Location of the uterus in women. Where should the uterus be located?

The internal female genital organs include: ovary, fallopian tube, uterus and vagina.

BUT) UTERUS(uterus, metra, hyster)

The uterus is an unpaired pear-shaped hollow muscular organ.

Functions of the uterus:


Expulsion of the fetus during delivery.

The uterus is located in the pelvic cavity between the rectum and the bladder.

In this position, it is fixed by ligaments: wide, round, pubic-cervical and rectal-uterine, sacro-uterine.

The length of the uterus in an adult woman is 7-8 cm, width - 4 cm, thickness - 2-3 cm.

The mass of the uterus in nulliparous women ranges from 40 to 50 g, and in those who have given birth it reaches 80-90 g.

During pregnancy, the uterus rises from the pelvic cavity into the abdominal cavity and

at 9 months reaches the costal arches and the xiphoid process of the sternum. Towards the end of pregnancy, the uterus descends somewhat.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases, acquires an ovoid shape, its mass increases 20 times and reaches up to 1 kg by the end of pregnancy.

After childbirth, the uterus rapidly decreases in size and descends to the navel, on the 10th day it is at the level of the pubic symphysis.

Uterine surfaces:

front surface - cystic , facing the bladder

back surface - intestinal , facing the rectum.

There is a space between the posterior surface of the uterus and the rectum - douglas pocket (uterine rectal cavity). With perforation of the uterine wall, with ectopic pregnancy, injuries, with peritonitis, blood, pus, serous fluid can accumulate in this place, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity and in the pelvic cavity.

The edges of the uterus(lateral)

Parts of the uterus:

1. Dbut- this is the upper thickened convex part of the uterus, rising in the form of a vault above the openings of the fallopian tubes and forming angles with them - uterine horns.

2. Tate This is the middle section of the uterus.

3. Weyka- this is the lower narrowed part of the uterus, it is 1/3 of the length of the uterus and consists of 2 parts.

Parts of the cervix:

- supravaginal part - the upper part of the cervix, is 2/3 of the cervix;

- vaginal part (stigma of uterus) - the lower part of the cervix.

The place where the body of the uterus passes into the cervix is ​​narrowed and is called isthmus uterus .

The position of the uterus in the pelvis

The uterus has considerable mobility and, depending on the state of neighboring organs, can occupy a different position.

Normally, the bottom of the uterus is directed forward - the uterus is tilted anteriorly.

This position of the uterus is called anterior tilt. - anteversio , at the same time, the body of the uterus forms an angle with the cervix, open anteriorly - the bending of the uterus anteriorly - anteflexio .

uterine cavity

The uterine cavity on the frontal section has the shape of a triangle, with its apex facing down and passing into the narrow canal of the cervix.

Fallopian tubes open at the corners of the base of the triangle oviducts.

The top of the triangle is facing down and passes into the cervical canal - cervical canal .

The cervical canal at the top opens into the uterine cavity with the internal opening of the uterus - this internal os of the uterus.

At the bottom, the cervical canal opens into the vagina with the external opening of the uterus - outer cervical os , this opening of the uterus is limited by the lips: front and back(more subtle).

In a nulliparous woman, the external opening of the uterus (external os of the uterus) is round, and in a woman who has given birth, it has the shape of a transverse slit.

The wall of the uterus

The wall of the uterus is thick and consists of 3 membranes.

The lining of the uterine wall:

1.C mucous membrane (endometrium) - this is the inner membrane lining the uterus from the inside, covered with a single-layer cylindrical ciliated (ciliated) epithelium.

The mucous membrane has many uterine glands.

The endometrium has 2 layers:

The basal layer is the lower one, lies at the base;

The functional layer is the top (surface). It is rejected during menstruation.

2. Murethra (myometrium ) is the middle shell of the uterus, consists of 3 layers of smooth muscles - outer and inner longitudinal, middle - circular (circular).

The thick muscular membrane of the uterus ensures the expulsion of the fetus during delivery.

3.C erous membrane (perimetry) - this is the outer shell of the uterus, formed by the peritoneum, which covers the uterus from above, in front and behind (except for the lateral edges and part of the neck in front).

