How to choose the right eyeglasses.

What should be considered when choosing glasses? What are the classic and original forms of frames? Lots of photos and useful tips in one article.

Glasses in a modern look are no longer only a necessity for vision correction, but also an integral element in style. The variety of shapes and colors is so huge that it is easy to get confused and make the wrong choice. We must not forget that glasses can both decorate a person’s face and disfigure, change beyond recognition. Knowing the fundamental rules in choosing will help you make the right purchase.

How to choose the right eyeglass frame?

  • The main criterion in the selection of the ideal frame is the shape of the face. Traditionally, there are 6 shapes: round, oval, square, diamond-shaped, triangular, rectangular. Each person is individual and the division into forms is general.
  • People with an oval face have the opportunity to choose any style, because everything will look right and dignified on them. Round-shaped glasses are contraindicated for chubby people, but rectangular and square accessories will add the correct proportion.
  • Oval and round frames will serve well for people with square face giving softness and lightness appearance. Rounded glasses will help smooth out the corners of rectangular and diamond-shaped faces, while the elongated design will help those with a triangular face shape.
  • The basic rule is that glasses should level out sharp facial features, visually lengthen or expand proportions.

Glasses for nearsightedness and farsightedness

  • Only an oculist can determine the quality of vision with the help of special devices and test tasks. To correct vision pathologies in the form of nearsightedness or farsightedness, special lenses are used in glasses.
  • To help people suffering from myopia, lenses with a "minus" value for diopters are used. The characteristic with the plus mark is applicable to people suffering from farsightedness

There are several degrees of visual impairment:

  • up to 3 diopters - slight deterioration
    up to 6 - average
    over 6 - high

It is better to purchase glasses for vision correction in specialized stores, where sales assistants will help you choose a purchase.

Many large stores have equipment on which you can test your eyesight. This service is free and helps clients clarify their vision characteristics and find the right values.

How to choose reading glasses?

  • If you are nearsighted, you won't need glasses to read for a long time, but you will need them to look into the distance.
  • For far-sighted people, there is an excellent solution - half glasses, in which there are only half lenses, and when looking into the distance, nothing interferes, as a person looks over the lenses
  • The ophthalmologist selects reading glasses on the basis of tests according to a special table, and, based on the results of the examination, writes the result and prescription. If you plan to use it not only for reading, but also for working on a computer, then this should be reported at the doctor's appointment.
  • It is better to choose a classic form of reading frames, because it is easier to pick up a special case and carry glasses with you. If you make them to order, then the cost will be higher than ready-made analogues.

How to choose glasses for vision with myopia?

  • Special glasses for the correction of myopia must have the correct lenses - thin at the center and thick at the edges. How worse eyesight, the thicker the lens and the higher the "minus" value
  • Today, buyers are less likely to choose lenses made of glass, because they are quite heavy. Plastic is lighter and stronger than glass. BUT polycarbonate lenses considered unbreakable and most scratch resistant
  • As for the frame, it is advisable to choose high-quality parts and durable material. Plastic ones can just break, and the most durable metal frames will be made of titanium.

How to choose glasses for vision with farsightedness?

  • With farsightedness, it is most difficult to see those objects that are close. Therefore, glasses should be selected in such a way that the object is at a distance of 33 cm from the eyes.
  • Often there is a need for glasses for viewing objects at close range and at a distance. But buying two pairs for different purposes is not always justified, and wearing them is inconvenient.
  • If we are talking about daily and constant wearing of glasses, then you should opt for glasses with bifocal glasses, which are assembled from two different halves

How to choose the right sunglasses?

The frame for should be chosen based on the shape of the face, as mentioned earlier in the article. Here there are the same rules as for simple glasses that correct vision.
For owners of plump lips, large glasses with wide temples are suitable, for thin lips- neat and not conspicuous frames. Before buying, you need to wear glasses for 2 minutes and evaluate the degree of comfort in wearing. They shouldn't push!

High-quality and stylish glasses will not be cheap, so it is important to make a purchase only in company stores.

How to choose eyeglass frames for women?

Metal frames are considered the most popular, practical and comfortable to wear. They are not only lightweight, but also graceful elegance.

Modern frames are offered for sale in different colors, which is achieved using a special coating. Gold, silver, pink - you can choose to wear in different situations.

The only significant downside is that upper layer coating wears off over time. There are cases of an allergic reaction to the composition of the paint.

