How to relieve inflammation of the ovarian cyst. Signs of an ovarian cyst, symptoms What are the signs of an ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a tumor-like formation. Most often it is benign. The cyst itself is a cavity that is filled with liquid contents. The cyst occurs at any age, proceeds, as well as with hidden symptoms, and pronounced ones. Periodically, a woman experiences a period of exacerbation, which is called inflammation of the ovarian cyst.

The risk of inflammation of the ovarian cyst is that the woman has peritonitis and twisting of the ovarian pedicle. This disease is quite common, mainly women of childbearing age suffer from it. An ovarian cyst can reach a huge size, in some cases a woman confuses this inflammation with the onset of pregnancy. In this article, you can learn more about this disease, as well as its symptoms, treatment, and prevention.


Causes of inflammation of the ovarian cyst:

  • Chronic or infectious disease of the genital organs. If a woman has an untreated disease, or sexually transmitted diseases, such as: chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, HIV, then over time it runs the risk of being complicated by a cyst, and as a result, its inflammation.
  • Problems with the immune system. Such problems can be caused both by diseases of the endocrine system, and by stress, vitamin deficiency and many other reasons. This reason is quite common.
  • Intrauterine device. If it is made of low-quality material, and also a woman does not change it in a timely manner, leads an overly active sex life, constantly changing partners, then this can also be the reason. The intrauterine device has antennae and threads, which are a good place for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Operational interventions, as well as frequent abortions. Any surgical intervention related to the uterus, even if it was successful, does not mean that infection cannot occur. During abortion, a violation of the endometrial layer of the uterus occurs, due to this, a wound surface is formed, which is easily exposed to bacteria.
  • The period after childbirth. After childbirth, the uterus recovers for some time, which means that it is much easier to hit it than usual. After childbirth, the woman's cervical canal does not immediately close, but only after a few months. In addition, the immune system during this period is reduced.
  • Inflammation of the appendix. This is especially true of purulent appendicitis. It causes suppuration of the appendix. Pus enters the peritoneal cavity, as well as the ovaries and uterus. In this case, not only peritonitis is possible, but also inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, as well as cysts. In addition, even poor antibacterial treatment leads to such a problem.
  • hereditary predisposition. If the mother had an inflammation of the ovarian cyst, then in some cases this is transmitted to her children.


Most often, with inflammation of the cyst, symptoms appear, but with what force this happens depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, as well as on the individual characteristics of the woman. We will analyze the degree of the disease, as well as their symptoms.

  • The initial degree of inflammation of the ovarian cyst.

The woman's well-being remains the same. She continues to lead a normal life. In some cases, a woman feels a slight breakdown, which makes it more difficult for her to engage in physical activity and activities.

Body temperature rises slightly. The woman does not notice this symptom.
Drawing sensation in lower abdomen. They disturb most often in the place where the cyst is located. The pains are not particularly pronounced, therefore, the woman does not pay due attention to this.

Frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the cyst can touch the bladder, provoking frequent trips to the toilet.

Violation of the menstrual cycle. At this point, the woman begins to notice that each menstruation is delayed. In some cases, spotting appears, in addition to the menstruation itself.

  • Moderate degree of inflammation of the ovarian cyst.

With this degree, the symptoms become more noticeable, causing anxiety in a woman.

Pain in the lower abdomen becomes severe. Sometimes, they are cutting in nature, causing severe discomfort. Because of this, a woman cannot lead her former life. The temperature rises higher than 37 degrees. This is already noticed by a woman, with a fever or chills.

Increased urination and frequent bowel movements. Urination becomes even more frequent, because of this, a woman may think that she has cystitis. Also, the woman notices that she goes to the toilet more often in a big way, she has a feeling of heaviness in her stomach, as with diarrhea.

With this degree, most often a woman goes to a doctor, however, there are cases when a woman prefers not to do this.

  • Pronounced degree of inflammation of the ovarian cyst.

Pain in the lower abdomen becomes very severe. In addition, the pain also passes to the intestines, since pus from the inflamed cyst also enters the internal organs.
Body temperature rises to 39 degrees. At this moment, the woman is tormented by a feverish state, there is a strong chill. Because of this, a woman cannot do household chores, as before.

