Is coitus interruptus a reliable method of contraception? Interrupted intercourse as a method of contraception: pros and cons.

It is not a highly effective method of contraception. The main reason for a woman's unwanted pregnancy is the lack of self-control of a man who does not have time to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. Studies show that many men, even having planned to interrupt sexual intercourse in advance, at the moment of the highest pleasure are unable to force themselves to remove the penis from the partner's vagina. However, even a small amount of semen that enters the vagina can cause pregnancy.

Risks associated with pre-ejaculation

Some time before a man fully reaches orgasm and ejaculates, pre-semen is released. It is formed mainly by the bulbourethral glands (Cooper's glands), as well as by the glands of Littre. The amount of pre-seminal fluid secreted by a man varies greatly among individuals. Some men do not excrete presemen, while in others its volume reaches 5 ml. The preseed contains a number of chemicals present in the seed, such as acid phosphatase. And some seed markers, such as gamma-glutamyltransferase, are completely absent from the preseed.

Studies have shown the presence of HIV in the majority of presemen samples from HIV-infected men. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus can lead to AIDS.

Most researchers also express concern that the pre-semen is likely to contain sperm that can cause pregnancy, using this fact against the use of withdrawal as a method of preventing pregnancy. There have been no large studies to determine the amount of sperm in presemen, but a number of small studies have suggested that sperm is absent from presemen and that presemen is ineffective for conception. However, it is likely that the presemen that is released after a recent ejaculation will contain semen, since some ejaculate remains in the ducts. A man is advised to urinate before the second intercourse so that the remaining sperm is washed out of the urethra, and to wash with soap all objects on which sperm could remain (in particular, hands and penis).

Health impact

Many psychologists and sexologists believe that interrupted intercourse can harm the sexual health of both men and women. As you know, during a normal sexual intercourse, ejaculation should occur reflexively, without the participation of our will. In interrupted intercourse, a man waits with intense attention for the moment of ejaculation and orgasm. At the moment of the highest feeling of voluptuousness, he interferes with this reflex act by force of will, removes the penis from the vagina, and ejaculation occurs outside the female genital organs. Thus, there is a sharp change in sexual arousal with sudden inhibition, which can lead to an error in the main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition, which disrupts their mobility, leads to disruption of the central nervous system, the development of neurosis, disruption of the internal organs, as well as premature ejaculation and deterioration erections.

A man cannot relax, being forced to fix the exact moment of ejaculation, and must have considerable will to remove the penis from the vagina at the moment of orgasm. In some cases, especially after a long abstinence or when in contact with a new partner, a man is unable to overcome the natural desire to ejaculate in the vagina. A woman is also forced to monitor the moment of orgasm from her partner, which is distracting and prevents her from getting the natural palette of sensations inherent in sexual intercourse.

This practice was known even before our era. In particular, the bible describes coitus interruptus performed by Onan. Although the word “masturbation” comes from his name, and there is an opinion among the people that Onan masturbated instead of sexual intercourse, the Bible indicates precisely the interrupted sexual intercourse of Onan with his brother's widow.


Coitus interruptus (PPA) is one of the most ancient methods of contraception. It has been known for a very long time and is still popular. In Western countries, with the advent of protection methods, it is practically not used.

According to statistics, this is about 3%. In Russia, "the old fashioned way" are protected by 35% of men. How does this method work? What is the harm or benefit of PPA? This is our article.

What it is

It is known that ejaculation occurs simultaneously with a man's orgasm. Before its onset, the muscles of the penis begin to contract, moving the seminal fluid through the penis.

Pleasant waves of pleasure are felt that reverberate throughout the body. The closer the ejection of sperm, the stronger the sensation.

A man must control this process, before ejaculation, have time to get a member, so that the ejection of sperm occurs outside the woman's body.

In fact, sexual intercourse is interrupted, its peak part occurs without contact, thereby violating the physiology and reducing the sensual pleasure of both partners.

PPA is supposed to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy. If this is an isolated case (lack of other contraception), then this is normal.

