Intestinal infection food. What can a child eat during and after an intestinal infection

A diet for an intestinal infection is often the most effective treatment, especially when it comes to children. Nutrition should be sparing so as not to create an additional burden on the organs of the digestive system. And in the first days of the development of an acute intestinal infection (AII), therapeutic starvation is practiced at all.

With mild forms of AII, recovery can be fairly quick, but this does not mean that the diet should be canceled immediately. Depending on the patient's condition, it is observed for at least another 1-3 weeks, and in many cases longer. The transition to a normal diet should take longer than with a banal poisoning, since even just heavy meals provoke indigestion, not to mention more serious things like including indigestible foods in the diet.

General rules

Doctors believe that fasting for any infections is necessary when acute diarrhea is combined with severe vomiting. The main task is to prevent dehydration, so the patient is given more liquid, best of all - glucose-mineral solutions. In Russian medicine, it is believed that you can drink sweet or semi-sweet tea, and infectious disease specialists in the United States recommend strained cereal decoctions. In Europe, too, doctors advise tea or jam syrup diluted with water, rosehip broth or mineral water without gas.

Practice shows that taking a cereal decoction with a small amount of salt helps stop vomiting if you drink it in small sips.

In the same way, doctors in all countries prescribe a light diet for the next 3-5 days - well-mashed cereals, dried white bread, lightly salted crackers, baked potatoes.


As you know, dysentery is a disease that occurs in both children and adults. This is an infection in which the intestines are affected by the action of pathogenic microbes, as a result, intoxication of the body occurs, and this often worsens the function of the stomach and pancreas. Therapeutic nutrition should improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. But with a severe form of acute dysentery, you will have to starve for at least one day. Doctors recommend drinking only warm semi-sweet tea, at least 1 liter, in small sips. The next day, you can add a slimy soup, best based on rice, in extreme cases - oatmeal or semolina. Then the diet is expanded due to weak broth. You can drink a decoction of wild rose in a warm form. This diet is followed for 2-3 days.

A good effect gives an apple diet. For 1-2 days in the acute period, a person refuses all products, except for ripe apples of sweet and sour varieties, from which the core is first removed and the peel is removed. Apples are rubbed on a grater to make 200-300 g of puree. This dish can be eaten 5 times a day. Instead of apples, carrots are used in the same quantities, only they are boiled a little beforehand.

After that, diet No. 4 according to M. Pevzner is prescribed for 3-5 days, which is designed for people suffering from chronic colitis in the acute stage.

Sample menu for the day:

Additionally, the use of white and rye crackers is allowed (for example, with tea).

After the stool normalizes, and this usually happens on the 6-7th day, a less strict diet No. 4b is prescribed. It must be observed within 3-6 months after suffering dysentery. With this diet, the methods of culinary processing of food are regulated. Products are boiled, steamed, stewed, baked without a crust. Spicy and salty dishes, smoked meats, fatty meats, legumes are prohibited. Pasta from durum wheat, cereals such as millet and buckwheat are excluded.

In the chronic form of dysentery, a treatment table No. 4c is prescribed, in which the amount of animal proteins is increased. Under the ban are those products that cause severe chemical or mechanical irritation of the intestines. These are wholemeal bread, yeast-leavened pastries, whole milk, all kinds of spices, carbonated drinks, etc.

Sample menu:

All these recommendations apply to pregnant women. But it is important for the expectant mother to ensure the full nutrition of the fetus, the intake of the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. So you need to consult a doctor, he will make additional adjustments to the nutrition plan.


It should be noted that salmonellosis does not always affect the intestines, but the gastrointestinal form is quite common. In the first two days of the acute period, the patient is shown therapeutic fasting. This rule is true even for small children. You need to drink more fluids and less load the digestive tract. At the beginning of the disease, the person himself does not want to eat. At this time, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, and at short intervals and in small sips. Some folk healers advise drinking herbal teas instead, but it's best to consult your doctor first.

