Soda solution for cleaning after disinfection. How to prepare and use a soap and soda solution

Nootropics are a group of psychotropic drugs that affect the higher functions of the brain and increase its resistance to negative exogenous factors: excessive stress, intoxication, trauma or hypoxia. Nootropics improve memory, increase intelligence, stimulate cognitive activity.

From the ancient Greek language, the term "nootropics" means "the desire for thinking." For the first time this concept was introduced in the last century by pharmacologists from Belgium. Cerebroprotectors activate neurometabolic processes in the brain and increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of extreme factors.

Nootropics were not singled out as an independent pharmacological group, they were combined with psychostimulants. Unlike the latter, nootropics are antihypoxants, but they do not have a negative effect on the body, do not disrupt brain activity, do not affect motor reactions, and do not have a hypnotic and analgesic effect. Nootropics do not increase psychophysical activity and do not cause pharmacological dependence.

All nootropics are divided into 2 large groups:

  • "True" nootropics that have the only effect - improving memory and speech;
  • with antihypoxic, sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effects.

Nootropics have a primary effect, which is a direct effect on the structures of the nervous system, and a secondary effect, aimed at improving microcirculation in the brain, prevention and hypoxia. Nootropics stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous tissue and normalize them in case of poisoning and traumatic injury.

Currently, pharmacologists are developing and synthesizing the latest nootropic drugs that have fewer side effects and are more effective. They are characterized by low toxicity and practically do not cause complications. The therapeutic effect of nootropics develops gradually. They should be taken continuously and for a long time.

New generation nootropics are used in various medical fields: pediatrics, obstetrics, neurology, psychiatry and narcology.

Mechanism of action

Nootropics have a direct impact on a number of brain functions, activate them, stimulate mental activity and memory processes. They facilitate the interaction of the right and left hemispheres, as well as the main centers located in the cerebral cortex. Nootropics rejuvenate the body and prolong life.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors are nootropic drugs that received a second name due to their biogenic origin and effect on cellular metabolism. These medicines increase the utilization of glucose and the formation of ATP, stimulate the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA, inhibit the process of oxidative phosphorylation, and stabilize cell membranes.

Mechanisms of action of nootropics:

  • Membrane stabilizing;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Antihypoxic;
  • Neuroprotective.

As a result of the course use of nootropic drugs, mental and cognitive processes improve, intelligence increases, metabolism in the nervous tissue is activated, and the resistance of the brain to the negative effects of endogenous and exogenous factors increases. Cerebrovasoactive drugs also have a special mechanism of vasodilating action.

The effectiveness of nootropics increases when combined with angioprotectors and psychostimulants, especially in debilitated individuals.

Nootropic drugs are most often prescribed for the elderly and children. In old age, it is necessary to correct impaired functions of the intellect: attention and memory, as well as increase creative activity. For children, neurometabolic stimulants will help in the fight against mental retardation.

Main Effects

Nootropics have the following effects on the human body:

spectrum of action of nootropics

  1. Psychostimulating - stimulation of brain functions in mentally inert individuals suffering from hypobulia, apathy, psychomotor retardation.
  2. Antihypoxic - formation of resistance of brain cells to oxygen deficiency.
  3. Sedative - soothing, inhibiting effect on the body.
  4. Antiasthenic - elimination of symptoms of asthenic syndrome.
  5. Antidepressant - the fight against depression.
  6. Antiepileptic - prevention of convulsions, loss and confusion of consciousness, behavioral and autonomic disorders.
  7. Nootropic - stimulation of cognitive activity.
  8. Adaptogenic - the development of the body's resistance to the effects of negative factors.
  9. Vasovegetative - acceleration of cerebral blood flow and elimination of the main symptoms.
  10. Lipolytic - the use of fatty acids as an energy source.
  11. Antitoxic - neutralization or excretion of various toxic substances from the body.
  12. Immunostimulating - strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall resistance of the body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of nootropics:

Nootropics are contraindicated in individuals with individual hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug, severe psychomotor agitation, hepatic-renal insufficiency or bulimia, as well as those who have had acute, suffering from Hettington's chorea, who have severe renal dysfunction, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects

Side effects that occur during treatment with nootropic drugs:

  1. hyperexcitability,
  2. Weakness,
  3. Insomnia,
  4. Anxiety, anxiety,
  5. dyspeptic symptoms,
  6. Hepato- or nephrotoxicity,
  7. eosinophilia,
  8. Frequent attacks of angina pectoris
  9. Convulsions, epileptic seizures,
  10. imbalance,
  11. hallucinations,
  12. Ataxia,
  13. confusion,
  14. Fever,
  15. Thrombophlebitis and pain at the injection site,
  16. motor disinhibition,
  17. Feeling of heat and flushing of the face,
  18. Eruptions on the face and body like urticaria.