When the method of interrupted intercourse is used on an ongoing basis between spouses or sexual partners, it is bad for health, may not save from unwanted pregnancy, and lead to infection with STDs.

What is harmful

He has a lot side effects which adversely affect the health of the couple. First of all, a violation of physiology.

This is unprotected sex, which can lead to various sexually transmitted diseases, such severe infections as AIDS and hepatitis are transmitted sexually.

If a couple is going to interrupt coitus, then instead of pleasure, they are worried that the man has time to get the penis out of the vagina. During such sex, pleasure disappears and there is no romance.

Fearing pregnancy partners, eventually lose interest in sex, become frigid. Female pathologies (inflammation, fibroids) are the result of an interrupted act.

Dissatisfaction with relationships leads to frequent illnesses. If a man during intercourse takes care only of himself, regardless of the needs of a woman, this often leads to a break in relations.

A man must protect himself and his partner from unwanted pregnancy by choosing the right contraception. If, as a result of interrupted sexual intercourse, a woman becomes pregnant and has an abortion, then each subsequent such sex will become a difficult test.

She will not be happy. Nervous disorders, aversion to sex and to men can develop. By interrupting sexual intercourse, a couple deprives themselves not only of pleasure, but also risks upsetting their relationship.

What is the chance of getting pregnant

Let's start with the fact that not every man is able to control himself during ejaculation. Many, having dissolved in pleasant sensations, do not have time to remove the penis from the vagina, thereby risking an unwanted pregnancy, or forcing a woman to go for an abortion.

This can happen to strong men too. Nature requires full physical contact, and only those who do not use other methods of contraception can be blamed for this. According to statistics, after interrupted sexual intercourse, out of 100% of women, 40% become pregnant.

Why is this happening? Let's turn to physiology. In men, there is a small amount of semen in the urethra, which is a breeding ground for gums.

The fluid is produced by the prostate, when mixed with gametes, it becomes sperm. Excess produced ejaculate must go outside, during intercourse or with wet dreams. There are about 1 million in seminal fluid. gametes that are active for a long time.

When a man is excited, a few drops of lubricant appear, with capable sex cells, which enter the female body at the beginning of coitus, tend to meet the egg.

Interruption in this case no longer matters. If there was repeated sexual contact, then this can also lead to the entry of gum into the vagina.

After the first ejaculation, sperm remained in the urethra of the man. In 1 mg it contains up to 5 million gametes. This is enough for fertilization to occur.

During friction, it moves into the vagina. And in this case, interrupting the contact is no longer relevant. Very many couples, being protected by this method, are surprised at the presence of pregnancy, which indicates their ignorance of their physiology.

When and why interruption is useful

Despite the fact that this method is hundreds of years old, it still exists today.

  • First, it is cheap and always available. Other protection methods require material costs.
  • Popular among young people when there is an irresistible attraction, but there are no contraceptives with you.
  • Many are embarrassed to buy condoms at the pharmacy, so as not to blush once again, interrupt sexual intercourse.
  • For women, taking birth control pills is associated with weight gain and material costs. Many people prefer to save money and save their figure.
  • Not all couples are unequivocal about condoms; many do not get full pleasure, that it interferes with close contact.

The method is simple, available at any time, control excites some. But this is the point of view of those who are far from medicine. Doctors have a different opinion.

Why is PPA dangerous?

The first is unprotected sex. Especially for couples who don't know each other well. For young people who often change partners.

Even married couples get infected with venereal diseases. Their insidiousness lies in the fact that the incubation period lasts about a month, a person may not know whether to continue infecting his partners.

There is also AIDS, which is sexually transmitted. Today it is an incurable disease that kills thousands of people.

In men who practice constant interruption of the process, at the moment of the highest pleasure, disorders of the nervous system may occur. This leads to early ejaculation and impotence.

This has a negative effect on the sexual organ itself. Interruption of the act violates the blood circulation of the penis, vessels and cavernous bodies lose their elasticity.

This provokes stagnation of blood in the prostate. The mucosa of the urinary canal is deformed, the seminal tubercles change.

