Hero or terrorist? General President Dudayev Where Dudayev is buried.

There were many unsuccessful assassination attempts on the president of the self-proclaimed Republic of Ichkeria, which gave rise to rumors that Dudayev was a conspirator

Liquidation Order Dzhokhar Dudayev secret services received at the beginning of the first Chechen campaign. However, the rebel leader seemed to be invulnerable - all attempts on his life ended in failure. The “rebellious general,” as Dudayev, who was the only Chechen general in the Soviet Army in the USSR, was also called, remained alive.

Wolf hunting

There were three major attempts to destroy Dudayev. At first they wanted to "remove" him with the help of a sniper. From the entourage of the rebellious president, people were recruited who, for a reward, gave out information about his movement. They set up an ambush, but the sniper missed.

The second attempt was in May 1994. Then it was decided to simply blow up Dudayev's car. A VAZ-2109 stuffed with explosives was abandoned on the side of the road 20 kilometers from Grozny. When the motorcade of Dzhokhar Dudayev caught up with the "nine", a strong explosion thundered. The Volga, in which the Ichkerian "Minister of the Interior" was traveling, was torn to shreds. "Mercedes" with Dudayev was thrown a few meters by the shock wave and turned over. Despite the fact that the windshield was shattered and the car was badly damaged, Dzhokhar Dudayev and his guards were not injured.

The third assassination attempt, which is known, is an attempt to destroy the house where the leader of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was, with the help of aircraft. The agent planted a radio beacon, but Dudayev was not in vain famous for his animal instincts. He left the house, along with his guards, literally five minutes before an aircraft missile was fired at it.

last conversation

A new large-scale operation to eliminate Dudayev was planned for the spring of 1996. The Russian secret services were well aware that Dudayev was using an American Inmarsat satellite phone. This was enough to develop a technique that would locate a satellite station and transmit aviation data. Initially, the cost of all equipment was called - 1 million 200 thousand dollars. A group of scientists coped, saving the budget by half.

In parallel, work was carried out with agents. From among those close to Dudayev, people were recruited who, for a decent "fee", said that he was in the village of Gekhi-Chu, where he visited the so-called military prosecutor of the republic Magomed Dzhaniev. They said that not far from the village, the leader of the Chechen separatists stopped in a wasteland to negotiate via satellite.

On the evening of April 21, 1996, the A-50 early warning aircraft was lifted into the air. On board was equipment for detecting the signal of Dudayev's satellite phone. The secret services knew the approximate time when he would get in touch. Two SU-24 bombers also circled over Chechnya. At this time, Dudayev decided to talk with Konstantin Borov. The conversation went longer than usual, about 10 minutes, interrupted several times. This was enough for the equipment to transmit target designation to the Air Force.

During the communication session, the guards were in the car, Dudayev himself walked away with the pipe to the side, and the general's wife with another bodyguard went down to the ravine. Two missiles rushed to the target - one, stuck in the ground, did not explode, the other - hit Dudayev's Niva. The agents, who were not aware of the time of the operation, later reported that Dudayev "had blown off half of his skull." The widow immediately realized that her husband was not a tenant. Together with the "Generalissimo of Ichkeria", as he was called in the republic, two bodyguards were killed.

Rumors about the "live" Dudayev

The first to announce that the operation of the Russian security forces had failed was the Salman Raduev in June 1996. This man, who himself was declared killed earlier, called a press conference and swore on the Koran that he had met with General Dudayev in Europe, that he promised to return "when necessary." Later, while in custody at Lefortovo, Raduev will refuse these words.

The State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party spoke about the fact that Dudayev is alive and in Istanbul Alexey Mitrofanov in front of Turkish media cameras in October 1998. There were other stories about the "living" Dudayev.

The final point in the story was put by the journalists of Vesti in the early 2000s. They showed the public a documentary film on which Dudayev was dead and burned. The footage is dated April 23, 1996.

20 years ago, the Russian special services carried out their most successful operation of the First Chechen War - on April 21, 1996, Dzhokhar Dudayev was killed by a missile fired from a Russian aircraft.

