Treatment of oophoritis with antibiotics, biogenic stimulants and other drugs. Oophoritis - what is it? Causes and treatment of oophoritis

IN gynecological department women who are concerned about the disorder often contact menstrual cycle and long absence of pregnancy. Having carried out all the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor determines the cause of such failures. Often it becomes oophoritis. What it is? Symptoms and treatment of the disease.

What is oophoritis? And why does it occur in women? This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ovaries and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

The most basic reason why bilateral oophoritis occurs in women is the penetration of the infectious agent into the fallopian tubes, through which it then entered the ovaries in an ascending manner.

Those women who often change sexual partners and do not use contraceptives are more susceptible to infection with oophoritis. The disease can also cause complications after caesarean section, after childbirth, abortion, surgery in the uterus.

Bilateral oophoritis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted.
  • Inflammations that occur in the body, for example, inflammation of the suture after a cesarean section.
  • Abortions performed on later pregnancy.
  • The appearance of complications after childbirth in women, childbirth by cesarean section, as a result of which the suture may become inflamed.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Stressful situations, depression.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Using IUDs to prevent pregnancy.

In most cases, bilateral ovarian oophoritis in women can affect adjacent genital organs. To prevent this from happening, timely treatment is necessary.

Clinical picture of the disease

Signs of oophoritis appear depending on the stage at which the pathology develops and how it proceeds. Therefore, experts identify several types of ovarian inflammation in women.

Acute form of pathology

Manifestation acute oophoritis in women it is more pronounced. Signs of pathology greatly torment patients and require urgent intervention doctors. This stage causes following symptoms oophoritis:

  • High body temperature.
  • The occurrence of chills, weakness throughout the body, decreased performance.
  • Malfunction of the digestive organs.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, in the head, muscle tissue, as well as when urinating.
  • Vaginal discharge containing pus.
  • Bleeding from the uterus caused by dysfunction of the reproductive gland.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

Acute bilateral ovarian oophoritis is diagnosed by a gynecologist when examining the patient in a chair. He notices a strong enlargement of the ovaries due to swelling and inflammation. When pressing on the affected area, the woman feels pain.

Chronic stage of the disease

Chronic oophoritis develops slowly and has no such clear signs bilateral oophoritis, as in acute form. This stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Failure of the menstrual cycle in women, lengthening or shortening of menstruation, excessive or scanty bleeding.
  2. Aching pain in the groin area, as well as during sexual intercourse.
  3. Scanty discharge with White color and going regularly.

Chronic oophoritis of the ovaries is of little concern to the patient, so it is rarely detected in a timely manner. Typically, ovarian pathology is discovered when trying to determine why a woman cannot conceive a child or has menstrual irregularities. When the gynecologist feels the area of ​​the appendages, the patient feels pain, and the doctor feels an enlargement of the woman’s ovaries.

Manifestation of signs chronic oophoritis touch and nervous system, for example, the ability to work decreases, nervousness appears, there is no desire to sleep or eat, one feels constant fatigue. In some cases, chronic oophoritis in women occurs not as a consequence of untreated acute oophoritis, but as a independent pathology ovaries.

Subacute form of the disease

Subacute oophoritis of the ovaries in women is diagnosed quite rarely. It occurs when fungal or tuberculosis bacteria develop in a woman’s body. The signs of this stage appear in the same way as in acute oophoritis, but they are less pronounced.

Thanks to modern methods treatment, this stage of ovarian inflammation can be successfully treated. And if you don’t fight it, the disease will develop into chronic type, then therapy will last long and difficult.

Inflammation on the left and right sides of the uterus

Since the uterine inflammatory process In women, it can affect not only two ovaries at once, but only one; left-sided and right-sided oophoritis are distinguished. Their symptoms bother patients almost the same, however, there are some differences.

For example, right-sided oophoritis causes a woman severe pain harsh character with right side. This symptom is very similar to the symptom of appendicitis. In this regard, the doctor needs to exclude the presence of appendix pathology during examination.

Left-sided ovarian oophoritis in women leads to pain on the left side. Basically, the infection passes from one ovary to another, so most often bilateral inflammation still develops. Right-sided and left-sided oophoritis together cause pain not in a specific side, but in the lower abdomen, lumbar and sacral region.

