Preparation for ultrasound of the prostate, depending on the research method. How to prepare for prostate trusion

TRUS - transrectal ultrasound successfully replaces transabdominal examination. For the diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs, good visualization is extremely important - the clarity and accuracy of the contours, since here the symmetry and shape of the organs is the same informative factor as the composition of the plasma in a blood test.

Purpose of the survey

Any kind of medical examination is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor. Only a specialist, and even then, can not immediately determine which tests are needed. The task of TRUS of the prostate gland is to assess its condition, symmetry, structure, size, and also to examine nearby organs - the bladder, pelvic veins, and so on.

The reason for visiting a doctor and conducting a TRUS of the prostate gland are the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination, usually accompanied by pain or burning;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • pain in the perineum or lower abdomen - can equally be associated with diseases of the bladder, and act as signs of prostatitis;
  • upon detection of seals in the rectum;
  • when establishing a diagnosis such as infertility.

It is impossible to carry out TRUS of the prostate gland with such an ailment as hemorrhoids, especially during an exacerbation.

Transrectal examination is one of the most informative methods, according to expert reviews, and allows you to confirm or refute the following diagnoses or assumptions with high accuracy.

  • Male infertility - according to statistics, the suspicion of infertility is the most common reason for contacting a specialist.
  • This state of affairs cannot be considered positive, since diseases of the prostate gland, unfortunately, are very common, but out of false shame, patients delay a visit to the doctor.
  • Gland pathologies - cysts, prostatitis (chronic, acute, bacterial), calculi, as well as hyperplasia or adenoma.
  • Benign and malignant formations.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Bladder pathology.
  • Varicose veins of the small pelvis, other changes in blood vessels.

TRUS of the prostate: what is it

The principle of transrectal ultrasound is no different from conventional ultrasound: a transducer inserted into the rectum emits ultrasonic waves. The latter, being reflected, create echo waves. The signal is picked up by the sensor and analyzed.

The difference between the ultrasonic wave and its reflection calculates the distance to the organ, its shape, density, structure, and so on. All received data is visualized on the screen in real time.

If suspicious areas are found during the procedure, a biopsy is performed. To do this, a needle is inserted into the prostate gland and microscopic samples are taken for analysis. According to the reviews of experts, damage during the examination is excluded.

Preparation for the examination

TRUS of the prostate gland is a fairly simple procedure, and according to reviews, it is practically painless. However, like any other manipulation, it requires some preparation.

What it is? Just some changes in the daily routine and menu for stable, normal bowel function.

  • For 2-3 days before the examination, it is necessary to avoid products that provoke increased gas separation: cabbage, yeast and sweet pastries, pasta, fruits. You can not drink carbonated water and drinks, alcohol is strictly prohibited, especially on the eve of manipulation.
  • At this time, drugs that promote blood thinning should be excluded for this time - the same aspirin. In this regard, you need to consult with your doctor.
  • For 12 hours before TRUS of the prostate - the last meal. As a rule, the examination is scheduled in the morning, so it is necessary to have dinner no later than 19 hours and it is quite easy.
  • Procedure performed on an empty stomach: in the morning it is allowed to drink some non-carbonated water.
  • For 24 hours before transrectal examination, a cleansing enema should be given. Manipulation can be performed independently or entrusted to specialists, if this is included in the list of services. In Moscow, many of the clinics are preparing to alleviate the patient's condition.

In some cases, psychological preparation may also be needed, since such manipulations are perceived by men quite painfully, which leads to a state of tightness and stiffness. Under such conditions, it is extremely difficult to conduct a TRUS of the prostate painlessly, and this will only aggravate the patient's worries. With obvious signs of excitement, it is recommended to take a sedative in advance - Novopasit, Persen, and so on.

  • For 0.5-1 hour before the procedure, it is necessary to drink about 1 liter of still water: for better visualization of the prostate, the bladder must be full.

How TRUS is made

The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.