Containment leads to thickening of sperm, deterioration of its quality. Under control, a man does not completely relax, does not enjoy.

The woman is also in tension. In order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, she cannot relax, she is always waiting for the end of coitus, whether the partner will have time to interrupt the sexual intercourse.

This does not allow you to relax and enjoy. After "such sex" 50% lose their desire to do it at all.

This leads to the appearance of fibroids (benign tumors). You can't practice it all the time. There will be no harm to health if you use it 2-3 times a month.

Other methods of contraception

Nowadays, there are many ways that, without harm to health, will protect partners from unwanted pregnancy. From infection with various diseases that are sexually transmitted.

All over the world, the condom comes first. This is not only protection against pregnancy, but also against the plague of the 20th century AIDS. With permanent residence of partners, other methods of protection may be chosen.

To do this, you need to consult a specialist. During casual sex, a condom is indispensable. Read new articles on our website.

Topic: Potency as in 18 years!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration http: // site

Hello! My name is
Michael, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to establish potency. I lead an active sex life, relations with my wife have reached a new level!

And here is my story

From the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, "I was only enough for 1 time", the duration and quality of sex decreased greatly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic, and in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And it seems that the pills "worked", but later I realized that without the pills, the erection disappeared completely! And Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad ...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me one remedy. You have no idea how grateful I am for that. I only drank 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after drinking just one course, her potency was fully restored, and became more powerful than at 18 years old without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! Most importantly, family relationships improved. My wife and I are just happy.

It doesn’t matter if you have the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to drink a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

Incomplete sex: consequences

For men, such sex promises not very good prospects. Firstly, excessive tension directly affects the psyche. Secondly, with the constant use of this method, there is a risk of getting a problem with erectile function due to complete satisfaction and obtaining a physiological orgasm. Thirdly, an interrupted act in no way guarantees 100% protection from pregnancy.

The partner also suffers to a lesser extent, because she is also subjected to excessive stress. Due to lack of relaxation, women cannot qualitatively feel the beauty of intimate relationships. Against this background, the mood deteriorates, the lower abdomen often hurts, accompanied by pulling pains. Many women, after some time, completely refuse such contraceptives, because a delay in menstruation for a day immediately suggests that this is a possible pregnancy.

Coitus interruptus is a way out of the current situation when you want sex, but you are not at all prepared for it. This is a backup, and not the most reliable option, but not a method of contraception.


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that a violation of potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • prostate disease
  • Developing depression that negatively affects your health
Now answer the question: IT SUITS YOU? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can't do anything? Enough - it's time to get rid of problems with potency, once and for all! Do you agree? We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the means for potency in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is Solomon's Vector. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely exclude chemistry.

Is it possible to interrupt sexual intercourse or not? Not all couples who do not want to have a baby and want to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy think about this issue. In fact, coitus interruptus, as a method of contraception, has the least effectiveness.

It is impossible to completely control the physiological process of ejaculation, therefore, even with a quick reaction, a small amount of seminal fluid with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize an egg.

However, from the point of view of sexologists and psychologists, interrupted sexual intercourse is harmful not only to sexual health, but also to physical health. Through volitional efforts, a man not only interrupts sexual intercourse and deprives him of its logical conclusion, but also inhibits sexual arousal. In turn, this affects the state of the nervous system, leading to premature ejaculation, and also causes blood stasis in the pelvic organs, which pathologically affects the genitourinary system.

Of course, the question is whether it is possible to interrupt sexual intercourse or is it better to refrain from such a method of contraception for sexual partners, but you should listen to the opinion of qualified doctors and take care of your sexual, psychological and physical health. There are many contraceptives, the use of which will not deprive partners of natural sensations and will not harm the body (for example, vaginal suppositories based on spermicidal preparations).

Prevention by coitus interruptus

Prevention by coitus interruptus is only 70-80% effective. A small amount of sperm is released at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, and this amount may be enough for fertilization to occur. A man cannot control this process in any way. However, the coitus interruptus method, in addition to the absence of additional costs, has several significant drawbacks:

  • high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
  • if a man had a previous sexual relationship less than a day ago, then viable spermatozoa located in the urethra of the penis can penetrate the vagina and lead to an unwanted pregnancy.
  • decreased sexual desire in partners.

