Cyprus is washed by what seas and oceans. Useful information about Cyprus

Cyprus is a standard destination for a beach holiday. There are not many unique and vibrant places here. But here you can not find serious shortcomings. A mild climate prevails in Cyprus, and the level of service is quite high.

The country is dominated by the cleanest beaches with numerous Blue Flags. For this reason, Cyprus is a traditional holiday destination for most travelers. This is a respectable holiday in all respects.

Where is Cyprus located?

The country is located in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.

This island is the third largest of those that are located on the territory of this sea:

Turkey is closest to Cyprus. It is located just 75 km from it.
Syria is located 105 km from Cyprus.
Egypt is 380 km away.

Climate and weather

Cyprus is characterized by the following weather and climatic conditions:

Interestingly, the swimming season in this country lasts for a whole year.

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Sea in Cyprus

In this region, the sea is distinguished by the following features:

  1. The island is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.
  2. The Cyprus Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea. Its eastern part is called the Levantine Sea, and the northeastern part is called the Cilician Sea.
  3. The Cyprus Sea is one of the saltiest and warmest in the area. The water here is too salty, which is why marine life prefers to be in coastal waters. Coral reefs are located in the southern part of the sea.
  4. The water temperature on the coast fluctuates. In the period from January to May, it is 15-19 degrees. The same temperature level is typical for November and December. In summer, lasting from June to October, the water temperature ranges from 22 to 27 degrees.

Most of the beaches in Cyprus are marked with Blue Flags, which are given for clean water.

Sights of Cyprus

Archaeologists have made several discoveries, among which are the following:

  1. Basilica dating back to the early Christian era.
  2. Sanctuary of Aphrodite.
  3. The ruins of the baths and the water supply system.

Naturally, all of them have been subjected to the ravages of time. But this did not worsen its effect in the least. Attracts the attention of the ancient city of Kourion, which is the largest. The richest mansions and baths, characteristic of the Roman era, have survived to our time. You can see not only various mosaics and the ancient theater, but also the sanctuary of Apollo Khilatsky.

The Troodos Mountains will attract nature lovers. They are not only one of the most visited nature reserves, but also a ski resort. There are monasteries and churches included in the UNESCO heritage list. They are under state protection.

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Cities and resorts

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Customs restrictions

Russians will need a visa to visit this country, but certain customs restrictions apply here:

There is a ban on lifting archaeological treasures from the seabed. They are forbidden to be exported from Cyprus. If you still want to take them out, you will need a special permit.

Souvenirs and shopping

Shops in Cyprus operate on a fixed schedule. In summer, you can get to the shops at almost any convenient time. But in the period from October to April, they can be accessed from 8:00 to 18:00. Remember that they work with a lunch break from 13:00 to 15:00. They close in the afternoon on Wednesday and Saturday, and on Sunday they are closed all day.

The following purchases can be called the best:

  • fur coats and sheepskin coats;
  • paintings and designer jewelry;
  • silver jewelry and handmade lace;
  • leather clothes and accessories;
  • wines and liqueurs.

Wine "Commandaria" is especially popular. This is a sweet dessert wine. There are different types of it. The best can be called Commandaria St. John. It is easy to recognize by the label, made in black.

You may like models of ships of different complexity, figurines of Aphrodite of different sizes and dolls dressed in national clothes.

If you love culinary delights, give preference to sweets. Turkish delight, halva and suzukos are especially valued in Cyprus. As for the latter, these are almond grains, rolled in grape molasses.

If you are planning to go to this country, you will not only have a family vacation. Beach parties are popular here. Cyprus is also of interest to lovers of ancient architecture and sights. You will have a lot of new impressions about this trip.

Cyprus is a small island with an area of ​​just over 9,000 sq. km. A favorite place for tourists who prefer the mild Mediterranean climate.

Having chosen Cyprus as a place to stay, it is simply necessary to know which sea washes this paradise. Because it is the Mediterranean Sea that is famous for its warm waves and comfortable beaches, and Cyprus offers good service, a relaxing holiday and impressive landscapes. The main role in creating such a tempting picture is undoubtedly played by a special water area.

The water area of ​​\u200b\u200bCyprus - which sea is washed by?

Many have heard the opinion that in addition to the Mediterranean Sea, the Cyprus Sea also includes the Cyprus Sea, but is this really so, and if so, where is it specifically located?

Geographically, the island is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, finding on the map of Cyprus, which sea washes it leaves no doubt - the Mediterranean. However, the vast water area of ​​the island is divided by geographers into several objects. Among them is the Sea of ​​Cyprus, which in turn is divided into the Cilician (in the northeast) and the Levantine (in the east) seas. Simply put, Cyprus is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, but Cyprus is its eastern part.

Holidays in Cyprus. Pros and cons

The positive and negative characteristics of holidays in Cyprus are based on its water area. It is gratifying that its influence is basically beneficial:

  • Clean, warm, calm water;
  • high concentration of salt (healthy);
  • lack of algae, jellyfish, sea urchins (due to salt);
  • no dangerous shark species.

