A person with different eye colors. Women with different colored eyes

Eyes different color This is heterochromia. Is this disease dangerous and does it need to be treated? The symptoms, causes and consequences of this unusual phenomenon are described in detail in the article.

The chance of meeting a person with eyes of different colors is extremely small. This disease occurs in less than 1% of the world's population, more often in women than in men.

Just some 200 years ago, people with different eyes were burned at the stake, considering women to be witches and men to be witchers. People sincerely believed that different eye colors were a sign of the devil, and this seal needed to be gotten rid of in the most radical way. Over time, an explanation for this phenomenon was found.

Why do people have different colored eyes?

The colors of the iris are characteristic feature heterochromia, a disease in which the body develops a deficiency or excess of the melanin pigment, which is responsible for the color of tissues.

Heterochromia comes in different forms and can be classified as:

The reasons that resulted in the development of this disease can be divided into:

  • Congenital. The anomaly is inherited from one of the parents or distant ancestors. Moreover, it is not necessary that this disorder will manifest itself in every next generation. Heterochromia can be rare even within the same family.
  • Purchased. The disease develops as a result of injuries, tumors or the use of certain medicines for treatment.

Congenital heterochromia may not be an independent anomaly, but accompanying symptom another hereditary disease. Therefore, it is better for the child to be examined by an ophthalmologist, and, if necessary, other specialists.

Acquired heterochromia, like the born form, can be caused by a number of diseases. This:

  1. Horner's syndrome;
  2. pigment dispersion;
  3. Waardenburg syndrome;
  4. Duane's syndrome;
  5. Fuchs;
  6. siderosis;
  7. lymphoma;
  8. leukemia;
  9. melanoma;
  10. a brain tumor;
  11. previous eye injury.

Classification according to reasons

Depending on the reasons that caused the anomaly, heterochromia is conventionally divided into three forms.

  1. Simple. It's rare congenital anomaly, not accompanied by eye diseases and other systemic disorders. More often, the disease develops against the background of weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve (other symptoms are ptosis of the eyelids, narrowed eyelids, displacement of the eyeball) or as a result of pigment dispersion syndromes, Horner, Waardenburg.
  2. Complicated. Develops with Fuchs syndrome and is difficult to diagnose (visually difficult to notice). Pathological processes accompanied by deterioration of vision, clouding of the lens, dystrophy of the iris and other eye diseases.
  3. Acquired. Occurs against the background of injuries, tumors, inflammation, illiterate use of certain medicines for the eyes (drops, ointments). The ingress of iron fragments leads to the development of siderosis, and copper particles lead to chalcosis. In this case, the damaged eye acquires an intense green-blue or rusty-brown color.

Do I need treatment?

As a rule, no pathological changes there is no change in the functioning of the eyeball, and different pigmentation does not affect visual acuity. The perception of colors, shapes and sizes of surrounding objects is not impaired. However, not all patients with heterochromia are ready to accept their unique appearance as a given and try to get rid of this unwanted feature. The easiest way to do this is with .

Despite the fact that it makes no sense to treat the disease, there are cases when surgical intervention is simply necessary. For example, if the cause of the disease is siderosis and chalcosis (deposition of metal salts in the tissues of the iris and lens), then an operation is performed to restore the true color of the eyes, as a result of which the causes of this disease are eliminated.

If heterochromia is caused by any disease, other symptoms are noted, and appropriate treatment is carried out. It could be hormone therapy steroids, laser exposure, other types surgical intervention. The choice of a specific treatment method is made by the doctor based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics patient.

And if, with a congenital disorder, the color of the iris in both eyes never becomes the same, then in the case of acquired heterochromia, the original color of the iris can be restored.

Eyes play a huge role in a person's appearance. Some people even wear lenses of a different color to completely change their look. But there are cases when no lenses are needed to attract attention. You've probably noticed men and women whose eye colors are different. And if you have been wondering why people have different eye colors and what it means, we will be happy to answer it.

How is a person's eye color formed?

Our genetics has only three pigments to form eye color. Yellow, blue and brown help make up all the shades we see in nature. Some of these components are present in more, some in less - as a result we see brown, gray, green, Blue eyes. Almost always they are completely identical in appearance, but there are also unusual options when the color is completely different. We hasten to assure you: this difference only affects a person’s appearance and nothing else.