  1. It is necessary to free the area under study from clothing.
  2. Then the patient is placed on the couch on the left side. The knees should be bent and pulled towards the chest. In this position, the prostate gland is in the most convenient position for examination.
  3. Relax and breathe slowly and calmly. Tension of any kind will make manipulation painful.
  4. The transducer is covered with a condom, lubricated with gel to minimize discomfort, and inserted into the rectum to a depth of 5–6 cm.
  5. First, the doctor examines the prostate gland, then the seminal vesicles.
  6. After the procedure, the patient needs to empty the bladder, after which another study is performed to determine the residual urine.

The cost of manipulation ranges from 600 to 2500 rubles. The price depends on the level of the clinic, equipment and, of course, the venue: in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the examination will cost more.

How TRUS is made is shown in the photo.

2018-01-05 5 321

The standard of diagnostic procedures in cases of suspected pathology of the genitourinary system remains a transsonography of the prostate gland. In most cases, transrectal ultrasound is sufficient to identify abnormalities in the prostate. The results are used during the differential diagnosis of diseases.

TruZI diagnostics of the prostate - what is it

There are several types of ultrasound. The difference lies in the procedure. Two types of ultrasound diagnostics are used to examine the prostate:
  • Abdominal ultrasound - the study is carried out through the abdominal cavity. The accuracy of the results is affected by the anatomical location of the gland within the muscle tissue and skeleton. Even an experienced specialist can not always determine the pathology during abdominal examination.
  • Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland - the sensor is inserted through the rectum, separated from the prostate by a thin septum.
TRUS is considered the standard of diagnosis. There are restrictions and contraindications. From the specialist conducting the study, care is required so as not to damage the rectum when inserting the probe.

When is TRUS prescribed?

Transrectal ultrasound examination of the prostate gland is performed with any suspicion of the development of pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems. The method is used provided that the man has no contraindications to conduct.

With the help of transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, the following abnormalities are detected:

  1. congestion;
  2. tendencies to tissue growth;
  3. fibrous formations and cysts.
Ultrasound findings are not considered an absolute criterion in making a diagnosis. When determining violations, the results of tests, anamnesis of the disease, and the conclusions of the urological test according to IPPS are taken into account. Only under the condition of a complete clinical picture is an accurate diagnosis made.

Possible contraindications

Despite the high accuracy, the analysis of TRUS will not suit absolutely every man. Contraindications are associated with the peculiarity of the diagnosis. During the procedure, a rectal probe is inserted into the patient through the anus. The session lasts 10-15 minutes.

TRUS is not possible in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • acute inflammatory processes of the rectum: proctitis, colitis;
  • ulcers;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures.
Some contraindications are conditional. With the improvement of the patient's well-being, after the removal of acute processes of the rectum and the transition of hemorrhoids into a latent form, it becomes possible to conduct a transrectal examination.

How to prepare for TRUS

The accuracy of diagnosis depends on many aspects. The results are influenced by the experience of the staff, as well as the correct preparation for the TRUS of the prostate. Before the appointment, the man receives a consultation on how the procedure will be performed. In preparation for the study of prostate TRUS include:
  • Cleansing enema - put 2-3 hours before the session. For the solution use warm water in a volume of 1.5 liters. If the introduction of a large amount of liquid is not possible, microclysters such as Microlax are used. The content is administered to the patient in the supine position, on the right side. An enema is placed before the procedure in a hospital or at home.
  • You can clean the intestines by setting a glycerin suppository. The advantage of the latter is that no time is required before the start of the study. The suppository begins to act quickly and effectively eliminates feces from the rectum.
  • The second step is to fill the contents of the bladder in order to increase the accuracy of the displayed data. Before the examination, approximately 60 minutes before the start, the man should drink 3-4 glasses of water. It is important that the liquid does not contain gas. Do not urinate before TRUS.
There are some restrictions related to what is forbidden to do before a transrectal diagnosis session. The urologist will tell you in detail about the precautions, as well as how the TRUS will be performed.

How are TruUS glands done?

The study is performed in a clinical setting. The technique for performing rectal ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate requires delicacy and caution from the doctor during manipulations.

The study is carried out as follows:

  • The patient lies on the couch, legs are drawn up to the chest. It is important that the patient does not lie on the right side, as with a cleansing enema, but on the left.
  • A condom is put on the sensor. To facilitate the introduction, the anus is lubricated with a lubricant.
  • The thickness of the probe does not exceed 2 cm. It is inserted into the rectum by 6 cm, so you can reach the anatomical location of the prostate.