When choosing Cyprus for scuba diving, which sea washes this island and its salinity should also be taken into account. There are also downsides. A high concentration of salt makes scuba diving and admiring the beauty of the underworld very difficult. And sea fishing will end with just a walk and a catch of a few small fish.

If anyone remembers the map of the geographical map of the Mediterranean, then the island of Cyprus will be located in its eastern part. The island itself is washed by several seas: Cyprus - in the south of the island, Cilician - in the northeast, Levantine - in the east. From the west, the island is washed by the Mediterranean Sea.

All these seas are constituent parts of the Mediterranean Sea. It's like rooms in an apartment: there is only one apartment, but there are many rooms and they are called differently.

A common characteristic of the waters around Cyprus is that their average temperature is higher than the general temperature of the Mediterranean Sea. But the warmest sea in Cyprus, the locals call the Cyprus Sea (which is in the south of the island), this sea is also distinguished by high salinity. In this regard, marine inhabitants mostly settle off the coast of the island. And at shallow depths you can find coral reefs. The water temperature at the peak of the season (in July) reaches +30 degrees. Here, due to the peculiarity of the coastline (small bays and lagoons), families with small children prefer to relax.

You can relax on the beaches of Cyprus from the beginning of May (when the water temperature already warms up to +24 degrees) and until the end of October, when the water temperature drops to +23.

The main resorts and beaches of Cyprus.

AT Ayia Napa and in Protaras(Eastern part of Cyprus, Levantine Sea) people with average incomes prefer to relax on wide comfortable beaches: young couples, students or pensioners.

Nissi Beach

Nissi Beach in Ayia Napa is considered the best on the island - a wide white sandy beach with a gentle entrance to the sea, awarded the Blue Flag.
In Cyprus, with the exception of a few, all the beaches deservedly received the Blue Flag award.
In the Ayia Napa area there is another gorgeous sandy beach - Makronisos. A wide well-organized half-kilometer length of amazing sand, a calm and peaceful sea, a gentle entrance - all this combines the beach of Makronisos.

AT Limassol(the extreme south of the island, the Cyprus Sea) couples with children rest on gray sandy or pebble beaches in calm waters, and active party youth have chosen local discos and nightclubs.

Quiet and cozy Paphos(south-west of the island, the Mediterranean Sea) prefer to relax connoisseurs of a peaceful holiday, lovers of nature, but not the sea itself as such: the beaches are rather narrow and mostly made of large stones.

Petra tou Romiou

People from all over the world come to Paphos to see the place where Aphrodite was born - the Baths of Aphrodite: a waterfall with crystal clear turquoise water.

And next to the Baths there is another unique beach in Cyprus - Petra tou Romiou or Aphrodite's Beach. It is sandwiched between rocky ledges, respectively, the beach here is small pebble. But due to the pebbles, the water has incredible transparency. This beach was chosen by newlyweds who come here not only to enjoy the unique nature and water, but also in the hope that the great goddess of love and beauty would bless their marriage.

Just having been to Pissouri(southwest of the island) you can see real Cypriot houses, which are almost gone on the island.

AT Larnaca(southeast of Cyprus, Levantine and Cyprus Seas) kids prefer to learn to swim with their parents. The sea here is very gentle from the series "you walk a kilometer, and everything is ankle-deep."

Between Limassol and Larnaca there is a very interesting beach - Governor's Beach.

Governor's Beach

Here, dark volcanic sand and snow-white limestone rocks create an amazing picture. The name of the beach was due to the fact that at one time the governor of Cyprus preferred to relax on it. Now, in addition to the beach itself, many clubs and discos attract tourists here.

Cyprus seems to be created for relaxation and bliss. Everything here calls to relax and let go of your problems somewhere far away. Cypriots are very hospitable people. They have a southern temperament, but kind and pleasant, hospitable. Arriving here, you can enjoy not only the incredible beaches and the sea, but also taste the famous Mediterranean cuisine and get acquainted with the rich history of the island. Cyprus is a Mediterranean piece of Paradise on earth!

On the political and geographical maps, Cyprus occupies a place in the east of the Mediterranean Sea. It washes the shores of the island throughout their entire length and is called here the Cyprus Sea. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and one of the most popular resorts among the inhabitants of Europe, and therefore the best answer to the question of which sea washes Cyprus is the tourists who have been there during their holidays or vacations.

Blue flags of purity

For advanced travelers, the concept of "Blue Flag Certificate" means that you can sunbathe and swim on the beach without fear for the purity of both sand and water. A special environmental commission assigns the highest scores to such places on the coast, and it is in Cyprus that most of the beaches were awarded Blue Flags. The best of them compete for the right to be called favorites among hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit the island every year:

  • Nissi Beach is famous for its perfectly white and clean sand.
  • Petra tou Romiou is appreciated by fans of small pebbles and clear water.
  • Makronisos is preferred by those for whom a beach holiday is also a fashionable hangout.
  • The Governor's Beach in Limassol is a place for parties and celebrations.
  • Aphrodite Beach is famous for the “rejuvenating” effect of sea water, from which the goddess of love herself emerged.

