100 ml motherwort valerian hawthorn peony. A mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony: reviews, instructions for use

Motherwort, hawthorn, peony reviews are positive. The combined use of these medicinal plants is more effective than other methods in helping to improve sleep and calm nerves, normalize heart function and reduce blood pressure. Mix of four inexpensive means Today you can find it in almost any home first aid kit.

In a fast pace modern life not everyone can maintain peace of mind and adequately respond to the external negative impact of irritating factors. As a result, discomfort, stress and anxiety have become frequent companions of residents of not only large cities, but also remote cities. Instead of coffee, alcohol and antidepressants ethnoscience proposes to solve the problem of internal imbalance by using these safe medicinal herbs.

Benefits of a combination of four alcohol tinctures

The well-known mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony has only positive reviews. What is the secret of the popularity of the combined anti-stress agent? The annotations for each component of this mix of inexpensive pharmacy drugs indicate that they help with insomnia and chronic stress, improve heart function and relieve nervous excitement.

A wide range of effects of these drugs is due to the properties of valerian, which relaxes the central nervous system, hawthorn, which improves heart function, motherwort, which normalizes sleep, peony, which not only reduces the level of emotional excitability, but also stimulates the synthesis of endorphins - hormones of joy, which helps to return a person to a good mood. In the people, this medicine for nerves is called one of the the best drugs, because alcohol tinctures faster than any decoctions and water infusions help a person to calm down and relieve stress. At the same time, the ingredients, interacting with each other, complement healing qualities each of them, increasing the effectiveness of the mix. In addition, Corvalol and peppermint tincture can be added to this basic composition, enhancing healing effect drug.

From what ailments does a popular cocktail help - a mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony?

Reviews of the majority of those who took this complex remedy testify not only to relaxation and sedation after its use (from a few drops to a teaspoon of the mix). It helps to normalize sleep, relieve an attack of tachycardia and lower blood pressure. Drugs relieve migraine attacks and disorders cerebral circulation, nervous disorders and tinnitus, as well as high intracranial pressure.

A mixture of these tinctures has a positive effect in case of malfunctions digestive tract, thyroid gland, with menopause. The antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effect of the herbal cocktail gives a good curative result at venous congestion and varicose veins peripheral vessels. This medicine for nerves improves hematopoiesis, stimulates cerebral circulation, prevents thrombosis, reduces the level bad cholesterol and also has an antitumor effect. Elderly people note that after drinking a mixture of these tinctures, their dependence on weather changes ceases to bother them, dizziness, headaches and heart pains disappear, and blood pressure normalizes. Judging by the reviews, a mix of tinctures eliminates the effects of stroke and heart attack, but its use in complex rehabilitation must be agreed with the doctor.

Valerian and motherwort: properties and reviews

Cat root (or valerian) is an herb found in numerous sedative and heart medications. These are Corvalol and Valocormid, Cardiovalen and Valedrin, Valocordin, Valosedan, Zelenin drops and Validol, carminative and gastric fees. Its name in most versions comes from valere(lat. "to be healthy") and is associated with healing effect plants. AT medical practice valerian is widely used in mild forms of neurasthenia and psychasthenia, with chronic disorder coronary circulation. Valerian is also used for migraine, neuralgia, chronic functional disorders nervous system, neurodermatitis, epilepsy, hysteria and convulsions.

Or a thick extract of cat root is effective as a sedative for nervous excitement, cardiovascular neurosis, as well as to relax the smooth muscles of the walls digestive organs with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Valerian is an herb that can be found in any

Motherwort has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system and the brain, reducing its response to any stimuli. Motherwort tincture has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system, eliminating vasospasm and thereby improving blood circulation. internal organs. Relief and mild relaxation already in the first days after taking this remedy, comfortable sleep and improvement general well-being- these are the feelings of all the people who left their comments on the drug.

hawthorn and peony

Hawthorn is popularly called a plant-healer that helps with many heart ailments. Tincture based on it strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation in the myocardium, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing the risk of occurrence and development of coronary artery disease, as well as myocardial infarction.

In addition, hawthorn acts as a general tonic, strengthens the nervous system, has a slight sedative effect and boosts immunity vitality and the mood of the patient.

The deviant not only has a positive effect on the human nervous system, eliminating excessive emotional excitability, but also improves mood by stimulating the production of endorphins, restores efficiency, and improves health in general.

