How long does the collapse last? Vascular collapse: symptoms and emergency care for a life-threatening condition

Vascular collapse found in large quantity people and often leads to fatal outcome. Death occurs within 5-10 minutes after loss of consciousness; if no one is nearby at this time, the victim dies. It is very important for everyone to remember the basic clinical symptoms and “harbingers” of the disease - this will help save human lives. Providing first aid does not require special skills and abilities, but is very effective.


This emergency requiring urgent medical care. Actually, collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency, characterized by a drop in vascular tone and a decrease in circulating blood volume.

The main pathogenetic effect is associated with a violation vegetative activity body, as a result of damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems:

  • The central nervous system, that is, the brain, includes several important centers for regulating the activity of the vascular system. These include: kernels cranial nerves, accumulation of neurons in the brain substance, hypothalamus, orbital cortex, insula, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, amygdala. Recent research shows that activity of cardio-vascular system affects any part of the brain. That is, if any part of the head is damaged, disorders are possible that manifest themselves in the form of bradycardia, tachycardia, hyper- or hypotension, and the like. The different directions of the symptoms shown are associated with the lack of a strict specific response to certain type defeats.
  • Disturbances in the activity of the peripheral nervous system are associated with the appearance orthostatic hypotension. This is a condition where blood pressure drops sharply when moving from a lying position to a standing position. It is observed in children and elderly people. The latter are characterized by the appearance of symptoms of cerebral circulatory disorders. The key factor in pathogenesis in this case is the pathology of the release of norepinephrine, adrenaline and renin at the right time. In this case, the necessary vasoconstriction and increase in intravascular resistance, stroke volume and heart rate do not occur. The causes of impaired neurotransmitter release are different: damage to peripheral sympathetic fibers and blocking the release of neurotransmitters. Hypotension also occurs with pathology of postganglionic sympathetic fibers, while the amount of norepinephrine in the blood is reduced even in the supine position. As a person moves to a standing position, the level of the transmitter continues to decrease.

Vascular collapse occurs when the following diseases: tumors in the occipital and parietal lobes of the brain, brain stem, ventricles. Also found in Shy-Drager syndrome and multiple sclerosis.


There are three periods in the development of collapse:

  1. 1. Presyncope. Lasts from several seconds to minutes, characterized by the appearance of short-term symptoms of collapse, the so-called “precursor period.” At this time, the person complains of severe headache, blurred vision, nausea, pressure in the temples, congestion in the ears, slight dizziness, weakness and discomfort in the limbs.
  2. 2. Actually fainting. The main symptom is a lack of consciousness, lasting on average about five minutes. During this period, a person experiences cyanosis skin and mucous membranes, decreased pulse, lack of response to painful and tactile stimuli. IN severe cases convulsions occur.
  3. 3. Recovery period. At this time, a gradual restoration of consciousness occurs. Within a few seconds, the patient begins to fully orient himself in time and space.

Unfavorable signs that occur during an attack of vascular insufficiency are: shortness of breath, paroxysmal tachycardia with a frequency of more than 160 beats per minute, a decrease in heart rate of less than 60 per minute, prolonged severe headache, hypotension in a supine position.

Emergency help

The victim needs first aid, so it is necessary to urgently call a medical team. Before her arrival, a number of mandatory instructions must be followed:

  • Urgently place the patient in horizontal position with raised legs. Allow air flow by unfastening buttons or ties.
  • Carefully bring it to your temple cotton swab, moistened with a solution of ammonia. If there is no reaction, gently move the cotton wool to the nasal passages. Ammonia has a stimulating effect on the respiratory and vascular centers.
  • At long absence consciousness (more than 2 minutes) turn the victim on his side. This is necessary to prevent aspiration of vomit or tongue during convulsions.
  • The patient should not be left alone until emergency medical services arrive.
  • After the doctors arrive, report the time of unconsciousness and any complications that have arisen (vomiting, convulsions, speech disorders, etc.). It is necessary to describe in detail possible reason the occurrence of vascular collapse, precursors (headache, nausea, fever). If a person came to his senses before the doctors arrived, you need to pay attention to the time after which the victim began to navigate, and general state body.

