Everyone has dates! The incredible benefits of dried dates. Do dates need to be washed before eating? How to eat dates

Each of us at least once tried this amazingly delicious delicacy! Sweet dates - the benefits and harms to the body from eating these fruits will be described in this article. Most of us consider this fruit only as a delicacy, but in hot countries it is almost elevated to the rank of a panacea for many diseases and an elixir of longevity. Be that as it may, there is no need to dispute the beneficial effect of this fruit on the human body, because it is really rich in vitamins, useful macro- and microelements.

Dates satisfy hunger well, give a tangible boost of energy and are simply delicious with their unusual, unlike anything, tart-sweet taste.

What are dates?

To begin with, you need to indicate that this is a tree, and if the tree bears fruit, then they are already considered fruits (since berries grow mainly on fruit bushes). Date palms of certain species give us these sweet and healthy fruits. A diverse number of species fall under the category of date palms, but most of all, Phoenix dactylifera is considered the most common variety. Varieties are also valued for their taste and nutritional value: Shakra, Saki, Sukkari, Barkhi, Nabbut Sayf, Razis, Salabi, Khalas, Deglet Nur (Algerian), Medzhul (Moroccan - one of the largest sizes) and others.

Variety of dates - Medzhul
Dates Ajwa
Dates variety Sukkari

Today, there are approximately 450 varieties of dates in the world, and in Saudi Arabia, one of the largest suppliers / producers of these fruits, they are given a very significant importance.

Date, fruit photo:

Dates - what is this fruit from the point of view of botany? It is a drupe fruit, juicy, sweet, one-seeded. Representatives of some varieties reach 7-8 cm in length and 4-5 cm in width. Even though the date palm is a tropical/subtropical resident, some species can withstand frosts down to -10..-14 °C.

The tree enters the fruiting period already at the 5th or 6th year of life, and sometimes 7-9 kg of crop can be harvested from one young palm tree. Adult specimens are famous for their fertility, for example, a fifteen-year-old tree (and this is already the time of maturity for it) can produce 80 or 90 kg of fruit. Cultivated varieties, with the right approach and care, can give the "gardener" 120-150 kg of juicy large fruits. The date palm can bear fruit for 50 or even 80 years.

Date palm, photo:

Fresh fruits can only be eaten in the country where they grow. They come to our store shelves already dried, sometimes dried, but already previously subjected to special processing. After it, not only their characteristic taste is preserved, but also all the valuable qualities of the product. Dried dates have a pronounced sweet taste, however, they are not as high in calories as, for example, chocolates or other sweets.

In general, opinions about the calorie content of dates are often disputed in the relevant forums on the net. Someone argues that the date is extremely high in calories, while someone, on the contrary, proves that for all its sweetness, this fruit contains very few calories and can be used as the main product for the diet.

Dried dates, photo:

We will take a closer look at the issues of calorie content and the date diet a little lower, but for now, let's pay attention to the most important aspect - the benefits and possible harm from eating these fruits.

Useful properties of dates, contraindications

Let's start with a positive quality - these fruits are really very useful for the human body. Since ancient times, they have been used as an energy ingredient that gives strength in illness. Fruit syrups and infusions were made (and are still being made), even ointments to alleviate the condition with colds, sore throats, and coughs. The rich composition of useful elements makes it possible to manufacture medicines based on dates for the treatment of eyes (conjunctivitis), genital organs, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, and kidneys.

This delicacy is to some extent a medicine, as well as a very worthy ingredient for various culinary delights.

Selected fruits of dates, photo:

The content of magnesium in them is extremely valuable, which, as you know, is able to suppress the activation of cancer cells in the human body. With the regular use of dates in food, the body acquires a kind of shield, prevention from this terrible disease. Dried dates, the harm and benefits of which have already been studied by modern and traditional medicine, in addition to the above advantages, strengthen bone tissue, teeth, improve the condition of the hair (help with hair loss). Their use accelerates the renewal of the skin (the pulp of dates is even used in cosmetology), heals cracks in the mucous membranes.

The fruits of the date palm are an excellent medicine for diseases of the respiratory system, relieve coughing, bronchitis, and improve sputum discharge. They relieve flatulence and work as a gentle laxative for constipation. With pain in the stomach and even with an ulcer, they significantly alleviate the condition, but in this particular case, a doctor's consultation is required.

By the way, if you suffer from a cough, try in the morning (before eating) to take dried dates (10 pieces), remove the seeds from them and boil for 10-15 minutes in 500 ml of milk. Take them internally during the day between meals. In a week, the cough will go away, as it was not, as well as all other manifestations of a cold.

The harm of dates for the body

It would be fair to mention this factor, despite the fact that in most cases these fruits are not only possible, but also desirable to eat. But, as always and in everything, this business also has its limitations for a certain category of people.

The use of these fruits is contraindicated in such cases:

  1. If a person suffers from an acute form of diabetes. Dates contain approximately 50% sugar - you need to know and take this into account. Moreover, they quickly increase the level of glucose in the blood.
  2. In addition to a high glycemic index, dates are considered a high-calorie product, so it is better for obese and overweight people to avoid eating these fruits.
  3. If a person has a tendency to caries, then, again, due to the high sugar content, cariousness can only increase. In addition to the aggressive effect of sugar on tooth enamel, in the presence of caries, the use of dates can provoke pulpitis, literally in a short period of time (8-12 hours).
  4. If gastric diseases are in an acute stage, then it is better to refuse dates. This fruit always activates intestinal motility, thanks to dietary fiber in its composition. This factor can only aggravate an already difficult condition, give impetus to a new round of the disease. In the acute form of gastritis or colitis, dates should not be consumed.
  5. If you are very addicted to dates (which is not surprising because of their excellent taste), eat them daily and in large quantities, then the appearance of headaches will not take long. The so-called "overdose" of dates can not only provoke hypertension, but also cause a serious "blow" to the liver.

Remember that dried dates are always digested by our body for a long time. Eat them in the morning or afternoon, but at night it is better to refuse. And yet - do not consume citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, etc.) and tomatoes at the same time. These gifts of nature contain acid, and when mixed with a large amount of carbohydrates contained in dates, such a “cocktail” causes an extremely negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Can dates be eaten with diabetes?

This question, it seems to me, needs to be elucidated in more detail. The fact is that those suffering from this disease strictly limit themselves in the use of all kinds of sweets. They refuse confectionery, no matter how much they would like it. This disease requires adherence to a strict, sometimes strict diet, but all people crave sweets from time to time - this is a normal desire.