If metal frames are comfortable to wear at work and at any age, then plastic ones are mainly for the younger generation. Such analogues are cheaper, more original, but quickly fade in the sun and are easily deformed.

How to choose eyeglass frames for men?

Men are not as meticulous in following a single style of clothing and fashion than women. Therefore, they choose classic forms and are not very fond of different shades.
Before buying, a man must decide how often and where he will wear.

  • Office, home, sports ground - it's important to choose
  • Lenses that protect against UV rays are needed for the street.
  • For office - anti-reflective
  • As for the form, the rules for matching the type of face apply.
  • Metal frames adequately adorn any member of the stronger sex

How to choose the right glasses for a child?

Many children need vision correction, so the optometrist can recommend the correct values ​​​​for choosing lenses. However, such an accessory can become the subject of ridicule over a child, so you need to carefully consider the frame.

The best option is to let the baby make a choice on their own. Today there are many interesting and original solutions for any age. As for the frame, plastic and titanium glasses are suitable.

Let your child wear glasses for a while before making a purchase. They should not press, rub, interfere. It is also better not to take too large or small in size. The child should be comfortable! It is unacceptable to purchase glasses for growth - only in size.

The choice of glasses for the computer

If you experience redness and dry eyes, headaches, fatigue after working with a computer, you need glasses!

  • An ophthalmologist can help with recommendations, but before meeting with him, you need to measure the distance from the eyes to the computer, keyboard, desktop and report these values
  • For convenience, you should choose a frame at least 3 cm wide, light, ergonomic, with good mechanisms and details. You can also pay attention to special lenses for glasses, which should neutralize glare from light sources.

Types of glasses shapes

In addition to the classic shapes, represented by round, rectangular, square, oval outlines, there are special frames that have unique names and own history.
Aviator, wayfarer, lennons, cat eye, butterfly, panto, dragonfly, clubmaster, lolita - suitable for a certain style and for real fashion connoisseurs. All of these options are undying classics that will not lose their relevance for many years.

Classic glasses shape

Classic shape frames are the choice of the majority and this is no coincidence. These glasses are convenient for daily use, anywhere, at any event. Not everyone likes to experiment with their appearance, and therefore classic glasses are in stable demand.
Simplicity of design, ease of execution and lack of unnecessary details determine the choice for purchase. Priority in the execution of metal or dark plastic.

Cat-shaped glasses

The choice in favor of cat-shaped glasses is made by young women, because such an image gives lightness, coquetry and playfulness. However, it is not at all necessary to wear them exclusively with summer sundresses and frivolous things. Cat glasses will decorate any style option and soften the image of a woman in a classic suit. But this approach is only for determined individuals.
The first appearance of cats is attributed to 1940, but today the fashion for them is returning. There are original frames that are easy to combine with different looks.

Round glasses

The most attractive round glasses look on faces with a square or triangular shape. They will smooth out sharp features and add softness to the image. Although round shape belong to classic version, it must be borne in mind that it can radically change the image of a person.
There are cases when round glasses have become a hallmark of a person - Grigory Leps, John Lennon, Ozzy Osbourne.

Oval glasses

The oval shape of glasses is loved for its versatility, because it is suitable for different forms faces. It is important to follow the rule when buying - glasses should not be higher than the eyebrows and wider than the face.

This form is suitable for any event and does not limit the choice of clothing. A variety of frame options will help to complete the image.

Triangular glasses

It is difficult to meet a completely triangular shape of glasses - except in original and bold solutions, but such an accessory is suitable for a separate look.

Combining a triangular shape with a daily look is quite difficult, so this frame should be in the general collection for single occasions and special events that do not require serious style.

Butterfly glasses

Bright and bold, butterfly-shaped glasses have not gone out of fashion for several decades. The famous Marilyn Monroe loved to complement them with a feminine and romantic image, in which coquetry and playfulness were traced.
Butterflies will be most relevant for chubby women, but the choice should be made in favor of a frame that has pointed and raised lines. The original form is often complemented by an equally interesting frame made of different colors, materials, with many additional elements and rhinestones.

Square glasses

Square glasses are not for everyone. Ideally they will look only on oval-shaped faces. In no case should they be worn round-faced, as well as with a triangular, square, rectangular or elongated face shape.
You should be extremely careful about the size of the accessory - you should not choose too large glasses if you do not have plump lips.

Wrong glasses

You can make a mistake in choosing both lenses and eyeglass frames.