Be sure to pay attention to complaints after an attack: pain in chest, shortness of breath, double vision, disturbances in speech, gait, and so on. The ambulance team fully examines the victim to identify complications: biting the tongue, injury during a fall, hidden bleeding. Be sure to pay attention to the medical history: similar cases in childhood, episodes of loss of consciousness among relatives, names of medications used, concomitant diseases.

If the victim is found to have injuries resulting from a fall, if there are signs of damage to somatic organs, abnormalities in the anamnesis, repeated cases of vascular shock, pathological manifestations ECG and so on, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

Treatment at the hospital stage

The medical team delivers the victim to a specialized department, where a high-quality examination and diagnosis of the disease is carried out. During transportation, medications are administered to the patient. The nurse’s action algorithm is as follows:

  • With a significant reduction blood pressure(systolic less than 50 mm Hg) Midodrine is administered. Begins to act within 10 minutes, maintaining positive effect up to three hours. The mechanism of action is to influence the receptors of blood vessels, which leads to their reflex narrowing. Phenylephrine, which is administered intravenously, has a similar effect. Unlike Midodrine, it begins to act immediately and retains its effect on blood vessels for up to 20 minutes. Medicines are contraindicated for pathologies of the kidneys, adrenal glands, urinary disorders, thyrotoxicosis and pregnancy.
  • The drug Atropine copes well with bradycardia. It is administered intravenously. A small concentration of the drug in the body can, on the contrary, reduce the heart rate, so the dose of Atropine should be selected carefully. IN emergency cases There are no contraindications for the use of the drug. Use cautiously in people with glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure, coronary disease heart disease, intestinal damage, hyperthyroidism and arterial hypertension.

If cardiac pacing is necessary, the patient is sent to the cardiology department. Registration of focal brain symptoms requires specialized treatment, so the victim is transported to the neurological department. After the treatment, up to 2-4 months of rehabilitation are necessary, after which the full recovery functions.

They can develop abruptly, catching a person and the people around him by surprise. Such pathological conditions can be relatively harmless, but in some cases they can cause serious threat health and life. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be left unattended; the victim should be given first aid. Quite common disorders of this type include vascular collapse, causes, symptoms and treatment in a little more detail.

What is vascular collapse?

The term vascular collapse refers to a type in which this pathological condition causes a sharp decrease in vascular tone, which in turn causes a sharp decrease in arterial and venous pressure and loss of consciousness.

Causes of vascular collapse

There are a number of factors that can cause vascular collapse. These may be infectious diseases such as pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, typhoid fever and some other pathological conditions. Sometimes collapse occurs due to ailments of the nervous system, it can be caused by poisoning and sudden loss blood. Also, this pathological condition is provoked by damage to the heart muscle, the use of certain medicines(for example, with an overdose of insulin), performing anesthesia (especially spinal). In addition, it can be provoked by taking excessive amounts of alcoholic drinks and developed peritonitis. In some cases, vascular collapse occurs during an attack.

How does vascular collapse manifest, what are its symptoms?

Collapse appears nearby characteristic symptoms. Patients suddenly feel severe weakness and fatigue, they are bothered by severe dizziness (sometimes it simply does not allow the patient to stay on his feet). A pathological decrease in vascular tone is accompanied by chills and a decrease in temperature (the victim’s extremities become cold to the touch). The patient has pale skin and vascular membranes. In some cases, cyanosis occurs.

It is worth noting that the deterioration of the condition during collapse occurs quite sharply. Many patients complain of tinnitus and headaches. They may be bothered by darkening of their eyes. At the same time, the victim’s gaze becomes dull, and the pulse weakens. Sweating is common and convulsions may occur.

In the absence of timely assistance, collapse can progress to loss of consciousness.

How is vascular collapse corrected, what is its treatment?

If collapse is suspected, the patient needs emergency therapy, so those around you should immediately call ambulance. And before her arrival, the patient must be given first aid. First, lay him on his back, quite hard surface and raise his legs a little. This will ensure adequate blood flow to the heart and brain area. When collapse develops, it is imperative to organize admission fresh air to the victim, so open the window wider. But the patient should not freeze - warm him up.

If you have a first aid kit on hand, give the patient a sniff ammonia. If there is no such medicine, rub the victim’s temples, as well as the hollow located directly above the upper lip, and the earlobes.

If the cause of collapse was bleeding from an external wound, when providing first aid, measures must be taken to stop the bleeding.