As mentioned above, in acute forms of diabetes, dried dates should be excluded from the diet. Diabetics often try to replace the usual sweets with the use of dried fruits, and dates are just one of them. But what about the high sugar content in them? This is constantly debated among scientists, for example, Israeli doctors issued such a verdict - Majkhol dates can be used by those suffering from diabetes!

Dates in the process of being harvested, photo:

However, the number of fruits should in no case exceed the norm of 100 g per day. In addition to glucose, which is dangerous for diabetics, dried dates contain many useful components that have a beneficial effect on the body, exhausted by constant treatment. Therefore, according to the opinion of Israeli scientists, with a mild form of diabetes, you can eat dates quite a bit (1 or 2 pieces a day). Naturally, after a detailed consultation with your doctor.

With a severe or moderate form of diabetes, the use of dates, alas, is out of the question. Those who are undergoing insulin treatment should take into account that 4-5 pieces of dates are approximately 20 XE (bread units).

How to eat dates - important nuances you should know

A little lower, we will take a closer look at the beneficial properties of dates and contraindications for the male and female body, but there are some “painful” questions that interest lovers of these sweet fruits.

How many dates can an average person eat per day?

Despite the fact that this fruit has more pros than cons, it is better to observe the measure and not overeat. Within the normal range, the number of dates per day for an adult should be approximately 7-8 pieces (but not more than 10). 1-3 pieces per day will be enough for the child, if you eat more, constipation may occur, since the fibers of the fruits have the peculiarity of being digested by the body for a very long time (which we already mentioned above).

Do dates need to be washed before eating?

Very often on shop windows we can observe beautiful, shiny, as if amber fruits. So, no matter how clean and attractive the dates look, they must be washed. First, they were collected by hand, then (most likely) they were treated with sulfur dioxide. Keep in mind that almost all imported dried fruits are always treated with sulfur dioxide - to preserve the best appearance during transportation, and also so that various spider bugs do not start. By the way, the bright and appetizing color of dried fruit most often signals that it has been treated with this chemical.

In other cases, dates may be coated with fatty substances, so the issue of washing the fruit is not even discussed. Before eating, dried dates must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water! By the way, frequent cases of indigestion after eating dates are associated precisely with poor-quality fruit washing. The surface of this fruit is sticky - therefore, it attracts everything, including harmful microorganisms. Therefore, wash, or better, for a while, soak the dates in hot water.

Dates - how to choose?

In our country, they are most often sold in dry form. They are soft, hard or semi-soft to the touch. This factor often depends on at what stage of ripening the fruits were removed from the tree. Buy slightly soft fruits with intact skins. Strongly shriveled fruits should not be taken - they will not be tasty and dry. If there is a white coating on top of the date, it may be sugar or a manifestation of mold, in any case, you should not take such a fruit.

Which dates are better to buy - you will be prompted by their appearance, slightly translucent in the sun (lamp), moderately sticky (normal release of sugar), the surface should not shine too much (excessive shine is fat or paraffin). The peel should be intact, if it is “injured”, then this is an indicator that the manufacturer saved on time, dried the fruits not in the sun, as it should be according to the rules, but in a special chamber using sulfuric gas.

How to store dates at home?

It is best to place the fruits in a cool place, the compartment of the refrigerator for vegetables and fruits is optimal. If you are a happy owner of a large supply of dates, then in a tightly closed plastic (or glass) container, in the cold, they can be stored for a whole year, and in the freezer - 4-5 years!

On sale, these fruits can be canned, dried or fresh - such specimens are best eaten immediately, canned ones usually have a storage date on the package. It is those fruits that are sold in bulk that can be stored the longest, we talked about them above.

How to store dates in a paper bag? Under such conditions, the fruits can be stored for about 2 months, again, in the refrigerator. Never leave fruits where they will be exposed to direct sunlight, in a hot place or without protective packaging - they will deteriorate or dry out very quickly.

Are dates strong or weak?

If a person suffers from serious systematic constipation, then a different kind of treatment will already be needed. But as a mild laxative, in the form of compote or decoction, dates can alleviate this unpleasant phenomenon. These fruits are rich in vegetable fatty oils, they have a delicate laxative effect. In addition, dates inhibit the development of putrefactive microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, improve the process of intestinal motility, and normalize its microflora. The fact is that due to its composition, these fruits not only help to cope with constipation (especially in the form of a decoction), but also stop the symptoms of diarrhea. The nicotinic acid included in them improves digestive functions and helps to get rid of the symptom of irritable bowel.

Composition of dates

The main component of these fruits is sugar, presented in the form of sucrose and glucose, they are the main source of energy for our body. Depending on the variety of the date and the state of its maturity, the sugar level may vary, but always remains high (the most “sugar” variety is al-sukkari). In addition to the above vitamins, these fruits contain tryptophan. This amino acid is responsible for the normal functioning of the brain, slows down the aging of its cells, and has a slightly calming effect. Glutamine amino acid removes heartburn and neutralizes the increased acidity of the stomach.

Dried dates are not only a sweet tasty fruit, but also a natural, powerful source of proteins, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, various vitamins, plant fibers, saccharides, and minerals. Fatty oils, proteins, sulfur, magnesium, copper, calcium, carbohydrates, salts (15 varieties), manganese, boron, cadmium, cobalt, selenium, 23 types of amino acids, aluminum, riboflavin, pectin, pantothenic acid, fluorine - this is an incomplete list of substances contained in the amazing date fruit. These fruits do not contain cholesterol - another significant plus to the virtues and useful qualities of dates.

Dates - calories

This dried fruit is an excellent substitute for candy or chocolate. It has been proven that compared to the usual, all the usual sweets, these fruits contain much fewer calories.

How many calories are in dates - this question worries many people, especially those who monitor their weight and practice various diets. Opinions are often divided on this issue. One fruit with a stone weighs approximately 5-10 g, while the average fruit will contain approximately 23 calories. If you give an extremely accurate figure, then the calorie content of dates will be 292 calories per 100 g of fruit. And then decide for yourself whether this is a lot for you or normal.

Calculate your diet according to this indicator, at least this is the most accurate information. For comparison, just in case: 100 g of white bread contains from 250 to 380 kcal.