Nausea and even vomiting. This is due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa with pus.


If the inflammatory process is at the initial stage, then self-healing can occur. However, even at this stage complications are possible. A woman may experience a violation of the cycle.

With an average degree of the disease, an adhesive process is formed that prevents a woman from becoming a mother. In addition, there are spotting discharges that do not stop for a long time. Because of this, a woman develops anemia, which, as a result, leads to heart and other disorders.

The most severe complications occur in the third degree. There is a threat of ovarian rupture or torsion. With such a pathology, the immediate removal of the ovary, fallopian tube or the entire uterus is required.

In addition, peritonitis may occur, as pus easily enters the abdominal region, provoking instant infection. Because of this, there is a risk of death or sepsis. In this case, prompt surgical intervention is required.


With a slight inflammation of the cyst, pregnancy is possible, but careful monitoring by a doctor is required. In this case, there are threats of miscarriages. The inflammatory process has no effect on the development of the child. A woman, upon detection of such a disease, should not delay its treatment, otherwise the cyst will only become inflamed.

If the cyst is in severe inflammation, then pregnancy is not possible. At this moment, obstruction of the fallopian tubes occurs, which means that fertilization will not be able to occur. In this case, complete infertility is possible, from which it will not even be possible to get rid of after the inflammation has been cured.

When a woman has advanced inflammation, then the uterus or ovaries are removed. Therefore, pregnancy is not possible at all. Therefore, you should not start the inflammation of the ovarian cyst.


First of all, a woman must pass tests. One of the main ones will be considered a blood test. It shows whether there is an inflammatory reaction, and also whether anemia has appeared. Also, urine is taken from a woman for testing in order to find out whether an inflammatory reaction is associated with the urinary system.

After the cause is found, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is used. It will immediately show the size and location of the cyst, as well as its degree of inflammation. To exclude a malignant process, a special oncomarker is used. In order to exclude peritonitis or inflammation of the abdominal region, an examination of the abdomen and its palpation is performed.

Only after that, the doctor decides how to treat the inflammatory process, and whether to resort to surgical intervention.


If the inflammation is not neglected, then conservative treatment is used, it includes:

  • Taking antibacterial drugs. Both conventional drugs and antibiotics can be used. If antibiotics are used, then it is also necessary to use drugs that improve the intestinal and vaginal microflora, otherwise the inflammatory process can only get worse.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. After the microbes have been destroyed, it is necessary to remove the inflammatory process, as well as reduce pain.
  • Taking medications that boost a woman's immune system. This is necessary so that the body itself helps to fight the inflammatory process. For this, special immunostimulants are prescribed, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes.

A woman should at such a moment eat well and balanced. If vitamins are poorly absorbed, then their administration is prescribed intravenously, using droppers.

After such conservative treatment, most often a complete cure occurs, but only if the woman asked for help at the right time, that is, at the initial stage.

If such a treatment system did not have any effect on the inflammatory process, then only the surgical method remains. This is especially true in cases where a woman has a risk of rupture of a cyst or ovary.

First of all, it is decided whether a woman will still give birth to children. If she does not plan this, then a complete removal of the uterus or fallopian tubes with ovaries is possible. If she still plans to become a mother, then they use the most sparing methods of surgical intervention, in which it is possible to preserve the appendages and uterus, with the removal of the affected tissues. After this method, a woman will not be able to get pregnant on her own. However, she has such a chance with the IVF procedure.

After the operation, the woman is still waiting for a long recovery. She will need to take antimicrobials in order to avoid infectious complications.


To avoid inflammation of the cyst, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Timely visits to doctors. A woman, even if she is not worried about anything, should visit a gynecologist with some frequency, since the inflammatory process of the cyst in some cases does not manifest itself.
  • Refusal of intrauterine devices. You need to choose another method of contraception. This question is best discussed with a doctor, otherwise you can only harm the body.
  • Use of condoms. Using this particular method of contraception will avoid many diseases that are sexually transmitted. Especially, this point concerns women leading a promiscuous lifestyle.
  • Maintaining immunity. To do this, you need to give up bad habits, start eating a balanced diet. If vitamins are not enough, then you can use special complexes. Moderate physical activity has a good effect on the immune system.
  • The absence of stressful situations. It is necessary to protect yourself from nervous situations, but if this is not possible, you need to use sedatives. In some cases, it is worth completely eliminating stress.