The rules for conducting diagnostics are adjusted depending on the general condition of the patient, as well as the need for additional research data. If it is necessary to assess the pathology of the bladder neck or seminal vesicles, the sensor is inserted deeper already by 8-10 cm. To determine the presence of congestion and to identify pathologies of the vascular system, TRUS is performed together with CFM (color Doppler mapping).

Ultrasound of the prostate can be done as often as needed. The only thing that limits the conduction is the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Some men consider rectal examination unacceptable and do not agree to it because of moral factors.

Deciphering TruZI of the gland

The most important indicator of the patient's condition is the echogenicity of the prostate or the intensity of reflection of ultrasonic waves. Typical signs of violations:

Additional information about the pathologies will be provided by a Doppler examination, which takes place simultaneously with TRUS. The proliferation of blood vessels is evidence of a malignant neoplasm. A transcript and a conclusion will be issued by the doctor conducting the examination. The study protocol is passed to the urologist, who takes into account the results in the differential diagnosis.

With TRUS, the peripheral zone is clearly visible, 70% of the entire glandular tissue. With abdominal examination, this figure is much less and is approximately 20-30%.

The volume of the prostate gland is normally 28 cm³, length between 2.4-4.1 cm; width: 2.7-4.2 cm; thickness 1.6-2.5 cm. Any deviations indicate pathological changes and require additional urological tests and analyzes.


The technique of transrectal diagnosis scares many patients. In fact, the method is absolutely safe and gives accurate information about the state of the prostate gland. Before the appointment of TRUS, the task of the urologist is to calm the man, explain how the study will take place. At this stage, many people ask the same questions.

The most common concerns are:

  1. How painful is the procedure?
  2. Which results will be better - MRI, ultrasound or TRUS?
  3. Is it possible to have sex immediately before the diagnosis?
Another issue of concern to patients is the cost of the procedure. The price of TRUS in Moscow varies depending on the clinic from 1600-2000 rubles.

TRUS diagnostics of the prostate - does it hurt?

Rectal access does not cause pain. The sensor is only 2 cm thick. When administered, a lubricant is used. Problems can arise when a man is under a lot of stress. There are cases when, because of this, it was not possible to bring the sensor to the location of the prostate gland.

Rectal penetration during ultrasound of the prostate causes some discomfort if swelling or acute inflammation is diagnosed. The procedure itself lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. Pain, even if diagnosed, is of low intensity. After the session, there are no negative manifestations.

Which is better - ultrasound or TRUS?

Each of the medical examinations has its indications. The transabdominal method is suitable for patients diagnosed with hemorrhoids, proctitis in the acute stage, as well as men with persistent psycho-emotional rejection of rectal examination. However, ultrasound does not give a complete picture of the disease. The prostate is surrounded by tissues that limit visibility.

TRUS is more informative and shows reliable results. The method is regarded in urological recommendations as a standard for diagnosing prostate pathologies.

TRUS is the most informative way to assess the prostate. The study accurately shows all deviations in the prostate region.

TRUS allows you to get complete information about the disease

Preparation for the procedure

Some preparation is necessary for TRUS of the prostate, without following the rules it will be difficult for a specialist to determine the exact cause of inflammation.

  • To begin with, a man needs to empty his intestines a few hours before the start of the study of the gland. Cleansing enema should be at least 1.5 liters. If possible, you can use suppositories that help relax the intestines, as well as microclysters with a laxative effect.
  • A couple of days before TRUS of the prostate, it is recommended to exclude products from which gas formation appears. On the day of the examination, you need to have breakfast, but not a heavy one. It is advisable to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Also, do not worry, the patient needs to control himself. No need to think about the trouble of the procedure, it is completely painless. If the psychological barrier is really pressing, you can talk to the doctor before the manipulations, he, as a rule, will talk about the study and reassure the man.

The bowels must be emptied for the test to take place.

There is no need to be embarrassed by the urologist during TRUS of the prostate gland - this is a natural process.

