Rules for measuring body temperature with an armpit mercury thermometer. How long should you hold a mercury thermometer? Axillary measurement

Body temperature is an important indicator of the normal course of biological processes in the body. Therefore, when the slightest symptoms illness, you need to measure this physiological constant. At the same time, we often miss important nuances how to correctly measure body temperature with mercury or electronic thermometer an adult or a child. Shall we learn?

What and how?

Temperature is the main parameter that determines the state of the body. To measure it, a mercury and electronic thermometer are usually used. As for measurement methods, you can obtain data on body temperature:

  • rectally (this option is considered the most objective, since the intestine is closed from the outside by a sphincter and is not in contact with the environment);
  • orally (doctors recommend this measurement for children over 5 years old);
  • axillary, that is, in the armpit (this is how temperature is traditionally measured mercury thermometer).

All these methods provide evidence different levels accuracy. Axillary measurement is considered the least correct. Besides, in different parts body temperature norms will differ:

  • when measured rectally - from 37.3 to 37.7;
  • oral - from 37.1 to 37.7;
  • axillary - 36.6.

Mercury or electronic?

One of the symbols of childhood of the last century has not lost its relevance in the new century. This is because a measuring device with a mercury-filled reservoir:

  • shows accurate data;
  • inexpensive;
  • very simple and easy to use.

Can a mercury thermometer show the wrong temperature? We hasten to reassure you: the possibility of an error with a working device is excluded by 99%.

The advantages of electronic thermometers include:

  • speed of obtaining results;
  • versatility of application (axillary, oral, rectal).

But sometimes errors occur due to glitches in the internal program. In addition, if the thermometer is removed immediately after the sound signal, the value may be 1-1.5 degrees lower than the real one. That is why doctors, answering the question of how to correctly measure body temperature with an electronic thermometer, advise leaving the device for another 30-40 seconds after finishing the operation.

How to measure an adult's temperature under the armpit?

Data acquisition process mercury thermometer requires only 6 steps.

  1. We examine skin for inflammation or wounds, wipe the armpit dry.
  2. We wipe the thermometer with a damp cloth or napkin and blot it with a dry towel.
  3. We bring down the thermometer readings to 35 degrees by shaking and pointing the tank down. We place the tip of the thermometer with mercury in the armpit.
  4. Press your forearm firmly to your chest and wait for 10 minutes.
  5. We take out the thermometer and evaluate the result.

When using an electronic device, proceed as follows:

  1. We check the condition of the skin.
  2. Wipe the thermometer with a damp cloth.
  3. Press the power button and wait until the symbols Lo and C appear on the screen.
  4. We place the device under the mouse.
  5. We press the thermometer with our hand and hold it until the signal.
  6. We time it for 40-50 seconds, take out a thermometer, and evaluate the readings.

Axillary method of measuring a child

This is a rather difficult option for obtaining temperature readings, since the baby is unlikely to want to sit in an uncomfortable position in his mother’s arms for 5-6 minutes.

  1. We lay the little one on his back or sit him on his lap.
  2. We raise his hand and move his clothes aside.
  3. We place the thermometer and press the handle tightly to the chest.
  4. We hold the mercury one for about 7-10 minutes, and the electronic one for another 1 minute after the signal.
  5. We take out a thermometer and evaluate the result.

We measure rectally

To measure body temperature rectally, you need to take correct position bodies. For an adult, this will be a pose on the side with knees bent. Doctors recommend using an electronic device for such purposes.

  1. Lubricate 1.5 cm of the tip of the thermometer with thick baby cream or Vaseline.
  2. Slowly insert the thermometer into anus.
  3. Wait until the signal, leave for another 1 minute - and you can evaluate the result.

How to measure a baby's temperature correctly? For the baby, the position should be on the back with slightly raised and bent in knee joints legs. The following procedure is identical.

We use the oral method

If for some reason it is impossible to measure body temperature under the armpit or rectally (for example, due to inflammation), then the procedure is performed orally. It doesn’t matter which thermometer you use, mercury or electronic: the procedure will be the same. First you need to wait 20 minutes after eating, and then follow this algorithm:

  1. Wipe the thermometer disinfectant(you can use vodka).
  2. We place the device far on the lower palate under the tongue, while squeezing the lips tightly.
  3. We breathe through our nose.
  4. After 5 minutes you can evaluate the result. If we use an electronic thermometer, then the data can be considered objective 30-40 seconds after the sound signal.