Coitus interruptus may not be effective if:

  • The man had a premature eruption.
  • It is difficult for a man to control himself.
  • An unplanned pregnancy can adversely affect a woman's health.

Protection by coitus interruptus should occur with the full agreement of the partners, taking into account all possible consequences. To make this method more effective, it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicidal suppositories, lubricant).

Is coitus interruptus harmful?

Whether coitus interruptus is harmful has not been reliably confirmed. But, despite the many disagreements around this issue, more than 70% of men use this particular method. This is the easiest and most affordable method of emergency contraception. Its essence is to remove the penis from the vagina at the time of ejaculation, thereby preventing the penetration of sperm. However, there are many strong beliefs proving the inefficiency and even harm of this method.

  1. A high percentage of the probability of pregnancy is from 15 to 50%.
  2. Regular use can provoke sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women.
  3. Constant tension and control over the process of sexual intercourse leads to disorders of the central nervous system.
  4. A woman receives maximum arousal at the moment of ejaculation and this helps to achieve orgasm, but this is not the case with interrupted intercourse.
  5. Without feeling the release of sperm, a woman does not complete sexual intercourse fully. At this moment, her body does not produce prostaglandins, which just keep the body in good shape. In the future, the deficiency of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns, a woman is not able to experience an orgasm, from which intimate and family life suffers disharmony.

Can you get pregnant with coitus interruptus?

Is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted intercourse - this question torments many girls. Even with a wide choice of contraceptives of different effects, most couples use the withdrawal method. Despite the age categories and other distinctive features, up to 80% of couples prefer this method. Choosing the method of coitus interruptus, not everyone thinks about the consequences of their choice, including the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Such frivolity has no justification, because it is in the case of interrupted sexual intercourse that most unwanted pregnancies occur. Physiologically, the body of a man is designed so that sperm is released in small portions during the entire sexual intercourse, and not just at the peak of ejaculation. Even a small amount of spermatozoa is enough for pregnancy to occur. The end result, of course, depends on their survivability and mobility, but this does not reduce the degree of risk.

There are cases when a couple is protected in this way for quite a long time, and pregnancy never occurs, this indicates a pathology of the reproductive system.

You should not hope that interrupted sexual intercourse will prevent the onset of pregnancy. It is much more convenient and profitable to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable method of contraception that will not affect your health.

Chances of getting pregnant with coitus interruptus

The probability of getting pregnant with interrupted intercourse can reach 50%. The fact that the entire volume of seminal fluid does not penetrate the vagina does not mean that a woman will not become pregnant. Usually teenagers and women who are not too concerned about the health of their partner and their own are interested in this issue.

The high cost of contraceptives does not affect the choice of method of protection. Even a teenager can afford to buy condoms, and the price of oral contraceptives is quite affordable. Therefore, the price factor does not justify such a risky method as coitus interruptus.

The effectiveness and reliability of this method of contraception is negligible. Many mistakenly believe that spermatozoa are ejected only with semen at the time of ejaculation. It's not like that at all. Throughout intercourse, sperm enter the vagina along with lubrication and pre-ejaculatory fluid. If sexual intercourse occurred in the term of ovulation and both partners are healthy, then there is a very high probability of pregnancy.

You can calculate the days of expected ovulation and abstain from sex during this period of time, but this method also does not give a high guarantee, since the menstrual cycle of each woman is individual and can change under the influence of various factors. To increase the effectiveness of the withdrawal method, you should consult a doctor and choose the most appropriate contraceptives for a particular age and lifestyle.

The effectiveness of coitus interruptus

The effectiveness of coitus interruptus in practice is not very high, but rather, on the contrary - almost a third of couples practicing this method become parents. Approximately one in four women becomes pregnant. The only exceptions are those couples who, along with the method of coitus interruptus, are additionally protected.

