The best recipes of the Kremlin diet. Recipes for the Kremlin diet with points Recipes for the Kremlin diet

This diet was hidden behind a halo of mystery for a long time, since so many people heard something about it, but no one really knew its essence. This diet began to be called the Kremlin diet due to the fact that mainly influential people sat on it. But there is no secret in this diet, in principle.

The Kremlin diet is one of the simplest, most effective and even interesting principles of nutrition.

The menu of the Kremlin diet is varied. Marinades and pickles, scrambled eggs with bacon and omelettes with ham, salads with mayonnaise, caviar - please. Kremlin diet recipes are soups, salads, pastries. Sitting on this diet, you can indulge yourself with seafood soup, borsch, chops with blood, pilaf, liver pancakes, pancake cake and even dumplings.

The Kremlin diet is unique in its variety of recipes, and it also allows ready meals.

Mimosa salad

Ingredients of the dish

  • Boiled potatoes 80 g
  • Chicken egg (hard-boiled) 3 pcs
  • Boiled carrots 100 g
  • Onion 60 g
  • Mayonnaise "Soviet Provencal" 250 g
  • Canned fish in oil (pink salmon, saury) 240 g

Cooking method

1. Rinse and boil potatoes and carrots in their skins until cooked (20-30 minutes, check the softness of vegetables with a knife). Cool and clean.

2. Boil hard-boiled eggs (10 minutes after boiling). Cool and clean.

3. Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

4. Grate potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater.

5. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grate the whites and yolks separately on a fine grater.

6. Open a jar of canned fish in oil. Mash with a fork.

7. Collect salad "Mimosa" on a dish lightly moistened with water, in layers. Spread each layer with mayonnaise.

1 layer - fish;
2 layer - onion;
3 layer - proteins, grease with mayonnaise;
4 layer - potatoes, grease with mayonnaise;
6 layer - carrots, grease with mayonnaise;
7 layer - yolks.


Ingredients of the dish

Chicken fillet 1kg, champignons 300 gr, onion 1 pc, Dutch cheese 150 gr, mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method

Wash the meat and cut into small pieces, cut the mushrooms into quarters, onion into half rings, mix all this with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Put the resulting mixture into a baking dish and bake until cooked at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Sprinkle with grated cheese 5 minutes before the end.


100 g - 3.25 c.u.

Ingredients of the dish

  • 500 gr mascarpone
  • 100 gr cream 33%
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons instant coffee
  • 2 tablespoons rum/cognac/whiskey
  • sachet of gelatin
  • 12 scoops of sah zam Fit Parade
  • a little cocoa and citric acid

Cooking method

Pour the gelatin with boiled hot (not non-boiling) water and leave to swell. Better immediately in a dish that can be put on the stove.

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of citric acid.

Mix the yolks with a mixer or blender with mascarpone, cream, 25 tablets of sahzam (previously diluted with a teaspoon of boiling water).

Pour instant coffee with boiling water (20-30 grams of water), let cool and add alcohol, then pour into our bulk. There are proteins, mix everything again.

Heat gelatin in a water bath or on a stove (stirring) and add to the mass, stir very thoroughly.

It is better to pour the mass immediately into portioned jars / glasses / bowls. Shake the cocoa strainer over the spread out mass to make a sprinkle.

Refrigerate for 3 hours (preferably overnight)



100 g - 3.35 c.u.

Laying out in layers:

  1. Zucchini slices, grease with mayonnaise + a tablespoon of ketchup
  2. grated cheese Russian
  3. slices of tomatoes
  4. sweet pepper rings
  5. salami
  6. carbonade
  7. ham
  8. olives, sliced
  9. Lubricate everything again with mayonnaise and grated Parmesan cheese again on top

Cooking method

Everything in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then take out, let cool for 5 minutes and enjoy.

Enjoy your meal!

Shchi without potatoes

Ingredients of the dish

  • Chicken fillet - 300-400 g
  • Water - 1.5-2 liters
  • medium bulb
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • Sauerkraut - 200 g
  • fresh big tomato
  • Seasonings, salt to taste

Cooking method

Boil the broth from the chicken fillet, remove the boiled chicken from the pan and cut into pieces.

Chop the carrots into slices, finely chop the onion. Fry with a small amount of oil, add finely chopped tomato, stew a little with the addition of water or broth.

Season with vegetables, add sauerkraut and chicken to the pan, season, salt.

Cook until cabbage is done.

Chicken with white sauce

You will need:

  • 500 g chicken fillet
  • 100 g cheese
  • 100 g onion
  • 250 ml kefir
  • 250 ml sour cream
  • 100 ml mayonnaise
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs

This dish is quick and easy to prepare. It can be served both for the everyday and for the festive table. Boiled potatoes are best served as a side dish. What is quite permissible for those who are on the "Kremlin's secret diet" - one or two small potatoes can sometimes be eaten.

Cut the onion into half rings, meat into cubes (3-4 cm), grate the cheese. Separately, in a bowl, mix kefir, sour cream and mayonnaise.

Fry the onion in a pan until golden brown. Add meat, salt and pepper.

When the chicken is ready, pour the "milk" mixture into the cauldron. Add finely chopped garlic and grated cheese. Simmer over low heat for another five minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

Homemade skewers

This recipe is very easy to make and the taste is excellent. You don't even need a brazier to cook kebabs.

You will need:

  • 700 g chicken fillet
  • 300 g champignons
  • 75 ml mayonnaise
  • 75 ml tomato ketchup, salt, pepper

Cut the meat and mushrooms into cubes (3-4 cm). In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise and tomato ketchup.

Salt the meat. Separately, boil the mushrooms in salted water until half cooked. Thread chicken and mushrooms onto wooden skewers.

Cook skewers in the oven (you can also use a home grill). 2-3 minutes before readiness, grease the skewers well with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup and send to the fire again.

Salad "Chinese colors"

A very original taste dish, which, moreover, looks beautiful on the festive table. And the salad "Chinese multicolored" is very versatile - it can be offered both as a hot and as a cold dish. In the first case, you need to serve it piping hot, without seasoning with mayonnaise.

You will need:

  • 500 g beef
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 200 g fresh cucumbers
  • 2 sweet bell peppers (preferably red and yellow)
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper, soy sauce, mayonnaise

Cut meat, potatoes, cucumbers and peppers into strips.

Fry the beef in a cauldron, salt, pepper, add a little soy sauce.

5-7 minutes before the meat is ready, put the potatoes in the cauldron and continue to fry. It is good to stir the products more often. Ideally, potatoes should remain slightly damp. This is the essence of the salad.

Add cucumbers to the cauldron and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

Remove the cauldron from the fire. Add bell pepper, mayonnaise to the salad and mix well.

Vegetable salad


  • 100 g pickled mushrooms
  • 300 g herring
  • 150 g pickles
  • one apple
  • 2 medium onions
  • one large carrot
  • 2 eggs
  • mayonnaise, herbs, salt, pepper


Remove skin and bones from herring, cut into small pieces. Cut peeled apples, pickled mushrooms, pickles into small cubes, chop boiled eggs, chop onion. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the finished salad with greens and slices of carrots.

Green salad "We are from Prostokvashino"


  • 3 bunches of lettuce
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 bunch radishes
  • 3 fresh cucumbers
  • 1/2 bunch dill or parsley
  • 1 cup curdled milk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar, salt to taste


1. Washed lettuce leaves cut into thin strips. Finely chop the parsley, mix with the salad and put in the middle of the salad bowl.

2. Hard boil eggs. Cut one egg into slices, the other - lengthwise. Put one yolk in the middle of the salad, and around it lay the egg slices with the whites up to make a chamomile. Put circles of eggs and radishes around, as well as cucumbers cut into strips, parsley sprigs between them. Salt the salad.

3. For the sauce, salt the curdled milk to taste and beat well. Then add vinegar, vegetable oil and stir.

The prepared sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

It is difficult to find a woman who would not dream of losing weight. The most common way to get rid of hated pounds is to go on a diet. Many young ladies in weight loss follow the principle: "You need to lose weight quickly and a lot." They are starving, sitting on mono-diets. Such methods of losing weight give quick results, but very short-lived. One has only to start eating as before, so the previously lost volumes will return, and even twice as much. To lose weight permanently, you need to go slowly and confidently towards the goal.

The Kremlin diet shows a good result.

The essence of the diet

The essence of this diet is a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake. Leaning on foods rich in proteins.

A sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrate products forces the body to spend its deferred reserves. The more of these reserves, the faster the weight loss.

To calculate how much you can eat, points are assigned to each dish. Each point means 100 grams of carbohydrates in a certain dish. In order for weight loss to occur, every day for 2 weeks it is allowed to “eat” 20 points, after 14 days the daily figure can be increased to 40 points. After a month of such a diet, the optimal number of points is gaining 60 units.

Diet includes 3 stages:

  • First introductory . Lasts from a week to two.
  • Second . Lasts for 6 weeks.
  • Third lasts about a week.

Diet Basics

With this diet, there is a refusal for certain products:

  • Sugar. Products with sugar.
  • Bakery products.
  • Carbonated, sweet drinks. Fruit juice.
  • Fruits high in carbohydrates: bananas, grapes, etc.
  • Beer.
  • Cereals high in carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables containing starch.
  • Pasta.
  • Dairy desserts and soufflés.
  • semi-finished products,
  • shop sausages,
  • melted cheese,
  • Margarine, spread,
  • Milk,
  • Products with a chemical composition.

