How many grams are in one egg white? Egg white

Eggs are recognized as one of the main suppliers of microelements and vitamins in human body, including very important vitamin AT 12. Protein, which is considered a building block of muscles, is also of particular value. For example, bodybuilding athletes, to increase muscle mass should consume at least 2-3 grams of protein for every kilogram of their weight.

How much protein is in an egg largely depends on what type of egg it is and how it is cooked. For example, a raw chicken egg contains 6 g of protein, a fried egg contains 14 g, an omelet contains 17 g, an omelet with cheese contains 15 g, duck egg- 2 g, in quail - 6 g. It should be said that the volume of protein will not change if the egg is boiled or fried without adding fat. However, the time it takes to digest depends on the preparation method. For example, it will be completely digested after 2 hours, and fried or hard-boiled food will be completely digested after 3 hours.

There is a huge variety of eggs that are edible, but the most popular are chicken eggs. For most people, they are considered essential food products with low cost and opportunity instant cooking. Nutritional value chicken eggs - about 75 kcal, of which 15 kcal contains protein, and the rest - yolk. It should be said that the amount of protein in an egg is two-thirds of the mass of the egg, and the yolk takes up only a third. Therefore, when they talk about how much protein is in an egg, they mainly mean protein.

Egg white is a mostly protein product, in which protein is approximately 13%, about 2% is fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and various impurities, the rest is water. Therefore, the protein content in an egg is about 4-5 grams.

It is worth mentioning that the proteins from it are extremely easily digestible. If, for example, meat is digested in the human body for about four hours, then proteins from egg whites are included in metabolic processes in half an hour, which can sometimes be quite useful quality.

It is better to consume it in heat-treated form, because uncoagulated albumin can react with the molecules of most vitamins, interfering with their absorption. With regular consumption of a significant number of raw eggs, the development of vitamin deficiency may occur. In addition, you should not eat because of the risk of contracting salmonella and other types of infections.

Regardless of how many proteins are in an egg, they contain phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc and other micro- and macroelements. also includes B vitamins. The harmonious combination of components in egg white makes it a very valuable product that can satisfy all the physiological needs of a person.

It is worth noting that the egg helps provide our body with the necessary protein and amino acids. So, we looked at how much protein there is in an egg, however, in addition to this, egg yolks are also useful, which are considered an important supplier of choline, which is of great importance for the activity of brain cells. It is also worth pointing out that egg shells also contain many useful elements, for example, iron, molybdenum, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, sulfur, copper, silicon, zinc. The shells can also be eaten after boiling them for 5 minutes. It is cleaned of films and ground to a powdery state. The nutritional value of the shell does not depend on the color of the yolk or the color of the shell. However, it can be noted that the taste of an egg depends precisely on the taste of the yolk, that is, with high-quality chicken feed, the eggs will also taste better.

Speaking about how much protein is in an egg, it is worth mentioning cholesterol. Many people refuse to eat yolks, but it has been established that the significant content of cholesterol in yolks does not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood produced by the liver from People with yolks should limit the consumption of yolks, but not give them up altogether, as they help reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the development cataracts, improve immunity.

Modern scientists believe that you can eat an egg a day and that will be enough.

Very common in Lately became healthy eating, which is used not only by athletes, but also by other people for certain purposes. Some people want to lose weight or build muscle mass, while others just want to keep in shape with the help of proper nutrition. An indispensable product in achieving these goals is egg, and especially protein. There's a lot in it useful components and few calories.

Nutritionists do not recommend overusing the yolk of a chicken egg, because it contains a large number of cholesterol. But the protein was awarded special attention, but even it must be eaten in moderation.

As you know, this product consists of three components - protein, yolk and shell. Protein is a transparent liquid mass located around the yolk. Often, athletes and people who adhere to strict diets, on the recommendation of specialists, separate these two components and eat only the yolk mass. Therefore, it is very important for them to know the approximate weight of this product.

It should be noted that bird eggs are usually divided into categories, depending on which their weight characteristics differ. The category of a product is awarded depending on its weight and size back at the poultry farm, and this is what determines the protein content of the product. It is customary to distinguish the following categories:

Amount of protein in cooked product

It should be noted that the number of useful and nutrients decreases when the product is cooked. This may also be affected by the way it is prepared. As is known, there are several of them:

  • hard-boiled;
  • soft-boiled;
  • in a bag;
  • roast;
  • melange.

When the product is heat treated, the content of the yolk liquid in the egg also decreases. So, if you cook the dish hard-boiled, then there will be about 13 g of it left. The white of a soft-boiled egg will weigh about 12.5 - 13 g. By boiling the product in a bag, we get 13 g of protein. IN fried dish, if you cook it without adding oil, you get 14.5 g. The method of preparing melange saves up to 12.4 g.

