How to choose glasses for vision correction? How to choose eyeglasses.

trendy " cat eye” goes far from everyone, round tishades ─ even more so. We tell you how not to get into trouble and choose the frame of sunglasses or corrective glasses that is ideal for your face type.

There are seven types of face shapes. We explain how they differ from each other, and what “frames” suit them best. Just approach this issue responsibly (and close to the mirror) and forget about the problem of choosing the perfect frame forever. Our recommendations apply to both sunglasses and corrective glasses.

Round face

Jackie Chan

Jacqueline Kennedy

This type of face is distinguished by a wide forehead, a “non-prominent” chin and plump cheeks. The length and width of the oval are commensurate, as if the circle was drawn with a compass. Usually, the owners of this type of face dream of slightly reducing the roundness and bringing more geometry to the face. Glasses without rounded elements will help to achieve an “angular” effect: rectangular frames or the legendary wayfarers will do. At the same time, it is important that the glasses are not square - they should be much narrower in width than in length (otherwise you will achieve the same effect as if you put on round Lenons - you will emphasize your cheeks and chin even more). Oversized glasses are also not quite your option: they will cover most of the face and create irregular geometry.

Suitable: rectangular and trapezoidal, "cat's eye", aviators, wayfarers.

Unsuitable: round and oversized frames.

Square face

Johnny Depp

Olivia Wilde

Owners of angular facial features should pay attention to models that will visually soften sharp cheekbones, a very protruding chin line and a wide forehead. These options include round and oval frames, as well as "cat's eye" ─ they visually round the lines. In this case, oversized models are also shown. Feel free to choose the most unusual of them, like a pentagon or with applications that go beyond the contour of the frame ─ all geometry will play only in favor.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round, oval.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

Oval face

Justin Timberlake

Princess Diana

You are very lucky: this type is distinguished by a balance of shapes and proportions ─ a not very wide forehead, a high noble line of the cheekbones, a narrow chin and, thanks to all of the above, a wide-open look. Almost any shape options are suitable for such a face, but when choosing, you will need to pay attention to the width of the frame: it should sit like a glove, otherwise the glasses will constantly fall off. Rounded glasses will add femininity and softness, angular options - brutality and rigidity. In any case, everyone will be complementary to the oval face. The only remark: glasses that are too massive “half the face” can kill all the charm ─ be more careful with them.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round, square, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: too big oversized frames.

heart-shaped face

Brad Pitt

Rachel Harris

The main signs of such a face are a wide prominent forehead, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. Your task is to balance a slight disproportion by weighting the “bottom” of the face and removing accents from the “top”. The most ideal form of glasses for such a face is aviators (a thin metal frame and lens angles directed away from the face will look extremely advantageous). Wayfarers are also suitable, which similarly emphasize the angularity, but at the same time soften and balance the shape of the face a little (try it if you are in love with your cheekbones).

Suitable: round and oval glasses, cat-eye, aviators and wayfarers.

Unsuitable: square and rectangular.

triangular face

Ryan Reynolds

Lady Gaga

This face shape (it is also called pear-shaped) is characterized by a sharp prominent jaw line and a slightly expanded forehead. In general, she is very attractive, just a few know how to love, appreciate and emphasize her favorably. The main rule when choosing glasses for a triangular face is to give preference to models with a lightweight "bottom", that is, those that will be more "active" from above (this can apply to both shape and color accents or patterns). Definitely suitable glasses with angles stretched upwards, such as "cat's eye". Try experimenting with oversized models, but only round shapes ─ too geometric and with sharp corners will age.

Suitable:"cat's eye", aviators, oversized.

Unsuitable: square.

oblong face

Katy Perry

The oblong shape differs from the oval shape by being more vertically elongated. Such faces are shown all “horizontal” models ─ those that focus on the width of the face, and not on its length (for example, the same tishades). Glasses of unusual shapes will look interesting: traditionally they shorten faces, but in this case, on the contrary, it will benefit. You can try on glasses in the form of hearts or flowers, which are dearly loved by fans of music festivals. But if you dare to bet on something else more original - honor and honor.

Suitable:"cat's eye", round.

Unsuitable: narrow and rectangular.

diamond face

Domenico Dolce

Cate Blanchett

This face shape is often compared to a diamond. It is distinguished by the fact that the widest part is located along the line of the cheekbones, the forehead is quite massive, and the chin is sharp and narrow. In this case, the main task with the help of glasses is to achieve proportionality of the bottom and top of the face. Choose glasses that flatten your cheekbones and add "weight" to your lower face, like aviators or wayfarers. Oversized glasses will also be appropriate if you choose them correctly: such models should protrude no more than a couple of centimeters beyond the oval line, and be more elongated than round in shape.

