Itchy back and legs what a disease. Itchy back causes and treatment

Itching on the back, including itching between the shoulder blades, can cause great discomfort to a person, there are many reasons for this, there is a treatment, but it is not always simple and often individual. It is aimed at eliminating the causative factor, and symptomatic treatment is carried out in parallel.

The reasons for its occurrence in each case are varied. On the one hand, this may be a manifestation of any inflammatory, autoimmune or infectious skin diseases, and on the other hand, a manifestation of systemic pathological processes (especially kidney and liver diseases).

Causes of back itching

Knowing the causes of this unpleasant condition allows for a long-term therapeutic result. The main causative factors in which the skin is affected with the occurrence of itching are:

  • dry skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • infrequent or excessive bathing;
  • chemical irritants that have a direct effect on the skin;
  • various allergens that affect the skin;
  • infectious lesions of the skin (papules, pustules, etc.);
  • systemic diseases, especially those accompanied by renal and / or liver failure;
  • diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system;
  • narcotic substances;
  • pregnancy and its corresponding hormonal changes;
  • various dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, herpetic lesions, etc.).

Given that skin diseases most often lead to the appearance, they need to be considered in more detail. The main pathological processes in this case can be:

  • eczema, characterized by reddening of the skin and prolonged painful itching;
  • dermatitis - an inflammatory skin lesion;
  • hives - an allergic skin lesion as a result of exposure to food, latex and other allergens, which leads to the appearance of a red rash;
  • psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by the presence of silvery scales on the skin;
  • lichen planus;
  • folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles on the skin.

Thus, itching of the skin of the back can be triggered by various factors. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to minimize the effect of the damaging factor as much as possible.

The likelihood of skin itching also increases in situations such as:

  • irritation with cosmetic substances;
  • dyes used in the manufacture of fabrics;
  • contact with certain metals, this risk is especially increased in case of contact with nickel;
  • juices of some plants, for example, juices from citrus fruits;
  • certain drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics;
  • ultraviolet rays that have their damaging effect or visits to the solarium, etc.
  • scabies mite (especially often causes itching between the shoulder blades);
  • lice, including pubic lice;
  • bees;
  • mosquitoes;
  • fleas;
  • hornets, etc.

Also, itching under the shoulder blade and on the back can be a symptom of infectious diseases. These can be infections such as:

  • chicken pox;
  • herpetic infection;
  • mycoses (skin damage by a fungus), etc.

Many diseases of the internal organs can be accompanied by the development of itching, when the back or shoulder blade is involved in the pathological process on one or both sides (more often this is a bilateral lesion). Such diseases are:

  • hyperthyroidism - increased function of the thyroid gland;
  • hypothyroidism - a decrease in its functional activity, which leads to dry skin;
  • pathology of the hepatobiliary system (cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.);
  • hemoblastoses - oncological diseases of the blood system;
  • lymphogranulomatosis (often this disease debuts precisely with skin itching, which prompts the doctor to make a diagnostic search);
  • malignant diseases of the breast, prostate and some other organs;
  • menopause in women, when estrogen production drops sharply, which leads to dry skin;
  • some disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle.

Treatment of itching on the back

Itching under the shoulder blade and in the back area is a very difficult task to treat. To obtain a stable therapeutic result, it is necessary to seek qualified help from a dermatologist and, according to indications, to other specialists.

In the process of treatment, a person must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The use of cosmetic products based on Aloe Vera (they must be applied to the skin of the back several times a day after performing hygiene procedures).
  2. You can use honey mixed with natural cold-pressed olive oil (this mixture is applied to the affected area) as a soothing agent.
  3. It is advisable to wear clothes made of cotton and linen, which are hypoallergenic, you should stop wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics and wool.
  4. Avoid getting abrasions and scratches on the skin, so the nails should be cut short (skin injuries are the entrance gate for microorganisms with the subsequent development of infectious skin lesions).
  5. Not long baths with warm water (you can add decoctions of herbs).
  6. You should stop using various skin care products that are based on starch.
  7. It is necessary to combat excessive sweating (for this it is recommended to take a shower often, to give up heavy physical exertion, etc.).