Alternative methods

Innovation in methods of obtaining data on body temperature is associated with the desire to obtain the most accurate readings in patients who cannot hold a thermometer on their own (for example, in children). In this regard, alternative technologies and devices have emerged:

  • infrared thermometer checks temperature readings through ear canal in just 3 seconds. But it is very expensive and may produce a small error in the data;
  • The thermometer in the form of a pacifier is perfect for babies who use it. The rest will have to look for other ways;
  • special strips that are applied to the forehead. Very compact, but the readings are approximate.

Body temperature is an important indicator of human health. Its increase always indicates certain problems in the body. You can measure your body temperature different ways, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be noted that in Russia it is customary to “correctly” measure the temperature in the armpit, and the given temperature standards correspond to exactly this method of measurement.

This article will help you understand how to measure temperature correctly and how important it is.

Where do you take your temperature? Under your arm? In vain - it's not the best place. Experts from Örebro University (Sweden) were able to help us decide where to put the thermometer at the first symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. During the study, they measured the temperature of volunteers in the armpit, mouth, ear, vagina and rectum. And who won?

323 patients of the university clinic courageously endured the hardships of the experiment. As it turned out, not in vain. In the end, the word “shove” really turned out to be the most appropriate. Scientists have received convincing evidence that the most accurate result is obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum. According to scientists, ear thermometry readings distort hair and earwax, it is quite difficult to hold the thermometer in your mouth correctly, and the result of axillary thermometry is affected by deodorant and clothing. But measuring degrees in the rectum may not be very convenient, but it is accurate. Vaginal thermometry also gives the correct result, but statistics prevented this method from being called the most preferable: a little more than 50% of the world's population can use it.

Armpit - 36.3°-36.9°C.
Inguinal fold 36.3°-36.9°C.
Vagina - 36.7°-37.5°C
Oral cavity - 36.8°-37.3°C
Rectum - 37.3°-37.7°C

The most familiar method of measurement, by the way, turned out to be the most inaccurate. And that's why. Normal armpit temperature starts not at 36.6°, but at 36.3°C. Normally, the difference between the armpits is from 0.1 to 0.3°C. So it turns out that an error of 0.5° for axillary thermometry is common. And if the thermometer shows 36.9° for several days, but you actually have 37.4°, this can already be dangerous.

Not ready to change your habits and switch to the anal method? Then - an educational program about measuring the temperature in the armpit. How to measure armpit temperature correctly?

  • Before placing the thermometer, wipe the skin under your armpit with a tissue. This will reduce the risk of the thermometer cooling due to sweat evaporation.
  • The thermometer must be installed so that the mercury column is in contact with the body on all sides. deep point armpit, without moving anywhere during the entire time of measuring body temperature.
  • Make sure that air does not enter the armpit and that the thermometer fits tightly to the skin. To do this, you need to press your shoulder and elbow to your body so that the armpit is closed.
  • Measure the temperature for at least 10 minutes (if the thermometer is mercury).
  • By the way. Why do the readings of an electronic thermometer sometimes differ from those of a mercury thermometer? Because we are using the first one incorrectly. After the device beeps, you need to hold it for about a minute - then the result will be correct.
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Unfortunately, everyone has had to deal with such a nuisance as fever. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to having a thermometer under our armpits. But try measuring the temperature this way small child who wriggles, waves his arms and doesn’t want to sit in his mother’s arms. A miracle of technology comes to the aid of parents - an electronic thermometer, or even a completely magic remedy- infrared. And this is where the problem arises. A lot of money has been paid, a miracle of technology is available, the temperature is obvious :-(, but the readings of the thermometer do not fit in any way. Is it defective? Most likely not, it’s just that electronic thermometers have their own specifics and simple rules temperature measurements. So, how to measure temperature correctly: rectally, under the armpit, in the mouth, on the forehead, taking into account the specifics of modern thermometers.

How to measure temperature correctly

How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer.

