Civil war 1918 20. Civil war in Russia briefly

The Civil War is one of the bloodiest conflicts in the history of the Russian people. For many decades, the Russian Empire demanded reforms. Seizing the moment, the Bolsheviks seized power in the country by killing the tsar. Supporters of the monarchy did not plan to cede influence and created the White movement, which was supposed to return the old state system. The fighting on the territory of the empire changed the further development of the country - it turned into a socialist state under the rule of the communist party.

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Civil war in Russia (Russian Republic) in 1917-1922.

In short, the Civil War is a turning point that changed fate forever Russian people: its result was the victory over tsarism and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks.

The civil war in Russia (Russian Republic) took place between 1917 and 1922 between two opposing sides: supporters of the monarchy and its opponents, the Bolsheviks.

Features of the Civil War consisted in the fact that many foreign countries also took part in it, including France, Germany and Great Britain.

Important! The participants in the hostilities - white and red - during the Civil War destroyed the country, putting it on the verge of a political, economic and cultural crisis.

The civil war in Russia (Russian Republic) is one of the bloodiest in the 20th century, during which more than 20 million military and civilians died.

Fragmentation of the Russian Empire during the Civil War. September 1918.

Causes of the Civil War

Historians still do not agree on the causes of the Civil War, which took place from 1917 to 1922. Of course, everyone is of the opinion that the main reason is political, ethnic and social contradictions, which were never resolved during the mass protests of the Petrograd workers and military in February 1917.

As a result, the Bolsheviks came to power and carried out a number of reforms, which are considered to be the main prerequisites for the split of the country. At present, historians agree that The key reasons were:

  • liquidation of the Constituent Assembly;
  • way out by signing the Brest peace treaty, which is humiliating for the Russian people;
  • pressure on the peasantry;
  • the nationalization of all industrial enterprises and the elimination of private property, which caused a storm of discontent among people who lost their property.

Background of the Civil War in Russia (Russian Republic) (1917-1922):

  • the formation of the Red and White movement;
  • creation of the Red Army;
  • local skirmishes between monarchists and Bolsheviks in 1917;
  • execution of the royal family.

Stages of the Civil War

Attention! Most historians believe that the beginning of the Civil War should be dated 1917. Others deny this fact, since large-scale hostilities began to occur only in 1918.

Table the generally recognized stages of the Civil War are highlighted 1917-1922:

War periods Description
During this period, anti-Bolshevik centers are formed - the White movement.

Germany moves troops to the eastern border of Russia, where small skirmishes with the Bolsheviks begin.

In May 1918, an uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps takes place, against which the commander-in-chief of the Red Army, General Vatsetis, opposes. During the fighting in the fall of 1918, the Czechoslovak Corps was defeated and retreated beyond the Urals.

Stage II (late November 1918 - winter 1920)

After the defeat of the Czechoslovak Corps, the coalition of the Entente countries begins hostilities against the Bolsheviks, supporting the White movement.

In November 1918, the White Guard Admiral Kolchak launched an offensive in the East of the country. The generals of the Red Army are defeated and in December of the same year they surrender the key city of Perm. By the forces of the Red Army at the end of 1918, the offensive of the Whites was stopped.

In the spring, hostilities begin again - Kolchak conducts an offensive towards the Volga, but the Reds stop him two months later.

In May 1919, General Yudenich was advancing on Petrograd, but the Red Army once again managed to stop him and oust the Whites from the country.

At the same time, one of the leaders of the White movement, General Denikin, seizes the territory of Ukraine and prepares to attack the capital. The forces of Nestor Makhno begin to take part in the Civil War. In response to this, the Bolsheviks open a new front under the leadership of Yegorov.

In early 1920, Denikin's forces are defeated, forcing the foreign monarchs to withdraw their troops from the Russian Republic.

In 1920 a radical fracture occurs in the Civil War.

Stage III (May - November 1920)

In May 1920, Poland declares war on the Bolsheviks and advances on Moscow. The Red Army in the course of bloody battles manages to stop the offensive and launch a counterattack. The "Miracle on the Vistula" allows the Poles to sign a peace treaty on favorable terms in 1921.