Inflammation in pregnant women

The combination of chronic bilateral oophoritis of the ovaries and conception of a child is considered unsuccessful. After all, the activity of the ovaries is disrupted, which produces negative effect on conception, the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. This is explained by the fact that these organs are responsible for the full maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle.

Even if there is a chance of getting pregnant with ovarian inflammation, you should undergo thorough examination and treat perioophoritis. If this is not done, negative consequences may occur:

  • Hormonal imbalance in a woman, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Development of ectopic pregnancy. It happens that the occurrence of right-sided or left-sided oophoritis of the ovaries is combined with inflammation of the uterine tubes. As a result, adhesions are formed that can interfere with normal fertilization of the egg.
  • Inability to conceive a child. Impaired functioning of the ovaries adversely affects the formation of a mature egg, as a result of which ovulation does not occur.
  • Transmission of infection to the baby. This can happen both in utero and when a woman is about to give birth.

Detection of the disease

Bilateral ovarian oophoritis in women is difficult to detect. After all, the symptoms of the disease are very similar to other organ diseases abdominal cavity.

In most cases, pathology is identified when a woman goes to the doctor with a complaint about changes in the menstrual cycle or a long absence of pregnancy.

  • Therefore, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis. For this purpose, the following diagnostic measures are carried out for inflammation of the ovaries in women: Studying the patient's symptoms and information about previous abortions, difficult childbirth, and the use of IUDs to prevent unwanted pregnancy
  • Examination in a chair, during which the specialist feels the enlargement of the ovaries and the mobility of the uterus.
  • Laboratory research blood, urine and smear. When inflammation develops, it is observed increased content leukocytes. Using a smear, the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs are determined.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, with the help of which it is possible to see inflammation and its localization.
  • Analysis for oophoritis of the ovaries for the presence in the body of an infection that caused the development of the disease. If there is a gonorrheal or tuberculous inflammatory process, then prescribed additional measures diagnostics
  • Hysterosalpingoscopy to detect severe violations the structure of the uterine tubes, the reason why the ovaries began to become inflamed.
  • Laparoscopy, which is the most effective way examinations for inflammation of the ovaries in women. It gives the doctor more information about the condition of the uterus. This method is used when observing constant pain in the lower abdomen, there is inflammation of the ovaries, for a long time unable to conceive a child, ineffectiveness observed medicinal method treatment of oophoritis. A diagnostic measure allows you to identify obstructions in patency fallopian tubes in a woman, the formation of adhesions and the penetration of infection.

How to get rid of the disease?

Treatment of oophoritis is prescribed from the moment it is diagnosed accurate diagnosis. The doctor draws up a treatment plan depending on the stage of the disease and what symptoms it causes.

If a woman suffers from acute oophoritis of the ovaries, then treatment in a hospital is necessary under the constant supervision of specialists. Patients must adhere to strict bed rest

, they are allowed to apply something cold to the affected area of ​​the body. The doctor must prescribe antibiotics for inflammation of the ovaries.

It is also recommended to use medications that have desensitizing and analgesic properties. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the immune system and strengthen the body. The subacute type of pathology is also treated, but physiotherapeutic procedures are also added. Treatment of chronic ovarian oophoritis in women is carried out quite a long period time and complexity. Indeed, this stage often leads to the development of various severe complications , which can often only be treated surgical intervention . Each patient is prescribed individual therapy. Treatment for chronic ovarian oophoritis consists of taking and carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures.

Procedures such as electrophoresis, laser therapy, massage, and magnet treatment are widely used for inflammation of the ovaries in women. These techniques help reduce the risk of obstruction in the fallopian tubes and the formation of adhesions. Acupuncture is also used to eliminate pain.

The most basic task treatment plan oophoritis is a suppression of the inflammatory process. In addition, it is necessary to restore activity reproductive system, activate the immune system, bring it back to normal hormonal background, get rid of disorders of the vascular and nervous system.

When prescribing antibiotics, the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug is first determined. Otherwise, the recommended drug for oophoritis in women may be ineffective. Be sure to take vitamins to strengthen the body, painkillers to eliminate discomfort,

Many doctors prefer medications in the form rectal suppositories. They are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin to act within a few minutes. It is recommended to use Betadine. Such suppositories for oophoritis can destroy infection, eliminate pain, and suppress inflammation.

