The meaning of postures in a dream together. Is it good to sleep together in an embrace with a loved one

With this article, dear friends, let me open interesting topic about body language.

Have you ever wondered why you like to sleep on your back or side, curled up or with your feet under the mattress?

Meanwhile, they are full of meaning, they reflect his essence, image and style of life, line of behavior.

Body language (facial expressions, gestures and postures) contains 80% of the information about a person and is conditioned, which cannot be faked.

So says Allan Pease, an eminent specialist in the field of human relations, who wrote the book "Body Language".

When we are awake, if we wish and by using strict self-control, we can control our body movements. However, at night, self-control is impossible, because our consciousness is resting, body movements and postures are dictated by our subconscious, and openly talk about our fears, feelings, preferences.

Famous psychologists Samuel Dunkell, Dale Carnegie, Sigmund Freud and somnologists agree that a person's posture in a dream best characterizes his physical and mental state.

Let's look at and analyze the basic postures, and Samuel Dunkell, a doctor and psychoanalyst, and his book Sleeping Postures will help us with this. Night language bodies."

Basic sleep positions

During a night's sleep, a sleeping person changes body position from 25 to 30 times. And if he is sick or under stress, then more than 100 times. In this case, we mean large movements and significant movements of the whole body.

Studies have shown that a sleeper takes ten or more different poses, but basically they are mirror images of each other. If we consider these mirror postures from a psychological point of view, then they are one and the same. In addition, many postures are intermediate and short-term.

Samuel Dunkell divides all poses into "Alpha" and "Omega":

  • Initial or "alpha" pose. The position of the body in which we fall asleep.
  • Basic or "omega" pose. A position in which we are comfortable, we continually return to it during sleep, and in it we most often wake up in the morning. This posture is the main one, and it should be considered in the analysis.

Dr. Samuel singled out 4 basic (basic) "omega poses":

1. "Fetus".
2. "Prostretched."
3. "On the back."
4. "Semi-embryo".

germ. In this pose, the whole body is curled up, the legs are bent at the knees, while the knees are pulled as close to the chin as possible. A person lying in this position seeks to cover the face and center of the body, clasping his legs with his arms and hands, and closing them in a ring. Hiding internal organs, the sleeper sometimes hugs a pillow or blanket.

Analysis: a person is like a tightly folded bud, does not allow himself to open up to the events of life, its joys and difficulties, and therefore does not use his life potential to the fullest. Usually such people sleep, occupying the upper corners of the bed, turning their faces away from the wall.

In wakefulness, they experience a high need for protection, for a fulcrum (a loved one, family, children), around which they can organize their lives, and will depend on it. They adhere to a dependent line of behavior, which was formed in the early years, and provided them with a secure existence.

Outstretched. The person lies face down, the arms are most often thrown above the head, while the legs are straight and extended, and the feet are apart. The sleeper seems to be protecting himself from surprises and troubles that he expects.

The pose reflects the desire to dominate the space of the bed, covering it most fully. If it is not possible to capture the necessary space in bed, the person feels vulnerable.

Analysis. When awake, people who prefer this posture experience a similar need to control their living space and the events in it.

They are vulnerable, do not like surprises, organize their life in such a way as to avoid any surprises. They are characterized by punctuality and self-discipline, accuracy and diligence in achieving their ideal of a measured and predictable world.

Sleeping on your back or the "royal" position. The hands of a person lying on his back lie freely on the sides of the body, and the legs are deployed and free, they are not scattered randomly on the sides, but they are not closed either.

Analysis: There is an old proverb: "Kings sleep on their backs, wise men sleep on their sides, rich people sleep on their stomachs." Dr. Samuel was convinced more than once that a person sleeping on his back feels like a king not only in a dream, but also in life. These people, as a rule, in childhood were children who were loved and surrounded by increased attention.

"Royal" - the pose of a person who is confident, straightforward, decent, unsophisticated, sometimes rude. In life, he is a leader who persistently achieves his goals, or a headstrong stubborn one who defends his opinion.

To convince the "king" is very difficult. Accustomed to being the center of attention since childhood, he adult life strives in any society (in the family, in the company of friends, in professional activities) to take a dominant position.