The calorie content of dates with pits is 280 kcal / 100g. In fact, it is higher than that of those fruits in which the stone was removed. In addition, the "stone" specimens have more useful components, as a careful analysis shows. This factor is influenced by the technology of fruit drying.

The calorie content of pitted dates is always a little less, as well as the content of nutrients in them. Fruit with a stone removed has a calorie content of 270 kcal.

The benefits of dates for the female body

This fruit has a rather interesting and different effect on the male and female body. A truly amazing fruit, because the same composition "works" in both directions, helps both, as they say.

If we consider the beneficial properties of dates for women, then first of all I would like to note its high anticarcinogenic effect. In women over 40, the risk of breast cancer increases, this factor is affected by poor ecology, stress, private nervous shaking, and heredity. So it is worth noting that an ordinary date, introduced into the diet, can significantly reduce this risk and generally positively support the female body in this age period in every possible way.

For those who are experiencing monthly painful sensations during critical days, dried dates can really help. Daily consumption of 5-8 fruits will reduce pain, give vigor (eliminate apathy and fatigue characteristic of this period). In this case, you should also definitely try a date decoction - the effect is often even better than from simply eating the fruit. For those ladies who are on diets, dates can also help, because diets are often accompanied by stress for the body and, accordingly, constipation.

Useful dates during pregnancy, even recommended. Due to the content of the necessary components in a naturally true natural form, which contribute to the accelerated contraction of the uterine muscles and thereby facilitate the birth process. The use of dates will also have only a positive effect on the subsequent recovery of the female body after the birth of a child.

Many are interested in the question - is it possible to use dates while breastfeeding? The answer will be positive - yes, you can. These fruits help to improve lactation, and the baby, along with mother's milk, will receive useful elements that dates are so rich in. After all, the components of these fruits and the nervous system soothe and promote the formation of teeth, strengthen bone tissue, increase immunity in general, and are responsible for the normal development of the brain.

Due to the content of folic acid in the composition of the fruit, the health of pregnant women, the process of childbirth, breastfeeding improves, is much softer and easier. Take for example the Arab countries, where dates are considered a revered fruit and are often eaten. A high birth rate and a low infant mortality rate are a pretty good motivator, and it's very possible that the use of dates is really very relevant in this case.

On the relevant forums, young mothers also often ask the question: is it possible for a nursing mother to have dates? And all because the body requires sweets, and doctors strongly recommend not to get involved in cakes and sweets. You can, of course, use dates in reasonable quantities - and pamper yourself with sweets, and without harm to health.

An interesting fact is that this fruit contains a hormone that is very similar to oxytocin. This is another argument that for the health of pregnant women preparing for childbirth, dates are not only allowed for use, but also recommended. The main thing is to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, remember about possible allergic reactions and consult your doctor in everything.

Dates - benefits for men

Facts are known from ancient times when male warriors, going on a campaign, took the fruits of dates with them. With them, they not only satisfied hunger, maintained strength, but also treated wounds of varying severity, alleviated inflammatory manifestations, and prepared the healing decoction that was already mentioned above. In those days, they already knew about the healing properties of these fruits and took them with them in large quantities.

Nowadays, the influence of dates on the male body is still relevant and successfully used. For example, the use of these fruits has a positive effect on male potency, stops inflammation of the urogenital area. Even for those guys who play sports and build muscle mass, dried dates help and are a great addition to a comprehensive diet specially designed for athletes.

To increase "male strength", one glass of pitted fruits should be poured with 0.5 liters of milk and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder (without a slide) should be added. This mixture must be infused for 24 hours in a dark and cool place, and then eat the fruits, washing them down with this milk. Cinnamon accelerates blood, and dates - you already know about their properties. You can take such a "drug" every other day, for a month, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Even such an indisposition as a hangover, by the way, is perfectly removed with date tea. Take 4 fruits, remove the bones from them, mash them with a fork and pour boiling water over them, wait 10-15 minutes, drink this tea and the body will immediately feel better. Nausea will go away, and if the headache does not leave you completely (depending on how much you drank the day before), then it will decrease significantly. To maximize the effect of such a “treatment”, it is highly desirable to drink this tea at least three times during the day.

Dates for weight loss

Sitting on a diet, a person denies himself many of the usual tasty and high-calorie (sometimes even harmful), but such favorite foods. And everyone always wants sweets, so as not to experience stress from depriving yourself of the usual cakes or sweets, replace them with delicious and healthy dates. Experienced dieters recommend eating no more than 10 fruits a day - such a dose will pacify the body's need for sweets, give strength and increase tone. Plus, the gastrointestinal tract will work normally, immunity will be supported, there will be no constipation (a frequent companion of diets), and the weight will gradually decrease.

Many people ask: is it possible to eat dates when losing weight, because they are high in calories? The answer is yes, you can, but in the amount of a maximum of 10 pieces per day. Then nothing critical will happen either to your weight or to your health. This is natural sugar, sweetness from nature, so feel free (if there are no contraindications) to introduce these fruits into your diet and replace them with the usual sweets, cakes or cakes. One thing is worth understanding - the date diet, in the direct sense of this meaning, is designed only for a healthy body, since it is rather "hard". I won't recommend it, just give an example.

Diet on dates involves the use of a certain amount of fruits and large volumes of pure water for several days. It is included in the category of mono-diets, and the once-loved dates can simply resist. In another case, it is not necessary to strictly limit yourself to only dates and water, you can carefully introduce boiled chicken meat or fruits, vegetables (not containing starch) into the diet in small quantities.

Diet on dates:

  1. In the first three days, 200 or 300 g of fruits are eaten, at least two liters of clean water should be drunk per day.
  2. Starting from the fourth day, apples or oranges (or grapefruits) should be added to the diet. During this period, the number of dates should no longer exceed 200 g per day.
  3. At one meal, you should eat one fruit of medium or large size.
  4. This "course" of weight loss lasts 10 days. If it is completely unbearable, then reduce the restrictions to at least 7 days.

The positive side of such a strict diet is, of course, weight loss. A small amount of fruits, however, provides the body with useful elements, helps burn excess calories, and at the same time has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and brain. Despite such harsh conditions, immunity is strengthened, and weight is reduced from 3 to 6 kg.

As for the negative aspects, the first is, of course, stress for the body due to a lack of normal nutrition. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such a diet should not be carried out for more than 10 days and more often than 1 time in 4 months. If you have kidney stones or gallbladder, such "weight loss" is strictly contraindicated for you. With migraines, diabetes and the above diagnoses in the section “harm of dates for the body”, this method of weight loss cannot be used.