Already on the 2nd-3rd day of illness, you can switch to diet No. 4, if the doctor allows. Milk, smoked meat products and any fatty meats and fish are excluded from the diet. It is also necessary to refuse fresh vegetables containing a large amount of coarse fiber. These are legumes, all types of cabbage, radishes, beets and even cucumbers. Barley, millet and pearl barley are excluded from cereals. And from drinks - coffee, cocoa, soda.

With salmonellosis in a child, they follow the same diet as for an adult. It is very important to observe such a diet for as long as the doctor prescribed, moving to a normal diet gradually, over 2-3 months. The fact is that salmonellosis and rotavirus infection lead to the fact that the absorption capacity of the intestine is disturbed. And leaving the diet before such actions are approved by the doctor leads to repeated violations of the digestive tract.


Of all acute intestinal infections, cholera leads to the greatest loss of fluid. Therefore, in the first days of the development of the disease, a plentiful warm drink is necessary. As soon as vomiting stops, you can give freshly squeezed fruit juice, dried fruit compote or even jelly. With a mild course of the disease, fasting can be stopped already on the second day. Much depends on the condition of the person, but relief of symptoms occurs on a maximum of the third day from the moment of their first appearance.

Special nutrition for this disease is not provided. With a mild course, diet No. 15 is prescribed on the 3-5th day of the disease. This diet is used when there are no diseases of the digestive system and it is necessary to provide a sparing, but physiologically complete and varied diet. Almost all types of cooking are allowed, only indigestible fats, spicy dishes, smoked meats and marinades are prohibited. It is recommended to include in the diet a variety of vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Sample menu:

Features of therapeutic nutrition for children

A strict diet for such diseases is prescribed for a relatively short time. Renowned pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that for most intestinal infections, the best treatment is a strict diet and fluid replacement. And even with such a dangerous disease as cholera, therapeutic nutrition and infusion therapy are more effective than drugs.

Much depends on the condition of the child. In the first days, the baby does not want to eat anything. No need to insist. As soon as the condition of the body improves, the child will want to eat. Dr. Komarovsky says that the child should be given rice and oatmeal, perhaps tea with low-fat cottage cheese, and this is quite enough. The menu could be more varied. While the child has diarrhea, only rice water or mashed rice porridge boiled in water is allowed. After a few days, you can eat a steam omelette, semolina porridge boiled in water, and dried bread. As soon as the stool normalizes, you can move on to nutrition appropriate for age. You can give:

  1. 1. Buckwheat porridge.
  2. 2. Rice porridge mixed with carrot or pumpkin puree.
  3. 3. Vegetable puree from carrots (it contains a lot of pectin, which will help normalize digestive processes).
  4. 4. Soups in low-fat broth. Useful recipes in which broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, Hercules and vermicelli are added to such a soup. An example of a simple recipe: boil water and dip a few chopped potatoes into it. After the soup boils again, add carrots, onions and broccoli. After 10 minutes, salt, throw in the bay leaf and cook for another 5 minutes. The soup is ready.
  5. 5. Meatballs or steam cutlets from lean meats and fish.
  6. 6. Mashed potatoes. In children 3 years and older, the digestive system is ripe for a baked potato. For a change, mashed potatoes can be mixed with carrots.
  7. 7. Dried fruit compote.

It is recommended to feed the child with cereals boiled in water. Milk is added to them at the end of cooking. You can give lactic acid products, but only of high quality. Yogurt is best prepared at home. Baked apples (you can add sugar) and homemade cottage cheese remain on the menu further, but eggs should not be given for at least a few weeks after OKI.

What diet for intestinal infection is prescribed by doctors? This is diet number 4, based on the use of foods that do not chemically, mechanically or thermally irritate the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Therefore, food should be of a semi-liquid consistency, medium temperature, steamed or boiled, and thoroughly crushed before consumption. Diet - 5-6 meals a day.

The calorie content of such a diet for intestinal infection in adults is approximately 1980 kcal; sugar is supposed to be no more than 40 g, and salt - no more than 10 g per day; the content of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to 70 g and 250 g, respectively, and the amount of proteins is at the level of 100 g per day.