In the spring of 1920, General Wrangel launched an attack on the territory of Eastern Ukraine, but in the autumn he was defeated, and the Whites lost Crimea.

Red Army generals win on the Western Front in the Civil War - it remains to destroy the White Guard grouping in Siberia.

Stage IV (late 1920 - 1922)

In the spring of 1921, the Red Army begins to advance to the East, capturing Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

White continues to suffer one defeat after another. As a result, the commander-in-chief of the White movement, Admiral Kolchak, is betrayed and handed over to the Bolsheviks. A few weeks later the Civil War ends with the victory of the Red Army.

Civil War in Russia (Russian Republic) 1917-1922: briefly

In the period from December 1918 to the summer of 1919, the Reds and Whites converge in bloody battles, however until neither side gains an advantage.

In June 1919, the Reds seized the advantage, inflicting one defeat after another on the Whites. The Bolsheviks carry out reforms that appeal to the peasants, and therefore the Red Army gets even more recruits.

During this period there is an intervention from the countries of Western Europe. However, none of the foreign armies manage to win. By 1920, a huge part of the army of the White movement was defeated, and all their allies left the Republic.

In the next two years, the Reds advance to the east of the country, destroying one enemy grouping after another. It all ends when the admiral and the supreme commander of the White movement, Kolchak, are taken prisoner and executed.

The results of the civil war were catastrophic for the people

Results of the Civil War 1917-1922: briefly

I-IV periods of the war led to the complete ruin of the state. The results of the Civil War for the people were catastrophic: almost all enterprises lay in ruins, millions of people died.

In the Civil War, people died not only from bullets and bayonets - the strongest epidemics raged. According to foreign historians, taking into account the decline in the birth rate in the future, the Russian people lost about 26 million people.

Destroyed factories and mines brought industrial activity to a halt in the country. The working class began to starve and left the cities in search of food, usually going to the countryside. The level of industrial production fell by about 5 times compared to the pre-war level. Production volumes of cereals and other agricultural crops also fell by 45-50%.

On the other hand, the war was aimed at the intelligentsia, who owned real estate and other property. As a result, about 80% of the representatives of the intelligentsia class were destroyed, a small part took the side of the Reds, and the rest fled abroad.

Separately, it should be noted how results of the civil war loss by the state of the following territories:

  • Poland;
  • Latvia;
  • Estonia;
  • partly Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Armenia;
  • Bessarabia.

As already mentioned, the main feature of the Civil War is foreign intervention. The main reason why Britain, France and others interfered in the affairs of Russia is the fear of a worldwide socialist revolution.

In addition, the following features can be noted:

  • during the hostilities, a confrontation unfolded between various parties that saw the future of the country in different ways;
  • fighting took place between different sections of society;
  • the national liberation character of the war;
  • anarchist movement against reds and whites;
  • peasant war against both regimes.

Tachanka from 1917 to 1922 was used as a means of transportation in Russia.

Participants in the Civil War (1917-1922)

T table of combat areas:

Generals of the Red and White Army in the Civil War:

Civil war at the end of 1918-1920


The civil war took place between 1917 and 1922. The fighting caused confrontation between the Bolsheviks and adherents of the monarchy.

Results of the Civil War:

  • the victory of the Red Army and the Bolsheviks;
  • collapse of the monarchy;
  • economic ruin;
  • the destruction of the intelligentsia class;
  • creation of the USSR;
  • deterioration of relations with the countries of Western Europe;
  • political instability;
  • peasant uprisings.

Revolutions are often accompanied by civil wars - this is too decisive a social, political and legal breakdown. For several months of its development the revolution managed without a civil war. But after the Bolsheviks came to power, armed clashes unfolded, which developed either subsiding or growing.