Preventing Disease

In order to prevent the development of ovarian inflammation in women, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. After all, the disease can occur without manifestations, which makes it difficult to detect it in time. It is necessary to promptly get rid of any inflammation developing in the pelvic organs.

It is necessary to refuse to have promiscuous sex life in order to avoid sexually transmitted infections, to use contraceptives, to prevent abortions, and to treat sutures after childbirth.

It is important to lead healthy image life, eating right, exercising exercise, have a good rest. You should also know what oophoritis is in order to recognize changes in the body and contact a gynecologist in time.

Thus, ovarian perioophoritis in women is a serious disease that can occur due to various reasons, for example, act as a complication after cesarean section, abortion, wearing an IUD to prevent conception and other factors. If you notice the first symptoms of inflammation, you must immediately visit a doctor, otherwise there is high risk not conceive a child.

Right-sided oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the right ovary. Develops against the background of microbial infection of the organ. Microorganisms enter the ovary from an inflamed appendix or infected intestine. The pathology is characterized by painful sensations on the right in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities and the appearance of specific vaginal discharge.

Right-sided oophoritis - gynecological pathology, one of the types of ovarian inflammation. Infection of the right ovary is more common than the left one due to the proximity of the appendix, one of the likely sources of infection.


Let us list the main groups of reasons that can trigger the inflammatory process:

Most dangerous form is a chronic right-sided oophoritis - a long-term inflammatory process with periodic exacerbations.

Signs of right-sided oophoritis

The nature of the sudden attack pain syndrome(lower abdomen on the right) sometimes allows one to mistakenly suspect an attack of appendicitis in a patient. However, there are other symptoms that indicate a gynecological problem:

  • menstrual dysfunction;
  • abnormal discharge between menstruation;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • emotional tension, anxiety.

The ovaries are the repository of eggs and the source of sex hormones in a woman’s body. Any failure in their work leads to a violation reproductive function: difficulties arise with conceiving and bearing a child.

One of the diseases of the female reproductive glands is oophoritis - an inflammatory process that often develops against the background of STIs and leads to infertility, hormonal imbalance and early menopause.

Mechanism of disease development

The ovaries are the innermost part of the female reproductive system. They are securely hidden in a strong bone container - the small pelvis, which protects them from any mechanical impact and injuries. The gonads (ovaries) partially communicate with the abdominal cavity, but most of them lie retroperitoneal. They are movably connected by ligaments to the uterus and pelvic walls, and closely communicate with the end sections of the fallopian tubes. Behind them are the ureters, upper third rectum, large arterial vessels.Inflammation of the ovaries is an infectious process of a specific and nonspecific nature. Most often, the pathogen enters them from the underlying parts of the reproductive system: it penetrates into the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina, penetrates through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity, from where it reaches the fallopian tubes end point- female gonads. It is extremely rare that the inflammatory process is represented exclusively by oophoritis. Typically, women develop inflammation of the uterine appendages: fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Fine reproductive system women are well protected from the invasion of pathogens: the vulva and vagina have the ability to self-cleanse, the cervical canal is blocked by dense mucus. The uterine epithelium (endometrium) is shed monthly during menstruation, taking with it pathogenic bacteria, and the tubes perform peristaltic movements (contract) in the opposite direction from the ovaries.

The infection can penetrate the ovaries only if there is a violation barrier function underlying genital tract. The following factors provoke inflammation of the ovaries:

  • Artificial and spontaneous abortion;
  • Medicinal and diagnostic curettage uterine cavity;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Childbirth, especially complicated by genital ruptures;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases female reproductive system;
  • Tumors of the cervix and body of the uterus.

Separately, oophoritis occurs in cases where the infection penetrates downward path by lymphatic or blood vessels from other organs. Most often its source is direct and sigmoid colon- final sections of the large intestine. In addition, the infection can travel down the peritoneum, for example, with appendicitis. In such situations, salpingitis occurs secondarily when the inflammatory process spreads to the fallopian tube.

Initially, the pathogen is introduced into outer shell ovary and causes an inflammatory process in it. Once a month, ovulation occurs - a mature follicle bursts into the abdominal cavity, releasing an egg into it. In its place, a surface unprotected by the membrane remains, which becomes the entrance gate for infection. The pathogen penetrates deep into the ovarian tissue, damages it and triggers an inflammatory reaction.