Different eye colors: what is it called?

This phenomenon is so unusual that it was carefully studied by scientists and received its own name - heterochromia. Literally this word translates as “different color”. This feature occurs in ten people out of a thousand, but you should not think that it is striking in everyone. Heterochromia can be mild and noticeable only with careful comparison of the eyes. Often the sign is so weak that the person himself is not aware of it. We see only what attracts attention, that is, the maximum differences.

Who may have heterochromia?

This phenomenon occurs in both men and women. But studies have shown that the latter are much more likely to have different eye colors. Let's consider this a plus, because many ladies want to be unique and inimitable. But heterochromia is not a privilege of human appearance. It also manifests itself in animals: dogs, cats, horses.

Are eyes always perfectly asymmetrical in color?

It does not necessarily happen that one eye is specifically brown and the other is purely blue. This phenomenon is more mysterious and non-standard. One eye can have one color, and the second can include two at once, and the border will be contrasting and bright. This does not in any way affect the ability to see or the perception of information. If a person did not know that he had such a feature, he would never even feel that something was wrong. Let's take a closer look at the types of disagreement.

Complete heterochromia

In this case, the eyes are endowed separate flowers, colored evenly. The contrast is usually quite bright. The most common combination in nature is blue and brown. At the same time, animals have exactly the same pattern. If you look at photographs on the Internet, it will become clear: other combinations are much less common.

Partial heterochromia

We have already talked about this phenomenon. It involves partial staining on the same eye. The iris can be half colored, or simply have some spots or sectors - there is no pattern here either, it all depends on the creativity of nature. Another variant of the anomalous phenomenon is called sector.

Circular heterochromia

This is the rarest, most unique option. In this case, the iris is colored as if in rings that are layered on top of each other. A person who has such a feature will definitely attract attention - and in an era when everyone strives for popularity, he can even make his highlight part of the PR.


The simplest option is to get different-colored eyes as a result of heredity. But this does not mean that such a trait will be transmitted from parents to children in the same family. Even among relatives, the phenomenon is most often unique and unusual. It’s just that some kind of mutation occurred during data transfer, which caused this feature. But not everything is as happy as it might seem at first. Added to heredity is the following factor, which must be taken into account.

Some diseases

Among the diseases that cause this phenomenon are: Horner's syndrome, neurofibromatosis type 1, pigment dispersion, Waardenburg syndrome, Piebaldism, siderosis, brain tumor, melanoma, iridocyclitis. You can read about all these diseases on the Internet, but we do not recommend doing this - many people immediately begin to find symptoms that are not relevant in reality. Most the right approach- go to the doctor who will conduct necessary research and he himself will draw a conclusion about whether to worry.

Eye injuries

A person can get an eye injury in any circumstances - in everyday life, an accident, a fight, etc. In this case, a change in color may also occur. Sometimes this is the only outcome of an unpleasant situation, which is good news, because in other cases the consequences are even worse.

Can heterochromia be cured?

This phenomenon can be treated only when it appears as a result of the same injury or acquired disease. Then, in some cases, it is possible to restore the previous pigmentation if all negative factors. When the phenomenon is hereditary and is the result of small malfunctions in the genetic material, nothing can be done. But you shouldn’t be upset about this: eyes of different colors look very interesting, unusual and attract people’s attention.

The human body sometimes amazes with amazing and unusual phenomena. One of them is heterochromia - different eye colors in one person.

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to meet a person who had eyes of different colors. Man by nature has a mystical mindset, and therefore often describes the phenomenon of heterochromia with some special abilities. In reality, people with different colors The eyes are quite ordinary, it’s just a little unusual for us to look into these eyes. There is a legend according to which Alexander the Great had one brown eye and the other blue, which testified to his extraordinary abilities and contradictory nature. Among literary characters, perhaps I am the most striking with different colored eyes appears Bulgakov's Woland: “The right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason.”

Why are people born with eyes of different colors?

Heterochromia is a rather rare phenomenon, occurring in 1% of the world's population. The explanation for this manifestation lies in the characteristics of pigmentation, i.e. one eye may be less pigmented, the other more. Heterochromia can be congenital or acquired. As a rule, “color discoloration” is caused by a lack or excess of melanin and most often has genetic roots. Although the results of research by a group of scientists from Australia showed that parents do not always have a relationship with this part of appearance.