What is made from dates?

Here, residents of the Arab countries can give odds to everyone, since they consider this fruit almost sacred, they love it and eat it all and everywhere. In addition to date jam or date honey, which our compatriots also know about, the Arabs make delicious sauces for meat, fillings for pies, pasta for spreading on bread.

Pumpkin sweets with dates, photo:

Cupcake with dates, honey, cinnamon and ginger, photo:

Handmade chocolate from dates, photo:

Date halva, photo:

There is no need to talk about desserts: adults and children love all kinds of jams, jellies, mousses, cocktails and yogurts with dates.

Date cocktail, photo:

Cocktail without milk. Ingredients: dates, hazelnut and peanut paste, water.

Pilaf, alcoholic drinks, all kinds of stews - this healthy and popular fruit is put everywhere. By the way, sugar is also made from dates, which is much healthier and tastier than the brown cane counterpart.

This is a tasty, healthy and healing product. Enter it into your diet and, perhaps, dates, the benefits and harms to the body from which you now also know, will help you become more alert, healthier or even slimmer!

You either love dates or you don't. They reach consumers in a dried form, which in no way detracts from the taste and benefits of this product. But lovers of dates should be aware of the potential harm they can do to the body. And for those who are just looking at introducing them into their diet - about the beneficial properties. Taking into account all the contraindications, eliminating the possibility of their development, you can continue to enjoy this amazing delicacy.

Diet sweetness

The calorie content of dates of different varieties is in the region of 220-280 kcal / 100 g, that is, in one medium-sized fruit, about 25 kcal. The minimum fat content (only 0.5 g), the presence of dietary fiber (7.5 g) make it a very attractive product in terms of nutrition.

Those who adhere to proper nutrition will like a set of vitamins. In terms of the content of vitamin B varieties, it is simply a champion among dried fruits. The combination of vitamins, micro and macro elements make it one of the best fruits. It is recommended to introduce into the diet of vegetarians, raw foodists. 23 types of amino acids is a serious claim for success compared to many products.

For dieters, the fruit will seem suitable due to the content of pantothenic acid. It plays an important role in metabolism. Do not be afraid of the amount of sugar in this product (66.5 g / 100 g). It is represented by fructose and dextrose, which, being simple sugars, will not harm the figure, but will only add energy.

For those looking to lose weight, dates can replace candy.

Regardless of the purpose of use, the norm should be observed:

  • Adults 100 - 150 g per day.
  • Children up to 50 g per day.

Beneficial features

Sleep problems are one of the most negative manifestations of the rhythm of modern life. Dates will come to the rescue due to tryptophan (a special amino acid) in the composition. It produces melatonin - the "sleep hormone". How it works:

  • stimulation of a tired person;
  • fight against insomnia - 5 pieces per night.

Tryptophan produces the “feel good hormone” (serotanin). Not the case to take antidepressants - you should try dates. After all, the therapeutic effect of tryptophan is also used in monotherapy.

Advice. So that the dates do not lose not only their organoleptic qualities, but also their healing properties, store them in a tightly closed glass or cardboard container for up to one year.

Doctors also note important properties - the prevention of cancer, and potassium salts have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and heart.

Information for women only

Pregnant and lactating women are characterized by anxiety, fears, general psychological instability. Postpartum depression and PMS, too, has not been canceled. Therefore, the use of dates will help stabilize the nervous system during all these periods of life.

Dates are good for the female body

Scientists have found that the fruits of the wonderful palm contain substances that naturally strengthen the muscles of the uterus. A positive effect in the postpartum period is the reduction of bleeding.

There is a lot of calcium (64 mg / 100 g), so in the natural period of its shortage, you can replenish the balance. There is folic acid, only in its natural form, and not in tablets, as doctors like to prescribe it.

During breastfeeding, the potential manifests itself from different sides:

  • promote lactation;
  • improve the quality of milk.

Attention! Check with your doctor and pediatrician before using.

Caution: Dates!

Regardless of individual health status, the main dangers that await everyone who consumes fruit:

  1. Caries - the fruits leave a plaque. The only way to get rid of it is to brush your teeth.
  2. Digestive disorder. Only thorough pre-treatment before use.
  3. Allergy, and not only to the fetus itself. If not rinsed well, you may encounter chemical compounds on the surface (such as sulfur dioxide), which are sometimes treated by unscrupulous suppliers.

Attention! Too shriveled fruits, mold, strong candied, light color- “correct” dates should not have such signs.

From the narrowly targeted action on a specific organism, the following aspects can be distinguished:

  1. High glycemic index, according to the level of which they are real champions. Therefore, for consumers who are forced to monitor their blood sugar levels, it is not suitable.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Dates are a "heavy" food that takes a long time to digest.
  3. High degree of obesity. Any carbohydrates become contraindicated.

People with gastrointestinal problems need to be careful when eating dates.

From antiquity to the present day

There is a version that dates contain the entire set of nutrients a person needs for a full existence. There are historical characters who ate only dates and water for several years. But such a dietary option as a few pieces, washed down with a glass of milk a day, is nothing more than an urban legend. The diet of a modern person must be well-composed, and mono-diets are not approved by most experts.

For more than 5 thousand years of existence, these amazing fruits of the first cultivated palm tree have acquired all sorts of myths and stories. Folk medicine has long adopted dates as a medicine against purulent wounds and inflammations. Some examples in the treatment of gum disease are very convincing and can be taken into account. Prevention, but not treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, is also appropriate. Relying on dates as the only way to cure serious illnesses is not worth it.

Today you can choose varieties from different producing countries, among which there are ideal dates. Drinking them with tea or milk for better absorption, some will find it tasty, and some just healthy. But in any case, you can not neglect the opportunity to improve your diet and quality of life in such a simple, affordable way.

Dates are fruits of the palm tree of the same name that can be eaten. Moreover, in our country they are most often eaten dried or slightly dried. It is believed that eating only this fruit and water, a person can live for several years., the content of useful elements is so great in them.

For the first time date palms appeared in Egypt, in the valleys of the Euphrates and the Nile. Today, this fruit is brought to our country from Spain, Africa and Italy. It is worth noting that dates in African countries are not just a sweet fruit, but a complete food product that sometimes replaces bread.

Are dates useful?

Dates have beneficial properties that are hard to dispute. Since ancient times, it has been known that this fruit is able to give male strength, endurance and significantly increase the duration and quality of life.

