Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Sports Medicine. Medical Social Rehabilitation Moscow Institute (MIMSR) know Where does a rehabilitologist work

Profession: Lecturer at the Department of Medical Massage

Reviews about teachers

We will be happy to leave your feedback! In my own person I will express our common opinion! We really liked the course by Vadim Grigorievich Yusupov and Natalya Stanislavovna Kazmina. We received a lot of new information, the teachers were happy to share their knowledge and helped us practice theory. These are teachers who really care about their work. We are very grateful to them!! We are very lucky that we ended up with these teachers. If possible, we will be happy to come again for other courses. Here are our opinions on the courses. We liked everything. We will be happy to come to you again! Good luck and prosperity to you!
Echevskaya Victoria Anatolyevna and Chirtsova Oksana Nikolaevna

I would like to express my gratitude to the teacher Vadim Grigorievich Yusupov. I took the “Multitaping” course from this teacher. I would like to note this teacher as a competent and qualified specialist who knows his business and conveys knowledge to listeners in an accessible way. I would also like to express my gratitude to the employees of the training department and the sales department for the qualified performance of their duties and conscientious attitude towards their work. Thanks to all IVM employees for the opportunity to gain knowledge on high level!!!
Vorona Olga Nikolaevna

Took courses from Vadim Grigorievich on aesthetic correction bodies. Very interesting program. The teacher explains the material competently and clearly and puts his hands on it, which is not unimportant. Vadim Grigorievich’s qualifications are beyond doubt, and his practical training is admirable.
Ivanova Olga

Anti-cellulite massage is always in demand, but I didn’t know how to do it. I found MiVM courses on the Internet and signed up. The courses are not long and are worth the money. Vadim Grigorievich Yusupov’s teaching methods are very innovative.
Kirill, student of the course "Anti-cellulite massage"

The Department of Sports Medicine was created in 1965 and was part of the united medical and biological department (Department of Anatomy and Sports Medicine). In 1972, it became an independent division. Until 1976 The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor V.S. Fomin, who did a lot to establish and determine the direction of its work. Since 1976, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor N.D. Graevskaya, a WWII veteran, had the honorary title “Honored Worker” physical culture RF" and "Honored Worker of the Higher vocational education Russia", author of more than 300 scientific works, including a number of monographs, textbooks, collections of scientific papers, more than 20 of which were published abroad. N.D. Graevskaya was the winner of Gold medals of the USSR Sports Committee and the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy, and had more than 25 Government awards, incl. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree, Red Star, Badge of Honor, medals “For the Liberation of Warsaw”, “For the Capture of Berlin”, “For Victory over Germany”, “For Labor Valor”, etc. Currently At the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, a personal scholarship was established by Nina Danilovna Graevskaya for the best students of the department .

In 2009-2010, the department was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor S.E. Pavlov. Since 2011, the department has been headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Osadchenko.

In 2015, the departments of sports medicine and physical education and health technologies were merged. Currently, the department is called “Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Sports Medicine” and trains students in the following profiles: “Physical Rehabilitation” (on full-time and part-time courses), (on full-time and part-time courses) and “Adaptive Sports” ( on correspondence courses). Graduates of the department work in various fields of physical education, adaptive physical education, rehabilitation centers, fitness clubs, sanatoriums, medical institutions.

Currently, the department employs 22 teachers, of which: 3 professors, 9 associate professors, 5 senior teachers and 5 teachers, of which 13 people have an academic degree: 2 doctors medical sciences, 2 candidates of medical sciences, 3 candidates of biological sciences, 6 candidates of pedagogical sciences.

The teaching staff of the department is staffed qualified specialists, capable of providing high-quality training for students in the disciplines implemented at the department.