In essence, we are talking not about one, but about several civil wars: a fleeting civil war associated with the establishment of Soviet power (“Three umphal marches of Soviet power” October 26, 1917 - February 1918), local armed clashes in the spring of 1918, large-scale civil war (May 1918-November 1920), uprisings against "war communism" under the slogans of the "third revolution", etc. (late 1920 - early 1922), the end of the civil war in the Far East (1920-1922), foreign intervention 1918-1922, a number of wars associated with the formation or attempts to form national states and social confrontation in them ("wars for independence "and civil wars in Finland, the Baltic countries, Ukraine, the countries of the Caucasus, Central Asia, including the Basmachi, which lasted until the beginning of the 30s, the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1920). Between the "Triumphal March" and the beginning of a large-scale civil war that cut the country with front lines in May 1918, there is a chronological break when the all-Russian civil war was not actually waged.

The supporters of Soviet power won the first war by March 1918, having taken control of all major cities and almost the entire territory of Russia, throwing the remnants of their opponents to the far periphery, where they wandered in the hope of better times for them. Local clashes took place on the outskirts of Russia in April 1918, but there was no war on a national scale. The All-Russian War once again returned in May 1918. Even after the defeat of the white armies of A. Kolchak and P. Wrangel, the local centers of the Civil War covered, in contrast to April 1918, a significant part of Russia and Ukraine, including the central regions, up to the outskirts Petrograd. The war continued uninterrupted until 1921-1922. Therefore, when we find out who and how started the all-Russian civil war, this question should be answered twice.

Because the civil war started twice. First - after the October Revolution in several pockets as a result of the non-recognition of the Soviet government. And then - in May 1918. How did the short-lived civil war of late 1917 - early 1918 begin? Armed clashes unfolded immediately after the Bolsheviks, relying on the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, overthrew the Provisional Government and created their own - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK). The opponents of the Bolsheviks naturally did not recognize the legitimacy of the October Revolution. But the Kerensky government was not legitimate and was not created by any elected body (here the Bolsheviks even had a certain advantage - their Council of People's Commissars enlisted the support of the Second Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies).

Already at the beginning of November 1917, it became clear that no one was going to restore the Kerensky government, but the main political forces recognized the legitimacy and authority of the Constituent Assembly, which was elected starting from November 12, 1917. Nobody wanted to die in this fleeting civil war in late 1917 - early 1918. What is the point when the Bolshevik government is provisional and exists before the Constituent Assembly? When the Bolshevik Party seized power in Petrograd, few of their opponents thought that Lenin's government would last long.

Petrograd was immediately paralyzed by a strike of employees. This first civil disobedience campaign of the Bolshevik era came to be known as "sabotage". Anti-Bolshevik actions in the capital were coordinated by the Committee for the Salvation of the Motherland and the Revolution (KSRR), created by right-wing socialists N. Avksentiev, A. Gotz and others. Attempts to reach an agreement between the Council of People's Commissars and the KSRR through the mediation of the Vikzhel trade union failed. The first armed clashes began in Moscow on October 27 and were largely the result of chance.

Pro-Soviet "Dvina" soldiers, who did not know Moscow well, clashed on Red Square with junkers defending the approaches to the City Duma, the headquarters of opponents of Bolshevism. If the "dvintsy" had chosen a different route, they could have managed - the moderate Bolsheviks at that time were trying to negotiate with the city duma and the commander of the garrison K. Ryabtsev. Kerensky tried to take revenge, but managed to get very small forces to maintain his power: about 700 Cossacks (466 combat personnel) under the command of P. Krasnov. In Gatchina, two hundred more joined them. However, by October 29, Krasnov had 630 people left (420 combat personnel). After the battle at Pulkovo on October 31, these meager forces were driven back, and on November 1, Kerensky fled Gatchina into political oblivion.

More serious battles unfolded in Moscow, but there was a "strange war" going on there too. Nobody wanted to die. After all, there were still hopes that the politicians were about to reach some kind of agreement again. M. Gorky wrote about the battles in Moscow: “But all this did not disturb the normal course of life: high school students and schoolgirls went to study, ordinary people walked around, “tails” stood near the shops, dozens of idly curious spectators gathered on street corners, guessing where they were shooting” . The soldiers “do not shoot very willingly, as if against their will they are fulfilling their revolutionary duty - to make as many dead as possible ... - Who are you fighting with? - And there are some around the corner.