Description of drugs

List of the best nootropic drugs that have become widespread in medical practice:

  • "Piracetam" has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain. The drug is prescribed for the treatment, memory improvement, correction of dyslexia, cerebrosthenia and in children. "Piracetam" is an emergency remedy for withdrawal symptoms and delirium in alcoholics. It is used for viral neuroinfections and in the complex therapy of myocardial infarction.
  • "Vinpocetine"- a neurometabolic agent that dilates the vessels of the brain and improves microcirculation. The drug supplies the brain tissue with oxygen and nutrients, reduces systemic blood pressure. Vinpocetine tablets thin the blood and improve its rheological properties. The drug has an antioxidant and neuroprotective effect. First, the drug is administered intravenously by drip for 14 days, and then proceed to oral administration of tablets.
  • "Fenibut" appoint patients with asthenia, neurosis, insomnia, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. Children "Fenibut" helps to cope with stuttering and tics. The drug normalizes metabolism in tissues, has a psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. Phenibut is low toxic and non-allergic.
  • "Pantogam"- an effective nootropic agent, widely used for the treatment of children. The main active ingredient of the drug is vitamin B 15. This is a physiologically active substance found in almost all plants and products.
  • Phenotropil- a drug of the latest generation, which is popular with both patients and doctors. It has a pronounced adaptogenic effect and increases the body's resistance to stress. The drug does not cause dependence. It is often recommended to students during preparation for a session.
  • Phezam is a nootropic drug intended for the complex treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. It has an effective effect on the nervous system, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the organ of hearing and vision. "Fezam" eliminates the effects of hypoxia, relieves headaches, fights against dizziness and amnesia. Persons who have had a stroke, or TBI, take Phezam for a long time. It helps patients recover quickly and eliminates the negative consequences of pathologies. "Piracetam" and "Cinnarizine", which are part of the drug, dilate the vessels of the brain, improve brain nutrition, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate local blood flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Thanks to both components, the antihypoxic effect and antiplatelet activity are enhanced, the metabolism in the cells of the nervous system improves.
  • "Cinnarizine"- a nootropic drug that strengthens the walls of cerebral vessels and causes them to dilate without changing blood pressure indicators. "Cinnarizine" has a sensitizing effect, suppresses nystagmus and is an effective prophylactic against motion sickness. It dilates small arteries and peripheral capillaries. The drug is released in a single dosage form - in the form of tablets for oral administration. "Cinnarizine" is prescribed not only for the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, but also for the prevention of migraine attacks and kinetosis. The medicine stops the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia and: weakness, headache, dizziness. "Cinnarizine" is used to alleviate the condition in menopause. The drug normalizes sleep, relieves irritability, eliminates.
  • Cerebrolysin is a complex nootropic drug that has passed clinical trials that have confirmed its effectiveness and safety. The drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. "Cerebrolysin" is prescribed for the treatment of patients with various forms of mental and neurological diseases. According to reviews, "Cerebrolysin" activates the processes of mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and learning ability.

  • "Actovegin"- antihypoxant, intended for the treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of radiation skin lesions, peripheral vascular disorders, diabetic polyneuropathy. "Actovegin" is produced in tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular, intravenous and intra-arterial injections. Gel, ointment and cream "Actovegin" is used topically.

Currently, many people, especially those living in megacities, regularly experience mental stress. The bad ecological situation also has a negative impact on the organism of the inhabitants of large cities. Stress is far from harmless. Frequent overexertion of the nervous system eventually leads to its depletion, resulting in more or less pronounced nervous disorders and even mental illness. Exposure to stress factors greatly increases the likelihood of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. On "nervous soil" and often develop.

In a person subject to regular stress, the ability to memorize decreases and cognitive activity worsens. He becomes more irritable and susceptible. For many decades, experts have been trying to find means to prevent and minimize the adverse effects of stress on the human body.

We recommend reading:

Nootropics are medicines that improve the ability to remember, stimulate mental activity and make the human brain more resistant to factors such as oxygen starvation, the effects of toxic substances, and even injury.

Note:the first effective nootropic - Piracetam was obtained over half a century ago. It was created by pharmacologists from Belgium. The drug passed extensive clinical trials in 1963.

Work on the creation of new drugs-nootropics is actively underway today. Currently, there are a number of very effective means that increase the functional activity of the brain. They help people cope with psycho-emotional overstrain and stabilize the nervous system.

The nootropic effect is a positive effect on the higher functions of the cortex.

Other positive effects of modern nootropics include:

Note:antiasthenic action is to reduce the feeling of general weakness and lethargy, as well as to minimize the manifestations of mental asthenia. The mnemotropic effect implies an improvement in the ability to remember and learn in general. Under the vasovegetative action is understood the stimulation of blood circulation in the so-called. "brain pool". Nootropic drugs are strong adaptogens that allow the body to adapt to the effects of various (mostly unfavorable) environmental factors.

The latest generation nootropics are able to increase the clarity of consciousness. Modern drugs of this class do not provoke psychomotor agitation. They do not cause drug dependence (addiction) and even with prolonged use do not deplete the body's own resources.