From the sides of the uterus, the anterior and posterior sheets of the peritoneum are connected and form a wide ligament of the uterus.

Around the cervix under the peritoneum there is an accumulation of adipose connective tissue - parametrium (peripheral fiber)

Inflammatory processes in the uterus: endometritis, myometritis, perimetritis, parametritis.

b) THE FALLOPIAN TUBES(tubae uterinae, salpinx)

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is called salpingitis.

The fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes, oviducts) are paired cylindrical organs, 10–12 cm long and 2–4 mm in diameter.

The fallopian tubes are located in the pelvic cavity on both sides of the bottom of the uterus, in the upper edge of the broad ligament of the uterus.

The fallopian tubes start from the corners of the uterus, at first they are located at right angles to the uterus almost horizontally, then, having reached the pelvic wall, they are located in an arc around the lateral side of the ovary, forming a bend, and end at the medial surface of the ovary.

The narrow end of the fallopian tube opens into the uterine cavity, and the extended end into the peritoneal cavity next to the ovary. Thus, in women, the peritoneal cavity through the lumen of the fallopian tubes, the uterine cavity and the vagina communicates with the external environment.

The causative agents of genital infections and other microorganisms in the female reproductive system spread upward - through the vagina into the uterus, then into the fallopian tubes and ovaries. This can lead to inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and infertility.

Functions of the fallopian tubes:

Conduction of the egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity (therefore they are also called oviducts);

The fallopian tubes are the site of fertilization of the egg by the sperm.

Fallopian tube openings:

Abdominal opening (d 2 mm) - communicates it with the abdominal cavity;

The uterine opening (d 1 mm) - communicates it with the uterine cavity.

Parts of the fallopian tube:

1. In oronka - this is the part of the fallopian tube facing the abdominal cavity, has an abdominal opening surrounded by a large number of fimbriae (fimbriae), one of which is ovarian fimbria (fimbria ovarica) attached to the ovary (the egg moves through it into the fallopian tube).

2. A mpula - this is the longest and widest part of the fallopian tube, following the funnel, which accounts for almost half of its entire length (d 3 - 5 mm), has a curved shape.

3. Isthmus (isthmic part - from isthmus - isthmus) - this is the medial narrowest part of the fallopian tube (d 1.6–1.8 mm), located medially from the ampoule, approaches the corner of the uterus between its bottom and body.

4. Uterine part (interstitial - intraparietal) - this is a part of the fallopian tube, enclosed in the thickness of the uterine wall and opening into its cavity through the uterine opening of the tube.

Layers of the wall of the fallopian tube:

1. Mucous membrane - this is the inner shell lining the tube from the inside, covered with a single-layer prismatic (cylindrical) ciliated ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which flicker towards the uterus.

The mucous membrane forms numerous branching folds, more developed in the funnel and ampulla, where they fill their entire lumen.

Part of the cells of the mucous membrane are devoid of cilia - secretory cells, they produce nutrients for the egg and sperm.

After an abortion, endometritis (postpartum or infectious), adhesions can form on the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes and uterus, which lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy, because. the egg cannot enter the uterine cavity.

2. M urethra - this is the middle shell of the fallopian tube, it thickens in the direction from the ampoule to the uterus, consists of 2 layers of smooth muscles - a thick inner circular and a thin outer longitudinal

3. With erous shell - this is the outer shell of the fallopian tube, formed by the peritoneum, which covers the fallopian tubes and the uterus from above and from the sides, forming a broad ligament of the uterus.

The anterior and posterior leaf of the broad ligament of the uterus, connecting under the fallopian tube, form the mesentery of the fallopian tube - mesosalpinx.

in) VAGINA(vagina)

Inflammation of the vagina is called vaginitis.

The vagina is an extensible tube 8-10 cm long, flattened in the anterior-posterior direction, which covers the cervix with its upper wide end, and with its lower end, penetrating through the urogenital diaphragm of the pelvis, opens into the vestibule hole vagina.

This hole in virgins is closed virgin spit (hymen) that separates the vestibule from the vagina. The hymen separates the external and internal female genital organs.