The popular mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony also receives reviews from grateful people because its complex effect on the body is many times more effective than taking these drugs separately.

From hypertension

AT folk remedy from increased blood pressure, neurosis, arrhythmia contains five tinctures: valerian, peony, motherwort, mint and eucalyptus. Buy these at your nearest pharmacy inexpensive drugs anyone can, regardless of financial opportunities. Pour into a darkened glass container 25 ml (4 bottles of each name) of valerian, motherwort, eucalyptus and peony, adding 25 ml (1 bottle) of mint tincture. For cooking this medicine you need to pour 10 pieces of clove buds (a spice used in everyday life) into a container with tinctures. Then you need to close the bottle tightly with a lid or cork and put it in a dark place for a couple of weeks without shaking.

These medicinal tinctures for hypertension, take one teaspoon or dessert spoon three times a day (starting with 10 drops), at least 20 or 30 minutes before meals. The full course of treatment lasts a month. You can repeat it after a ten-day break. In addition to stabilizing pressure, most people who have completed one or two courses of treatment note relief from insomnia, symptoms of response to temperature changes and weather changes.

Instructions for use

Prepare a mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, reviews are advised from pharmaceutical preparations. It is not only very simple, but also safe. We merge the contents of four vials (the volume of each is usually 20-25 ml, depending on the manufacturer) into one bottle with tinted glass and keep it in a cool place.

You can store this medicine both in the refrigerator and in a cabinet or first aid kit, in a bottle with a tightly closed lid. Take this healing "cocktail", starting with 10-15 drops, dissolving them in a quarter of a glass boiled water. If there are no signs of allergy, then you can increase the dose of the medicine to one teaspoon for the same amount of water. The course is from two to four weeks, then you need to take a break of 10 days.


Alcohol tinctures based on valerian, peony, motherwort and hawthorn should not be taken by pregnant women and during breastfeeding child. In addition, it is not recommended to use this therapeutic mix for people suffering from alcoholism and ulcerative lesions GIT. With caution, given the schedule, you can take this relaxing remedy for those whose work is related to fast response driving a car. After taking the tincture, there is often an irresistible desire to sleep, so it is recommended to use it at night.

H infusions based on motherwort, hawthorn and valerian- they all belong to sedatives natural origin. Nervous? Then this mixture of tinctures is exactly what you need!

Similar mixture has a great calming effect on the nervous system. Preparing it is as easy as shelling pears - all these tinctures are sold in a pharmacy. For cooking magic mixture- You need to mix all the ingredients. Any glass container will do. Everything is easy! You need to store the product in a cool place, you can in the refrigerator.


Take this remedy just before going to bed. One teaspoon of the medicine is diluted with plain water. In case of overvoltage, you can take tincture during the day, but not more than 2 times a day.


This remedy has a complex effect. And valerian, and motherwort, and hawthorn are powerful natural sedatives. This mixture is recommended for insomnia, sleep disorders, nervous strain, stress. She will help you deal with high blood pressure, relieve tachycardia.

The remedy is recommended for tinnitus, circulatory disorders in the brain. At nervous disorders this medicine is simply irreplaceable. Such a mixture includes tinctures of incredible power, the functions of each of which we will consider below.


Long ago used to lower high pressure. It has the ability to relax blood vessels. It enhances the contraction of the heart muscle, but nevertheless - reduces its excitability. Moreover, hawthorn improves the functioning of the heart, strengthens it, serves as a preventive measure for tachycardia.


Motherwort, along with valerian, has a calming effect. favors healthy sleep and fast falling asleep. The motherwort is indispensable tool for sleep problems.


Valerian is a powerful sedative component, even a child knows about it. It stabilizes blood pressure, preventing its jumps, soothes, relieves stress and tension.


Each of the tinctures is made on the basis of alcohol, so this mixture is not recommended for pregnant women. It is worth abandoning them in the period breastfeeding. Children under 12 years of age, these drugs are also contraindicated. With alcoholism, it is best not to use alcohol-based tinctures, but to dwell on herbal decoctions.

Refrain from using this remedy if you have allergic reactions to the components that make up its composition. You should not use such mixtures of motherwort, valerian and hawthorn if you drive daily. The tool is very relaxing and weakens the reaction rate, reduces attention.