Nootropics are able to activate the process of biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein compounds in the central nervous system. They accelerate energy processes in the processes of cells of the nervous system and improve the transmission of nerve impulses. Preparations at the cellular level significantly reduce the formation of free radicals, i.e., have an antioxidant effect. They optimize the utilization of glucose and other polysaccharide compounds. Nootropics are responsible for the formation of proteins and phospholipids in neurocytes, due to which their membranes are stabilized. The drugs of this group increase the concentration of adenylate cyclase in the cells of the nervous system, due to which the ATP process, the main energy base of cells, is normalized. Adenosine triphosphoric acid in conditions of insufficient oxygen supply stabilizes metabolism in the brain.

Important:nootropic drugs increase the level of formation and release of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine.

Classification of nootropic drugs

Nootropics include the means of several clinical and pharmacological groups.

  1. Metabolic stimulants in nerve cells:
    • GABA derivatives:
  • Phenibut;
  • Aminalon;
  • Hopantenic acid.
    • Pyrrolidone derivatives:
  • Piracetam;
  • Phenylpiracetam;
  • Pramiracetam.

Note:pantothenic acid compounds include the common nootropic Pantogam, and Pyritinol is produced on the basis of vitamin B6.

  • Products containing dimethylaminoethanol include:
  • Centrophenoxin;
  • Acephen.
    • Among the drugs with peptides and amino acids are the following drugs:
  • Actovegin;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerebrolysin.
  1. Nootropics that reduce the negative effects of oxygen deficiency include, in particular, Oxymethylethylpyridine succinate.
  2. Vitamin-like preparations and nootropic adaptogens include succinic acid, vitamins E and B15, and an extract from ginseng root.
  3. Vasotropic, i.e., drugs that positively affect cerebral blood vessels, are Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine and Instenon.
  4. To improve memory, tools with a different mechanism of action are used:
    • Anticholesterase agents and cholinomimetics:
  • Choline;
  • Galantamine;
  • Amiridin.
    • Hormonal preparations:
  • endorphins;
  • enkephalins;
  • ACTH;
  • Corticotropin.

Indications for the use of nootropic drugs

Drugs of this clinical and pharmacological group are prescribed for such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • deterioration of mental abilities;
  • problems with memory and concentration;
  • neuroinfections (for example, encephalitis or poliomyelitis);
  • effects on the brain of toxic substances;
  • consequences of impaired cerebral blood flow;
  • senile dementia;
  • encephalopathy and abstinence against the background of regular alcohol abuse;
  • stuttering;
  • consequences of TBI (brain damage);
  • ischemic stroke;
  • enuresis;
  • hyperkinesis.

Note:nootropic drugs are used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal pathology of vascular origin and open-angle glaucoma

Nootropics in Pediatrics

Pediatricians can prescribe nootropics to children suffering from the following pathologies:

  • delayed speech development;
  • deviations in general mental development;
  • mental retardation of varying severity;
  • defeat at the time of birth (for example, with hypoxia).

Contraindications to the use of nootropics

Nootropics are not prescribed to patients when diagnosing:

  • hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or intolerance to auxiliary ingredients;
  • pronounced decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys (acute or chronic renal failure);
  • hemorrhagic stroke (acute period);
  • chorea of ​​Hettington (hereditary degenerative disease of the central nervous system).

Important:Nootropics are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women!

Side effects

The vast majority of patients tolerate nootropic therapy well.

In some cases, the following side effects may develop:

  • unmotivated feeling of anxiety;
  • night sleep disturbances;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • increased irritability;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergy.

Note:in elderly and senile patients, nootropics in rare cases can provoke an increase in the severity of clinical manifestations of coronary insufficiency.

Drugs that are currently most widely used in clinical practice

  1. Piracetam (analogues - Nootropil and Lucetam) It is produced in tablet form for per os administration, as well as in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections and intravenous infusions. The tool improves metabolism in the central nervous system and stimulates cerebral circulation. Piracetam has a negative effect on platelet aggregation, and therefore, in cases of blood clotting disorders, it should be used with caution.

  1. Pramiracetam, which is available in the form of tablets, is characterized by a high degree of affinity for choline. The drug increases cognitive abilities and improves memory. It does not have a sedative (sedative) property. The tool is recommended for long-term course treatment; The effect fully develops after 1-2 months from the start of the intake. Use with caution in patients with renal insufficiency!
  2. Cavinton (analogues - Vinpocetine and Neurovin). The drug is produced by pharmaceutical companies both in the form of tablets and in an injection solution. It improves blood flow in the cerebral vessels. The tool is widely used in neurology, as well as in ophthalmic practice in the complex treatment of retinal pathologies. It is also effective in improving hearing acuity. Course treatment is recommended for 1-8 months, depending on the nosological form and dynamics. The drug should be canceled by gradually reducing the dose within 4-5 days. In the acute period of the disease, parenteral administration of the solution is indicated; as the condition improves, the injection form is replaced with tablets.

