Lungwort: a unique natural healer. Useful properties of lungwort, folk recipes using the plant

Lungwort officinalis, pulmonary herb or lungwort obscure - refers to common plants. The beauty of lungwort flowers pleases the eye, but it gained its fame not only thanks to appearance. Properties of this wonderful plant widely known and applicable to eliminate multiple problems in the body, as well as in the field of cooking.


The plant belongs to the borage family. Its shoots appear in March. Initially it blooms with bright red flowers, gradually acquiring a purple and then blue color. Lives in deciduous forests, parks and oak forests.

The leaves of the perennial plant are located on the stems and also at the base of the flowers. They are rich in various microelements, thanks to which lungwort has earned the name of a medicinal plant.

This is interesting. The Latin version of the plant's name is "Pulmonas", which means "lung". This term is more than appropriate, because lungwort has been used for therapy from time immemorial pulmonary diseases. Moreover, in ancient times it was believed that the spots on the leaves of the lungwort symbolize diseased respiratory organs, which healing herb to be cured after collection and drying.

Collection and storage of medicinal plants

As a basis for the production of numerous medicines Absolutely all parts of the plant are relevant. It is most convenient to use lungwort in dried form. They dry it in different ways: in spring, flowers and leaves can be quickly dried with full ventilation. In the fall, the roots are usually dried slowly and for a long time. Lungwort grass is best stored in boxes lined with paper on the inside.

Since predominantly the upper parts of the plant are often used for medicinal purposes, harvesting is done during the period of active flowering. The collected purified raw materials are placed on a pallet, which is placed in a well-ventilated place. Finished dry plants are cut and stored until needed.

Composition and medicinal properties of lungwort

The beneficial properties of lungwort are largely due to its component composition, which includes multiple useful elements:

  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • allantoin;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols;
  • mucus;
  • alkaloids;
  • polyphenols;
  • carotene;
  • micro and macroelements: iron, manganese, iodine, silicon, etc.
  • ascorbic acid.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo of the plant Lungwort officinalis

Lungwort - medicinal properties and contraindications

Lungwort officinalis- has beneficial properties in the treatment of lung diseases, diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Latin name: Pulmonaria officinalis.

English names: lungwort, common lungwort or Our Lady’s milk drops.

Common name: water keys, spotted grass, pulmonary root, pulmonary herb, pulmonary herb, lungwort, smoktunchiki.

Family: Borage - Boraginaceae.

Parts used: grass, roots.

Lungwort officinalis

Botanical description: lungwort – perennial, belonging to the borage family. The erect and branched stem has short hairs. Lungwort does not grow higher than 30 cm. The rhizome of the plant is very developed and thick. The leaves located at the top of the stem are sessile, and the lower leaves are on short petioles and have whitish spots. All leaves of the plant are rough and have fluff. The flowers of the plant are bells, which are located at the ends of the branches. The flowering period is a wonderful sight because, in addition to beautiful crimson flowers, you can see purple or blue bells. The fruit of the plant is 4 nuts, which are pointed at the ends.

Habitat: Lungwort grows in the forests of Eastern and Central Europe (throughout Ukraine), in marshy areas and meadows of the British Isles. Grows among bushes, in mixed forests, groves, ravines, shady hills.

Collection and preparation: As a medicinal raw material for pharmacies, lungwort herb is collected in early spring during flowering, so the flowering shoots (possibly together with leaves) are cut off near the soil, after which they are folded into small bunches and hung in a ventilated room to dry. You can also dry the raw materials in the sun or using dryers (the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees). It is important to dry the raw material quickly, which will help prevent it from turning black.

Lungwort roots are collected later in the fall and dried sufficiently long time. After drying, it is advisable to crush (grind) all parts of the plant and grind them into powder. Dried raw materials are stored in thick fabric or paper bags.

Active ingredients: Lungwort contains vitamin C (about 30%), rutin, carotene, silicic acid (about 5%), half of which is in soluble form, organic acids, mucus substances, sugar, quercetin, bornesite, kaempferol, potassium, iodine, manganese, silicon, iron.