Lieutenant Dudaev. Military town of Shaikovka, Kaluga region, 1967

According to the memoirs of Anatoly Chichulin, who took this photo, who had just graduated from the military school, Dzhokhar “Drank like we do. He ate pork fat, like everyone else. The conversations were exactly the same." The navigator Zubarev then raised a toast to Dudayev: “It will fly high ... If the air defense does not stop,” hinting at the great inclinations of the young lieutenant.
And the starley turned out to be right, Dzhokhar Dudayev became a typical Soviet officer who made a classic career in the Armed Forces of the USSR - a direct example of an excellent service record of a serviceman, which was written before 1991.

During his service he was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star, medals

“During his service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, Dudaev Dzhokhar Musaevich has established himself on the positive side as a competent, disciplined, executive officer.
He constantly improves his combat readiness and professional skills - in 1971 he entered, and in 1974 he graduated with honors from the command faculty of the Air Force Academy. Yu.A. Gagarin.
For 25 years of service in strategic aviation, he consistently and conscientiously passed the command positions of combat units of the USSR Air Force from assistant commander of a heavy bomber to commander of a long-range strategic bomber division.

The Dudayev family. Poltava, 1983

Morally stable - he married the daughter of a fellow soldier, Air Force Major Kulikov F.V., has three children (son - born in 1969, daughter - born in 1973, son - born in 1983). Lives with his wife and children, family relations are good.

Colonel Dudaev, 1987. Photo from the home archive of Vladimir Elokhov

Ideologically consistent and politically literate - a member of the CPSU since 1968, constantly carries out political work with personnel, among whom he enjoys authority and respect.
Knows how to keep military and state secrets"

Colonel Dudayev with navigators after the flight, 1987. Photo from the home archive of Vladimir Elokhov

It was a characteristic of Dudayev, close to reality. And here is an extract from the real award list:
“From 1988 to 1989, Colonel Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudayev took an active part in the development of military operations to deliver bombing attacks on rebel targets, the introduction of new tactical methods of warfare in the mountainous terrain of the Republic of Afghanistan. He personally flew 3 sorties to the areas of Gardez, Ghazni and Jalalabad. The air group led by him completed 591 sorties. 1160 FAB 3000 and 56 FAB 1500 were dropped at the headquarters of the Islamic rebel committee, manpower and other objects. For courage and heroism, skillful leadership of the task force, Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev deserves to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Dzhokhar Dudayev was the pride of the Chechens - their only Soviet general

There was no need for the assassination of Dudayev on April 21, 1996, and it did not bring Russia any practical benefit - four months after his death, the Khasavyurt agreements were concluded, which recorded the complete defeat of Russia in the First Chechen War.
The deputy head of the Russian delegation for the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Chechnya, Arkady Volsky, once spoke about some amusing details of negotiations with Dudayev a few months before his death:
“In the meantime, at an audience with the president [Yeltsin], it was decided that the best way out was if Dudayev left. The Jordanians immediately agreed to give him a passport. Accordingly, he should have received a substantial amount upon arrival, again - assistance in transportation, an airplane. Security guarantees. We calculated only one option - departure.
They discussed the agreement [on a truce], Johar generally praised it, adding: "Negotiate further. We will draw up a joint resolution, approve it by the two governments." After waiting a little, he asks: "Arkady Ivanovich, why did you still look for a personal meeting with me?" Here, with maximum correctness, I posted what was discussed in Moscow: Jordanian citizenship, passport, money, guarantees...
He was mortally offended: “How wrong I was in you, Arkady Ivanovich! I didn’t think that you would make such an offer to me. Offer me, a Soviet officer, general, to shamefully flee. Yes, I’ll die here in peace!”

Dzhokhar Dudayev died there. He died as a typical Soviet officer, at the hands of his fellow pilots - the same typical Soviet officers, with the same typical service characteristics ...

Dzhokhar Dudayev was born on February 15, 1944 in the village of Yalkhoroy, Chechen Republic. Eight days after his birth, the Dudayev family was deported to the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan during a mass deportation in February 1944.