After improving the state of health, patients are transferred to diet No. 4B, which is significantly higher in daily calorie content (about 3000 kcal) and carbohydrate content (up to 400 g); fats, proteins, sugar and table salt - as in diet number 4. Diet No. 4B already allows dishes to be stewed, baked in the oven and lightly fried. And the number of meals is reduced to four times a day. However, both diets recommend and limit the same foods.

Diet for children with intestinal infections

The diet for children with an intestinal infection is based on the same principles as the diet for adults, but has a "correction" for the age of the child.

Treatment of intestinal infection with a diet in children suggests the need to limit the intake of carbohydrate foods, primarily milk sugar (lactose), which contains milk and products based on it. The fact is that the main stage of digestion of carbohydrates, including lactose, does not occur in the stomach (where carbohydrates are only partially hydrolyzed), but in the small intestine. And in the presence of an intestinal bacterial infection, milk sugar begins to ferment vigorously, which causes excessive gas formation and, as a result, bloating and colic.

For this reason, for children of the first year of life who are bottle-fed, it is necessary to replace conventional milk formulas with mixtures with a low lactose content or with its complete absence during the period of illness.

For infants who are breastfed by their mothers, the volume of sucked milk is not recommended to be reduced by more than 40% (for several days), since it contains protective antibodies. In here the number of feedings should be increased. However, the main regulator of this process is the baby's appetite and his general condition.

In addition, despite the fact that the digestive system of children of this age is in the process of development and improvement, initially taurocholic acid predominates among the acids of their bile, which has antiseptic properties and helps fight pathogenic intestinal bacteria and viruses.

For older children, the diet for acute intestinal infections, as well as the diet for viral intestinal infections - with respect to the prohibition and permission for certain foods - is practically no different from those nutritional rules that adults should follow.

Diet menu for intestinal infections

An approximate diet menu for an intestinal infection may consist of semolina or mashed semi-liquid rice porridge boiled in water, and sweet tea and white bread crackers. For a second breakfast, you can offer kissel with the same cracker.

Lunch may consist of low-fat beef broth with croutons for the first and meat soufflé for the second. The end of the dinner is a glass of wild rose broth. Kissel (or jelly) from blackcurrant is suitable for an afternoon snack.

And for dinner, you can eat pureed oatmeal porridge and a chicken steam cutlet, as well as drink a cup of weak tea or apple compote.

Diet recipes for intestinal infections

Many diet recipes for intestinal infections, for example, pureed cereals, do not require a description. But we’ll show you how to steam chicken soufflé.

You will need a chicken breast that needs to be boiled (whole or cut into several pieces). Then boiled chicken is ground through a meat grinder or using a blender.

Next, the chopped meat is combined with raw egg yolk, egg white whipped into foam and 3-4 tablespoons of chicken broth, in which you need to stir a couple of teaspoons of wheat flour and salt. The mass is thoroughly mixed until smooth, laid out in a form greased with refined vegetable oil and steamed.

Instead of flour, you can put the same amount of boiled and crushed rice. Then a small piece of butter should be added to the mixture.

A diet for an intestinal infection requires strict adherence, then it will be much easier for the body of both an adult and a child to cope with the disease.

Every mother experiences great bitterness when her child is sick. A gastrointestinal infection is especially difficult to tolerate. During it, the baby experiences pain, torment and has to comply with bed rest, special nutrition. When the disease passes, a special diet is still needed after an intestinal infection in a child. This will help to recover properly, to return to the previous work the functions of the digestive system, which were significantly affected during the poisoning. What you need to pay attention to and how to treat intestinal diseases, you will learn further.