A mixture where peony, hawthorn, motherwort and valerian are used is the most famous and, as practice shows, very effective remedy to calm the nerves. Moreover, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, is cheap and safe method maintaining health. Such a medicine is stored for a long time, it is easy to prepare it in ordinary home conditions.

So, in order for us to get magic tincture peony, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, we only need the herbs of these plants. They can be bought both in a pharmacy and from herbalists who are engaged in herbal medicine. In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made infusions, for example, in jars of 20-25 ml. If you buy ordinary dry fees, then you will first need to cook them yourself. After that, you need to mix all the ingredients in a glass jar.

Each of the components can provide positive influence on your health, but the complex effect of all at once enhances this effect several times. Therefore, you should not experiment and take tinctures separately. Yet each of them has both similar and different indications but together they complement and reinforce each other.

How to use?

Tincture of peony, hawthorn, motherwort, valerian should be stored in a cool place. Such a drug should be taken at bedtime in a teaspoon, diluting it clean water(1:1). From the nerves, it is advisable to take the peony collection mixed with Corvalol and drink it twice a day. Such a medicine of nature helps to relax, relieve nervous excitability, improves sleep, has a calming and tonic effect.

You can prepare the tincture yourself from hand-picked herbs, or you can use the offers of pharmacies. Whichever method you choose, remember that the use of tincture on alcohol is preferable. Using the pharmacy option, you can be sure that all components are safe and have passed the necessary checks. And as you know, it’s not worth saving on health.

Store the tincture in a glass vial. make sure she is protected sun rays. A dark and cool place is best.

However, do not forget that herbs have their contraindications. The medicine is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age, as well as allergy sufferers who have hypersensitivity to the ingredients. If you have problems with drinking alcohol, it is unacceptable to take such a tincture. In such a case, it is better to use not tinctures, but decoctions of herbs, in which there is no alcohol component.

Also, as experts say, the tincture has a strong sedative effect, therefore, if perseverance and increased reaction are required, it is better to refuse the remedy. It is not recommended to drink before driving a car. It should be borne in mind that the collection of valerian hawthorn peony is prescribed for use in a course that can take from one to two weeks. To enhance the effect, a neuropathologist can prescribe additional drugs in addition to collecting herbs.


As we have already said, peony, hawthorn, motherwort and valerian not only help to relax and improve sleep, but also a good remedy for the treatment of tachycardia, from hypertension. Often the drug is prescribed to people with high blood pressure, with impaired cerebral circulation. As the reviews show, he struggles with tinnitus, normalizes the pulse. Such actions are due, of course, to the action of each ingredient separately. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Motherwort - excellent tool for good night, enhances the effect of valerian. It also reduces stress in the brain. When taking motherwort, patients note that the influence of irritating factors is sharply reduced. I would also like to note the antispasmodic effect of this plant;
  • Valerian. Valerian is considered another leader in calming the nerves, which also prevents pressure surges, helps to recover from nervous tension, relieves stress. When preparing the tincture, the root of this medicinal plant is used. The result appears almost immediately after the start of treatment. Perfectly balances the work of the heart muscle;
  • Hawthorn - relaxes blood vessels, improves their elasticity, promotes good work of the heart muscle, prevents the occurrence of tachycardia. Plays a huge role in the prevention of heart attacks. In combination with other herbs enhances their effect;
  • Peony. Responsible for the mood and positive attitude of the patient. It is able to increase the level of endorphins, which means that when you take it, you will save yourself from negative thoughts and sad infusion. And, as you know, a good mood and self-confidence is the key to recovery. If you do not have enough strength to cope with stress in the rapid cycle of life, then use the healing powers of herbs.
  • Corvalol. medical drug, enhancing the effect of tincture in the fight for nervous health person.

Before using the herbal preparation, test for allergic reaction to all components. To do this, you can drink after a while a few drops of each infusion, diluted in water. And see the reaction. If any of the components is perceived badly by the body, it must be excluded.

Vkpb tincture for hypertension is considered very effective. Doctors are sounding the alarm, because every fourth inhabitant of our planet suffers from high blood pressure. It is not necessary to tell what inconvenience this disease brings. What effect can you achieve by taking this traditional medicine:

  • the spasm of blood vessels is removed;
  • the nervous system calms down, the sedative effect is pronounced;
  • the heart rate decreases;
  • spasm of smooth muscles is relieved.

