Ointment for subcutaneous acne. How to choose the right pharmacy cream for acne on the face

Cream for acne on the face in a pharmacy in its composition may differ slightly from those products that the modern mass market offers. But its distinctive feature is that the product has undergone thorough cleaning, serious clinical trials, it has been tested by dermatologists and pharmacists. This significantly increases its safety and effectiveness when used.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, affecting over 85% of teenagers. Acne usually appears during puberty and practically disappears when a person reaches the age of 20 years. Although some adults in their 40s and 50s continue to suffer from acne.

Creams for acne on the face, which can be bought at a pharmacy, may contain a hormonal drug, antibiotic or zinc. The pharmacological agent will be more effective if sulfur and camphor, vegetable oils, hyaluron, acids are added to it. Depending on the components included, creams differ in mechanism and speed of action. Most pharmaceutical drugs are sold without a doctor's prescription. However, do not self-medicate. It is best to go to an appointment with a dermatologist or cosmetologist who will select the necessary remedy depending on the individual characteristics of the skin and the nature of the rashes.

Acne cream on the face in a pharmacy meets the needs of the skin and is able to eliminate a specific problem. In order for acne treatment to bring maximum results, it is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of acne.

We offer you a list of the best pharmacy creams for acne on the face.

Benefits of using pharmacy creams

Acne cream from a pharmacy has a lot of advantages:

  1. The tool has passed clinical and laboratory tests, which minimized the number of side effects and complications;
  2. Reduces the risk of recurring rashes;
  3. Approved for use in adolescence;
  4. Does not contain alcohol;
  5. Quickly relieves inflammation;
  6. It disinfects the skin, which reduces the likelihood of new acne;
  7. It is selected by the doctor for each patient individually;
  8. The effect is noticeable after a week of use;
  9. Eliminates irritation and peeling;
  10. Promotes regenerative processes in the epidermis;
  11. Affordable price compared to products from large cosmetic companies.

Skinoren gel is a drug for the treatment of acne at any age, it contains azelaic acid. It is she who is the main active ingredient and contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, reduces the content of free fatty acids in the skin, and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microbes.

The gel is applied to pre-cleansed skin no more than 1-2 times a day. The result can be seen already in the first week of using the cosmetic product. When using Skinoren gel in the treatment of acne, it is necessary to temporarily stop using foundation or powder.

The price of Skinoren gel is 770 rubles.

Alina, 19 years old, Moscow: “I used Skinoren gel when I was 15 years old. Literally in one year, my face deteriorated sharply and everything was covered with red pimples. Smeared once at night. After that, I felt warmth on the skin and a slight burning sensation. The pimples were gone in about 2 weeks.”

Marina, 45 years old, Murmansk: “I bought Skinoren Gel acne cream for my teenage son. Good tool, smeared, as indicated in the instructions. Pimples on the face are gone, even the "scars" are gone.

The main active ingredient in Barizon AS is benzoyl peroxide. It has antiseptic properties and is very effective in fighting pathogenic bacteria on the skin that contribute to acne. The drug regulates the fat content of the skin and promotes cellular regeneration.

Barizon AC quickly relieves skin inflammation. In addition, the cream has a slight scrubbing effect. This helps to clean the surface of the skin from small scales and saturate the deeper layers of the dermis with oxygen. Baziron AS for the treatment of acne is applied 2 times a day (morning and evening) to the rash area. The therapeutic course lasts no more than one month, as the remedy contributes to the drying of the skin.

The price of Barizon AS is 800 rubles.

Valentina, 32 years old, Pskov: “I got acne after I moved to another city. I don’t know what doesn’t suit me - water or air. To eliminate acne on the face, I bought Barizona AS at the pharmacy. In general, the pharmacist told me that he was a cream for acne on the face of teenagers. He not only helped me with acne, but I also noticed that the skin somehow tightened up, began to look fresh and well-groomed.

Marina, 18 years old, Voronezh: “I smeared Barizon AS for 1 month. Of course, there is an effect from it, but for me it is a little expensive. I'll try to find analogues at a cheaper price.

Cynovit cream gel for acne, blackheads and blackheads does not contain hormones, but rather effectively and quickly eliminates inflamed acne. It is well suited for problematic skin prone to peeling, dryness, inflammation and irritation. The drug has antiseptic, antibacterial and moisturizing properties. When applied to the skin, the agent is gradually absorbed, removing the symptoms of a dermatological disease.

It contains bioactive zinc. This substance regulates the sebaceous glands and prevents clogging of pores. It additionally has a local disinfecting effect, which kills pathogenic bacteria that are on the surface of the skin.

Cynovit is applied to clean skin 1-2 times a day. After achieving a positive effect, dermatologists recommend continuing the course of treatment for another 14 days (for the purpose of prevention). The duration of therapy is set for each patient individually.