The hymen is a semilunar or perforated plate, which is a double fold of the mucous membrane, which is torn during the first sexual intercourse, and its remnants atrophy.

ahead the vagina contains the bladder and urethra, behind- the rectum with which it fuses.

Secreted from the vagina anterior and back wall, in contact with each other.

The vaginal cavity is slit-like.

The walls of the vagina, covering the vaginal part of the cervix, form a domed depression around it, called vault of the vagina.

The vaginal vault is divided into anterior, posterior, and two lateral (right and left) vaults.

The posterior fornix of the vagina is the deepest, and material is taken from it for examination for gynecological smears. In gynecological smears, there are 4 degrees of purity of the vagina.

The vaginal wall is made up of three shells :

1) C mucous membrane- this is the inner lining that covers the inside of the vagina, lined with stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium, forms numerous transverse vaginal folds. The mucous membrane of the vagina does not have glands.

Cytological smears of the vaginal mucosa allow you to examine the state of the epithelium, which depends on the hormonal background and the phases of the menstrual cycle.

The cells of the surface layer of the epithelium are rich in glycogen, which, under the influence of enzymatic processes, breaks down with the formation of lactic acid. This gives the vaginal mucus an acidic reaction, bactericidal against pathogenic microbes.

2) Muscular membrane- this is the middle shell, consists of 2 layers of smooth muscles - the inner circular and the outer longitudinal. At the top, the fibers of the muscular membrane of the vagina pass into the muscles of the uterus, below they are woven into the skeletal muscles of the perineum.

The striated skeletal muscles of the perineum around the opening of the vagina and the urethra form an arbitrary urethro-vaginal sphincter.

3) adventitial sheath- this is the outer shell of the vagina, consists of loose fibrous connective tissue, equipped with elastic and muscle fibers, contains the venous plexus and nerves.

Also around the vagina there is an accumulation of connective adipose tissue - paravaginal tissue.

G) OVARY(ovarium, oophorum)

The ovary is a paired female sex gland of mixed secretion, weighing 5-8 g. The ovary has an ovoid shape, somewhat flattened in the anteroposterior direction.

Near the ovaries are rudimentary formations - ovarian appendages.

Functions of the ovary:

    Exocrine (exocrine) - the production of female germ cells - eggs.

    Endocrine (intrasecretory) - the production of female sex hormones - estrogens and the hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovary - progesterone.

Inflammation of the ovaries is called oophoritis .

The ovary is located vertically on the side walls of the small pelvis, on both sides of the uterus, under the fallopian tubes.

Are fixed own and suspensory ligaments ovary. The peritoneum forms the mesentery of the ovary, with which the organ is attached to broad ligament of uterus.

The most interesting thing in the device of the female genitalia is the appearance of the uterus. The uterus is part of the genital ducts of a female animal or woman. It is an important part of the oviduct. In addition, it is a strong muscle, well supplied with blood.

Most female animals have a uterus. Arthropods, mollusks, most of the lower vertebrates, as well as some amphibians and reptiles, birds, and all female mammals have a uterus. Surprisingly, even roundworms have this reproductive organ.

In animals that lay eggs (birds and reptiles), the eggs are temporarily placed in the uterus. And the future cub of viviparous animals spends almost the entire development process in the uterus. The photo attached to the uterus shows the fetus ripening in it.

What does a woman's uterus look like? A little different than the female animal. The uterus is located in the pelvic area. Behind it is the rectum, and in front - the bladder.

The uterus of a woman who has never given birth weighs 40-50 grams, and in a woman who has given birth more than once, her weight is 90-100 grams. The shape of the uterus is pear-shaped. The expanded upper part of the uterus is its bottom (during pregnancy, an important indicator is the height of the fundus of the uterus relative to the cervix), its narrowed lower part, which extends into the vagina, is called the cervix. And the main part of this organ, connecting the neck and the bottom, is called the body of the uterus. The bottom of the uterus is slightly tilted forward, and the cervix and body form an angle directed towards the vagina. The triangular cavity inside the uterus through the holes in its upper part is connected to the fallopian tubes. The uterine cavity, narrowing downward, becomes the cervical canal, which opens into the vagina with its external opening (uterine os).