  • Wearing the wrong lenses every day is a medical problem, because they are supposed to correct vision. Of course, we are not our own enemies. However, it is possible to make an erroneous purchase with an incorrect indication of diopters if you are not serious about choosing a place to purchase. Bought in the market or in an unprofessional store, glasses can greatly impair vision.
  • If you wear prescription glasses, but your eyes get tired quickly, watery, redden, and suffer from frequent headaches, the wrong choice has been made. It is better to go back to the ophthalmologist and sort out the problem.
  • The choice of the wrong form of glasses for a person carries an external, aesthetic error and can greatly spoil the image and impression made on people. A large selection of stylish and fashionable frames will help a person to be fashionable and modern.

Glasses that suit everyone

Each person is individual and it is impossible to say that there are glasses that suit everyone. Many consider the aviator uniform to be completely universal. This is explained by the fact that you can wear almost any face shape, as well as both men and women.
Glasses should be a continuation of the person and his face, so it is important to take the choice as seriously as possible and take into account the recommendations of experts.

Few people call a professional ophthalmologist with them to the store to help them choose right glasses. Often the choice depends on the preferences of the person and his ideas about beauty. However, there are some recommendations that you need to consider when buying:

  1. Experiment and don't get hung up on one form
  2. Let the collection have glasses for different occasions
  3. Make a choice in favor of convenience - nose pads should be soft and movable, eliminating pressure on the bridge of the nose
  4. No elements of the glasses should rub
  5. Glasses should not lie on the cheeks, protrude strongly along the edges of the face and be above the eyebrow line

When choosing glasses, imagine that these are your eyebrows or lips, an extension of your face, how comfortable are you in them? Such an accessory can change the face beyond recognition. There is only one most important rule when buying - Glasses should please you personally!

Video: How to choose glasses?


Acquire glasses for vision should only be in specialized stores or pharmacies and in optics salons.

Naturally, when choosing vision individual optical lenses should be taken into account, which can only be given by a qualified eye doctor or eyeglass specialist. By the way, many modern optics salons provide such specialists.

The next thing to consider when choosing glasses for vision- this is the material from which the spectacles themselves are made. Currently, the choice lies between glass and plastic spectacle lenses. Plastic lenses are less traumatic, they are much lighter than glass ones. But glass lenses are stronger. In general, a clear advantage to give neither one nor the other lenses.

Photochromic lenses, popularly called "chameleons", are very popular today. They provide the wearer's eyes with 100% protection from UV rays, i.е. reduce the eye in harsh sunlight. Special, no less popular, polarizing lenses do not let in glare. A very convenient modern invention is progressive lenses that allow their owner to see at any distance, and therefore, replacing several glasses prescribed by a doctor.

Only when spectacle lenses are professionally selected, think about choosing a frame for glasses. Here you should take into account the features and shape of the face of the future owner of glasses, the desired color scheme and them (for everyday use, for parties or for business meetings). But still, the most important thing in choosing a frame is a comfortable feeling from it.

When choosing a frame, you should pay attention to such details as nose pads and temples. Soft silicone and sufficiently movable nose pads will not put pressure on the bridge of the nose, compared to rigid fixed ones. The temples of the frame should not be too long or too short. Their size must strictly correspond to the distance from the frame to the bulge behind the ear. In addition, there are flexible, rigid and combined temples.

At right choice glasses within two weeks, their owner should get used to the new acquisition. If this does not happen, you should contact the doctor who prescribed glasses.

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To date, there are enough a large number of eyeglass models. In such a situation, any person can choose the option that suits him and adorns his face. However, when choosing glasses, you need to know and take into account several rules on how to choose the right glasses for vision, the observance of which will help to make good buy, which will suit you in all respects.

Useful advice

It is advisable to entrust the selection of glasses for vision correction to offices and clinics that deal specifically with these issues and have everything necessary equipment for complete definition vision parameters. Points - a bit of history. Spectacle lenses are the main part of glasses. It is spectacle lenses that compensate for those refractive errors that are the cause of your poor vision. Therefore, when choosing glasses, you first need to choose the right spectacle lenses.

Many people use glasses to correct their vision. Thanks to them, it is possible to improve vision. The selection of glasses is a very responsible procedure, because it is not so easy to choose glasses that are suitable in all respects.

Start selection

First of all, it is advisable to contact an ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and establish the actual features of vision. Based on this, a prescription for glasses is issued. Some eye diseases develop gradually. Therefore, you need to regularly check with an optometrist so as not to miss anything. An irresponsible attitude to such problems can lead to loss of vision.