The main group is teenagers - they are not so experienced and cannot control themselves. About 30% of all unwanted pregnancies occur in this age group. The reason is inexperience, lack of sexual education and will. Hence, there is a large percentage of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, concomitant diseases. The coitus interruption method will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Many young girls and boys believe that it is impossible to get pregnant at the first sexual experience. It is a mistake to assume that spermatozoa are ejected only with semen at the time of ejaculation. Throughout intercourse, sperm enter the vagina along with lubrication and pre-ejaculatory fluid. This is a completely unfounded assumption, and if both partners are healthy, then even one drop of seminal fluid will be enough for conception to occur.

Coitus interruptus for men

Coitus interruptus for men is extremely harmful. The state of constant tension and control requires considerable mental strength and can lead to disappointing consequences.

Being in an extremely excited state, a man needs to make a lot of efforts to switch and control the process. Not only does the nervous system quickly wear out due to such a stressful state, but the tone of the blood vessels of the penis also decreases. The microscopic vessels of the penis burst due to unstable pressure, knots and adhesions are formed, and the erection is eventually disturbed. Gradually, this leads to violations of potency and premature ejaculation.

From a psychological point of view, coitus interruptus for a man is pathological and more harmful not only for men, but also for women's health. He does not receive the full range of sensations, as he is under control and in tension all the time. Because of this, mental disorders that provoke physical illnesses are often observed. To make the method of coitus interruptus more effective, that is, it is better to combine it with other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, spermicidal suppositories, lubricant).

Consequences of coitus interruptus

The consequences of interrupted intercourse can be different - these are unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, disorders of the sexual sphere, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

  1. Even an experienced man cannot control the release of pre-seminal fluid, which contains a certain amount of active spermatozoa. If interrupted intercourse takes place on the days of ovulation, then the likelihood that fertilization will occur is maximum.
  2. Over time, the natural mechanism of sexual relations is violated. Over time, women develop coldness and indifference to men, and the opposite sex has a high risk of developing impotence, and sexual desire decreases.
  3. In no case should you use this method of contraception during casual sexual intercourse - this increases the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease.
  4. If the coitus interruptus method does not lead to pregnancy for a long time, then this indicates an infertility factor. In this case, you should be examined by doctors and pass necessary tests.

The consequences of interrupted intercourse do not justify its frequent use, so it is better to either abandon this method of protection or choose contraceptives individually.

Harm of coitus interruptus

The harm of coitus interruptus is much greater than it seems - this type of contraception, the most common among young people, is ineffective and causes associated complications.

First of all, the physiological system of ejaculation is disturbed - normally, the release of sperm occurs reflexively, without the volitional participation of the man himself. Interrupting sexual intercourse and producing ejaculation outside the genitals of a woman, a man blocks excitation by an effort of will, thereby disrupting the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system. This leads to damage to the central nervous system, neurosis, dysfunction of organs and systems, premature ejaculation and impotence.

Due to insufficient outflow of blood, trophic changes begin in the body of the penis. At this stage, there is a high risk of developing infections and non-specific inflammation of the prostate, leading to its hypertrophy and ultimately to prostatitis.

The harm of interrupted sexual intercourse is experienced not only by a man, but also by a woman. A woman receives maximum arousal at the moment of ejaculation and this helps to achieve orgasm, but this is not the case with interrupted intercourse. Without feeling the release of sperm, a woman does not complete sexual intercourse fully. At this moment, her body does not produce prostaglandins, which just keep the body in good shape. In the future, the deficiency of this biologically active substance leads to nervous breakdowns and sexual pathologies.

Cons of coitus interruptus

The disadvantages of coitus interruptus largely outweigh the advantages. The essence of this oldest method of contraception is to remove the penis from the vagina until the ejaculation begins.

  • Perhaps the main disadvantage is the high chance of getting pregnant. The highest rates of unwanted pregnancies are among young couples and adolescents - they still cannot control their emotions and desires, and do not use additional methods of contraception. It is impossible to completely control the physiological process of ejaculation, therefore, even with a quick reaction, a small amount of seminal fluid with active spermatozoa enters the vagina. This may be enough to fertilize an egg.
  • The second disadvantage is the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease. The method of coitus interruptus is relevant when partners are confident in each other.
  • The third minus is the gradual development of sexual dysfunction in a man and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Due to stagnation of blood in the genitals, a number of trophic processes are disrupted, and this is fraught with the development of prostatic hypertrophy and its inflammation, which lead to sexual impotence.