After some time, the Dudaevs, along with other deported Caucasians, were transferred to the city of Shymkent, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Dzhokhar studied there until the sixth grade, after which in 1957 the family returned to their homeland and settled in the city of Grozny. In 1959 he graduated from secondary school No. 45, then began working as an electrician in the Construction and Installation Department-5, at the same time he studied in the tenth grade of evening school No. 55, which he graduated a year later.

In 1960 he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute. However, after the first course, he left for the city of Tambov, after listening to a one-year course of lectures on profile training, he entered the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after M.M. Raskova. He graduated from it in 1966. Later he received a diploma from the Air Force Academy named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

Since 1962, he served in the military in command positions in combat units of the Air Force. After graduation in 1966, he was sent to the 52nd Guards Instructor Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, to the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga Region, as an assistant commander of an airship. In 1968 he joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Since 1970, he served in the 1225th heavy bomber aviation regiment, the Belaya garrison in the Irkutsk region, the Trans-Baikal Military District, later renamed the 200th Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment. In subsequent years, he successively held the positions of Deputy Air Regiment Commander, Chief of Staff, Detachment Commander, Regiment Commander.

In 1982, Dudayev was appointed Chief of Staff of the 31st Heavy Bomber Division of the 30th Air Army. From 1985 to 1989, he served as Chief of Staff of the 13th Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division.

From the beginning of 1989 to 1991 he commanded the strategic 326th Ternopil Heavy Bomber Division of the 46th Strategic Air Army in the city of Tartu, Republic of Estonia. At the same time, he served as the Chief of the military garrison. In 1989 he received the rank of Major General of Aviation.

From November 23 to 25, 1990, the Chechen National Congress was held in the city of Grozny, which elected an Executive Committee headed by Chairman Dzhokhar Dudayev. In March of the following year, Dudayev demanded the self-dissolution of the Supreme Council of the republic. In May, the retired General accepted the offer to return to the Chechen Republic and headed the social movement. In June 1991, at the second session of the Chechen National Congress, Dudayev headed the Executive Committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People.

In October 1991, presidential elections were held, which were won by Dzhokhar Dudayev. With his first decree, Dudayev proclaimed the independence of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria from Russia, which was not recognized by other states. On November 7, the President of Russia issued a decree on the introduction of a state of emergency in the republic, but it was never implemented, since the Soviet Union still existed. In response to this decision, Dudayev introduced martial law on the territory subject to him.

On July 25, 1992, Dudayev spoke at an emergency congress of the Karachay people and condemned Russia for trying to prevent the highlanders from gaining independence. In August, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Emir of Kuwait Jaber al-Sabah invited Dudayev to visit their countries in his capacity as President of the Chechen Republic. After that, Dudayev made visits to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey.

By the beginning of 1993, the economic and military situation on the territory of the Chechen Republic had worsened. In the summer, there were constant armed clashes. The opposition formed the Provisional Council of the Republic headed by U.D. Avturkhanov. On the morning of November 26, 1994, the city of Grozny was shelled and stormed by Russian special services and opposition groups. By the end of the day, the council forces had left the city. After the unsuccessful assault on the city, the opposition could only count on the military assistance of the center. Subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense and Internal Affairs of Russia entered the territory of the republic on December 11, 1994. The First Chechen War began.

In 1995, on June 14, a raid by a detachment of militants under the command of Sh. Basayev took place on the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory, accompanied by a massive hostage-taking in the city. After the events in the city, Dudayev awarded orders to the personnel of the Basaev detachment and awarded Basaev the rank of brigadier general.

On April 21, 1996, Russian special services located the signal from Dudayev's satellite phone near the village of Gekhi-Chu. 2 Su-25 attack aircraft with homing missiles were lifted into the air. Presumably, was destroyed by a rocket strike while talking on the phone. The place where Dudayev was buried is unknown.

In 1997, on June 20, in the city of Tartu, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the Barclay Hotel in memory of the General. Later, a board was opened on house number 6 on Nikitchenko Street in the city of Poltava, Ukraine.

