Zinc ointment: instructions for use and what it is for, price, reviews, analogues. Zinc ointment: use for medicinal purposes and cosmetology

Due to its affordable price, zinc ointment is an affordable and popular remedy for the treatment of many skin diseases. You can buy it at any pharmacy, but before using it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is important to understand why zinc ointment is needed, and not to self-medicate superficially.

Properties of zinc ointment

This medicine received its name according to the effect of the active ingredient. The benefits of zinc can hardly be overestimated, since this mineral is directly involved in all vital processes of the body. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of zinc ointment is achieved due to the chemical composition of the productive drug. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight such active components and their medicinal properties:

  1. Zinc oxide demonstrates a regenerating, restorative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent and protective effect directly on the focus of pathology.
  2. Vaseline oil has hypoallergenic and emollient properties, is well absorbed and smoothes the upper layer of the epidermis, helps to soften the porous structure.
  3. Menthol creates a specific smell of the drug.
  4. Lanolin and dimethicone are auxiliary components that are necessary in a chemical formula to prevent an allergic reaction, soften the rigid structure of this drug.
  5. Fish oil demonstrates the beneficial properties of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, retinol, vitamin D.

For acne

When acne symptoms appear, doctors not only allow to use this pharmacy, but also strongly recommend it as part of a comprehensive treatment. When combined with oral zinc preparations with topical antibiotics (Azithromycin), the desired effect occurs immediately. If zinc ointment against acne is determined for treatment, the patient notices such changes in appearance during intensive care:

  • the number of acne is significantly reduced;
  • they become smaller and noticeably turn pale;
  • disappears itching inflammation of the skin;
  • the skin is dried, the process of regeneration of the affected areas is accelerated;
  • a natural blush appears on the cheeks, and not a painful inflammation.

From wrinkles

This medical preparation has found its application in modern cosmetology. It helps to remove not only acne and blackheads, but also mimic wrinkles, deep folds on sensitive skin. Zinc facial ointment is a budgetary way of rejuvenation, which is recognized even by certified cosmetologists. If you use this medicine regularly, you can get the following aesthetic effect:

  • increase the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • elimination of shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • smoothing out all the irregularities of the skin.

Zinc ointment in cosmetology brings so many benefits that not a single generation of women has heard about its miraculous effect. Proven decades recipes with such a valuable component are passed on from the older generation to the younger, are actively used in practice, provide a grandiose result of rapid rejuvenation and excellent health of the dermis.

With dermatitis

The detailed instructions indicate that this medication is an adjunct treatment for dermatitis at any age. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug helps to reduce swelling. In addition, it is able to eliminate hyperemia and itching of the skin after the first application. In childhood, zinc ointment helps with atopic dermatitis, because it quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms on the dermis, returns the joy of life to the child, and good nights to parents. Before using this medication, it is important to consult with the local pediatrician.

Zinc ointment for blackheads

Acne is another indication reflected in the instructions for the medical preparation zinc ointment - which helps, the dermatologist will also tell you. Modern teenagers often use this oil base to treat acne. Foci of black dots become less extensive and widespread, completely disappear after the first course. Zinc ointment for acne is a cheap and effective remedy that has no contraindications, acts gently and purposefully on the focus of the pathology. You can combine the medicine with boric acid, so it will help more.

With psoriasis

If we talk about psoriasis, this is a chronic disease of the dermis, which regularly worsens under the influence of provoking factors, for example, after a patient has been in the sun for a long time or if a therapeutic diet is not followed. Not all patients know what zinc ointment is used for with a characteristic ailment, however, dermatologists strongly recommend using it to eliminate puffiness and severe itching.

The medicine helps after the first session, as the skin dries and turns pale. In addition, irritation and an unbearable burning sensation quickly disappear. Zinc ointment for psoriasis is only an auxiliary treatment that helps to accelerate and enhance the overall therapeutic effect. Long-term therapy is needed, so doctors recommend patience.

From depriving

The medicine is not capable of completely eliminating the focus of pathology in such an infectious disease, but it can significantly alleviate the general condition of the patient. If you rub the depriving zone with zinc ointment 3-4 times a day, inflammation disappears on day 4-5, unbearable itching disappears, and the once pronounced boundaries of the “plaque” become less noticeable to others. How much to be treated, the dermatologist will tell.