The duration of such a diet can be from 2 weeks, and stretch for 2 months. If you tighten the diet, you can seriously worsen your health and acquire new diseases.

You can lose weight from 7 to 20 kg.

Such a diet will not require additional costs. The woman will buy the same products as for the whole family, not adhering to the Kremlin diet.

You can follow this principle of nutrition no more than once a year.

Combined with exercise, you can easily lose fat, tone your body and build muscle. After all, protein is the main builder of muscles.


  1. Before following any diet, be sure to consult your doctor.
  2. The Kremlin diet is prohibited for pregnant women, because the body in this position should receive a full amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Older people should avoid any diet.
  4. It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for people with diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, kidney and heart failure.


  1. The main mistake that many women make is that they eat very little and rarely.
  2. You need to have a full breakfast and lunch. You can't skip breakfast. Snack and dinner can be replaced with a light snack.
  3. It is not recommended to lean on fruits. Most of them slow down the process of losing weight.
  4. Intense physical activity is contraindicated. A small aerobic exercise for half an hour will keep the muscles and body in good shape.
  5. Get out of the diet should be slow and smooth. On the next day of the completion of the diet, you can not eat up.

Sample menu of dishes

The entire diet will consist of meat, eggs, dairy products and vegetables. Fruit should be eaten with care.

For breakfast, losing weight try to eat: an omelette of 2 eggs and a vegetable salad, or cottage cheese with half an apple, 2 homemade chicken sausages with a spoonful of squash caviar, or boiled beef with sauerkraut.

Lunch can also be varied:

  • a serving of soup with dietary bread,
  • stewed meat in sour cream,
  • baked, fried or boiled meat,
  • fish in any form.
  • Cooked meat,
  • boiled fish,
  • Boiled egg with green salad seasoned with vegetable oil.


  • Piece of cheese,
  • a few nuts
  • half an apple
  • half grapefruit,
  • 200 grams of unsweetened berries,
  • Tea or coffee without sugar.

You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

At the first introductory stage, it is allowed to eat carbohydrates for 20 points.

Several recipes for 10 points

Shrimp soup with broccoli

For 1 liter of vegetable broth you will need half a kilo of broccoli, 4 king prawns, 200 grams of low-fat cream, one onion. Season with lemon juice with salt, grated nutmeg and a clove of garlic.

Pork stew

Fry half a kilo of pork in olive oil with porcini mushrooms, onions and garlic. Pour 250 ml of vegetable broth and add 100 ml of cream. Simmer meat until done. Divide into 6 portions.

stuffed zucchini

Take 3 zucchini, cut in half and peel the middle. Stuff them with a mixture of stewed vegetables (bell pepper, onion, cheese, garlic, Italian spices). Bake in the oven until done.

Salad with meat and vegetables

Fry 300 grams of pork cut into cubes. Fry zucchini cut into cubes. Chop the watercress and tomatoes. Mix all ingredients. In the broth that remained after the meat, add a drop of vinegar, mustard and spices. Bring to a boil and pour over the salad mixture.

For 25 points

cabbage soup. Half a kilo of pork fried with onions. Separately, cabbage, tomato, zucchini are poured into a frying pan and stewed in chicken broth. After 40 minutes, everything is mixed and stewed with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Caesar salad". Boiled chicken is mixed with watercress, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and celery. Pour in a sauce of whipped grated cheese, sour cream and spices.

With a mark of 25 points, you can cook: pork chops with carrots and celery, Greek salad, salad with greens and walnuts. For dessert, you can eat half a kilo of strawberries with cream or cook spinach pancakes with goat cheese.

Lists of dishes for 10 points:

  • Kilo of baked pork with herbs.
  • 800 grams of beef in mushroom sauce.
  • Half a kilo of fish with stewed vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Boiled chicken with sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Cheese soup.
  • Milk omelet.
  • Celery Soup.
  • Eggs stuffed with mushrooms.
  • Shchi with sour cream.
  • Steak.
  • Green salad.

For 25 points:

  • 800 grams of pork in beer and spices.
  • Mediterranean carp.
  • Flounder rolls.
  • Vegetable soup with dumplings.
  • Soup with salmon.
  • Meat solyanka.
  • Seafood salad.
  • Fruit yogurt cake.
  • Cookies with candied fruits.
  • Chocolate brownies.

A person who really wants to lose weight will accept such a diet without any difficulty. After all, this diet has no serious restrictions. And the rejection of bakery products and various types of hazards with a chemical composition will only benefit not only in the form of a treasured figure on the scales, but also improve health. After the end of such a diet, many take its principles as a basis and adhere to such a diet for life. Only occasionally eat foods that are prohibited with such a diet.

Greetings my dear readers! I recently talked about. The effectiveness of such nutrition depends on the correct choice of menu. This is what I want to talk about. So, the Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, as well as food tables. By the way, they are available for download.

In addition to the right foods, it is important to follow the stages of the diet. There are four of them and each has its own duration. If you follow all the recommendations, the result will delight you for many years. The essence of this diet is not just to lose weight, but to review the entire diet. But let's talk about everything in order.

A complete and detailed table of points for the Kremlin diet

  • Stage 1 of the Kremlin diet - induction

    It is designed for at least 10 days, and preferably 14 days. This is the most difficult period, as the body learns to get energy not from carbohydrates. It is especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth. If you have been interested in this diet, you have seen that products are rated by points. These are arbitrary units. Let's say on the menu you can see "sweet yogurt" - 8.5 c.u. This is not a price. And the amount of carbohydrates per 100 gr. Those. 8.5 c.u. correspond to 8.5 gr. carbohydrates.

    At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you should not consume more than 20 USD per day. Those. in the sum of all eaten products of carbohydrates should be 20 gr.

    In this case, the body will start burning fat to get the missing carbohydrates. This is how he will replenish energy reserves.

    At this stage, the blood sugar level will initially go down. It's important to restrain yourself. Because the release of insulin leads to the desire to eat chocolate or eat cake. Sweet tooth will experience a breakdown, weakness, possibly drowsiness.

    Sometimes in the first days there is even dizziness. Those who breathed evenly for sweets and before the diet usually endure the first stage easier. Within a few days, glucose levels return to normal.

    Don't forget about water. At all stages drink at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea, decoctions - without sugar. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas. Carbonated drinks whet your appetite.

    • sweets and pure sugar;
    • berries and fruits are excluded;
    • bakery products, pasta;
    • seeds and nuts;
    • most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch);
    • cheeses, butter;
    • milk, kefir, yogurt;
    • any cereals;
    • mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.;
    • alcoholic drinks.

    Allowed products in the first stage

    You can eat meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. At the same time, make sure that the daily intake of carbohydrates does not exceed 20 c.u. From vegetables, you can eat cucumbers, unsweetened peppers, radishes. As well as leaves and stalks of celery, any greens such as parsley, dill. You can also lettuce. Mushrooms are excluded.

    At the stage of induction, you can throw off from 1.5 to 10 kg. Everything is individual and depends on the initial weight, as well as adherence to the diet.

  • Kremlin diet- this is a restriction in the use of foods with a high content of carbohydrates for effective weight loss. The diet took its beginning from the menu for astronauts.

    The meaning of this system is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods:

    • first couple of weeks you can consume no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day;
    • next month you need to gradually add carbohydrates consumed by five units per week. Thus, it turns out that a losing weight person will eat 25 g first, the next week 30 g, etc. but without crossing the border of 40 g;
    • eating more than forty grams of carbohydrates is allowed per third stage diet food. Now you need to add 10 g weekly (and reach the milestone of 60 g), of course, subject to a stable drop of extra pounds;
    • Further you should eat according to the numbers from the third paragraph and monitor the condition of the body.

    The first days of the diet are the most limited in carbohydrate intake, it is necessary get to know the products, which can be used to prepare dietary dishes.

    What to eat at the first stage of the Kremlin diet?

    From dairy productsin can be used freely:

    fat-free cottage cheese (2-3.3), sour cream (3.1-3.9), milk (4.7-4.9), mayonnaise (2.6), kefir (3.2), cream (3, 2-4.5), cheese (0-2.5), butter (1.3). Numbers in brackets indicate how many carbohydrate points are contained in 100g of the product.

    At the first stage, bread should definitely not be consumed.

    Boiled chicken meat (breast) You can use it, it does not contain carbohydrates. One bird egg accounts for half of the carbohydrate point. In the liver of birds there are also carbohydrates in the amount of one and a half points.

    The most pleasant part of the Kremlin is that you are allowed to eat meat. In boiled meat, lard, animal liver there are no carbohydrates at all. In liver sausage 5 points, in boiled sausages - 1.5 points.

    fish you can eat any, as well as caviar and shrimp. From the category of fish products, carbohydrates are found in mussels (5), seaweed (1), crayfish (1) and shrimp (5).

    Cereal porridge and pasta to exclude!

    Vegetables and greens:

    turnip (6), zucchini (4.5), carrot (6.9), cucumber (3), bell pepper (5.5), radish (3.5), garlic (5), tomato (4), beetroot (9), sorrel (3), green onion (3.5), spinach (1.9), dill (6), parsley (8), celery (2.1), onion (9), broccoli (6.6), asparagus (3.2). Potatoes are not allowed at the first stage of the diet.


    mushrooms (2.7), mushrooms (2.8), boletus (1.7), champignons (1); russula (1.5); salted mushrooms (1.5); dried mushrooms are not allowed.