The price of Cynovit is 400 rubles.

Karina, 45 years old, Domodedovo: “I had skin problems with the onset of menopause. I bought many different creams in cosmetic stores, but there was no particular effect. And the inexpensive pharmacy Cynovit helped me. A good drug - I recommend it. I found positive reviews on the Internet about face creams in a pharmacy, they write only good things about Cynovit there. ”

Larisa, 22 years old, Tver: “I bought this cream for my own sister. She is now 13 years old, she has a lot of acne on her face, she tries to crush them with dirty hands. Zinovit helped her. They smeared it, though for a very long time - 1.5 months. The face became cleaner, but single pimples periodically appear. Cynovit is one of those remedies that are said to be "inexpensive and effective."


The active ingredient in Differin cream is adapalene. It has the properties of retinol and is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A.

Adapalene affects the pathological mechanism of acne development, is a strong modulator of cell proliferation. It effectively copes with any manifestations of acne. The principle of its action is that it helps to restore the balance of arachidonic acid, thereby relieving the skin of acne and promoting the rapid healing of affected areas.

The drug evens out the complexion, prevents the appearance of scars and scars. It is applied to the face once a day (in the evening), the duration of therapy should be no more than 12 weeks.

In addition, adapalene is used in dermatology for wrinkles.

The price of Differin cream is 1000 rubles.

Ekaterina, 50 years old, Pskov: “Differin bought for my youngest daughter. She is now 16 years old, she suffers from acne on her face. We have hereditarily oily skin, I also suffered from acne at her age. Acne disappeared, I liked the cream, there was no allergy to it. It’s a pity that in my youth there were no such good remedies.”

Lyubov, 43 years old, Zelenograd: “Differin is a good cream, but expensive. A friend recommended me to buy it. I have had problematic skin all my life and before my period, pimples appear on my face. I read the instructions, there are no hormones in the composition. It turns out that the cream has a rejuvenating effect, but in this case it must be used in a slightly different way. In general, the cream helped me, I was satisfied.”


Cream Sinaflan refers to glucocorticoid agents for external use. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative and antipruritic effect.

Sinaflan cream is used to treat skin diseases, including eliminating the manifestations of acne. It is prescribed by dermatologists for a large number of rashes on the skin. It should be applied pointwise - exclusively on acne and ulcers. The drug to combat acne is used in adolescents and adults, but only as directed by a doctor 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts no more than two weeks.

The visual effect of the use of a hormonal cream is noticeable after 1-2 uses. This drug should be used very carefully, it should not be applied to healthy skin. This is an inexpensive acne cream.

The price of Sinaflan cream is 100 rubles.

Rashes on the face create discomfort and reduce confidence. Acne ointment on the face will help get rid of blackheads or rashes. What to choose among the many ointments - salicylic, retinoic, zinc, traditional ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky. Which one is the most efficient? Reviews and full information about the composition will help you choose the right drug.

What is the best acne ointment?

Pharmacies and beauty salons offer various ointments, creams, acne gels. They differ in composition, price and effectiveness. It is often difficult to choose what is really needed. Which acne ointment to take - retinoic or salicylic? How effective will the chosen ointment for large acne be? And how long can you use hormonal drugs?

Let's try to deal with this issue. Consider what modern pharmaceuticals offer, and which ointments help with acne on the face, and which ones do not.

To do this, we analyze the composition of each ointment, the features of its action and recommendations for use - when it is really effective, and when you can do without it. Let's start with two well-known ointments that were used in Soviet times to treat any boils and abscesses - Vishnevsky and Ichthyolka.

Ichthyol ointment for acne

Ichthyol ointment contains ichthyol or ingammol- extract from the resins of shale rocks. The main advantage of this ointment is she draws pus from under the skin. Spot application of ichthyol allows you to form an abscess, pull the purulent contents onto its surface, and then remove it and treat it with an antiseptic.

It is necessary to apply ichthyol if the abscess stretches for a very long time and hurts. Usually such a pimple is quite large and looks painful, compacted. Without ichthyol ointment, it can mature up to 2 weeks, and “break through” for the same long time, and only after that it can heal.

In addition, ichthyol is used as an alternative method of cosmetic facial cleansing. It dissolves comedones (acne, blackheads), which are oxidized fat in the pores of the skin. And stimulate the spontaneous flow of sebaceous secretion, cleansing the pores from black dots.

Note: after all, cleaning (squeezing) blackheads by a beautician is more effective. Therefore, it is worth remembering that ichthyol is an ointment for subcutaneous acne, and not for acne.