An essential nutritional element for athletes

People who are actively involved in sports, fitness and other training know very well how protein needed for muscles. This is one of essential elements to maintain and build muscle mass. Therefore, they daily include in their diet foods containing this component, and its amount must be calculated individually.

This component is found in many products, but it occupies a special place in eggs. Therefore, it is very important for athletes to understand the ratio of the yolk mass and the yolk itself in the product. It is very good if you have a kitchen scale at home, but if you don’t have one, you can determine how much protein is in an egg based on the categories mentioned above.

Effect on the human body

Despite great benefit, some people are not recommended to eat chicken eggs. Usually associated with individual intolerance to the product. In some cases, the product simply should not be abused, while in other cases it is completely excluded from the diet. If you are too keen on eating eggs, after a while it will be possible to talk about:

  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • copious secretion of bile;
  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • presence of diathesis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • weak liver;
  • diseases circulatory system, such as hepatitis, jaundice, etc.

If you cannot use chicken eggs in your diet, then quail eggs can be an alternative. They are quite small and are completely absorbed by the body.

10 months ago

Lately everything large quantity people begin to monitor exactly what foods they eat and how much protein a particular product contains. This happens by various reasons. Some try to lose weight on diets based on increased amounts of protein, while others, by playing sports, want to increase muscle mass. Still others simply know that everything nutritional elements must enter the human body in the required quantity in order to maintain and strengthen health.

Protein is one of the most important elements, because its deficiency acutely affects the human body by reducing muscle mass, weakening immune system and heart problems.

It is impossible to answer this question right away, since, in addition to chicken eggs, there are also quail, duck and goose eggs, as well as wild bird eggs. They will all differ in protein content. Additionally, even in the most common chicken eggs, the amount of protein will vary depending on the size of the egg. So how many grams of protein are in a raw egg?

  • A premium chicken egg contains up to 6 g of protein..
  • A selected chicken egg contains about 5 g of protein.
  • A 1st grade chicken egg contains about 4.5 g of protein.
  • A 2nd grade chicken egg contains about 3.8 g of protein.
  • A 3rd grade chicken egg contains about 2.8 g of protein.
  • IN quail egg The protein content is about 6 g, despite the fact that they are much smaller in size than chicken eggs.
  • If you fry eggs from eggs, the protein content in the finished dish will be about 14 g.
  • If you fry an egg omelet, the protein content will reach 17 g.
  • How many grams of protein are in an egg yolk? Does the yolk even contain any protein? Yes, it is contained, its amount reaches 2.7 g.

How many grams of protein are in the white of a boiled egg? The protein content will not change depending on the type of heat treatment.

A goose egg contains 10 g of protein, and a duck egg contains 12 g of protein. However, doctors do not recommend consuming the eggs of these birds to avoid infection.

If the average data does not satisfy you, you can calculate the amount of protein in each specific egg. To do this, you need to weigh the egg, divide the resulting figure by 3, and then divide by another 10. The result will be the protein content in a particular egg.

Since the topic was brought up positive influence protein on human health, let's look specifically at how protein can affect the body.

In case of constant excess of protein intake, the following consequences are possible:

  • increase in blood cholesterol levels
  • increased bile secretion
  • various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

If too little protein is consumed, the following happens:

  • increased risk of blood diseases
  • weakened liver
  • the occurrence and development of urolithiasis.

As we can see, it’s harmful overuse protein and its deficiency. Therefore, it is best to focus on the daily protein intake and try to follow it.

An interesting fact is that the protein eaten does not yet provide a complete guarantee of its digestibility.

  • From a hard-boiled egg, about 90-93% of the total content will be absorbed.
  • About 96-98% of the total content will be absorbed from a soft-boiled egg.
  • From fried egg About 95% of the total protein content will be absorbed.

How to cook delicious chicken eggs?

If you want to eat eggs daily to replenish your body’s protein requirements, but don’t know what to cook from them other than banal scrambled eggs, pay attention to the recipes below.

In this article we will answer the question, how many proteins are in egg white. You will learn about egg white much more than they could know. So, let's begin.
We all know that an egg consists of yolk and white, but not everyone knows how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in each component of the egg.
100 grams of egg white contains: 11 grams protein, 0 grams fat and 0 grams carbohydrates. While yolk: proteins 16 grams, fat 31 grams, carbohydrates 1 gram.
Paradoxically, there is less protein in the white than in the yolk.

Why do people who want to lose weight throw away the yolks?
In yolks as opposed to whites great content fat, 1 gram of which has 9 kcal, and 1 gram of protein only 4 kcal.
So you have to throw away such a valuable product as the yolk because of its high calorie content, although in addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it also contains vitamins.