Diet after an intestinal infection in the first days of recovery

Various infectious intestinal diseases are one of the most common health problems for babies, along with influenza, SARS, especially before the age of three. Intestinal pathogens are transmitted to children along with stale food, dirty drinks, and during non-compliance with simple rules of hygiene. The incubation period of intestinal poisoning can last up to several days. The most dangerous time for intestinal diseases and the spread of infection is summer. During this period, various microbes, E. coli, rotavirus multiply very intensively.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics, adsorbent and antiviral drugs, dehydration medications, pancreatic recovery pills, plenty of fluids, and a strict diet. This is the only way to overcome all the unpleasant symptoms and consequences of poisoning. For children of different age groups, their own food restrictions are introduced. The diet is observed during the acute course of the disease, then it is replaced by a less strict one, in order to smoothly move on to the usual diet. Familiarize yourself with the special diet in the first days of recovery for children of different ages.

Infant nutrition

The best option for a newborn's diet is mother's milk, and only a mother has a strict diet, which must give up all foods that irritate the baby's stomach mucosa. For those babies who have already been introduced to complementary foods, cereals (rice or buckwheat) with diluted water or milk are introduced into the menu of the first days of recovery. After a few days, you can give up to 20 g of low-fat cottage cheese, and even later (after 1-2 days) - introduce vegetable purees and soups into the baby's diet. At the very end comes the meat.

What can a child from 1 year old eat

The diet after an intestinal infection in a child older than a year is based on the same principles as in infants, only the portions increase and the food characteristic of this age category is introduced faster. During the first three weeks, it is important to observe mechanical, chemical and thermal relaxation in the diet. That is, to eat dishes boiled or steamed, with a liquidish consistency, which then smoothly turns into a mushy one. Food should only be warm, not irritating to the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

During the period of a child’s diet after an intestinal infection, it is categorically worth refusing to eat such foods as: black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, peas with beans, spices, pearl barley, millet, fresh juices, snacks, sauces, whole milk, radishes, turnips , cabbage, cucumbers. Melted butter is ideal, which will need to be added to diet dishes in small proportions. All food should be grated, watery, warm.

Strict restrictions on the children's menu

Similar conditions are observed in the diet after an intestinal infection in an older child. All food is taken only warm, freshly cooked, ground and should not have any components that can irritate the intestinal or stomach mucosa. Boil vegetables for your child (except forbidden), steam, make all kinds of mashed potatoes, mashed soups, grated cereals, omelettes, soufflés and the like. It is very good to take jelly, uzvars cooked at home (only without prunes).

What to give a child 7 to 10 days after an acute intestinal infection

A strict diet during an acute intestinal infection is a necessary condition for the successful recovery of children. If you do not follow all the doctor's dietary instructions, then your child will end up with prolonged diarrhea, rapid weight loss, dehydration, and other serious health problems. The main thing in this case is the use of a certain diet for each of the phases of the disease. Next, you will get acquainted with the principles of nutrition of the child, ten days after suffering an acute intestinal infection.

Basic rules of diet

When poisoning occurs, adverse processes appear in the stomach and intestines. They threaten chronic inflammation of the digestive organs, all mucous membranes are affected, the liver and pancreas suffer. As a result, normal secretion of gastric juice becomes impossible, muscle tone and bowel contraction are lost. In order not to bring health to such a state, it is important to contribute to the baby's body. For this, the following nutritional rules will come in handy:

  • Unload the stomach and intestines of the child. No need to force food when the baby does not want it at all. To keep your digestion going, feed every two to three hours.
  • Be sure to follow the principle of cooking: grinding to a semi-liquid state, the food should be warm, not irritate the stomach with the intestines. Minimize the intake of fats, exclude food components containing fiber.
  • The body must be replenished with biologically active substances that it lost during the period of illness. Therefore, buy your child a vitamin-mineral complex, but first consult with your doctor.
  • Stick to the rules of separate meals: do not mix carbohydrates with proteins in one serving. For example, do not combine fish or meat with potatoes, cereals. Better focus on vegetables and fruits.
  • flour, muffin;
  • raw vegetables, fruits, berries, citruses;
  • millet, barley, barley porridge;
  • smoked products, preservation, sausage;
  • legumes;
  • lard, pork.