A mercury thermometer is fraught with danger due to the mercury contained in it. Therefore, more and more more people They refuse such thermometers in favor of electronic ones. However, for now, mercury thermometers remain the most popular in Russia. A mercury thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of the armpit and mouth. Mercury thermometer not recommended for rectal temperature measurement(in the rectum) due to its fragility. The most common way to measure temperature is under the armpit. This method is considered the least accurate. In addition, as a rule, in the left axillary fossa the temperature can be 0.1 - 0.3 0 C higher than in the right :) How to measure armpit temperature correctly.
  1. Wipe thoroughly armpit with a napkin so that when measuring the temperature the thermometer does not cool down due to the evaporation of sweat.
  2. Place the thermometer so that the entire mercury reservoir is in contact with the body on all sides at the deepest point of the armpit and does not move while the temperature is being measured.
  3. Press your shoulder and elbow towards your body to axillary fossa was closed, but the thermometer did not move.
  4. The time for measuring body temperature in the armpit is 7-10 minutes.
How to correctly measure the temperature in your mouth. This method of measuring temperature contraindicated children under 5 years old, people with increased excitability and mental patients. It is impossible to measure temperature correctly if the patient has oral diseases and/or nasal breathing disorder. In addition, the temperature in oral cavity influenced by recent food and drink intake, smoking. The temperature will change with rapid breathing, every 10 additional breathing movements per minute, reduce the temperature in the oral cavity by about 0.5 0 C.
  1. If you have removable dentures, they must be removed.
  2. Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue to the right or left of the frenulum.
  3. The mouth must be kept tightly closed to prevent cold air from entering.
  4. The time for measuring body temperature in the oral cavity is 3-5 minutes.

How to correctly measure temperature with an electronic thermometer.

An electronic thermometer is less dangerous than a mercury thermometer and is more convenient to use because it requires less time to obtain readings. It can be used to measure temperature under the armpit, in the mouth and rectally. Temperature in the armpit and mouth measured according to the same rules as with a mercury thermometer, with the exception of the measurement time.
  1. The measurement time depends on the thermometer model. The instructions usually indicate that body temperature must be measured before the signal. On average it is from 30 seconds to 1 minute. BUT!
  2. There is one caveat! The signal of many electronic thermometers is designed to measure rectal temperature. To obtain an adequate result from such a thermometer, you must hold it under your armpit for 5 minutes and ignore the signal.
  3. When the thermometer is positioned correctly, the temperature in the mouth is measured before the signal.
How to measure temperature rectally. The rectum has a stable temperature as close as possible to the temperature internal organs, therefore this method of measuring temperature is one of the most accurate. You cannot measure body temperature rectally in case of stool retention or diarrhea, or in the presence of diseases of the rectum (proctitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
  1. Before insertion into the rectum, the tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline or oil.
  2. The adult patient is in a lateral position, small child lay on the stomach.
  3. Turn on the thermometer, wait until the starting indicator is established (for more details, see the instructions for the specific model).
  4. The thermometer is smoothly inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  5. After insertion, the thermometer is held between the straightened middle and index fingers hands. The buttocks should fit tightly against one another to eliminate the influence of cold air.
  6. You cannot insert the thermometer abruptly, firmly fix it in the rectum, or move while measuring body temperature.
  7. The time for measuring body temperature in the rectum is 1-2 minutes, or until the sound signal.
After measuring the temperature in the rectum, the thermometer must be placed in a disinfectant solution, and after disinfection, stored separately from other thermometers.

How to measure temperature correctly infrared thermometer.

Measuring temperature with an infrared thermometer differs significantly from the usual methods described above. An infrared thermometer is designed to measure body temperature on the forehead; in addition, most models are adapted to measure temperature in the ear. Infrared thermometers have the most a short time measurements, therefore very convenient for measuring body temperature in young children. Measuring body temperature on the forehead. Often, in order to determine whether the temperature has risen, we place our hand on our forehead. With an infrared thermometer you can get digital value what you feel in your palm.
  1. Wipe off perspiration from your forehead if your forehead is damp, so that when measuring the temperature, sweat evaporation does not cool your forehead.
  2. Turn on the thermometer and wait until the starting indicator is established (for more details, see the instructions for the specific model).
  3. Place the thermometer on your left temple so that the surface of the thermometer is in full contact with your forehead.
  4. Press the button and, holding it pressed (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for a particular model), swipe from the left temple to the right. Make sure that the measuring surface does not come off your forehead.
  5. Release the button and wait for the end of measurement signal.
  6. After the signal, the thermometer can be removed from the temple and the measurement results can be viewed.
  7. The entire measurement cycle, including preparing the thermometer, will take you a few seconds.
Measuring body temperature in the ear.
This measurement method can be considered the most accurate. The temperature is measured in the ear eardrum, protected from external temperature factors by bending ear canal. It is because of this bend that most often they get a result that does not correspond to reality, because they take readings not from the eardrum, but from the curved ear canal. Another reason for inaccurate measurement may be sulfur plug. Although crying, anxiety, rapid breathing and the presence of sulfur masses do not affect the measurement result. When measured correctly, the following temperature is considered normal:
  • armpit 36.3 - 36.9 0 C;
  • on the forehead 36.3 - 36.9 0 C;
  • in the mouth 36.8 - 37.3 0 C;
  • rectal 37.3 - 37.7 0 C;
  • in the ear 37.3 - 37.7 0 C.
The temperature in the mouth is usually 0.5 degrees lower than the rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) and 0.5 degrees higher than the temperature under the armpit. The temperature in the ear is equal to or slightly higher than the rectal temperature. Now you are savvy and can measure the temperature correctly! If the article was useful, click on one of the social buttons. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me :)