“But it’s probably yours, the Soviet ones, isn’t it?” - How about ours? They ruined a man...” During the fighting in Moscow, the first act of shooting unarmed opponents took place - the cadets fired from a machine gun at the surrendered soldiers of the Kremlin garrison. But this excess was the result of an accident and a tense, nervous situation, and not a premeditated plan to destroy people. The Bolsheviks were more popular among the soldiers, and gained an advantage over their opponents in manpower and artillery.

On November 2, armed resistance ceased, and Soviet power was established in Moscow, which was very important for its expansion throughout the country. In November-December 1917, relying on the rear garrisons, the Bolsheviks won in most cities of Russia. The largest center of resistance to the establishment of Soviet power turned out to be the region of the Don army, where Ataman A. Kaledin and the Volunteer Army led by M. Alekseev and L. Kornilov operated. In December 1917

The Red Guard and part of the Cossacks who supported the Bolsheviks launched an offensive against Kaledin's forces and defeated them. On January 29, Kaledin shot himself, and the Volunteer Army retreated to the Kuban, where it conducted partisan operations. Also, the Ural ataman A. Dutov was defeated and retreated in the steppe. Cossack detachments of G. Semenov and others operated in Siberia. But all these forces controlled very insignificant territories on the outskirts of Russia, and the main part of the country submitted to Soviet power. Also, the pro-Soviet forces conducted successful military operations against national movements - the troops of the Central Rada of Ukraine, the Turkestan autonomy. Only the Transcaucasian Commissariat was able to maintain power over its region.

In the tense socio-political situation of the spring of 1918, a corps formed from former prisoners of war, Czechs and Slovaks, was evacuated to France through the territory of Russia. At the end of May, after a conflict near Chelyabinsk between Czechoslovak soldiers and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war, the Soviet authorities tried to disarm the Czechoslovak units. On May 25 they revolted. The performance of the corps was supported by uprisings of opponents of Soviet power, including peasants and workers. The Volga region and the Urals came under the authority of the "Committee of members of the Constituent Assembly" (Komuch), an autonomous Siberian government arose. During the May uprising of the Don Cossacks, P. Krasnov was elected ataman of the Don army on May 16, 1918, and the Don army launched an offensive against Tsaritsyn. Terror was carried out against supporters of Soviet power.

Russia split into several parts, a large-scale (frontal) civil war began in 1918-1920. This war was caused by the consequences of the growing socio-economic crisis, which was aggravated as a result of the policy of Bolshevism aimed at the forced nationalization of the economy; the growth of interethnic contradictions, the consequences of the First World War and the Brest Peace of 1918, unsuccessful for Russia, the intervention of the states of the Central Block and the Entente, the deepening of political confrontation as a result of the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in 1918 and the Soviets opposed to the Bolsheviks. After the conclusion of the Brest Peace, the burden of the food dictatorship introduced on May 13, 1918 fell on the peasants of the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Siberia, which created the ground for mass anti-Soviet sentiments.

The immediate start of a large-scale civil war was the May uprising on the Don and the action of the Czechoslovak corps from May 25, 1918.

Literature: Vatsetis I. I., Kakurin N. E. Civil war 1918-1921. St. Petersburg, 2002; Gorky M. Untimely Thoughts. M., 1990; Denikin A. I. Essays on Russian Troubles. In 5 T. Paris, Berlin, 1921-1926; M., 1991-2006; Kondratiev N. D. The market for bread and its regulation during the war and revolution. M., 1991; Resistance to Bolshevism 1917-1918 M., 2001; Morning of the Land of the Soviets. L., 1988.

Shubin A.V. The Great Russian Revolution. 10 questions. — M.: 2017. — 46 p.

The civil war that took place in Russia from 1917 to 1922 was a bloody event, where in a brutal massacre brother went against brother, and relatives took up positions on opposite sides of the barricades. In this armed class clash on the vast territory of the former Russian Empire, the interests of opposing political structures intersected, conditionally divided into “reds” and “whites”. This struggle for power took place with the active support of foreign states that tried to extract their interests from this situation: Japan, Poland, Turkey, Romania wanted to annex part of the Russian territories, while other countries - the USA, France, Canada, Great Britain expected to receive tangible economic preferences.