Experts advise to undergo an examination every year, even in the absence of anxiety and discomfort.

Glasses for correction at first glance may seem like a very simple device, which includes a frame, lenses. But you need to select them purely individually. Based on a comprehensive examination using modern equipment, a specialist selects correct glasses. If something is done incorrectly, the use of glasses can cause headaches, overwork, disruption of their adequate functioning, etc.

The autorefractometer is special device, with which the refraction is determined, that is, the refractive power of the optical system. The device provides the ability to obtain data that helps the doctor determine optimal lenses. You can not order glasses only after the event computer survey. Visual acuity should be checked using sign recognition on.

In people different ages principles used for vision correction can be great friend from friend. The same applies to farsightedness, myopia.

Choice for astigmatism

With such a disease, the choice of glasses can be very difficult. It is advisable to choose special cylindrical lenses for this, which you need to get used to. Sometimes the process of getting used to takes a long time. If progressive or bifocal glasses are selected, vision is tested both near and far. Need such a correction to make the eyes feel as comfortable as possible.

Almost always lenses that give high level visual acuity in one of the eyes, cause discomfort when looking with both eyes. Sharpness in this case is too high. Therefore, tolerance needs to be assessed over time. For example, if the glasses are designed for viewing objects at a distance, the doctor may suggest walking around in them a bit and looking. If the glasses are designed to work at a computer, it is advisable to read the text. You need to be frank with the ophthalmologist about your feelings from wearing glasses, because this is the only way to achieve maximum comfort and normal vision.

Other nuances of choosing glasses

After choosing a correction, the distance between the pupils is measured. Basically, a simple ruler is used for this, but there is also special equipment that gives more accurate results. If the distance is measured incorrectly, the lenses in the frame may be incorrectly centered, and this may cause discomfort and poor health during visual stress.

Before starting the test, you need to tell the doctor what exactly the glasses are for. They may be needed:

  1. To use a computer and other technology.
  2. Reading books, etc.
  3. For regular wear.
  4. Driving a vehicle.
  5. Sports activities.

The prescription for glasses indicates a number of features, including:

  1. Optical lens power.
  2. Distance between pupils.
  3. Direct appointment, etc.

It is better not to throw away prescriptions previously written by a specialist. This is due to the fact that, if necessary, it will be possible to determine changes in vision with their help. This happens after a certain period of time.

Frame selection

On the modern market there is a huge amount, for the production of which a variety of materials are used, for example, plastic. It can have different designs, colors and prices. The last factor depends on the manufacturer and quality characteristics frames.

It is important that the frame pleases the person. It has no effect on visual acuity, but does affect comfort. In order to guarantee optimal lens fastening, durable materials must be used in the production. The best option would be a metal product. AT recent times titanium is often used for this purpose, which is very strong and durable. It is also hypoallergenic, but it is not cheap.

Metal alloy frames can be durable and quite affordable. It is important to purchase frames in a trusted place so as not to get a low-quality product. During intensive use, it should not deform.

The frame can be very important component image. If you choose it wisely, you can eliminate the disadvantages of appearance, focus on the benefits. Modern products can be very attractive. Everyone can choose for themselves best option according to taste preferences.

The frame can also be a status accessory. Some judge by it the state of a person and his social affiliation. Therefore, many popular manufacturers are trying to produce unique fashion frames. But you can also choose a simple option.

Video - How to choose glasses? Forms, frames, materials

modern eyeglass lenses

The lens is considered the basic component of eyeglasses, which helps to correct and correct vision. Lenses are required to guarantee a clear transmission of the overall picture of the surrounding world. You can see well only in adequately selected lenses. There should be no distortion or other defects.

What you should pay attention toDescription
1 EaseIf the products are too heavy, the glasses will put pressure on the bridge of the nose. Prolonged exposure to the bridge of the nose can lead to headaches, increased fatigue etc. Therefore, it is better to choose lenses of high quality, but thin. There are special high-index lenses that are made from composite materials of inorganic origin. These lenses are suitable for large diopters. They can be performed in both spherical and aspherical designs.
2 impact resistanceThis factor is especially important for children, athletes, etc. If a heavy object is accidentally thrown into the glasses, the lens may break. You can minimize the risks with the help of modern lenses made of special materials. Glass products in this regard are unsafe. Unique materials can withstand various loads which guarantees safety
3 UV ProtectionGood lenses can guarantee not only visual correction, but also protection from ultraviolet radiation. There are photochromic lenses that darken outdoors and brighten indoors. Thanks to such glasses, you can protect your eyes from cataracts and other similar problems.