Suitable: aviators, wayfarers, oversize.

Unsuitable: round.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

Before ordering glasses, especially if you are experiencing vision problems for the first time, you should consult an ophthalmologist to rule out a number of possible diseases. If you are a “bespectacled man” with experience or, upon reaching a certain age, you begin to see poorly at close range and move your favorite newspaper away from your eyes, then you can contact any optics salon for the selection of glasses, where there is either an ophthalmologist or an optometrist - a specialist in the selection of glasses.

Visual acuity test

The selection of glasses begins with a visual acuity test. In most modern optics stores, in medical centers and polyclinics have a special device - an autorefractometer, with the help of which the specialist receives preliminary indicative information about your vision. But order points only by results computer survey without additional eye examination is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable to order glasses only based on the results of a computer examination!

Visual acuity is checked according to the table or using a projector of signs from a distance of 5m. Each eye is tested separately, always starting with the right eye. The patient reads the letters of each line from top to bottom; the last line read is visual acuity without correction. For example, the third line - visual acuity 0.3, the fifth - 0.5, etc.

Then, with the help of a trial frame, plus (collective) or minus (diffusing) lenses are attached to the eye, depending on those identified according to the autorefractometer. If autorefractometry was not performed, then, by attaching a weak plus and minus lens, it is found out in which case the vision has improved, and, subsequently, lenses of this sign are taken.

Lenses are selected sequentially, with a gradual increase in their refractive power until the maximum visual acuity for a given eye is reached. With myopia, a lens with a minimum refractive power is prescribed, giving high visual acuity. With farsightedness, on the contrary, a lens is selected with highest value at which the best visual acuity is maintained.

Correction of each eye is made up to 0.7-0.8, sometimes up to 0.9-1.0 (for example, for driving), then binocular visual acuity is checked, i.e. with both eyes. In this case, the visual acuity of both eyes should be 0.9-1.0.

Note that if the vision of the right and left eyes is different, then the maximum allowable difference in the prescribed diopters is no more than 2-3 diopters, depending on the patient's individual tolerance. Then you need to allow the subject to be in a trial frame for several minutes, read, walk around to check the tolerance of corrective lenses.

Astigmatism Correction

The most difficult thing is the selection of a correction for astigmatism, since cylindrical lenses are needed, which require getting used to, sometimes quite a long time. At high degrees astigmatism, glasses are first assigned weaker than required, and after a couple of months the correction is strengthened.

Instead of a trial frame and a set of glasses, a special attachment to the ophthalmological diagnostic complex, the phoropter, can be used.

When choosing reading glasses, a special table is used to test near vision. The selection is carried out according to the same rules as for the distance - each eye is checked separately, then binocularly. They are guided by 4-6 texts of the table, depending on the wishes and needs of the patient.

If bifocal or progressive glasses are selected, then vision is checked both far and near. It is necessary to choose such a correction so that the difference between the optical power of the zones for distance and for near does not exceed 2-3 diopters, and, at the same time, there would be sufficient visual acuity at the selected distances.

Pupillary distance measurement

After selecting the correction, the interpupillary distance is measured.
Usually, the distance between the centers of the pupils is measured either with the help of an ordinary ruler, or with the help of a special device - a pupillometer.

Naturally, there is a certain technique for measuring interpupillary distance. As a rule, the distance for distance glasses is 2 mm more than for near ones.

Incorrectly measured distance results in incorrect centering of the lenses in the frame, which in turn can cause feeling unwell with visual stress.

prescription for glasses

Then the ophthalmologist or optometrist writes out a prescription, which indicates: patient data, the required optical power of spherical and, if necessary, cylindrical lenses (indicating the axes of the cylinder), interpupillary distance, the purpose of prescribing glasses - for distance, for reading, for permanent wear, etc. d.

Save your eyeglass prescription so you can compare results over time.

Existing prescriptions written by an oculist should not be thrown away, since with their help it is possible, if necessary, to determine how vision has changed over time. It is important that scoring is carried out qualified specialist. Incorrectly fitting glasses can cause constant eyestrain, cause headache, fatigue, impaired performance and contribute to visual impairment.