    From fruits and berries At the beginning of the diet, you can eat:

    orange (7), watermelon (6), honey melon (7.5), lemon (3), peach (8.8), strawberry (5), apple or pear (10), grapefruit (5), currant (8 ), raspberries (5), blueberries (8).

    Dried fruits DO NOT.

    drink during the day you can:

    tea and coffee, at least in liters, because they are carbohydrate free. Apple juice (7.5), tomato juice (3.5), dry wine (1). Strong alcohol drinks do not contain carbohydrates, but it is not recommended to drink them with or without a diet.

    Nuts: almonds and walnuts each contain five points of carbohydrates.

    Avoid sweets, including jam.

    To make it easier to navigate the variety of products, experts have compiled a complete food table do's and don'ts, and what is allowed to be used only occasionally (with an indication of the points contained in them):

    Kremlin diet - table - full printable version

    Stage 1 of the Kremlin diet - induction

    drink at least 2 liters per day

    Absolutely not eat

    • sweets and pure sugar;
    • berries and fruits are excluded;
    • bakery products, pasta;
    • seeds and nuts;
    • most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch);
    • cheeses, butter;
    • milk, kefir, yogurt;
    • any cereals;
    • mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.;
    • alcoholic drinks.

    Allowed products in the first stage

    Stage 2 - weight loss

    Stage 3 - adjusting carbohydrate intake

    This diet allows you to slowly reach the desired weight. Familiar products are returning. Now you know how to eat right. It remains to keep the weight 🙂 This means that the time has come for the 4th stage.

    Stage 4 - saving the results

    A complete and detailed table of points for the Kremlin diet

    I tried to collect the most complete plate of points. She turned out huge. So it's better to download it and print it if necessary. According to the reviews of those who were on the Kremlin diet, this is very convenient. Leave one at home, you can carry one with you. If it is always at hand, you can quickly find out how much and what you can eat 🙂

    Sample menu for every day

    Recipes for 20 points

    egg pancakes

    Chicken soup with champignons


    Light soup with meatballs

    Chicken stewed in kefir

    This recipe is suitable for the second stage of the diet. When you start to gradually introduce dairy products. You will need 150 g of fillet and 50 ml of kefir 1%. Cut the fillet, salt, pepper. You can sprinkle with parsley and dill. Pour 50 ml of kefir and 50 ml of water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then put the whole mixture on a hot frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes. It turns out 2.6 c.u. per 100 gr and very tasty 🙂

    Cheese casserole

    Boiled fish cutlets

    Salad "Tenderness"

    I hope my recipes will help diversify your menu. As you can see, this diet cannot be called hungry. As a result, you can use any products. The only limit for you will be the amount of carbohydrates. But you can live with it. For the holiday, you can drink soda and eat a piece of cake. And in order not to put off kilograms, you will have to go in for sports 🙂

    Best regards, Olga Sologub

    Greetings my dear readers! Recently, I talked about what results can be achieved on the Kremlin diet. The effectiveness of such nutrition depends on the correct choice of menu. This is what I want to talk about. So, the Kremlin diet menu for 10 days, as well as food tables. By the way, they are available for download.

    In addition to the right foods, it is important to follow the stages of the diet. There are four of them and each has its own duration. If you follow all the recommendations, the result will delight you for many years. The essence of this diet is not just to lose weight, but to review the entire diet. But let's talk about everything in order.

    It is designed for at least 10 days, and preferably 14 days. This is the most difficult period, as the body learns to get energy not from carbohydrates. It is especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth. If you have been interested in this diet, you have seen that products are rated by points. These are arbitrary units. Let's say on the menu you can see "sweet yogurt" - 8.5 c.u. This is not a price. And the amount of carbohydrates per 100 gr. Those. 8.5 c.u. correspond to 8.5 gr. carbohydrates.

    At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you should not consume more than 20 USD per day. Those. in the sum of all eaten products of carbohydrates should be 20 gr.

    In this case, the body will start burning fat to get the missing carbohydrates. This is how he will replenish energy reserves.

    At this stage, the blood sugar level will initially go down. It's important to restrain yourself. Because the release of insulin leads to the desire to eat chocolate or eat cake. Sweet tooth will experience a breakdown, weakness, possibly drowsiness.

    Sometimes in the first days there is even dizziness. Those who breathed evenly for sweets and before the diet usually endure the first stage easier. Within a few days, glucose levels return to normal.

    Don't forget about water. At all stages drink at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea, decoctions - without sugar. Mineral water is allowed, but without gas. Carbonated drinks whet your appetite.

    What you should not eat at this stage under any pretext:

    sweets and pure sugar; berries and fruits are excluded; bakery products, pasta; seeds and nuts; most vegetables (these are legumes, sweet vegetables and those containing starch); cheeses, butter; milk, kefir, yogurt; any cereals; mayonnaise, as well as any sauces, ketchups, etc.; alcoholic drinks.

    You can eat meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. At the same time, make sure that the daily intake of carbohydrates does not exceed 20 c.u. From vegetables, you can eat cucumbers, unsweetened peppers, radishes. As well as leaves and stalks of celery, any greens such as parsley, dill. You can also lettuce. Mushrooms are excluded.

    At the stage of induction, you can throw off from 1.5 to 10 kg. Everything is individual and depends on the initial weight, as well as adherence to the diet.

    If in the first two weeks you threw off the lion's share of kg. You can proceed to the second stage. If there is not even half, the first stage can be extended for another week or two.

    At this stage, it is allowed to add another 5 USD in the first week. A week later, add another 5 c.u. and so it is possible up to 40 c.u. The main thing is to watch your weight.

    You can eat everything that was in the first stage. Because the menu of the first stage is still a priority. Plus, you can change the menu a bit. Sweet vegetables are allowed in small quantities: carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes. Dairy products - choose low-fat and unsweetened. Soups, stews, salads are allowed. Vegetables can be combined with meat, etc.

    If you can do without cheeses, give them up for now. If you really want - no more than 40 g per day. Again, watch your scores.

    Never skip meals. The break between them should not be more than 4-5 hours. You can’t starve, you will make it worse, because you slow down your metabolism. In the morning, you can eat more carbohydrates. For dinner, it is better to leave less.

    How long is this period? Until you lose just a couple of pounds. Only in this case, you can move on to the third type of diet.

    Stage 3 helps to get rid of the last extra pounds. It will also help you get used to the new diet. In fact, you will have to stick to the menu of this period for the rest of your life. Every week you can add 10 c.u. Getting rid of the remaining couple of kg will be very slow. But the weight has to go down.

    You must determine how many carbohydrates you can consume per day. You don't have to get better though. Everyone has their own threshold. It depends on metabolism, physical activity, hormonal levels. As a rule, this value is in the range of 60-100 USD.

    To the allowed products of the first and second stages, you can add potatoes (and other vegetables that contain starch) + sweet fruits + cereals and legumes.

    This diet allows you to slowly reach the desired weight. Familiar products are returning. Now you know how to eat right. Remained to keep the weight???? That means it's time for stage 4.

    This stage involves weight maintenance. You are required to stick to the appropriate amount of carbohydrates for you. The most important thing is not to break loose and start eating wrong again. Remember that store-bought juice and soda are high in carbs. Give preference to freshly squeezed juices and plain water. As well as mineral without gas. Potatoes and flour - we indulge on holidays.

    Cereals should also not predominate in the diet. If you have a sweet tooth and you really want to exceed the daily allowance of carbohydrates, go in for sports. If you are actively engaged, you can afford an extra piece of dark chocolate.

    I have prepared a very handy scoreboard for you. It will help you through all the stages. The number of points is indicated per 100 g of the product. Also pay attention to the packaging of the products you buy. I recommend getting a kitchen scale. On them you can weigh portions. This way you will be sure that you have eaten the right amount of carbohydrates.

    I tried to collect the most complete plate of points. She turned out huge. So it's better to download it and print it if necessary. According to the reviews of those who were on the Kremlin diet, this is very convenient. Leave one at home, you can carry one with you. If it is always at hand, you can quickly find out how much and what you can eat????

    The diet is designed for 14 days. You can use it for 10 days or for a week. Since the dishes are uncomplicated and suitable for ordinary people who do not really want to bother with cooking. As for the size of the dishes, weigh them on the scale, taking into account the points. Vegetables usually get more, meat - a small piece.

    And in order not to gain extra pounds after the diet, I advise the fat-burning nutrition program from Lana Shi. She offers interesting recipes for dishes that help to lose weight. At the same time, the diet is quite varied. With her, you will not be bored losing weight. Lana shows by her own example what results can be achieved.

    In the second and subsequent stages, cooking is not so difficult. Because you can gradually add familiar products to the menu. But at the first stage, you need to try to cook for 20 c.u. per day. At the same time, to be satisfying and tasty. I have selected interesting recipes for you. They will allow you not to get out of the scope of what is permitted. At the same time, you will definitely not be hungry.