Regardless of the type of activity, people who take the “royal” position in a dream feel completely safe, have the strength of their personality and self-confidence. They are ready to openly and joyfully accept the world as it is, they feel their unity with it.

The desire to occupy the center of the bed and the face turned up testify to the accuracy and rationality of a person.

Important. If you begin to wake up in a royal position with your arms thrown behind your head, and this position was not typical for you before in a dream, go through a cardiological examination. Perhaps this is a sign of violations in the work of the heart.

"Half Embryo". The posture most often found in sleep. As a 1909 study by Boris Sidney at Harvard showed, right-handers sleep mostly on their right side, while left-handers sleep on their left.

The advantage of this position in the physical comfort of the sleeper:

In this position, when the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body retains heat better, while the air circulates freely around the body.

The center of the body is well protected and the heart is the most important organ.

The posture allows you to roll over from one side to the other without completely disturbing the configuration of the body. In the “prostrate”, “embryo” and “on the back” poses, there is much less opportunity to move without disturbing the accepted position of the body.

Analysis: physical comfort and common sense poses characterize the degree of adaptability of a person to the world.

Usually people who choose this pose are reliable and balanced. They adapt to the conditions of existence without undue stress. Their psyche is stable, they do not need to control the space in bed, they do not fold into a “fetus” in order to find protection against the uncertainty of the future.

So, each person has his own individual set of body movements. The complexity of a person's character is reflected in the number of positions he takes in a dream and in the unique combination that he chooses. Many of us may take two or three postures during the night that are important for analysis.

Posture changes during the night.

For example, you can fall asleep in the “royal” position and wake up in the “fetal” or “half-fetal” position. What does this mean?

In wakefulness, a person considers himself the master of his world, the "king" of the situation. And when he falls asleep, he no longer needs to "keep the mark" either in front of others or in front of himself. In sleep, the inhibiting centers are silent and people behave like children sincerely and directly, which is manifested in postures.

A majestic and confident person who falls asleep in a “royal” pose during the day, takes a pose in a dream that reflects his deep attitude to the world, he can show himself completely different - sensitive and vulnerable. The "royal" pose represents one aspect of his personality, but far from being the main one.

In this way,

the posture that we most often take in a dream reflects our true attitude towards the world and towards ourselves.

As you can see, the postures of the sleeper are deep meaning, however, it is very important to avoid a simplistic approach in the analysis, because there are many reasons for the position of the body in a dream.

Factors affecting the posture of a sleeping person

General physical state and diseases:

stomach pains can force you to sleep lying on your back, covering the affected area with your hand. For pain in the shoulder or hip, the person will sleep on their healthy side. People suffering from heart pain and respiratory ailments often sleep sitting up with pillows around themselves.

With sleep disturbances, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time and tosses and turns, taking the most comfortable position, but not typical for him.

When illnesses go away or pain are removed with the help of analgesics, the person returns to his characteristic posture.

Ambient temperature. If it's cold, we curl up and carefully wrap ourselves in a blanket. In hot weather, on the contrary, we open up and spread our legs and arms to the sides as much as possible, trying to increase heat transfer.

Excessive lighting. We hide with our heads, turn to the wall, cover our eyes with our hands.

All these factors should be taken into account when interpreting the sleeping position.

We have examined with you the main four poses, which can be transformed into a "sphinx", "swastika", "mummy" and so on. , and also, we will talk in the following publications.

Did you know that you can tell a person's character by their sleeping position? Yes, it is really possible, in any case, psychology claims that there is a clear connection between the character of a person and the postures that he takes during sleep. This opinion has been confirmed clinically and is currently being tested in practice. Let's see what can be said about a person just by looking at him sleeping.

Sleep positions and their meaning

Before starting the interpretation of sleep positions, it is worth noting that only those positions that a person most often takes in a dream, in which he spends most of the night, matter. This must be taken into account because during the entire sleep a person can change several positions, turning from side to side 25-30 times, and a restless person can make up to 100 movements in one night. Therefore, it makes no sense to think what all the poses in a dream mean. In addition, if you look at it, then all the positions in which a person sleeps can be reduced to 2-3 basic sleep positions, and it is precisely their meaning that needs to be clarified.