Vishnevsky's ointment for acne

The composition of Vishnevsky has the same indications as ichthyol ointment. It is also used to draw out ulcers.. Vishnevsky's ointment contains natural ingredients ( birch tar, castor oil) and antibiotic xeroform. What is the difference between the two ointment formulations?

Ichthyol - accelerates the maturation of the abscess. It draws pus from the superficial subcutaneous layers. Vishnevsky's ointment - makes the abscess more extensive in order to draw out pus from deeper layers of tissues. Thus, Vishnevsky's ointment removes pus completely. Hence the following recommendations: first use ichthyol ointment for acne on the face, and after the breakthrough of the abscess, the composition of Vishnevsky.

Note: before the discovery of antibiotics, the main means for treating skin inflammations were two ointments - based on ichthyol (Ichthyol) and ointment with xeroform (Vishnevsky). These are the two most inexpensive acne ointments today.

Salicylic ointment for acne

Salicylic ointment - contains a powerful keratolic agent ( salicylic acid). The action of the acid is so aggressive that it is used to soften keratinized skin seals (corns). When applied to the skin as part of an ointment, salicyl has an exfoliating effect. It removes old keratinized cells, and thus exfoliates the face.

In addition to peeling, salicylic ointment is used to treat skin infections - acne and rashes. It dries out, so it is well suited for oily, shiny skin. And not suitable for dry flaky epidermis (increases the feeling of dryness).

Recommendations: salicylic ointment contains an aggressive component (in the amount 1% , 2% , 3% or 5% ). Therefore, it is worth using it for obvious redness and inflammation on oily skin.

Note: due to the effect of exfoliating old cells, salicylic ointment is used as an ointment for acne scars. It causes a burning sensation and accelerates local blood flow, and this ensures the regeneration (renewal) of the cells of the skin epidermis.

Synthomycin ointment for acne

Synthomycin ointment - represents antibacterial compounds. Contains one of the "obsolete" antibiotics ( synthomycin) and natural base ( Castor oil). Before the invention of the common antibiotic chloramphenicol, synthomycin was the main treatment for bronchitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. After - it was ousted from the field of treatment of internal diseases, but remained in the composition of external ointments.

Synthomycin ointment is effective if rashes and pimples are caused by a bacterial infection(staphylococcus, streptococcus). However, it is far from harmless. The antibacterial component disrupts the microflora of the skin. That's why it is not recommended to use the composition for prevention daily.

Recommendations: ointment has proven itself with teenage rashes. She also smears the bikini area after shaving (to prevent irritation and the appearance of small pimples). And one more thing: if there is no noticeable improvement within a week of using the ointment, it means that the main cause of acne is not infectious. We must look for another effective remedy.

Baneocin ointment for acne

We continue our acquaintance with antibacterial ointments. The listing of ointment compositions is presented here in ascending order. So synthomycin is one of the weak antibiotics. Baneocin is a more potent drug. Further there will be even stronger antibacterial compositions of ointments.

Baneocin ointment contains two antibiotics that mutually reinforce each other's action. Bacitracin- for the treatment of streptococci and staphylococci. And neomycin- for the treatment of Klebsiella, Shigella, the causative agent of cholera and tuberculosis infection.

Note: These antibiotics are usually not prescribed by mouth (because of their toxicity). Used as part of an external antiseptic ointment.

The combined use of two antibiotics expands the spectrum of activity of the drug. The ointment is intended for external treatment of skin inflammations. It is applied to purulent wounds, extensive burns, boils, as well as to a small pustular rash, pimples on the face.

Note: sometimes Baneocin is considered as an analogue of Levomekol. With the difference that the latter is produced by a Russian manufacturer and costs 2 times cheaper than Baneocin, a product of a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

Erythromycin ointment for acne

Erythromycin ointment - another option for antibacterial treatment of facial skin, an ointment for healing acne. Contains antibiotic erythromycin, which is actively used in pharmaceuticals. In the form of tablets, erythormycin is prescribed for bronchitis, pleurisy, otitis media, gonorrhea and syphilis. In the form of an ointment - for the treatment of eye infections ( conjunctivitis), skin and soft subcutaneous tissues (burns and other wounds).

In cosmetology, erythromycin ointment is used to treat a small pustular rash.. The antibiotic erythromycin is stronger than synthomycin, so erythromycin ointment is used when synthomycin does not help for any reason.

Important: any antibacterial formulations are not recommended for long-term use.

Tetracycline ointment for acne

Tetracycline ointment is another representative of antibacterial external treatments. Contains one of "late" and strong antibiotics tetracycline.

Ointment with tetracycline is intended for the treatment of extensive skin inflammations (burn surfaces, deep wounds, purulent ulcers). But also used in cosmetology - as a remedy for severe acne, pustular rash.