Inflammation of the ovarian cyst is a serious problem among modern women. It occurs more and more often. In the initial stage, the cyst does not pose any danger to the health and life of a woman. But the more a woman delays treatment, the worse the outcome of this inflammation will be. Therefore, at the first doubtful symptoms, it is necessary to immediately see a doctor, and then it will not come to surgical intervention. The health of a woman and her life in the first place, in her hands.

The beauty of a woman depends on a healthy hormonal background, the successful functioning of all body systems. A special role in the production of hormones is played by specific glands of the reproductive system - the ovaries. Being paired organs in which the female germ cell matures, they are responsible for reproductive functions. Having heard from the lips of a gynecologist the diagnosis is an ovarian cyst, the symptoms and treatment of which are often very vague, do not rush to get scared. What is the danger of the disease and what are its features?

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst in women

The disease is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms in the initial stages. In order to avoid the development of a neoplasm, which in some cases leads to oncology, visits to the gynecologist should be made a regular procedure. The recommended intervals between preventive examinations are six months. What does the diagnosis of an ovarian cyst mean, what are the symptoms and treatment?

Cystosis is a disease, the difference of which is the formation of a capsule or cavity having thin walls with a semi-liquid substance inside. The size of a benign neoplasm varies from a couple to two tens of centimeters. A cyst of the left ovary, as well as a cyst of the right ovary, are accompanied by similar symptoms, which are the reason for an unplanned trip to the gynecologist:

  • unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • pain symptoms during intercourse;
  • uterine bleeding, discharge;
  • failure / absence of menstruation.

What are the signs of an ovarian cyst in women that require immediate medical attention (call an ambulance):

  1. Sudden, sharp pains in the abdomen.
  2. Nausea, severe weakness, dizziness.
  3. Bloody discharge not related to the menstrual cycle.


An ovarian cyst whose specific symptoms and treatment suggest conservative/surgical intervention is a common condition. The mechanism of its "launch" in many respects remains a mystery to physicians and scientists. Most experts identify the following causes of ovarian cysts:

  1. Imbalance of hormones in the body. Symptoms are fatigue, mood swings.
  2. inflammatory processes. As a result of improper therapy, an ovarian cyst is formed, the symptoms and treatment of which have a pronounced picture.
  3. A history of surgical interventions: abortion, childbirth by caesarean section, an illiterate examination by a gynecologist.
  4. Hypothyroidism is an insufficient activity of the thyroid gland to produce hormones, as well as hyperthyroidism is an excess of the latter. Both options lead to cysts.

It is not uncommon for an ovarian cyst to be detected during pregnancy during an examination. Up to 90% of them do not pose a danger to expectant mothers. The doctor controls any changes in the tumor with the help of planned ultrasound scans of a pregnant woman. Based on the indicators of the study, the specialist makes a decision. It is possible to both postpone the removal of the tumor to a later date, and prescribe the patient a course of conservative treatment with Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

How to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery

Retention, otherwise, a true cyst, is a blockage of the ducts through which the secret of the gonads is secreted. The course of cystosis depends on the mechanism and causes of occurrence. Doctors consider most types of tumors to be functional. They are characterized by the absence of specific symptoms. Retention neoplasms include:

  • follicular tumor;
  • endometriosis;
  • cyst of the corpus luteum (luteal);
  • paraovarian.

Options for how to treat an ovarian cyst, the doctor determines the results of ultrasound, in some cases - by laparoscopic examination. The greatest danger is represented by serous tumors capable of malignant degeneration. Hormonal treatment of ovarian cysts involves the normalization of the functions of the glands of the body, "blocking" the process of ovulation. Be sure to include immune-supporting vitamins and drugs in the complex. The presence of chronic inflammation requires the use of antibiotics.