What should be included in the children's menu for every day after suffering an intestinal infection:

  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • boiled vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, beets, carrots;
  • bananas, baked apple;
  • yesterday's white bread;
  • jelly on starch;
  • dried fruits, uzvar;
  • chicken, rabbit;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • plentiful drink.

How to restore bowel function after antibiotics

Treatment of childhood poisoning is almost always accompanied by antibiotics. And this is an additional blow to the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy with antibacterial drugs should always be accompanied by preventive measures, otherwise the baby will develop diarrhea or constipation, poor absorption of food, and much more. A few recommendations needed to restore bowel function after antibiotics:

  • for a breastfed baby, cancel complementary foods and transfer it exclusively to breast milk;
  • for children older than infancy, give plenty of fluids, reduce the amount of food consumed, be sure to follow a diet, feed only at the request of the baby;
  • arrange a comfortable rest, the child should sleep longer in order to restore his strength;
  • provide the baby with a balanced diet, for this, give fruits and vegetables and be sure to include sour-milk food in the diet (low-fat cottage cheese, for example).

When is it possible to switch to a common table

In some cases, following a diet after an intestinal infection is up to several weeks - a month. By that time, it is close to normal nutrition, but contains sparing low-fat dishes, foods that contribute to proper digestion. Later, you can gradually introduce one product daily into the diet and see what the body's reaction will be. If everything is fine, continue to switch to a common table, when not, it means that it is still early and the body has not fully recovered.


Acute viral infections include several dozen types of diseases to which they belong: intestinal flu, enterovirus and rotavirus infections, salmonellosis and many others. At the same time, children show such pronounced signs of poisoning as frustration, fever, vomiting, headaches, cramps in the abdomen, and general malaise.

When you see a doctor, he will immediately prescribe all the necessary tests to diagnose and find out what type of infection or virus has attacked the child's body. Whether it is a rotavirus pathogen, enterovirus or any other, treatment should be provided immediately. This will be followed by emergency therapy, which will help restore the water balance in the child's body, eliminate inflammatory processes and pain syndromes.

If you want to prevent intestinal infections in your child, follow a few recommendations below:

  • the initial condition is personal hygiene: your child should know that before eating, you need to wash your hands and not take them into your mouth along with other foreign objects on the street;
  • you, as a caring mother, must carefully choose the food that the child will eat;
  • give food to heat treatment;
  • food should be consumed immediately after preparation;
  • take care of the careful and proper storage of food: put everything you have prepared in the refrigerator.
  • try to always buy only fresh food and immediately give it to the child to eat or cook;
  • for dinner, warm up the food for the child well so that it has the correct temperature for consumption;
  • exclude all contact of raw foods with cooked food;
  • do not allow any insects to sit on the products;
  • keep the kitchen in a clean ideal environment.


When a child gets sick, mothers run to experienced pediatricians to learn about the diagnosis of the disease, how to treat it and what is needed for this. Often, when poisoning occurs, the level of acetone in the body rises. Therefore, doctors always pay attention to this criterion. Below, watch a video from a highly qualified doctor, Honored Pediatrician of the country Professor Komarovsky, who talks about how to determine acetone in the blood and gives a detailed diet with a weekly menu for a child to treat at home after suffering poisoning.

How many unpleasant moments does this intestinal infection. You can often hear in everyday life from people about the transferred " intestinal flu". This is what it is - causing gastritis, enterocolitis, with all the symptoms that accompany them: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

She visits us in different ways: by airborne droplets and through dirty hands. All viral and infectious intestinal problems -!

Children especially suffer from it.. Diarrhea leads to dehydration and loss of valuable trace elements and vitamins needed by the body. The patient is tormented by fever and all signs of intoxication in full. Appetite is mostly absent.

But, the body needs to be restored, and to compensate for all the losses of nutrients in it.

The symptoms and methods of treating a rotovirus infection are described in detail in. Here I will only focus on dietary guidelines for intestinal infections and give advice on how to comply proper diet.