As a rule, the appointment of antibacterial agents occurs on an increasing basis. First - use a weak antibiotic. If it does not help, they switch to a stronger antibacterial agent. Tetracycline ointment is one of the most potent. You can use it for the face with very strong and extensive rashes, when other antibiotic ointments were weak.

Note: instructions for use of acne ointment with antibiotic tetracycline emphasizes that uncontrolled use of an antibiotic can cause complex inflammation on the skin.

The tetracycline composition could be called the best ointment for acne on the face, if not for the side reactions from the use of the antibacterial component. After frequent use of an antibiotic, a so-called "superinfection".

Retinoic ointment for acne

Retinoic ointment - "new" cosmetic, one of the most effective ointments for acne on the face. Its action is based on the ability to increase blood circulation and regeneration of skin cells. The manufacturer of the ointment regulates its effectiveness against acne and for the prevention of wrinkles, as well as an ointment for spots after acne on the face.

The effect of the ointment is ambiguous. It irritates the skin and causes slight redness, sometimes burning.. There are cases when, after a retinoic ointment, the skin received a “chemical” burn. However, this does not happen often.

On the basis of the so-called retinoids, ointment formulations are produced for the treatment of complex rashes, acne and acne. Retinoids are used when many remedies have been tried and there is no noticeable improvement. They are also prescribed for the treatment of rosacea and nodular cystic acne..

The most aggressive formulations with retinoids - Roaccutane and Aknekutan. A dermatologist prescribes them with a prescription for severe acne that is difficult to treat.

Note: if the rashes on the face are persistent and stubbornly refractory to treatment, this means that there is an internal cause (diseases of the internal organs).

Conclusions: the effect of retinoic ointment against wrinkles is not always noticeable. But its effectiveness against the usual pustular rash is high. In addition, the retinoic component prevents any scarring, is an ointment for acne marks.

It is important to know that retinoids cause deformities in the fetus. That's why it is not recommended to use the ointment during pregnancy and during its planning period(when there is no pregnancy yet, but conception is already expected). After the use of Roaccutane, pregnancy should not occur earlier than a month later.

Akriderm ointment for acne - hormonal treatment

Ointment Akriderm contains a hormone - betamethasone. The hormonal component inhibits the development of inflammation. In addition, the ointment has an anti-allergic effect. It reduces atypical inflammatory reactions, and thereby reduces swelling, redness. Therefore, it is used for inflammations of an allergic nature (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). And also from warts, corns, corns.

Akriderm ointment is not used to treat acne, blackheads, acne, comedones(Different names of the same phenomenon are listed - acne).

Hormonal ointment for acne can be in demand if, against the background of allergic redness, severe irritation appears, a bacterial infection has joined. In this case, in addition to the main treatment (antibiotic ointment), an antiallergic drug will be needed.

Calendula ointment for acne

Calendula is an antiseptic plant. Ointment with calendula can be made independently (mix wax and calendula oil) or purchased at a pharmacy. This tool is recommended for use in vascular problems - bulging veins, venous mesh on the face, dilated capillaries. And also as an antiseptic treatment of inflamed skin.

The effect of calendula will not be as noticeable as the effect of synthetic antibiotics ( synthomycin, erythromycin or tetracycline). Among herbal antiseptics, calendula is average in action. Tea tree oil and aloe juice work stronger than calendula.

Calendula ointment is used as a night cream for oily porous skin.. Due to too active secretion of sebum in the pores, its outflow is often disturbed, stagnation is formed. Therefore, oily skin often becomes inflamed.

For the treatment of acne, ointment with calendula extract is less effective and therefore almost never used.. For prevention purposes only.

Sulfur and zinc ointments

Sulfuric and zinc ointments have a similar effect. They dry the skin, reduce inflammation, but do not counteract pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, zinc and sulfur ointments are used for non-infectious skin inflammations (dermatitis, bedsores, skin manifestations of allergies).

In addition to antiparasitic properties, sulfur compounds promote tissue regeneration. So, accelerate the healing of wounds. But sulfuric ointment is not very effective against acne on the face. It only reduces the amount of acne (due to the normalization of sebum secretions).

Pimples and acne is a problem of adolescence, when the skin begins to suffer greatly due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. This provokes blockage of the pores, where dead cells and pus gradually accumulate, which ultimately leads to inflammation and the formation of a pimple. Such a problem, due to the characteristics of the skin, can also affect adult patients, usually it is provoked by excessive fat or dryness of the epidermis. To get rid of the problem, it’s not enough just to squeeze out suppuration, which most of those suffering from illness do, but it is also necessary to use special tools, which can be found below.