Let's get back to the main topic: Proteins in protein:).
If an egg white contains 11% protein, what is the remaining 89%?
The rest is water, the protein structures are actually dissolved in it.

At all egg white is taken as the standard among proteins. It consists of all necessary for a person amino acids, unlike, for example, vegetable protein. Egg white is absorbed almost completely and also quickly.
Due to the full amino acid composition egg whites, eggs are a staple for those looking to build muscle.

In the total mass of a chicken egg, the white occupies 56%, 32% yolk and eggshell – 12%.
Chicken eggs come in different sizes. Depending on this, they are assigned a class.
The C3 egg is the smallest, weighing on average 40 grams and containing only 22 grams of egg white (water with disordered protein structures).
Egg C2 is already larger. 50 and 28 grams of protein, respectively.
C1 – 60 grams of weight and 34 grams of egg white.
C0 – 70 grams on average and 39 protein.
Group CB eggs are the largest. They weigh over 75 grams and contain more than 42 grams of protein.
Prices for eggs vary according to their category, so you are unlikely to be able to save much by choosing a specific class of eggs.
It is optimal to choose eggs not by class, but by freshness. The fresher the egg, the faster the protein is absorbed. By the way, protein fresh eggs It's much easier to whip into foam.

In addition, I would like to say about protein portions.
How many egg whites can you eat at one time?
Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 30 grams of protein per meal.
If we take C1 eggs, then to get 30 grams of pure protein we need to eat the whites of 7 eggs. If we eat eggs with yolks, then only 4.
If you have eggs different categories you can weigh them on a scale and easily calculate the amount of protein from egg whites.
Full composition of edible components of the egg:

Consider that 100 grams of a whole egg contains only 6 grams of protein from the egg whites you reserve. That is, to get 30 grams, you need to weigh half a kilo of eggs.

Good luck with your egg business.
website 😉

The egg is considered a unique and original food product. It is very valuable in its composition and effect on the human body. It is used not only as a food product, but also in medicine, cosmetology and other areas. If you look at the inside of the egg, it consists of two elements:

  • Protein;
  • Yolk.

How many calories are in the boiled egg white of one egg without yolk, how many calories are in the egg white

Most of the protein is ordinary water, and only the natural protein itself is allocated only 20% of its total mass. One cannot help but be interested in the question of how many calories are in egg whites, if they are so valuable and healthy. Protein itself is low in calories. food products and is mainly albumin. Protein contains many useful ingredients and substances that have a positive effect on the human body. Consists of:

  • Vitamins K and group B;
  • Neocin;
  • Choline;
  • Protein;
  • Amino acids;
  • Minerals.

Each of these components has an auxiliary function for the body, because it helps different metabolic processes carried out faster, promotes the appearance of cells, hormones, and also has tonic and antitoxic effects. So, how many calories are in an egg white without the yolk? The average caloric content of 100 grams of protein is 44.4 calories. This is very little, so even people on a diet can safely eat this product and not count calories.

Considering that the size of the eggs is ambiguous, and the weight as well, it is impossible to talk about the exact number of calories in the egg white of one egg. There are small, medium and large eggs. Their calorie content will vary from 70 to 80 or more calories. 1 white of one egg contains no more than 20 units. It is recommended to eat the egg boiled or fried, that is, after undergoing heat treatment. Such an egg is absorbed by the body much faster and more voluminously than the raw product.

Does the caloric content of cooked protein change?

Usually, when preparing a product, its calorie content changes significantly. When boiled, egg white retains its calorie content at its original level, so the question of how many calories are in boiled egg white disappears by itself. Both raw and cooked, the nutritional value per 100 grams of protein averages 44 kcal. When frying, protein calories will be higher due to the use of fat or vegetable oil. If you fry a whole egg, its calorie content will be on average about 360 units per 100 grams.

The yolk is another component of any egg. The composition of this component is also very rich in various useful substances and minerals. For example, the yolk contains huge portions:

  • Vitamins A, D, E;
  • Biotin;
  • folic acid;
  • microelements.

The calorie content of the yolk is about 60 calories per 100 grams of product. With this in mind, it is quite possible to even go on a diet that includes eating eggs. Their caloric content is minimal, but the benefits are simply colossal. Due to the valuable composition of this product, you can saturate your body with useful substances and minerals.

You don't have to eat just eggs. It is great for various dishes and used in cooking. In this case, they add taste and a touch of piquancy to the finished dish. With them, even a sandwich will be tastier and more satisfying, and, in fact, healthier. Moreover, they will not add significant calorie content to the sandwich. Absolutely anyone can profit from an egg. This is one of the quick options for a snack and food in general. In addition, it is very tasty and will allow you to immediately satisfy your hunger.