    In the first couple of weeks of the diet, flour is excluded. But who said that a pancake cannot be made without it? Take 1 egg. It has only 0.39 c.u. And in 100 g of eggs, only 0.7 c.u. Beat it with a whisk until foamy, add a couple of tablespoons of water. Whisk well again. Salt, pepper, do not get carried away. Since the spices stimulate the appetite. Pour into a hot skillet and fry like regular pancakes.

    Since vegetables are prohibited in the first weeks, unsweetened peppers can be added to the soup. Mushrooms are also not prohibited. For soup, we need mushrooms - 100 gr, pepper - 60 gr, chicken fillet - 250 gr. Also some parsley and dill. Mushrooms, peppers and chicken should be cut into cubes and lightly fried. Then boil in 1 liter of water. When the soup is almost ready, add greens. You get a light vegetable soup 0.51 c.u. per 100 gr. If you eat only chicken broth with fillet - this is 0 c.u.

    Whisk one egg with a tablespoon of water. Add 1 finely chopped champignon and a couple of pieces of raw smoked sausage. Crumble parsley or dill on top. Maybe spinach. If you make it with parsley, it will be 2.13 c.u. for the whole dish. If with spinach - 1.3 c.u.

    For this soup, take half a kilo of minced meat. Twist it in a meat grinder with two onions. Add a couple tablespoons of butter. A couple of eggs, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Make meatballs and boil in salted water. Put in a plate, add the broth and sprinkle with herbs. For 100 g of such a dish, only 2.2 c.u.

    This recipe is suitable for the second stage of the diet. When you start to gradually introduce dairy products. You will need 150 g of fillet and 50 ml of kefir 1%. Cut the fillet, salt, pepper. You can sprinkle with parsley and dill. Pour 50 ml of kefir and 50 ml of water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then put the whole mixture on a hot frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes. It turns out 2.6 c.u. 100 gr and very tasty????

    Take 200 g of 8% cottage cheese, mix with cinnamon to taste. Add some vanilla and half a teaspoon of cocoa. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. 2.2 c.u. per 100 g

    You can take the fillet, then you do not have to go through the fish to remove the bones. The fish must be boiled, then passed through a meat grinder with onions and garlic. To keep the cutlets in shape, you need to add one raw egg. Shape into patties and fry with minimal oil. For 100 gr - 2.8 c.u.

    Lettuce is allowed in the third and fourth stages. For 4 servings you will need to boil 5 eggs. Take one can of canned fish. 50 g frozen butter. 150-200 g of Russian cheese. You also need homemade mayonnaise without sugar. Grate the ingredients on a coarse grater in layers. Just mash the fish with a fork.

    Lay out in the following sequence: protein - butter - yolk - cheese - fish

    Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise. You should not get carried away, but the salad will be dry if completely without it. Do not lubricate the top layer. For 100 g comes out 2.4 cu. e.

    I hope my recipes will help diversify your menu. As you can see, this diet cannot be called hungry. As a result, you can use any products. The only limit for you will be the amount of carbohydrates. But you can live with it. For the holiday, you can drink soda and eat a piece of cake. And in order not to put off kilograms, you have to go in for sports ????

    The higher your physical activity, the more often you can treat yourself to sweets. How without it? Just try to give preference to meat and vegetables. Cereals, fruits, flour should be ¼ of your diet. Then your weight will be normal and mood too. Stay healthy and see you soon. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye Bye.

    Best regards, Olga Sologub

    An effective system of protein monoration for weight loss The "Kremlin" diet caused a lot of discussion with its appearance. The source of the idea was the diet of American astronauts, and the author was Robert Atkins. The principle of losing weight is based on reducing the carbohydrates contained in the diet to almost zero. In the daily menu, you need to count not calories, but the amount of carbohydrates. This weight loss system has helped many to lose weight, but not everyone has come up with it. What is the essence of this idea, and for whom can it be effective?

    The principle of the Kremlin nutrition system is to exclude carbohydrates from food. A description of its rules and the whole truth about it, we will tell in our review.

    Where to start for a person who decides to try to lose weight on the Kremlin? Check out the table that contains the basics of this diet. To determine what you can eat on a no-carb diet, look at the amount of carbs in a meal, and choose the foods that have the least amount of them. The main diet will consist of meat products and meat, fish, cheese. The first 2 weeks the amount of carbohydrates is limited to 20 grams, then they can be gradually increased to 40. The rules prohibit sugar, sweets, bread products. In addition, you can not eat any cereals and potatoes.

    The effectiveness of the Kremlin diet for weight loss is about 10 kilograms in 14 days. Of course, it all depends on the state of the body losing weight. Although the calorie content of meals is not limited, you need to eat in moderation, not forgetting about physical activity. Then the result will be the most effective.

    Many are interested in the question, is the Kremlin diet harmful? Like any food system, it has its pros and cons.

    effective weight loss; skin problems associated with the use of carbohydrates go away; no need to starve, you can eat to your full; a varied diet.

    the presence of contraindications for health reasons; it is difficult for sweet lovers to comply with restrictions.

    The Kremlin diet can harm only people with the following diseases:

    chronic kidney disease; diseases of the cardiovascular system; diabetes; gastritis; gastric and duodenal ulcers; bowel problems; pregnancy and lactation.

    The consequences of a carbohydrate-free diet for a healthy person are only positive: excess weight is lost, the skin is cleansed, and the level of “bad” cholesterol is reduced. Try to eat protein foods first for a week, then, having achieved a positive result in losing weight and listening to your health, extend the protein menu for another week. So bring up to a month, and you will achieve a positive and sustainable result in weight loss!

    Compliance with the nutrition system according to Dr. Atkins is divided into the following time periods:

    Stage 1 of the diet lasts 2 weeks, and the total amount of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day is 20 grams; the duration of stage 2 depends on the rate of weight loss (usually 4 to 6 weeks). At this stage, you can add 5 grams of carbohydrates per week until you reach 40, and if the weight continues to decrease, then you can move on to the next stage of weight loss; in stage 3, 10 grams are added per week. The total amount of carbohydrates in food daily should not exceed 60 grams; stage 4 is aimed at maintaining the achieved result of weight loss and involves eating regular food while maintaining the restriction of carbohydrate intake.

    The first stage of the diet is especially difficult and important. During this period, the body adapts to expend energy received not from food, but from the existing stock of body fat. Observing all the restrictions, in 14 days you can lose up to 10 kg. The menu of the first stage consists of proteins and fats: fish, meat, cheese, eggs. At the first stage on the diet, alcohol, coffee, sugar and sweets, fruits, nuts, and potatoes are excluded from the menu.

    Recipes for the first stage should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates. For example, a meat salad with vegetables contains about 4 grams of them. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

    100 gr. pork; tomato; zucchini; 50 gr. leaf lettuce.

    Season the chopped pork with salt and fry in olive oil. Cut tomatoes, zucchini, tear lettuce leaves and mix. Lay cooked meat on top. Drizzle with a mixture of olive oil, black pepper, mustard, broth and balsamic vinegar.

    With the help of a table that shows the amount of carbohydrates in products, a rating is compiled by points, that is, the product is given exactly as many points as there are grams of carbohydrates in it.

    When compiling a diet for weight loss, proceed from the number of points contained in each food, in accordance with the points table. It is detailed enough to make a diet for any period.

    Bread products
    pita 56
    Rye bread" 34
    bagels 68
    Bread "Borodino" 40
    bun 58
    wheat bread 50
    glazed cheese 32
    curd 15
    cream 4
    cheese 2
    milk 5
    kefir or natural yogurt 3
    fat-free cottage cheese 1,5
    mayonnaise 4
    yogurt with fillings 8,5
    sour cream 4
    butter 1,5
    Cereals, pasta, legumes
    pasta 69
    buckwheat 65
    rice 71
    pearl barley 66
    shelled peas 50
    Wheat groats 66
    beans (white and red) 46
    semolina 67
    oatmeal 49
    Poultry meat, eggs
    egg 1 pc. 0,5
    chicken (boiled fillet) 0
    liver 1,5
    Meat, sausages
    salo 0
    boiled meat 0
    liver 0
    boiled sausage (smoked) 1,5 (2)
    sausages (wieners) 1,5 (2)
    Fish, seafood
    mussels 5
    caviar 0
    any fish 0
    shrimps 0
    sea ​​cabbage 1
    squid 4
    Fresh vegetables and herbs
    tomatoes, zucchini 4
    cucumber, avocado 3
    cabbage, bell pepper, eggplant 5
    parsley, dill 8
    beet 9
    pumpkin 4
    potato 16
    onion 9
    carrot 7
    garlic 5
    radish 4
    cilantro 8
    green onion 3,5
    lettuce 2
    boletus, chanterelles, russula 1,5
    boletus, mushrooms, mushrooms 0,5
    champignons 0,1
    salted mushrooms 1,5
    dried mushrooms 13
    Fruits, berries
    watermelon melon 9
    oranges 7
    a pineapple 11
    apples, pears 10
    bananas 21
    lemon 3
    peach 9
    prunes 57
    plum, kiwi 10
    persimmon 13
    raisin 68
    dried apricots 57
    currant, raspberry, blueberry 8
    cherry compote 24
    Apple juice 7,5
    Orange juice 12
    tea 0
    grape juice 14
    apple compote 19
    beer 12
    tomato juice 3,5
    coffee 0
    dry wine 1
    strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) 0
    Nuts, spices
    spices 0,1
    cashew nuts 25
    walnuts 12
    Pine nuts 10
    almond 11
    sunflower seeds 18
    pistachio nuts 15
    peanut 15
    cinnamon 0,5
    hazelnut 15
    vanilla 1
    ginger 0,8
    mustard 0,5
    ground pepper 0,5
    sugar 100
    honey 75
    chocolate sweets 51
    bitter chocolate 50
    milk chocolate 54
    paste 80
    marmalade 76
    waffles 65
    cookie 75

    To understand whether such a diet is right for you, it is advisable to try to stay on it for 10 days. Remember your weight before you start losing weight and weigh yourself after 10 days of carbohydrate-free eating. If you easily endured and the result of losing weight is obvious, continue in the same spirit. When compiling a menu for 10 days, use a table with points and recipes for ready meals.