The alleged cause of the formation of doctors consider the entry of endometrial cells into the blood during menstruation. Accumulating in the region of the ovaries, they form a "pouch", the contents of which are the secret of the gonads, the blood and the endometrium of the woman. The main symptoms of the disease: menstrual irregularities, heavy periods, pain during sex. When treating with drugs, most specialists adhere to the scheme, prescribing:

  • hormonal agents that increase progesterone levels;
  • oral contraceptives that prevent ovulation;
  • painkillers - "Ibufen", "Paracetamol" and antispasmodics for the duration of menstruation.


It is formed in the middle part of the ovary, tends to grow towards the abdomen. The follicle “stretched” by the liquid lends itself well to hormone therapy, has a small size. It is able to dissolve on its own. Symptoms in the follicular form of the disease are almost imperceptible. How to cure an ovarian cyst caused by follicle growth:

  • with insignificant growth and sizes from 6 cm, hormone treatment is used;
  • if the tumor degrades / does not grow, expectant observation for up to three months is used.


The existing embryonic rudiments present in the ovaries of most women sometimes accumulate in one place, causing a dermoid cyst. The tumor has an oval or rounded shape, which is clearly seen in the photo, and small - up to 7 cm - dimensions. Treatment of the disease involves only surgical intervention. This is due to the internal content of the neoplasm, which cannot be removed in any other way.

Yellow body cyst

After the maturation of the egg, a corpus luteum is formed, the main task of which is the "production" of gestagen hormones. The "unnecessary" corpus luteum resolves on its own (in the absence of the conception process). However, in some situations, cells attach to the ovary and begin to grow. The danger is the absence of symptoms. Conservative treatment includes immunotherapy, hormonal contraceptives.

Methods for removing an ovarian cyst

The significant size of the tumor, the lack of results of conservative treatment, the likelihood of rupture or the presence of torsion of the cyst are indications for surgical intervention. To remove it, in most cases, the method of laparoscopy is used - an operation performed with an optical endoscope through small incisions in the peritoneum in the navel. This method has a low likelihood of adhesion formation after surgery.


An ovarian cyst, the characteristic symptoms and treatment of which are often not taken seriously by women, often becomes an impetus for the degeneration of a tumor into a malignant one or provokes acute peritonitis. The diagnosis does not tolerate a "disregard" attitude: a neoplasm without supervision by a doctor can progress, reaching a significant size. What happens if an ovarian cyst is not treated?

Rupture symptoms

The most severe complication is the rupture of the walls of the cystic "pouch" and the penetration of the contents into the abdominal cavity. The result is an inflammatory process that progresses rapidly, threatening peritonitis. Distinctive symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst:

  1. Acute pain in the abdomen, radiating to the hypochondrium, lower back.
  2. Rapid rise in temperature.
  3. Intoxication of the body: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  4. Falling blood pressure leading to fainting.


Lifting weights, strenuous training, playing sports, hard work in the garden are taboo for women with a history of ovarian cyst. These types of physical activity can provoke torsion of the tumor stem, which leads to the death of blood vessels or necrosis of the neoplasm. The detection of this variant on ultrasound by physicians is considered as a direct indication for surgical intervention.


The secrets of using herbs in the treatment of various diseases are kept by traditional healers. Winter-loving, upland uterus, dandelion are effective means of combating neoplasms. Healing decoctions based on these plants help to reverse the growth dynamics of an ovarian tumor. Coordinate with your gynecologist phytotherapy, not forgetting to undergo monthly examinations and ultrasound. Learn how to cure an ovarian cyst at home by watching the video.

Ovarian cyst is a benign formation in the form of a bubble with liquid contents inside (“cyst” in Greek means “bubble”). This disease is typical for women of reproductive age.

An ovarian cyst, like many others, often develops without symptoms, and it is not possible to detect it on your own. Therefore, it is recommended that all women regularly visit and carry out planned visits every six months.

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Ovarian cyst


General blood analysis

Types of cysts

Experts classify cysts based on their structure and cause. There are functional cysts, organic, paraovarian, endometrioid.

Functional cysts

functional cyst similar to a bubble with liquid watery or serous contents. It develops due to malfunction of the ovary and. The peculiarity of a functional cyst is that it exists for a fairly short time (up to 3 months), is not dangerous to health, and in most cases resolves on its own.