Dzhokhar Dudayev. Strokes for a portrait

Dzhokhar Dudayev was born in 1943 in the village of Yalkhoroy, Galanchozhsky district of Checheno-Ingushetia. He was the thirteenth child in the family. From the first, eldest wife Dana, his father Musa had four sons - Beksolt, Bekmurza, Murzabek and Rustam - and two daughters - Albika and Nurbika. From the second, Rabiat, seven - Maharbi, Baskhan, Khalmurz, Dzhokhar - and three sisters - Bazu, Basira and Khazu. They say that no one knows the exact date of Dzhokhar's birth. Documents were lost during the deportation of Chechens to Kazakhstan. The date is indicated in the personal file - May 15, 1944.

After graduating from the Grozny secondary school in 1960, Dudayev entered the physics and mathematics department of the North Ossetian State University, where he studied until the second year. Then he took the documents, secretly from his parents left for Tambov and entered the Military Flight School named after Marina Raskova.

In 1966, after graduating from college, he received a diploma with honors. He began his service in the Moscow Military District. Then fifteen years he served in various positions in Siberia. In 1974 he graduated from the command faculty of the Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy. In 1969 he married Alevtina Kulikova. They had three children: two sons, Ovlur and Degi, and a daughter, Dana.

Member of the CPSU since 1968. From the party characteristics: “I took an active part in party political work. The speeches were always business-like and principled. He established himself as a politically mature and conscientious communist. Morally stable. Ideologically sustained ... "

In 1985, Dudayev was appointed chief of staff of the aviation division in Poltava. The last position is the commander of a division of heavy bombers in the Estonian city of Tartu.

In the fall of 1989, Dudayev was awarded the rank of major general. Behind twenty-nine years of service in the army. Orders of the Red Star and Red Banner, more than twenty medals. A brilliant career as a military pilot ... But Dudayev decides to drastically change his life. He is overwhelmed by the whirlpool of political events. The Soviet Union is falling apart, extremists and nationalists of all stripes, with the tacit consent of the federal center, are launching ideas of independence and sovereignty. And then, again taking advantage of Moscow's indecisiveness, they go on an open offensive. Chechnya is no exception.

The call of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR B. Yeltsin in 1990 to the autonomies "to take as much sovereignty as they can" in Chechnya was literally taken as a guide to action. The leaders of the Vainakh Democratic Party Yandarbiev, Umkhaev and Soslambekov persuade Dudayev to head the Executive Committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People (EC OKCHN). They needed a leader - bold, decisive, assertive. Dudayev was very suitable for this role.

By the end of 1990, the whole of Chechnya knew the "fiery fighter for democracy", as the Russian press dubbed Dudayev. He often spoke at rallies and conventions. Here, for example, is an excerpt from a newspaper article about Dudayev: “His brilliant speech, determination and pressure, directness and sharpness of statements - an inner fire that was impossible not to feel - all this created an attractive image of a person who is able to cope with the chaos of troubled times. It was a bunch of energy that was accumulated just for such an hour, a spring, compressed for the time being, but ready to straighten out at the right moment, releasing the accumulated kinetic energy to perform a noble task.

What a “noble task” Dudayev and his supporters were solving, soon not only Chechnya, but the whole of Russia (and, by and large, the whole world) will know.

Until now, some political scientists naively believe that Dudayev was almost the only figure who managed to lead the "democracy" in Chechnya and lead the fight, first against the partocracy, and then against all of Russia. In fact, Dudayev, apparently, did not himself understand that he had become a victim of the circumstances and turned out to be just a pawn in the muddy political games of that time. I have repeatedly heard the opinions of very respectable politicians who reasoned something like this: "Knowing Dzhokhar, he should have been awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and then everything would be fine, and Dudayev would become completely manageable." Alas. If there were no Dudayev, another would come - Yandarbiev or Maskhadov. So, however, it happened. And what after that? Did the Chechens stop resisting, and order was established in the republic? Nothing like this.

The Dudaevs, Maskhadovs, Yandarbievs and the like appeared on the political arena not in spite of, but thanks to the collapse of the Soviet Union, in the wake of general chaos and lawlessness, which were called only “democratic transformations”.

By the way, the future president of the self-proclaimed Ichkeria, A. Maskhadov, who served in the Baltic states, in 1991 took an active part in the events near the Vilnius television center. “I don’t understand,” he said in a circle of colleagues, “well, what are these Lithuanians missing?” And it is still unknown what Dzhokhar Dudayev would have done if he had received an order from Moscow to restore order in Estonia, which also declared its independence.