As a result of such a bloody civil war, Russia turned into a weakened state, the economy and industry of which were in a state of complete ruin. But after the end of the war, the country adhered to the socialist course of development, and this influenced the course of history throughout the world.

Causes of the civil war in Russia

A civil war in any country is always caused by aggravated political, national, religious, economic and, of course, social contradictions. The territory of the former Russian Empire was no exception.

  • Social inequality in Russian society has been accumulating for centuries, and at the beginning of the 20th century it reached its apogee, since the workers and peasants found themselves in an absolutely powerless position, and their working and living conditions were simply unbearable. The autocracy did not want to smooth out social contradictions and carry out any significant reforms. It was during this period that the revolutionary movement grew, which managed to lead the Bolshevik parties.
  • Against the backdrop of the protracted First World War, all these contradictions became noticeably aggravated, which resulted in the February and October revolutions.
  • As a result of the revolution in October 1917, the political system in the state changed, and the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. But the overthrown classes could not reconcile themselves to the situation and made attempts to restore their former dominance.
  • The establishment of Bolshevik power led to the rejection of the ideas of parliamentarism and the creation of a one-party system, which prompted the parties of the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, and Mensheviks to fight Bolshevism, that is, the struggle between the “whites” and the “reds” began.
  • In the fight against the enemies of the revolution, the Bolsheviks used non-democratic measures - the establishment of a dictatorship, repression, the persecution of the opposition, the creation of emergency bodies. This, of course, caused discontent in society, and among those dissatisfied with the actions of the authorities were not only the intelligentsia, but also workers and peasants.
  • The nationalization of land and industry caused resistance from the former owners, which led to terrorist actions on both sides.
  • Despite the fact that Russia ceased its participation in the First World War in 1918, a powerful interventionist group was present on its territory, which actively supported the White Guard movement.

The course of the civil war in Russia

Before the start of the civil war, there were regions on the territory of Russia that were loosely interconnected: in some of them, Soviet power was firmly established, while others (south of Russia, the Chita region) were under the rule of independent governments. On the territory of Siberia, in general, one could count up to two dozen local governments, not only not recognizing the power of the Bolsheviks, but also at enmity with each other.

When the civil war began, then all the inhabitants had to decide, that is, to join the “whites” or “reds”.

The course of the civil war in Russia can be divided into several periods.

First period: October 1917 to May 1918

At the very beginning of the fratricidal war, the Bolsheviks had to suppress local armed rebellions in Petrograd, Moscow, Transbaikalia and the Don. It was at this time that a white movement was formed from those dissatisfied with the new government. In March, the young republic, after an unsuccessful war, concluded the shameful Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

Second period: June to November 1918

At this time, a full-scale civil war began: the Soviet Republic was forced to fight not only with internal enemies, but also with interventionists. As a result, most of the Russian territory was captured by enemies, and this threatened the existence of the young state. In the east of the country, Kolchak dominated, in the south Denikin, in the north Miller, and their armies tried to close the ring around the capital. The Bolsheviks, in turn, created the Red Army, which achieved its first military successes.

Third period: November 1918 to spring 1919

In November 1918, the First World War ended. Soviet power was established in the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Baltic territories. But already at the end of autumn, the Entente troops landed in the Crimea, Odessa, Batumi and Baku. But this military operation was not crowned with success, since revolutionary anti-war sentiments reigned in the troops of the interventionists. During this period of the struggle against Bolshevism, the leading role belonged to the armies of Kolchak, Yudenich and Denikin.

Fourth Period: Spring 1919 to Spring 1920

During this period, the main forces of the interventionists left Russia. In the spring and autumn of 1919, the Red Army won major victories in the East, South and North-West of the country, defeating the armies of Kolchak, Denikin and Yudenich.

Fifth period: spring-autumn 1920

The internal counter-revolution was completely destroyed. And in the spring the Soviet-Polish war began, which ended in complete failure for Russia. According to the Riga Peace Treaty, part of the Ukrainian and Belarusian lands went to Poland.