Medicinal properties and uses

In folk medicine, lungwort has found use as a means of treating diseases. respiratory tract, stomach ulcers with increased acidity gastric juice, kidney diseases and Bladder, urolithiasis, laryngitis. Lungwort is effective for loss of voice as a result of inflammatory processes and overstrain of the vocal cords.

The plant has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties, reduces expectoration, and has diuretic properties. It has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, improves protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Lungwort preparations have found wide use for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, urethritis, colitis, dyspepsia in children and debilitating diarrhea in the elderly.

Use in folk medicine

Herbal infusion recipe

  • 2 teaspoons of the herb are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. The infusion is taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon, up to complete cure sick.

Infusion of lungwort herb - folk remedy with prolonged cough, hoarseness, childhood tuberculosis, inflammation of the kidneys and urolithiasis, hemorrhoids. Externally, the infusion is used to restore vaginal microflora, as well as for treatment skin diseases(the infusion will help relieve itching and irritation, not to mention accelerating the “healing” of long-term wounds).

Herbal decoction recipe

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of lungwort herb into 400 ml of boiling water, leave for three hours, squeeze out the raw materials. Drink 100 ml 4-5 times a day.

Lungwort decoction is a traditional medicine for the treatment of respiratory tract catarrh, colds, coughs, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Herbal tincture recipe

  • 30 grams of dry herb Lungwort is poured with 500 ml of vodka and infused for 14 days. Take the filtered product 2 teaspoons three times a day before meals.

Lungwort tincture is a folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, anemia.


Self-medication is dangerous! Before treating at home, consult your doctor.

Treatment with lungwort
  1. Herpes. Brew 2 teaspoons of lungwort herb in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take a glass 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.
  2. Diarrhea (diarrhea). Grind 40 g of lungwort herb, add 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink a decoction of a third of a glass per day.
  3. Lung diseases. Pour 2 tablespoons of lungwort herb into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, add honey to taste. Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day.

Side effects. Consuming lungwort on an empty stomach may cause nausea.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance.

Lungwort is a low perennial plant, healing nature which has long been known in folk medicine around the world. Already in early spring, charming pinkish-purple flowers, smelling of honey, grow from the ground.

Previously, this plant was popularly known as lungwort and this name was given for a reason; lungwort was used in the treatment of the respiratory tract. IN different periods this plant produces different environment, acidic at the beginning of life and slightly alkaline in the middle of the life cycle.

Contents of the article:

Medicinal properties

This universal medicinal plant has many beneficial properties:

  • Envelops.
  • Removes phlegm.
  • Participates in hematopoiesis.
  • Softens.
  • Improves the functioning of internal glands.
  • Has diuretic properties.
  • Pain relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Has antiseptic properties.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Lungwort is also known for its nutritional qualities. It grows almost everywhere and appears as soon as the snow melts, this is one of the most easily accessible sources of calories if you suddenly get lost in the forest. You can also make a delicious tea from lungwort; the flowers of the plant are honey-bearing.

The grass contains a number of vitamins, so it is especially useful as food in the spring. You can eat it raw, chop it into a salad or add it to soup.

The British plant lungwort directly in their gardens and have long used lungwort leaves in their cooking. Previously, our ancestors did not ignore this miracle plant and consumed it as food.

The leaves are endowed with many chemical elements necessary for the functioning of the body. Among them are carotene, ascorbic acid, manganese, rutin, and silver.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

The plant has almost no harm or contraindications, with the exception of a few cases. Medicines containing lungwort are prohibited from being taken by people experiencing difficulties from chronic constipation and intolerance.

Such medications are contraindicated for people with high blood clotting and intestinal atony. You should take medications based on lungwort after meals.