Dates have the ability to strengthen the liver, kidneys, heart

They inhabit the intestines with beneficial bacteria, without which it cannot function properly.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora

Moreover, it is the dates that feed the blood and play an important role in strengthening the body's strength.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of dates bring such benefits to the body:

  • saturation with useful substances;
  • general health improvement;
  • help in the treatment of certain diseases;
  • meeting the need for vitamins and minerals.

Since ancient times, dates have been used by the inhabitants of the Arab countries as a constituent element for the preparation of kissels, compotes, flour, and some other drinks.

Dates, their chemical composition: table

The composition of dates includes such substances:

  • Tryptophan: necessary for harmonious brain activity, besides, it helps to prevent the aging of body cells.
  • Glutamic acid: has the ability to normalize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Selenium: participates in the suppression of the activity of cancer cells, and also strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.

Composition of vitamins

Dates contain vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body:

  • vitamin A (89 mcg), has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision;
  • vitamin B1 (0.09 mg), helps the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the human body, releases the energy needed for physical activity;
  • vitamin B2 (0.1 mg), helps in the transport of oxygen to the cells of the body, is involved in wound healing;
  • vitamin B5 (0.78 mg), helps the absorption of sugars, which the date contains in its composition, due to which a person receives energy, endurance and physical strength;

B vitamins found in dates
  • niacin (2.2 mg), helps to restore the calmness of the excited nervous system;
  • vitamin B6 (0.19 mg), helps the muscles work properly, as well as their effective relaxation;
  • vitamin B9 (13 mcg), promotes the renewal of blood cells and a qualitative improvement in its composition;
  • vitamin E (0.1 mg), protects body cells from aging;
  • vitamin K (2.7 mcg), strengthens bone tissue, as well as heart and lung tissues.

Composition of trace elements

Dates differ not only in the variety of vitamins.

The trace elements contained in them are also very valuable for the human body:

  • potassium (652 mg): has a supporting effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • calcium (64mg): needed for strong bones;
  • magnesium (35mg): normalizes blood pressure;
  • sodium (3 mg): maintains the water-salt balance in the body;
  • phosphorus (40mg): strengthens tooth tissue, helps in recuperation.

Note! Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find in the same amount in other fruits. Moreover, the content of carbohydrates that benefit the body, it is in dates that is twice as high as in other fruits.

The nutritional value

Dates are the perfect nutritious food

Besides, this fruit is recognized as an almost ideal food that has the ability to compensate for the lack of vitamins necessary for the body, but also bring undoubted health benefits. Ripe dates contain 80% sugar and 20% plant fibers, proteins and trace elements.

Calorie content in 1 piece

Dates, despite the variety of varieties, have an equal calorie content. The average number of calories per date palm fruit is 23 kcal.. However, the Algerian variety Deglet Nur contains twice as many calories, approximately 45. And the Mejul variety exceeds this figure, having 66 kcal in its composition.

Calories in 100g

Calorie content of 100 g of dates equals 275 kcal if the fruits have seeds, then the calorie content will increase by about 8-10 units.

Date with a stone - more high-calorie

If the dates are dried, then the calorie content of 100 g will be 292 kcal. Naturally, fresh fruit will have a lower calorie content, it will be approximately 240 kcal.

Dried pitted dates calories

The calorie content of dates that have pits is not too different from dates without pits, it increases slightly and is approximately 283 kcal.

Dates, useful properties and contraindications

Royal - this is the variety of dates that is best known to consumers. It is these fruits that have the highest taste indicators, very tender pulp, as well as an unsurpassed aroma. This variety has a high price, but once you taste it once, you won’t want to try other varieties.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of dates of the royal variety practically does not differ from the indicators of other varieties. It equals 274 kcal per 100 g, therefore, one fruit has a calorie content of 23 units.

What are the benefits of dates for the human body

We can distinguish such properties that these fruits possess:

  • dates have the ability to satisfy the daily requirement of the intestines for fiber, which ensures its proper functioning. Regular consumption of this valuable fruit can greatly reduce the risk of colitis, hemorrhoids and intestinal cancer;
  • the rich content of magnesium makes dates a natural antibiotic that fights various inflammatory diseases;
  • selenium, phosphorus and calcium contained in dates have a productive effect on bone tissue and tooth enamel, strengthening and healing them;

Dates are good for tooth enamel
  • regular eating of dates allows you to stabilize and reduce blood pressure;
  • vitamins of group B, which are part of dates, allow you to maintain youth and beauty of the skin;
  • the minerals contained in dates help prevent anemia, and the regular use of this fruit during the last trimester of pregnancy allows you to prepare the body for labor stress;
  • dates contain sulfur, which reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions of various origins, including seasonal ones.

Interesting fact! Despite such a rich list of benefits that eating dates provides, people still consider them a luxurious dessert, and nothing more. Although scientists unanimously say that in order to maintain the health of the body as a whole, the use of dates on an ongoing basis is required. However, not everything is so rosy.

People who are overweight due to illness are not recommended to eat dates.

There is a clear list of indications, the presence of which in a person makes the use of dates undesirable:

  • an existing allergy to substances that are in dates;
  • diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer, diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • the presence of overweight or obesity caused by metabolic disorders.

As you can see, dates have undoubted benefits for the body, what exactly is it manifested in?

First of all, dates, due to the presence of a large amount of minerals and vitamins in them, are ideal food for children. Moreover, these fruits simply cannot contain various bacteria and microbes, which makes them completely safe.

Dates are the right food for kids

Secondly, regular eating of dates, helps to increase brain activity by 30%, which allows not only to quickly restore lost strength, but also to increase the overall performance of the body during a period of serious stress.

Thirdly, dates have the ability to reduce the negative effects of antibiotics on some organs and systems of the human body. That is why doctors often recommend using these fruits during the course of treatment.

Fourthly, dates have an important feature, they are able to remove harmful substances from the body, which are present in water and air, in unfavorable territories. In addition, useful elements that contain dates can reduce the concentration of carcinogens in the human body.

The benefits of dates for a woman's body

The body of a woman is a very delicate structure, which without fail needs to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins and microelements. That is why eating dates is so important.

They can bring a lot of benefits to a woman, namely:

  • improve the condition of the skin by increasing its elasticity;
  • fill the body with strength for tiring sports training;
  • satisfy hunger without overloading the body;
  • during lactation, dates improve lactation and increase the beneficial qualities of milk;
  • dates raise the overall vitality and mood.