For herpes

In such a clinical picture, the patient must understand that zinc oxide has a low effectiveness against a dangerous virus. Zinc ointment for herpes should not be the main treatment, so doctors focus on topical antiviral agents. However, this medication can also be involved in the treatment of herpes, but only to eliminate itching and swelling - no more.

From age spots

Few people know that zinc oxide has bleaching properties. Masks with his participation help to permanently get rid of age spots, freckles and other "drawings" on the skin. In order not to mix different ingredients, wasting time preparing a miraculous recipe, you can buy this medicine at a pharmacy and use it strictly for its intended purpose. Zinc ointment from age spots is highly effective, since the foci of pathology noticeably turn pale after the first procedure.

Zinc ointment for fungus

Such a medicine in modern dermatology helps to solve many skin problems. For example, it is a reliable ointment for nail fungus. When applied to the foci of pathology, the active components penetrate the subcutaneous layer, kill the pathogenic flora, and strengthen the affected nail structure. The drug contains zinc oxide, which helps to quickly restore the destroyed nail, and petroleum jelly, which provides a mild effect without side effects.

From bruises

As you know, a hematoma is an internal hemorrhage. Zinc ointment for bruises helps to quickly get rid of such health problems, as it eliminates not only a cosmetic defect, but also the cause of its appearance. Zinc oxide dissolves the accumulation of blood under the skin, while removing puffiness, inflammation, and promotes a change in the color of the hematoma. In order to recover sooner, it is necessary to apply the composition in a thin layer on previously cleansed skin, and up to 5-6 sessions are required per day. Stop treatment when bruising has completely disappeared from the skin.

For eczema

If the weeping form of eczema progresses, the dermatologist prescribes zinc ointment as an aid. Reviews of such treatment are positive, since the ointment has not only a drying, but also a regenerating effect on the focus of pathology. The patient needs to lubricate the damaged areas 5-6 times a day, even if they are in the hair.

Use zinc ointment for eczema only in the relapse stage, while it is imperative to treat the diseased areas with any antiseptics before applying zinc oxide. The composition forms a thin protective film, the integrity of which is important not to violate. After that, do not wash off, do not apply a bandage, otherwise zinc ointment does not help to heal, but only harms health.

Zinc ointment for burns

With thermal damage to the skin, you can safely use this medication, since it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, zinc ointment for burns accelerates the process of recovery of injured tissues, relieves swelling and severe redness of the dermis. Use the composition only on clean and pre-dried skin up to 4-5 times per day. Duration of therapy - until all symptoms completely disappear.

For allergies

The medicine itself has hypoallergenic properties, has no contraindications, is allowed by all categories of patients. Dermatologists often prescribe it for an allergic reaction, which is a consequence of intoxication of the body with certain foods and medicines. Zinc ointment for allergies eliminates inflammation, reduces foci of skin rashes, and prevents itching. The product is intended for external use, however, it is first necessary to treat the dermis with local antiseptics.

From sweat

Unlike other medicines, zinc preparations have a drying effect. In case of impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to use such a medication in order to significantly reduce increased sweating. Zinc ointment for sweating is widely used in adolescence and adulthood, acts instantly, has a lot of positive and grateful feedback from patients. Apply the agent to problematic doses up to 5 times a day, but the patient must first take a shower.

From pinworms

In order to be treated properly, the first step is to wash yourself thoroughly using local antiseptics, and then dry the skin of the anus with a towel. Apply a portion of the medicine around the anus, and carry out such a procedure up to 4-5 times a day. Additionally, take oral antihelminthic drugs, for example, a Decaris tablet. Patient reviews report that this is the best combination of drugs in the fight against worms.

With hemorrhoids

With such a disease, the use of zinc oxide is appropriate only for protrusion of external nodes. Treatment can be mixed with the use of folk remedies. Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids relieves inflammation, reduces the size of the pathogenic node, forms a protective film and prevents large-scale blood loss. Some patients consider such a medication obsolete, while others actively use it at the next relapse and are very pleased with the effect obtained. The anus area needs to be lubricated with the composition up to 4-5 times a day, consult a proctologist.