Medicines that fight acne and acne have similar results:

  • gradually destroy all bacteria that provoke suppuration and accumulation of harmful substances inside the pore;
  • there is a noticeable decrease in pores, at the same time they are cleared of accumulated dead cells;
  • oily sheen on the skin completely disappears;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is getting better, which significantly improves the general condition of the epidermis;
  • all inflammations are dried, abscesses open, the surface of the skin is leveled.

Attention! It should be understood that such anti-acne drugs can cause quite strong side effects, including itching and increased inflammation of the epidermis. Antibiotic medicines can cause kidney and liver problems.

In addition to local remedies for acne, it is imperative to cleanse the body of toxins with the help of Enterosgel. This modern drug based on bioorganic silicon effectively absorbs and removes toxic substances from the stomach and intestines, without interacting with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug does not provoke constipation, does not cause allergies, does not affect the beneficial microflora, unlike other sorbents. Let's take it for a long time.

Proactive skin care

A fairly effective and popular series that includes several types of products, each of which is aimed at the complex suppression of acne and traces of them. Proactive's basic self-care kit consists of a scrub, a cleansing tonic and a cream to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

According to an independent examination, when using a triple complex of care products, a quick and noticeable therapeutic result occurs in almost 65% of cases. In 35% of cases of cosmetics application, the result of therapy appeared within 8-12 weeks.

Treatment of acne and acne is possible due to the presence of peroxide in the medicinal line, which can quickly remove bacteria from the skin, prevent clogging of pores, accumulation of dead cells and dirt. The action of this aggressive component is removed by the healing and anti-inflammatory components panthenol and chamomile extract.

It is worth remembering that this drug is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy, when a woman's skin becomes very vulnerable. Also, in some cases, patients complained of itching and skin irritation.

Attention! Some patients noted a temporary effect from the use of the Proactive line, which began to disappear 14 days after the end of treatment.

Zineryt against acne and acne

Genuinely a drug belonging to the class of antibacterial drugs. Zineryt affects the skin locally, which avoids many problems with the internal use of this group of medicines. The main active ingredient of the drug is erythromycin, which affects the processing of protein in bacteria, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the activity of harmful organisms.

The action of erythromycin enhances zinc, which relieves inflammation and cleanses the epidermis of accumulated impurities. At the same time, the skin is disinfected. The real effect of using the medication is noticeable after 14 days. Complete cleansing of the epidermis occurs with the constant use of Zinerit for 12 weeks.

Attention! Zenerite is quite often highly addictive, which requires the patient to have a competent approach to its use. Many patients are advised to apply the lotion once a day or alternate it in small courses with other drugs.

Skinoren against acne

A drug that does not belong to the class of antibiotics, but shows an effect similar to antibacterial drugs. Skinoren is available in the form of a gel and cream, which penetrate deep into the epidermis. The main active ingredient of the drug is azelaic acid, which can suppress the growth of bacteria and infections. At the same time, there is a noticeable decrease in the increased greasiness of the glands.

Skinoren is able to cure not only acne, but also traces of scars, age spots. The first results from the use of the drug are observed during the first month of regular use. A persistent and noticeable result appears only after six months of continuous application of Skinoren.

The agent is applied exclusively pointwise, only on the affected areas. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the cream and gel do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, as this will cause severe irritation. Since the active substance of the drug is not highly toxic, it can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Attention! Quite rarely, due to the characteristics of the epidermis of a particular patient, an allergic reaction may develop in the form of skin inflammation, itching and redness. As a rule, such reactions pass rather quickly after a short course of antihistamines and the abolition of Skinoren.

Baziron AS against acne and acne

It is worth using the drug for moderate and severe forms of acne. The composition of Baziron AS includes benzoyl peroxide in various concentrations from 2.5 to 10% of the main substance. To begin to eliminate problems with the skin should be the smallest concentration of the active ingredient. If this treatment does not work, you can try a stronger gel.

Simultaneously with the opening of acne, the drug protects the skin from the appearance of black spots, and also saturates the skin with oxygen. With constant use of Baziron AC, the result will appear within a month, but it will take several more weeks of active application to consolidate the effect obtained.

Do not use the drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. With active and prolonged use of the gel, a slight addiction to the active substance may appear, which will reduce the effect of it.

Attention! When using Baziron AS, a moisturizer should be applied 15 minutes after application, since the medication dries the skin and deep layers of the epidermis very much.

Roaccutane for pimples and acne

In fact the most effective remedy for acne, but can be very dangerous due to the aggressive composition. A feature of Roaccutane is the need for its oral administration. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules of 10-20 mg of the active ingredient. The main component of the drug is isotretinoin. This is a synthetic substance that is made on the basis of vitamin A and soybean oil.

Roaccutane suppresses the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, which ultimately allows you to get rid of acne. These capsules should be used only in severe forms of acne, when other medicines in the form of creams and gels could not give the desired result.