As already mentioned, oophoritis can be specific and nonspecific, which is determined by the type of microorganism:

1. Nonspecific – it is caused by opportunistic bacteria:

  • Escherichia;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Proteus;
  • Staphylococcus;
  • Streptococci;
  • Enterococci.

2. Specific – caused by STIs and other pathogenic agents:

  • Anaerobes;
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Classification and symptoms

Symptoms of ovarian inflammation vary depending on different stages the course of the process. According to the duration of the disease there are:

  1. Acute inflammatory process– develops suddenly and the woman can tell when the first signs appeared. The disease begins with chills, after which the body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees C. The patient is bothered by increasing pain in the lower abdomen, which is cutting in nature and intensifies when moving or turning the body. Painful sensations are localized from the side of the inflamed ovary and gradually take over the entire large area. They radiate to the perineum, tailbone, and rectum. It is possible that purulent discharge from the genital tract may appear upon attachment. Frequently, bowel dysfunction, bloating, and a decrease in the amount of urine excreted occur. Without emergency treatment available death, as a consequence of peritonitis - a common inflammation of the peritoneum.
  2. Subacute– the severity of symptoms subsides, body temperature returns to normal or does not exceed 38 degrees C. The nature of the pain changes from cutting to dull aching, the localization is unclear: it seems that the entire half of the abdomen hurts from below. Stool and urination are restored, but mucous and mucous membranes remain. purulent discharge from the genital tract. The menstrual cycle is disrupted: from complete cessation of menstruation to heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  3. Chronic oophoritis– this is the name for a disease that lasts more than six months. Symptoms of inflammation occur when the process worsens: body temperature rises slightly, the pain becomes cutting. In the calm stage, a woman is bothered by dull aching pain in the lower abdomen on one or both sides, menstrual irregularities and infertility. Discharge from the genital tract is absent or mucous in nature.

Signs of ovarian inflammation depend on the location pathological process:

  • Right-handed oophoritis most often leads to constipation, since the right ovary is located in close proximity to the final section of the colon;
  • Left-handed is more likely to lead to liquefied stool, because the pathological process is localized near the junction of the small and large intestines - the cecum. Feces it contains liquid, and irritation of the intestinal wall leads to their rapid transit, which is why the water does not have time to be absorbed.

Accordingly, pain is localized in the area of ​​oophoritis: inflammation of the right ovary leads to pain on the right, and of the left ovary on the left. Pathogens of sexually transmitted infections often affect both gonads with the development of bilateral oophoritis.


The diagnosis is made by a gynecologist based on the results of:

  1. Patient interview– the disease is often associated with abortion, childbirth, STIs and interventions in the female genital organs.
  2. Inspection and palpation– during the examination on the chair, the doctor sees thickening and overhanging of the vaginal vaults, purulent discharge from cervical canal. Pulling on the cervix increases pain in the patient. Upon palpation, the gynecologist determines enlarged and painful uterine appendages. With a long-term inflammatory process, their mobility is reduced, and numerous adhesions appear in the pelvic cavity.
  3. from the cervix and vaginal walls on microflora and cellular composition. The resulting material is inoculated on nutrient media to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Additionally, the main STIs are carried out: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc.
  4. General and biochemical analysis blood– during acute oophoritis, signs of inflammation are revealed in them: an increase in the number of leukocytes, a change in their qualitative composition with a predominance of young forms, increase in ESR, C-reactive protein, gamma globulins. A sign of chronic inflammation in the inactive phase is a slight but persistent increase in ESR.
  5. Blood tests for to , C and B, .
  6. General analysis urine– for acute inflammatory reaction protein is found in it.
  7. Ultrasound of the pelvic organsinflamed ovary increased in size, not detectable in the abdominal cavity a large number of inflammatory fluid.

If the doctor detects an extensive inflammatory process in the pelvis with enlarged lymph nodes, but the patient complains little and feels satisfactorily, he prescribes tuberculin test. Such clinical picture character for tuberculous oophoritis. In case of a delay in menstruation, it is necessary to conduct a pregnancy test - a growing fertilized egg in the abdominal cavity or fallopian tube gives a clinical picture similar to inflammation of the ovaries.