A small child in a family is not only a sea of ​​happiness, but also a huge responsibility. Parents should closely monitor and care for the newborn, because now the foundation of his health is being laid. At the first changes in behavior, it is necessary to identify the cause and correctly determine the baby’s body temperature. Today there is a lot of literature and video materials designed to help parents in this matter. Our article contains the most important recommendations.

What does a baby's body temperature depend on?

The thermoregulation of a newborn, especially in the first three months of life, is still imperfect. The baby still reacts sharply to external factors:

  • room temperature;
  • ambient temperature;
  • cloth;
  • air humidity.

When parents see a temperature of 37 or 38 on the thermometer, they should not immediately panic and give antipyretics. If the figure is 0.3 or 0.4 degrees higher than the average adult, this is considered normal. Each newborn still has its own individual norm. The task of parents is to correctly determine it.

Temperature norms by age

Step one. When should you take your temperature?

To take correct measurements, select the appropriate time. If a child is hysterical, crying and screaming, then the indicator will definitely not be correct. The baby should be calm. An indicator taken immediately after an active physical activity or going outside.

After a massage or morning exercises Give your child at least an hour to rest and only then go to him with a thermometer.

An important factor will be the measurement time. It has been established that early in the morning body temperature is lower than at evening time. Select specific waking hours and take measurements only during those hours. This way you can achieve the most accurate result. If the baby is already sick, measurements should be taken every 3-4 hours or at least 2 times a day, morning and evening. In a sleeping child, the body's work slows down and the indicator will be lower than usual.

So, the child is calm, the time has been chosen and you are ready to start measuring.

Step two. Where to take the temperature?

You can measure a baby's temperature:

  • in the ear;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the armpit"
  • on the forehead.

Temperature measurement in the ear

Please note that the final temperature indicator on different areas body will be different. In the armpits from 36 to 37 degrees. In the rectum 36.9-37.4. In the oral cavity 36.6-37.2. The most accurate result is considered to be measurements in the rectal area - in the rectum.

The choice of measuring device will directly depend on the chosen measurement location.

Step three. Which thermometer to choose and how to measure a baby’s temperature?

Today, in any pharmacy in the city, parents will be able to choose for themselves and their baby a measuring device that suits the family in terms of quality and price. The consumer is offered several different options to choose from:

  • mercury thermometer;
  • Digital Thermometer;
  • nipple thermometer;
  • infrared thermometer;
  • strip thermometer.

Types of thermometers for babies

Mercury thermometer

The most common, most accurate and most inexpensive among devices. The measurement error is no more than 0.1 degrees.

The main disadvantage is the dangerous content.

The thermometer contains about 2 grams of mercury, but even this small amount can adversely affect health. Another disadvantage for infants will be the measurement time - about 10 minutes.

How to measure a baby's temperature with a mercury thermometer? Wash and disinfect the thermometer before use. It should not be cold, the child should be comfortable. Secure it tightly in the baby's armpit. Hold the child's hand tightly for at least 5 minutes. It is better to carry out the procedure while sitting on the sofa or bed. If the device falls, it will not break.

Comparison of thermometers

Digital Thermometer

Despite the fact that an electronic thermometer is inferior in accuracy to a mercury thermometer, it is what most mothers choose. For a newborn, this option is the fastest and absolutely safe. It can be used either rectally - in the rectum, or orally - in the mouth, or under the armpit. Models of thermometers may vary and for which specific zone it is best to use it - it is described in the instructions.

How to measure a baby's temperature with an electronic thermometer? In any case, the device must be washed and disinfected before use. At rectal use thermometer, place the child on his back and slightly bend his raised knees. The device is inserted approximately 1 cm into the anus. It is important that the tip of the thermometer is in full contact with the baby’s body during the entire measurement time.