When a procedure using ultrasound is prescribed, the patient immediately needs to clarify the nuances of preparation. Maybe the doctor will point out the moments that are significant for the patient. It may be necessary to temporarily stop taking medications that a man takes on schedule.

How is the study going

Now a man can find on the net the necessary information on the process of examining the prostate. First, the patient should put on a gown and lie down on a flat surface. Lying on the left side, the patient needs to bring the bent legs closer to the chest. In this position, access to the prostate gland will be as open as possible.

When the man has taken a comfortable position, the specialist inserts a two-centimeter sensor into the anus. To avoid discomfort for the patient, a special rubber band lubricated with a non-greasy gel is put on the sensor. The depth to which the device enters is 6 cm. It is at this distance from the entrance that the prostate gland is located. Manipulations take forty minutes.

In the process of evaluating the male organ, the sonologist receives a video showing the prostate from different angles, in different planes. The doctor thoroughly evaluates the size of the gland, its symmetry and density. It also looks for suspicious areas.

During the procedure, the doctor receives all the information on the screen

If a specialist suspects the development of cancerous growths, prostate tissue is taken for a biopsy.

After receiving the results, the sonologist fills out the patient's card, which contains all the information on his health. Also, the study protocol may contain images of the gland, pathological processes, inflammation. This interpretation is necessary for the attending physician to prescribe a suitable treatment.

Most clinics offer a TRUS of the prostate showing the prostate in 3D. Also, paid centers make video recordings, where the entire research process is recorded. This approach gives the sonologist the opportunity to see every little detail that is imperceptible on a conventional monitor. An examination is done as usual, but at the same time even small affected areas are viewed on the monitor.

The procedure is usually not the most pleasant, but the sensation associated with such an examination is fully justified by the important information obtained during the evaluation of the prostate.

In some situations, TRUS of the prostate can save the patient's life.

TRUS apparatus

The transrectal examination equipment looks like an ultrasound machine. But there is still a difference - this is a sensor, or rather, its shape.

Devices for ultrasound and TRUS externally differ mainly only in sensors

  • The ultrasonic transducer is oblong, 5-6 cm long.
  • Computer with processor.
  • Pulse sensor.
  • Keyboard for decoding results.
  • A display that shows an image of the prostate.

After the examination, the sonologist is immediately ready to give the results. If something is not clear to the patient, the specialist should explain the state of health of the man in a more accessible language without using medical terms.

When is TRUS given and its benefits

Transrectal examination is usually done for pathologies such as:

  • adenoma;
  • blood residue in semen;
  • prostatitis in various forms;

Examination is prescribed for prostate adenoma

  • secondary male infertility;
  • pain spasms in the genital area;
  • vesiculitis;
  • the presence of solid formations.

This is not the whole list, in which TRUS is the most informative examination method. This ultrasound assessment makes it possible to determine the approximate area that is affected by the tumor process. The specialist also examines the posterior region of the prostate, where an inflammatory process can also form.

With prostatitis, transrectal examination reveals factors that not only complicate current diseases, but also provoke the transition of acute inflammation to the chronic stage. These include reasons such as:

  • cyst;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • microabscess;
  • sclerosis of the gland.

TRUS helps to identify the causes of infertility

If a man is diagnosed with infertility, TRUS is done to detect obstruction of the seminal ducts. Usually this study is not the only method for examining the gland, but serves as the most important procedure for determining pathological processes.

When examining the prostate, the TRUS sensor is close to the gland, which gives the sonologist maximum information. The main advantage of such an examination is an accurate image of the prostate gland, its individual areas. Therefore, all pathological processes occurring in the prostate area are visible.

  • Diagnosis is not dangerous and is done repeatedly.
  • Affordable cost of examining the affected area.
  • The TRUS method allows you to see the internal state of the prostate.
  • Fast procedure.
  • Deciphering and correct interpretation is obtained after research.
  • The most reliable method for assessing the gland.
  • Ionizing radiation is not used.

How to understand that you need to take TRUS

To determine the need for TRUS of the prostate, a man needs to answer a series of questions, the answers to which will tell you whether he needs such an examination.