  1. Phenibut (analogues - Noobut ​​and Bifren)- Produced in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. The drug allows you to deal with memory impairment and oxygen starvation of nerve cells. It increases not only mental, but also physical performance, allows you to reduce nervous tension, get rid of anxiety and normalize sleep. Phenibut should be prescribed with caution in parallel with hypnotics and antipsychotics, since the nootropic potentiates their effect. The drug is indicated for a decrease in intelligence and neurosis-like disorders. It is recommended to travelers as a remedy for seasickness and motion sickness. Shown course reception for 1-1.5 months.

  1. Cerebrolysin- has a positive effect in the treatment of serious organic lesions and neurodegenerative pathologies of the central nervous system, including even Alzheimer's disease. The drug is widely used in the complex therapy of the consequences of head injuries and strokes. The tool is produced in the form of an injection solution.

  1. encephabol- for adults it is available in tablets, and for children - in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste and smell. The drug is a powerful neuroprotector and antioxidant. The tool normalizes behavioral functions and improves cognitive abilities.

Nootropic drugs include a large group of psychotropic drugs that help a person get rid of numerous effects on his nervous system. The newest nootropics are devoid of many of the dangerous side effects that were characteristic of the first generation of medicines, and are considered quite safe.

Modern nootropic drugs (neurometabolic stimulants) or simply nootropics are a large group of drugs that have such an effect on the brain when its mental functions improve. As a result, the action of these funds activates the thinking and memory ability (cognitive functions), increases the resistance of the brain to the influence of negative exogenous factors - lack of oxygen, polluted atmosphere, toxins, stress and emotional overload, traumatic impact. In other words, they have an important ability to reduce neurological deficits.

The basic principle of action of nootropics is based on their active participation in the metabolism and biological energy of neurons, and is also carried out by influencing the mediators of neuroprocesses in the brain. In particular, they increase the level of adenylate cyclase in nerve cells and accelerate the production of ATP, which significantly affects cellular energy. The effect on the production of RNA and some protein substances leads to an acceleration of plastic processes in the nervous system.

As a result of a series of metabolic transformations, serotonin is released, which is a catalyst for intracellular potassium and calcium ions. Adenosine triphosphoric acid helps maintain the rate of metabolic processes in oxygen deficiency, which reduces the risk of oxygen starvation. Finally, nootropics optimize glucose utilization.

The best nootropics can have the following effects:

  1. Stabilization of membranes due to the normalization of phospholipid and protein synthesis, as well as streamlining the structure of membrane cells.
  2. Antioxidant capacity as a result of slowing down the formation of free radicals and lipid oxidation.
  3. The antihypoxic effect is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption.
  4. Neuroprotection is characterized by an increase in the resistance of neurons to the action of aggressive exogenous factors.
  5. Improving blood microcirculation by improving the penetration of red blood cells through the vascular walls and blocking the production of platelets.
  6. Improving electrophysiological patterns, which provides easier signal transmission between the hemispheres, increasing the level of wakefulness and the power of the EEG of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This ultimately leads to the optimization of integrative brain function.
  7. Optimization of the control of cortico-subcortical processes, information exchange between brain regions, formation of a memory imprint. These effects provide an improvement in mindfulness, mental response, memory, perception of information, and contributes to an increase in intelligence and cognitive functions.

When are nootropics prescribed?

Neotropic drugs were developed to correct brain dysfunctions and were intended mainly for the elderly. The development of pharmacology in this direction has made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of nootropics, which makes it possible to use them in various branches of medicine (neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, etc.).

  1. Dementia of various types, incl. in Alzheimer's disease, vascular and senile pathologies.
  2. Cerebrovascular pathologies of a chronic nature.
  3. Syndrome of psychoorganic defeat.
  4. Post-traumatic syndrome caused by circulatory disorders as a result of damage to the skull.
  5. Severe intoxication.
  6. Diseases caused by the penetration of neuroinfection.
  7. Deviations of the intellectual-mnestic, asthenic, depressive nature.
  8. neurotic disorders.
  9. Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system.
  10. Chronic alcoholism and associated pathologies such as encephalopathy, abstinence.
  11. Lagging mental development.

A child, like an adult, in some cases needs psychotropic therapy. Nootropic drugs for children are recalled in pediatrics with amino acid deficiency, leading to a deterioration in protein synthesis and, in general, to a violation of metabolic processes. The reasons for the appointment of such funds are the following circumstances - a significant lag in the mental and speech development of the child; a noticeable deviation in mental development; signs of congenital, perinatal disorders of the nervous system; cerebral paralysis; pronounced signs of attention deficit disorder.