With chickenpox

Chickenpox is accompanied not only by the appearance of a skin rash on the body, but also by a strong feeling of itching. Since the disease often develops in children, it is difficult for a small patient to explain why he should not itch. To reduce the feeling of unbearable itching, pediatricians recommend using zinc ointment for chickenpox. The tool is cheap and affordable, does not cause side effects and relieves inflammation of the irritated dermis. It is necessary to lubricate each pockmark on the body with a thin layer up to 3-4 days per day, and perform the procedures until the last crusts fall off.


Which is used in dermatology. It is known that an ointment containing zinc was used to treat wounds by the ancient Egyptians. Applies zinc ointment for the treatment of dermatitis, diaper rash, prickly heat, burns, skin lesions, trophic ulcers, bedsores, eczema, herpes and streptoderma.

The most important component of zinc ointment is zinc oxide (zinc oxide) ZnO. This compound is widely used in the oil refining and paint industries, in the production of tires, glass and ceramics, plastics and paper, perfumes and cosmetics, in animal husbandry, and in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is used in medicine due to its disinfecting, drying, astringent, adsorbing action. Based on zinc oxide, external preparations are created in the form of powders, ointments, liniments, and pastes. Such drugs of universal action are Lassar paste (salicylic-zinc ointment) and zinc ointment.

To understand the effect of zinc ointment on acne, you must first understand the nature of their occurrence. Acne occurs as a result of dysfunction of the skin sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands produce a secret - sebum, which enters the surface of the skin through special ducts, lubricating it, hair and maintaining the temperature balance of the skin. The normal performance of the sebaceous glands is about 20 grams of secretion per day. However, if sebum is produced more than normal or its viscosity is increased, the sebaceous ducts can become blocked. At the same time, sebum accumulates and begins to oxidize. A pimple occurs. When an infection enters the site of stagnation, an inflammatory process begins.

Apply zinc ointment externally, applying it in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin. Zinc oxide contained in zinc ointment reduces the amount of fluid released from blood vessels into inflamed tissues, destroys the structure and, accordingly, the properties of proteins in the affected area (protein denaturation), thereby relieving inflammation. You can apply the ointment several times a day. Although zinc ointment is considered a simple low-toxic drug with virtually no side effects, it would be right to consult with beforehand.

Apply zinc ointment Hands must be washed clean with soap. We also clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflamed skin, for example, gently rubbing it with chamomile infusion without effort. From the face, you must first wash off excess sebum. We wash our face with clean hands with slightly cool water. Then wash off the remaining sebum from the hands with soap. We wash our face again - and so on up to five times. After drying the face with napkins or paper towels, proceed to the application of zinc ointment. We do this with light circular movements. It is clear that after the treatment procedure, touching the affected areas of the skin should be excluded, at least - reduced to a minimum.

Hypersensitivity to zinc oxide- the only contraindication to the use of zinc ointment. This is an extremely rare case. In babies, after applying zinc ointment, peeling may occur, which is neutralized by baby cream. As an additional remedy, zinc ointment can be used in the treatment of diseases such as herpes, lichen, psoriasis, fungus. In this case, the main remedy and zinc ointment are applied alternately. It would be appropriate to use zinc ointment for chickenpox. Reduces itching and accelerates healing with a rash.

During treatment, in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is important that the skin "breathe". The use of cosmetics should be limited to a minimum or even temporarily abandoned altogether. In addition, make-up cannot be applied to a layer of zinc ointment. If you can’t give up cosmetics, you can use zinc ointment only at night. It is noticed that zinc ointment itself has a cosmetic effect - it smoothes fine wrinkles. It is recommended to add it to the face cream. Also, zinc ointment has the ability to whiten age spots and freckles.

The use of zinc ointment in pharmacology

The production of zinc ointment is established at many pharmaceutical enterprises. Zinc ointment consists of 10% zinc oxide and 90% viscous base, which is used as petroleum jelly. In the manufacture of the ointment, a uniform distribution of the active substance in the base and its maximum dispersion (minimum particle size) are achieved. Due to the viscous base, the ointment acquires a soft texture. When applying the ointment, the active substance is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin. The components of the ointment have good physical and chemical compatibility, which ensures the stability of the drug during storage. The shelf life of zinc ointment at room temperature is up to 2 years. Zinc ointment is packaged in tubes, glass jars with screw caps, in polymer jars with tamper-evident lids of various capacities - from 20 g to 1 kg per package. Zinc ointment is freely available in pharmacies at an affordable price.