Fortunately, at an early stage, this process is treatable and it is possible to restore male sexual function, but first of all, it is worth abandoning the coitus interruptus method and choosing an individual method of contraception.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Most modern methods of contraception do not give a 100% guarantee, especially - more than a third of women become pregnant using one method or another.

What methods for preventing pregnancy are considered the least reliable?

The calendar method and the calculation of safe days - does it make sense?

The basis of the method- calculation of safe days. How are these safe days determined? The viability of a spermatozoon is about three days, fertilization of the egg occurs within two days after ovulation . Thus, two days should be added to the day of ovulation (in both directions): for a cycle of thirty days, this will be the fifteenth day, for a cycle of twenty-eight days, the thirteenth. It is believed that it is on these days that there is a risk of getting pregnant, on the rest you can “not worry”.


The main disadvantage is that the method only good for perfect cycle . But are there many women who can boast of such? After all, many factors affect the time of ovulation:

  • Weather
  • chronic diseases
  • stress
  • Other factors

Not to mention the fact that there are women who become pregnant precisely in a seemingly safe period. Therefore, before using this method, you need at least study your cycle for a whole year . According to statistics, every fourth woman becomes pregnant after using the calendar method.

Temperature protection method - does it work?

The basis of the temperature method of contraception
The temperature in a woman (measured rectally) varies in accordance with the stage of egg maturation: below 37 degrees - before ovulation, above 37 - after . Safe days are defined as follows: the temperature is measured every morning for six months to a year (right in bed, at least five to ten minutes). Next, the results are compared, the day of ovulation is revealed, and the period dangerous for pregnancy is calculated. It usually starts on the 4th day before ovulation, ends four days after.


Just like the calendar method, this method applicable only under the condition of an ideal menstrual cycle . In addition, it is very complex in its calculations.

Coitus interruptus

The basis of the method known to all - interruption of sexual intercourse before ejaculation.

Disadvantage of the method:

The unreliability of this method takes place even with the complete self-control of a man. Why? A separate amount of sperm can be released from the very beginning of sexual intercourse . Moreover, it remains unnoticed by both partners.

Also, the low efficiency of the method can be explained by the presence of sperm in the urethra, preserved from the last ejaculation. Out of a hundred women using this method, thirty become pregnant.

Douching after intercourse

The basis of the method- vaginal douching with potassium permanganate, own urine, decoctions of herbs and other liquids.

Disadvantage of the method:

This method is dangerous not only with a pregnancy that you did not plan at all, but also with such consequences as:

  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina.
  • Infection in the vagina.
  • Vaginitis.

Evidence of the effectiveness of the douching method was not, and is not. It does not protect against pregnancy.

Spermicidal lubricants - how reliable is the method?

The basis of the method- the use of creams, suppositories, jellies and foams with spermicides. These funds have a double effect:

  • Filler creates mechanical boundary .
  • Special Component eliminates spermatozoa .


Of the hundred percent of women who use spermicides, one in three becomes pregnant. That is, the method is not 100% effective. The following disadvantages of the method should also be noted:

  • Certain types of spermicides Lose effectiveness with regular use due to the organisms of both partners getting used to them.
  • Spermicides considered dangerous due to the content of nonoxynol-9 which causes destruction of the skin. And cracks in the genitals are a direct path for infection.
  • Violation of the instructions for the use of spermicides drastically increases the risk of pregnancy .

When do oral contraceptives fail?

The basis of the method- regular intake hormonal drugs (tablets). Usually, out of a hundred percent of women who practice this method of protection against pregnancy, five percent become pregnant.