Neotropics of the new generation cope well with some other diseases that are affected by processes occurring in the brain. According to the decision of a specialist, nootropics can be used in such conditions:

  1. Elimination of manifestations of neuroleptic syndrome. Hopantenic acid, Pantogam and other drugs can be used.
  2. Treatment of stuttering and hyperkinesis. The drug Phenibut is effective.
  3. In case of violations in the urinary organs, Pantogam may be prescribed.
  4. Glycine helps fight chronic insomnia.
  5. For migraines, Pyritinol or Semax is recommended.
  6. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as motion sickness and "seasickness" can be treated with Phenibut.
  7. Complex therapy of ophthalmic problems often includes the use of Nicotinoil.

When Problems Might Occur

Nootropics also have contraindications in circumstances where their use can cause negative consequences. They can not be taken with individual intolerance to the main active substance or any additional ingredient of the drug; severe course of renal failure, both in acute and chronic form; at the acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke; congenital chorea of ​​Hettington associated with a degenerative lesion of the central nervous system. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to prescribe drugs to pregnant women and nursing mothers. With extreme caution, nootropics are given to young children and only after reaching 1 year.

New nootropics are fairly well tolerated by patients. However, individual reactions are possible in the form of such side effects - the appearance of an incomprehensible anxious feeling; temporary insomnia at night and craving for sleep during the day; irritability; jumps in blood pressure; dyspeptic disorders; allergic reactions of various kinds. In elderly people, when taking nootropics, in rare cases, cardiological problems are recorded, in particular, heart failure.

What are the drugs

The list of nootropics includes many drugs divided into groups that differ in chemical composition, direction, and mechanism of action. The following main categories are distinguished.

Stimulators of metabolic processes in neurons:

  1. Based on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The main representatives are Phenibut, Picamilon and Aminalon. Hopantenic acid is considered an analogue.
  2. Compounds based on pyrrolidone (racetam). The most common drugs are Piracetam and Phenylpiracetam. Derivatives such as Aniracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam may be prescribed.
  3. Pantothenic acid derivatives - Pantogam.
  4. When using the active substance dimethylaminoethanol, Acefen and Centrophenoxine are produced. Popular drugs such as Phenotropil and Meclofenoxate have gained popularity.
  5. Preparations containing amino acids and peptides. The most famous are Glycine, Actovegin, Biotredin and Cerebrolysin. Popular neuropeptides - Noopept, Semax, Selank. Polypeptides include Cortexin, Cerebramin.

Drugs to reduce the effects of hypoxia. The best remedy is hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate.

Nootropics with the effect of vitamin-like substances or adaptogens. These include funds based on folic and succinic acids, vitamins E and B15, ginseng root. Idebenone stands out in this category.

Preparations for the normalization of the state of blood vessels (vasotropes). They help to get rid of cerebral problems. Stand out - Instenon, Cinnarizine. Vinpocetine may be prescribed.

Memory improvement is achieved using nootropics of the following subgroups:

  • cholinomimetic and anticholesterase drugs - Amiridin and Choline;
  • hormonal type drugs - Corticotropin, ACTH, as well as a number of drugs related to endorphins and enkephalins.

A significant difference in the effectiveness of nootropics is found when considering such a feature as the time of their development. Older designs or first-generation drugs continue to be used, but they have an increased risk of side effects. These funds are mainly derivatives of Piracetam - most of the racetams.

The most popular drugs

Currently, depending on the type of psychogenic deviation, first and second generation nootropics are used, as well as tools from the latest developments. You can make an indicative list of the most popular nootropic drugs:

  1. Piracetam or similar products (Lucetam, Nootropil). The form of introduction into the body - tablets for oral administration, intramuscular injections and intravenous droppers. The most characteristic effects are the normalization of metabolic processes and blood circulation. Given that Piracetam belongs to the first generation of drugs, side effects such as an increase in platelet levels, leading to a deterioration in blood clotting, can be expected.
  2. Pramiracetam is available in tablet form. Although it belongs to the old developments, it has high cognitive properties, which helps to improve memory. Possesses sedative abilities. Can be used for a long course of therapy. The drug should not be taken in renal failure.
  3. Cavinton. Analogues are Neurovin and Vinpocetine. In addition to neuralgia, this drug is recommended for certain ophthalmic pathologies and hearing problems. The course of admission is quite long - 2-7 months. During the acute phase of the disease, it is administered by injection, and as the disease weakens, the transition to tablets is made.
  4. Phenibut. You can use its analogues - Bifren and Noobut. Release form - tablets, powder for injection solutions, capsules. This nootropic is effective for increasing mental response and physical performance, relieving stress, getting rid of anxious feelings and phobias, and improving sleep quality. It is prescribed for hypoxia. Useful when traveling on water, because. eliminates the effect of pitching. The course of treatment lasts 30-40 days. The drug should not be taken simultaneously with sedative drugs and sleeping pills.
  5. Hopantenic acid (often sold under the name Pantogam). It is recommended to reduce the excitability of a motor character. A positive effect is detected within 25-30 days after the start of administration, but the full course can be 5-6 months.
  6. Glycine. Best known as an anti-stress drug. Helps to relieve excessive excitability and irritability. It has a pronounced sedative effect, and also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body.
  7. Cerebrolysin. It is used for serious lesions of the central nervous system, incl. useful in Alzheimer's disease. It is most often administered by injection, and is most widely used in the treatment of post-traumatic syndrome and the consequences of a stroke.
  8. Encephabol. It can be prescribed for both adults and children, in the latter case, a suspension with additives that improve palatability is used. The drug belongs to strong neuroprotectors and antioxidants with high cognitive abilities.