The most common types of functional cysts are: luteal and follicular .

luteal cyst appears after ovulation as a result of stagnation of a large amount of fluid in the corpus luteum.

Follicular cyst occurs if the follicle has not undergone physiological transformations, i.e. For some reason, it couldn't break. The follicle remains, continues to grow and turns into a cyst with liquid contents. Usually, it does not grow to large sizes and resolves on its own, but in rare cases it can reach 10 centimeters or more.

Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst

pelvic ultrasound

General blood analysis

Organic ovarian cysts

Organic ovarian cyst (endometrioid , mucinous , dermoid) - a type of cyst, but in fact it is a tumor-like formation with the potential for malignancy. It is an indication for surgical treatment.

Endometrial cyst arises from the ovary. Like endometriosis in general, it is an obscure, mysterious disease. Presumably, endometrial cells that are shed during menstruation attach to the ovary and begin to grow, forming inclusions in the form of cysts of various sizes. An endometrioid ovarian cyst is an indication for surgical treatment, with the exception of recurrent variants with a size of less than 3 cm.

Mucinous cyst inside is filled with mucin - a mucus-like liquid. Often reaches large sizes (several tens of centimeters) and has several chambers.

Dermoid cyst The ovary is considered a congenital formation (the process of laying organs and tissues in the womb is disrupted). The content of this type of cyst is the most diverse - the so-called rudiments of the ectoderm (fat, hair, skin, bones, teeth, etc.). When it reaches a large size, it can manifest itself as pain in the abdomen and lower back, urination and defecation disorders. Dermoid ovarian cysts are prone to inflammation, torsion of the cyst legs is not excluded. Often such cysts are an indication for urgent surgery.

Paraovarian cyst appears from the epididymis, there are cysts of different sizes. The main feature of such a cyst is transparent and thin walls, braided with blood vessels. Formed at the age of 20 - 40 years.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

As the ovarian cyst develops, other clinical manifestations may be observed:

  • weight gain;
  • frequent urination;
  • constipation and false urge to defecate;
  • , uterine bleeding;
  • the appearance of vomiting and nausea;
  • severe pain during intercourse or physical work;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees.

MRI of the pelvis

MRI of the pelvis

General blood analysis

Why does an ovarian cyst appear?

Until now, the causes of ovarian cysts have not been fully elucidated. There are a number of factors that can provoke the development of the disease - hormonal disorders (an ovarian cyst is detected on average in 30% of patients with a regular menstrual cycle and in 50% of women with irregular periods), early onset of menstruation, late, etc. Also to such factors include bad ecology, genetic predisposition, viruses, etc.

Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst

Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst usually begins with. This is a very important stage, on the basis of which the doctor develops an individual examination plan, which may include the following types of diagnostics.

Then it is important to understand that this condition means a tumor-like benign formation on the ovary.

It is represented by a certain cavity on the leg, filled with a liquid secret.

Such a phenomenon can be provoked by the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the organ, reduced thyroid function and other endocrine pathologies, as well as artificial termination of pregnancy.

Essence of pathology

When it comes to education , then in this case there is no need for therapeutic measures, since they .

But abnormal tumors, especially indicating the development of an inflammatory process, since they are fraught with rupture or internal bleeding.

The inflammatory process in the ovaries, as a rule, is the result of the development of an infectious process that previously occurred in the body. Features of the anatomical structure of the organs of the reproductive system allow to some extent to protect them from the penetration of the pathological process. But, in a situation where the patient did not take up the treatment of the infection in a timely manner, the disease will penetrate into all other organs and systems. If, for example, the cervical canal or the mucous membrane of the genital organs has become the path of infection, then in the absence of proper sanitation, it will not be possible to avoid an aggravation of the disease. The infection can attack the ovaries through the lymphatic system or blood. A similar development of events is possible in the presence of tuberculosis, tonsillitis, appendicitis, and in some cases even caries.

Symptomatic manifestations

The presence of an inflammatory process in a tumor-like formation in the tissues of the ovary is usually detected during the next visit to the gynecologist.

However, it is useful for every woman to know what signs indicate the development of the indicated ailment.