The department is working on the following directions and disciplines:

direction of training 03/49/01. "Physical Culture"

direction of training 03/49/02. “Physical education for people with health problems (adaptive physical education)”

  • "Private pathology"
  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Life Safety"
  • "Massage"
  • "Massotherapy"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”

direction of training 44.03.02 “Psychological and pedagogical education”

  • "Life Safety"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"

direction of training 38.03.02 “Management”

  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Life Safety"

direction of training 49.04.01. "Physical Culture", master's program "Natural Scientific Problems of Physical Culture"

additional professional education programs:

  • “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a trainer”
  • "Adaptive physical culture"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • « Sports massage»
  • "Physical rehabilitation"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "First aid"
  • "Methodology physical rehabilitation with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system"

The department has 6 specialized classrooms, an educational and scientific laboratory, a physical therapy room, and a methodological room. Room 317 has equipment for conducting classes with multimedia accompaniment. The educational and scientific laboratory has a computer diagnostic complex “Valenta”; reflex diagnostic complex “Nakatani”; computer complex for functional readiness of athletes “Sport-Park”; apparatus for determining immunity “Helper”; training simulator cardiopulmonary resuscitation with light controller. The equipped exercise therapy room has: a gymnastic wall, treadmill, fitballs, equipment for practical classes, exercise machines: Techno Gym (models No. QM580, PA05, PA03), Ketler (kinetic F3), Bubnovsky multifunctional trainer. The department has fully equipped 2 massage classrooms for practical classes. In practical classes in the “Hygiene” course, a multifunctional meteorological complex and an air ion counter “Sapphire-3m” are used.

Since 1994, the department has been conducting courses in massage and exercise therapy. To date, more than 1,500 specialists in sports and therapeutic massage and exercise therapy have graduated.
Teachers of the department, together with graduate students, take an active part in research work and the results of these studies are published in leading journals of the Russian Federation.

Over the past 5 years, 1 graduate student and 3 applicants have defended their dissertations at the department scientific degree Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.04 “Theory and Methods” physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical culture."

Graduates and students of the department who have achieved high sporting achievements in Paralympic sports, who are Honored Masters of Sports: Larisa Manuilova, Ekaterina Kireeva, Stepan Klimenko, Roman Pyatuinov, Olga Dula, Dmitry Grigoriev, Svetlana Sergeeva, Margarita Goncharova, Alexey Chesmiin, Natalia Ivanova, Stanislav Ivanov , Mikhail Brednev, Vladimir Kiselev, Andrey Lozhechnikov, Victor Morozov, Irina Polyanova, Alexey Shemonin, Sergey Shilov, Sergey Khryashchev.

Personnel composition departments:

OSADCHENKO Irina Vladimirovna- head of the department, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor.

In 1982 she graduated from GCOLIFK. In 1993 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
In 2000 assigned academic title"Assistant professor".
Works at MSAFK since September 2010.

Disciplines taught :

  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Hygienic provision of the chosen sport”
  • “Hygienic provision of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"
  • “Hygienic provision of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"

Has more than 60 publications. He is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “Thermal factor in sports and professionally applied physical culture”, “Non-drug therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system”.
in the programs of additional professional education: “Methods of physical rehabilitation with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system”, “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a trainer”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”, “First aid”.
She was awarded the medals “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census”, “80 Years of the State Sports Committee of Russia”. Has the badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and Badge of honor"For services to the development of physical culture and sports."
In 2015-2016, she underwent professional retraining at the Autonomous non-profit organization additional professional education “Perm Institute for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers”.
DPO: 2018 - “Ethics in sport: key aspects of anti-doping activities”, 2018 - “First aid”, 2017 - “Education quality management”, 2016 - “ Current issues modern sports medicine".

DOLMATOVA Tamara Ivanovna- Ph.D., professor.

Graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute in 1963. In 1971 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Since 1975 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture at the Department of Sports Medicine. Since 2004 he has been a professor at the Department of Sports Medicine.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • "Private pathology"
  • "Diseases of the cardiovascular system"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a trainer”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”, “First aid”.
Has more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodological publications. Under the leadership of Dolmatova T.I. 8 postgraduate students and applicants for the scientific degree of candidate of medical, biological and pedagogical sciences defended themselves.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2016 - “Current issues of modern sports medicine”.

POGHOSYAN Mamikon Manukovich- Ph.D., professor.