Methods of use in folk medicine

  • At one tablespoon of finely chopped plant is poured into 200 ml of water, left for two hours, then filtered and taken one glass five times a day.
  • When coughing, grind ten grams of lungwort and pour two mugs of water heated to boiling water and filter. Drink half a glass 3 times a day thirty minutes before meals.
  • For respiratory diseases two tablespoons of finely chopped herbs are poured into a liter of beer, to which a spoonful of honey is added, and then everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting solution is heated and 50% of the moisture is evaporated from it, left for half an hour, and then filtered. Take two small spoons three times a day before meals, you can wash it down.
  • For problems with the gastrointestinal tract Forty grams of crushed grass is poured with cooled boiled water, then kept for about two hours and filtered. You need to drink one glass 5 times a day.
  • For bleeding Leaves crushed to a powdery state are applied to wounds and cuts.
  • For gastritis, kidney stones Twenty grams of lungwort are poured into half a liter of boiling water and infused for two hours, then strained. Half a glass is taken three times a day before meals.
  • For eczema two tbsp. spoons of dried herbs are brewed with two cups of boiling water, then boiled for ten minutes over low heat and filtered. You need to drink a third of a cup three times a day.
  • Lungwort tea made from two teaspoons of crushed plant poured with a quarter liter of boiling water. This tea is infused for ten minutes and filtered.

The next time you see these delicate flowers, don’t pass by, admire the beauty and power of this small plant, which has been healing people from many ailments for centuries and will continue to heal just as many more, if we take our minds off the bustle of the civilized world for even a minute and look down at ourselves. legs.

Lungwort officinalis

The use of lungwort in folk medicine

We all know very well that the most frequent illnesses among the population of the whole world - these are respiratory ailments, accompanied by a cough, which haunts each of us throughout our lives.

Lungwort or, as it is popularly called, lungwort, is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds. Greetings, dear guests and friends of the blog " Traditional medicine recipes».

Lungwort|Pulmonaria officinalis|Boraginaceae family

● The herbaceous perennial medicinal plant has a rather thick but short rhizome and a pubescent stem, reaching a height of 30 to 40 cm. The leaves near the roots are large (20-25 cm long), have a violet-blue (blue) color at the beginning of the flowering phase, and by the end of flowering the color of the corollas changes to pink. Moreover, normally at this time the corolla can contain both pink and blue flowers.

● Lungwort medicinal plant unpretentious - grows in all regions of great Russia, except that it is absent in the Arctic zone. Favorite places are the edges of forests, mainly coniferous; along roads, clearings and in forest meadows.

Lungwort officinalis - use in folk medicine

● C therapeutic purpose Flowers and leaves are usually harvested; plant roots are less commonly used. It is advisable to collect medicinal raw materials during the flowering period; they need to be dried quickly in well-ventilated areas: in attics, under sheds, etc.

If you find that some of the raw materials have turned black during the drying process, you should know that the place you have chosen does not have sufficient ventilation.

● People call lungwort a lungwort herb, thanks to its wide application for treatment, organs respiratory system(pneumonia, bronchitis) as an antitussive and emollient. used for metabolic disorders, especially useful for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder (), (pyelitis, glomerulonephritis).

●B ancient Rus' sorcerers and herbalists treated weak sick children with (anemia) with lungwort. Subsequently, scientists proved that the content in the plant active substances stimulates hematopoiesis.

Lungwort has long been used to heal patients (goiter), for this reason in some regions of Russia it is called iodine herb.

● Due to the content of active substances - saponins - in the vegetable plant, it has a healing effect on the organs of the respiratory system.

Herbal infusions and decoctions are used for hoarseness and hoarseness. And the high content of tannins makes it an effective remedy for combating (diarrhea) and other diseases of the digestive system.

● Infusions of medicinal plants have been successfully tested many times for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, including urolithiasis and bloody urine.

Lungwort officinalis used to be indispensable in treatment internal bleeding: hemorrhoidal, uterine and gastric. In folk medicine, it was considered one of the most effective remedies for children in combination with goat's milk and badger fat.

● When conducting experimental research has been proven positive influence Lungwort officinalis on the renewal of blood composition in malignant neoplasms.

It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, so crushed leaves of the plant are applied for a long time. non-healing wounds for faster scarring.

Lungwort officinalis is ideally suited for patients with a deficiency of certain microelements, since it contains them a large number of; for example, manganese contains up to 10% of the total mass of ash.

● Young lungwort has great taste greens and can be successfully used to prepare spring vitamin salads.

● Let's summarize. Treatment plant has astringent, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, diuretic, wound healing, hemostatic, tonic, expectorant and antiseptic properties, and also regulates the functioning of organs endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland.