It seems that with his inherent energy and pressure, Dudayev would have carried out the order.

One more fact is curious. Before writing a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces and agreeing to lead the "national liberation struggle" in his homeland, Dudayev paid a visit to the commander of the North Caucasian Military District. As the military say, he "probed the soil" in order to continue serving in the district.

But he was refused.

... Like mushrooms after the rain, conflicts grew in different parts of the Soviet Union. Sumgayit, Karabakh, Osh, Abkhazia... And all of them had a national coloring. In Chechnya it was a little different. On the one hand, the nationalists put forward populist slogans about the freedom and independence of the “enslaved by Russia” people, and on the other hand, a real inter-teip struggle for power began in the republic, which led to the civil war of 1991-1994. But no one spoke about it openly and right then. Many believed that, having come to power, Dudayev managed to unite the nation and became a stronghold of "democracy". In any case, this is how it was presented on television and in the press.

In Moscow, there were their own showdowns, the Center had no time for Chechnya. In the troubled waters of lawlessness and permissiveness, many hoped to catch their fish. Dudayev took advantage of this and began to create his own armed forces. And he talked about it openly. As a military man, he was well aware that in order to keep power in his hands, weapons are needed.

On the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia at that moment, units and subdivisions of the district training center (173rd training center) were stationed. There were a large number of weapons, ammunition, military and automotive equipment, a lot of food supplies and clothing items in the weapons rooms, warehouses, and parks. In addition, separate air defense units, a training aviation regiment of the Armavir Aviation Pilot School, units and subunits of internal troops were also located in the republic ... All of them also had weapons and military equipment.

Already in the autumn of 1991, cases of attacks not only on military personnel and their families, but also on checkpoints of units, warehouses with weapons and ammunition, became more frequent. The commander of the district training center, General P. Sokolov, constantly reported to the headquarters of the district, to Moscow about the situation that had arisen, demanded that a decision be made immediately on the export of weapons and equipment outside of Chechnya. In Rostov-on-Don, there was nothing they could do to help. They were waiting, as always, for appropriate orders and orders from Moscow. And in the capital, it seems, they were waiting: how, they say, will further events unfold? The military leadership did not show or did not want to take the initiative, was afraid to take responsibility.

Indecision also manifested itself at the political level. In November 1991, a decree was adopted on the introduction of a state of emergency in the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia. Paratroopers and special forces even landed in Khankala on transport planes. But the Decree was cancelled. We decided not to tease the geese. In fact, all military units in the republic - officers, soldiers, members of their families - became hostages, and a huge arsenal of weapons, ammunition, military equipment was given to the Dudaevites for looting.

Dzhokhar, unlike the federal center, acted decisively and assertively.

On November 26, 1991, by his decree, he prohibits all movements of equipment and weapons. He attaches representatives of the “national guard” to the army units, who check cars and documents, as well as property imported and exported from the territory of military units. By the same decree, all weapons, equipment and property were "privatized" by the Chechen Republic and were not subject to alienation.

On the same day, November 26, Dudayev summoned General P. Sokolov and the military commissar of the republic, captain 1st rank I. Deniyev, and stated:

Whoever crosses the borders of Ichkeria will be arrested. The personnel of the district training center should be withdrawn from the republic. We will place two Chechen divisions in the military camps of this center, which we will form at the end of the year. All equipment and weapons become the property of the armed forces of the republic. All commanders, including you, report to me personally...

That's it, no more, no less.

On the same days, the correspondent of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Nikolai Astashkin, managed to interview Dudayev. The new leader of Ichkeria did not hide his intentions.

To date, - said Dudayev, - a national guard of 62,000 people and a people's militia - 300,000 people have been formed in the republic. We have begun legislative development of defense structures and the defense system itself.

Question: Does this mean that you are preparing for war?

I can assure you that any armed intervention by Russia in the affairs of Chechnya will mean a new war in the Caucasus. And a brutal war. Over the past three hundred years, we have been taught to survive. And to survive not individually, but as a single nation. And other Caucasian peoples will not sit idly by.