In 1977 he graduated with honors from the Armenian state institute physical culture "Arm. GIFC." In 1980, he entered the graduate school of the State Center for Physical Culture and Physical Culture at the Department of Exercise Therapy and Massage, and in 1983 he successfully defended his thesis for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Since 1993 Poghosyan M.M. works at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture" at the department as an associate professor, and since 2007 as a professor.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Massage"
  • "Massotherapy"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Sports massage”, and is the director of courses in “Massage”.
He is the author of more than 90 scientific and educational works, including 4 textbooks, 2 monographs and 3 manuals on massage courses for higher education students educational institutions physical culture.
Awarded a diploma from the Russian Olympic Committee “For contribution to the training of physical education specialists and the development of sports science.”
Under the leadership of M.M. Poghosyan defended 2 candidate dissertations for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

KESHISHYAN Razmik Aramovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

1982 graduated from the pediatric faculty of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov.
In 1988 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
In 2010, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • “Methodological features of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system”
  • "Sports Medicine"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • "Private pathology"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

Has more than 250 scientific papers, 5 monographs, 2 books, 5 methodological recommendations, 6 newsletters, 2 inventions.
Awarded the Order of Courage. Awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.”

MARTYNIKHIN Vladislav Semenovich- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

He began his career in 1960 after graduating from the Serpukhov Medical School with a degree in paramedic. In 1972 he graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov, specializing in pediatrician.
He has been working at MSAFK since 1990. In 2000, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. She is the leading teacher of the course “Therapeutic Physical Culture”

Disciplines taught:

  • "Massage"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Private pathology"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”
  • “Features of exercise therapy in childhood and adolescence”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Adaptive physical education”, “Therapeutic physical education”. He is the director of courses in “Therapeutic Physical Culture”.
Is the author teaching aid"Therapeutic exercise and medical supervision in neurological patients with in different forms movement disorders."
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 1981 she graduated with honors from MOGIFK. After graduating from the institute (since August 1981), he worked at the department. Until 1989 she worked as a teacher, until 1996 she worked as a senior teacher of the department. In 1989 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. From 1996 to the present time he has been working as an associate professor of the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Hygienic provision of the chosen sport”
  • “Hygienic provision of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"
  • “Hygienic provision of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"
  • "Fundamentals of modern dietetics"
  • "Prevention of sports injuries"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a coach”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”.
He has more than 60 scientific and educational publications. Is the author teaching aids: “School as a factor in physical education”, “Hygienic provision of mass sports”.
He is the deputy head of the department for scientific work.
In 2009 he was awarded the title “Honored Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”. He has gratitude from the Russian Football Union and the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

TSITKISHVILI Nona Illarionovna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Graduated from Tbilisi State University in 1985, graduated from Georgian University in 1990 state academy physical culture. Since 1994 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • “Methodological features of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system”
  • "Non-drug therapy in physical rehabilitation"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training programs additional education: “Adaptive physical culture”, “Physical rehabilitation”, “Methodology of physical rehabilitation with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system”, courses on “Therapeutic physical culture”.
He is the deputy head of the department for academic work.
He has more than 80 scientific and scientific-methodological publications, is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “Prevention and physical rehabilitation of diseases of the cardiovascular system”, “Prevention and physical rehabilitation of diseases respiratory system", "Non-drug therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system."
Under her leadership, 5 dissertations were defended for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.
He has the Badge of Honor “Excellence in Physical Education” and the title “Best Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”. Awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 2004 she graduated from VSAU named after. K.D. Glinka with honors, in 2009 she defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Since 2012 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

Has more than 40 scientific and scientific-methodological publications. He is the author of the educational and methodological manual “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” and the monograph “Development of coordination abilities in middle school students based on improving the functions of sensory systems.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Practical aspects of adaptive physical culture”.

ABOLISHIN Andrey Gennadievich- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 2002, he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, majoring in Physical Rehabilitation, and Moscow Medical School No. 30, majoring in Nursing.
Works at MSAFK since 2002.
In 2005, he defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Information and bibliographic culture”.

POKRINA Oksana Viktorovna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 1994 she graduated from Moscow Medical School No. 21, in 1998 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, and in 2006 she defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the adaptive sports course”
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • “Health technologies in rehabilitation”
  • “Private methods of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • "Applied physical culture"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”, “Habilitation in children’s

neurology with elements of Vojta therapy.”