For the treatment of skin itching on the back, various groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines, such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Cetirizine, Loratodin.
  2. Corticosteroids (local and systemic), eg Prednisolone tablets, Betapred, Advantan ointment, Locoid.
  3. Local anesthetics (painkillers), such as Menovazin.
  4. Calceneurin-inhibiting drugs, such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus.
  5. Cholestyramine, which is effective for itching caused by pathology of the hepatobiliary system (this drug binds bile acids).
  6. Tricyclic antidepressants eg Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine.

The effectiveness of each group of drugs varies with itching, depending on the reasons that led to its appearance. Therefore, the doctor prescribes one remedy, and if it is ineffective, he replaces it with a drug from another group. So, antihistamines are ineffective for itching, which is caused by diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. Cholestyramine, which binds bile acids, is commonly used to treat this itching. This allows you to significantly reduce or completely get rid of the itching of the back.

Physiotherapy techniques can also be used to increase the effectiveness of pharmacological treatment. Ultraviolet phototherapy, which should be prescribed by a physiotherapist, has proven itself especially well.

In conclusion, it should be noted that itching of the skin of the back can be triggered by various damaging factors. Against this background, either localized itching or generalized (systemic) may appear. Identification of the underlying cause of the development of this unpleasant and uncomfortable symptom allows for effective and targeted treatment. In parallel with traditional therapy, a person must adhere to general recommendations that will prevent the progression of the pathological process.

Itching in the back is an unpleasant sensation, and if the back itches often, then this gives a person significant physical and psychological discomfort. In addition, persistent itching can signal health problems. Let's try to figure out the reasons why the back itches.

Why does my back itch?

Most often, itching of the skin is caused by dermatological diseases. The main pathological processes are:

Sometimes the back itches between the shoulder blades not because of pathologies in health, but because the rules of hygienic care are not properly observed, there are insect bites (mosquitoes, bedbugs, etc.), the skin is burned due to the intense exposure to ultraviolet rays while staying on the beach or a visit to the solarium.

Older people often complain that their back itches in the same place. At the same time, senile itching is a physiological phenomenon that occurs without specific reasons.

Why does the back itch along the spine?

In rare cases, itching appears from irritation of the nerve roots of the spine as a result of their partial compression. There is both a feeling of numbness and irritation in the region of the vertebrae. Experts recommend that, in the presence of such symptoms, an x-ray be taken to confirm or exclude osteochondrosis.

Getting rid of itching In the event that itching causes discomfort, you should seek the advice of specialists. The dermatologist will visually assess the rashes on the skin, take a scraping for analysis if necessary, and, in accordance with its results, prescribe treatment.

If the disease is allergic in nature, the allergist, after testing for the presence of antibodies, will establish the allergen. Chronic internal diseases require systematic treatment by doctors of relevant specialties.

Very important:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
  3. Eat a balanced diet.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

In short, the skin, like any human organ, requires careful treatment.

Plus, if some sensations arise on the skin of the body in the same place (increased pain sensitivity, or vice versa, weakening, other unusual sensations), then we can say that this is a reflex reflection of the work of the internal organ.
This is the only reflexology for which there is experimental confirmation, other BAP (acupuncture) and foot reflexology are unscientific.

In this case, it is serious, but if there are other complaints, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, it’s just a sign that everything in the body is interconnected.

Itchy back - causes

The causes of scabies and itching between the shoulder blades, in the spine and other areas of the back can be different. Some of them are caused by a banal allergic reaction to external irritants or food intolerance. However, sometimes such symptoms indicate the presence of a serious infectious disease or other pathology that is dangerous to life and health. It is quite difficult to determine why the back itches along the spine or in other areas, but if you familiarize yourself with the main ailments accompanied by discomfort, it will be easier to diagnose the disease.

There are a lot of reasons that make patients complain that their back itches a lot. Among the most common:

  • Exposure to chemicals in cosmetics or coloring pigments in clothing.
  • Insect bites (mosquitoes, midges).
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Liver or kidney failure associated with certain ailments.
  • Insufficient hygiene or, conversely, excessive water procedures.
  • Taking drugs.
  • Changes in hormonal levels in pregnant women, adolescents, women during menopause.
  • Dermatological diseases such as eczema, folliculitis.
  • Negative effect of ultraviolet rays.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Contact with skin irritating objects and substances: metal, juice of some plants.
  • Taking medications.
  • Dryness of the skin.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Xeroderma and senile itching.

Only a doctor can determine which of the factors caused itching in a particular person.