Question: Are you saying that if an armed conflict breaks out, it will be a war without rules?

Yes, it will be a war without rules. And be sure: we are not going to fight on our territory. We will take this war to where it comes from. Yes, it will be a war without rules...

Krasnaya Zvezda published the interview in an abbreviated form, smoothing out all the sharp corners.

From the beginning of 1992, the headquarters of the North Caucasian Military District received alarming reports one after another. Here is some of them.

“On the night of January 4-5, unknown people attacked the control and technical point of a separate communications battalion. The officer on duty, Major V. Chichkan, was killed.”

“On January 7, two unknown men entered the territory of the post, which was guarded by junior sergeant A. Petrukha. Covertly approaching the sentry, they struck him numerous blows on the head and disappeared.

“On January 9, Captain A. Argashokov, on duty for a separate training automobile battalion, was killed.”

“On February 1, in the area of ​​​​the village of Assinovskaya, unknown persons armed with machine guns seized 100 units of rifled weapons and other military property.”

“February 4 - an attack on the escort regiment of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. More than 3,000 rifled weapons, 184,000 pieces of ammunition and all materiel and supplies of the regiment were stolen from the warehouse.

“February 6 - an attack on the military camp of the radio-technical air defense regiment. A large number of weapons and ammunition were stolen.”

“On February 8, attacks are being made on the 15th and 1st military camps of the 173rd district training center. All weapons, ammunition, food and clothing items were stolen from the warehouses.”

Cases of attacks on apartments where officers and members of their families lived have become more frequent. The bandits demanded their eviction, threatened with physical violence.

The situation became threatening.

In early February 1992, Pavel Grachev visited Grozny. By that time, the Soviet Army no longer existed, the Russian one had not yet formed. In short, a complete mess. Grachev met with the officers of the garrison, negotiated with Dudayev. On February 12, a memorandum addressed to B. Yeltsin went under his signature.

“To the President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin B.N. I report:

By studying the state of affairs on the spot, it was established that the situation in the Chechen Republic has sharply worsened recently. For three days, from February 6 to 9, organized groups of militants attacked and destroyed military camps in order to seize weapons, ammunition and plunder military property.

On February 6-7, the 566th regiment of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was defeated, the location of the 93rd radio engineering regiment of the 12th air defense corps and the deployment point of the 382nd training aviation regiment (Khankala settlement) of the Armavir Higher Military Aviation Pilot School were captured.

As a result of these illegal actions, about 4,000 small arms were seized, material damage was inflicted in the amount of more than 500 million rubles.

From 18:00 February 8 to the present in Grozny, militants of illegal bandit formations of the Chechen Republic have been carrying out attacks on military camps of the 173rd training center. The personnel of military units resist illegal actions. There are dead and wounded on both sides. There is a real threat of the seizure of warehouses with weapons and ammunition, which store more than 50,000 small arms and a large amount of ammunition.

In addition, the families of servicemen are also in danger, who, in fact, are hostages of Chechen nationalists. The moral and psychological state of officers, ensigns and their families is tense, at the limit of what is possible.

In terms of their combat and numerical strength, the troops of the North Caucasian Military District and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are not capable of promptly influencing and providing proper opposition to the nationalist groups, which are constantly growing in the North Caucasus.

Given the current situation in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to have Russian armed forces to protect the interests and ensure the security of Russian citizens.

I report on your decision.

P. Grachev.

February 12, 1992".

Unfortunately, no clear and distinct decisions have been made at the highest political level. With great difficulty, it was possible to take military personnel and members of their families out of Chechnya. This happened only on July 6, 1992, five months after P. Grachev's stay in Grozny. And all this time, the Russian military was subjected to all sorts of humiliations and bullying. The war without rules, which Dudayev spoke about in an interview with a Red Star journalist, manifested itself in all its glory.

In Moscow, the victory of the new Russian democracy was celebrated, and in Grozny, the bandits acquired a huge arsenal, so that later, as we already know, they could be used against Russia. It was also a holiday.