To avoid chronicity of the process and infertility, treatment of ovarian inflammation must be carried out on time and in full. During the period of acute manifestations of the disease, the patient is hospitalized in a gynecological hospital, she is prescribed bed rest and diet.

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the pathogen with antimicrobial drugs. Chronic oophoritis is treated on an outpatient basis, in this case immunocorrection and normalization of local blood circulation come first.

Acute stage of the disease

During acute manifestations of oophoritis, food should be easily digestible and contain a lot of protein, dietary fiber and vitamins. You should temporarily avoid marinades, smoked meats, fatty meats and fish. During the period of fever, a woman should drink a large amount of warm liquid: compote, berry juice, still mineral water.

Applying ice to the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes every hour will help reduce the severity of pain and reduce inflammatory damage to ovarian tissue. After subsiding acute symptoms You can use a warm heating pad - it promotes resorption of the infiltrate and healing.

Before determining the type of pathogen, use antibiotics wide range actions:

  • Ampcillin;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Ampiox;
  • Doxycycline (Unidox);
  • Cefazolin.

From 3-5 days antibacterial therapy connect antifungal drugs for the prevention of genital:

  1. Ketoconazole 0.4 g per day for 5 days;
  2. Miconazole 0.25 g 4 times a day for up to two weeks.

Pathogenetic(affecting the links of the pathological process) treatment of oophoritis includes:

  • Desensitization- to prevent autoimmune processes and chronicity of the disease. For this purpose, calcium chloride is administered intravenously or taken orally. antihistamines(zodak, tavegil, diazolin).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs– to reduce the area of ​​inflammatory damage to ovarian tissue. The most effective for this are glucocorticoids, which are taken orally 2-5 tablets per day (celeston, triamcinolone). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used - diclofenac, naproxen, nimesulide.
  • Vitamins– provide restorative effect, accelerate the tissue healing process. For oophoritis, vitamins A, E, C are prescribed orally, and B 1 intramuscularly.

  • Absorbable drugs– prevent the formation of adhesions in the pelvis and fallopian tubes. In gynecology, Wobenzym, Serta, lidase, crystalline trypsin and magnesium sulfate are used.
  • Immune response stimulants– improve tissue protection from the pathogen, promote its elimination (removal from the body). They are represented by preparations of animal (polybiolin, plasmol, placenta extract) and plant (aloe extract, peat, fibs) origin.

Local treatment oophoritis includes irrigation of the vagina with an antiseptic solution (weak manganese solution, chamomile decoction), after which the following is administered:

  1. A tampon soaked in diluted dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment;
  2. Anti-inflammatory suppositories with indomethacin.

Chronic stage

Oophoritis after its chronicity should be treated with restorative methods:

Twice a year, a woman should take multivitamin preparations; in addition, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators (Licopid).

Traditional treatment

Folk remedies have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used at any stage of the disease. Some recipes:

Acute oophoritis and each exacerbation of chronic oophoritis lead to irreversible damage to ovarian tissue. Infertility can develop after the first episode of the disease, so it is extremely important to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Barrier contraception, a regular sexual partner and annual examination for sexually transmitted infections are the main methods of preventing oophoritis associated with STDs.

Video: oophoritis in the “Live Healthy” program

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is an inflammatory process that forms in paired female sex glands. It can be unilateral or bilateral. The causative agent of inflammation is pathogenic bacteria. The cause may also be opportunistic microorganisms. At risk are young girls who are active sex life, but are not protected. The causes of this unpleasant illness can be caused by tuberculosis, hypothermia, or surgery on the pelvic organs. Oophoritis often affects women who have given birth or those who have had an abortion.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the ovaries always makes itself felt. The symptoms cannot be ignored, but they can easily be confused with manifestations of other diseases.

How it manifests itself acute stage oophoritis:

  • The first thing a woman feels is severe pain acute nature, which are localized in the lower abdomen and are also felt in the lower back;
  • Problems with urination;
  • Discomfort during sex;
  • Weakness and general poor health;
  • There is copious discharge from the vagina;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • The suprapubic part and vagina suffer from dull and aching pain, which becomes stronger before menstruation or as a result of weakened immunity (cold, hypothermia);
  • The monthly cycle gets lost;
  • The ovaries stop functioning normally;
  • A small amount of white discharge may be constantly discharged;
  • Libido decreases;
  • Problems with conception.