The main pathologies accompanied by itching

The cause of discomfort and irritation of the skin can be both diseases and external factors. In the latter case, getting rid of itching is simple: remove the irritant, and gradually the desire to scratch your back will pass. However, if the discomfort persists, the cause should be sought in the depths of the body.


If the back itches, the discomfort does not go away, you should first of all pay attention to the appearance of the skin. Sometimes the cause of itching lies in the appearance of rashes, indicating the presence of the disease. The rash may be:

  • Acne. Appears due to contamination of the skin due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, or changes in hormonal levels. Typical for teenagers.
  • Lichen. The skin is affected by a fungus, due to the impact of which inflammation and redness occur, which can itch.
  • syphilitic. Occurs due to toxic skin lesions with infections.

There are many diseases accompanied by such symptoms. These include:

  • Chicken pox. The cause of the appearance is the herpes virus. The back with chickenpox is covered with watery bubbles, which can itch quite strongly. To reduce unpleasant manifestations, the rash should be treated with special agents, such as Calamine or Fenistil.
  • Rubella. It looks like small red dots that are localized on the back and head. Another symptom of the manifestation of the disease is an increase in the lymph nodes in the neck and around the ears.
  • Scarlet fever. A dangerous disease that manifests itself mainly in children. You can recognize it not only by the fact that the back itches and a rash appears, but also by other signs, among which the most noticeable are raspberry tongue, headaches, high body temperature - 39 degrees or more.
  • Lichen. With the shingles form, a nodular rash appears on the lower back in an adult, which is very itchy and inflamed. A characteristic symptom is also considered an elevated body temperature and an increase in lymph nodes.

If one of the indicated infectious diseases has become the cause of scabies, you should immediately seek medical help, since complications are likely to occur.


Red inflammation and ulcers can also deliver a lot of discomfort. In addition, the appearance of itchy slings may well be a sign of a skin disease, to get rid of which you need to undergo a course of treatment. Pimples that appear usually itch when:

  • Impetigo. The causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci, which are localized in the skin, without penetrating deep into. They provoke the appearance of pustules that can itch. After healing, a dark spot may remain on the skin.
  • Seborrhea. It occurs due to improper functioning of the glands, causing excess sebum. Accompanied by a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the formation of skin scales, purulent inflammation due to contamination of the pores.
  • folliculitis. Inflammation of the hair follicles, which occurs under the influence of staphylococci. It is characterized by the appearance of purulent itchy abscesses on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and on other parts of the back.
  • Dermatitis and neurodermatitis. Papules can appear as a result of exposure to cosmetics or household chemicals, as well as due to stress. Rashes are localized on various parts of the body, including on the back.

The appearance of inflammation most often indicates infection of the body, the presence of skin diseases, or problems in the functioning of the digestive or endocrine systems.

If acne causes discomfort, it is necessary first of all to find out the factors provoking their appearance.

To do this, you need to get advice from a dermatologist, endocrinologist and allergist.

To determine the cause of acne, you need to contact an endocrinologist.


Various allergens can cause hives - a disease characterized by the appearance of red rashes all over the body. Finding out that the back itches for this reason is quite simple: you need to contact an allergist who will conduct special tests and find out what can cause such a reaction in the body. To cure, it is enough to exclude the food from the diet or get rid of another irritant. And you can remove the symptoms of the disease with the help of soothing ointments, which will allow you to forget that the rashes were itching, and antihistamines.

Blemishes and pigmentation

If an adult or child has an itchy spot on their back, this should also be a reason to go to the doctor. A similar symptom can be caused by quite dangerous diseases:

  • melanoma;
  • melanosis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • oncology.

Such ailments can lead to death. Therefore, if spots are found on the back, you should immediately seek medical help.

Other causes that can cause itchy spots are not so dangerous. Pigmentation and itching can cause:

  • psoriasis;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • exposure to sunlight.

Even simple freckles during the manifestation period can deliver a lot of discomfort.

Often the cause of itching is a subcutaneous mite that causes such an unpleasant disease as scabies. In the first stages, the arms, elbows and chest are usually affected. The disease passes to the back only if it is started. A characteristic manifestation is increased discomfort in the evening and at night.

Therapeutic therapy that can relieve the disease and the discomfort associated with it is prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment can cause a worsening of the condition: it is possible that itching is the cause of a serious illness. However, for the short-term relief of symptoms, you can use some common medications and folk remedies.