The wall of the uterus is made up of three layers: serous (external), muscular (middle) and mucous (internal). The serous membrane borders on the peritoneum surrounding the uterus in front, on the sides and behind, and then passes to the bladder and to the rectum. This is what the mother looks like.

And on the sides of the uterus, the sheets of the peritoneum have grown together and form a fairly wide ligament of the uterus. This ligament, together with the pelvic floor muscles and fascia, is involved in fixing the uterus. The most powerful shell of the uterus is the middle one. These are three layers of smooth muscle with elastic fibers. The mucous membrane is formed by a ciliated cylindrical epithelium and is supplied with numerous glands. During the menstrual cycle, the mucosa is subject to changes. The blood supply to the uterus is carried out by the branches of the ovarian and uterine arteries, which develop strongly during pregnancy. Venous blood flows from the uterus through the uterine veins, and lymph through the vessels that take it to the aorto-abdominal, iliac and hypogastric lymph nodes. The innervation of the uterus is performed by the branches of the mesenteric inferior plexus and the nerves of the pelvis.

Thanks to such a powerful blood supply and reliable protection of the surrounding parts of the body, the baby (see uterus photo) has a good chance to fully mature inside the uterus and be born in time - to be BORN!


The uterus is one of the most important organs of the female reproductive system, because it is he who plays a major role in the bearing, growth and development of the child. Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the onset of pregnancy, or the presence of a particular pathology, the location and size of the uterus in a woman may change.


The uterus is a hollow muscular structure with elasticity and the ability to stretch and return to its original position. Its walls are represented by three layers:

  • endometrium (internal mucosa);
  • myometrium (middle muscle layer);
  • perimetrium (outer serous membrane).

There are three parts: neck, body or cavity and bottom. The cervix is ​​a narrow muscular cylinder that connects the uterine cavity with the vagina. It has two openings: an external opening into the vagina and an internal opening into the cavity. By where the cervix is ​​​​located, and what structure and consistency it has, one can judge the presence of pregnancy. Softening of tissues and the acquisition of a slightly bluish tint are one of the first signs of successful fertilization and development of the embryo.

The length of the body is about 6-7 cm, and the length of the neck is about 2-3 cm. In a nulliparous girl, the weight of the uterus reaches 50 g, in women who have given birth, this value can be increased to 80 g. : its length and volume are somewhat larger than in nulliparous. This is due to the stretching of the muscle layer during pregnancy.

On the sides are the ovaries, which are connected to the uterine body through the fallopian tubes. It is through the tubes that the egg, secreted by the ovaries, is transported to merge with the sperm and form a zygote.

Location in the body

Now it is important to understand where the uterus is normally located in a woman. The organ is located in front of the rectum and behind the bladder.

The uterus of a woman is quite mobile, because it is held in space with the help of muscle ligaments that have the ability to contract and stretch. That is why a bend is often formed, while the position of the neck and cavity changes. The body deviates either forward towards the bladder (pathological anteflexion) or back towards the rectum (retroversion and retroflexion). The reasons for this situation can be both an innate feature of a woman, and mechanical pressure, weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and adhesive processes.

Slight inclination of the organ to one side is completely normal. However, if a woman's uterus changes location due to the adhesive process, this is a pathology.

Location changes during pregnancy

How is the uterus located during pregnancy? Starting from the third month, the body begins to increase significantly in size. If before that it was behind the pubic joint, then starting from the second trimester, the uterus gradually rises higher, and by the beginning of the 5th month, the bottom can reach the level of the navel. It is with this that possible shortness of breath in the last stages is associated, since the cavity increases tenfold and begins to put pressure on the diaphragm. In addition, the organ puts pressure on the bladder and stomach. In this regard, a woman often has a feeling of heartburn, stomach discomfort and frequent urination.

According to the shape and size of the uterine body a gynecologist can set the gestational age. For example, in the first weeks it has a pear-shaped shape, while with the growth of the fetus it acquires a rounded appearance. The height of the fundus of a woman's uterus determines the duration of pregnancy.

Where exactly is the cervix and uterine cavity during gestation? During the bearing of a child, their location does not change. The body still occupies a position behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. But at the same time, its size changes significantly.