Despite the apparent safety of the composition, a synthetic substance can provoke many side effects from ordinary irritation to a significant decrease in vision, hearing, and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Capsules should be taken only after consulting with your doctor, as you should first evaluate the safety of taking the medication for each specific case.

Differin for acne

Differin is a very effective remedy that instantly dries up pimples.

A very effective remedy that instantly dries up acne. Despite this effectiveness, some patients refuse to use Differin due to severe drying of the skin, which in some cases led to increased flaking and deterioration of the general condition of the epidermis.

For mild to moderate rashes, Differin cream should be used, which shows a milder effect. In other cases, you can use the gel. The agent is applied pointwise, avoiding healthy areas of the skin, eye area, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

The result from the use of Differin may appear during the first days. The exact duration of use for a lasting result should be determined together with the attending physician. Simultaneously with the disappearance of acne, the skin of the face is smoothed and the color of the epidermis is improved.

Curiosin against acne and inflammation

The composition of the drug includes hyaluronic acid and zinc. They allow you to disinfect the epidermis, including its deep layers. After using Curiosin, not only all suppurations are opened, but the skin is also leveled, scars and age spots disappear.

Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, the skin is saturated with a large amount of moisture, faster healing and restoration of damaged areas.

It is best to use the medication at the stage of skin healing, when the main problem has already disappeared. In the presence of very deep lesions, it is better to carry out combination therapy or seek another remedy. The product is applied to previously cleansed skin, this should be done 1-2 times a day.

Attention! For the duration of treatment, it is desirable to minimize the amount of applied cosmetics, especially for the foundation. It clogs pores and does not allow Curiosin to normally affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Among the wide range of treatments for facial acne, ointments stand out in particular. Their pharmacological action is that they contribute to the elimination of the main causes of acne and blackheads. Ointments against acne on the face penetrate deeply under the skin, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, and have antibacterial properties.

Causes of acne on the face

There are several reasons why acne and blackheads appear on the skin of the face:

  • puberty in adolescence, when the sebaceous glands on the skin of the face begin to work actively, causing inflammation, the appearance of pustules and acne, most often they appear on the forehead, nose, and chin;
  • hormonal disruptions during pregnancy and menopause;
  • disorders of the nervous system, frequent stress;
  • problems in the endocrine system;
  • taking hormonal drugs for a long time;
  • decreased immunity;
  • improper hygiene procedures, for example, if you wash your face often during the day, the skin dries out;
  • malnutrition - consumption of flour and sweet foods in large quantities or eating fast food;
  • excessive abuse of ultraviolet rays - in the open sun or in a solarium, which helps to reduce the body's defense against harmful bacteria;
  • the presence of the subcutaneous mite Demodex;
  • excessive use of cosmetics, use of low-quality cosmetics.

List of ointments for acne and blackheads on the face

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of available and effective drugs in the form of ointments used in the fight against facial acne:

  1. Ichthyol ointment. It has a sharp specific smell, but it helps well to draw out pus, disinfects damaged skin.
  2. Salicylic ointment. The composition contains salicylic acid and petroleum jelly. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the face, restores damaged skin and prevents the appearance of new formations. The ointment has keratolytic and antiseptic properties.
  3. Sulfuric ointment. If acne on the face is purulent, this ointment is most effective for eliminating them. The main component is sulfur, hence the name. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and also helps the skin recover from damage. Sulfur ointment helps to get rid of the demodex subcutaneous mite.
  4. Retinoic ointment- contains vitamin A, takes good care of the skin, does not irritate it and reduces the appearance of acne. The drug removes inflammation on the skin, has an exfoliating and immunomodulatory effect, promotes the restoration of skin cells.
  5. Zinc ointment- relieves inflammation, dries the skin, serves from adverse external influences.
  6. Synthomycin ointment- a universal antiseptic, it helps very well in the treatment of purulent acne, dries them, removes itching and inflammation, and prevents the infection from spreading further. The composition contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol and anesthetic novocaine and castor oil.
  7. Levomekol- good when the patient suffers from acne for a long time, with pronounced inflammatory processes, helps with cell regeneration.

There are many other ointments for acne and blackheads on the face:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • ointment YM;
  • erythromycin ointment;
  • Baziron;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Skinoren;
  • Curiosin;
  • Metrogyl.

Ointment for subcutaneous acne on the face

Ointment for subcutaneous acne is able to relieve inflammation and accelerate the ripening of the formation. Subcutaneous or internal acne do not look like abscesses or blackheads. First, seals appear under the skin, then they become inflamed, redden, and hurt when pressed. In no case should they be squeezed out, since a scar may subsequently remain, and most importantly, the infection will spread over the surface of the skin.