So many weapons fell into the hands of Dudayev that they could arm the army of a small European state to the teeth. There are only 40,000 small arms left in warehouses and bases! Here are just some numbers: 42 tanks, 34 infantry fighting vehicles, 14 armored personnel carriers, 139 artillery systems, 1010 anti-tank weapons, 27 anti-aircraft guns and installations, 270 aircraft (of which 5 are combat, the rest, training, could be used as combat), 2 helicopters, 27 ammunition wagons, 3,050 tons of fuel and lubricants, 38 tons of clothing, 254 tons of food…

This text is an introductory piece.

Dzhokhar Dudayev Describing the situation in Chechnya, it is impossible not to mention Dzhokhar Dudayev. Chechens treat him differently. I got more objective information about him from the special forces. A year and a half ago there was a case when two major Chechen military leaders were brought to the presidential

Strokes to the portrait She cares about the purity of her political face, she is proud that Stalin was interested in her. M. Kralin. The word that conquered death. Page 227 * * *Nikolai Punin in 1926 compiled a biographical note for an English publishing house and, with an unwavering hand, wrote:

Vladimir Chub. Strokes for a portrait I met Vladimir Fedorovich in 1995. I was then the commander of the 58th Army, and he headed the administration of the Rostov region, although he was not yet considered a "political heavyweight". But besides this, Chub was a member of the Military Council

Chapter 9. STROKE TO THE PORTRAIT In this chapter we would like to cite the memories of Alexander Mikhailovich Sakharovsky of his relatives, colleagues and workmates, who tell about the various stages of his life and

Strokes to the portrait Born: 24 (11 old style) July 1904 in the village. Medvedki, Votlozhma volost, Veliko-Ustyug district, Vologda province (now the Arkhangelsk region). Father: Kuznetsov Gerasim Fedorovich (c. 1861–1915), state (official) peasant, Orthodox

STROKE TO THE PORTRAIT Rolan Bykov It was smoky in the forest. (From unwritten) The image of a person in our minds is made up of separate impressions: more often in the form of a barely marked drawing or mosaic, less often as a penetrating portrait, and sometimes even as a drawing or diagram. Valentine

In 1994, on December 11, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On Measures to Ensure Law, Law and Order and Public Security on the Territory of the Chechen Republic", which provided for the disarmament of the detachments of Dzhokhar Dudayev's supporters. Troops were brought into Chechnya, and then there was, which is difficult to call much more shameful. Interviews and memories of direct participants in those dramatic and bloody events appear in the media. The weekly "Sobesednik" did not stand aside, the correspondent of which took a long interview with the widow of the "first president" of the Chechen Republic, Dzhokhar Dudayev.

So, Alla Dudaeva(nee Alevtina Fedorovna Kulikova). Daughter of a Soviet officer, former commandant of Wrangel Island. She graduated from the art and graphic faculty of the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute. In 1967, she became the wife of Air Force officer Dzhokhar Dudayev. She gave birth to two sons and a daughter. She left Chechnya with her children in 1999. Lived in Baku, Istanbul. Now he lives with his family in Vilnius. According to the latest information, he is preparing to obtain citizenship of Estonia, a country where Dzhokhar Dudayev is remembered from Soviet times, when he led an air division near Tartu.

The Sobesednik correspondent Rimma Akhmirova first asked Dudayeva a question about Litvinenko. Still, before his death, he closely communicated with the Chechens, called Akhmed Zakayev his friend. Here is what Alla Dudayeva answered: “I think that Alexander converted to Islam before his death in order to be next to his friends in the next world. In recent years, he walked along and managed to tell the world a lot of truth about the KGB, FSK, FSB. And we met like that. Dzhokhar had just been killed, and we were going to fly to Turkey with the whole family, but we were arrested in Nalchik. I was interrogated by a specially arrived young officer who introduced himself as "Colonel Alexander Volkov." He also joked that this was not an accidental surname "...