    Start by making your own menu for the week. Choose ingredients with a lower score in the table and cook according to your favorite recipes.

    When choosing recipes for meals, exclude dishes from potatoes, all types of cereals and some vegetables that are high in carbohydrates. For example, a recipe for beef with mushrooms includes the following ingredients:

    beef (200 g); 50 g of fresh oyster mushrooms and 50 g of any canned mushrooms; 100 g of asparagus; beef broth; cream; cognac.

    Boil the asparagus in salted water. Mushrooms cut and fry in butter. Lightly fry the beef in butter and remove from the pan. Pour 50 g of broth, cognac, cream into the remaining oil, sprinkle with spices and boil slightly. Serve meat with mushrooms and asparagus with the resulting sauce.

    On every day

    The Kremlin recipe for weight loss is quite simple: exclude prohibited foods and use permitted ones. You don’t even need to limit yourself to portion sizes, but you shouldn’t overeat either. While observing dietary restrictions, start exercising or fitness.

    The process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet is quite intense, so without regular physical activity, your skin may lose elasticity, and your muscles will become flabby!

    Do not forget about the daily use of up to two liters of pure non-carbonated water. Starting to adhere to the Kremlin system for weight loss, make an approximate menu based on the daily number of points. Use the scoring table for popular dishes or experiment with new recipes.

    cutlets 9
    dumplings 13
    chicken broth 0
    squash caviar 8
    pea soup with meat 20
    vegetable soup 16
    noodles 6
    cabbage soup 12
    mushroom soup 15
    borsch 4
    pickle 6
    meat broth 0
    lecho 18
    canned corn 14
    roast 10
    liver stew 8
    pilaf 18
    kharcho 5,5
    meatballs 14
    cabbage rolls 8
    mushrooms with sour cream 3
    stewed cabbage 5
    the vinaigrette 8
    mashed potatoes 16
    fried potatoes 24
    vegetable stew 10
    vareniki 16
    pasta casserole 15
    syrniki 18
    pancakes, fritters 32
    vegetable pepper 11
    canned fish 0
    sea ​​kale 4
    canned beans 15
    olives 6
    ice cream 24
    pastry with custard 62

    Since the list of allowed products is quite large, it is really possible to make the most varied diet for every taste from it. Recipes for every day.

    Chicken salad "Fantasy" (4 b / 100 gr.): You will need 200 gr. canned pineapple, 350 gr. Beijing cabbage, 200 gr. chicken fillet, mayonnaise, green onions. Dice boiled chicken fillet, add chopped cabbage, diced pineapple and green onions. Mix everything with mayonnaise. Multicolored salad (4.5 b / 100 gr.): For a company you will need 200 gr. potatoes, 0.5 kg of boiled beef, 200 gr. cucumbers, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper. Cut vegetables into equal pieces. Cut raw beef and fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil. Add potatoes and continue frying for 5 minutes. Add chopped cucumbers and fry for another 2 minutes, stirring well. Remove the pan from the heat, add chopped peppers and mayonnaise. Liver pate (4 b/100 gr.). Fry onions, add beef or chicken liver (200 gr.) And fry in a pan until tender. Grind the fried liver in a blender, adding butter, herbs and spices.

    The first seven days on a protein diet are the hardest. They will show if this system is right for you. In the first week, your daily diet should be no more than 20 points. The list of what you eat for the first week should not include sweets, alcohol and coffee. Drink enough water and take a vitamin complex.

    Sample weekly menu.

    Monday (number of points 19.5). For breakfast - two sausages, one boiled egg, cheese, tea. For lunch - chicken broth, salad with vegetables and mushrooms, tea. Snack - 200 g fat-free cottage cheese. For dinner - fried salmon, lettuce, kefir. Tuesday (21.5). Breakfast - scrambled eggs from two eggs, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea. For lunch - pickle, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack - a glass of milk. For dinner - boiled fish, seaweed salad, tea. Wednesday (20.5). Breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese with sour cream, rosehip infusion. Lunch - kharcho, salted mushrooms, tea. Snack - yogurt. Dinner - stewed cabbage with sausages, tea. Thursday (20). Omelet with cheese and sausage, tea. Lunch - noodles, pork chop, tea. Snack - cheese. Dinner - boiled broccoli, chicken liver in sour cream, tea. Friday (19.5). Breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese 100 g, egg, ham. For lunch - borscht, sauerkraut salad, tea. Snack - avocado. Dinner - shrimp, cucumber and tomato salad. Saturday (20.5). Breakfast - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea. Lunch - steak, cucumber, lettuce, tea. Snack - tomato juice. Dinner - fried zucchini, 2 sausages, tea. Sunday (20). Breakfast - squash caviar, egg, sausage, tea. Lunch - meat broth, mushrooms in sour cream, tea. Snack is milk. Dinner - fried chicken breast, lettuce, tea.

    Recipes for low-carb meals for the first week.

    Meat in cheese and sour cream sauce (1 point/100 gr.). Take 200 g of veal, 50 ml of sour cream, 50 g of hard cheese, salt, pepper. Fry the meat until a crust appears, add sour cream, grated cheese and spices. Stew meat with gravy until tender (about 20 minutes). Chicken skewers (2.5 / 100 gr.). 500 g chicken fillet, 200 g mushrooms (champignons), mayonnaise, ketchup, spices. Mix ketchup, mayonnaise, salt and spices and marinate diced chicken and mushrooms in this sauce. After half an hour, string mushrooms and chicken on skewers and bake in the oven on a grill. Shchi in chicken broth (2.6 / 10 gr.). Take 300 g of chicken fillet, onion, carrot, tomato, 200 g of sauerkraut. Boil chicken broth. Boiled chicken fillet cut into cubes. Pass the carrots and onions cut into strips, add chopped tomato, a little broth and simmer. Add the fried vegetables, chopped chicken and sauerkraut to the broth and simmer until the cabbage is soft. Spices and salt to taste.

    You want to spend the evening away from home, and in a public catering place you are afraid to break into dessert. Keep in mind that there are already restaurants in some cities that offer their customers a no-carb menu. For example, the restaurant "Kremlin Diet" (St. Petersburg).

    In the first week, you should lose three to five kilograms in weight. Having achieved positive results, continue to follow the daily diet of 20 grams, using the table. Diversify your diet with new dishes.

    Sample daily menu:

    for breakfast, an omelet with onions and mushrooms, tea without sugar; for lunch, grilled chicken fillet, fresh cucumbers, tea; for an afternoon snack - olives; for dinner, seafood salad, tea with mint.

    The value of this menu will be 19 grams.

    Or this option:

    scrambled eggs with sausages, tea for breakfast; for lunch, pork chop, fresh cabbage salad, tea; snack - 30 g of cashews; for dinner, fried eggplant with mayonnaise and garlic, fat-free kefir.

    The first 14 days constitute the introductory period. At this time, the most severe restrictions on food are established.

    The diet menu for 14 days excludes sugar, pastries, sweets, potatoes, carrots, nuts, fruits, juices (except tomato), alcohol and coffee. For the preparation of the diet are welcome: all types of meat, fish, poultry and seafood, eggs, cheeses, cucumbers, green salad, tea and, of course, water. When buying sausages in a store, pay attention to their composition. Manufacturers often replace meat with other components, and these may contain carbohydrates.

    After two weeks of the protein diet, if the desired result in weight loss is achieved, move on to the next period, gradually increasing the carbohydrate content of the food. Ideally, during this period you will lose up to 10 kg.

    A month on protein nutrition includes the menu of the first and second stages. For the introductory two-week period, you are limited to 20 grams of carbohydrates daily. Two second - go to the second period of weight loss, gradually increasing the number of points in food. You can increase it only if there is a decrease in weight. If during the first 2 weeks you allowed yourself errors in nutrition and did not achieve the desired result, then return to the daily limit of the first period.

    In accordance with the table of allowed foods, in the second stage, you can expand your diet with cream, processed cheese, fruits.

    Snacks throughout the month include grilled cheese, a variety of nuts, olives, seeds, and avocados. Eating proteins and fats throughout the month can inevitably lead to constipation, so be sure to include more vegetables in your diet and eat bran.

    The list of products that can be consumed on the Kremlin diet is quite diverse. Allowed foods are everything low in carbohydrates: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, some vegetables. But what to do with our favorite products?

    For example, it is forbidden to eat desserts, because they contain such an amount of carbohydrates that equals your daily allowance. That is why at the first stage it is strictly forbidden to use them. On the second and third, when you gradually begin to increase the number of points consumed per day, you can indulge in a low-carb dessert, such as strawberries in cream.