At the last stage, the production of glasses is carried out. You can buy ready-made glasses, but it's better after thorough examination refer to the professionals based on the prescription. This will ensure that the glasses fully comply with all the features of the eyes.

Contact lenses are a convenient alternative to glasses.

Lenses vary in how long they are worn. For example, popular daily lenses Bausch+Lomb lenses Biotrue® ONEday (Biotra one-day). They are made of HyperGel material (HyperGel), which is similar to the structures of the eye and tear, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This is the best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. These lenses do not need to be looked after, a new pair is put on every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoyschSil). They combine high content moisture, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn, do not damage the eyes. Such lenses need care with special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses. For sensitive eyes the optimal solution is ReNu MPS (Renu MPS) with a reduced concentration of active ingredients. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and surface dirt. A more modern universal solution is Biotrue, which, in addition to removing contaminants, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour moistening of the lenses due to the presence of a hyaluronan polymer in the product.

If for the first time you have noticed problems with your eyesight, you should not rush and buy glasses in places not intended for this (markets, counters in supermarkets, hand sales). Before ordering glasses, you should definitely make an appointment with an ophthalmologist: the specialist will determine the reasons that led to the decrease in vision, and only after that he will write a prescription. If you already had vision problems before, but now your vision is even worse, or your vision has worsened with age, you can contact an optician who provides an ophthalmologist or optometrist consultation service.

Visual acuity test

Before fitting glasses, an eye test is always performed. Modern clinics and optics salons are equipped with an autorefractometer - it allows you to roughly determine visual acuity. However, this is not enough to get a prescription for glasses - the doctor must conduct a series of examinations.

Visual acuity is assessed using special tables or using a projector. In this case, the depicted signs are located at a distance of five meters from the patient. First, visual acuity is checked on the right, then the left eye is examined. You should list all the characters first in the topmost line, then each subsequent one. Visual acuity without correction is determined by the last line that the patient is able to read: the second line is 0.2; seventh - 0.7, etc.

After the doctor determines the visual acuity without correction, he invites the patient to put on a trial frame, into which lenses with different degrees of refraction are inserted in turn, until the maximum visual acuity for each eye is reached. Lenses are taken collective (+) or scattering (-) depending on the results obtained on the device. If there is no autorefractometer in the cabin, then the polarity of the lenses is selected empirically: they try a weak plus and minus - the polarity with which vision improves is suitable.

For myopic patients, a lens with a minimum refractive power is selected, at which there will be the greatest visual acuity; at - on the contrary, with maximum refraction. First, the lens is selected in turn so that visual acuity becomes 0.8 for each eye; then both lenses are inserted - binocular visual acuity should be about 1.0. If the visual acuity of both eyes is different, then the maximum difference in the refractive power of the lenses should not be more than 3 diopters, and maybe less, depending on the patient's response. In order to ensure the normal tolerance of the selected lenses, the patient should be given the opportunity not to remove them for some time, to move freely around the office, to read.

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Astigmatism Correction

Most challenging task for the doctor is a correction. For this, cylindrical lenses are used, which require a long habituation. At high degree astigmatism, the selection of lenses is carried out gradually over a long time, starting with weaker ones. To determine visual acuity in astigmatism and to select glasses, a phoropter is usually used - a special addition to an ophthalmic diagnostic device.

As for the selection of reading glasses, other tables are used for this - for diagnosing near vision. The rules for selecting lenses are the same here: first, the right eye is checked, then the left, and at the end - the vision of both eyes (binocular). It is necessary to focus on approximately 5 text of these tables, but the final decision is made taking into account the wishes of the patient.

When carrying out the selection of bifocal and progressive glasses, it is necessary to diagnose visual acuity both near and far; the difference between these parameters should not be more than 3 diopters, and visual acuity should be optimal for both distance and close distances.

Pupillary distance measurement

After the lenses of the required refractive power are selected, the doctor measures the interpupillary distance. For this, a pupillometer device is used; if it is not there - the usual ruler. Measurement is made according to a special technique. For distance glasses, this distance should be 2mm higher than for reading glasses. If the interpupillary distance is not measured correctly, then the glasses will be misaligned during the manufacture of glasses, and wearing them will cause discomfort.

prescription for glasses

After selecting all the parameters, the ophthalmologist issues a prescription in which all the necessary data will be indicated: the power of the lenses (spherical or cylindrical, indicating the axes), the distance between, the target (for distance, near, continuous use). All prescriptions issued by an ophthalmologist should be kept to monitor changes in visual acuity.