Traditional medicine recipes

● Infuse 4 teaspoons of lungwort herb in 300 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes, filter. Drink ¼ glass of infusion 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

● Mash the leaves of the plant, as when pickling cabbage, until the juice appears. Apply the resulting mixture to the non-healing wound surface.

● Eat a vitamin salad in the spring, consisting of young leaves of lungwort, borage; pre-squeeze slightly and add sour cream to taste and a little lemon juice.

● Recipe for the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis. Take equal amounts (1 tablespoon each) of lungwort herb, leaves and lingonberries, pour half a liter of boiling water, insulate and set aside in a dark place for half an hour, then filter. 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.

● To get rid of hoarseness, prepare this recipe. Infuse two tablespoons of lungwort herb for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml of the infusion warm 4-5 times a day, adding a little natural (preferably buckwheat).

● Treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx and pharynx, pneumonia, dry cough and Let one tablespoon of the herb brew a little in a glass of boiling water. Drink 250 ml in small sips morning and evening, adding a spoonful of honey.

● Decoction for treatment and. Pour two tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant into one liter of beer, add a tablespoon of honey and cook the resulting mixture until half the original volume is obtained.

Take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day before meals with water for pneumonia. And to strengthen your hair, rinse it periodically after washing your hair.

Get healthy, friends, God bless you!!!

They have medicinal properties. It’s just that we know about some, but not about others. The beautiful honey plant Lungwort grows in forests, and its leaves resemble the shape of human lungs. Scientifically it is called pulmonaria. How lungwort herb is brewed, medicinal properties And what are its contraindications, what is its use? We will discuss the answers to these popular questions in traditional medicine on this page “Popular about health”.

Even our ancestors in ancient times argued that nature itself contains a hint as to what diseases the plant is intended to treat. A striking example of this is the lungwort, which has shown itself to be effective remedy in the treatment of lung diseases. This was judged by her leaflets.

What types of lungwort are medicinal??

Only 14 plant species grow on the Eurasian continent. They prefer shady edges and deciduous forests, but are sometimes found under fences near houses. The most valuable in folk medicine are:

Sugar lungwort, which can be found throughout our country;

Medicinal pulmonaria, which grows exclusively in European forests and the Kaliningrad region;

Dark (unclear) lungwort grass, although it is considered larger ornamental plant, but still appears in some recipes;

Soft lungwort is a plant from Asian countries and Eastern Siberia.

In addition, to medicinal types include species such as mountain lungwort, longleaf lungwort, and red lungwort. For treatment, you need to take only the stems and the leaves located on them, and do not use the rhizome. The raw materials are dried, then ground into powder and packaged in portions to later prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures. However, healers try to store the herb without first crushing it, but using it as needed.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Rich chemical composition made a lungwort useful plant. It contains organic matter in the form of tannins, bioflavonoids, saponins. In addition, the plant contains ascorbic and silicic acids, beta-carotene. Lungwort is famous high content resins and tannins, it contains iron, potassium, copper and polyphenols.

The medicinal properties of compositions with this plant are manifested in the expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect that lungwort has on the human lungs. Tea or infusion helps reduce pain during bronchitis and alleviate coughing attacks. Decoctions or infusions are taken for kidney problems, bladder to restore.

Healers claim that lungwort is indispensable for blood-related diseases. It stimulates hematopoiesis and can stop bleeding.

The plant is recommended as part of a complex for treatment oncological diseases. Generally, ethnoscience appreciates grass for its ability to provide restorative effect for immunity. It can improve many processes in the body - water-salt, protein, carbohydrate metabolism.

Relatively skin we can say that they recover faster when proper treatment lungwort, cell regeneration accelerates, which means wound healing occurs faster.

Using lungwort at home

Summarizing the above, we can highlight a number of indications and diseases that lungwort can cope with:

Despite the large number of beneficial properties of plants, replacing traditional treatment Traditional recipes alone are not possible in all cases. Decoctions and infusions can be part of the main therapy and increase its effectiveness, but only after consultation with an experienced herbalist (he will take into account all your complaints).


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