In this case, experts distinguish:

  • manifestation of various violations during;
  • in the lower abdomen and in the back, which increase during menstrual bleeding;
  • impaired process of urination;
  • in case of increased inflammation of the cyst, or the patient has a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

Causes of the disease

According to experts, the following factors can provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of a tumor-like formation:

  1. The development of infection in the organs of the reproductive system in acute or chronic forms. Here you can distinguish trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.
  2. The development of an immunodeficiency state against the background of HIV, regular stressful conditions and experiences, exhaustion, vitamin deficiency in the body, etc.
  3. A contraceptive spiral in the uterine cavity, especially when it is not replaced in time, or a woman leads an active sex life with frequent changes of partners.
  4. Implementation of various manipulations in the uterine cavity, including abortion, gynecological curettage, etc.
  5. The postpartum period, characterized by an unsatisfactory state of the immune system.
  6. Purulent appendicitis, especially with inadequate antibacterial treatment.

Degrees of the inflammatory process

In practice, such degrees of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the ovarian cyst are distinguished as:

  1. Easy, when the clinical picture is not yet pronounced, and the woman continues to lead a normal life. Only sometimes, due to uncomfortable sensations that arise, the patient is somewhat limited by physical loads. In addition, patients with mild disease may experience frequent urination;
  2. Moderate degree, when the pain becomes more intense, and the body temperature reaches subfebrile levels;
  3. A pronounced inflammatory process in which an abscess develops, and pus accumulates in the fallopian tubes. In the vast majority of cases, this condition requires immediate surgical intervention, since we are talking about a threat to the life of the patient.

Diagnostics and research

Diagnosis of such a disease is not always unambiguous, since a number of diseases have similar symptoms.

As the main in the framework of the indicated pathology, they are isolated:

  • a clinical blood test, the results of which, if there is a pathological process, will show an increased level of leukocytes, a state of anemia;
  • urine analysis will help to understand whether there is a connection between the inflammatory process and diseases of the urinary system;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • with a delay in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy should be refuted by a blood test for hCG or a test.

Medical treatment

Within the conservative or the patient is prescribed:

  1. Taking antibacterial drugs. The best option is the situation when the selection of drugs is carried out taking into account the sensitivity identified during the tank - sowing.
  2. Taking anti-inflammatory and pain medications, such as analgesics and antispasmodics.
  3. To strengthen the immune status, a woman is prescribed vitamins of groups A, E and C.


If, against the background of taking the indicated drugs, the inflammatory process began to subside, then physiotherapy and hormonal therapy are prescribed for complete resorption.

Surgical intervention

with inflammation of the ovarian cyst is justified in the following situations:
  • the occurrence of suspicion of a cyst abscess;
  • with the accumulation of pus in the fallopian tubes;
  • with the ineffectiveness of drug treatment;
  • if the cyst does not resolve after 3 months after successful:
    • timely therapy of hormonal disorders and infectious - inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
    • regular preventive gynecological examination;
    • balanced ;
    • adherence to the scheme of taking hormonal drugs;
    • planning for the birth of a child;
    • exclusion of frequent visits to the solarium.

    Inflammation of an ovarian cyst can lead to very serious consequences.. Therefore, every woman should be more sensitive to her own health and treat emerging pathologies in a timely manner.

    Useful video

    From the video you will learn about the ovarian cyst, its symptoms, causes and treatment:

    In contact with

    Ovarian cyst - symptoms and treatment

    What is an ovarian cyst? We will analyze the causes of occurrence, diagnosis and treatment methods in the article of Dr. Klimanov A. Yu., a gynecologist with an experience of 18 years.

    Definition of illness. Causes of the disease

    Ovarian cyst(Greek "kystis" - bag, bubble) - one of the most common benign hormone-dependent non-proliferating formations, which is a cavity with liquid contents. Cystic formations are different in etiology, morphology, clinical picture of the disease, as well as the tactics of their treatment.

    According to various authors, every third woman of reproductive age faced a similar problem. Often there are ovarian cysts in girls aged 12-15 years (55.8% of cases). Ovarian cysts are not prone to malignancy (malignancy), their growth is due to the increase and accumulation of fluid content in the cavity, which distinguishes them from cysts.