GINZBURG Moisey Lvovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. N.A. Semashko, Faculty of Medicine. In 2005, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2016, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Has more than 60 publications. He is the author of educational and teaching aids: “Sports Cardiology”, “Non-drug therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system”, “Therapeutic physical education and medical supervision in neurological patients with various forms of movement disorders”.
In 1990 it was awarded honorary title“Excellence in Health Care”, in 2006 - “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”. Awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

SAMOKHINA Lyudmila Sergeevna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

She graduated from Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology in 2007, and in 2009 she completed her master’s degree there with honors.
In 2013, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Since September 2016 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Hygienic provision of the chosen sport”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Applied physical culture"

Has 17 scientific publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

BABUSHKINA Alexandra Ivanovna- art. teacher.

She graduated with honors in 1988 from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture (MOGIFK) with a degree in “Teacher-organizer of physical education and health work and tourism.” Has a specialist certificate physical therapy. He has been working at the department since 1980.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Massage"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”
  • “Features of exercise therapy in childhood and adolescence”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes on “Therapeutic Physical Culture” courses.
Has more than 50 published works. He is the author of teaching aids: “Fundamentals general pathology", "Therapeutic physical culture", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge and healthy image life: a course of lectures and practical exercises.”
She was awarded the medal “80 Years of the State Sports Committee of Russia” and received a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2016 - “Psychophysiological aspects of human life.”

KOVALEVICH Vyacheslav Mikhailovich- Senior Lecturer.

In 1973 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Higher Command Tank School.
Since 1989 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Life Safety"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Applied physical culture"

He is the author of methodological recommendations for students “Emergencies in peacetime and wartime”, “Determination of the action of potent toxic substances", "Carrying out rescue operations (SNAVR in the areas of combined damage to the combined team of the object)."
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

OSIPOVA Svetlana Sergeevna- Senior Lecturer.

In 1987 she graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture.
Since 1987 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the adaptive sports course”
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • "Applied physical culture"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"
  • "Teaching practice"

Has more than 10 publications.
He has the Badge of Honor "Excellence in Physical Culture". She was awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” and a certificate of honor of the V National Prize named after. Elena Mukhina.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

VISHEYKO Marianna Mikhailovna- art. teacher.

She graduated with honors from the Lyubertsy Medical College in 2000, and in 2006 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, specializing in exercise therapy. Since 2005 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Applied physical culture"
  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"

DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

LUKYANOVA Ekaterina Viktorovna- art. teacher.

In 2010, she graduated with honors from Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a specialization in Physical Rehabilitation. Since 2010 he has been working at the department. In 2012 she graduated from Medical College No. 3 with a degree in Nursing.
In 2017, she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Massage"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Massotherapy"
  • "Applied physical culture"

PRCHALOVA Natalya Mikhailovna- art. teacher.

In 1998 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Since 2002 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Applied physical culture"

Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

MOLOTKOV Sergey Alexandrovich- teacher.

In 1993 he graduated from the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School. In 2008 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Rehabilitation. Since 2009 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

He was awarded the medal “For Impeccable Service in the FSB Bodies” and the FSB Director’s Certificate “For Excellent Work.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

DEMIRCHOGLYAN Armen Grantovich- teacher.

In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physical Education and Physical Culture, and has been working at the department since 2011.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • “Health technologies in rehabilitation”

He has the Badge of Honor "Excellence in Physical Culture".
He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of the Russian Federation “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports” and the honorary badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Moscow Region.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of foxes with disabilities.”

DOLMATOV Alexey Valentinovich- teacher.

In 1996 he graduated from MOGIFK. In 2003, he completed courses in sports and therapeutic massage at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with the qualification “Masseur in sports and therapeutic massage.” In 2009, he completed courses in therapeutic and recreational physical culture at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and was awarded the qualification “Instructor in therapeutic and recreational physical culture.” In 2007-2010, he completed training at the Yoga Guru Ar Santem Institute and received a diploma as an instructor-methodologist. In 2017, he underwent professional retraining under the Therapeutic Physical Culture program.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Applied physical culture"

DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

ARKHANGELSKAYA Anna Nikolaevna - teacher.