Zinc ointment will also help to maintain the amount of zinc in the human body at the right level. This indicator is very important, since zinc is involved in all processes that ensure vital activity. And this is not an exaggeration. For example, it is the only one of the metals present in all classes of enzymes. Despite the fact that zinc in the body of an adult is 1.5 - 3 g, its distribution is uneven. Most zinc is found in bone and muscle tissue (20 and 60 percent, respectively), retina, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys, prostate, and hair.

Important properties of zinc

Biologists call zinc an ubiquitous element. We list only some of the aspects of biological activity in which the role of zinc can hardly be overestimated:

  • stimulates brain activity, maintains intellectual abilities at the proper level;
  • participates in the work of the body at the cellular level: the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids;
  • participates in the processes of absorption of calcium and phosphorus;
  • makes it possible to absorb vitamin A. No matter how much vitamin A accumulates in the liver, without zinc the body will not be able to use it;
  • is the strongest antioxidant. Removes carbon dioxide and alcohol from the body;
  • has a decisive influence on vision, gustatory and olfactory abilities;
  • participates in the regulation of the immune system;
  • prevents anemia;
  • affects the development and functioning of the prostate;
  • participates in the production of insulin;
  • participates in the healing of internal and external injuries;
  • affects the condition and elasticity of the skin.

Zinc deficiency in the body

O zinc deficiency in the body can be judged by a number of signs. This is a decrease in appetite, a decrease in the level of vision, hearing, smell, taste perception, the appearance of problems with the skin, hair loss, fungus on the nails, microtraumas that do not heal for a long time, increased nervousness. A general decrease in immunity leads to frequent colds. Weakness and depression may be the result of developing anemia. At zinc deficiency the time of erythrocytes decreases and, accordingly, their number decreases. The skin becomes drier, more vulnerable to external influences, acne and blackheads appear.

Reduced zinc content in the body, in turn, can be caused by diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid dysfunction, and cancer. zinc deficiency can occur when taking certain medications, with an excess of selenium and calcium in the body, due to poor nutrition or frequent alcohol consumption.

The human body needs 12-15 mg of zinc per day. Nursing mothers to maintain the desired level of zinc in milk, and people engaged in heavy physical labor, accompanied by profuse sweating, athletes need more zinc. With acute zinc deficiency in the body, it can be replenished by taking special medications. In general, it is enough to balance your diet, to give up large doses of alcohol.

Many foods are rich in zinc. The leaders here are seafood, fish, beef liver, beef, eggs. Zinc is also found in many fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs: apples, citrus fruits, dates, black currants, Brussels sprouts. You can also add beets, turnips, asparagus, onions and garlic, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sprouted wheat seeds. This list is far from complete. The choice is yours.

Zinc ointment instruction involves the use of many skin diseases. Reduces inflammation quickly and effectively. At an affordable price, you can buy at any pharmacy.

Ointment with zinc has a thick white consistency, sometimes it can have a yellowish tint. Zinc oxide is mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:10.

Manufacturers can add other components to zinc that enhance its positive properties. For example, lanolin is necessary to soften dry skin, menthol gives a pleasant aroma, fish oil saturates the composition with additional vitamins.

What is zinc ointment for? Zinc oxide itself, which is part of the ointments, has many useful properties:

  • promotes rapid healing;
  • protects the skin;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • Zinc ointment is used as an adsorbent (reduces the release of fluid from weeping wounds);
  • has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • prevents the accession of a secondary infection;
  • It is well distributed and absorbed, Vaseline makes the skin soft and moisturized.

The use of zinc ointment leads to the fact that the damaged area dries up, inflammation disappears, itching and pain subside, redness and irritation disappear. The thick consistency is absorbed slowly, so the ointment can be applied at bedtime under a gauze bandage.

The use of zinc cream is also known. It has a more liquid texture, so it absorbs faster. It also quickly copes with swelling and inflammation, promotes the healing of abrasions and cracks in the skin. Produced Zinc oil.

Areas of manifestation of action

Many patients are interested in information about Zinc ointment, which helps.