Sixth period:: 1921-1922

During these years, all the remaining centers of the civil war were liquidated: the rebellion in Kronstadt was suppressed, the Makhnovist detachments were destroyed, the Far East was liberated, the struggle against the Basmachi in Central Asia was completed.

The results of the civil war

  • As a result of hostilities and terror, more than 8 million people died from hunger and disease.
  • Industry, transport and agriculture were on the verge of disaster.
  • The main result of this terrible war was the final assertion of Soviet power.

The chronological framework of this historical event is still controversial. The battles in Petrograd, which became the beginning of the October Revolution, that is, October 1917, are officially considered the beginning of the war. There are also versions that attribute the beginning of the war to the beginning of the February Revolution of 1917. or by May 1918. There is also no unanimous opinion about the end of the war: some scientists (and most of them) consider the capture of Vladivostok, that is, October 1922, to be the end of the war, but there are those who claim that the war ended in November 1920 or in 1923

Causes of the war

The most obvious reasons for the outbreak of hostilities are the most acute political, social and national-ethnic contradictions, which not only persisted, but also aggravated after the February Revolution. The most pressing of them is considered to be the protracted participation of Russia in the First World War and the unresolved agrarian question.

Many researchers see a direct connection between the coming to power of the Bolsheviks and the beginning of the Civil War, and believe that this was one of their main tasks. The nationalization of production facilities, the ruinous Brest Peace for Russia, the aggravation of relations with the peasantry due to the activities of the committees and food detachments, as well as the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly - all these actions of the Soviet government, coupled with its desire to retain power and establish its own dictatorship at any cost, could not but cause discontent population.

The course of the war

The civil war took place in 3 stages, differing in the composition of the participants in the hostilities and the intensity of the fighting. October 1917 - November 1918 - the formation of the armed forces of opponents and the formation of the main fronts. The White movement actively began the fight against the Bolshevik regime, but the intervention of third forces, primarily the Entente and the Quadruple Alliance, did not allow either side to acquire advantages that would decide the outcome of the war.

November 1918 - March 1920 - the stage in which the radical turning point of the war came. The fighting of the interventionists was reduced, and their troops were withdrawn from the territory of Russia. At the very beginning of the stage, success was on the side of the White movement, but then the Red Army gained control over most of the territory of the state.

March 1920 - October 1922 - the final stage, during which the hostilities moved to the border regions of the state and, in fact, did not pose a threat to the Bolshevik government. After October 1922, the struggle was continued only by the Siberian Volunteer Squad in Yakutia, commanded by A.N. Petlyaev, as well as a Cossack detachment under the command of Bologov near Nikolsk-Ussuriysk.

The results of the war

The power of the Bolsheviks was established throughout Russia, as well as in most of the national regions. Over 15 million people were killed or died due to disease and starvation. Over 2.5 million people have emigrated from the country. The state and society were in a state of economic decline, entire social groups were actually destroyed (first of all, this concerned the officers, the intelligentsia, the Cossacks, the clergy and the nobility).

Reasons for the defeat of the White Army

Today, many historians openly admit that during the war years several times more soldiers deserted from the Red Army than served in the White Army. At the same time, the leaders of the White movement (for example, P.N. Wrangel) in their memoirs emphasized that the population of the territories they occupied not only supported the troops, supplying them with food, but also replenished the ranks of the White Army.

Nevertheless, the propaganda work of the Bolsheviks was of a massive and more aggressive nature, which made it possible to attract wider sections of the population to their side. In addition, almost all production capacities, huge human resources (after all, they controlled most of the territory), as well as material resources, were under their control, while the regions that supported the White movement were depleted, and their population (primarily workers and peasants) waited, showing no obvious support for either side.