    Conventionally, two groups can be distinguished: functional cysts (follicular, tecalutein, corpus luteum cysts) and true (cystomas - serous, mucinous, endometriotic, teratomas and rare).

    The genesis of an ovarian cyst is determined by a number of factors:

    • hormonal dysfunctions;
    • early age of menarche;
    • violation of the menstrual cycle;
    • stimulation of ovulation in preparation for the IVF program, inflammatory ovarian diseases (salpingoophoritis and oophoritis);
    • hypothyroidism;
    • metabolic syndrome;
    • surgical interventions (operations and abortions).

    Also, the risk groups for the occurrence of ovarian cysts include hereditary predisposition, difficult and harmful working conditions, psycho-emotional overstrain, malnutrition (strict mono-diets). However, in most cases, the causes of ovarian cysts are unknown.

    If you experience similar symptoms, consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous for your health!

    Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

    Often, patients are not even aware of the presence of cysts due to their mild symptoms. It is not uncommon for women to learn about their diagnosis at a routine check-up or examination for another disease. But still, a number of symptoms can be distinguished that indicate the development of an ovarian cyst:

    Follicular cysts are usually unilateral in appearance and have an asymptomatic course. In size, such cysts can be from 3 to 8 cm, they are well palpated during vaginal examination. In most cases, spontaneous resolution of the cyst occurs after 2 months.

    The symptoms of luteal cysts are also not sufficiently pronounced, often their development takes place within 2-3 months, after which their independent regression occurs. However, they can cause a delay in menstruation, sometimes patients notice the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, a feeling of discomfort. Identification of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the patient; by 18-20 weeks, as a rule, such cysts undergo involution.

    Despite a fairly favorable course of the disease, complications can occur, accompanied by a picture of an acute abdomen: severe and sharp pain, symptoms of peritoneal irritation, fever, nausea.

    The pathogenesis of an ovarian cyst

    At the moment, the pathogenetic aspects of ovarian cysts cause a lot of controversy. Functional cysts are hormone-dependent formations that develop from Graafian vesicles under the influence of gonadotropin stimulation on the ovaries (also with early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system) or against the background of inflammatory diseases, fluid accumulates in the cystic-atretic follicle.

    The mechanism of the appearance of luteal cysts is also associated with an increase in the production of gonadotropic hormone, but this is not the main factor; inflammatory processes in the ovaries impede the outflow of fluid due to the fact that the functions of the lymphatic and circulatory systems are disturbed. In addition, the presence of a history of sexually transmitted diseases in patients also increases the likelihood of ovarian cysts.

    Classification and stages of development of ovarian cysts


    1. follicular cysts arising in the first phase of the cycle from the dominant follicle. The cavity of such cysts has a smooth surface and thin walls, it is often possible to form several follicular cysts at once, but they always consist of one chamber that does not have partitions.
    2. corpus luteum cyst It is formed from a corpus luteum that has not undergone involution, in which accumulation of serous or hemorrhagic fluid may occur. CTs have thickened walls, complete or incomplete septa can be determined.

    Hemorrhagic cysts are formed due to rupture of the follicular cyst or cyst of the corpus luteum and hemorrhage into them.

    True: epithelial tumors that develop from the epithelial components of the ovary. There are benign, borderline and malignant

    Complications of an ovarian cyst

    The most common complications of retention cysts are ruptures of ovarian cysts, apoplexy, torsion of the cyst stem, hemorrhages into the cyst cavity, and their pre-perforation. All complications of ovarian cysts must be differentiated from pathologies that have a picture of an acute abdomen: acute appendicitis, perforation of a hollow organ, ectopic pregnancy.

    Ovarian apoplexy is a condition accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues of the ovary, as a result of which there is a hemorrhage of fluid into the abdominal cavity. The reasons can be intense physical activity, sexual intercourse, pregnancy. With ovarian apoplexy, the main complaints of patients are pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes with irradiation to the rectum, bloody discharge from the genital tract, general weakness, fever, dry mouth, nausea, and frequent urination. Depending on the form of apoplexy, conservative or surgical treatment is carried out. With the development of this condition, a specialist consultation is necessary!