The more severe the inflammation, the more intense pain. At an appointment with a gynecologist, enlarged ovaries and pain will be noted. Acute condition often confused with other diseases. So problems with the right ovary are similar to attacks of appendicitis, and with diseases of the left one, hepatic colic begins to torment. Forms of pain syndrome can manifest themselves in different ways - a woman feels pulsating, stabbing, bursting and aching pain. The attacks are not affected by either the period of the menstrual cycle or the time of day. Acute manifestation inflammation will last 5-15 days. Then the disease develops into a chronic form.

An acute condition may become chronic disease, which will bother you for a long time. Complications, scarring and adhesions can be prevented if the necessary complex therapy is carried out in a timely manner.

Acute oophoritis requires hospitalization so that treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors. In addition, such therapy is more effective. Some women suffer subacute form inflammation, but this a rare event. It can be a consequence of tuberculosis or mycotic infection. When selecting treatment, you need to completely eliminate the problem. If the disease is not treated, it will develop into chronic inflammation of the ovaries, which will manifest itself as periodic exacerbations. They have more pronounced symptoms, although they pass faster.

Complications always have a negative impact on a woman’s health. The menstrual cycle and ovarian function may be disrupted. Girls may experience more serious illnesses: miscarriages, adhesions, tubal obstruction. Often due to oophoritis occurs ectopic pregnancy. Neighboring organs can also become inflamed.

Causes of oophoritis

The location of the ovaries prevents the infection from getting there first. First, the fallopian tubes are affected. Inflammation may occur due to appendicitis.

The main causes of the disease:

  • Pathological processes in the fallopian tubes. In most cases, this is what causes oophoritis.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the reproductive system. It produces insufficient hormones.
  • Mechanical injuries of the reproductive system.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Occur when the immune system works too actively.
  • Sexually transmitted infections, in particular chlamydia.
  • Unprotected sex. At the same time, partners often change.
  • Pathogenic processes in other body systems.

Indirect signs of ovarian inflammation:

  • Stress;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Bad habits;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Overwork.

Due to inflammation, suppuration of the ovaries can occur. Then you need to quickly do the operation. Otherwise, the organ may rupture, leading to peritonitis. Treatment is possible only after accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to determine the stage of the disease, which will help to accurately select the medicine.


The symptoms of oophoritis are quite similar to other diseases: attacks of appendicitis, peritonitis, ectopic pregnancy and other abdominal diseases. This is why diagnosing ovarian inflammation in women is not easy.

Necessary tests for diagnosing oophoritis:

1 Study of previous diseases. We need to look at what the patient has encountered before: abortions, difficult birth, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages, venereal diseases. It is also necessary to study the symptoms of the current problem: types of pain and their place of manifestation, the presence of discharge, the general picture of well-being.

2 Laboratory research. Blood is taken for a sample. With oophoritis, the level of leukocytes increases. You also need to examine your urine and take a swab from the vagina and urethra.

3 Gynecological examination. The inflamed organ increases in size and becomes very painful. In addition, the mobility of the uterine appendages suffers.

4 ultrasound. All pelvic organs are examined, not just the reproductive system.

5 PCR, ELISA, RIF. Bacteriological analyzes are also carried out. This will help find the cause of the disease and identify hidden infectious processes. If there is a suspicion of gonorrhea or tuberculosis, additional tests will be required.

6 Hysterosalpingoscopy. Shows pathologies that arose during chronic inflammation. These are different formations, adhesions and scars.

7 Laparoscopy. Lets get greatest number information about the disease. You can examine the organs of the reproductive system and make a diagnosis. The analysis is prescribed for long-term infertility. A study is also prescribed for pain in the lower abdomen that has no explanation. It will be necessary to carry out the procedure for oophoritis, which cannot be comprehensively cured. If laparoscopy diagnoses acute inflammation, then the study will reveal obstruction of the fallopian tubes, multiple adhesions. Laparoscopy helps to see any formations in the organs of the reproductive system. The more often the disease manifests itself and the longer it lasts, the higher the form of neglect will be.