Nutrition rules for intestinal infections

To restore the body and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), you must follow a diet. In the acute period of the disease, it is advisable to take only water and rice for several days, and for adults, a day of hunger will not hurt. Our body is so slagged that a slight cleaning will not harm it, and the virus will come out faster. rice grains- natural sorbent. Many doctors with inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract prescribe a three-day diet on rice.

All products, including water, should be taken fractionally so as not to overload the stomach. With a complete lack of appetite, the patient should not be forced to eat, and the drinking regimen should be in full. If the patient asks for food, then it is necessary to prepare dietary meals that exclude conservation, saltiness, smoked meats, fried and fatty foods. Eliminate all sweets and muffins. Dishes are cooked only for a couple.

Products that are strictly prohibited for use with rotovirus

Eliminate all dairy products:

  • lactic acid products;
  • yogurts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;

These foods contribute to diarrhea, and you will not be able to get rid of diarrhea for a long time.

Also exclude:

  • confectionery;
  • sweets;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • semi-finished products;
  • ice cream;
  • sausages.

The digestion of these products takes a long time. Many of them contain various preservatives and harmful additives. It will be difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest such food during the period of illness.

We exclude vegetables:

  • radish;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans.

Vegetables cause bloating in the abdomen, flatulence. For the virus, this is only a favorable environment to stay longer in the human body.

Avoid foods that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa:

  • garlic;
  • rhubarb;
  • sorrel;
  • greens.

The use of these products provokes pain in the epigastric region and gastritis may develop.

We exclude fruits and berries:

  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • apricots;
  • plums;
  • currant;
  • cherries;
  • and others.

Avoid cereals and bread:

  • decoys;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • pasta;
  • fresh bread;
  • white bread;
  • rye bread.

All carbonated and sweet drinks, cocoa, coffee are excluded. Do not eat excessively hot and cold food.

Our primary task is to remove all the "seething" processes in the gastrointestinal tract, free the intestines from toxins, and enable the body to cleanse itself faster.

Allowed products for rotavirus infection

Us need to drink a lot to replenish fluids and electrolytes. To do this, use boiled water, in which you can add a small pinch of salt to a glass of water. It is also good to drink weak. A chamomile drink is suitable, from, mint and. Decoctions of wild rose and blueberries are suitable. Blueberries are an excellent remedy for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all - a good drinking regime for the removal of toxins.

Pharmaceutical preparations have proven themselves well: hydrovit and rehydron . These powders are well restored when the body is dehydrated. Dilute the medicine, clearly guided by the instructions for use.

Recipe for homemade saline solution:

  • boiled water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt (large) - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon.

Such a solution must be taken every two hours, alternating with other drinks, in order to avoid oversaturation with salt in the body. Drink a quarter glass at a time.

We connect and good boiled rice . We begin to take fractionally, gradually adding 1 tablespoon. If the body resists - do not stuff, you must wait!

With the normalization of the patient's condition and the absence of nausea, gag reflex, enter chicken bouillon . Gradually add: mashed potatoes (on water), baked apples without peel. Allowed oatmeal and rice porridge, crackers, mashed bananas.

In a few days, add to the menu lean meat products (rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef), fish (not river). From them you can cook steam meatballs or meatballs.

After a few more days, we expand the diet cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini . They don't cause swelling. Skimmed dairy products can be consumed after a week. It is better to prefer yogurts rich in bifidobacteria. To the usual good nutrition should be moved gradually.

Principles of diet for intestinal infections in children

Our children are many times more susceptible to rotoviruses. If your child is over 3-4 years old, you can follow adult recommendations.

With all manifestations of rotovirus infection in children, especially with severe symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor or an ambulance, in no case refuse hospitalization.

If the symptoms are moderate, after all medical appointments, we connect a dietary diet. In the acute period, it is only necessary to give water to children, add rehydration solutions.

Give babies little by little milk. Break the feeding into 10 doses so that portions of milk do not exceed 50 ml. The principle at the request of the child is also suitable.