Only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

classical medicine

Special ointments, such as Psilo-balm or Fenistil, will help get rid of the itching caused by hives. The preparations have a calming effect on the skin, help to get rid of discomfort. In addition, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines: Zodak, Zirtek or Suprastin. In especially severe cases, the patient is prescribed hormonal injections. However You cannot use this method on your own.

If the skin itches not only between the shoulder blades or in the lumbar region, that is, the area of ​​​​irritation is not localized to a specific part of the back, but spreads throughout the body, perhaps its appearance is associated with a disease of the nervous system. In such cases, it is necessary to drink a course of sedatives, for example, Novopassit or valerian extract.

Folk methods

Alternative medicine offers its own ways to get rid of itching on the back. However, they only allow you to remove an unpleasant symptom for a while, and do not cure the disease that caused it. These sedatives include:

  • Baths with the addition of herbs. You can use a string, chamomile or burdock. However, it is worth making sure that there is no allergy to plants.
  • Cold compresses.
  • Vinegar solution 3%, camphor or menthol as lotion additives, salicylic acid. With these means, it is necessary to wipe the itchy place.

Itching on the back is not worth ignoring. Perhaps it is a sign of a dangerous disease.

Timely treatment, as you know, will avoid the occurrence of many complications. Therefore, if the skin on the back itches, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Often people turn to their doctor with such a question - why does the back itch. But it is not always possible to unambiguously answer this question, since the reasons can be very diverse. It is possible to identify the real causes of such symptoms only after a thorough examination. It is worth considering the general situations in which such symptoms may appear.

Why can the back itch?

If you are interested in the question of why the back itches, then you should take a closer look at what could be the cause of such sensations and start solving this problem as soon as possible. The sooner you get rid of it, the calmer you will be, because inaction can lead to serious consequences. Some diseases in which the back itches can be caused by an infection, which means that the disease can be transmitted from person to person.

The reason may not be the presence of some kind of ailment, but even in this case, it is worth getting rid of the annoying itch. After all, such symptoms cause discomfort, psychological and physical inconvenience. It is worth considering the main reasons due to which such discomfort may occur.

7 common reasons

Often the reasons are as follows:

  1. If there is itching on the back, the reasons may be a banal food allergy. Also, a similar reaction can appear on a variety of household chemicals, cosmetics, dust. Due to exposure to such products and formulations, dermatitis may appear, which manifests itself not only in the form of itching, but also in the form of edema, blisters.
  2. Scabies, unfortunately, it is also common, the problem is caused by a microscopic mite. But in this situation, not only the back, but also other parts of the body will itch. It will also be noticeable that the itching intensifies in the evening.
  3. There may be other infectious diseases that can adversely affect the human body. Pustules may appear at the site of the inflammatory process, such ailments affect the upper layers of the skin. Impetigo is also an infection, it is a skin problem that should not be started and left untreated. A person in the presence of such a problem complains that there are pimples on his back, while they constantly itch. Especially strong discomfort is noted.
  4. There are ailments that occur on the basis of nerves, for example, it can be neurodermatitis. You should not start this ailment, and the person himself will not want to refuse treatment, because severe itching occurs.
  5. Another terrible diagnosis is psoriasis, because it is a chronic disease. The fact is that it is difficult to get rid of it, even with a positive result of treatment, it can return again.
  6. The question of why the back itches in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades can also be explained by the presence of such a hereditary disease as xeroderma. Additionally, peeling of the skin, severe dryness, and the appearance of spots with characteristic scales can be observed.
  7. Seborrhea is also a problem that is not so rare, but it is not so much a disease as a pathology. The problem is that the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, its composition changes, and its quantity decreases. The skin of a person with such a problem will appear thick and shiny.

What other reasons are there?

If the back itches in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, the reasons may be commonplace:

  1. If your skin is too dry, the problem is solved by choosing the right moisturizer.
  2. There is itching of the back, the causes and treatment depend directly on the nature of the disease. If these are ordinary insect bites, then you need to use sedatives.
  3. If there are wounds on the back, itching may also occur.
  4. Senile itching, which is also caused by specific causes.
  5. They picked up such childhood infections as measles, chickenpox.
  6. Some cancers also cause these symptoms.
  7. Diabetes mellitus causes itching.
  8. Diseases of the blood or internal digestive organs, such as the gallbladder.