All this leads to the fact that the pressure drops. But this does not happen too quickly and abruptly, so you can not be afraid of pressure surges, the effect of the tincture is very soft. The effectiveness of treatment for hypertension is simply amazing.

A tincture of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony and corvalol is a common remedy. It can be prepared both independently and purchased at the pharmacy. This tool has the following useful properties: sedative, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antipyretic. Tincture improves sleep, normalizes the work of the stomach, and has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

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    A mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony and corvalol has a wide spectrum of action, however, is most valued for its soothing properties. The use of herbs affects all organs and systems human body. Each component of the product harmoniously complements each other.

    Sharing Components medicinal product renders exclusively positive impact on the human body.


    Acts as sedative. It is able to eliminate disorders of the nervous system, relieve nervous excitability, and is used when the nervous system is depleted. Signs of exhaustion of the nervous system are:

    • nervous excitability, which manifests itself in the form of apathy, anxiety, depression;
    • hysteria, which contributes to tearfulness, a tendency to dramatize events, a state of passion;
    • neuroses, which manifest themselves in biting nails, twisting hair;
    • states of anxiety and fear, manifested in panic fear a person of something, for example, darkness, loneliness, travel in transport;
    • migraine - tincture of valerian helps to reduce migraine attacks, making them more rare;
    • insomnia - valerian has a calming effect on the central nervous system, thereby helping a person to fall asleep quickly;
    • problems with the cardiovascular system - valerian helps to normalize a person's blood pressure, normalizes a rapid pulse, fights arrhythmia well.

    Valerian tincture acts as an antispasmodic. If you use it regularly, it helps to normalize the work of the stomach, and also tones the smooth muscle muscles of a person.


    Motherwort tincture has sedative, hypotensive, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, tonic, antidepressant medicinal properties. In most cases, motherwort is used as a sedative. The plant is able to influence the transmission nerve impulses from the organs of the human body to the brain and vice versa. Motherwort tincture is also used by people suffering from high blood pressure, which is caused by the excitability of the central nervous system.

    The action of the glycosides and flavonoids that make up the plant is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, helping to reduce heart rate. Motherwort also has an antidepressant effect and is often prescribed to people who are subject to various stresses. Besides, medicinal plant treats alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. In medicine, motherwort infusion is used as an antispasmodic, as it is able to relieve human muscle spasms. Quite effective motherwort in the fight against seizures.


    Hawthorn tincture has many medicinal properties. The advantages of the tincture are due to the fact that the components that make up the tincture contribute to the saturation of blood vessels with oxygen, stimulate the work of the heart muscles.

    The tool normalizes heartbeat, therefore, it saves a person from diseases such as tachycardia and arrhythmia. There is a stimulation of blood circulation, as a result, memory and attention are improved. The action of the substances that make up the product is aimed at relieving migraine attacks, epilepsy. Improves the condition with menopause. Hawthorn helps to strengthen the immune system.


    The benefits of using peony tincture are manifested in the following: the remedy has anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effects, has antimicrobial, antidepressant, analgesic, hemostatic properties.


    Corvalol contributes to the normalization of the human nervous system. The action of soothing drops is aimed at eliminating anxiety states, irritation and hyperexcitability.


    Numerous positive reviews people about the mixture of tinctures confirm its value and benefits for humans. The positive point is that all tinctures have a low cost, therefore, from other drugs similar action mixture is low cost and high quality.The action of the mixture is directed:

    • To normalize sleep.
    • To relieve chronic stress and tension.
    • To improve the functioning of the heart and all circulatory system person.

    The effectiveness of the tool is due to the action of its components. Valerian and Corvalol promote relaxation of the central nervous system, have an effect on the vessels of the brain, hawthorn has a positive effect on cardiovascular system, motherwort relieves insomnia, peony is involved in the production of endorphins, thus contributing to the formation Have a good mood. For an even longer effect, it is recommended to add an infusion to the cocktail. peppermint or eucalyptus . Tincture can only be harmful if used in the wrong dosage.


    The use of the mixture is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • if a person suffers from diseases of the digestive system;
    • should not be used by children under 12 years of age;
    • contraindications are pregnancy and lactation;
    • you can not use the product if you are allergic to the components of the tincture;
    • not applicable to people suffering from alcohol dependence.

    Violation of the dosage of infusion and the time of admission can cause harm, which manifests itself in the form of:

    • insomnia, impaired concentration;
    • irritability;
    • weakness, lethargy;
    • decrease in activity.

