidden to freeze the sample and even more so to store it in such conditions.

It remains to add that some studies suggest repeating the fecal analysis two to three times to create a complete picture of a person's health.

What diseases are determined by analysis?

With the help of stool analysis, it will be possible to determine chronic hemorrhoids, anal fissure and Crohn's disease. Also, one should not forget about diverticulosis of the colon, peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach, chronic pancreatitis and hemolytic anemia. Other pathological conditions determined by the presented analysis of feces should be considered benign neoplasms in the colon, intestinal helminthiases, as well as cirrhosis of the liver, ulcerative colitis and much more.

Thus, the range of diagnostics carried out through examinations is more than extensive.

With the help of fecal analysis, not only certain diseases associated with the functioning of the stomach, but also the intestines, anus and other parts are detected.

That is why it is strongly recommended to periodically pass the presented check, as well as to know everything about how to store the received data and how much it can be done at home. Only if each of the presented requirements is met, it will be possible to talk about obtaining reliable results.



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    1. Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No one can be completely safe. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of a malignant tumor.

    2. How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically ban yourself from smoking. This truth is already tired of everyone. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of cancer deaths. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3. Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?
    Keep your eyes on the scales! Extra pounds will affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity contributes to the development of tumors in the esophagus, kidneys, and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to store energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, 26% of all cancer cases are associated with obesity.

    4. Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Set aside at least half an hour a week for exercise. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the US, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but more vigorously. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 proves that even 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women in the world) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol is blamed for causing tumors in the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum, and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, turns into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogen - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6. Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only part of a healthy diet, they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Especially useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: ordinary white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Which organ cancer is affected by red meat?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Studies have confirmed that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

    8. Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18-36 are particularly susceptible to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both artificial tanning equipment and the sun's rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2010 confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream get melanoma half as often as those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with a protection factor of SPF 15, applied even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also do not expose yourself to sunlight from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    By itself, stress does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry alters the activity of the immune cells responsible for turning on the fight-and-flight mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes, constantly circulate in the blood. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With an answer
  2. Checked out

    Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  1. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  2. Task 3 of 9

    Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  4. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

  5. Task 6 of 9