The selection of lenses must be carried out by all means by a highly qualified doctor, because if all the necessary conditions are not met, wearing glasses can cause significant discomfort and overwork, impair vision, provoke a headache.

Where to pick up glasses

You can write a prescription, choose a frame and order lenses in ordinary optics. But, in this case, there is no guarantee that the staff (who often does not have a higher medical education) will establish that the reason for the decrease in vision is precisely a violation, and not serious illness eye. Therefore, we recommend contacting specialized eye clinics- this will eliminate the possibility of error and save your eyesight!

Many people begin to experience visual discomfort with age and are considering buying reading glasses. Even if there are no major changes in the visual system, older people notice that it is difficult for them to read. This is usually due to presbyopia or.

What is age-related farsightedness

The clarity of perception of objects at different distances is provided by the lens of the eye. At young man it is able to quickly change shape so that vision remains clear at any distance. At this age, the lens is healthy, transparent and elastic, so there are no problems when reading.

However, as the body ages, the lens also suffers. It begins to harden and can no longer increase its curvature to clearly perceive nearby objects. A decrease in the refractive power of the lens entails a deterioration in near vision and, accordingly, age-related farsightedness.

Presbyopia is an almost inevitable phenomenon that is caused by the natural aging process. Most people over forty notice a deterioration in near vision and rapid visual fatigue when working with small details or type. Sometimes farsightedness develops in young people, so glasses may be needed at any age.

With normal refraction of the eye, presbyopia begins to develop at the age of 40-45. If a person has farsightedness, presbyopia can begin at 35, and with myopia at 55. It is noteworthy that many patients with myopia notice improvement in vision with age, since age-related farsightedness compensates for refractive errors.

What are reading glasses and at what age should you buy them

At first, a person can balance the lack of accommodation simply by moving the object in question, but over time, the very quality of vision begins to decline. In this case, the person needs reading glasses with multifocal or progressive lenses.

Types of reading glasses:

  1. Single vision. They help to see clearly at a distance of up to 40 cm, so they are used specifically for reading. Using such glasses all day long is inefficient and inconvenient. Single vision lenses are always prescribed as an addition to the main correction.
  2. Bifocal. In such lenses, the upper part helps to focus distance vision, and the lower part helps to focus near. Bifocal lenses allow you to read and at the same time they can be used all day long.
  3. Progressive. In these lenses optical power depends on the distance of the object in question. The lens has two optical zones with a smooth transition between them.
  4. Glasses for reading lying down. The design of such glasses resembles a periscope. The person gets to lie down and look up, but the lenses will allow them to see the pages of a book without having to bend their neck.
  5. Glasses with narrow lenses. These glasses are made in the form of halves, which allows you to look over the lenses when looking into the distance.

You can only buy and use reading glasses with the approval of a doctor. Choose Yourself optical systems strongly discouraged as improper glasses can greatly aggravate vision problems.

An optometrist can prescribe for reading after the first eye examination, since it is possible to assess the condition of the lens and determine visual acuity in one go. However, it must be remembered that the lens will continue to lose elasticity, so you need to be observed by an ophthalmologist regularly.

Ophthalmologists recommend changing reading glasses every five years that presbyopia progresses. Accordingly, every five years you need to buy new glasses, 0.5 diopters stronger than the previous ones. If at the age of 40 you need glasses with one diopter, then by the age of 65 glasses with 3.5 diopters provide comfortable vision. Usually, it is by the age of 65 that the lens completely loses its elasticity and acquires a stable shape, therefore, in the future, an increase in diopters is not required.

How to choose reading glasses

Any glasses with diopters should be chosen after the examination. visual system. The doctor must establish the fact age-related farsightedness and the degree of deviation, after which, using lenses, select a comfortable option.

If a person does not have additional impairments and features of vision, you can purchase ready-made glasses. The main problem finished glasses are manufacturing standards. Such glasses are made for average patients, so both lenses have the same refractive power, while in most cases the deviations are varying degrees in different eyes. In addition, the finished glasses are adjusted to the standard 63 ml interpupillary distance. If this value is less or more for a particular patient, the glasses will cause discomfort, headaches and dizziness.

Single-vision reading glasses can be independently selected in the optics salon by trying on and choosing the most convenient ones. Bifocals and progressive lenses are made to order. To save money, you can buy an inexpensive frame and make only lenses individually.