In 2008 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University with a degree in General Medicine, in 2011 she completed her residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 2017, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty “Public Health and Healthcare” with the qualification “Teacher-Researcher”

Disciplines taught:

  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”.

The National Technological University (NTU), operating on the basis of an educational License, invites everyone to undergo training in the professional retraining program “Specialist in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation”. We guarantee you high-quality preparation and successful completion of the final test. The result of the training is obtaining a diploma of professional retraining in the established form.

Brief summary of the training course for the professional retraining program

Specialists with secondary vocational, higher or incomplete higher education are allowed to take classes. Training in physical therapy and rehabilitation is provided in full-time, part-time and distance learning formats. Thus, applicants themselves determine the time and place of study.

Professional retraining courses provide specialists in physical therapy and rehabilitation knowledge that allows you to carry out professional detail in the field of fitness. Studying at the National Technological University contributes to a successful start to a career and further professional growth.

Upon completion of your studies you will be able to:

Professional retraining under the program “Specialist in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation” will allow you to legally hold the position of sports doctor, instructor, exercise therapy methodologist, massage nurse, trainer, etc. The specialist has a diploma professional retraining in physical therapy and rehabilitation- this is a guarantee of professional competencies and his ability to perform professional tasks at a high level.

How to sign up to study at NTU and why you should choose us

To sign up for training under the professional retraining program “Specialist in physical therapy and rehabilitation” you can by applying directly on this website or by visiting the National University of Technology in person. Anyone can take advantage of the opportunity to receive additional professional education remotely. Contact us by phone and get answers to all your questions right now.

By choosing NTU, you are guaranteed to receive:

  • best prices in the capital;
  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • individual approach and flexible training schedule;
  • personal manager and impeccable quality of service;
  • modern material and technical base and much more.

49.03.02 Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education)
Bachelor's degree
Duration of training: 4 years and 6 months
Beginning of the school year: October 1st

Entrance tests 2019

Entrance tests

Minimum score 1

Biology (USE/written)

Russian language (USE/written)

Entrance tests

Minimum score 1

Biology (USE/written)

General physical training(professional test)

Russian language (USE/written)

1 Minimum score is the minimum score required to participate in the competition


The relevance of training specialists in the field of rehabilitation is extremely high not only in Russia, but throughout the world! This is due to the aging population and deteriorating health conditions. Health is the most important value of a person and society, and the process of preserving and strengthening it belongs to the category of state priorities.
The educational program prepares specialists for professional activities in the fields of education, healthcare and physical education.
The graduate, along with fundamental knowledge in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports, will receive the competence to work on the restoration and (or) compensation of impaired and (or) lost functions in all age and nosological groups.
The program was developed with the assistance of representatives of all-Russian associations in the field of rehabilitation (Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia, Russian Association for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Sick and Disabled, etc.), as well as with the participation of managers and employees of modern rehabilitation centers and national team training centers.

The material and technical base of the new building of the institute and the program partners (Sports Center innovative technologies and national teams, scientific and clinical center pediatric hematology, oncology, immunology named after. D. Rogacheva, adaptive and inclusive schools of Moscow, Skolkovo International Gymnasium, etc.) will allow you to be ready to work in high-tech rehabilitation and sports equipment, master modern techniques and rehabilitation technologies.


Training courses are based on symbiosis scientific knowledge, educational technologies and real requests from employers.
The main emphasis is on training to work with various groups of people with health problems, including people with disabilities, using modern means, methods and innovative forms of recovery and rehabilitation.
University teachers, Russian and foreign lecturers and scientists, experts and representatives of employers will introduce students to current rehabilitation practices, traditional and modern types adaptive physical culture.
The structure of the program presents a wide range of disciplines of medical-biological, psychological-pedagogical, natural science and sports profiles.
IN educational process Modern digital technologies are used, for example, 3D modeling and web 4.0 technologies to build the rehabilitation process and health management.


The training includes internships in large rehabilitation centers, including foreign ones. This will allow the graduate to form the business connections necessary for a successful professional career.
The key organizational advantage of the program is the ability to individualize the learning process. Each student will be able to build a personal educational trajectory that meets his ambitions.
For students with previous secondary vocational and higher education, it is possible to re-credit previously completed disciplines.
Use of e-learning and distance learning educational technologies allows student-athletes to successfully combine the educational and training process.