Zinc ointment for the face does not cause side effects, so it can be safely used for acne and pimples. There are no contraindications. The skin at the site of inflammation is dried, bacteria growth stops. It is useful for protecting against UV radiation.

Using Zinc ointment for acne, the composition is applied in a thick layer to each tubercle. A thin layer is applied to the face to prevent acne.

Due to its effects, the use of Zinc ointment for wrinkles on the face is popular. In vain, some patients consider Zinc Ointment a drug of the last century. The medicine is applied to dry, clean skin and evenly distributed by hand over the entire face and neck. The composition must be given time to absorb, so it is recommended to apply in the evening and leave it on all night. Instructions for use notes: "Use the anti-wrinkle composition three times a week for three weeks."

Zinc ointment from nail fungus is widely used. After application to the affected area, a protective layer is created, the nail plate on the hands or feet is restored. If the fungus on the nails is treated, then the itching and burning sensation quickly disappear. Treat the infection until the symptoms go away.

On average, therapy for a fungus lasts about two weeks. The procedure is done at night. Before surface treatment, it is recommended to wash your feet or hands (depending on where the fungus is growing) with a bactericidal soap. You can make a bath with the addition of antiseptic decoctions. Then the affected areas are exfoliated, a layer of ointment is applied and left until completely absorbed.

There are many who used sweat ointment in the armpit. With course use in the fight against sweating under the armpits, it quickly improves the condition. Dries the surface, fights the spread of bacteria, preventing them from creating odors. On the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, the product is applied twice a day for two weeks.

Used for hyperhidrosis. A malfunction of the sweat glands that leads to excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The development of hyperhidrosis may be associated with hormonal imbalances, diabetes mellitus, disorders of the cardiac or urinary system. Sweating underarms, back, forehead, neck. Assign for hands and feet from the appearance of sweat.

Zinc ointments fight sweat and cope with an unpleasant odor.

Zinc ointment from armpit sweating dries the problem area, after application, the pores narrow, and the risk of infection is reduced. Apply a small amount of the product to the armpit area and leave to absorb. The remedy is also used for sweating of the feet and hands. Helps to cope with the ointment from the smell of feet.

Sweating can also occur in an adult. Zinc oxide effectively fights prickly heat. The inflamed area quickly shrinks, swelling subsides, redness, itching and irritation disappear. You can use any ointment with zinc oxide. They make the skin soft, healthy and supple.

Dyshidrosis is a chronic skin disease that is accompanied by the appearance of subcutaneous vesicles. Bubbles may appear on the leg or arm. The fingers, palms, and feet are mostly affected. With dyshidrosis, an inflammatory rash worries for up to three weeks. All this time, the bubbles ripen, itch, the skin becomes dry, flaky and inflamed.

A composition with zinc helps with dyshidrosis. It treats inflammation, dries up wounds, envelops the surface, preventing infection from joining, and eliminates itching. After water procedures, the ointment is applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day.

Skin diseases in childhood

Zinc ointment for children is often prescribed. What is the ointment used for in pediatrics? With the help of the drug, care is taken for the delicate, sensitive skin of even newborns.

What are the main indications for the use of Zinc ointment? For children, the main indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Zinc ointment helps with diaper rash, sweating can also be cured;
  • shallow skin lesions (wounds, scratches, cracks);
  • small rashes, pustules on the body of a child.

Zinc ointment for newborns helps with diathesis. This is a skin disease in a child of allergic origin. Red spots appear that itch and bring discomfort. The medicine relieves inflammation, stops the spread of irritation, and thanks to its refreshing effect reduces itching.

Appointment may be from Dermatitis. The disease requires long-term treatment, so zinc ointment is often prescribed. Effectively eliminates all unpleasant symptoms.

Often used ointment for diaper dermatitis. The disease occurs in children under one year of age due to skin contact with wet diapers or a diaper. Attrition, redness appear in the buttocks, thighs. If treatment is not started on time, then redness passes to healthy areas of the skin, papules, crusts, peeling, cracks join.

To prevent complications, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the baby's skin before changing the diaper.

You can find a review of many mothers: "I used the ointment in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a newborn." This is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of allergic origin. The cause may be any product, dust, wool. The surface becomes inflamed, swollen and itchy. The child becomes irritable, does not sleep well. The zinc composition disinfects the area, prevents the spread of irritation, and heals the resulting wounds. For babies, apply every 4 hours.