Disadvantage of the method:

  • Bad memory often causes pregnancy: I forgot to take a pill, and the concentration in the body of a substance necessary for protection decreases. And by the way, you need to drink them constantly and for a long time .
  • It is also impossible not to note the main drawback of such tablets. Namely - effects on the body , even under the condition that these will be fourth-generation hormones. Possible consequences - metabolic disorders, weight gain,.
  • Parallel.
  • Many medicines reduce or even eliminate the efficiency this protection against pregnancy.
  • This method of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases .

Our people have always been cunning for invention, as a result of which, since ancient times, many of their own "home" methods of contraception have appeared among the people, which, of course, are absolutely useless.

The most unreliable and dangerous contraception - folk methods

  • A tampon in the vagina during intercourse. Ineffective and dangerous: violation of the microflora of the vagina, the risk of injury, and there is no need to talk about dubious pleasure for both partners. As for the effect, a tampon will not protect against pregnancy.
  • Lactation. It is believed that during this period it is impossible to get pregnant. Of course, given that the menstrual cycle after childbirth does not improve immediately, the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced, but certainly not excluded. And guessing whether your reproductive system has already woken up is impossible. Many breastfeeding mothers, naively believing that they are "protected by lactation", became pregnant within a couple of months after giving birth. Therefore, to hope that you will be “carried away”, at least, imprudently.
  • Gynecological diseases. This is another mythical "protection" against pregnancy. In fact, only one female disease eliminates the risk of becoming pregnant - this.
  • Vaginal shower. Another tale that a strong pressure of water, which is used to wash the vagina after intercourse, is able to "wash away" the spermatozoa. Don't believe. While you were running from the bed to the bathroom, the spermatozoa could already “jump” to the cherished egg.
  • Lemon inside. The myth that the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina ensures the death of spermatozoa. What naive women do not use - lemon slices, citric acid in powder, boric acid, and even ascorbic acid! The only effect of this procedure is an internal burn of the mucosa with an overdose of acid.
  • Decoctions of herbs.“And my grandmother (girlfriend ...) advised me ...”. This popular method is not even worth commenting on. Can you imagine how much you need to drink this (any) decoction, and what concentration should it be in order to “drown” all the spermatozoa in it? This also includes an infusion of bay leaves after sex and beetroot juice - gastronomic, but useless.
  • A remnant of laundry soap inserted into the vagina. Likewise. No effect, except for the violation of microflora, bacterial vaginosis and other "joys".
  • Douching. As a rule, young inventors use this method, using Pepsi-Cola, urine, potassium permanganate, etc. as a protective agent. The use of Pepsi-Cola (which, by the way, can be descaled from a kettle) leads to diseases of the vagina. This is a very strong chemical that does not prevent pregnancy. Urine has no contraceptive properties either. But there is a possibility to bring an infection along with urine. As for potassium permanganate, its contraceptive effect is so small that such douching will not help pregnancy. A strong concentration of potassium permanganate will cause a very serious burn of the mucosa.
  • An aspirin tablet inserted into the vagina after sex. Extremely low efficiency of the method. Equivalent to the method with potassium permanganate.
  • Jump after sex. With the same success, you can drink a cup of coffee and smoke after sex. Spermatozoa are not dice, they cannot be shaken out of the vagina. And the speed of their movement, by the way, is three millimeters per minute.
  • Soak your feet in mustard. Absolutely pointless process. Yes, and it's hard to imagine how a girl, after an act of love, rushes for a basin to soar her legs.
  • Rubbing the head of the penis with cologne before intercourse. Ineffective. In addition, one should remember those “unforgettable” sensations that await a man after this procedure.
  • “You can’t get pregnant during your period!” Absolute lie. No, for many women, menstruation is indeed a period in which it is impossible to get pregnant. But there are so many exceptions that it is at least unreasonable to consider menstruation as protection. Especially considering the fact that the survival of spermatozoa in the uterine mucosa is up to three days. These "tailed" are very, very tenacious.

In such a matter as protection against unwanted pregnancy, you should not trust dubious folk methods.

We do not live in ancient times, and today every woman has the opportunity go to a consultation with a specialist and choose the perfect contraceptive option for yourself .