Mankind has faced visual acuity disorders since its existence, but in the last hundred years this problem has been especially acute. Almost every third of us suffers from certain diseases of this kind. The representatives of the younger age group more often diagnosed, and in older people -. Both those and the second are faced with the need to use some kind of device for correcting visual acuity. It can be lenses or glasses. They need to be selected by a doctor, but there are some features that each user should take into account. Today we will talk about what glasses are best for vision.

If you choose eyeglasses, remember that this is a personal item. You can not use the model that your spouse or anyone else is wearing, even if you think that it suits you. Lens curvature mismatch even by a quarter of a diopter can accelerate vision loss, in addition, it should be borne in mind that the center-to-center distance of the patient plays an important role in the manufacture of glasses. This is the interval between pupils, which may differ from different people and usually varies in the region of sixty-two to sixty-four centimeters.

Choice of lenses

You can purchase glasses with glass or plastic lenses. Experts say that each material has its own disadvantages and certain advantages.

Pros and cons of glass

So glass lenses are characterized by a high degree of durability due to their strength. When worn, even for a long time, they do not fade and block the penetration of ultraviolet rays. If special photochromic impurities are used in the manufacture of glasses, they can be used to protect against sun rays. Also, a variety of coatings can be applied to glass - polarizing, anti-reflection and anti-reflective.

However, such lenses have some disadvantages. Although resistant to scratches and other mechanical damage glass remains a rather brittle material and can break. In addition, from such a material it is difficult to manufacture lenses having a diopter of double curvature, which are necessary for people with astigmatism. In this case, it is better to use plastic options.

Glasses have a high degree of density, and this is noticeably reflected in their weight. Glasses with them often leave noticeable marks on the bridge of the nose, due to pressure from the frame.
When wearing lenses that contain photochromic impurities, there may be a delay in the perception of the surrounding world if a person abruptly enters a poorly lit room from a sunny street.

Pros and cons of polymer lenses

For the manufacture of such structures, special polycarbonate plastic is used. Its important advantage is its low weight, which is especially important for people with severe visual impairments. A plastic lens is less traumatic - it is almost impossible to break it before splinters appear. Also, the user can choose a variety of lens colors. As mentioned above, plastic options are great for making complex diopter lenses that have a double curvature and are designed to correct astigmatism. People with this diagnosis are prescribed complex prescriptions for glasses. Special lenses are made for them, having a cylinder and a sphere. Sometimes wearing such glasses causes discomfort - dizziness and pain, so the patient may take more than one year to find the right option for him.

Polymer lenses also have their drawbacks. The main one is the need for particularly careful use due to the high susceptibility to scratching. Glasses with these lenses tend to fog up noticeably when walking from a cold street into a warm room, although now you may be offered special formulations that are applied to the lenses to prevent this problem.

Plastic tends to accumulate a static charge, which is fraught with a strong attraction of dust.

Due to these factors, polymer lenses last an order of magnitude less than glass ones. In addition, they can break under the influence of low temperature.

Choosing a frame

When choosing a frame for your glasses, remember that the bridge of your nose is a particularly sensitive area, so you need to carefully evaluate not only your reflection in the mirror, but also physical comfort. Glasses should sit comfortably without pressing on the bridge of the nose, temples or behind the ears. Even minimal discomfort will increase over time and can provoke severe headaches.

Pay attention to the nose pads - it is better to give preference to silicone options - they can be adjusted to the shape of the bridge of the nose. The frame should not move off your nose when you tilt your head, nor should it twist on your face.

Important role the composition of the coating also plays, since some options, for example, nickel, can cause the development of allergic reactions. When choosing a frame material, it should be borne in mind that plastic, of course, is much cheaper than, for example, titanium, but it is much less durable.


We talked about how to choose glasses for vision, which are better. Properly chosen glasses will help you not only see perfectly, but also add a certain zest to your appearance. Remember that trying to pick them up yourself can seriously harm your health, so be sure to consult a doctor.

What should be considered when choosing glasses? What are the classic and original forms of frames? Lots of photos and useful tips in one article.

Glasses in a modern look are no longer only a necessity for vision correction, but also an integral element in style. The variety of shapes and colors is so huge that it is easy to get confused and make the wrong choice. We must not forget that glasses can both decorate a person’s face and disfigure, change beyond recognition. Knowing the fundamental rules in choosing will help you make the right purchase.

How to choose the right eyeglass frame?