What are the benefits of dates for women after 50

Dates are a product that can heal any body.

For women who have crossed the 50-year mark, they have a lot of benefits:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • maintain hormonal balance at the proper level;
  • protect against the occurrence of cancer;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of constipation;
  • reduce the risk of anemia;
  • improve brain function.

What are useful dates for men

Dates can bring a lot of useful things to the male body, including:

  1. Increasing the body's resistance, so that men can engage in serious physical labor without much effort and withstand heavy loads.
  2. Increased libido and male power. Such an effect on potency has been proven by clinical studies, moreover, it is the dates that can significantly improve the quality of sperm and the ability to conceive.

For men, dates are no less useful.

Note! Dates infused with goat's milk have a miraculous effect on the male body, relieving various diseases of the genitourinary system and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Dates reduce the negative impact of alcoholic beverages, which is why they are recommended to be consumed before large feasts.

What are useful dates for pregnant women

The benefits of this dried fruit extend to women who are in a delicate position. It is the composition of the minerals contained in dates that allows you to balance the hormonal background of a pregnant woman.

In addition, they can bring such benefits:

  • increase the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is needed not only for the intrauterine development of the baby, but also for his mother during the feeding period;
  • improve milk production during lactation;
  • get rid of problems with the intestines, including constipation, as well as prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, which is not uncommon in pregnant women;

Can You Eat Dates Every Day During Pregnancy?
  • restore strength after childbirth;
  • dates help to strengthen the fetus in the uterus, due to which they are a kind of prevention of abortion;
  • relieve labor pain.

What dates are the most useful

The most useful fruits of the date palm are those that have a smooth surface, matte finish, without too much gloss. You should not buy dates covered with sugar crystals, as well as those specimens that have cracks in the skin.

Pay attention to the presence of dates in the tail

If it is present, this is a good sign, indicating that the fetus was plucked by hand, which means that it did not fall to the ground, did not get dirty or injured.

It is worth taking a closer look at the dates, which are sold hanging on the branch on which they grew. This suggests that this variety is of high quality and excellent indicators of taste and benefits.

Dates of the Unabi variety, originally from China, deserve special attention, they are famous not only for their delicate taste, but also for the real power of healing. Moreover, it is believed that not only the date fruit itself, but also its stems have the ability to cure various diseases. This variety is distinguished by an increased ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Date bones, do they have useful properties

Do not throw away the bones that remain from eaten dates. They can be used both for the treatment of specific diseases, and for the general improvement of the body.

To do this, you can do the following:

  • a decoction of the seeds has excellent abilities to heal diseases of the urinary system;
  • date seed powder can help with indigestion;
  • by brewing date seeds and drinking the resulting liquid instead of tea, you can not only remove swelling, but also support visual function;
  • treatment of wounds or eyes with a decoction of dates, allows you to remove inflammatory processes and prevent infection of open abscesses.

Dates, what are the benefits and harm to the body

Dates are a fruit that has a unique value for the body, largely due to the fact that it contains almost the entire complex of useful minerals and vitamins.

Dates may not be good for everyone

This composition allows you to establish the smooth operation of almost all systems and organs of the human body.

Dates, benefits and harms for women

Dates, regularly consumed by women, both dried and fresh, can greatly improve health.


  • stop the development of aging processes;
  • reduce psychological and physical stress;
  • level the course of menopause;
  • relieve pain during menstruation;

Dates can relieve discomfort during critical days

However, a date-based diet has some disadvantages:

  • dried fruits have the ability to retain moisture in tissues;
  • muscle tissue is built slowly when eating dates;
  • it is very difficult to eat rather sweet dates for several days in a row.

Dates, health benefits and harms

In general, we can distinguish such undoubted benefits of dates for the human body:

  • Strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue
  • General strengthening of the body, including the heart and its vessels, immunity, joints, liver and kidneys, improving the quality of the blood and maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora.

The body will be fine with the use of dates
  • An incredible increase in human performance, in particular brain activity.
  • The presence of melatonin in dates contributes to the establishment of sleep and rest, relieving insomnia.
  • General improvement of mood and vitality of the body.

Do not consume more than ten dates a day

Otherwise, the development of such negative consequences may occur:

  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • eating dates before bed can cause congestion in the intestines;
  • the high calorie content of dates can increase body weight;
  • people with diabetes should use these fruits with great care;
  • inhibition of nervous processes, the occurrence of drowsiness and lethargy;
  • overeating dates can aggravate tooth enamel.

It is better to combine dates with citrus fruits

Note! Dates are best absorbed when consumed along with citrus fruits, or any other acidic fruits.

Dates and diabetes - good or bad

There is a lot of controversy about whether eating dates is good or bad for people who have diabetes. For example, it is noted that dates of the Majkhol variety, which grow in Israel, are not at all contraindicated for people with high blood sugar levels. Of course, provided that no more than 100 g of this product is eaten per day.

However, the high sugar content of dates (over 70%) makes them completely unsuitable for people who have complex forms of diabetes. But the mild course of the disease makes it possible to consume one or two sweet fruits per day.

Dried dates, what are the benefits and harms

Dried dates are common in our country along with dried dates, they bring undoubted benefits to the human body:

  • fight germs and bacteria;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • used to treat the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs;
  • help to establish the proper functioning of the digestive tract;
  • solve problems of men's and women's health;
  • help to increase the quality and production of milk during lactation;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • prevent the development of arthritis.

People with diabetes should not eat dates

However, do not forget that dried dates can harm the body, namely:

  • increase blood sugar;
  • can cause headaches
  • can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially when consumed before bedtime.

What other diseases and conditions are “treated” with dates

Such a useful product as dates can solve many health problems.

It is worth noting that dates can help a person even in such cases:

  • restore strength after an illness;
  • solve problems of impotence;
  • improve labor activity;
  • help with motion sickness in transport;
  • relieve fatigue from the eyes;
  • heal bleeding gums;

Dates help strengthen gums
  • relieve dizziness that occurs when there are diseases of the middle ear;
  • remove heavy metal ions from the human body;
  • like aspirin, reduce pain;
  • as poultices relieve muscle pain.

The benefits and harms of dates - what is the daily rate

Having studied the benefits and harms that eating dates entails, it is worth noting that it is enough to eat from 3 to 5 fruits per day. This amount is recognized as optimal and sufficient to replenish the body's daily need for vitamins and microelements.