    The stalk, on which the cyst is located, connects it to the ovarian tissue. If the leg is somewhat elongated, its torsion may occur, as a result of which ischemic phenomena develop due to compression of blood vessels and nerves. It is difficult to miss such a condition, since it is accompanied by prolonged acute pain and requires immediate hospitalization for surgical intervention, otherwise peritonitis may develop.

    The development of inflammation in the abdominal cavity as a result of rupture of the cyst can lead to sepsis and disruption of the normal functioning of the internal organs. Sometimes ruptures of large cysts lead to the removal of the ovary. This complication also requires immediate surgical intervention, since in addition to the risk of peritonitis, there is a risk of bleeding.

    Diagnosis of an ovarian cyst

    Ultrasound procedure of the pelvic organs is the simplest and most informative method for diagnosing various ovarian cysts.

    When diagnosing ovarian cysts, one should not rely only on instrumental research methods, it is necessary to conduct a detailed collection of anamnestic data, complaints, features of the patient's menstrual cycle, establish the day of the cycle, and also conduct a pregnancy test in case of delay, to exclude ectopic localization of the fetal egg. At bimanual study it is worth paying attention to the presence, as well as mobility and soreness of pathological formations in the projection of the ovaries.

    Undoubtedly, conducting ultrasound diagnostics with transabdominal and transvaginal sensors will allow not only to identify the localization of the cyst, but also to determine its structure, size, nature of the liquid content, and to determine the tactics of treating the patient. A feature of follicular cysts on ultrasound is a thin-walled capsule with no papillae on the inside of the capsule. It is much more difficult to diagnose cystic formations in pregnant women, due to the increase in the size of the uterus at the corresponding stages of pregnancy, so ultrasound should be performed with color doppler and doplerometry.

    When cysts are detected in elderly patients with severe somatic diseases, for the purpose of treatment, needle biopsy.

    In difficult cases of differential diagnosis of ovarian cysts with malignant tumors, it makes sense to carry out magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the determination of the CA-125 tumor marker.

    Diagnostic laparoscopy allows not only to conduct a visual assessment of the state of the pelvic organs, but also, if necessary, to expand the scope of the operation and remove the cyst, sending its contents for further histological examination.

    Treatment of an ovarian cyst

    In a large percentage of patients with functional ovarian cysts, it is worth using expectant management, taking into account the size of the cyst, its location, possible complications, as well as the age of the patient and the need to preserve reproductive capacity. Conservative treatment is possible with the uncomplicated nature of the cysts, the drugs of choice are biphasic contraceptives, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Patients are recommended diet therapy, therapeutic exercises, reflexology.

    Absolute indications for surgical treatment of functional ovarian cysts are their complications: rupture of the cyst and torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst, relative - ovarian apoplexy (hemorrhagic form). In order to prevent the development of oncopathology, true cysts are always surgically treated.

    The volume of surgical intervention will largely be determined by the patient's age, reproductive status, as well as the type of cyst, its size and localization. Advanced laparoscopic technologies make it possible to perform operations with minimal trauma even for patients with large ovarian cysts, as well as during pregnancy at various times.

    In patients of reproductive age, preference is given to organ-preserving operations, the main method remains enucleation ovarian cysts, that is, the dissection of ovarian tissue without damaging the organ itself. The cyst capsule is removed without opening it, which prevents the colonization of the abdominal cavity with the contents of the cyst. If it is technically impossible to carry out this procedure, it is carried out cyst excision ovaries within healthy tissues. In patients in the postmenopausal period, both benign and malignant ovarian formations are equally common, so it is rational to conduct adnexectomy - radical removal of the ovary along with the tube. After the operation, all received materials must be sent for research to establish the histotype of ovarian formation.

    Forecast. Prevention

    Once a year, every woman should undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist, because many diseases often have an asymptomatic course or are accompanied by minor clinical manifestations. It is to such pathologies that the ovarian cyst belongs.

    With functional ovarian cysts, a fairly favorable prognosis is provided for their timely detection, dynamic monitoring and properly selected therapy. In some cases, cysts have a tendency to relapse.

    There are no reliable preventive measures, but there are a number of studies proving a decrease in the development of functional cysts against the background of continuous use of monophasic combined oral contraceptives.


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