In total, experts distinguish 4 main "sleepy" provisions.

  1. Pose "embryo". This is the position of the body on the side with bent legs and knees pulled up to the chin, hands hugging the knees or pillow. The bed space is usually occupied in the upper corners, the face is turned away from the wall. What does this sleeping position mean? First of all, about an attempt to protect oneself from the manifestations of the outside world, whether bad or good. This is how people who are worried sleep difficult period life or those who are afraid to live. Such people are in dire need of a "core", a person who will protect and care for them. In life, such people are more or less dependent on more strong man which guarantees security.
  2. Pose "half-embryo". The sleeper is also located on his side, but the position of the body is more relaxed - the legs are only slightly bent. People resting in this position are distinguished by a balanced character, they are quite pleasant in communication. You can rely on such people both in business and in love, as they have developed such qualities as loyalty and honesty. They are able to adequately perceive criticism, and do not take too aggressive attacks of acquaintances to heart, easily forgiving insults. But their patience is not unlimited - being very angry, such a person will be truly dangerous.
  3. Pose "outstretched". A person sleeps on his stomach, arms and legs spread out, sometimes the body is located diagonally, in an attempt to win back even more bed space. What do such poses mean in a dream? They betray a powerful person who wants to control everyone. Such people are very demanding of their environment, often rude and conflicted. Due to this nature, failures in personal life they are literally being chased. Surprises are usually not liked, wanting to control any situation. But people who choose these sleeping positions have fast response and are able to quickly find a way out of the most difficult situations. To successfully communicate with such a person, you need to have a large margin of optimism and good feeling humor, you also need to try to keep him up to date on most issues, this will give him a sense of control over what is happening.
  4. Sleeping position "royal". The person sleeps on his back, arms and legs are spread out, the body position is relaxed. This position of the body indicates high self-esteem, and often about over-inflated conceit. Such people think that they can handle anything, but this is not always the case. These people are often infantile, so there should be an adult next to them who will not allow them to get confused when difficulties arise and protect them from disappointments. True, it will not be easy, because people sleeping in a royal pose are incredibly proud, and therefore they don’t like to accept help.

Speaking about sleeping positions and their meaning, it is worth remembering some points that can enhance them. For example, the position of the fetus is aggravated if a person hides his ears under a blanket in a dream, and his head under a pillow. This position literally screams about the desire to run away and hide from everyone.

A person swaddling in a blanket is most likely shy by nature. Sometimes such people manage to overcome themselves, but still, every communication with a stranger is a serious test for them.

Correct posture for sleeping

What do the poses in a dream mean, we figured it out, but which one will be the most correct from the point of view of medicine? Experts believe that this is a pose on the side, with the arms below shoulder girdle. If you sleep, hiding your palms under your cheek, then this contributes to poor blood supply to the hands and their flow.

Experts call the pose on the stomach the worst, because it makes breathing difficult, and tension cervical region increases the risk of developing osteochondrosis.

The posture on the back is also not considered favorable - it disrupts the rhythm of breathing, provokes snoring and is known as the "posture of sudden death due to respiratory arrest.

But do not be afraid and force yourself to sleep in correct posture. Perhaps, due to the characteristics of your body, a “bad” sleeping position is the most optimal for you.

While you are fast asleep, your subconscious mind takes the reins and commands the position of your body. The positions that married couples demonstrate during sleep can tell a lot about them. Responsible for body language limbic system brain. In essence, the posture during sleep can give out the true attitude towards the partner. The author of books on psychology, an expert in the field of non-verbal signals Patti Wood and colleagues conducted a study and identified the 10 most popular positions.

A spoon

Sleep makes a person vulnerable. If the partner closely clung to his beloved and wrapped his arms around her camp, he assumes the functions of a protector. The woman, in turn, demonstrates complete trust. This position is the most common among couples during their first years together. Their relationship is evidence of a high level of intimate comfort. If the partner wraps herself around her man, she shows dependence on him.

free hugs

This position resembles the previous position, but there is a small gap between the bodies of the partners. This is characteristic of well-developed stable relationships and is most often observed after 5-6 years. life together. The spouses are still close, only hands or feet touch each other.