For more later dates When the body begins intensive preparation for childbirth, the cervix begins to shorten and can reach only 15-20 mm. At the same time, the uterus itself begins to descend. Therefore, by lowering the abdomen, they most often talk about possible childbirth in the near future.

Possible deviations

By how and where the uterus is located in a woman, one can judge the state of the entire reproductive system. Since any deviation is a sign of the development of any pathology.

Major location anomalies.

  • Omission. In this case, the uterus is located at a lower level than usual. Most often, this pathology occurs due to stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the location in space. Distinguish between complete omission (falling out of the genital gap) and incomplete omission (only the vaginal part of the cervix comes out).
  • Eversion. It is considered a rather rare pathology. In this case, the uterus turns outward: the mucous membrane is located outside, and the perimetrium, or serous layer, lines the inner surface. The neck with this anomaly is located slightly higher than the body. Eversion occurs due to improper expulsion of the placenta or tumor.
  • Bias. It is of several types. First of all, a distinction is made between displacement in the horizontal and longitudinal planes. In the first case, the woman has a bending of the uterus or a tilt to the side. The second type of displacement is characterized by the rotation or twisting of the uterus.

Symptoms of these deviations in the location of the uterus are most often pain during menstruation, disruption of the functioning of other structures of the reproductive system, as well as problems with conceiving or bearing a child.

Normally, an obtuse angle forms between the cervix and the body of the uterus. However, when the uterus deviates posteriorly or anteriorly, the angle becomes sharp. This can further impede the passage of sperm to the egg.

Since the uterus is mobile muscular organ, its location may change throughout a woman's life. This is facilitated by periods of the menstrual cycle, the presence of pregnancy, the period of menopause and pathology.

Almost everyone knows where the uterus is located in a woman. But this knowledge is especially important for the fair sex, since women's health depends on the correct location and condition of this organ. Therefore, it is useful for girls from adolescence to be interested in its structure and location. After all, it is quite possible that such information in the future will avoid serious problems.

Where is the uterus in a woman

The pelvic cavity is the place where the position of the uterus in women is considered normal. In front of the organ is the bladder, and behind it is the rectum. The uterus is very light and weighs no more than 50 g, although after a woman becomes a mother, it increases in size, which is also not a pathology. In this case, the weight of the organ can reach 100 g.

Not only the location of the uterus is important, but also its size. In young girls, it reaches 7 cm in length and 4 cm in width. After childbirth, the organ shrinks, but does not reach its original values, becoming larger and wider by an average of 2 cm.

The structure of the uterus: highlights

Having understood where the uterus is located, it is necessary to inquire about the structure of the uterus of a woman. This organ is extremely elastic and can stretch and bounce back, which usually happens after a woman becomes a mother.
Its elastic and strong walls consist mainly of muscle fibers. Muscles are located both along and across. They are represented by three layers:

  • endometrium;
  • myometrium;
  • perimetry.

In addition, it is customary to separate three parts of this reproductive organ: the neck, body and bottom. This is the structure of the uterus in a woman who does not have developmental pathologies.

The structure of the cervix and its location

After knowledge has been gained regarding the location of the uterus in women, the structure of the cervix can be studied in more detail. It resembles a cylinder in its appearance, the average length is 3 cm, the width is 0.5 cm less. The older a woman becomes, the more pregnancies she had, the more this part of the reproductive organ increases in size.

Every gynecologist can visually judge where the cervix is ​​in a healthy woman, since during a standard examination, with the help of mirrors, he can see it. It is located no further than 12 cm of the depth of the vagina, which, with its back surface, is in contact with the cervix. Her body is directly behind the bladder.

Uterus and ovaries: location in the pelvic cavity

In the small pelvis, on one side and on the other, ovaries can be found. They are attached to the ovarian fossa. They are connected to the uterus by tubes, which together with the ovaries are called appendages.

The ovaries are always not strictly symmetrical with respect to each other. One of the organs is higher and the other is slightly lower. The same can be said about their size, as a rule, the right one is somewhat heavier than the left ovary. However, normally, the color and shape of the organs should not differ.