Treatment methods

Treatment has several successive stages, which differ in methods and goals. The main thing is to resume the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to methodically organize treatment so that the ovaries do not lose their functionality. This is especially important for women who are planning a pregnancy. When the ovary is functioning normally, infertility can be treated. If adhesions, purulent formations, or scars form, surgical intervention will be required.

Local preparations

  • Pain relief;
  • Disinfection;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Regeneration;
  • Regulation of the immune system.

Many rectal and vaginal suppositories available without a prescription. Usually the duration of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days. For complex treatment you need to combine suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries with other means and methods of treatment.

Systemic application:

  • Drugs that can relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. These include Voltaren and Movalis. They relieve symptoms for 8-12 hours. The products are prohibited for use by those who have problems with blood clotting and certain diseases of the vascular system.
  • Vaginal antiseptic suppositories. You can buy Flowmizin, Hexicon or Chlorhexidine. They provide help right to the source of the problem.
  • Drugs that provide antimicrobial effect. These include Polygynax, Terzhinan, Betadine, Macmiror Complex.

When choosing how to treat ovarian inflammation, you need to settle on one drug. It is prohibited to mix many drugs at the same time.


Measures to help prevent the disease:

  • Periodic examination by a gynecologist (it is optimal to visit the doctor twice a year);
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Use of protection during sexual intercourse, especially with private changes of partners;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Avoid hypothermia and colds;
  • Do not take antibiotics without reason;
  • Take care of your own hygiene;
  • It is necessary to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • Sexual infections require proper and quick treatment.

Inflammation of the ovaries can lead to significant violations reproductive system. Need to select complex preparations. But drugs alone will not be enough. You will need to reconsider your views on lifestyle and eat right.

IN folk medicine There are many recipes for treating oophoritis. They can be used in addition to primary therapy or as preventive measures. The duration of treatment is long, but it is necessary to get rid of the disease. If you have sexually transmitted infections, you need to undergo treatment. It is not recommended to have sexual activity during therapy. Be healthy!

The disease is diagnosed when the left ovary is affected. Left-sided oophoritis, causes, signs, treatment of which is the topic of this article, is diagnosed when various microorganisms (chlamydia, staphylococci, etc.) penetrate into it. How to treat left-sided oophoritis? Does it really lead to infertility? In this article we will try to understand all the issues related to left-handed form.

Left-sided oophoritis: causes of the disease

Why does left-sided oophoritis occur? The main reasons are as follows:

indiscriminate choice of sexual partners;

any gynecological interventions (abortion, childbirth, unprofessional examination, installation of a spiral, etc.) are the cause of left-sided oophoritis;

the presence of other diseases of the genital area and neglect of their treatment;

weakened immunity is also a cause of left-sided oophoritis, hypothermia;

stress, etc.

Left-sided oophoritis: signs of the disease

Typical signs left-sided oophoritis can be considered:

pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the left side);

heat, which does not go away even after taking antipyretics;

specific leucorrhoea and vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstruation as a sign of left-sided oophoritis;

increased fatigue for no particular reason, irritability;

pallor skin, decreased or lack of appetite;

loss of interest in sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm, if it was previously observed - also possible sign left-sided oophoritis.

Of course, based on these signs alone, it will be impossible to speak with 100% probability about the disease with left-sided oophoritis. Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis based on the results of the examination. At the same time, such “signals” from the body cannot be ignored - it is worth visiting a gynecologist. The fact is that the main danger of left-sided oophoritis is the rapid development and occurrence of infertility. In addition, the infection can spread from the affected left tube to the healthy right tube, and the disease will be much more complicated. If oophoritis is treated on time, complications can be avoided, and the patient can count on a successful conception of the baby.

Left-sided oophoritis: treatment of the disease

How is left-sided oophoritis treated?

The doctor prescribes antibiotics for the patient to treat left-sided oophoritis, taking into account the type of infection that provoked the onset of the disease. Many women are afraid to take antibiotics, but you shouldn’t refuse them, because infectious infection can only be eliminated in this way.

Physiotherapeutic and balneological procedures are also indicated in the treatment of left-sided oophoritis, vitamin complexes, candles. Patients are often advised to go to a resort.

In the acute form of left-sided oophoritis, bed rest, lack of stress, healthy sleep, proper nutrition.

Left-sided oophoritis can be treated folk remedies, but you should consult your doctor before using them.

Remember that your health is in your hands!