    Take 100 g of washed strawberries and 50 g of cream, a tablespoon of sugar, a little liquor. Mix liquor with sugar and pour over berries. Put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This dessert contains 16 points.

    Cravings for sweets, especially at first, can be quenched with the help of sweeteners, which are sold in any supermarket. They do not contain sugar, but there is a lot of controversy about their safety. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only at the beginning, as a transition from sugar to its absence.

    As for alcohol, it is allowed by the Kremlin food. Dry red and white wine is allowed, which do not contain sugar, as well as strong alcoholic drinks - whiskey, vodka, cognac, gin. Different types of beer contain different amounts of points, but in general, beer is not recommended. If you do happen to drink beer, read the label carefully and choose the beer that contains the least carbs. And remember that alcohol stimulates your appetite and can push you to break your limits. That is why alcohol is completely prohibited in the first two weeks of the Kremlin diet.

    Cutlets, like any meat, are welcome in the diet. They can be not only meat, but also fish or chicken. However, when choosing a cooking recipe, pay attention that the minced meat does not include bread, rice and vegetables.

    Sushi is a very popular dish in our country, and many can no longer imagine their lives without it. However, rice is one of the highest carbohydrate ingredients in sushi. The way out for lovers of Japanese cuisine can be the use of sashimi, miso soup or other dishes without rice offered by Japanese restaurants.

    Buckwheat, like rice, should be excluded from your diet. If you really like buckwheat, then buckwheat monoration for weight loss is better for you.

    But mushrooms, with the exception of dried ones, are welcome on the Kremlin menu. They can be fried or eaten salted. From vegetables, you can eat cabbage, both raw and stewed. For example, you can cook stewed cabbage with mushrooms.

    Sauerkraut has the lowest scores, and is rich in vitamin C and contains fiber, which is so necessary for all protein dieters.

    But the favorite dishes of traditional Russian cuisine - syrniki and pancakes will have to be completely excluded because of the huge amount of sugar and flour that they contain.

    The Kremlin food system allows milk, but in small quantities, since it does not have zero carbohydrate value.

    As for fruits, they have a high carbohydrate value. Therefore, at the first stage they are prohibited. Only in the later stages can one afford to introduce a small amount of fruit into the diet.

    Vegetables are allowed only low-carbohydrate (zucchini, eggplant, radish, tomatoes, cucumbers). They can be eaten raw or made into diet salads.

    For example, prepare a Greek salad. Toss lettuce, pitted olives, bell pepper, tomato, and low-fat cottage cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and spices.

    For the last stages of the kremlin, the popular Mimosa salad is also suitable (since it contains potatoes, it is not recommended to use it for the first 14 days). Take a can of canned fish, a head of onion, a couple of boiled potatoes, 3 hard-boiled eggs, and boiled carrots. Finely chop all ingredients into separate bowls. Lay the salad in the following layers: fish, onion, mayonnaise, proteins, potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise, yolks.

    Since the protein diet still limits the variety of food consumed, it is recommended to use vitamins with the Kremlin diet, especially at the first, most difficult stage.

    Since the “Kremlin” is a fairly long-term nutrition system for losing weight, losing weight always has a lot of questions. The most popular of them:

    1. What to do if the weight has risen on the Kremlin diet? Sometimes a situation arises when at the first stage the weight went down, and when you went to the second stage, you found that the weight was standing still. To get started, check all prepared foods you buy from the store for hidden carbs. First of all, pay attention to sausage, sausages, cottage cheese, yogurt.

    2. What to do if the weight on the diet does not decrease at all? Eliminate the most high-calorie foods from the protein diet, such as nuts, butter, lard. You may be eating too many calories and spending too few. For efficiency, add exercise to your lifestyle.

    3. Why doesn't weight go off on a diet, subject to all the rules and restrictions? If you strictly follow all the rules, and the weight does not decrease, consult your doctor. You may have a thyroid disease that can affect body weight.

    4. How much can you lose on a diet? Each organism is individual. Some give up everything after the first week, as they cannot deny themselves sweets. However, most healthy people tolerate this diet perfectly and get effective results. For a month of nutrition according to the system, you can lose from 10 to 30 kg.

    Following a protein diet, you can lose weight from one and a half to five kilograms in a week. It all depends on your initial weight and how much sugar was in your previous diet. In a month, you can lose up to 15 kilograms. Remember to weigh yourself and record your body measurements before and after the diet. If you can strictly follow the recommendations of a carbohydrate-free diet, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

    Irina Alexandrovna Onischuk, 32 years old

    After the birth of the child, I recovered by 30 kilograms. With a weight of 90 kg, sports were out of the question ... Starving also did not work. But I discovered the “Kremlin” for myself and in 2 months I returned the weight that I had before pregnancy! I lost almost 25 kg without starving or stress. Of course, when I realized that the weight was coming off, I had to sign up for fitness to keep my body in shape. But I didn't regret it. Now I look in the mirror and admire myself every day!

    Igor Nikolaevich Belov, nutritionist

    I can say from my own experience that the Kremlin nutrition system is very effective in helping to lose weight. People with a lot of weight lose weight especially effectively on it. I often take patients and accompany them in the process of losing weight on the Kremlin diet. The result is on the face, everyone loses weight without exception.

    Mikhail Valentinovich Shishkin, general practitioner

    I do not recommend a protein mono-diet for people with kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and stomach diseases. Such a nutrition system is also contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents. Sitting down on any diet, do not forget to consult a doctor so as not to cause irreparable harm to your body.

    In the article we discuss the Kremlin diet. We talk about its main stages, indications and contraindications. Following our recommendations, you will learn how to properly compose a menu for weight loss.

    Kremlin diet

    The Kremlin diet is a weight loss technique that allows you to remove five to six kg in eight days and up to fifteen kg in 30-45 days.

    The essence of the diet is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. The body begins to use body fat and convert it into energy.

    In the process of losing weight, the use of meat products in any quantities is allowed, and this does not prevent the elimination of excess weight.

    Complete food table with points and calories

    In the table below, the points indicate the amount of carbohydrates present in the products. Each food is awarded as many points as it contains grams of carbohydrates.

    Build your diet based on the number of food points.