How to calculate the optical power of reading glasses

Choosing reading glasses the best option will consult with an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination. Such glasses are selected by testing according to the table for checking near vision. When checking her eyesight, she is kept at a distance of 33-35 cm: the upper and smallest text corresponds to visual acuity up to 1 diopter, and the largest and lowest text corresponds to visual acuity up to 0.1 diopter. When choosing glasses, the doctor checks each eye separately, and then gradually increases the strength of the lens to a comfortable value.

If presbyopia is combined with farsightedness, the age norm of deviation is added to the optical power. With myopia, the degree of deviation is subtracted from the age norm for near vision.

Sometimes a person manages to independently choose reading glasses according to his feelings. This approach is not optimal, but possible. You can try to choose a ready-made model with single-vision lenses, focusing on the age norms of presbyopia. You need to understand that ready-made glasses do not take into account the difference between the deviation of vision in different eyes, the presence related disorders and interpupillary distance, which can cause discomfort when using them.

Features of ready-made glasses and to order

Ready-made reading glasses are less expensive, but have their drawbacks. Today, there are many different designs, sizes, and optical power on the market, but in rare cases, such glasses are ideal for the needs of a particular person.

Universal glasses of well-known companies have an attractive design and great quality. More expensive models are different high quality assembly, reliability and lightness. The standard center-to-center distance in such glasses is 61-63 mm.

The quality of glasses sold on stalls usually leaves much to be desired. Often in such models there are errors in lens refraction and interpupillary distance. Build quality and frames often low level and materials may cause allergies.

Disadvantages of ready-made glasses

  1. Finished models have the same optical power for both eyes, while most have a different degree of deviation for each (anisometropia). When making lenses to order, this must be taken into account, and the finished models are based on standards. It is impossible to use glasses where the optical power for one eye is not enough, because this eye will tire more.
  2. Ready-made glasses do not correct astigmatism, however, many people with presbyopia have some astigmatism. Without astigmatism correction, a person experiences headaches and fatigue, and vision will remain blurry.
  3. The optical center of the lens is located at the geometric center. All ready-made glasses are designed for interpupillary distance within 62-64 mm. In most people, the eyes are located asymmetrically relative to the bridge of the nose, which must be taken into account when choosing glasses. In addition, you also need to remember that the interpupillary distance for near is always less than for distance. If the glasses do not take into account the peculiarities of the interpupillary distance and the optical centers are removed from the pupils, the side zones are automatically used for vision, where the refractive power differs from the required one. This increases the risk of lens intolerance and asthenopic symptoms.
  4. Ready-made models are designed to correct vision at a distance of 33-40 cm. If it becomes necessary to look at a different distance, you have to take off your glasses. Only progressive lenses allow you to see at any distance.
  5. Cheap lenses often have defects. Custom lenses are made from special materials. They minimize optical distortion, eliminate glare and other defects that can degrade the quality of vision.
  6. Finished glasses are usually uncoated. When lenses are made individually, they can be coated with protection against damage and ultraviolet radiation, increase their light transmission, and eliminate glare.
  7. Ready-made models are generally not suitable for people with myopia. With a combination of myopia and presbyopia, lenses with a lower negative refractive power are needed.
  8. Universal glasses have only positive refraction.

Custom made

Ready-made models are inferior in many respects to custom-made glasses. In the presence of astigmatism, anisometropia, asymmetry of the eyes or pupils, it is highly recommended to buy glasses to order. Ready-made reading glasses should be used as spares, as they are unsuitable for driving and watching TV.

An individual order takes into account all the features of the visual system and the client's face. In the salon, they select the frame and check its fit, choose lenses and negotiate Additional services(protective coating, etc.). In the manufacture of lenses to order, the optical power of each eye, the presence of astigmatism, interpupillary distance, and the required lens diameter are taken into account. These glasses are comfortable, light and attractive.

A photochromic filter can be added to individual lenses to protect the eyes from glare and glare, increase visual contrast, and reduce symptoms of eye fatigue and eye strain. Such lenses prevent the negative effects of radiation on the conjunctiva, cornea and retina.

The price of an individual order depends on the price of the frame and lenses, the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the master. In an emergency, glasses can be made even in a few hours.

Single vision and bifocal glasses

Single vision lenses have a single correction zone that helps improve either near or far vision. To improve optical properties, lenses are given an aspherical shape, which makes them thin, light and comfortable. Thus, peripheral distortions are eliminated and a wide field of clear vision is provided.