Ointment for diaper rash in newborns will quickly solve the problem. Diaper rash can appear not only from wet diapers, but also from hot air, poor-quality clothing, and insufficient hygiene. Zinc ointment can be used to treat baby surfaces with diaper rash. Ointment for diaper rash eliminates redness, heals damaged skin. For diaper rash, it is recommended to apply every three hours.

Zinc diaper rash paste helps to cope with discomfort, itching. The use of paste in the case of diaper rash is more appropriate.

Zinc ointment is used for prickly heat. Children often suffer from this problem. Prickly heat can be found in the folds of the skin of the baby. Often sweating develops due to excessive wrapping, non-compliance with hygiene standards, hot air. Zinc-based paste can help eliminate sweats, inflammation and rashes. If you use the composition, then there is a rapid passage of symptoms. The paste is placed in a thin layer in children older than a year directly on prickly heat up to 6 times a day.

With sweating, the agent is distributed in a thin layer on clean, dry skin of newborns up to three times a day. If necessary, the skin of the newborn can be treated after each diaper change.

Correct use

After carefully studying the instructions, you can find a way to use it. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then before applying the Zinc Ointment, it must be diluted with any moisturizer.

Instructions for use warns that in order for all the medicinal properties to appear, the skin should first be wiped with a decoction based on chamomile, calendula, string. Then it takes some time for the skin to dry. If the disease is severe, then the composition is applied in a thick layer.

What is the correct use of zinc ointment? The use of Zinc ointment is recommended no more than 5-6 times a day. Otherwise, the skin dries out and becomes prone to various damages.

The instructions also contain contraindications. These include individual intolerance to individual components. Often the development of side effects is associated with an allergic reaction to additional components (parabens, oils), which manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching and redness. Treatment may be accompanied by darkening of the skin. But after stopping use, all unpleasant side effects disappear.

It is impossible to treat purulent and fungal skin diseases with Zinc Ointment. Should not be used for more than three weeks. Not suitable for treating mucous surfaces.

Possible replacement

If, according to some criteria, Zinc ointment did not fit, analogues are used. We need analogues that basically contain zinc oxide and have similar properties.

  • Pasta Lassara has similar beneficial properties. Apply the product in a thin layer directly on the affected area 1-2 times a day. Side effects include rash, itching, and redness.
  • Skin diseases can be treated with Zindol. Apply the product to the problem area of ​​the skin three times a day. The composition can be used as a prophylaxis.
  • Desitin has a useful property. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to clean, dry skin three times a day. Treatment takes about three days, then you can apply the composition for the purpose of prevention.
  • Sudocrem quickly treats inflammation. It has antifungal, antibacterial properties. You can apply up to 6 times a day.

Careful and attentive skin care will help to avoid the appearance of diseases and complications.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Zinc ointment: instructions for use


Each tube (25 g) contains: active ingredient - zinc oxide - 2.5 g; excipient: soft white paraffin.


Ointment white or light yellow.

Indications for use

Zinc ointment is prescribed for skin diseases - eczema, pyoderma, dermatitis, diaper rash, bedsores, mainly with the process of exudation.

Children. With diaper dermatitis, diaper rash in newborns, use as prescribed by a doctor.


Acute purulent processes of the skin and adjacent tissues, as well as hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

For pregnant women and women during breastfeeding, treatment is prescribed by a doctor, provided that the expected benefit to the woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus / child.

Dosage and administration

The ointment is applied externally, applied in a thin layer on cleansed skin 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms of the disease, the effect achieved, the nature of the basic therapy.

Side effect

Prolonged use may cause skin irritation. In some cases, with increased individual sensitivity to the drug, allergic manifestations are possible: itching, hyperemia, rash at the site of application of the ointment.


Not identified.

Interaction with other drugs

No information available.

Precautionary measures

The ointment is applied only to uninfected areas of the skin. Avoid contact of the ointment with mucous membranes, eyes, wounds. If the ointment gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of running water and consult a doctor.

Zinc ointment is a cheap medicine based on zinc oxide for the treatment of skin diseases. The ointment does its job well, despite the fact that it is inexpensive. Therefore, even now, when there are many modern remedies for the treatment of dermatological problems, it continues to be popular.