The iris allows almost no light to pass through. The color of a person’s eyes is determined by the content of melanin pigment in the cells and the nature of its distribution; therefore, eyes can have shades from light blue to almost black. It rarely happens that the iris cells do not contain pigment, then we are dealing with albinos. In people with light eyes, the content of melanin in the cells of the iris is small, but in people with dark eyes, on the contrary, there is a lot of melanin.

According to scientists, eye color is formed by only six “letters” in human DNA. Multi-colored iris human body is due to several mononucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants in a particular gene. To explain it more simply, these “letters” are arranged in chains in different sequences. Scientists have noticed that some of the “letters” turn the light on or off, causing the eyes to become lighter or darker, while others can make the eyes look lighter or darker. various shades iris. There are only three pigments that make up the iris: brown, blue and yellow. The predominance of one of them determines the color of the eye.

These complex processes occur in a gene with the complex name OCA2. It is he who produces the protein responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. The mutation of this gene is what gives rise to this strange phenomenon - albinism.

Heterochromia can also occur with congenital paresis of the cervical sympathetic nerve. In this case, the pupil narrows and falls upper eyelid, but the pathology may not develop further.

Medicine has noticed that an eye with a lighter color of the iris may be susceptible to a sluggish inflammatory process in early or middle age. Moreover, this may not appear outwardly, but it will affect visual acuity. This should already be the reason for periodic visits to the ophthalmologist for children or adults with congenital heterochromia.

There are cases when heterochromia becomes a consequence of an inflammatory process in the iris after suffering from influenza, tuberculosis or rheumatism. As a rule, such inflammation is accompanied by redness and pain in the eye.

There are patients who have developed heterochromia after injury to the eye with an iron or copper splinter, when it was not removed in a timely manner. This process is called metallosis of the eye. In this case, a number of symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the eyeball appear, and along with this, the color of the iris changes. More often it turns rusty-brown, but can also be green-blue.

As you know, eye color is a unique characteristic that is determined by the degree of pigmentation of the iris. Chromatophores containing the known pigment melanin, as well as the order of their distribution in the anterior mesodermal layer of the shell play main role in the formation of eye color.

The posterior layer of the iris contains fuscin-filled pigment cells, however, regardless of eye color, this layer is always darkened. The exception, perhaps, are albinos with congenital absence pigment.

Genetically, there are three pigments that make up the primary colors of the iris: blue, brown and yellow. Accordingly, the determined amount of a certain pigment forms the eye color.

As a rule, both eyes have the same color, the same tone, but there is also abnormal pigmentation of the iris located behind the cornea.

General information

Heterochromia(translated from Greek Heteros - different, different or different; chroma - color, color). In other words, it is a condition characterized by abnormal pigmentation of the iris. As a rule, an individual has different eye colors, which is a consequence of the unequal coloring of the irises of both eyes.

Heterochromia in humans is inherited genetically and can pass from generation to generation, appearing much later (this phenomenon occurs in approximately 10 people per 1000).

Types and forms of heterochromia

Depending on many factors, ocular heterochromia can be hereditary or acquired.

According to the degree of staining of the iris, several types of heterochromia are distinguished:

  • complete, in which both eyes are endowed with their own color - the most common type is when one eye is brown and the other is blue
  • sectoral - the color of the “iris” of one eye is presented in several different shades at once
  • central - there are several full-fledged colored rings near the iris

Most often you can find complete heterochromia, less often - partial.

Besides, in medical practice The following forms of heterochromia are known, resulting from damage to the “iris”:

  • simple - abnormal coloring of the membrane of the eye due to congenital weakness of the cervical sympathetic nerve
  • complicated (uveitis with Fuchs syndrome) – chronic illness, which is characterized by damage to one of the eyes, expressed by a change in the color of the iris
  • heterochromia as a result of metallosis - can develop due to metal fragments entering the eyes, which cause the development of siderosis (iron fragment) or chalcosis (copper fragment)

What are the risks of eye disease, as well as its types and methods of treatment.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Of course, there is no reason to be afraid of heterochromia, especially since it does not affect human health in any way. Moreover, a person with heterochromia continues to see and perceive colors absolutely normally, as if he did not have heterochromia at all!