What should I do if my back is itching all the time?

We noticed that over time the sensations do not go away, then you should go to a specialist so that he can appoint an appropriate study. It can be a therapist, an allergist or a dermatologist. After you pass the prescribed examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe a competent treatment. Including anti-itch substances, sedatives and antihistamines can be prescribed. If we consider more humane methods, then experts often advise in such situations to take warm baths with medicinal herbs. These include a series, burdock, oregano, local ointments are also suitable.

Can itching be avoided?

Naturally, the appearance of itching can be avoided, for this you just need to follow a number of rules:

  1. When caring for the body, it is worth using moisturizers to prevent dry skin.
  2. When choosing clothes, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting outfits, natural fabrics will be the best option.
  3. It is important to take care of yourself, personal hygiene is not contraindicated to anyone.
  4. Nutrition also plays an important role, it must be balanced, it is advisable not to eat foods that often cause allergies.

Why does the back itch in the elderly?

Itching of the back may occur in older people, in particular it occurs in people over 60 years of age. It is generally accepted that this problem occurs in most cases in men. The skin itchs in attacks, the sensations may intensify at night. It is worth considering the main reasons that are noted in the elderly:

  1. Violations of the endocrine plan cause itching, for example, there may be problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Damage to the blood vessels can also cause problems.
  3. The sebaceous and sweat glands atrophy, they cease to function due to age-related changes.
  4. There are problems with the back and joints.
  5. Problems in the digestive system.
  6. The amount of fluid in the body decreases.
  7. The appearance of problems with the nervous system.

In most cases, there is a complex problem, when there are several causes of discomfort. The best option would be to find out the real causes of such symptoms in order to conduct appropriate treatment.

What principles should be followed in treatment?

When choosing treatment methods, it is worth acting in several directions, which will achieve more effective results:

  1. It is important to restore the protective properties of the skin.
  2. It is necessary to reduce the destructive autoimmune process in the skin, since it is he who stands in the way of restoring the integument. During its course, the cells of the immune system begin to attack normal cells.
  3. Restoration of the normal structure of hepatocytes.

Itching is a rather unpleasant sensation that causes an indomitable desire to comb. It appears in the superficial layer of the dermis in the form of a feeling of slight irritation, tingling, burning. Chronic itching worsens the quality of life: it leads to sleep disturbances, disability, and the development of depression. Itching can be local and generalized, physiological and pathological, chronic and acute. Often this is the main symptom of skin diseases, but it is often observed in systemic diseases. In some ways, itching is like pain.

Itching can be felt throughout the back or localized in the lumbar region, the back may itch in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. There can be many reasons why your back itches. Itching can be caused by woolen or synthetic fabrics, insects. If the back itches, the cause may be damage to the nervous system, diseases of the excretory system. It often accompanies mental illness. Itching is often an early symptom of malignant tumors.

When every person has the first natural desire to scratch. However, this cannot be done, but it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause, especially if the sensation bothers you for a long time. It would be wise to contact a dermatologist and a therapist at the same time. Both doctors will conduct an examination, each for their part, prescribe tests to identify the reasons why the back is constantly itching. Treatment of itching is aimed at eliminating these causes, and symptomatic treatment is carried out in parallel to relieve the condition.

Itching in the back is the first symptom of the disease. To find out the causes of skin itching on the back, it is necessary to check the state of the endocrine and excretory systems, in the blood - the level of sugar and bilirubin, to look at the state of the liver. Itching in the back can be a symptom of diabetes, kidney failure, or a dermatological disease.

The most common causes of itching on the back are as follows:

Dermatological diseases, a symptom of which is itching, are necessarily accompanied by rashes, spots, plaques. If the back is very itchy, the causes of a dermatological nature may be as follows:

  • eczema is necessarily accompanied by reddening of the skin and peeling;
  • inflammatory dermatitis;
  • urticaria is caused by allergic causes;
  • with psoriasis, silvery scales can be found on the skin;
  • lichen planus.

Very often there is itching of the back in the elderly, due to senile changes in the dermis, which can manifest themselves in the form of age spots, warts, nodules. The reason why the back itches in the elderly can be a banal dry skin.