  1. Are you over 38-40 years old?
  2. Do you feel burning and cramps during bowel movements?
  3. You can not conceive a child, and it starts to scare you?
  4. Is there a relative in your family who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer?

If a man answered yes to at least one question, then he definitely needs to undergo a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate from a urologist.

Why do you need to do an enema before the examination - you will find the answer to the question in the video:

Before you learn how to prepare for TRUS of the prostate, you need to get more information about the method of examination.

TRUS is a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. It is performed using a high-frequency ultrasound transducer through the rectum.

Although TRUS is different from conventional abdominal ultrasound, this procedure should not cause discomfort to the patient. A special probe is inserted into the man's rectum. It's small so it won't hurt. The entire area where the prostate is located will be displayed on the monitor screen. All these devices allow you to examine the prostate gland in detail and make sure of its integrity, as well as make the correct diagnosis.

When can a TRUS be ordered?

Usually this study is assigned to men after 40 years of age as a routine examination. In addition, the following changes in the body may become indications for TRUS:

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  • Discomfort or pain when urinating.
  • Weak potency.
  • Pain in the perineal region and in the lumbar region.
  • The inability to conceive a child for a long time.
  • The urine stream is weak and thin.
  • Elevated PSA in the tests.
  • When rectal examination revealed abnormalities.
  • Abnormalities in urine and semen analysis.

How to prepare for TRUS

One of the most popular research methods is TRUS of the prostate. How the procedure is done and what preparation is required for it, the doctor will tell the patient. Since there are no other organs between the prostate and the rectum, preparation for the gland involves minimal physical and time costs. Despite this, the bowels must be emptied 2 to 3 hours prior to TRUS, as the transducer will be inserted into the rectum, which may cause an urge to defecate. You can use a regular bowel cleansing enema or by using certain medications. These drugs are called "microclysters". It is necessary to lie on the couch, bend your knees and inject the drug into the rectum. After a certain time, the man will feel the urge to go to the toilet. For the same purpose, candles based on glycerin are used. They are also introduced into the anus, lying on your back or on your side.

In addition, it is recommended to exclude gas-producing foods from your diet a few days before going to the procedure. These include:
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • fresh sweet pastries;
  • some fruits, such as grapes, apples (namely green ones), plums;
  • pasta products;
  • liquor and carbonated drinks.

It is better if a man these days switches to boiled meat and fish, cereals and light soups.

It is necessary to refuse food already 17-18 hours before the procedure. After dinner, you should drink activated charcoal, one tablet of this remedy is taken per 10 kg of body weight. You can replace this drug with other sorbents, after reading the instructions.

Many doctors are of the opinion that ultrasound of the prostate should be performed with a full bladder. If a man is undergoing TRUS due to inability to conceive a child or low potency, in this case, he should drink up to one liter of liquid before the procedure. Then do not urinate until the end of the TRUS.

A patient who comes to TRUS for disorders associated with urination should be at the doctor's appointment 30-40 minutes before the examination. At the same time, you must take 1.5 liters of liquid (water or tea) with you. It is necessary to drink immediately before the procedure, at the first urge to urinate it is worth informing the doctor, as this is the most suitable moment for the study.

It is also important not to make a mistake in time when preparing for TRUS, since an insufficiently full bladder is an indicator of the unreliability of the information received, so you will have to wait some more time for it to fill up. It must be remembered that TRUS is not performed in people with a remote rectum or if an operation was performed on its sections.

Psychological preparation also plays an important role. Since emotional tightness, fear or overstrain of the nervous plan will not only complicate the procedure, but also cause pain to a person. If necessary, it is recommended to drink relaxing drugs, for example, such as Persen or Novopassit.

How is the procedure carried out

Transrectal ultrasound is performed as follows: a man with a full bladder lies on a specially designated couch in the “embryo” position. The specialist puts a condom on the sensor. Then this tip is inserted into the rectum through the anus to a depth of 6 cm. To make an ultrasound of the seminal vesicles, you need to insert the probe a little deeper.

If it is necessary to check the intensity of urination, when the main part of the examination is carried out, the doctor may ask the patient to empty the bladder. After that again.