In the event that loss of consciousness occurs, there is no need to give the patient any drink or medicine. Under no circumstances should you try to bring him to consciousness by hitting him on the cheeks.

If there is a suspicion of vascular collapse, the patient should not be given valocordin, validol, etc. All of these medications dilate blood vessels.

Further treatment of vascular collapse

After the ambulance team arrives, the doctors lay the victim down, lifting him slightly lower limbs, and also cover him with a blanket. Next, two milliliters of a ten percent solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate is administered subcutaneously. If an infectious collapse has occurred, such therapy is often sufficient. And when orthostatic collapse The introduction gives a lasting positive effect. However, it is worth noting that the patient mandatory it is necessary to correct the causes of the development of such a disorder.

This etiological treatment aimed at stopping bleeding if the collapse is hemorrhagic in nature. Poisoning that occurs requires the elimination of toxic elements from the body, as well as specific antidote therapy. In addition, thrombolytic treatment can be performed.

If the patient is diagnosed acute heart attack myocardium or thromboembolism pulmonary arteries, appropriate correction is carried out.

Doctors can infuse blood, plasma, or blood substitute fluid into the patient. In the event that there is uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, you cannot do without administering hypertonic solution sodium chloride. The same treatment is also indicated for adrenal insufficiency; in this case, adrenal hormones are also used.

If there is a need to quickly increase blood pressure, intravenous drip administration norepinephrine or angiotensin. A slightly slower, but at the same time more lasting effect is obtained by using injections of metazone and fethanol. Almost all patients receive oxygen therapy.

Traditional treatment

Facilities traditional medicine can only be used as general strengthening agents. Correction of collapse can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, using medications.

So, if blood loss occurs, the patient may benefit from nettle-based remedies. You can brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves with a glass of just boiled water. Leave for two to three hours, then strain. Drink the resulting medicine in three to four doses a day. By the way, it is recommended to add nettles to various dishes, for example, salads, soups, etc.

You can also cope with bleeding and its consequences with the help of an infusion based on. Brew a couple of tablespoons of this raw material in a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for one to two hours, strain and take a third to a half glass twice or thrice a day. It is best to take it twenty to thirty minutes before a meal.

Folk remedies will also help patients with disorders of the heart muscle. To strengthen such an area, you can brew a liter glass of crushed fresh viburnum fruits hot water. Boil over low heat for eight to ten minutes, then strain and sweeten with honey. Take half a glass three or four times a day.

If you suffer from weakened heart function, a medicine based on St. John's wort will be useful to you. Brew one hundred grams of dried herb with two liters of water and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Remove the prepared medicine from the heat, strain and sweeten with honey. Pour the finished broth into a convenient bottle and store it in the refrigerator. Take half a glass three times a day.

Folk remedies will also help patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction. They will improve your general condition and speed up recovery after a heart attack. So, a good effect is achieved by collecting a mixture of equal parts of valerian roots, motherwort herb and caraway fruits. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Squeeze out the plant material and take a glass of the infusion before bed.

After a heart attack. Even after a myocardial infarction, you can take medicine from rose hips. We will complement it with a few strawberry leaves. Combine fifty grams of such raw materials, brew with half a liter of boiling water and heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Next, cool the broth completely, strain it, and squeeze out the plant mass. You need to take this remedy half a glass twice a day shortly before meals.

Collapse is a rather serious condition that requires close attention and adequate timely therapy. Feasibility of application folk remedies after suffering vascular collapse, you should definitely discuss it with your doctor.


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Many disorders of the cardiovascular system occur suddenly, against a background of relative well-being. One of these acute life-threatening conditions is vascular collapse. About the mechanisms of development, symptoms and emergency care we will talk about this pathology in our review and video in this article.

The essence of the problem

Vascular collapse is one of the forms cardiovascular failure, which develops against the background of a sudden decrease in the tone of the arteries and veins. Translated from the Latin word collapsus, the term translates as “fallen.”

At the core pathogenetic mechanisms diseases lies:

  • decrease in BCC;
  • decreased blood flow to the right side of the heart;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • acute ischemia of organs and tissues;
  • inhibition of all vital functions of the body.