Artificialists are offered lactose-free mixtures - Low lactose Nutrilon, Humana LP+SCT. The doctor may also prescribe hydrolyzed mixtures - Alphare, Nutrimigen, Pregestimil and others.

During the recovery period, breastfed children are given only milk, no complementary foods. For children from a year and older, cereals without milk are gradually introduced into the diet: rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. Kissels are cooked. Then, the same products are added as in adults.

It will be useful to give children products with a high content of pectin: carrots, potatoes and apples. They are good for mashing.

For the recovery period, within a month, raw vegetables and fruits should be abandoned. Cook food for children only by steaming, boiled, baked, pureed and mashed.

A diet for children, without fail, should be made only by a pediatrician. An independent solution to this issue can lead to complications in the treatment of the virus and violations of the enzymatic function in the child. The recovery process will be lengthy.

The goal of dietary treatment is to maximize the restoration of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and normalize digestion.

Lebeychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, phytotherapeutist and homeopath, © site

Intestinal infections are considered a common problem among adults and children. Infection can occur when eating poor-quality products or non-compliance with hygiene rules. If such a condition occurs, you need to know what you can eat with an intestinal infection?

Infection is the main condition for successful treatment. With a rational selection of products, you can recover and avoid the development of complications.

The principles of nutrition are as follows:

  1. adherence to a strict drinking regimen. With numerous vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid and useful components. To prevent the development of such a process, you need to take a liquid in a volume of at least two liters per day;
  2. complete refusal to eat for about a day. Such a process will prevent further poisoning of the body and significantly reduce the load on the weakened intestinal canal;
  3. adherence to a sparing diet. In the first two or three days, only liquid food in the form of cereals, soups and broths should be included in the diet;
  4. complete exclusion of foods that irritate the intestinal tract. These include fast foods, convenience foods, sweets, sour fruits, dairy and sour-milk products;
  5. restoration of lost vitamins and minerals.

Compliance with the above rules will help the patient gain strength faster and overcome the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. You should not take large portions, since the digestive system after an illness is difficult to eat. If the recommendations are not followed, the body will simply reject all the food again.

Nutrition for intestinal disease in adults

Recovery after an intestinal infection is a serious process. Although the disease disappears after five to seven days, the body still cannot return to its usual course for a long time.

Infections in adults mean a complete refusal to take foods that can irritate the digestive canal thermally, chemically and mechanically. Therefore, products must be ingested in the form of a liquid consistency. At the same time, their temperature should be average.

Dishes are best steamed or boiled. Must be crushed before use. The number of meals for intestinal infections should be five to six times.

Calories per day should not exceed two thousand calories. Sugar is limited to forty grams per day, and salt - up to ten grams.

On the first day, it is better to completely abandon meals. Only water with a small amount of salt should enter the body. This will prevent dehydration of the body.

What can adults eat? The menu is allowed to include:

  • crackers based on a white loaf;
  • fat-free broths from fish, chicken, meat;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • water-based cereals in the form of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • meat and fish dishes that are steamed or boiled;
  • banana or apple puree;
  • homemade jelly;
  • slightly sweetened tea;
  • decoctions of berries in the form of raspberries, currants, blueberries.

The diet after an intestinal infection excludes the consumption of certain types of foods. They lead to the development of unpleasant symptoms in the form of flatulence, gas formation, bloating, discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea.

These include:

  • fatty and donated dishes;
  • hot and spicy spices;
  • smoked meats and canned food;
  • black bread;
  • cereals in the form of millet and barley;
  • dairy products;
  • raw vegetable and fruit crops;
  • mushrooms and nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • legumes;
  • various greens;
  • sweets and pastries in the form of chocolate, cookies, cakes, buns;
  • carbonated, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.

These foods should not be consumed within fourteen days. Even if it seems that the body has recovered, the above food can lead to the re-development of intestinal dysbiosis.