If you decide to measure the temperature in the mouth, then you need to place it under the baby's tongue. To hold the thermometer, the baby should press it tightly with his lips and not bite. This task is not the easiest for a baby, so this option is more suitable for older children.

Pacifier and electronic thermometer

Pacifier thermometer

The main disadvantage is the short service life. Must be pre-treated before use. The device is only suitable for infants who accept a pacifier. If the baby does not refuse the device, the measurement process will take only a minute. If the child has a stuffy nose, it will be difficult to measure the temperature with a pacifier thermometer.

Infrared thermometer

A number of models are used contactlessly; you just need to bring the device to the baby’s temple or forehead. After 5-10 seconds, the result will appear on the screen. A number of thermometers measure temperature in the ear or mouth. An infrared ear thermometer is not suitable for babies under one year old. The size of the tip is too large for small ears. The main disadvantage is the high price.


Just apply the indicator strip to the child’s forehead and in 20 seconds you will see the result. The main disadvantage is that the indicator is not accurate. Using such a thermometer, an approximate result is determined and it is determined whether the newborn’s temperature is elevated or not.

The strip thermometer is convenient, but not very accurate

A baby's body temperature is one of the main indicators of health. Therefore the question correct measurement so important for newborns. Parents, be careful and take care of your children!

Children's pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky answered the question about measuring temperature in the presented video:

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Good day, dear readers!

In this article we will consider the question - how to measure body temperature. We will also learn how to measure temperature and what rules exist to measure body temperature correctly. So…

Body temperature– an indicator of the body’s thermal state, which reflects the relationship between the heat generated various organs and tissues, heat exchange between them and the external environment.

Why measure temperature?

Normal body temperature For most people, it ranges from 36.5 to 37.2°C, but if you have some deviations from the generally accepted 36.6°C, but you feel great, this is exactly your indicator. The exception is deviations of more than 1-1.5°C. Such temperature deviations may indicate any pathological processes in the body, for example - may indicate that it has entered the body. To protect yourself from it, the immune system raises body temperature and maintains it high level, thereby destroying pathogenic microflora inside the body. body may indicate that the person was long time in the cold, and clothing against the cold was not carefully selected.

In both the first and second cases, if a person feels unwell or some kind of discomfort within himself, one of the main methods for diagnosing the state of health is measuring body temperature.

How to measure body temperature?

To measure body temperature (thermometry), special devices are used - thermometers, or as they are also called - thermometers.

Thermometer- a device used to measure temperature. The mercury thermometer, as we know it, was invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit back in 1723. Along with the thermometer, he proposed using his own scale for temperature indicators, which is still used today - the Fahrenheit scale (°F). However, on the territory former USSR, another unit of temperature measurement is used - Celsius (°C), and therefore in this article we will consider temperature in degrees Celsius.

Medical thermometers (thermometers) come in 2 main types:

  • Mercury thermometer;
  • Digital thermometer;

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer (thermometer) It is a tube made of glass, sealed at both ends, inside of which, in a vacuum, there is another tube containing mercury. One of the ends of the thermometer has a metal rounded tip, which is used to apply the thermometer to a place on the body, for example, in the armpit. Inside the thermometer there is a scale that displays the indicator of the measured heat - the Celsius scale (°C). Typically, the thermometer has marks from 34° to 42 °C, in increments of 0.1 °C. When we apply a thermometer to the body, the mercury rises up the scale, and after a couple of minutes it stops at the indicator that will display the surface temperature of the place being measured. To reuse a mercury thermometer, you need to shake it several times to reset the previous measurement. Mercury itself does not return to its original position.

Mercury thermometers have one big drawback - they are made of glass. A broken mercury thermometer is not a rare occurrence. And mercury itself is a dangerous substance that can cause irreversible harm to human health if it is in open state. Mercury has been active for decades, constantly releasing vapors into the air. Broken mercury thermometers cannot be thrown into the trash; they must be taken to special institutions for further disposal. The possibility of glass breaking, mercury and further disposal of the thermometer are increasingly being replaced from year to year. this type thermometer from human use. They have been replaced by electronic (digital) thermometers.

Digital thermometer

Digital thermometers- electronic devices made in the form of various small devices, on which there is a digital display that displays the temperature indicator.
Digital thermometers are increasingly gaining the trust of people from year to year, displacing conventional mercury thermometers, as we discussed just above. Digital thermometers also have different subtypes, which is especially convenient in various cases when it is not possible to use a standard mercury thermometer.