The development of collapse is always sudden and rapid. Sometimes only a few minutes pass from the onset of pathology to the development of irreversible ischemic changes. This syndrome is very dangerous because it is often fatal. However, thanks to timely first aid and effective drug therapy The patient can be saved in most cases.

Important! The concepts of “collapse” and “shock” should not be confused. Unlike the first, shock occurs as responsiveness body to extreme irritation (pain, temperature, etc.) and is accompanied by more severe manifestations

Causes and mechanism of development

There are many factors influencing the development of pathology. Among them:

  • massive blood loss;
  • acute infectious diseases (pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, typhoid fever);
  • some diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems (for example, syringomyelia);
  • effect on the body of toxic and toxic substances(organophosphorus compounds, CO – carbon monoxide);
  • side effects of epidural anesthesia;
  • insulin overdose long acting, ganglion blockers, drugs for lowering blood pressure;
  • peritonitis and acute infectious complications;
  • acute disorder contractility myocardium in case of infarction, arrhythmias, dysfunction of the AV node.

Depending on the cause and mechanism of development, four types are distinguished.

Table: Types of collapse

Type of collapse Description

Caused by decreased cardiac output

Triggered by a sharp decrease in circulating blood volume

Cause acute condition– sudden decrease

Violation of blood redistribution during sudden change body position in space

Note! Most people on the planet have developed orthostatic collapse at least once. For example, many are familiar with the slight dizziness that develops when abruptly getting out of bed in the morning. However, healthy people All unpleasant symptoms pass within 1-3 minutes.

Clinical symptoms

A person develops:

  • sharp rapid deterioration in health;
  • general weakness;
  • severe headache;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • noise, buzzing in the ears;
  • marbled pallor of the skin;
  • breathing problems;
  • sometimes – loss of consciousness.

Principles of diagnosis and treatment

Collapse is a dangerous and extremely unpredictable condition. Sometimes when sharp decline Blood pressure counts in minutes, and the cost of delay can be too high. If a person develops symptoms acute failure circulatory system, it is important to call an ambulance as early as possible.

In addition, everyone should know the algorithm for providing first aid to patients with collapse. For this purpose, WHO specialists have developed simple and understandable instructions.

Step one. Assessment of vital signs

To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough:

  1. Conduct visual inspection . The patient's skin is pale, with a marbled tint. She is often covered in sticky sweat.
  2. Feel the pulse on peripheral artery . At the same time, it is weak, thread-like or not detectable at all. Another sign of acute vascular insufficiency is tachycardia - an increase in the number of heart contractions.
  3. Measure blood pressure. Collapse is characterized by hypotension - sharp deviation Blood pressure is from normal (120/80 mm Hg) to the lower side.

Step two. First aid

While the ambulance is on its way, carry out urgent measures, aimed at stabilizing the patient’s condition and preventing acute complications:

  1. Lay the victim on his back on a flat, hard surface. Raise your legs relative to your entire body by 30-40 cm. This will improve blood supply to the heart and brain.
  2. Ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the room. Remove the constraint breathing movements clothes, open the window. At the same time, the patient should not freeze: if necessary, wrap him in a blanket or blanket.
  3. Let the victim smell a cotton swab soaked in ammonia (ammonia solution). If you don’t have medicine at hand, rub it on your temples, earlobes, and also the hollow located between your nose and upper lip. These activities will help improve peripheral circulation.
  4. If the cause of collapse was bleeding from open wound, try to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet or finger pressure.

Important! If a person is unconscious, one should not revive him with blows to the cheeks or other painful stimuli. Until he comes to his senses, do not give him anything to drink or eat. In addition, if the possibility of vascular collapse cannot be excluded, drugs that lower blood pressure - Corvalol, Validol, Valocordin, No-shpa, Nitroglycerin, Isoket, etc. - should not be given.

Step three. First aid

Upon arrival of the ambulance, briefly describe the situation to the doctors, mentioning what kind of assistance was provided. Now the victim must be examined by a doctor. After evaluation vital functions and determining a preliminary diagnosis, the administration of a 10% solution of caffeine sodium benzoate in a standard dosage is indicated. In case of infectious or orthostatic collapse, this is sufficient for a stable, long-lasting effect.