    Before you start taking the mixture, you should consult with your doctor.

A mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony and corvalol has the combined healing properties characteristic of each drug. In combination, they enhance their effect on the body and help improve sleep, stimulate the stomach, and positively affect the functioning of the circulatory system. The remedy is recommended for people with emotional instability, subject to constant stress and depression.

Characteristics of the components

Each medicinal plant It has a special effect on the body, which is aimed at eliminating certain symptoms. The characteristics of each drug are separately considered in the table.

Name Description
ValerianA sleep aid that relaxes and promotes sleep. Relieves fatigue and heart pain, recommended for treatment vegetative dystonia. In addition, valerian also has a calming effect on the body.
PeonyIn the people it is also called "marin root". To prepare the tincture, the peony root is used, since it is in it that useful material. The plant is an antidepressant that copes with bad mood, depressing and empowering
HawthornThis tool is recommended for use by cores and hypertensive patients. It helps to strengthen the heart muscle, reduces the likelihood of tachycardia. Helps in the treatment of epilepsy and chronic fatigue. In medicine, both fruits and inflorescences of hawthorn are used.
MotherwortThe plant has a calming effect on the body, accelerates the onset of sleep, but does not cause drowsiness. Also motherwort normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and strengthens immune system. In addition, it enhances the effect of valerian

Corvalol is a binder medicinal plants, is known for its sedative and antispasmodic properties. It is used to relieve irritability and anxiety.

Tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony and corvalol can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

Useful properties of the mixture

The combination of medicinal plants gives a more pronounced result, the use of such a remedy enhances the effectiveness of treatment. Tinctures from valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and others medicinal herbs have the following useful properties:

  • the medicine acts in a complex way and at the same time relieves nervousness, stimulates the work of the heart, improves sleep and has beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, that is, the resulting agent has a wide range effects on the body;
  • each plant has a certain feature, for example, in valerian it is a sedative effect, in motherwort it is a fight against insomnia, hawthorn strengthens the heart; these properties complement each other when connecting components;
  • alcohol tincture acts more effectively than a decoction or infusion;
  • receiving a mixture of medicinal herbs safe for the body in the absence of contraindications.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to the fact that tinctures have a number of medicinal properties and have a positive effect on the body, there are several contraindications that should be considered in order not to harm health:

  • individual intolerance to any component;
  • pregnancy and lactation (due to the presence of alcohol in the tincture);
  • age up to 12 years;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • alcohol addiction.

Before using the drug, you should check for an allergic reaction.

The herbal remedy has a sedative effect, which is why it is recommended to take it at night.

tincture recipes

There are several options for mixing herbal tinctures, they differ in their composition and effects on the body. The most common cooking methods combined remedy are the following:

Purpose of admission Ingredients and Recipe Action on the body Reception scheme
Universal Blend
  • 100 ml tincture of hawthorn, peony, motherwort, valerian;
  • 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture;
  • 25 ml peppermint;
  • 30 ml Corvalol;
  • 10 pieces. carnations.

In a bottle with dark glass, mix all the ingredients, shake and leave for 14 days to infuse in a dark place.

  • improves cerebral circulation;
  • is an antispasmodic, relieves convulsions of any etiology;
  • reduces hypertension;
  • treats neuroses and stimulates hematopoiesis
The dose of the drug is 30 drops. It should be taken with 1/2 glass of water 3-4 times a day. The last dose should be taken before bed. Course duration - 30 days
For joints and heart

Mix 50 ml tinctures horse chestnut, peony, valerian, motherwort and hawthorn

The tool helps with the following conditions:

  • pain in the joints;
  • heart disease;
  • headache;
  • failures in the circulatory system;
  • stress and depression;
  • decreased immunity
Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month
From hypertension
  • 100 ml of tincture of peony, valerian, hawthorn and medicine Corvalol;
  • 100 ml of water.

Mix all ingredients

  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • improves sleep;
  • strengthens the central nervous system
Drink 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime. The course lasts until the end of the remedy

From vascular etiology

  • 50 ml tincture of motherwort, eucalyptus, mint, valerian, peony, hawthorn;
  • 10 g of ginger;
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 10 pieces. carnations.

In a container with dark glass, mix all the herbal tinctures, add a packet of ginger, honey and cloves. insist for a month