The beaches on the island are mostly municipal property, and therefore the entrance to them is free and free.
The water temperature in the Cyprus Sea pleases with pleasant warmth in the summer season. Already at the end of May, the water warms up to +22 degrees, by July the thermometer rises to +26 and until the middle of autumn the waves remain very comfortable for swimming. In the winter months, the water of the Cyprus sea becomes noticeably cooler - about +15 degrees.

For gourmets and just lovers

What is the sea in Cyprus without its coastal restaurants, which serve the best seafood dishes! Here you can sample signature meze snacks and treat yourself to a glass of local wine. The Mediterranean Sea gave its name to the whole direction of cooking and the concept of "Mediterranean cuisine" has long become international. It is based on products grown on the seashore under the generous southern sun. The main ones are olive oil, fish and seafood, spicy herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits, aromatic cheeses and special cooked meats.
It is the Mediterranean Sea that has a significant impact on the climate of Cyprus, thanks to which excellent grapes ripen on the island, from which high quality wines are produced.

Surrounded by the sea on all sides, the island of Cyprus attracts tourists with its mild climate, pristine beaches and, of course, romance. After all, Aphrodite was born here. The sea surrounding Cyprus is called the Mediterranean.

Big or small island?

It is not easy to answer such a question unambiguously. Everything is relative.

Cyprus is one of the three largest islands in the Mediterranean. Only Sicily (25,460 sq. km) and Sardinia (23,813 sq. km) are larger than it. However, you can cross the territory of Cyprus in one day in both directions, because the width of the island from north to south is only 96 kilometers, from east to west - 224 kilometers. The total area of ​​Cyprus is 9251 sq. km.

It can be called big for one more reason: there are not just a lot, but a lot of clean beaches and interesting sights. This island is just a paradise for vacationers!

What is the sea in Cyprus?

It turns out that an unambiguous answer to this question will not be entirely correct, or rather, not quite complete. Because the Mediterranean Sea, which washes Cyprus, is divided into parts, and each of them has its own name.

So, the Cyprus Sea is the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. It stretches from the peninsula of Asia Minor to Africa and washes Cyprus. However, the Cyprus Sea, in turn, is also divided into Cilician and Livantian. The first sea is the northeastern part between Asia Minor and Cyprus. The second is the eastern part between Cyprus and the Middle East coast.

So the Mediterranean Sea in Cyprus is, in fact, the Cyprus Sea.

The most salty sea

The explanation for this phenomenon is the strong evaporation of water, while its replenishment and renewal is practically not observed. Only one large river, the Nile, flows into the sea.

It is possible that these same reasons determine the rather high temperature of the water all year round. In summer, in the coastal zone, its temperature can rise to +28 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below +15 degrees. This is the sea in Cyprus - warm and very comfortable for relaxation. And clean beaches play a significant role in this.

Blue flag beaches

What it is? An international award given to beaches that meet high environmental quality standards and are therefore suitable for safe recreation. This initiative came from France, and in 1987 the European Union joined it, and then other states. Currently, 60 countries are connected to the Blue Flag program.

Most of the beaches in Cyprus have received this award. To be precise, in 2013, 57 of the island's beaches were Blue Flag certified. They fully meet the program evaluation parameters, the main of which are free access to the beach, clean water that is tested daily, garbage collection and sand cleaning, the work of surveillance and rescue services, and many others.

So there is another answer to the question: "What is the sea in Cyprus?". Pure!

The best and most popular beaches are: Nissi Beach, Petra tou Romiou, Makronisos and others. But, for example, they generally say about the beach of Aphrodite, as if it were here that the goddess herself came out of the sea waters.

Undersea world

The warm Cyprus Sea also attracts with a variety of flora and fauna. Perhaps it is still not as rich as the Red Sea, but it is quite capable of giving pleasure to those who are fond of diving.

Vulture and green turtles, starfish and hedgehogs, peacock fish, octopuses, crabs ... Swim in the underwater world and admire: "What a sea!" In Cyprus, in addition, on the southern coast of the island, coral reefs grow. At a depth of about 25 meters, the underwater world is unrecognizably transformed. Iridescent coral reefs and spongy outgrowths form entire underwater rocks, valleys and hills. But for the good growth of corals, a favorable environment is necessary, otherwise they will quickly die. So, there is such a situation in Cyprus.

In the depths of the sea, whole thickets of algae are spread, which can serve as both food and shelter for underwater inhabitants.

In the coastal zone of the Cyprus Sea, you can even meet dolphins and seals.

Climate of Cyprus

Cyprus is a fertile area for recreation. It is washed by seas that do not threaten vacationers with either storms or storms. Such phenomena are rare for the island. But it is located in the subtropical zone, and the climate is mild.

More than 320 days a year the bright sun shines in Cyprus. Summer lasts from May to October. The temperature background is in the range from 22 to 38 and even 40 degrees of heat. Precipitation at this time is almost non-existent.

Winter in Cyprus is also warm, frosts and snow are hardly expected here. In the coldest February, the air temperature does not fall below +16 degrees. By the way, it is at this time that nature begins to bloom on the island after a summer drought. In March, anemones, irises, poppies are already in full bloom. Fruit trees bloom a little later.

So Cyprus is good at any time of the year. And it is not necessary to come here in the summer.