  • The main criterion in the selection of the ideal frame is the shape of the face. Traditionally, there are 6 shapes: round, oval, square, diamond-shaped, triangular, rectangular. Each person is individual and the division into forms is general.
  • People with an oval face have the opportunity to choose any style, because everything will look right and dignified on them. Round-shaped glasses are contraindicated for chubby people, but rectangular and square accessories will add the correct proportion.
  • Oval and round frames will serve well for people with square face giving softness and lightness to the appearance. Rounded glasses will help smooth out the corners of rectangular and diamond-shaped faces, while the elongated design will help those with a triangular face shape.
  • The basic rule is that glasses should level out sharp facial features, visually lengthen or expand proportions.

Glasses for nearsightedness and farsightedness

  • Only an oculist can determine the quality of vision with the help of special devices and test items. To correct vision pathologies in the form of nearsightedness or farsightedness, special lenses are used in glasses.
  • To help people suffering from myopia, lenses with a "minus" value for diopters are used. The characteristic with the plus mark is applicable to people suffering from farsightedness

There are several degrees of visual impairment:

  • up to 3 diopters - slight deterioration
    up to 6 - average
    over 6 - high

It is better to purchase glasses for vision correction in specialized stores, where sales assistants will help you choose a purchase.

Many large stores have equipment on which you can test your eyesight. This service is free and helps clients clarify their vision characteristics and choose correct values.

How to choose reading glasses?

  • If you are nearsighted, you won't need glasses to read for a long time, but you will need them to look into the distance.
  • For far-sighted people, there is an excellent solution - half-glasses, in which there are only half lenses, and when looking into the distance, nothing interferes, as a person looks over the lenses
  • The ophthalmologist selects reading glasses on the basis of tests according to a special table, and, based on the results of the examination, writes the result and prescription. If you plan to use it not only for reading, but also for working on a computer, then this should be reported at the doctor's appointment.
  • It is better to choose a classic form of reading frames, because it is easier to pick up a special case and carry glasses with you. If you make them to order, then the cost will be higher than ready-made analogues.

How to choose glasses for vision with myopia?

  • Special glasses for the correction of myopia must have the correct lenses - thin at the center and thick at the edges. How worse eyesight, the thicker the lens and the higher the "minus" value
  • Today, buyers are less likely to choose lenses made of glass, because they are quite heavy. Plastic is lighter and stronger than glass. And polycarbonate lenses are considered unbreakable and most scratch resistant.
  • As for the frame, it is advisable to choose high-quality parts and durable material. Plastic ones can just break, and the most durable metal frames will be made of titanium.

How to choose glasses for vision with farsightedness?

  • With farsightedness, it is most difficult to see those objects that are close. Therefore, glasses should be selected in such a way that the object is at a distance of 33 cm from the eyes.
  • Often there is a need for glasses for viewing objects at close range and at a distance. But buying two pairs for different purposes is not always justified, and wearing them is inconvenient.
  • When it comes to daily constant wear glasses, then you should opt for glasses with bifocal glasses, which are assembled from two different halves

How to choose the right sunglasses?

The frame for should be chosen based on the shape of the face, as mentioned earlier in the article. Here there are the same rules as for simple glasses that correct vision.
For owners of plump lips, large glasses with wide temples are suitable, for thin lips- neat and not conspicuous frames. Before buying, you need to wear glasses for 2 minutes and evaluate the degree of comfort in wearing. They shouldn't push!

High-quality and stylish glasses will not be cheap, so it is important to make a purchase only in company stores.

How to choose eyeglass frames for women?

Metal frames are considered the most popular, practical and comfortable to wear. They are not only lightweight, but also graceful elegance.

Modern frames are offered for sale in different color solution, which is achieved using a special coating. Gold, silver, pink - you can choose to wear in different situations.

The only significant downside is that upper layer coating wears off over time. There are cases allergic reaction on the composition of the paint.

If metal frames are comfortable to wear at work and at any age, then plastic ones are mainly for the younger generation. Such analogues are cheaper, more original, but quickly fade in the sun and are easily deformed.

How to choose eyeglass frames for men?

Men are not as meticulous in following a single style of clothing and fashion than women. Therefore, they choose classic forms and are not very fond of different shades.
Before buying, a man must decide how often and where he will wear.

  • Office, home, sports ground - it's important to choose
  • Lenses that protect against UV rays are needed for the street.
  • For office - anti-reflective
  • As for the form, the rules for matching the type of face apply.
  • Metal frames adequately adorn any member of the stronger sex

How to choose the right glasses for a child?

Many children need vision correction, so the optometrist can recommend the correct values ​​​​for choosing lenses. However, such an accessory can become the subject of ridicule over a child, so you need to carefully consider the frame.