Drugs of the latest generations

Pharmacology around the world is taking active steps to improve nootropics, resulting in more effective and safe drugs. The following nootropics have gained popularity:

  1. Phezam - is used to normalize the blood supply to the brain, improve protein metabolism and energy. It has vasodilating properties.
  2. Phenylpiracetam - necessary in the period after stroke rehabilitation. Often used to improve memory, concentration, to eliminate convulsive phenomena.
  3. Noopept is especially effective for normalizing cognitive brain functions, eliminating anxiety and phobias, and chronic headaches of a neurogenic nature.
  4. Selank - helps to relieve stress surges, eliminate the needy state. It increases the mental reaction, fights apathy and a gloomy mood.

In child psychiatry and pediatrics, nootropics also find their rightful place. For babies, these drugs are available in the form of granules for making syrup or in the form of ready-made syrup. The most characteristic appointment for cerebral, encephalopathic disorders, as well as a significant lag in intellectual development and lack of memory. For children, stimulant drugs such as Picamilon and Cogitum can be recommended, as well as drugs with a sedative effect - Cortexin and Phenibut.

Nootropics, the list of drugs of which today is represented by a wide range of products, originate from 1963. At that time, Belgian clinicians and pharmacologists managed to synthesize and apply in medical practice the first drug from the group of nootropics - Piracetam.

Numerous studies have proven clinical improvements in patients of various groups on the background of continuous use of Piracetam, including memory enhancement, facilitating learning processes.

In 1972, the term "nootropics" was proposed, denoting a class of drugs for improving the integrative functionality of the brain. In modern neurology, nootropic drugs are an integral part of the treatment of various disorders in children and adults.

Characteristics of the pharmaceutical group

Nootropics(from the Greek noos - mind, thoughts and tropos - vector, direction) are widely used in neurological practice for a positive impact on the higher integrative functions of the brain. With the help of drugs, they correct some behavioral reactions in people and adults, increase resistance to stressful situations, the ability to learn, and chronic hypoxia. Other functions of drugs are:

    maintaining the energy structure of a neuron (nerve cell);

    improving the functionality of the central nervous system;

    activation of the plastic functionality of the central nervous system;

    providing a pronounced neuroprotective effect;

    normalization and stabilization of the cell membrane;

    minimizes the need for nerve cells in oxygen.

The nootropic effect can be primary with a direct effect on neurons and secondary with an improvement in general cerebral circulation. There are two main groups of nootropics:

    true (improvement of mnestic functions of the brain and nervous system);

    combined action (a combination of several functions at the same time).

Synonyms of the pharmacological group of nootropics are cerebroprotectors, neuroregulators, neuroanabolics, eutotrophic, neurometabolic drugs. All terms reflect the general effect of drugs - the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in the nervous structures of the human body.

Mechanism of action

Nootropic drugs directly affect a whole range of functional abilities of the brain, contributing to their vigorous activity. Thanks to adequate therapy, concentration of attention improves, interactions between the right and left hemispheres are facilitated. It has been proven that the drugs rejuvenate the body and prolong the life of patients with a burdened clinical neurological history.

The biogenic origin of the drug largely affects all processes of intracellular metabolism, stimulating the synthesis of proteins, the excretion of excess glucose, and the formation of ATP. The following mechanisms and effects of exposure are distinguished:

    membrane stabilizing effect;




There is a significant increase in the resistance of the brain to the negative effects of exogenous and endogenous factors. The effectiveness of drugs is enhanced with the simultaneous use of angioprotectors, psychostimulants. The main category of patients who are prescribed nootropics are children and the elderly.

Main indications for use

Typical indications for the appointment of nootropic drugs are the following conditions:

    psychoorganic syndrome (dystrophic changes in the nervous tissue of any origin);

    alcoholism with withdrawal syndrome;

    drug addiction;

    neuroleptic syndrome (as a combination therapy);

    neurotic or organic asthenia;

    cerebrovascular insufficiency;

    sickle cell anemia;

    ophthalmic pathologies (complex therapy).

With the help of nootropics, urinary disorders of a neurogenic nature are treated. Nootropic drugs are a necessary measure for Parkinson's disease, ischemia, cerebral palsy, epileptic seizures.

Contraindications and side effects

Nootropics may be prescribed for relative contraindications at the discretion of the attending physician. Among the absolute contraindications are acute or chronic renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, hepatic diseases with aggravated course, acute hemorrhagic stroke, hypersensitivity, severe psychomotor agitation. Side effects of the drug are the following conditions:

    sleep disturbance, insomnia;

    dyspeptic disorders;


    anxiety syndrome, panic attacks;


    increased effect on hepatic or renal functions;

    convulsive syndrome, epileptic seizures;

    impaired coordination, unsteady gait;

    redness of the face, feeling of heat;

    pronounced iosinophilia;

    hallucinations and confusion;

    thrombophlebitis, febrile syndrome.