To get rid of acne, blackheads and acne, which bring us tremendous discomfort, you need to choose the right care product. It must meet the needs of the skin and eliminate a specific problem. However, there are no universal remedies for acne, everyone must find their own remedy - it can be ointments, creams, gels and masks. Let's consider the best.

Skin rashes - pimples, blackheads, acne, ulcers

The main causes of acne

In order for the treatment of acne to bring the maximum result, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provokes their formation. Lead to skin rashes:

  • emotional upheavals, stress, nervous strain, experiences;
  • frequent contact with hands or a phone, on the surface of which there are germs;
  • hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease;
  • heredity;
  • the use of corticosteroids, birth control pills;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines;
  • malnutrition - the content in the diet of fast food, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweet and bakery products;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bad habits - nicotine and alcohol provoke metabolic disorders;
  • wrong choice of cosmetics, the use of too greasy cosmetics.

The doctor will help to establish the true cause of the rash. To do this, you can contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, hematologist. A nutritionist and a beautician will also help. By determining the cause of the appearance of rashes and eliminating it, you can count on the fact that acne remedies will be effective.

Popular Acne Remedies

The composition of acne cosmetics contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial components that help get rid of acne. Our review will help you choose the right skin care cosmetics for your face and body.


1. Zinerit, 2. Salicylic ointment, 3. Levomikol, 4. Erythromycin ointment, 5. Sulfur ointment, 6. Ichthyol ointment, 7. Synthomycin ointment

  1. "Zinerit" - an ointment containing the antibiotic erythromycin, which destroys propionibacteria and streptococcus, as well as zinc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands. The product cleanses the surface of the skin, eliminates white pimples, black spots, even if the area of ​​​​rashes is very large. Use this ointment carefully for people with dry as well as sensitive skin. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks.
    → Reviews about the cream "Zinerit",
  2. Salicylic ointment is a drug containing salicylic acid. Its concentration can reach 2%, 5%, or 10% and 60%. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Means for cleansing from purulent acne. It also helps to brighten the skin after acne. The maximum duration of continuous use is up to 3 weeks.
    → Reviews Salicylic ointment
  3. "Levomikol" - a medicine intended for the treatment of abscesses, rashes, promotes rapid healing of the skin. Suitable for teenagers who often develop painful pimples on their forehead and other areas of the face. The active components of the ointment are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. You need to use the product for 2-4 weeks.
  4. Erythromycin ointment - used in combination with other therapeutic agents. The active ingredient ED erythromycin effectively fights purulent acne. The ointment should be applied continuously for a maximum of a month.
  5. Sulfur ointment - contains precipitated sulfur, which has a drying and antimicrobial effect. As a result of its use, it is possible to quickly get rid of acne and rashes, since the product reduces the intensity of subcutaneous fat production. The remedy is effective for subcutaneous acne. Sulfides, which are part of the ointment, promote wound healing, which helps to even out the skin. You need to apply the product for 2-3 weeks.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is a strong acne remedy containing ichthyol. Its use provides a comprehensive treatment, since the ointment quickly relieves inflammation, minimizes the pain that occurs when internal acne appears. This is a spot treatment that is gently applied to the surface of a pimple to speed up its maturation. Used once a day until the problem is solved.
  7. Synthomycin ointment is a cleanser that quickly relieves inflammation. Effective against ulcers, acne, rashes, small spots. Contains an antibiotic that destroys the microbes that cause acne. The duration of treatment with this ointment is a maximum of 5 days. This is an inexpensive tool.

All acne ointments are applied 1-2 times a day to cleansed skin. More often they should not be used, because the composition of pharmaceutical products contains active ingredients. When using them, side effects such as an allergic reaction, redness, swelling are possible, but they rarely occur. Ointments for acne belong to the category of inexpensive remedies.


Acne gels have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. There are cosmetics and drugs sold in pharmacies. Consider the most effective acne gels:

1. "Effezel", 2. "Dalacin", 3. "Metrogil", 4. "Oxygel", 5. "Skinoren Gel"