By its nature, heterochromia is nothing more than a unique phenomenon, manifested by cell mutation immediately after fertilization. Meanwhile, abnormal eye color can become acquired as a result of an eye injury or as a complication after an illness.

Most often, heterochromia occurs in women, less often in representatives strong half humanity. With heterochromia, the stroma of the “iris” is depleted of pigment, which occurs due to trophic (congenital) disorders generated by organic or functional transformations in the sympathetic nervous system.

Clinical picture

With a simple form of heterochromia, no noticeable changes occur in the iris, however, with congenital paresis (weakness) of the cervical sympathetic nerves, oculosympathetic Bernard-Horner syndrome is observed, characterized by immediate:

  • color change skin
  • narrowing of the palpebral fissure (ptosis)
  • constriction of the pupil, decreased position of the upper eyelid
  • enophthalmos in mild degree– abnormal displacement of the position of the eyeball in the orbit
  • reduction or complete absence sweating on the affected side

With heterochromia of the Fuchs heterochromic cyclitis type, the following are observed:

  • opacities in the vitreous body (lens) of the eye in the form of white dots fixed on its frame
  • degenerative atrophy (dystrophy) of the iris
  • progressive cortical cataract, in which opacities involve the cortex of the lens
  • whitish floating small inclusions called precipitates

With heterochromia, which arose as a result of metallosis (siderosis and chalcosis), excessive, pronounced pigmentation of the eye shell is observed, manifested in green-blue or rusty-brown shades.

Diagnosis and treatment of heterochromia

Diagnostics pathological condition the iris of the eye begins with identifying the characteristic clinical picture diseases. If the manifestation of heterochromia consists solely of a change in eye color, then there is no need for medical or surgical treatment.

The attending ophthalmologist refers the patient to comprehensive laboratory research, and also prescribes a course of examination of the visual organs using special medical equipment.

The patient is indicated for local therapy using steroid drugs. Vitrectomy is performed when there is severe clouding of the lens that cannot be treated with steroids. Thus, surgical intervention necessary under the condition of a progressive decrease in visual acuity according to the Fuchs type, aggravation of the cataract process.

Treatment of heterochromia with metallosis (silderosis or chalcosis) is carried out by immediate removal of the foreign body that causes a change in the color of the iris. For inflammatory phenomena, corticosteroids (in drops and under the conjunctiva), miotics, and also antibacterial drugs and nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prognosis for heterochromia

Many people are concerned about the question of whether the color of the iris can be restored.

It must be said right away that with congenital (genetic) heterochromia this will never happen. However, in those suffering from an acquired disease that arose as a result of penetration foreign bodies into the cornea or inflammatory processes iris, there is a chance to restore eye color by eliminating the very cause that causes heterochromia.

Thus, the first 3 forms of heterochromia are persistent, while with metallosis (siderosis and chalcosis), the color of the iris can return to “normal” after removal of the foreign fragment.

As a matter of fact, the prognosis for visual acuity with metallosis completely depends on the severity of the underlying process, and with heterochromia of the Fuchs type - on the degree of turbidity vitreous(lens) and the results of cortical cataract extraction.

Did you know that in ancient times, people with different iris colors were considered unclean? "Children of the Devil", "witches" called panic fear among the population, and therefore they were credited with a connection with witchcraft and black magic. IN modern world It is quite clear to each of us that heterochromia is not at all the machinations of the devil or signs of supernatural power, but just an anomalous deviation from the norm...

By the way, heterochromia is a rather rare phenomenon that occurs not only in humans, but is also a very common phenomenon in the animal world (for example, in cats and dogs).

Uneven eye color is quite unusual to perceive, but undoubtedly helps you stand out from the crowd... Isn't it?!

An incredible manifestation of excess or deficiency of melanin - a dark pigment found in the human body - is reflected in the uneven eye color in one person and is quite rare.

Different eye colors in people are perceived as a positive or neutral phenomenon. But not everyone knows that in some cases this deviation may indicate a disease.