Bifocal lenses have two zones that are sharply separated, which is noticeable in their appearance and can cause discomfort during use. Therefore, more and more people with presbyopia are recommended progressive glasses that have a smooth transition between optical zones. Bifocal glasses help you see near and far, but vision at medium distances is completely excluded.

Progressive reading glasses

Progressive lenses belong to the group of multifocal lenses, that is, those that are designed to see at different distances. Top part lens provides good vision into the distance when looking straight, and the lower one is designed for reading with the head down.

The difference in optical power between different zones is called addition. Normally, it does not exceed 2-3 diopters. There is a progression corridor between the zones, where the optical power changes smoothly, providing vision at intermediate distances. The areas on the sides of the progression corridor are not intended for vision, as they have significant distortion.

Advantages of progressive glasses:

  1. Excellent vision at different distances when using only one glasses.
  2. Absence jump when looking to another area. This is achieved thanks to the progression corridor, which is absent in bifocal and trifocal lenses.
  3. More aesthetic and attractive appearance when compared with bifocals.
  4. Progressive lenses are made from any material (glass, plastic).
  5. A wide range and additional features (coating, design, lens thinning).

Whereas progressive lenses used to require a frame that was vertically wide to accommodate the progression corridor, this moment such glasses can have almost any frame. The disadvantages of progressive lenses are relatively small size corridor progression and peripheral distortion. Many people take time to get used to progressive glasses.

Can be made to order. In this case, the master will take into account the vertex distance (from the pupil to the lens), the pantoscopic angle (the bend of the frame in relation to the face), the parameters of the frame and the radius of its curvature. This helps to make progressive glasses as effective and comfortable as possible.

Reading and computer glasses

All more people At the age they begin to use computers, so special glasses for reading and working in front of the monitor are becoming more and more popular. Even if it is convenient for a person with presbyopia to read large print from electronic media, it is recommended to use computer glasses. They are especially useful if you have to use gadgets for a long time.

Not only do they improve near vision, they also eliminate glare and block out radiation. This allows you to increase efficiency, get rid of eye fatigue, dryness and a feeling of pain. Thanks to a special coating, clarity and contrast of vision are improved, color reproduction is increased, which is very important for designers and when working with graphics.

Types of computer glasses:

  1. Single vision. A universal option that allows you to see the entire plane of the monitor.
  2. Bifocal. Following the example of reading glasses, computer glasses have two zones with different diopter power. One part allows you to look at small details, and the second to cover the whole picture. The inconvenience of bifocals is the need to turn and tilt your head to see the text at the appropriate angle.
  3. Trifocal. In addition to two zones, trifocal lenses have an additional segment, which makes it possible to clearly see the image on the monitor from a distance of 45-50 cm. This distance is considered optimal when working at a computer.

Modern optics can even offer special glasses for using tablets and smartphones, taking into account the usual working distance and working hand. These glasses prevent eye strain and visual fatigue. Before buying universal glasses, it is recommended to test different options. As a rule, in the optics salon they provide such an opportunity.

To work in the office, you can purchase special office glasses. They allow you to comfortably read, work with documentation, use a computer and communicate with colleagues at a distance of up to 3 meters.

The cost of reading glasses

The price of reading glasses depends on the manufacturer, the type of lenses, the materials of manufacture and the type of frame. Usually it is the frame that determines the final cost of glasses. The best-selling are serial models made of plastic and metal. On average, they can be purchased for 1.5-3 thousand rubles. If necessary, it is possible to buy a frame made to order according to individual parameters. Reading glasses at a discount can be found for 1-1.5 thousand rubles, but such standard models rarely meet all the requirements of a particular person.

When buying, you must consider the additional characteristics of the lenses. The price is formed mainly based on the quality of the lenses, the material of manufacture, the presence of an additional coating. Glasses without UV protection are cheaper, but they let harmful radiation through and scratch quickly.

Currently, there are universal glasses, the refractive power of which can be independently adjusted. They allow you to see with violations from -6 to +3 diopters. average cost universal glasses is 3 thousand rubles.

The choice of reading glasses should first of all be justified by the conclusion of an ophthalmologist. During the examination, the doctor receives information about the functioning of the visual system, and when writing a prescription, he also takes into account the presence of concomitant ophthalmic diseases that can affect vision. Eyeglasses suggested by an optometrist are much more likely to provide comfortable vision than those bought on your own.