  1. Effezel is an effective gel that helps cure acne and pimples even at the most advanced stage. Contains baziron and differin, which quickly remove rashes, acne, promote healing and smoothing of the skin. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the surface of the skin well.
  2. "Dalacin" is a pharmaceutical gel against acne, which contains a strong antibiotic clindamycin. This is a universal drug that copes with acne, pimples, blackheads, redness and other aesthetic defects. The effect of the application appears after 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 5 weeks, as the body gets used to the action of this drug.
  3. "Metrogil" - a gel for red acne, rashes, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The active ingredient is metronidazole. This gel in combination with other drugs can be used to treat skin defects, as well as to prevent their occurrence. The product is used for 3-6 weeks.
    → Reviews about "Metrogil"
  4. "Oxygel" is a gel that is suitable for the treatment of acne and acne of mild or moderate severity. The active ingredient in this drug is benzoyl peroxide. The tool must be carefully used by owners of sensitive skin, because, getting on its surface, the gel can cause burning and irritation. The duration of the course of use is a maximum of 2 weeks.
  5. "Skinoren Gel" - its active ingredient azelaic acid provides a bactericidal and drying effect. This tool normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps to get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. The gel effectively copes with even the most advanced stage of rashes, but you can use it for a maximum of 14 days, because it dries the skin too much.
    → Reviews about "Skinoren Gel",

The gel is applied to cleansed skin several times a day.


Creams are very popular in the fight against acne. Consider a list of the most effective:

1. "Differin", 2. "Baziron", 3. "Clean Skin", 4. "Boro Plus"

  1. Differin is a good face and body cream containing adapalene, which fights acne and comedones. It is used for the treatment, as well as the prevention of acne, pore pollution.
  2. Baziron is the best acne remedy for dry skin. It provides not only an antibacterial effect, but also regulates the process of sebum secretion, moisturizes the epidermis well. The cream is more effective against acne, rashes. The term of use is 3-3.5 months.
    → Reviews about "Baziron",
  3. Clean Skin by Garnier is a daily cosmetic product that fights blackheads, red spots. Suitable for those with oily skin as it dries it out a lot. Dry skin after a few days of using this product may begin to peel off.
    → Reviews "Clear Skin" by Garnier
  4. "Boro Plus" - consists of herbal ingredients: sandalwood, turmeric, aloe and other ingredients. It has a good antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It is used when abscesses, rashes appear, suitable for adolescents and adults. The cream must be applied three times a day until the aesthetic defect disappears.

There are many acne creams on the market designed for daily skin care. They can be applied continuously for 1.5-2 months, after which it is worth taking a break, starting to use another cosmetic product. This will help avoid addiction. That is why it is advisable to look after yourself several options at once so that you can alternate them - an overview of acne creams for different skin types can be found here.

Other acne remedies

1. Mask "Keraknil" Ducray, 2. Cleansing paste Payot, 3. Therapeutic masking corrector StopProblem

  1. Mask "Keraknil" Ducray - has a triple effect: it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the pores and prevents their pollution. Consists of clay, polyhydroacid, wax microparticles. The mask is applied twice a week for 5 minutes. Its regular use relieves acne, ulcers.
  2. Payot Cleansing Paste - designed to treat subcutaneous acne. Contains lanolin. The product is applied to cleansed skin before going to bed. From above it is necessary to attach a patch, and in the morning remove it and wash. 3-5 applications are enough for the subcutaneous pimple to disappear. The product may cause peeling of the skin.
    → Reviews about Payot Cleansing Paste
  3. StopProblem Therapeutic Masking Concealer is an antibacterial agent containing salicylic acid, which dries out a pimple. A flesh-colored corrector is applied over the pimple to mask the breakouts. At the same time, the active components of the drug contribute to the resorption of the abscess and cleanse the pores. After 2-4 days of regular application, the pimple disappears.

If you make a chin of the most effective acne remedies, Differin, salicylic ointment, Skinoren Gel, Baziron, Keraknil Ducray, Ichthyol ointment, Zenerit, Boro Plus, StopProblem, will definitely fall into the top 10, "Oxygel".

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a good topical skin cleanser. The main ones are:

  1. Why do acne appear. If their formation is provoked by excessive expansion of the pores, funds are needed that narrow them. When the cause is the presence of certain bacteria on the skin, antibacterial creams and ointments will help.
  2. Skin type - it is important that the cosmetic product matches the type of skin. Drying preparations are suitable for oily skin, but for dry ones they will be too aggressive. The use of skin care products that are not suitable for a particular skin type can exacerbate aesthetic problems. Especially carefully you should choose products for sensitive skin. They must certainly have a soft effect.
  3. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  4. Good creams do not contain petroleum products, as well as synthetic additives, artificial flavors. Their presence can additionally irritate the skin, provoking the appearance of new rashes.

It is important to choose the tool that is right for you.

It is very important that acne products do not clog pores, otherwise the skin will receive insufficient oxygen, and this worsens its condition, appearance, and contributes to the spread of rashes.

An effective remedy helps with acne, because it acts in a complex way. It provides good cleansing, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and drying effect. Also, drugs reduce the production of sebum, narrow the pores, as a result of which it is possible to remove acne. The skin becomes healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is to choose a product that matches your skin type and switch to a balanced diet.

The use of local remedies for acne provides only 50-60% of the result. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the state of health and lifestyle.