This position is less common than the first, but has a powerful intimate component. Lovers demonstrate this position of bodies in the first months after they met, when the novel takes them into a whirlwind of passions and tenderness. If mutual affection persists in the subsequent years of the life of the spouses, it may be excessive or pathological. People cannot live without each other and are not able to fall asleep alone. True, a comfortable rest in such a position is out of the question.

untangled knot

Some sleeping positions take their toll logical development. An unraveled knot indicates complete trust and harmony in the relationship between partners. The couple fall asleep, huddled tightly, facing each other. During the night, a strong knot weakens somewhat. The small distance between the bodies and the free positions of the arms and legs testify to the perfect balance between intimacy and comfort. This position occurs in approximately 8 percent of married couples.

royal embrace

The man in this position lies on his back. His face, pointing upwards, signals trust and self-confidence. The partner at the same time bows her head on his shoulder. If a man at the same time hugs his beloved by the shoulders, by doing so, he demonstrates his patronage. If his hands are clasped at the top of his head, and his elbows are apart, the man feels like a king. He is confident, but not afraid to be responsible. In the case when the wife sleeps next to her "king" in the fetal position, she demonstrates her complete dependence on him. If her legs are stretched out along the string, a woman knows how to make decisions on her own.

Foot touch

Only the feet of lovers touch here. Moreover, the limbs can intertwine or slightly lean against each other. This situation is typical for couples living together. for a long time. This points to high level comfort and desire to feel your partner even during sleep. And even if there is some space between people, they are still firmly connected.


Partners sleep with their backs to each other, their legs are bent at the knees, and their buttocks are touching. If you look at the position from above, it clearly emerges latin letter V. Despite the fact that the backs of the lovers are slightly distant from each other, this position indicates trust between the spouses. On the one hand, both want to remain independent, and on the other hand, they are intimately connected to each other. Most often, couples with small children like to sleep like this.

back to each other

This position indicates absolute trust between people. Both of them are not afraid to show each other a wounded back. At the same time, both partners cherish their independence in the relationship. In fact, approximately 27 percent of couples sleep with their backs to each other. It is worth noting that they all have a happy and harmonious relationship. If you are one of those 27 percent, congratulations! You have found the golden mean.


The next position is typical for couples, where one is looking for free space, and the other is incessant hugs. In whatever part of the bed the partner moves during sleep, his pursuer or pursuer is always nearby.


This is often seen in comedies, but in real life this situation also occurs. If one of the spouses is too selfish, he takes over most of the bed space. He can spread out on the bed in a starfish position or pull the entire blanket over himself. Unfortunately, in this pair, not everything is as rosy as we would like.

Incredible Facts

Psychologists say that the posture we take when we are immersed in deep dream, can tell about the true feelings of partners for each other.

During sleep, you cannot deceive body language. It is at this time that you are most honest and vulnerable, and therefore a joint posture can reveal a lot about your relationship.

British psychologist Corrin Sweet(Corrine Sweet) learned what it really means joint poses in a dream and stated that couples often get used to a certain position that suits their nature and personal preferences. If something changes in these postures, it reflects a change in the relationship.

Often quite inevitably, after the first impulses of passion subside, the desire for sleep begins to prevail and the favorite position in bed is the position in which the partners turn their backs to each other. And although this position may seem like a sign of coldness in a relationship, the psychologist claims that couples who prefer to sleep with their backs to each other are actually very close.

Other sleep positions and their meaning:

1. Pose "freedom"

Pose with backs to each other without touching (33 percent of couples). Such a couple feels close, but at the same time, partners are independent enough to sleep separately. They are accustomed to each other and adopt each other's habits.

2. Pose of "care"

Back to back but touching (21 percent). Such couples feel comfortable and directly with each other. The pose is popular among couples who have recently entered into a relationship.