In the future, urgent measures are aimed at eliminating the causes of vascular insufficiency:

  1. At hemorrhagic in nature collapse, it is necessary to stop the bleeding;
  2. In case of poisoning and intoxication, the introduction of a specific antidote (if exists) and detoxification measures are required.
  3. At acute diseases(myocardial infarction, peritonitis, pulmonary embolism, etc.) correction of life-threatening conditions is carried out.

If there are indications, the patient is hospitalized in a specialized hospital for further treatment and prevention serious complications. There, depending on the causes of the disease, intravenous drip administration of adrenaline and norepinephrine is carried out (for rapid promotion blood pressure), infusion of blood and its components, plasma, saline solution(to increase blood volume), oxygen therapy.

The human body is a complex and well-coordinated mechanism. The slightest malfunction leads to the development of diseases. Each has its own course and set of symptoms.

Knowledge of the clinical picture of the disease, the causes of the disease, the ability to competently provide first aid to yourself and others will help in difficult situation, may save your life.

Collapse is a state when it comes to minutes, when it is important to quickly find your bearings, call an ambulance and provide first aid yourself.

Collapse: what is it?

Collapse is an acute vascular insufficiency characterized by a sharp drop arterial and venous pressure caused by a decrease in the mass circulating in the circulatory system of the blood, a drop in vascular tone or a reduction in cardiac output.

As a result, the metabolic process slows down, hypoxia of organs and tissues begins, and the most important functions of the body are inhibited.

Collapse is a complication of pathological conditions or serious illnesses.


There are two main causes:

  1. Sudden massive blood loss leads to a decrease in the volume of circulation, to its inconsistency with the throughput capabilities of the vascular bed;
  2. Due to exposure to toxic and pathogenic substances the walls of blood vessels and veins lose their elasticity, and the overall tone of the entire circulatory system decreases.

The steadily growing manifestation of acute insufficiency of the vascular system leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, and acute hypoxia occurs, caused by a decrease in the mass of oxygen transported to organs and tissues.

This in turn leads to a further drop in vascular tone, which provokes a decrease in blood pressure. Thus, the condition progresses like an avalanche.

Reasons for triggering pathogenetic mechanisms in different types collapse are different. The main ones:

  • internal and external bleeding;
  • general toxicity of the body;
  • sudden change in body position;
  • reducing the mass fraction of oxygen in the inhaled air;
  • acute pancreatitis.


The word collapse comes from the Latin "colabor", which means "falling". The meaning of the word accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon - fall blood pressure and the fall of man himself during collapse.

Basic Clinical signs collapse of various origins basically similar:

Prolonged forms can lead to loss of consciousness, dilated pupils, and loss of basic reflexes. Failure to provide timely medical care can lead to serious consequences or death.

It is important not to confuse collapse and shock. Collapse has no phase, while shock occurs in stages: first there is excitement, and then a sharp decline.


Despite the fact that in medicine there is a classification of types of collapse according to the pathogenetic principle, the most common classification is based on etiology, distinguishing the following types:

  • infectious - toxic, caused by the presence of bacteria in infectious diseases, which leads to disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • toxic– the result of general intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxemic, which occurs when there is a lack of oxygen or in conditions of high atmospheric pressure;
  • pancreatic caused by trauma to the pancreas;
  • burn occurring after deep burns of the skin;
  • hyperthermic, occurring after severe overheating, sunstroke;
  • dehydration caused by loss of fluid in large volumes;
  • hemorrhagic caused by massive bleeding, in Lately viewed as a deep shock;
  • cardiogenic associated with pathology of the heart muscle;
  • plasmorrhagic, arising due to plasma loss during severe forms diarrhea, multiple burns;
  • orthostatic, which occurs when the body is brought into a vertical position;
  • enterogenous(fainting) that occurs after eating in patients with gastrectomy.

Separately, it should be noted that hemorrhagic collapse can occur both from external bleeding and from invisible internal: ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcer, spleen damage.

With cardiogenic collapse, stroke volume decreases due to myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. There is a high risk of developing arterial thromboembolism.

Orthostatic collapse also occurs when standing in an upright position for a long time, when the blood is redistributed, the venous part increases and the flow to the heart decreases.

A collapsive state is also possible due to poisoning with drugs: sympatholytics, neuroleuptics, adrenergic blockers.

Orthostatic collapse often occurs in healthy people, in particular in children and adolescents.