Practices are carried out in every course, starting from the first year of study.
During the internship, students learn the basics and specifics of future work, get acquainted with employers, and prove themselves with the possibility of subsequent employment. At the end of the internship, public defense of projects prepared by students is provided.
Active cooperation of the university with partner organizations contributes to the variability in choosing the most suitable place to gain first practical experience.
The program’s practice bases are sports organizations and rehabilitation centers in the capital, educational organizations various levels and types, institutions of additional education, whose activities are related to the content of the educational program. In particular, the Center for Sports Innovative Technologies and National Teams, the Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, Immunology named after. D. Rogacheva, medical and rehabilitation science Center"Russian Field", hospital schools of the Russian Children's School clinical hospital, Sports adaptive school, rehabilitation center"Overcoming" Child Center physical rehabilitation and sports, adaptive and inclusive schools in Moscow, Skolkovo International Gymnasium.

A rehabilitologist is a doctor who specializes in restoring the human body after illnesses and injuries. Its activities are aimed at maximizing relief from the consequences of the pathological influence that entailed possible loss full motor activity, natural physiological functions, mental stability of the patient.

What are the responsibilities of a rehabilitation doctor?

The competence of a rehabilitologist includes the study and wide application in practice everyone possible types restoration of the body after a number of pathological processes. The basic principles of rehabilitation include the following methods:

  • Psychotherapy. For example, using a variety of relaxation techniques you can achieve maximum relaxation nervous system, improve general condition, improve sleep. The method of rational psychotherapy is effective in reducing the level of anxiety associated with the patient’s underlying disease.
  • Medical nutrition. There are special medical dietary tables (No. 1-15) designed for specific groups of diseases that can significantly improve well-being and alleviate symptoms various pathologies. For example, diet table No. 9 (complete elimination of sugar, reduction in the consumption of animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates) is indicated for diabetes mellitus and may be the only method of treating the patient (mild course of the disease). Diet No. 13, recommended for patients with acute infectious processes, provides high content vitamins in the patient’s diet to maximize protective forces body and reducing so-called “heavy” foods in the diet (sausage, fatty meat, baked goods).
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. Include different kinds massage, laser, ultrasound therapy, treatment with sinusoidal modulated currents. Treatment using diadynamic current, electrophoresis, quartz tube, magnetic field. Hydrotherapy, mud therapy, and the therapeutic effect of heat and cold on the body are also used. Through physiotherapeutic methods it is possible to achieve the best results in rehabilitation after injuries, surgical interventions, infectious diseases, pathologies of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, etc.
  • Exercise therapy. Therapeutic rehabilitation complex of physical exercises.
  • Occupational therapy. It consists of the doctor’s recommendations to engage in creative and carpentry activities, work on fresh air, performing various tasks in groups. Occupational therapy is indicated to restore mental state, motor function, fine motor skills and household skills.
  • Spa treatment. Provides irreplaceable assistance for recovery purposes. The doctor can refer the patient for rehabilitation to a separate sanatorium-resort complex, taking into account individual problems, characteristics of the person, maximum benefit for his health.
  • Recovery using special simulators. A rehabilitation doctor often prescribes for the development of joints (arthrosis, spondylosis, arthritis) after injuries, surgical interventions related to musculoskeletal system, for illnesses spinal column(osteochondrosis, scoliosis).

Also, a rehabilitation doctor has comprehensive knowledge about modern diagnostic methods (instrumental, laboratory), clinical manifestations, etiology, features of the course and treatment of all major human diseases. Assesses the patient’s condition, develops an individual recovery program, predicts effectiveness and timing rehabilitation activities. In addition, the doctor’s responsibilities include counseling patients about various methods, aimed at general strengthening patient health and prevention of various diseases.

What organs does a rehabilitator treat?

A rehabilitation doctor treats the entire human body. Helps to recover after surgical interventions (surgeries on the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, female reproductive organs). Promotes full recovery and increasing immunity after infectious diseases. Plans step-by-step rehabilitation of patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, due to various injuries and surgical treatment methods. In addition, the rehabilitation doctor is engaged in strengthening the nervous system after psychological trauma and various mental disorders.