However, if skin changes are not observed, but severe itching is disturbing, these can be such serious pathologies as:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms (leukemia, CNS tumors, mycosis fungoides, lymphoma);
  • invasions (scabies, nematodosis, pediculosis, ascariasis, trichinosis, etc.);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • blood pathologies (iron deficiency anemia, erythremia).

In general, the distribution of itching by disease occurs in the following percentage:

  • with atopic dermatitis, itching is observed in 100% of cases;
  • with psoriasis - in 77-84% of cases;
  • with herpes zoster - in 58% of cases;
  • with chronic kidney disease - in 22%;
  • with diabetes mellitus - in 3%;
  • with hyperthyroidism - in 4-7.5%;
  • with Hodgkin's lymphoma observed in 25-35%.

Why does the back itch along the spine

Itching in the region of the spinal column is a very common occurrence. Nerve roots and their endings intertwine along the spine. With many pathologies of the spine, the thickness of the vertebral discs decreases, which leads to compression of the nerve endings. The patient feels numbness, irritation and often itching. If discomfort occurs along the spinal column, it is necessary to check the spine by doing an x-ray or MRI. It is possible that this is osteochondrosis, a herniated disc or other diseases of the supporting system.

Why does the back itch between the shoulder blades

Itching develops with many diseases of the internal organs. The mechanisms of its development are not fully understood, despite the fact that pruritus research institutes are being created. It is assumed that metabolic disorders and increased dryness of the skin play an important role in the development of the process.

  1. With kidney disease, itching develops a couple of months after the start of hemodialysis and is expressed precisely in the back area.
  2. With liver pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis C), itching begins in the soles and palms, and then spreads to the back. Often it is felt in places of contact with clothing. Increased hepatic itching at night. In this case, excess bilirubin and excess bile acids are deposited in the skin - irritants of nerve endings that cause unbearable itching.
  3. With endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus), itching is accompanied by tingling and burning.
  4. The development of itching leads to a lack of vitamin D, iron, minerals. Normalization of the amount of these substances in the body leads to the gradual disappearance of symptoms.
  5. Itching can be the first symptom of blood diseases and tumors.

Why does a mole on my back itch

Sometimes, at some point, black unkempt appearance suddenly begins to appear on the back. This means that under the influence of some reasons (for example, weakening of the immune system), the dormant human papillomavirus became more active. Papilloma does not always itch: sometimes during the growth period, sometimes if it rubs against clothes or underwear. If itching does not decrease for a long time, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Just for your peace of mind, a woman carrier of HPV is recommended to be tested for oncogenicity of HPV. It is inexpensive, and a woman who has an oncogenic type virus will be more attentive to her health. Papillomas can be cured under the supervision of a dermatologist, but getting rid of HPV will no longer work. To prevent formations from reappearing on the body, it is necessary to maintain your immunity at the proper level.

Papilloma, under unfavorable circumstances, can turn into a malignant formation. Itching, by the way, may indicate this phase of its development. In addition to itching, the activation of the malignancy process is evidenced by a change in the color of the formation to a blacker one, the appearance of pain, inflammation and bleeding of the growth over the formation and the appearance of ulcers on its surface. In all these cases, it is urgent to contact an oncologist. The earlier it was possible to capture the beginning of the development of the oncological process, the greater the chances for a long-term remission.

How to reduce the itching condition

Under no circumstances should the skin be scratched. After scratching, crusts may appear on the skin, pigmentation may change, folliculitis and boils may begin to develop. If you are concerned about this symptom, try to avoid stress, use less perfume, you must forget about synthetic blouses and shirts. Chocolate, lemons and oranges, nuts, salted fish, milk and coffee should be excluded from the diet - in a word, everything that can cause allergies.


In the treatment of itching, competent hygienic care is important. If the itching is spread over a large area of ​​the back, it is recommended to treat the skin with a 5% solution of vinegar or talc-based powders. To reduce the intensity of itching, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines: the most popular are Zirtek, Erius, Loratidin, Tavegil, Suprastin, etc. When taking them, it must be borne in mind that they have an inhibitory effect on the human nervous system, so it is necessary to stop driving during this period. Since itching is always the body's response to stress, sedatives are also used in therapy: valerian, Novopassit, mint tea, motherwort tincture, etc.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: transcutaneous nerve stimulation, phototherapy, acupuncture, diadynamic currents, magnetotherapy, laser therapy. Indicated for the treatment of hypnosis. An elderly patient is prescribed corticosteroids.