Toxic collapse can be caused by professional activities associated with toxic substances: cyanides, amino compounds, carbohydrate oxide.

Collapse in children is observed more often than in adults and occurs in more complex form. may develop against the background intestinal infections, flu, pneumonia, with anaphylactic shock, adrenal dysfunction. The immediate cause may be fear, injury and blood loss.

First aid

At the first sign of collapse, you should immediately call an ambulance. A qualified doctor will determine the severity of the patient,, if possible, determine the cause of the collapsing state and prescribe primary treatment.

Providing first aid will help alleviate the patient’s condition, and possibly save his life.

Necessary actions:

  • place the patient on a hard surface;
  • raise your legs with a pillow;
  • throw back your head, ensure free breathing;
  • unbutton the collar of the shirt, free it from everything that constrains it (belt, strap);
  • open the windows to provide fresh air;
  • bring ammonia to your nose, or massage your earlobes, dimple upper lip, whiskey;
  • stop bleeding if possible.

Prohibited actions:

  • give drugs with a pronounced vasodilator effect (nosh-pa, valocordin, glycerin);
  • hit the cheeks, trying to bring him to his senses.


Non-inpatient treatment is indicated for orthostatic, infectious and other types of collapse, which are caused by acute vascular insufficiency. In case of hemorrhagic collapse caused by bleeding, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Treatment of collapse has several directions:

  1. Etiological therapy designed to eliminate the reasons that caused the collapsive state. Stopping bleeding, general detoxification of the body, elimination of hypoxia, administration of adrenaline, antidote therapy, stabilization of the heart will help stop further deterioration of the patient’s condition.
  2. Methods of pathogenetic therapy will allow you to return the body to its usual working rhythm as quickly as possible. Among the main methods, it is necessary to highlight the following: increasing arterial and venous pressure, stimulating respiration, activating blood circulation, administering blood substitutes and plasma, blood transfusion, and activating the central nervous system.
  3. Oxygen therapy used for poisoning carbon monoxide accompanied by acute respiratory failure. Operational implementation therapeutic activities allows you to restore the most important functions of the body and return the patient to normal life.

Collapse is a pathology caused by acute vascular insufficiency. Different kinds collapse have a similar clinical picture and require urgent and qualified treatment, sometimes surgical intervention.

Video: First aid for fainting

Almost all of us have encountered this painful condition like vascular collapse on own experience or from the experiences of loved ones. If collapse is accompanied by loss of consciousness, then this condition is called fainting. But quite often a collaptoid state develops against the background of preserved consciousness.

Collapse is, by definition, an acutely developing vascular insufficiency. The name "collapse" comes from the Latin word collapsus, meaning "weakened" or "fallen."

At the first signs of the development of cardiovascular collapse, first aid is necessary. This condition often leads to the death of the patient. To prevent negative consequences you should know the reasons that cause collapse and be able to
it is right to prevent them.

How does acute vascular insufficiency develop?

Collapse is characterized by a decrease in vascular tone, which is accompanied by a relative decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body. In simple words, vessels dilate in a short period of time, and the available bloodstream blood becomes insufficient for vital blood supply important organs. The body does not have time to quickly react to changes in vascular tone and release blood from the blood depots. acute vascular insufficiency, collapse develops acutely and rapidly.

If collapse is accompanied critical violation blood supply to the brain, then fainting or loss of consciousness occurs. But this does not happen in all cases
collaptoid state.

With the development of collapse, health worsens, dizziness appears, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, and may appear cold sweat. Breathing becomes frequent and shallow, heart rate increases, and blood pressure decreases.

Cardiovascular collapse: first aid

As a rule, collapse develops against a background of weakening of the body after serious illnesses, infections, intoxications, pneumonia, with physical and mental stress, with a decrease or increase in blood sugar levels. If the collapsed state or fainting lasts more than 1-2 minutes, then one should suspect some kind of serious illness and call an ambulance doctor.

First first aid in case of cardiovascular collapse and fainting should be as follows: eliminate potential hazards(electric current, fire, gas), make sure the patient is breathing freely or provide it (unfasten the collar, belt, open the window), pat the cheeks and sprinkle the face with cold water.

If such conditions occur repeatedly, their duration and frequency increase, then it is necessary to carry out a complete clinical examination to determine the cause of their occurrence.