Digital thermometers have a number of advantages:

  • some digital thermometers can make an instant (express) temperature measurement: in just a few seconds (from 2 to 10 s) of contact of the device with the body, it will show the temperature;
  • There are non-contact infrared thermometers that take measurements without the need to touch the device to a person;
  • Some digital thermometers are made in the form various forms, which makes it possible to safely measure temperature in places such as ears, forehead, oral cavity, vagina, rectum.
  • Digital thermometers usually have memory for multiple measurements, making it easier to monitor temperature fluctuations.

What do you need to know before taking a measurement?

Body temperature varies depending on:

Measurement locations. When measuring temperature on the surface of the skin (forehead, muscle cavities), the temperature indicator will be lower than when measuring it inside the body (oral cavity, vagina, anus). We'll talk about this a little later.

Time of day. Daily temperature fluctuations can fluctuate up to 0.6 °C. Usually, in the morning - from 3 to 6 am, subject to rest, a person’s temperature is low, for example, if the normal value is 36.6 ° C, in the morning it can be 36.0 ° C. In the evening, from 17:00 to 21:00, subject to daily human activity, the temperature may rise by some value.

Human physical activity. With abundant physical activity, body temperature may rise slightly.

Ovulation period. During ovulation, women's temperature can increase by 0.6-0.8 °C from the normal value.

Ambient temperatures. In hot weather, the temperature may increase by 0.1-0.5 °C. It is very important to prevent this in hot weather.

Age. According to statistics, the older a person is, the shorter he becomes normal temperature bodies. IN childhood, it is usually higher.

Where should you take your temperature?

The most accurate indicator of body temperature can be obtained by measuring it rectally - in the anus. Normal indicator body temperature in the anus ranges from 36.2 °C to 37.7 °C.

Vaginal measurement of body temperature, compared with the rectal method, already gives an error - from 0.1°C to 0.3°C.

Oral body temperature readings differ by 0.3°C – 0.8°C. Oral measurement can be taken behind the cheek (buccal method) or under the tongue (sublingual method). Readings under the tongue are more accurate.

Axillary temperature measurement (axillary method) is practically the only clinical method temperature measurements. A rarer case is the groin measurement, when, as in the case of the armpit, the thermometer is clamped between the leg and groin area. Deviations between the temperature in the anus ( rectal measurement) and in the armpit (axillary measurement) can range from 0.5 °C to 1.5 °C. True, this large gap is observed only in adults; in children, the gap is significantly less.

1. If you are using a mercury thermometer to measure your body temperature, shake it until the mercury reading is 35°C or less.

If the thermometer is electronic, the temperature is reset by the reset button, or automatic mode, when you turn on the device.

2. They examine whether there are any chafing, swelling, or pain in the patient’s armpit. If these signs are observed, then the measurement is carried out in another place.

3. The thermometer, with its narrow end, is placed in the armpit and pressed with your hand so that the reservoir with mercury is completely covered on all sides by the surface of the skin.

If you are going to measure the temperature in mucous membranes (oral cavity, vagina, anus), be sure to disinfect the thermometer before the procedure!

4. The time for measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer is 10 minutes (in the armpit), 5 minutes (vagina, rectum), 1 minute in the oral cavity. At this time, you need to sit or lie quietly, holding the thermometer so that it does not fall out.

Electronic devices can determine body temperature in a few seconds. This is especially true if you are measuring small children.

5. After 10 minutes, the thermometer is removed and the temperature is recorded, recording it on the patient’s medical history sheet. In some cases, temperature marks are plotted on a graph in the form of points, which are then connected by a line.

6. After measurement, the thermometer is disinfected for 5 minutes in a vessel with a 2% chloramine solution, then washed cold water, dried and stored dry in a special tube.

Body temperature measurement (thermometry) is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning (on an empty stomach), from 6 to 9 am and in the evening (before meals), from 17:00 to 19:00. If the patient has a fever, thermometry is performed every 2-3 hours.

Safety regulations!

Once again I would like to draw your attention, dear readers, that mercury is a dangerous substance that open form emits into the air toxic fumes that can provoke such dangerous diseases, How - .

Based on this:

1. Keep mercury thermometers out of the reach of children.

2. Monitor the process of measuring the temperature of children so that they do not fidget and fall asleep with the thermometer, so that they do not crush it or drop it.

3. Do not let children lower the temperature on the thermometer on their own so that they do not let go of it.

4. Store the mercury thermometer in special tubes.

5. If a mercury thermometer is broken, call the sanitary and epidemiological station or local government to find out where you can take it.