    Products, 100 gr. Points Products, 100 gr. Points
    Bread cereals
    Wheat 50 Buckwheat 62
    Borodinsky 40 Buckwheat (prodel) 65
    Riga 51 "Hercules" 50
    Rye 34 semolina 67
    Diabetic 38 oatmeal 49
    Lavash Armenian 56 Millet 66
    Grain 43 Barley 66
    Sweet buns 51 Rice 71
    Drying 68 barley 66
    Bagels 58 Split peas 50
    sweet straw 69 Beans 46
    Rye cakes 43 Soups (500 gr.)
    Creamy crackers 66 Chicken, meat broth
    Wheat flour 1 grade 67 Vegetable soup 16
    Wheat flour 68 Tomato soup 17
    Seeded rye flour 64 Pea soup 20
    Corn flour 70 Mushroom soup 15
    soy flour 16 Shchi green 12
    Potato starch 79 Goulash 12
    Corn starch 85 Seafood, fish
    egg noodles 68 Fresh/frozen river or sea fish
    Pasta 69 boiled fish
    Meat, poultry smoked fish
    Veal, beef Crabs 2
    Pork, lamb Fish in breadcrumbs 12
    Rabbit fish in tomato 6
    Geese, ducks oysters 7
    Chicken mussels 5
    Meat with flour sauce 6 lobsters 1
    Meat in breadcrumbs 5 squids 4
    Chicken liver 1,5 Shrimps
    Beef liver Red caviar
    Heart Black caviar
    Steak sea ​​kale 1
    Milk sausages 1,5 Milk
    Pork sausages 2 pasteurized milk 4,7
    beef sausages 1,5 Baked milk 4,7
    sausages Sour cream 3
    "Doctor's" sausage 1,5 Cream 4
    Salo Low-fat cottage cheese 1,8
    Loin Fat cottage cheese 2,8
    Beef tongue, pork Diet cottage cheese 1
    Pork legs Sweet curd mass 15
    One egg of any kind 0,5 Kefir, curdled milk 3,2
    Alcohol Glazed curds 32
    Dry red wine 1 Sweet yogurt 8,5
    Dry white wine 1 Yogurt without sugar 3,5
    Liquor 60 gr. 18 Different types of cheese 0,5-2
    Beer 250 gr. 12 Butter 1,3
    Vodka Margarine 1
    Whiskey Vegetable oil
    Brandy, cognac Table mayonnaise 2,6
    Tequila Mushrooms
    Rum White 1
    Vegetables Dried whites 7,5
    Watermelon 9 Fresh milk mushrooms 1
    eggplant 5 fresh chanterelles 1,5
    Swede 7 Fresh butterflies 0,5
    beans 5 Fresh mushrooms 0,5
    Green peas 12 boletus 1,5
    Cauliflower 5 Dried boletus 14
    Melon 9 fresh boletus 1
    White cabbage 5 dried boletus 13
    kohlrabi cabbage 8 mushrooms 0,5
    red cabbage 5 Morels 0,2
    string beans 3 Champignons 0,1
    Carrot 7 Russula 1,5
    vegetable marrow 4 canned food
    Pumpkin 4 Green pea 6,5
    Chinese radish (daikon) 1 Fish
    Tomatoes 4 Corn 14,5
    red bell pepper 5 Beans 2,5
    Green sweet pepper 5 tomatoes 4
    Radish 4 Olives 5
    fresh cucumber 3 cucumbers 3
    Parsley (root) 10,5 Squash caviar 8,5
    Parsley (greens) 8 eggplant caviar 5
    Onion 9 Beet caviar 2
    Leek 6,5 Peppers stuffed with vegetables 11
    green onion 3,5 tomato paste 19
    radish 6,5 Salad with seaweed 4
    Turnip 5 Sweets
    Leaf salad 2 Sugar, refined sugar 99
    Beet 9 Paste 80
    Celery root 6 Honey 75
    Celery (greens) 2 Halva 55
    Horseradish 7,5 Cake almond 45
    Asparagus 3 Biscuit cake 50
    Garlic 5 cream cake 62
    Cheremsha 6 Custard gingerbread 77
    Potato 16 Butter cookies 75
    Sorrel 3 Waffles regular 65
    Spinach 2 Fruit waffles 80
    Fruit Fruit icecream 25
    Quince 8 popsicle ice cream 20
    Apricot 9 Ice cream 22
    A pineapple 11,5 lollipops 70
    cherry plum 6,5 Milk chocolate 54
    Orange 8 bitter chocolate 50
    Cherry 10 Chocolate with nuts 48
    Banana 21 Chocolate candies 51
    Pomegranate 11 candy fudge 83
    Pear 9,5 Filled caramel 92
    Grapefruit 6,5 Marmalade 76
    Kiwi 10 Condensed milk 56
    figs 11 apple jam 66
    Lemon 3 Strawberry jam 71
    Dogwood 9 Raspberry jam 71
    Peach 9,5 Jam 68
    Mandarin 8 apple jam 65
    Nectarine 13 diabetic jam 3
    chokeberry 11 Diabetic jam 9
    Rowan 8,5 Berries
    Plum 9,5 Grape 15
    Persimmon 13 Cowberry 8
    Dates 68 Blackberry 4,5
    Sweet cherry 10,5 Blueberry 7
    Apples 9,5 Cranberry 4
    Dried apricots 55 Strawberry 6,5
    Raisin 66 Raspberry 8
    Prunes 58 Gooseberry 9
    dried pear 49 Cloudberry 6
    dried apples 45 Blueberry 8
    Dried apricots 53 Sea ​​buckthorn 5
    nuts white currant 8
    Cedar 10 Red currants 7,5
    Peanut 15 Black currant 7,5
    walnut 12 Rosehip fresh 10
    Almond 11 Dried wild rose 21,5
    Hazelnut 15 Beverages
    Cashew nuts 25 Mineral water
    pistachios 15 Coffee, tea without sugar
    Coconut 20 Apple juice 7,5
    Pumpkin seeds 12 Orange juice 12
    Sesame seeds 20 Grape juice 14
    sunflower seeds 18 Tomato juice 3,5
    Spices, seasonings Grapefruit juice 8
    Cinnamon (1 tsp) 0,5 tangerine juice 9
    Chili pepper (ground, 1 tsp) 0,5 plum juice 16
    Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) 1 Pomegranate juice 14
    Vinegar (1 tablespoon) 2,3 Plum juice with pulp 11
    White wine vinegar (1 tbsp) 1,5 Cherry juice 11,5
    Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp) apricot juice 14
    Mustard (1 tablespoon) 0,5 carrot juice 6
    Capers (1 tablespoon) 0,4 Apricot compote 21
    Cranberry sauce (1 tablespoon) 6,5 grape compote 19
    Ginger root (1 tablespoon) 0,8 cherry compote 24
    Ketchup (1 tablespoon) 4 Pear compote 18
    Horseradish (1 tablespoon) 0,4 apple compote 19
    Soy sauce (1 tablespoon) 1 Compote on xylitol 6
    Sweet and sour sauce (50 gr.) 15 Tartar sauce (1 tablespoon) 0,5
    Barbecue sauce (1 tablespoon) 1,8 Spicy herbs (1 tbsp) 0,1
    Tomato sauce (50 gr.) 3,5 Meat sauce (base - broth, 50 gr.) 3

    Main steps

    The main stages of the Kremlin diet:

    1. The first - its duration is 14 days, while the total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day should not exceed twenty grams.
    2. The second - its duration depends on the rate of weight loss, on average, 1-1.5 months. At this time, add five grams of carbohydrates per week until their total number reaches 40. If after this the weight continues to decrease, proceed to the next step.
    3. Third - during it, add ten grams of carbohydrates per week. The total amount of carbohydrates consumed per day is not more than 60.
    4. Fourth - during it, it is important to maintain the result of losing weight. Start eating regular meals and try to stick to a limited carbohydrate intake.

    The most difficult stage of this method of losing weight is the first. During it, the body gets used to a new diet, learns to expend energy acquired not from food, but from body fat.

    The menu of the first stage includes fish, meat products, eggs and cheese. Eliminate alcohol-containing drinks, coffee, granulated sugar, potatoes, flour products, nuts, fruits from the diet.

    Kremlin diet menu for 10 days

    Important diet rules:

    • before you go on a diet, make sure that there are no serious diseases;
    • drink at least 2 liters of water and drinks per day, indicated in the table;
    • do not eat after 6 pm.

    Menu for 10 days:

    1. The first- for breakfast, a mug of coffee, processed cheese and milk sausages. At lunch, unsweetened tea, fried carp, seafood salad. For dinner, kefir, one grapefruit and grilled chicken.
    2. Second- after waking up, zero-fat cottage cheese, a mug of tea and hard-boiled eggs. At lunch, a glass of juice, cherry tomato salad and fried duck. Snack - walnuts, for dinner a mug of tea, cabbage salad, duck meat.
    3. Third- after waking up a mug of tea, cheese and scrambled eggs. For lunch, cucumber slices, Kalmyk tea and kebab. Kiwi for lunch, tomatoes for dinner, a glass of fermented milk drink and rabbit meat.
    4. Fourth- for breakfast, a mug of tea, cabbage salad and boiled sausages. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried lamb meat, a glass of juice. Grapefruit for afternoon tea, fried fish for dinner, leaf lettuce and a mug of coffee.
    5. Fifth- after waking up, a glass of milk and cottage cheese with zero fat content. For lunch, tomatoes and cucumber, a cup of tea and fried meat. An orange in the afternoon, and in the evening cheese, vegetable salad, white wine, fried carp and kefir.
    6. Sixth- Immediately after waking up, one circle of sausage, a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs. For lunch, wine, any seafood and freshly cooked roast beef. In the afternoon, one tangerine, and for dinner, tomatoes, a glass of milk, fried rabbit meat.
    7. Seventh- sausages and eggplant caviar for breakfast, boiled pike perch, a mug of coffee and leaf lettuce for lunch. Peanuts in the afternoon, and in the evening a glass of kefir, boiled beef and fresh white cabbage.
    8. Eighth- after waking up, unsweetened tea or coffee, boiled sausage and scrambled eggs. For lunch, squid salad, unsweetened tea, pike perch cooked in breadcrumbs. In the afternoon, an orange, in the evening yogurt, baked chicken breast, lightly salted cucumber.
    9. Ninth- for breakfast, unsweetened tea, 2 pieces of boiled eggs, cottage cheese. For lunch, mushroom salad, fried pork meat, unsweetened coffee. In the afternoon, an apple, and for dinner, boiled chicken and cabbage, a mug of tea.
    10. Tenth- for breakfast, a mug of unsweetened tea, boiled eggs - two pieces, cheese. For lunch, sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers, a mug of unsweetened tea or coffee, fried salmon. In the afternoon, only olives, in the evening 2 tomatoes, boiled fish, natural yogurt.

    Result: up to ten kg.

    For ordinary people

    This menu is designed for seven days, the amount of allowed carbohydrates is 40 points.


    • breakfast - 0.1 kg of cheese, unsweetened coffee, 2 eggs;
    • lunch - 0.2 kg of chicken meat, 0.2 kg of cucumber salad, tomato juice;
    • snack - 0.2 kg of cheese;
    • dinner - 0.15 kg of fat-free cottage cheese and a little sour cream.


    • breakfast - tea without sugar, 2 boiled eggs, one sausage;
    • lunch - mushroom soup, 0.1 kg of tomato salad, unsweetened tea;
    • afternoon snack - pumpkin puree;
    • dinner - 0.12 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, sour cream.


    • breakfast - unsweetened tea and an omelet from two eggs;
    • lunch - fried fish, cabbage salad with herbs;
    • snack - apple;
    • dinner - 0.15 kg barbecue, unsweetened tea, 2 tomato salad.


    • breakfast - sour cream with cottage cheese, two pieces of sausage;
    • lunch - chicken broth, unsweetened tea, zucchini, 1 egg;
    • snack - tomato or seaweed salad;
    • dinner - meat cooked with sauce in the oven, white wine.


    • breakfast - coffee without sugar, boiled egg and fish;
    • lunch - 0.2 kg of shrimp, tea without sugar, bell pepper with vegetables, meat;
    • afternoon snack - vegetable salad;
    • dinner - meat baked in the oven with tomatoes, tea, bell pepper.