Manifestation of the disease

Heterochromia, or cat's eyes, most often manifests itself in several combinations - brown and blue, brown and gray, but there are also rarer combinations.

Depending on the psychological characteristics, the owner of heterochromic eyes can be proud of his individuality or ashamed, trying to hide deviations from the standard with colored lenses or glasses. Women with this disease have difficulty choosing makeup, so they have to limit themselves to neutral colors.

In ancient times, people with different eye colors were considered almost fiends of hell, sorcerers, witches, and unclean ones. In the modern age, any individuality is neutrally welcomed, even if it does not depend on the owner’s wishes.

Fact: judging by statistics, heterochromia occurs more often in women than in men. But the reasons for this feature have not been discovered.

From birth, eye color is determined entirely by the distribution or concentration of melanin in the iris. So, a newborn baby may have grey eyes, which will darken to brown over time or vice versa. The uneven distribution of the dye on both irises is expressed as heterochromia.

What is heterochromia

This feature is called heterochromia translated from Greek - ἕτερος (different, different) χρῶμα (color), which fully characterizes the concept of disease.

There are only three primary colors of pigment, from which the shade of the iris is obtained:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • brown.

Ideally, the eye color should be the same, but never identical. If you look closely, even people with the same color have a slight difference.

For example, blue eyed man has a yellow “sun” around the pupil, and its “rays” will be different in shape and size. This is how a kind of heterochromia manifests itself, which is often inherited.

When coloring the iris, dyes are always mixed in different quantities, and therefore there are no absolutely identical eyes.

Fact: Heterochromia occurs in newborns in 10 cases out of 1,000.

The deviation itself does not cause any harm, especially visual defects. The color of the iris does not affect the quality of image visibility in any way. But it happens that such an ophthalmological deviation is a symptom of another disease.

Types of heterochromia

Deviations in the stable distribution of pigment across the irises of both eyes in people who create their individual color have variations:

  1. Complete – the color in the eyes is completely different, with a pronounced difference.
  2. Sector – lobar or partial heterochromia, which are expressed by color deficiency. For example, one is brown, and the second is blue with a brown spot.
  3. Central - the second eye with a lighter iris has a spot or spots on the dominant color, creating a ring around the pupil.

The most common form of manifestation of the deviation is complete heterochromia.

Depending on the cause of occurrence, there are two types:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The reasons for the formation of the acquired form of the disease may be different, but congenital heterochromia is only inherited. Perhaps even in a generation.

Why does heterochromia appear?

The causes of acquired or congenital abnormalities have different character, but are divided into several types:

  1. Simple is an anomalous phenomenon that manifests itself without the presence of systemic or eye diseases that can provoke pathology. A very rare type of ophthalmological abnormality.

More often, heterochromia occurs due to weakness of the sympathetic cervical nerve. This disease also has other symptoms, expressed in ophthalmological pathologies: ptosis, uneven pigmentation of the skin, narrow pupil, displaced eyeball, decreased or absent sweating on the affected side of the body. All this is Horner's syndrome.

Congenital heterochromia can be a consequence of the presence of Waardenburg syndrome, pigment dispersion syndrome and many other hereditary diseases.

  1. Complicated – formed due to Fuchs syndrome. Usually only one organ of vision is damaged, and often such a deviation is so slight that only an ophthalmologist notices it. Accompanied additional signs syndrome: clouding of the lens, slow deterioration of vision, floating microscopic whitish formations that are not always visible.
  2. Acquired - appears due to mechanical trauma to the eyeball, and the iris in particular. May be a consequence of tumor, inflammation or improper treatment ophthalmological diseases. With siderosis or chalcosis, the shell damaged eye It can be green-blue or rusty-brown (depending on the type of metal that entered the eyeball from the outside during the injury).

Diagnosis and treatment

Observational diagnostics are used to identify the cause of the disease.

The main role in the treatment method is played by obtaining heterochromia - acquired, gradually formed or congenital.

If, after examination, disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs are not identified, treatment with conservative or surgical therapy is not prescribed. In any case, the manifestation of the disease will not disappear after treating it as a symptom. The eyes will remain different colors, even if you get rid of the cause.

If an underlying disease is identified that has affected eye color, appropriate treatment is prescribed for it, and not for heterochromia itself.