Do not forget that more than 300 g of dates per day should not be eaten in any case., otherwise you can get stomach problems, due to the fact that this product is digested for quite a long time and is able to stop the work of the intestines.

Add dates to different dishes - have fun and benefit

Proper use of dates will bring nothing but benefits to the human body. On the contrary, it will make up for the lack of vitamins, strengthen all human systems and organs, and, moreover, with a high degree of probability, will cheer you up and improve your vitality.

Find out how to choose the right dates from a useful video review:

Dates: medicine or treat? Details in the next video:

Dates: benefits and harms to the body. What do you need to know? Watch an interesting video:

Oriental delicacy, loved by adults and children, has healing properties. It has been proven effective in the treatment of many diseases. If you eat several fruits a day, you can get rid of depression, improve brain function. It is worth taking a closer look at the properties of these fruits, learning about the harm and benefits for the body.

What are useful dates

The most delicious fruits grow on the palm trees of the countries of the East. Large fruits of the royal variety of Iranian origin are popular. Why dates - the benefits and harms for the body of which have been known for many centuries - are not forgotten today? Their value is low calorie content - 280 kcal, the presence of a large number of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids. Fruits are rich in fast carbohydrates - fructose, glucose - help to quickly saturate, they do not contain cholesterol.

For a woman's body

If you regularly use these fruits in dried, fresh form, you can improve your health and improve your appearance. What are the benefits of dates for women? It is necessary to use them daily in order to:

  • relax after psychological and physical stress;
  • stop the aging process;
  • relieve the symptoms of menopause;
  • relieve premenstrual syndrome;
  • increase sexuality, libido;
  • gain weight with anorexia.

For the body of a man

How dates - the benefits and harms of which have been studied for the body of men, can be used for the daily menu? Recommend their use with nuts, honey for quick recovery after high physical exertion, training. At the same time, fatigue decreases, strength, energy, and endurance appear. In order not to cause harm, it is necessary to take into account contraindications for use.

What are useful dates for men? These delicious fruits contribute to:

  • potency increase;
  • improving the quality of seminal fluid;
  • removal of alcohol intoxication;
  • increasing physical strength;
  • reduce the risk of stroke;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • prevention of hemorrhoids;
  • elimination of the effects of stress;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Can children have dates

Since this fruit is tasty and healthy, pediatricians recommend eating it from the age of 1.5 years. So that dates - the benefits and harms for the body of which are known - do not lead to trouble, it is necessary to check whether they will cause allergies in the baby. Mom should give him a small portion first. It is very important to remove the bone from the fetus. Under such conditions, there will be no question - is it possible for children to have dates.

Regular consumption of these fruits benefits children's health. They are given in dried form, in addition to dishes or as part of homemade compotes. When using it:

  • immunity increases;
  • improves brain activity;
  • bones are strengthened;
  • there is a rapid recovery after illness;
  • sleep is regulated;
  • excitation is removed;
  • anemia is cured;
  • the energy reserve increases;
  • the body can fight infections faster.

vitamins in dates

  • A - vision correction;
  • C - increase immunity;
  • E - skin improvement;
  • PP - power generation;
  • D - strengthening bones;
  • In 1 - improvement of mental abilities;
  • B 2 - hematopoiesis;
  • B 5 - regulation of metabolic processes;
  • B 6 - strengthening the nervous system;
  • At 12 - a decrease in irritability.

Dates during pregnancy

The fruit has a special role when a woman is expecting a child. Dates during pregnancy provide mother and fetus with useful substances. To avoid harm, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of allergies. The benefits of the product for a pregnant woman:

  • constipation is eliminated;
  • the walls of the uterus are strengthened;
  • the contraction of her muscles during childbirth improves;
  • pain during contractions decreases;
  • their duration is reduced;
  • miscarriages are prevented;
  • there is a rapid recovery after caesarean section;
  • hemoglobin is maintained.

Dates for weight loss

Disputes arise - what are the benefits and harms of dates in weight loss processes? On the one hand, it is a high-calorie product, on the other hand, there is a quick return of the feeling of satiety when eating a small amount of fruit. Dates for weight loss are used in diets, during fasting days. They help reduce cravings for sweets, replace sugar, and are convenient for snacking.

  • excess water is removed;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • slags are removed together with plant fibers.

For diabetes

This disease requires diabetics to avoid sugary foods. Due to the huge amount of nutrients, dates for diabetes can be eaten in consultation with the doctor. They are indicated for type 1 and type 2 disease. The allowable daily intake of no more than 2 pieces will not harm. Fruits can prevent pathologies of vision, which is often observed in this disease. It is forbidden to use them if it proceeds:

  • in old age;
  • with concomitant diseases;
  • in severe form;
  • insulin dependent type.

From cough

Fruits are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The use of dates for coughing is recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia, if they are severe, protracted. Medicinal properties have a decoction of fruits in hot milk. This recipe helps:

  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • relieve cough;
  • remove mucus;
  • facilitate the process of expectoration.

With lactation

This fruit plays a special role during the period of feeding the baby with mother's milk. Due to the presence of vitamins and trace elements in the composition, the use of dates during lactation helps a woman recover faster after childbirth. Regular consumption of fruits helps to get out of a depressive state, increases the production of a hormone responsible for the quantity and quality of breast milk.

It is necessary to introduce this product with care so as not to cause harm - it may be allergenic to the child. The benefits of fruits - along with milk, the baby receives vitamins, minerals, which contributes to:

  • decrease in arousal;
  • the formation of bones, teeth;
  • muscle development;
  • normalization of hemoglobin;
  • brain development;
  • increase immunity;
  • correct growth.

For constipation

Known benefits of fruit for problems with the stool. Dates for constipation are contraindicated, they can also be harmful in acute colitis and gastritis. In other cases, they are used in dried, fresh form, compotes and healing decoctions are made. Due to the presence of fatty vegetable oils and fiber, fruits:

  • have mild laxative properties;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • activate intestinal motility;
  • reduce the growth of putrefactive bacteria;
  • improve microflora.

Dates - contraindications

In order not to harm yourself when using this healthy product, you need to consider that someone may have a food allergy to dates. You can not eat them in large quantities, so that diabetes does not develop, severe headaches do not begin. These fruits are contraindicated in case of digestive disorders - a dense peel is digested for a long time by the stomach.