Diet for intestinal ailments in children

The disease is much more severe in young and middle-aged children. Many parents are afraid of the condition of the baby, so they do not know how to feed the child.

Nutrition with is based on the same principles as in an adult. Only some amendments are allowed based on the age of the patient.

First of all, the treatment of a child with an intestinal infection is based on strict adherence to the drinking regimen. To reduce the urge to vomit, pediatricians advise giving mint decoction to babies. It must be alternated simultaneously with dehydration solutions.

With the development of acute symptoms, doctors categorically prohibit drinking any dairy products. But this restriction does not apply to infants. Mother's milk is considered the best way to boost immune forces. With intestinal infections, the baby should not be weaned, but, on the contrary, continue to give him the breast and as often as possible.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then it is best to transfer it to lactose-free mixtures. The thing is that intestinal infection leads to the destruction of enzymes that are necessary for the breakdown of lactose. In their absence, the child has severe pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea only intensifies.

As soon as the symptoms recede, you can give the baby easily digestible food in small portions. First, you should start with fifty grams, and in a few days bring the volume up to two hundred grams.

Feeding a child after an intestinal infection begins with the consumption of decoctions of rice and oatmeal. The first infusion strengthens the stool well and removes all harmful components from the body. And oatmeal well envelops the stomach and intestines, creating a protective shell.

Feed the child often, but little by little. At first, you can take a break of one to two hours. After five days, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

When diarrhea and vomiting stop, the diet after an intestinal infection involves the introduction of applesauce. This product contains pectin, which is so needed during recovery. It allows you to adsorb the remains of poorly digested food, as well as destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Sample menu for intestinal infection

Diet after intestinal infection in children and adults should continue for another three to four days after recovery. Pediatricians provide an approximate menu that allows you to improve the functionality of the digestive system and restore the microflora.

  1. First day.

    For breakfast, it is best to eat semolina made on the water. Instead of porridge, you can eat an omelet for a couple. Wash down everything with unsweetened tea.

    After two hours, you should have a snack. Fat-free curd mass is perfect for this.

    At lunchtime, you need to mash chicken broth with potatoes. You need to drink everything with jelly.

    For an afternoon snack, two hundred milliliters of rosehip-based decoction is taken. You can have a snack with crackers from a white loaf.

    For the evening, it is worth steaming a low-fat fish. Wash it all down with unsweetened tea.

    All this time, a strict drinking regimen should be observed. Normal and mineral water are suitable as drinks. Servings should not exceed fifty grams for children and one hundred grams for adults.

  2. Second day.

    After sleep, you need to drink a glass of water. For breakfast, you can eat oatmeal on the water and drink it with a glass of slightly sweetened tea.

    As a snack, applesauce is suitable. Better to cook it yourself. Do not add sugar to this.

    At lunchtime, you can eat lean beef broth and drink blueberry broth.

    For an afternoon snack, cocoa without milk is introduced into the diet. You can eat some crackers or biscuits.

    In the evening, you should eat low-fat meatballs and drink tea or jelly with everything.

  3. Third day.

    To fix the chair you need to eat some rice porridge. You can add applesauce for sweetening. Wash it all down with a little sweetened tea.

    During a snack, you need to drink a glass of rosehip-based decoction. You can eat fifty grams of fat-free cottage cheese.

    At lunchtime, you need to eat soup based on rice and chicken broth. It should have a consistency similar to mucus. This will improve the functioning of the intestinal canal. As a second, you can eat minced chicken dumplings. You need to drink everything with blueberry jelly.

    For an afternoon snack, a glass of decoction based on apple peel is drunk. You can eat several pieces of biscuits.

    In the evening, you should eat steamed fish.

    The drinking regime is preserved. With the improvement of well-being, you can gradually expand the diet. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives. Fruit crops normalize the microflora. And compotes from dried fruits allow you to adjust the stool and prevent the development of constipation.

After three to five days, the symptoms disappear, and the work of the intestinal canal is restored. These principles of nutrition are generalized for children and adults. But each case is individual and requires expert advice.