3. Pose "spoon"

A position in which a man hugs a woman from behind (15 percent). This is the traditional position in which the man takes the lead and protects his partner. In this case, both partners are curled up on their side in the fetal position.

This position is most often taken by couples in the first years of their life together or marriage. This indicates a strong sexual connection and a sense of security in the relationship.

If, in the “spoon” position, a woman hugs a man, then she takes on the leading role in the relationship.

4. Pose "bed talk"

This position, in which partners are turned to face each other, is characteristic of 8 percent of couples, and speaks of the need for one-on-one contact and intimate conversation.

5. Pose "love knot"

Partners are turned to face each other, their legs are intertwined for about 10 minutes, and then the partners separate for sleep (9 percent). This pose speaks of a love of independence. Although the couple decides to sleep separately afterwards, this is a sign of intimacy, love, and sexual activity.

6. Pose "lovers"

Couples are facing each other and their legs are intertwined all night (5 percent). This is the pose of true romantics, in which no one can endure even a minute without each other, and every moment spent together matters.

Experts in the field of psychology said that the relationship of a couple is best characterized by their posture during sleep. Psychologist Joao Oliveira emphasizes that it is necessary to analyze the position in which people sleep at dawn, and not the one in which they fall asleep.

1. "The plexus of hands, the plexus of legs"

Experts say that when a couple intertwines their legs and arms in a dream, this indicates unbridled passion in a relationship. As a rule, couples sleep in this position at the beginning of a relationship, when the couple wants to feel as one. Often, jealous people sleep in this position.

2. "Spoon"

If a partner hugs another from behind, it means that he shows attention and care, psychologists are sure. Such a couple feels comfortable and safe together. At the same time, the relationship between people who sleep in this position is far from ideal. Most likely, there is some uncertainty in the relationship.

3. Donimation

Body language experts note that such hugs are evidence of love and affection between spouses. Most likely, the couple has a beautiful sex life. In this case, one of the partners prefers to dominate the relationship.

4. "Reclaiming Space"

This position indicates that a person does not seek to demonstrate love for his soul mate. Usually, those who need self-affirmation, including in relationships, strive to occupy more space in the bed. In addition, experts note that stubborn people who seek leadership in relationships and want to keep everything under control usually sleep with their hands raised above their heads.

5. "Half for you and half for me"

This position is preferred by people who love each other, but their relationship still requires close attention. Psychologists note that the one who sleeps on his back does not need to see his partner, and the one who sleeps on his stomach is stubborn and somewhat closed. At the same time, the interlacing of legs indicates that people have obligations to each other.

6. "At arm's length"

"Spontaneous relationship" - such a conclusion was made by psychologists, analyzing this position for sleeping. Each partner respects the privacy of the other. Most likely, each of them has their own friends, they go to parties separately, but at the same time they trust each other without limit. An outstretched hand means a readiness to protect your partner, and palms under the cheek mean that the person is calm and comfortable. If there was a conflict between the couple, then such a pose may indicate an attempt to reconcile.

7. "Don't leave, stay with me"

Most likely, this couple strives for freedom, but the hand on the shoulder is a manifestation of love. It is a necessity to feel your partner. So, it is this feeling that a person lacks most of all. A person who sleeps in this position with his back to a partner, according to psychologists, has high self-esteem.

8. "Back to back"

The couple strives to maintain personal space without losing contact. This posture indicates stable and healthy relationships, as if emphasizing their symmetry. For people who sleep in this way, the presence of a partner nearby - required condition comfort.

9. "You are far away from me"

This position signals that something is clearly wrong in the relationship of the couple. The lack of contact between bodies and the fact that people turn away from each other may mean that people seek more personal freedom or see each other as competition. If the body is tense, and the hands are “closed”, the couple has probably recently quarreled and does not intend to reconcile. If the body is relaxed, then there is no tension in the relationship, most likely, people trust each other and respect each other's personal space.

10. “I look at you like in a mirror”

A couple who sleeps in this position usually boasts a wonderful relationship. Routine and everyday problems cannot negatively affect the relationship within this couple. In this position, people who are active sleep sexual life, while being good friends and great partners.

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