“After some time,” Dudayeva continues, “I saw him on TV next to Berezovsky, and I recognized his real name - Litvinenko. And that time the TV reporters did an interview with me, from which they only aired a piece taken out of context “Yeltsin - our president", and played him throughout the election campaign. I wanted to make a refutation, but Volkov-Litvinenko then told me: "Think about it: anything can happen to your bodyguard, Musa Idigov." Musa was then kept in an isolation cell. Litvinenko was interested in the truth about Dzhokhar's death. The secret services were afraid that he could survive and escape abroad."

The journalist also asked about what Alla Dudayeva thinks about the rumors and versions, according to which Dzhokhar Dudayev is alive. There are even those who claim that Dudayev had twins, and Alla Dudayeva married one of these twins. It is clear that the widow denies all these rumors. She spoke in some detail about how, in her opinion, the leader of the Chechen separatists was killed.

"The Turkish Prime Minister Arbakan presented Dzhokhar with a satellite telephone installation. Turkish "leftists", connected with the Russian special services, through their spy installed a special microsensor in it during the assembly of the phone in Turkey, which regularly monitors this device. In addition, at the Singnet Super Computer center located in the Maryland region, USA, a 24-hour surveillance system was installed to monitor Dzhokhar Dudayev's phone.The US National Securitu Agency transmitted daily information about the whereabouts and telephone conversations of Dzhokhar Dudayev to the CIA.Turkey received these dossiers.And Turkish "leftist" officers passed this dossier to the Russian FSB. Dzhokhar knew that a hunt had begun for him. When the connection was interrupted for a minute, he always joked: “Well, are you already connected?” But he was still sure that his phone would not be detected.

Alla Dudayeva also reported that the place of Dudayev's burial is still kept secret. According to her, she believes that someday the former general and former leader of the anti-constitutional regime in Grozny will be buried in the ancestral valley of Yalhara. The widow accuses the Russian authorities that the war is still going on because of control over oil flows, since the Chechen land is very rich in non-oil reserves. Here is a very remarkable excerpt from her interview, which talks about how Dudayev offered the Americans the right to 50 years of Chechen oil production.

"... The Americans offered to take oil in concession for 50 years for $ 25 billion. Dzhokhar called the figure $ 50 billion and managed to insist on his own. For a small country, this was a huge amount. Then, in one of Dzhokhar's speeches on television, his famous phrase "about camel milk that will flow from the golden faucets in every Chechen home. "And then, according to Dudayeva, there was a leak of information, supposedly the Kremlin's henchmen, the former Minister of the Oil Industry Salambek Khadzhiev and the head of the government of the Chechen Republic Doku Zavgaev, themselves offered the Americans for those the same fifty years, but only for $23 billion.Because of this, said the widow of the former general, the first Chechen campaign began.

In the process of preparing the material for publication, the author turned to Utra's military observer Yuri Kotenok for a comment.

He noted, after reading the interview, that this is a classic female look at the political and military events of those years. And the first thing he drew attention to was who Dudaeva calls "her own". Especially in light of recent events with former FSB officer Litvinenko. "His friends", "in recent years he followed a straight path", etc. - even then Litvinenko was his own for the Chechen fighters.

It is also important to note that Alla Dudayeva again says that her husband is dead. As Yuri Kotenok said, many people in Chechnya believe that Dudayev has not been liquidated, that he is alive and hiding in a safe place. Actually, the same thing is now being written in the press, which cannot be caught in love with Russia, they are also talking about Basayev. Say, Shamil did his job, he was undercover.

It's not, and here's why. Such eccentric and narcissistic people as Dudayev and Basaev were cannot lead a quiet secret life, hiding in some quiet place. People who developed grandiose in concept (we are not talking about the possibility of implementation) military-terrorist operations against Russia, who claimed the role of the leaders of the nation, cannot vegetate in some Turkey, for them it is tantamount to physical death.

And one more remark was made by our military observer. We must never forget that Dudayev openly opposed Russia, it was with his knowledge that genocide was committed in Chechnya against the Russian, Armenian, Jewish and other peoples, it was under his leadership that the multinational Grozny turned into the capital of one nation. He placed himself outside the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in fact, outside the law. And Dudayev was going to hand over oil to the Americans not for the notorious "milk taps", in the head of the former general of the Soviet army grandiose military plans for the fight against the Russian Federation were ripening. He is an enemy, and they treated him like an enemy.