Against the background of taking the drug, allergic rashes on the body like urticaria, itching, burning on the skin, mainly in the neck, face, back, are possible. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to stop treatment or adjust the daily dosage. Cases of drug overdose are not registered.

Basic nootropics

Which is better in the treatment of neurological diseases? The use of nootropic drugs can be combined and independent. Usually, nootropics as a stand-alone therapy are used for minor disorders. The following drugs with proven efficacy are widely used in neurological practice:

Nootropic drugs for the treatment of serious neurological disorders are used in adult neurological practice. When used as a complex therapy, the probability of a decrease or increase in the activity of other drugs is taken into account.

Best nootropics for kids

In pediatric practice, nootropics are used to treat mental retardation, to improve attention, speech development, with poor school performance. Children's nootropics have been widely used since 1952. The main reasons for the appointment are the following conditions in children of different ages:


    hypoxic syndrome in cerebral palsy:

    poor development of speech;

    intellectual insufficiency;


It has been proven that in childhood the tolerability of nootropic drugs is much better than in adults. The following are considered essential medicines for children:

    Piracetam(Nootropil, Cerebril, Lucetam, Oykamid).

    They are used in children from 1 year old, available in tablets, ampoules, capsules. It is not prescribed for children with increased emotional excitability. The active substance has a beneficial effect on the brain, enhances susceptibility to intellectual stress, stabilizes concentration, and promotes learning.


    An anticonvulsant drug suitable for children from the first days of life. From pharmacies it is released in the form of syrups and tablets. It is used to treat cerebral palsy, improve the condition in autism, schizophrenia. Pantogam is used for children with neurogenic or stress urinary incontinence. Also, against the background of constant use, the emotional background of the child is normalized, especially with a delay in mental and speech development. Reduced and the likelihood of side effects: drowsiness, allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders.


    The drug, designed to expand the vessels of the brain, is an analogue of Piracetam in terms of active substance and effectiveness. It has a slight tranquilizing effect. From pharmacies it is released in the form of injections for intravenous and intramuscular administration, in tablets. In pediatrics, it is prescribed for children from 3 years old. The nootropic agent is especially effective at high emotional stress, with increased physical and mental activity.


    The tool belongs to the latest generation of drugs. It is prescribed for children to stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, increase mental and intellectual activity, at the same time helping to cope with overload. The drug has a low degree of toxicity, suitable for children over 2 years old. The main side effects include nausea, increased drowsiness, dizziness. From pharmacy chains it is released in the form of powder and tablets.


    The drug is intended for the effect of mild sedation. Necessary in the treatment of depressive syndrome in adolescents, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, excessive fatigue. It is a complex drug for mental retardation and mental development. Not recommended for use in children under 12 months of age. Despite the high activity, the remedy has a number of side effects: loss of taste, dyspnea, polymyositis, nausea and dizziness.

    Cinnarizine(Vertizin, Diziron, Tsirizin, Baltsinnarzin, Cinnaron).

    It is used in pediatrics for the treatment of children over 12 years old, but recently it has been practiced to use the remedy in children from 1 year of age. The drug has many side effects from typical nausea to epileptic seizures, impaired renal and hepatic function, arterial hypotension. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven. The drug is released in the form of capsules and tablets.


    The drug is widely used in pediatric practice due to its high efficiency and convenient pharmacological form. The drug eliminates excessive capriciousness, emotional excitability. Side effects are expressed in dizziness, nausea, irritation of the nasal mucosa. It is used in children with delayed speech development, with sleep disorders.


    The active ingredient is aminoacetic acid. The drug is well tolerated by young children, effective in case of excessive emotional arousal. Against the background of long-term use, working capacity, learning ability are activated, night sleep is regulated, concentration of attention increases. Glycine is suitable for the treatment of children at any age.


    New from Japan, is a follower of Piracetam. A similar composition of Gammalon is contained in Aminalon, but the price of the drug is much lower. If the cost of a Japanese nootropic reaches 2500 rubles. per package, then Aminalon costs 100-150 rubles. for packing. The effectiveness of both drugs has not been studied and proven. The price and quality of the Japanese product is more of a marketing ploy.

The opinions of experts about the effectiveness of nootropics in children differ. Some consider drugs indispensable in the treatment of any neurogenic disorders, psycho-emotional disorders. Others doubt the effectiveness of nootropic drugs due to the lack of clinical data for use in childhood. Basically, nootropics are used for "sedation" as an adjunct treatment to the base treatment. All drugs are dispensed from pharmacy chains without a prescription.