Release form

Produced in tubes and jars in the form of an ointment for external use. The main ingredient is zinc oxide. 1h, Vaseline 9h. When buying, instructions for use should be attached to the zinc ointment.

Pharmacological properties

The ointment consists of zinc oxide and medical vaseline. Due to Vaseline, the ointment is easily applied to the skin and creates a protective film that helps unhealthy tissues renew themselves faster.

Zinc oxide has the following properties:

  • acts as an antiseptic;
  • softens and dries well;
  • astringent action;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • restorative effect;
  • reduces the process of secretion of a mixture of lymph and pus from damaged tissues.

Indications for the use of zinc ointment

You should familiarize yourself before using zinc ointment, from which this drug helps. When buying a box of zinc ointment, instructions should be included. In this manual you can read what are the indications for use and what are the contraindications.

Ointment effectively treats the following dermatological problems:

  1. Mechanical damage to the skin - burns, abrasions, wounds, irritation.
  2. Widely used to treat diaper rash.
  3. Treatment .
  4. The positive effect of zinc ointment from.
  5. in young children.
  6. Bedsores.
  7. , trophic ulcers.
  8. Well helps zinc ointment for acne.


With high sensitivity to zinc ointment, its use is not recommended.

How to use zinc ointment for various skin diseases

For each dermatological disease, the method of applying the ointment is different.

  • For small abrasions, cuts and wounds, it is necessary to apply ointment 5-6 times a day. The skin must first be cleaned and lubricated with a thin layer of the wound. The ointment does not require rubbing.
  • If the skin is extensively affected by burns, it is necessary to do dressings with zinc ointment. Wounds should be filled with a thick layer and covered with a sterile bandage or gauze, folding it into several layers.
  • In the treatment of non-infectious skin diseases, the ointment is applied 3 times a day to and around the area affected by blisters, purulent rashes or ulcers. It is important to complete the full course of treatment, which lasts 30 days. Even if the video relieves the symptoms, it is necessary to continue the treatment.

Zinc ointment for newborns- A fairly popular remedy for the treatment of diaper rash. The ointment is safe for infants and is effectively used in the treatment of not only diaper rash, but also dermatitis.

It can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of skin rashes. The ointment adsorbs moisture well, dries and disinfects. The skin must be washed and dried. Then smear the place of the rash or diaper rash with a small amount of ointment.

Since the drug does not have a negative effect on the skin of the child, it can be used frequently - at each diaper change.

There is an opinion that zinc ointment good for acne. If the pores of the skin are prone to clogging, there are a large number of comedones on the skin of the face, then the ointment should be used with caution. Vaseline, which is part of the ointment, can aggravate the clogging situation.

It is better to test before treatment. Within a few days, you need to apply the ointment to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If the result is positive, then the remedy is suitable. Treatment of acne with zinc ointment is an effective method of dealing with skin imperfections.

To get rid of acne, it is necessary to apply the drug twice a day to the previously cleaned affected area. Black dots must first be removed. The course of treatment is 14 days. Then a break is made for 6-7 days, after which the course can be repeated.

The ointment is effective for excessive skin pigmentation and melasma. For the treatment of age spots, it is necessary to rub a small amount of ointment into the skin daily.

To get rid of bedsores, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Treat the skin washed with soap with an antiseptic or alcohol solution.
  2. Apply a thick layer of ointment to the affected area.
  3. Apply gauze or a sterile bandage on top.
  4. Change the bandage every 3-4 hours.

With regular use, ulcers heal fairly quickly.

Side effects

The ointment can cause irritation and allergic reactions. There may be burning and redness of the integument. Side effects may be caused by the content of zinc oxide in the preparation. In this case, the skin may become pale. The use of zinc ointment for the face in the presence of allergic reactions must be stopped.

Zinc ointment is not used in the treatment of fungal, viral and bacterial skin diseases. The ointment is contraindicated in acute purulent infections and diseases of the subcutaneous tissue.

Use zinc ointment for children under 2 years of age should be used with caution.

Studies on the safety of the use of zinc ointment during pregnancy have not been conducted.

Drug analogues

  • Desitin,
  • diaderm,
  • cindol,
  • zinc oxide,
  • zinc paste,
  • salicylic-zinc ointment,
  • sulfur-zinc ointment.