The location of the uterus by week of pregnancy: what changes

If normally the location of the uterus in women does not change, then when she bears a child, the situation becomes radically different. Already after 12 weeks, it increases significantly in size, so that experienced doctor able to determine it by palpation.

The location of the uterus by week of pregnancy changes as the fetus grows. Up to 12 weeks, it is located directly in the abdominal cavity, after this period it begins to rise higher. Therefore, closer to 16 weeks, it is located in the navel, located between it and the pubis. And by the 20th week, its bottom reaches the level of the navel. As the baby grows, so does the uterus, moving higher towards the breast. At the end of pregnancy, it is so high that it often makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, while at the same time infringing on the bladder and intestines.

The location of the cervix during pregnancy, like the uterus itself, also does not remain unchanged. Closer to childbirth, it decreases significantly, and its length is only 15 mm maximum.

Anomalies in the structure of the uterus

The structure of the female uterus is not always anatomically correct, sometimes there are certain violations. The body of the organ can fall, partially fall out with certain physical efforts, in more advanced cases, the cervix is ​​​​visible from the genital slit, and sometimes it falls out completely. If the location of the cervix is ​​disturbed, this requires an immediate visit to the doctor for a therapeutic course, or surgical intervention.

Many women begin to panic when they find out at a gynecological examination that they have a uterus located behind or, in other words, there is. You should not worry about this, this variant of the location of the organ does not affect the general well-being of the woman in any way and does not require medication or other types of exposure.

First of all, the representatives of the weaker sex need to know where the uterus is and where the cervix is ​​located. This knowledge will be useful to both a young girl and a mature woman in order to avoid health problems.

I'm sure everyone studied anatomy in school. Most people on our planet are familiar with the concept of a female organ called the "womb". It is about him that will be discussed further. What is a woman's uterus and where is it located? What are the functions of this organ, structural features and dimensions? You will learn all this from the article. It is also worth mentioning the possible pathologies that occur in this organ and methods of treatment.

female body

The fair sex is different from men in many ways. In addition to external signs, there are also internal structural features of the body. So, representatives of the weak half of humanity are able to reproduce their own kind and feed them. A large role in this process is played by the woman's uterus, ovaries, pituitary gland and other organs. Men, on the other hand, are more primitive and simple.

Woman's uterus: what is it?

This organ is located in the pelvis of every woman even before birth. So, the genital area is laid at about 10 weeks of intrauterine life. Outwardly, the uterus resembles an inverted pear of a small shape or a cone.

On the sides of the uterus of a woman has two so-called processes. They are more familiar to physicians under the name of fallopian (uterine) tubes. Also under each of these processes there is a small oval-shaped organ. These structures are called ovaries.

In addition to the internal structural features of the uterus in women, it has a neck and a cervical canal that opens into the vagina. The internal cavity of the reproductive organ has three layers. The main one is the endometrium - the inner lining.

The size of the uterus and structural features

The uterus of a woman has different sizes. It all depends on what phase of the cycle the body of the fair sex is in. Normal sizes after the end of menstruation are in the range of 4 to 5 centimeters. In this case, the length of the organ may be slightly larger than the width and cross section.

The cervix of women who have never given birth or been dilated cervical canal, has a rounded shape and the same tightly closed hole. If the fair sex has already become a mother, then her cervix may have a slit-like opening, which is somewhat expanded. All of this is normal. The length of the cervical canal in different women can vary from 2 to 5 centimeters. At the same time, special attention is paid to this figure during the bearing of a child.

The female reproductive organ has an interesting feature. The uterus is not fixed by any devices or bones. Her body is held only by ligaments and muscles. One can only imagine what kind of load these components undergo during the bearing of a child. The female uterus can be located correctly or have an anterior or posterior deviation. This is not a pathology, but there may be problems with conception.

Functions of the female uterus

The female reproductive organ has many important functions. Let's consider the main ones.