List of the best nootropics

What is better to take drugs in a particular clinical situation should be decided by the attending physician. To date, there are several of the most effective drugs that have found the widest application both in pediatrics and in adult practice in the treatment of diseases of a neurogenic nature:



  • Cerebrolysin;





The effect of the constant intake of modern nootropic drugs begins only after a few months. As an independent drug, nootropics are used as a prevention of neurological diseases, decreased performance in adults, and impaired concentration.

Combined funds

Among nootropics, there are preparations with a combined composition. Such funds include two or more active components, which, to one degree or another, enhance or reduce the effect of each other. The main drugs of the series are:

    Gamalate B6 (as part of Pyridoxine hydrochloride, magnesium glutamate hydrobromide);

    Omaron, Phezam, Evryza, Noozom (Piracetam and Cinnarizine, auxiliary components);

    Neuronorm (active substances Piracetam and Cinnarizine);

    Olatropil (Piracetam and GABA);

    Thiocetam (Piracetam and Thiotriazoline).

All funds are similar in effectiveness to Piracetam. Combined drugs are used for severe problems, similarly to popular drugs, they are used in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs.

All drugs, despite the absence of side effects, require a prescription from a doctor. Only on the basis of medical research data can an accurate diagnosis be established, which will determine further adequate treatment.

  • Piracetam (Nootropil)

Probably a rare mother left the neurologist's office without recommendations to drink this or that medicine from a series of nootropics. Opinions about these drugs are very controversial: some believe that they improve the functioning of the brain and nourish it, others that these are drugs with unproven effectiveness, “fuflomycins” will not harm, but they are of little use, others consider them potentially dangerous for children , because it is not known exactly how they affect the functioning of the brain, and whether they will subsequently make it even worse.
My daughter was prescribed nootropics several times: a month at a scheduled appointment with a neurologist, I complained of frequent and profuse regurgitation. The neurologist did not find any cysts, dilated ventricles or "extra" water on the NSG, but nevertheless prescribed syrup "". I bought it, but I couldn't drink it. It must be given after meals, and the baby spit it up along with my milk. For three days I suffered and scored on him. In addition, during this time I managed to read all sorts of negative reviews on this drug. At 6 months, again at a scheduled appointment, we were prescribed (to calm and improve sleep), after which Pantogam was highly advised again, because the child did not try to crawl, categorically did not want to lie on her stomach (this is from birth), respectively, she did not roll over on her stomach. Sit down only with support. We drank glycine, I didn’t notice any sense from it: as my daughter yelled, she continued to yell (to this day, so-character to him). Pantogam did not even buy, because, in my opinion, a rare muck for such a small child. As a result, she crawled at 9 months, after two weeks she got up, began to sit down on all fours, and went only a year and a month with support, a year and four herself. A year later, at the polyclinic at the place of residence, a diagnosis was made of delayed psychomotor development, in connection with which we were examined at the CDC on Dundicha. There, according to the results, they prescribed only (as) and vitamins, nothing more from the drugs. Well, at the age of 2, I turned to a neurologist about speech: I didn’t speak much, about 30 words and onomatopoeia. Appointed to stimulate. I pulled with him, but still closer to three years I gave, although in a smaller dose than prescribed (but in agreement with the same doctor). That is, we drank only in the morning, and I didn’t give the second part, because it didn’t work until 18 because of the kindergarten. At first there was no reaction, but in the third week of taking the child completely forgot about where to poop. Either she did not feel the urge and simply did not have time to run to the potty, or she did not want to, I did not understand. But the result was all in shorts. We didn’t finish it for a month, we canceled it, but she pooped in her shorts for another month and a half, then gradually everything returned to normal. And then she suddenly began to chat more, sing songs (as she can: with the endings of words or just sounds), later she began to repeat the words after me. Of course, he does not pronounce sounds well, he can rearrange or swallow syllables in places, but still there is some progress. They were again examined at the CDC for Dundich, according to the results, they were prescribed for 3 months and for a month, and Glycine for a month as a sedative. From Gliatilin, a week later, the rejection of the pot began again (I don’t know why we have such a strange reaction - not excitability, not an allergy, but just like that). Canceled. I told the doctor who prescribed it. I also told her about the reaction to Pantocalcin, although it was prescribed by another doctor from the clinic. She categorically denies the possibility of such a reaction to nootropics. He says it's not from them, but from something else. And Emilka was also examined by a gastroenterologist at the same time, and the neurologist says: “Treat your stomach, but you still need to drink Gliatilin.” I am confused. Look for another doctor, or even give up on neurologists for the time being and see how speech will develop further without medication. According to the experience of my classmate: her two children were also prescribed several courses for Pantogam. The eldest, with torticollis, the youngest, including for speech, but he still spoke only by the age of 4. But he builds such phrases !!! (father is a philologist, mother is a lawyer, there is someone). It is clear that when a child has concomitant serious diseases, it is necessary to treat the child and brush aside doctors, this will harm him. But in our case, it seems to me, it's just some kind of reinsurance. Or am I wrong? What do you think?