The best option is to let the baby make a choice on their own. Today there are many interesting and original solutions for any age. As for the frame, plastic and titanium glasses are suitable.

Let your child wear glasses for a while before making a purchase. They should not press, rub, interfere. It is also better not to take too large or small in size. The child should be comfortable! It is unacceptable to purchase glasses for growth - only in size.

The choice of glasses for the computer

If you experience redness and dry eyes, headaches, fatigue after working with a computer, you need glasses!

  • An ophthalmologist can help with recommendations, but before meeting with him, you need to measure the distance from the eyes to the computer, keyboard, desktop and report these values
  • For convenience, you should choose a frame at least 3 cm wide, light, ergonomic, with good mechanisms and details. You can also pay attention to special lenses for glasses, which should neutralize glare from light sources.

Types of glasses shapes

In addition to the classic shapes, represented by round, rectangular, square, oval outlines, there are special frames that have unique names and own history.
Aviator, wayfarer, lennons, cat's eye, butterfly, panto, dragonfly, clubmaster, lolita - suitable for a certain style and for true fashion connoisseurs. All of these options are undying classics that will not lose their relevance for many years.

Classic glasses shape

Classic shape frames are the choice of the majority and this is no coincidence. These glasses are convenient for daily use, anywhere, at any event. Not everyone likes to experiment with their appearance, and therefore classic glasses are in stable demand.
Simplicity of design, ease of execution and lack of unnecessary details determine the choice for purchase. Priority in the execution of metal or dark plastic.

Cat-shaped glasses

The choice in favor of cat-shaped glasses is made by young women, because such an image gives lightness, coquetry and playfulness. However, it is not at all necessary to wear them exclusively with summer sundresses and frivolous things. Cat glasses will decorate any style option and soften the image of a woman in a classic suit. But this approach is only for determined individuals.
The first appearance of cats is attributed to 1940, but today the fashion for them is returning. There are original frames that are easy to combine with different looks.

Round glasses

The most attractive round glasses look on faces with a square or triangular shape. They will smooth out sharp features and add softness to the image. Although round shape belong to classic version, it must be borne in mind that it can radically change the image of a person.
There are cases when round glasses have become a hallmark of a person - Grigory Leps, John Lennon, Ozzy Osbourne.

Oval glasses

The oval shape of glasses is loved for its versatility, because it is suitable for different forms faces. It is important to follow the rule when buying - glasses should not be higher than the eyebrows and wider than the face.

This form is suitable for any event and does not limit the choice of clothing. A variety of frame options will help to complete the image.

Triangular glasses

It is difficult to meet a completely triangular shape of glasses - except in original and bold solutions, but such an accessory is suitable for a separate look.

Combining a triangular shape with a daily look is quite difficult, so this frame should be in the general collection for single occasions and special events that do not require serious style.

Butterfly glasses

Bright and bold, butterfly-shaped glasses have not gone out of fashion for several decades. The famous Marilyn Monroe loved to complement them with a feminine and romantic image, in which coquetry and playfulness were traced.
Butterflies will be most relevant for chubby women, but the choice should be made in favor of a frame that has pointed and raised lines. The original form is often complemented by an equally interesting frame made of different colors, materials, with many additional elements and rhinestones.

Square glasses

Square glasses are not for everyone. Ideally they will look only on oval-shaped faces. In no case should they be worn round-faced, as well as with a triangular, square, rectangular or elongated face shape.
You should be extremely careful about the size of the accessory - you should not choose too large glasses if you do not have plump lips.

Wrong glasses

You can make a mistake in choosing both lenses and eyeglass frames.

  • Wearing the wrong lenses every day is a medical problem, because they are supposed to correct vision. Of course, we are not our own enemies. However, it is possible to make an erroneous purchase with an incorrect indication of diopters if you are not serious about choosing a place to purchase. Bought in the market or in an unprofessional store, glasses can greatly impair vision.
  • If you wear prescription glasses, but your eyes get tired quickly, watery, redden, and suffer from frequent headaches, the wrong choice has been made. It is better to go back to the ophthalmologist and sort out the problem.
  • The choice of the wrong form of glasses for a person carries an external, aesthetic error and can greatly spoil the image and impression made on people. Large selection of stylish and fashion frames help a person to be fashionable and modern

Glasses that suit everyone

Each person is individual and it is impossible to say that there are glasses that suit everyone. Many consider the aviator uniform to be completely universal. This is explained by the fact that you can wear almost any face shape, as well as both men and women.
Glasses should be a continuation of the person and his face, so it is important to take the choice as seriously as possible and take into account the recommendations of experts.