  • One of the main functions that a woman's uterus has is childbearing. Every month, the inner layer changes and is exposed to hormones. Thus, the body prepares for conception. If fertilization has occurred, then the embryo is securely attached to the wall of the female organ and remains there until it is fully developed and ready for life in the external environment.
  • In addition, the female uterus performs a cleansing function. Each menstrual cycle, the organ contracts, pushing the unnecessary inner layer out. It is during this period that a woman has menstruation.
  • The female reproductive organ also has a protective function. The uterus reliably protects the fragile fallopian tubes from the penetration of pathogens and infection into them. The cervix, in turn, secretes mucus, which helps flush out these bacteria from the cervical canal and vagina.
  • The function of promoting spermatozoa is also inherent in the female organ. After intercourse, the uterus actively contracts, helping male gametes to penetrate the cavity and get into the fallopian tubes for fertilization.
  • Also, the female uterus can be assigned the function of supporting organs and various systems. Due to being in its usual place, the uterus does not allow the intestines and bladder to move in different directions.

Diseases of the female organ

Many representatives of the weaker sex have to deal with pathologies that affect the reproductive system. These include endometritis, fibroids, uterine prolapse in women, and other diseases. Some of them respond well to treatment and have a favorable prognosis. Others lead to such a terrifying conclusion as the removal of the uterus. Women who have had to undergo such a procedure feel depressed and inferior. Consider a few examples of pathologies of the female organ.

Pathological neoplasms

Such diseases include uterine fibroids, internal endometriosis, cysts and ulcers. In most cases, such diseases are treated with medications and special procedures. Only in very advanced situations may surgical intervention be required.

Prolapse of the reproductive organ

Such a pathology occurs in cases where the muscles and ligaments weaken and can no longer hold the reproductive organ in the pelvic cavity. Most often, incomplete or partial prolapse of the uterus occurs. If a woman is of childbearing age, then doctors make every attempt to save the organ. With complete prolapse, removal of the uterus is indicated.

Rabies of the uterus (nymphomania)

Rabies of the uterus in women is a process in which the mental state is disturbed. Often this disease is called hysteria. This name is now obsolete. Modern medicine does not recognize such a disease as uterine rabies in women. At the same time, the symptoms of the pathology persisted. Most often, the disease is manifested by increased sexual desire, clouding of consciousness, laughter, followed by tears. Now such women are called nymphomaniacs and they are prescribed psychological correction.

Other diseases

In addition to the above, there are many other pathological processes that occur inside the female uterus. It is worth noting that most of them are of hormonal origin and can be treated. However, there are some diseases that cannot be cured either conservatively or surgically. In this case, doctors resort to removing the uterus.

Removal of the reproductive organ

There are several ways to remove the uterus. Depending on the capabilities of the medical institution and the qualifications of doctors, the most suitable option is selected. Most often, laparoscopic surgery is performed. However, there are times when a laparotomy is required. Let's consider both of these options.

Removal of the uterus with a laparoscope

If there is time to prepare for the operation, then it is preferable to perform this particular procedure. During the operation, the doctor makes several incisions in the patient's abdomen and inserts small manipulators into them. With the help of a video camera, the doctor sees everything that happens on a large monitor. Small manipulators gently cut the ligaments and muscles that support the uterus. After that, the organ is removed from the abdominal cavity.

Recovery after such an operation is fast. However, a woman may experience discomfort and pain during the first month after the manipulation.

Laparotomy surgery to remove the uterus

If the procedure for extracting an organ from the peritoneum is urgent, then laparotomy is performed. Also, this method is chosen when a woman has a large fat layer in the pelvic area. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision in the lower abdomen. It can be horizontal or vertical depending on the situation. After the extraction of the reproductive organ, layer-by-layer suturing of the incision is performed.

Recovery after such an operation is much more difficult. A woman is incapacitated for one month after the procedure.

What happens to the female body after surgery?

A woman after the removal of the uterus changes not only internally, but also externally. Most of the fair sex note the inner emptiness in moral and physical terms. If a woman is of childbearing age, then in addition to depression, she feels helpless and worthless.


Now you know what the female uterus is, what functions it performs, and also what its dimensions are. All women should know what the reproductive organ is. This will help to avoid some complications of diseases and conduct timely self-diagnosis.

Men should also know what a female uterus is. Perhaps the representatives of the stronger sex should not study this issue in such detail. However, it will always be useful to have an idea about it.