Soldiers of the Civil War

The February revolution, the abdication of Nicholas II were greeted with jubilation by the population of Russia. split the country. Not all citizens positively accepted the Bolsheviks' call for a separate peace with Germany, not everyone liked the slogans about the land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers and peace - to the peoples, and, moreover, the proclamation by the new government of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", which she began to carry out in life very briskly

Years of the Civil War 1917 - 1922

Beginning of the Civil War

Hand on heart, however, it should be admitted that the very seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and a few months after that were relatively peaceful times. Three or four hundred who died in the uprising in Moscow and several dozen during the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly are trifles compared to the millions of victims of the "real" Civil War. So there is confusion with the date of the start of the Civil War. Historians name different

1917, October 25-26 (O.S.) - Ataman Kaledin announced the non-recognition of the power of the Bolsheviks

On behalf of the "Don Military Government", he dispersed the soviets in the Don Cossack Region and declared that he did not recognize usurpers and did not submit to the Council of People's Commissars. A lot of people dissatisfied with the Bolsheviks rushed to the Don Cossack Region: civilians, cadets, high school students and students ..., generals and senior officers Denikin, Lukomsky, Nezhentsev ...

The call was "to all who are ready to save the Fatherland." On November 27, Alekseev voluntarily handed over command of the Volunteer Army to Kornilov, who had combat experience. Alekseev himself was a staff officer. Since that time, the Alekseevskaya Organization has officially received the name of the Volunteer Army.

The Constituent Assembly opened on January 5 (O.S.) in the Tauride Palace in Petrograd. The Bolsheviks had only 155 votes out of 410 in it, therefore, on January 6, Lenin ordered not to allow the opening of the second meeting of the Assembly (the first ended on January 6 at 5 o'clock in the morning)

Since 1914, the Allies have been supplying Russia with weapons, ammunition, ammunition, and equipment. Cargoes went along the northern route by sea. The ships were unloaded into warehouses. After the October events, the warehouses required protection so that the Germans would not capture them. When the World War ended, the British went home. However, March 9 has since been considered the beginning of the intervention - the military intervention of Western countries in the Civil War in Russia.

In 1916, the Russian command formed a corps of 40,000 bayonets from captured Czechs and Slovaks, former servicemen of Austria-Hungary. In 1918, the Czechs, not wanting to participate in the Russian showdown, demanded that they be returned to their homeland in order to fight for the independence of Czechoslovakia from the rule of the Habsburgs. Austria-Hungary's ally Germany, with which peace had already been signed, opposed. They decided to send Chekhov to Europe via Vladivostok. But the echelons moved slowly, or stopped at all (they needed 50 pieces). So the Czechs rebelled, dispersed the soviets along their line of march from Penza to Irkutsk, which was immediately used by the opposition forces to the Bolsheviks

Causes of the Civil War

The dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks, the work and decisions of which, in the opinion of the liberal-minded public, could direct Russia along the democratic path of development
The dictatorial policy of the Bolshevik Party
Change of elite

The Bolsheviks, implementing the slogan of destroying the old world to the ground, voluntarily or unwittingly, took up the destruction of the elite of Russian society, which had ruled the country for 1000 years since the time of Rurik.
After all, these are fairy tales that people make history. The people are a brute force, a stupid, irresponsible crowd, expendable material, which is used for their own benefit by certain movements.
History is made by the elite. It comes up with an ideology, forms public opinion, sets the state's development vector. Having encroached on the privileges and traditions of the elite, the Bolsheviks forced it to defend itself, to fight

The economic policy of the Bolsheviks: the establishment of state ownership of everything, the monopoly of trade and distribution, surplus appropriation
Elimination of civil liberties proclaimed
Terror, repression against the so-called exploiting classes

Members of the Civil War

: workers, peasants, soldiers, sailors, part of the intelligentsia, armed detachments of the national outskirts, hired, mostly Latvian, regiments. As part of the Red Army, tens of thousands of officers of the tsarist army fought, some voluntarily, some mobilized. Many peasants and workers were also mobilized, that is, drafted into the army by force.
: officers of the tsarist army, cadets, students, Cossacks, intellectuals, other representatives of the "exploiting part of society." The Whites also did not disdain to establish mobilization laws in the conquered territory. Nationalists who stand for the independence of their peoples
: gangs of anarchists, criminals, unprincipled lumpen, robbed, fought in a specific territory against everyone.
: protected from surplus appropriation