Few people call a professional ophthalmologist with them to the store to help them choose right glasses. Often the choice depends on the preferences of the person and his ideas about beauty. However, there are some recommendations that you need to consider when buying:

  1. Experiment and don't get hung up on one form
  2. Let the collection have glasses for different occasions
  3. Make a choice in favor of convenience - nose pads should be soft and movable, eliminating pressure on the bridge of the nose
  4. No elements of the glasses should rub
  5. Glasses should not lie on the cheeks, protrude strongly along the edges of the face and be above the eyebrow line

When choosing glasses, imagine that these are your eyebrows or lips, an extension of your face, how comfortable are you in them? Such an accessory can change the face beyond recognition. There is only one most important rule when buying - Glasses should please you personally!

Video: How to choose glasses?

On the this moment Many people have a variety of vision problems. To perform high-quality vision correction, you will need glasses. In order for this device to perform high-quality correction, you will need to select glasses for vision.

Correct selection of eyeglasses

In this article, we tried to tell you how to choose glasses for vision and told all the details. After contacting an ophthalmologist, he will use special equipment that will help to select high-quality products.

Visual acuity test

To fulfill correct selection glasses for vision, you first need to decide on the sharpness. An autorefractometer will help you choose the optimal indicators of visual acuity. It is not recommended to trust everything to the computer. An additional check should be performed by a specialist.

It's important to know! Book points based on results only computer research unacceptable.

You can also check visual acuity according to the table or using a special sign projector from a distance of 5m. Each eye must be checked individually. You need to start the selection of glasses for vision from the right eye.

Then, with the help of a special frame, specialists attach plus or minus lenses. The selection of glasses for vision in this case will occur depending on the performance of the autorefractometer.

Visual acuity is an important parameter when choosing glasses

It is only necessary to select lenses sequentially. If you have a problem of myopia, then a lens is prescribed that will have a minimum refractive power. With farsightedness, on the contrary, it will select a lens with maximum performance. Visual acuity in both eyes without fail should be 0.9-1.0.

Sometimes you may encounter a problem when the vision of the right and left eyes will be different. The maximum allowable difference in diopters should in no case exceed 2-3 diopters. In this case, everything will depend on the individual tolerance of the patient. If a person has problems with myopia and hyperopia, then he may be prescribed.

Astigmatism Correction

Most challenging task for each specialist is the selection of correction for astigmatism. The main problem is that it takes some getting used to. Accordingly, with high degrees of astigmatism, weak lenses may be prescribed for you, and then their effect will gradually increase. Instead of a trial frame, a special attachment to the ophthalmological diagnostic complex, the phoropter, can be used.

Selection of astigmatism correction

When selecting glasses for vision, ophthalmologists use a special table to test near vision. The selection will be carried out according to the same rules as for the distance. If the patient wishes to fit bifocals, then vision will be tested for both distance and near. optical power in this case should not exceed 2-3 diopters. Where to check your eyesight and choose glasses? This is a common question that almost every patient asks himself. Ophthalmologists or specialized centers where the sale takes place.

Pupillary distance measurement

After selecting the correction, specialists will begin to measure the interpupillary distance. Usually the distance is measured using a regular ruler. Naturally, today there is a certain technique that allows you to measure the distance between the pupils. As a rule, the far distance will be 2 mm longer than the near distance.

Determination of interpupillary distance

prescription for glasses

After checking all the necessary indicators, the ophthalmologist or optometrist will write out a prescription that will indicate:

  1. Patient data.
  2. Optical power of optical or cylindrical lenses.
  3. Purpose of scoring.

Optotypes are special tables that show a variety of characters

In some cases, experts may also indicate additional indicators. It is not recommended to throw away all the prescriptions that the specialist writes. They are necessary so that in the future you can take a prescription and see how your vision has changed over a certain period. Incorrectly selected glasses can cause a number of problems and therefore, before choosing, consult only with real professionals.

The price of a mistake

Sometimes you can run into a problem when the choice of glasses for vision was done completely wrong. If you are faced with similar problem and then continue to use glasses for vision, then the process of addiction will gradually begin. As a result, the body will try to compensate for optical distortions at the cost of overworking the eyes. Accordingly, after a few days of using such glasses, you may notice a headache, as well as further deterioration of vision.

Now you know exactly how to choose eyeglasses. This process will not be difficult if you carefully study all the recommendations of specialists. We hope that this information was really useful and interesting.