Often the use of the product can provoke the formation of caries. Since this is a heavy food for the body, you can not eat it at night - eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is not recommended to use the product in the presence of:

  • obesity;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • insulin dependent diabetes;
  • urolithiasis.


The edible fruits of some varieties of the date palm have long been used as a valuable food product. Fleshy and sweet fruits of orange-red color with an elongated bone inside are classified as exquisite oriental delicacies. Today I will consider in detail the benefits and harms of dates for the human body, why are these fruits so remarkable?

In the east, where date palms grow naturally, dates are consumed fresh, dried, and dried. In Arab countries, flour, honey and sugar are made from them, and fresh ones are affectionately called “bread of the desert”. Dates are brought to Europe in the form of dried fruits, which retain almost all biologically active phytonutrints after drying.

In cooking, various desserts are prepared from dates, ground into a paste and combined with nuts, seeds, honey, dried berries and fruits, and also added in the process of cooking meat dishes and cold snacks. Fruits saturated with natural sugars can replace traditional sweets and chocolates, while saturating the body with a maximum of valuable compounds.

The benefits and harms of dates for the body

Useful properties of dates are well studied by nutritionists. World-famous nutritionists strongly recommend the daily inclusion of dried or dried dates in the diet instead of confectionery products containing refined sugar.

Useful properties and calorie content

The benefits of dates for the human body lies in the biochemical composition of the fruit. They contain carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars (glucose and fructose), proteins and a small amount of lipids. Dates are rich in fiber and pectins, antioxidants and organic acids, contain 23 essential amino acids, 5 groups of vitamins (B, C, E, PP, K) and a whole range of minerals: calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, sulfur, cobalt , zinc, selenium, cadmium, boron, iodine, etc.

Dried and dried dates are high-calorie foods. 100 g of fruit contains about 220 to 280 kcal, depending on the variety of the crop and the method of drying it.

The weight of each fruit is from 18 to 25 g, respectively, calories in 1 date contains from 50 to 72 kcal. This information is necessary for the preparation of a balanced diet and will be useful to anyone who calculates the calorie content of the daily menu.

The main therapeutic qualities of dates (fresh, dried, dried without added sugar):

  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and accumulated metabolites, activating intestinal motility;
  • immunomodulating;
  • hypotensive, that is, lowering blood pressure;
  • expectorants;
  • hematopoietic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antioxidant;
  • anticholesterol;
  • restorative;
  • tonic;
  • normalizing the acid balance of the body;
  • restorative powers;
  • antitumor;
  • sedatives;
  • soothing.

Dates are indispensable for the normal functioning of the brain. Natural sugars, which are absorbed in record time, improve brain activity and concentration. It is especially useful to eat a treat during increased mental stress, for example, for students during a session or for senior workers during a brainstorming session. Scientists believe that eating fruits increases brain productivity by 20%.

Nutritionists recommend including dates in therapeutic and preventive nutrition for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The bionutrients of the delicacy, especially potassium and magnesium, stimulate the activity of the myocardium in heart failure, reduce arterial hypertension, cleanse the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

Melatonin (the hormone responsible for sweet sleep) in the composition of dates will provide a quality night's rest and make the process of falling asleep easy and pleasant. For those who suffer from insomnia, doctors recommend eating 3-4 dates before going to bed, washing down the sweetness with a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of natural honey.

The use of dates increases endurance and helps to endure excessive physical exertion, which is especially important for professional athletes and people employed in heavy industries. And the product is indispensable during the recovery period after serious illnesses.

What are the benefits of dates for women?

Women are more likely than men to crave sweet foods. A lack of glucose provokes a decrease in the efficiency of the brain and can cause an imbalance in the endocrine system.

The benefits of dates for women lies in the high concentration in the fruits of tryptophan, an essential acid that is synthesized in the body into “hormones of joy” - endorphins. Just a few dates stabilize the emotional background and normalize the state of the nervous system, which is especially important during periods of hormonal failure, such as pregnancy, lactation, puberty and menopause.

Doctors say that the substances in the composition of exotic fruits strengthen the muscles of the uterus, and this greatly facilitates labor activity, making the process of childbirth less painful and easier.

In addition, dates relieve cramps during menstruation and help to avoid premenstrual syndrome.

Can you eat while breastfeeding?

Not only possible, but necessary. The use of dates stimulates the lactation process and allows a nursing woman not to lack breast milk and provide the newborn with good nutrition.

The mechanism of activation of milk production stimulates the substance present in the fruit - oxytocin. The minerals contained in the product, in particular calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, contribute to the proper formation of the baby's bone tissue and prevent bone fragility in the mother.

Benefits for men

Dates are natural products that increase male power. Eating sweet fruits, men increase stamina and activate potency in a natural way.

3-5 dates per day will speed up the process of building muscle during training in the gym and improve overall well-being, especially in old age.

Despite the high nutritional value of the treat, it is much healthier than traditional desserts and brings the body much fewer calories than cakes and pastries, especially for children.

If you do not exceed the daily amount of fruits recommended by experts, then with the help of dates you can completely abandon the usual desserts and at the same time not experience constant cravings for sweets. Knowing how many dates you can eat per day, you can maintain the optimal balance of biologically active substances in the body.

If you need to gain weight and satisfy the body in B vitamins, then it is recommended to eat 10-12 fruits per day. If you strive for harmony and adhere to a low-calorie diet, then the daily rate should not exceed 5-6 dates. Children's dosage is 7-8 pcs. in a day.

Contraindications for use

Like all exotic fruits, dates have a number of restrictions, and if consumed excessively, they can bring certain harm. Do not buy dates that have been made with sugar syrup or chemicals. You can find out about the presence of various additives from the label on the package or ask the seller. Choose clean fruits, preferably packaged in special containers.

It is undesirable to use dates during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (pancreatitis, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis), with individual intolerance to fructose and allergies to fruit. If there is a history of stage 2-3 obesity, treats should be included in the diet only as part of a special diet.

Can dates be used for type 2 diabetes?

Since the fruits have the highest glycemic index among dried fruits, it is advisable for diabetics to refuse to include dates in the menu. Their use can lead to a sharp jump in blood glucose levels and provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Do you like dates? Now on the shelves of stores you can find such a healthy delicacy of various varieties, with and without seeds, dried and dried, stuffed with sesame and nuts, as well as in the form of sweet paste. Replace the usual sweets with healthy fruits, and your body will always be in shape. Good health to you!