    • breakfast - unsweetened tea, boiled sausage and two eggs;
    • lunch - vegetable soup, a cup of tea, 0.2 kg of pork baked in the oven;
    • afternoon snack - 0.1 kg of cottage cheese with zero fat content;
    • dinner - a salad of mussels, boiled shrimps, oysters.


    • breakfast - 220 ml of low-fat milk, two pieces of sausage, scrambled eggs;
    • lunch - chicken broth, 0.1 kg of chicken liver, green tea;
    • afternoon snack - natural yogurt;
    • dinner - a glass of wine, vegetable salad, grilled chicken.

    Result: up to five kg.

    Kremlin diet reviews

    Below you will find reviews of those who have lost weight, doctors and photographs of people who followed the Kremlin diet.

    Kremlin diet.

    The Kremlin diet is the very method of losing weight that stars, politicians and public figures traditionally choose for themselves. Status obliges these people to always look decent in front of the camera. But they do not have the opportunity to eat by the hour and the desire to eat only lettuce leaves. "Kremlyovka" is the right way out for those who like to have a hearty meal before going to bed and do not want to deny themselves delicious foods and delicacies. Yes, and the reviews of those who have lost weight cannot but rejoice - up to 6 kg is lost in a week, and as many as 15 in a month. Moreover, the more excess weight you have, the more intense it will go away.

    The essence and rules of the Kremlin diet

    Carbohydrates are a well-known "scarecrow" of many weight loss methods. It is they who are either suspected or openly blamed for the appearance of extra pounds, body fat and cellulite. And the essence of the Kremlin diet is precisely to drastically limit the consumption of these substances. Then the body will stop using the energy received from food, and will begin to consume it from the fat reserves of the body.

    There is a special score table for the Kremlin diet, according to which you can easily and quickly check which foods will benefit us and which, on the contrary, will harm us. In short, in this case, meat, cheeses and fiber-rich vegetables have a positive effect on weight loss, and bread, sweets, pasta, rice, and potatoes have a negative effect. Now consider all aspects of the diet in more detail.

    1. You can eat without limiting your portion sizes. But this applies only to those people who contain a minimum of carbohydrates (points, points, c.u.).
    2. Any meat product, be it pork, lard, sausages or sausage, becomes your true friend for the period of the Kremlin diet.
    3. It is impossible to “zero out” the consumption of carbohydrates - without them, the digestion process will not occur normally. We simply limit the daily intake of these substances to 20-40 units (it is desirable that these be vegetables, not cakes and buns).
    4. The most useful vegetables in our case are all types of cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, pumpkin, lettuce, daikon.
    5. Fruit is a food rich in carbohydrates, so they are not suitable for the Kremlin diet. The only thing you can afford is an avocado.
    6. Buy bran or fiber at the pharmacy and replace wheat flour with it when you cook pancakes and pancakes.
    7. Drink as much water as possible. The fact is that during the adherence to the Kremlin diet, the load on the kidneys increases. Fluid will help your excretory system work more efficiently. At the same time, give up sugary drinks - compotes, juices, lemonade, cola.
    8. Alcohol allows this method of eating. Of course, in reasonable quantities. The ideal option is dry wine.
    9. Salted, fried, pickled and spicy, in general, everything that you love can be consumed completely calmly.
    10. Cheese, one of the main products on the "Kremlin" table, should also be the fatter the better. But it is recommended to refuse processed cheese.
    11. The Kremlin diet is equally suitable for both women and men. Moreover, the latter, being for the most part avid meat-eaters, respect this method of losing weight very much.
    12. Despite all their democratic nature, doctors admit that the diet of this food system is insufficiently complete. So, be kind enough to take an additional multivitamin complex.
    13. Contraindications for the Kremlin diet are: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and stomach.
    14. To maintain the achieved result after losing weight, it is recommended to consume no more than 60-70 g of carbohydrates per day.

    Kremlin diet menu for a week

    The author of the book "Kremlin Diet" Yevgeny Chernykh suggests using such a varied menu. If you follow this diet plan, you can lose 7-8 extra pounds in a week. Change, add, replace some products with others depending on your gastronomic preferences.

    For the Kremlin diet, choose recipes for your favorite dishes. If you cook and eat for your own pleasure, then weight loss is more intense, and your mood rises. Actively use natural food flavor and aroma enhancers - garlic, bay leaf, pepper and other herbs, spices and spices. But do not forget the main principle of this technique: the first two weeks we use 20 points a day, the third and fourth weeks - less than 40.

    Breakfast: 100 g of cheese (1 point), scrambled eggs from 2 eggs with a piece of ham (1 point), tea or coffee without sugar (0 points)
    Lunch: 150 g salad with vegetables and champignons (6 points), 250 g celery soup (8 points), steak (0 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Snack: 50 g walnuts (6 points)
    Dinner: tomato (6 points), 200 g boiled chicken (0 points)

    Breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese (5 points), 2 boiled eggs stuffed with mushrooms (1 point), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Lunch: 100 g vegetable salad dressed with butter (4 points), 250 g cabbage soup in meat broth with sour cream (6 points), 100 g shish kebab (0 points), unsweetened coffee (0 points)

    Dinner: 100 g boiled cauliflower (5 points), fried chicken breast (0 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)

    Breakfast: 3 sausages (0 points), 100 g fried eggplant (5 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Lunch: 100 g cabbage salad with butter dressing (5 points), 250 g cream cheese soup (6 points), 100 g pork chop (0 points), unsweetened coffee (0 points)
    Afternoon snack: 10 olives (2 points)
    Dinner: tomato (6 points), 200 g of boiled fish (0 points), a glass of kefir (6 points)

    Breakfast: 100 g cauliflower salad (5 points), 3 sausages (0 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Lunch: 150 g salad with vegetables and champignons (6 points), 250 g chicken broth (5 points), 100 g lamb kebab (0 points), unsweetened coffee (0 points)
    Snack: 200 g of cheese (2 points)
    Dinner: 200 g leaf lettuce (4 points), 200 g fried fish (0 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)

    Breakfast: four egg omelet with cheese (3 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Lunch: 100 g carrot salad (7 points), 250 g celery soup (8 points), escalope (0 points)
    Snack: 30 g peanuts (5 points)
    Dinner: 200 g dry red wine (2 points), 100 g cheese (1 point), 200 g boiled fish (0 points), 200 g lettuce (4 points)

    Breakfast: 100 g of cheese (1 point), fried eggs from two eggs with ham (1 point), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Lunch: 100 g salad with cabbage and beets (6 points), 250 g fish soup (5 points), 250 g fried chicken (5 points)
    Snack: 50 g pumpkin seeds (6 points)
    Dinner: 100 g of lettuce (2 points), 200 g of boiled fish (0 points), a glass of kefir (6 points)

    Breakfast: 3 sausages (0 points), 100 g of squash caviar (8 points)
    Lunch: 100 g cucumber salad (3 points), 250 g meat hodgepodge (5 points), 200 g grilled chicken (0 points), unsweetened tea (0 points)
    Snack: 30 g walnuts (4 points)
    Dinner: tomato (6 points), 200 g of boiled beef (0 points), a glass of kefir (6 points)

    Weight loss results and reviews of the Kremlin diet

    Daria, 21 years old. I faced the problem of excess weight quite early. At the age of 18, with a height of 170 cm, I already weighed 95 kg. Why? I just loved to eat - a lot and not always the right food. For a long time I was looking for a technique that really works - I really didn’t want to ruin my health with pills. All diets ended in failures. Then I learned about the Kremlin diet. I read the information. I was bribed by the fact that there is a minimum of rigor in it - you can eat everything that I loved so much (fried chicken, sausage) and there was no need to starve. I lost 25 kg in 4 months. At first, the weight went away pretty quickly. My friends did not believe me - they thought that I was drinking capsules on the sly or I was starving. Since I became slim and happy, I have been monitoring the calorie content - no more than 1600 kcal are consumed per day. This was enough that the weight did not return even after a few years. I don't bother with scoring anymore.

    Nadia, 28 years old. My aunt sat on the Kremlin diet. I don’t know, maybe she did something wrong, but after 2 weeks she quit this business - she started having terrible constipation. She went to the doctor and he “took everything into order” for her. This is what the terrible harm of the Kremlin diet is: 1) Lack of vitamins of the strong group in the diet (bread is forbidden). 2) Carbohydrates are the fuel for our brain. No fuel - no normal operation. 3) The body, experiencing a shortage of carbohydrates, will synthesize them for itself from proteins. And since you do not increase the amount of protein consumed, they will be synthesized from muscle tissue. The result is deplorable - the muscles are destroyed, the weight is reduced due to this, but the fat remains in place. Are you short? My aunt had enough. Now she is sitting on the “scuffle” and is very pleased with the result.

    Dmitry, 31 years old. My personal result of losing weight on the Kremlin diet is minus 18 kg in 9 months. So “modest” because I didn’t hurry - initially I limited my carbohydrate intake to 40 units per day, and not to 20. My main problem was in my stomach, which is also jokingly called “labor callus”. And this part of the body is perfectly tightened. In general, I, as a meat eater, was satisfied. It is so difficult for us, the stronger sex, to choose some kind of weight loss technique. And it's even harder to force yourself to follow the rules to the end. But the “Kremlin” is a real male diet!