At the time of the diagnostic action, the doctor describes the prostate gland itself - its symmetry, shape and size, contour violations, echo density of the organ. The structures of the organ found on ultrasound are described next. These are the periurethral glands and the spermatic tubercle with the spermatic cord.
Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

A huge number of men of mature age are faced with a delicate problem - prostate adenoma. Such a pathological condition occurs when a benign formation forms in this organ, and gives the patient a lot of inconvenience. Fortunately, if the development of an adenoma is detected in a timely manner, measures can be taken to prevent its growth. There are several diagnostic manipulations to detect such a pathology, and one of the most informative of them is ultrasound. The topic of our today's conversation will be the ultrasound of the prostate gland, what preparation for it should be and how such an examination is done, we will clarify

TRUS of the prostate is often used as a routine examination of men who have reached an older age (forty years or more). It can also be carried out according to indications, including the suspicion of the development of prostate adenoma, discomfort or pain during urination, problems with potency and nighttime urination. Also, such a study is indicated for infertility, a weak stream of urine, pain in the perineum, deviations in urine tests or spermogram, etc.

Transrectal ultrasound is performed by introducing a special electronic sensor into the man's rectum. And in order for it to be as informative as possible, you need to properly prepare for it.

Preparing for a TRUS of the Prostate

A few days before such a study, it is worth refusing to eat foods that can cause increased gas formation. Directly on day X, it is worth having a light and loose breakfast.

Two to three hours before the procedure, it is necessary to ensure bowel movement. For this purpose, you can conduct an enema using ordinary boiled water, cooled to cool or room temperature. The optimal volume of such an enema is one and a half liters.

You can also use microenemas (they can be purchased at a pharmacy). Among the most popular means of this type are Norgalax, as well as Microlax. They are in the form of a small tube, the contents of which should be introduced into the rectum. To do this, lie down on your right side. After a while, you need to visit the toilet room.

For effective bowel cleansing, you can use a glycerin suppository (also available at a pharmacy). It is introduced into the rectum, lying on either side or on the back. Then you need to wait for the urge to appear and go to the toilet.

In the event that a TRUS is performed due to infertility, an elevated PSA level, or due to a decrease in potency, it is necessary to drink three to four glasses of water (about a liter) about an hour before the examination. After that, you do not need to visit the toilet - the bladder should be full.

If the study is designed to detect the cause of urination disorders, it is advisable to go to the ultrasound room, taking a one and a half liter bottle of non-carbonated water or tea. Arrive 40 minutes before your procedure and start drinking fluids. Feeling a pronounced urge to urinate, consult a doctor, he will conduct you for research.

How is a prostate ultrasound done?

A man with a full bladder should lie on his left side, bend his knees and pull them to his chest. Next, the specialist picks up a special sensor of small diameter (about two centimeters) and puts on it a special condom for such a procedure. Such a sensor is inserted rectally, in other words, into the rectum. The average insertion depth is six centimeters.
If it is necessary to conduct a study of both the prostate and the seminal vesicles, the sensor must be inserted a little deeper.

So that the sensor causes a minimum of discomfort and does not cause irritation, it can also be lubricated with a special gel.

In the event that a specialist needs to evaluate bladder emptying, the man should go to the toilet soon after the main part of the study. Next, a re-examination of the prostate is carried out, analyzing the existing pathologies by the amount of residual urine.

During a trUS, the specialist obtains images of the prostate gland from different angles. This makes it possible to assess the symmetry of the shape of this organ, the integrity of its capsule, the structural features of the parenchyma and its echogenicity. Also, the doctor can identify focal formations (if any), see the contour of the bladder neck, as well as the prostatic urethra.

Additional Information

Tr ultrasound of the prostate gland has a lot of advantages as a diagnostic method. With such a study, the specialist has the opportunity to examine the soft tissues of the problem organ in as much detail as possible. And the ultrasound results are reliable. The doctor can accurately measure the gland and its individual sections, examine the condition of the seminal vesicles. In addition, X-rays are not used in TRUS. This diagnostic method is safe and can be repeated if necessary.

The only 100% contraindication to prostate transsonography is surgical removal of the rectum. Temporary contraindications also include exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the development of proctitis and paraproctitis, as well as the appearance of anal fissures.