What diseases does a rehabilitologist treat?

A rehabilitologist deals with the restoration of the human body after the following pathological processes:

  • Infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis, tuberculosis).
  • Injuries to joints, bones, tendons.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, kyphosis after prosthetics of joints and limbs, osteoporosis, arthrosis, hip dysplasia).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, myocarditis, endocarditis, hypertonic disease, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis).
  • Pathologies of the female genital organs (endometritis, adnexitis, infertility, after surgical interventions - uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts).
  • Diseases male organs(prostatitis, urethritis, prostate adenoma).
  • Diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis).
  • Various mental disorders (depression, neurosis, anorexia).
  • Diseases of the central nervous system (stroke, aneurysm, brain tumor).
  • Pathologies of the peripheral nervous system (vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, osteochondrosis, hernia of the spinal column).
  • Pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis).
  • Autoimmune diseases(myasthenia gravis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus).
  • Skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, shingles).
  • Diseases respiratory organs(pneumonia, pleurisy, emphysema).
  • Allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, dermatitis, allergic vasculitis),
  • Pathologies of ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis media, adenoiditis).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency).

What symptoms should you contact a rehabilitator for?

You should contact a rehabilitation specialist if symptoms such as:

  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (belching, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea).
  • Pain during urination, blood in the urine.
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Low-grade body temperature (37° C) for more than five days.
  • Prolonged cough.
  • Chest pain.
  • Attacks of suffocation.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Enlarged, painful lymph nodes.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Irritability, tearfulness, depression.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Numbness, paralysis of limbs.
  • Loss of motor ability (muscle contracture) after damage to cartilage, ligaments, bone fractures, inflammatory rheumatoid processes.
  • Swelling, pain in the upper and lower extremities.

Laboratory tests that a rehabilitation doctor can prescribe

The doctor may order the following laboratory tests:

A rehabilitation doctor may prescribe such instrumental methods examinations like:

  • Ultrasound ( ultrasonography) internal organs, female, male genital organs, kidneys, thyroid gland.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Encephalogram.
  • X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT ( CT scan) spine, bones, joints.
  • Fluorography. X-ray of the chest organs.
  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart).
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.

As you know, nothing unsettles a person more than bad feeling. But any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. In order to avoid development pathological process in the body, a rehabilitation specialist can give the following advice:

  • In order to thyroid was healthy, should be avoided stressful situations. It is better to master any acceptable method of relaxation (auto-training, listening to light pleasant music, meditation, water procedures). It is also necessary to eat foods rich in iodine and selenium ( seaweed, feijoa, buckwheat, seafood, figs, garlic, cherries, beets).
  • After suffering from pyelonephritis, cystitis, in order to avoid exacerbations, you need to drink twice a year (spring, autumn) for a month cranberry juice, Further preventive treatment continue (another month) using rosehip infusion. In order to prepare cranberry juice, you need to take 300 grams of cranberries, grind them through a sieve, and squeeze out the juice. Boil water (liter), place the berry pulp in it, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Cool the resulting drink to 70° C, pour the squeezed juice into it. Take one glass 2-3 times a day 30 minutes after meals. It is better to brew rose hips in a thermos. You need to place 4 tablespoons of dried rose hips in a thermos, which must first be rinsed with boiling water, and add a liter of boiling water. Leave for about 12 hours, before using, strain through gauze folded in 4 layers. Top up the volume to 1 liter boiled water. Drink ½ glass 2-3 times a day 20 minutes after meals.
  • Myocardial infarction can be prevented if you regularly monitor your body weight - avoid obesity, refuse bad habits. Take food in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day. Avoid overeating and fast food. Do not abuse sugary carbonated drinks and salt. Follow blood pressure. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, sea ​​fish, poultry meat. Patients from risk groups (angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis) need to regularly check their blood cholesterol levels (2 times a year).

You should always remember that the most important thing in disease prevention is physical activity. It should be feasible and regular. Constant inaction destroys the human body. Also, it is necessary to maintain a daily routine, devote enough time to sleep, rest, and walks in the fresh air.